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Faculty of Technology

Demand Side Management potential of using electric

heating in Finnish buildings – current and prospective


Jari Pulkkinen

Environmental Engineering

Master’s Thesis

December 2018

Faculty of Technology

Demand Side Management potential of using electric

heating in Finnish buildings – current and prospective


Jari Pulkkinen


Jean-Nicolas Louis, D.Sc. (Tech)

Professor Eva Pongrácz

Mika Ruusunen, D.Sc. (Tech)

Environmental Engineering

Master’s Thesis

December 2018


OPINNÄYTETYÖSTÄ Oulun yliopisto Teknillinen tiedekunta Koulutusohjelma (kandidaatintyö, diplomityö) Pääaineopintojen ala (lisensiaatintyö)

Ympäristötekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma

Tekijä Työn ohjaaja yliopistolla

Pulkkinen, Jari

Louis J, TkT

Pongrácz E, Professori

Ruusunen M, TkT

Työn nimi

Kysynnänhallinnan potentiaali rakennusten sähkölämmityksessä Suomessa – nykyiset ja tulevaisuuden teknologiat

Opintosuunta Työn laji Aika Sivumäärä

Teollisuuden energia- ja

ympäristötekniikka Diplomityö Joulukuu 2018 148 s. + 2 liitettä


Työn tavoitteena on erilaisten rakennusten sähkölämmitystekniikoiden kysynnänhallintamekanismien arviointi.

Tähän tarkoitukseen luotiin rakennusten lämmöntarvetta ja sähkölämmityksen käyttäytymistä kuvaava mallinnus,

joka liitetään olemassa olevaan älykkäiden rakennusten malliin. Testatuilla kysynnänhallintamekanismeilla pyrittiin

optimoimaan rakennuksen sähkön käytön kulut, ympäristövaikutukset ja asukkaiden lämpöviihtyvyys sekä

nykyisessä että vuoden 2050 sähköverkossa. Lisäksi testattiin sekä mekanismien kannattavuutta että rakennusten

lämmöntarpeen ja -eristyksen vaikutuksia tuloksiin.

Luotu malli mahdollistaa lämmöntarpeen ja rakennusten sähkölämmityksen simuloinnin tunneittain hyödyntämällä

muokattuja Rakennusmääräyskokoelman ja standardien laskentamenetelmiä. Testatut sähkölämmitystekniikat

sisältävät suoran sähkölämmityksen erilaisilla lämpötila-asetuksilla, manuaalisesti säädetyn lämmityksen, kulujen

minimoinnin lineaarisen optimoinnin avulla, aurinkosähkö-, ja akkujärjestelmän mallintamisen sekä varaavan

lattialämmityksen lataamisen erilaisilla menetelmillä. Lämpöviihtyvyyttä mallinnettiin hyödyntämällä PMV

menetelmää standardista. Vuoden 2050 sähköntuotannon ja -hinnan sekä lämpötilamuutoksien profiilit luotiin

tunneittain nykyisten ennustusten sekä toteutuneen sähkön tuotannon ja ulkolämpötilojen pohjalta.

Vuosittaiset tulokset osoittavat optimointitehtävän haastavuuden, sillä yksikään tekniikka ei ollut muita selkeästi

parempi kaikissa kolmessa kategoriassa. Sähkönhinnassa sekä hiilidioksidipäästöissä suurimmat vähennykset saatiin

aikaan hyödyntämällä aurinkosähköjärjestelmää varaavassa lattialämmityksessä. Yöllä varaavalla

lattialämmityksellä taas saavutettiin korkein lämpöviihtyvyys. Ainoastaan suoraa sähkölämmitystä ja varaavaa

lattialämmitystä hyödyntävät optimointiteknologiat havaittiin taloudellisesti kannattaviksi nykyisessä tilanteessa.

Aurinkosähköjärjestelmien avulla saatiin lupaavia tuloksia optimointiongelmaan vuonna 2050, samalla kun

aurinkosähkö sekä varaavassa lattialämmityksessä että suorassa sähkölämmityksessä lämmittimen kuorman siirron

kanssa tulivat kannattaviksi. Näin ollen aurinkosähköjärjestelmien hyödyntämisellä lämmityksessä vaikuttaa olevan

potentiaalia, mutta nykyisellä hintatasolla ne eivät ole vielä kannattavia. Rakennusten lämmöneristyksen määrällä ei

vaikuttanut olevan suurta vaikutusta optimiratkaisuun, mutta sen parantamisella voitiin vähentää sähkön käytön

kuluja sekä hiilidioksidipäästöjä.

Diplomityö tehtiin osana Smart Energy Networks 2050 (SEN2050) projektia, joka on Suomen Akatemian rahoittama

ja tutkii energiajärjestelmien siirtymää kohti vähähiilistä yhteiskuntaa vuoteen 2050. Tämä työ auttaa projektin

tavoitteissa osallistumalla älykkäiden rakennusten mallintamiseen ja pyrkimällä rakentamaan vähähiilistä


Muita tietoja


FOR THESIS University of Oulu Faculty of Technology Degree Programme (Bachelor's Thesis, Master’s Thesis) Major Subject (Licentiate Thesis)

Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering

Author Thesis Supervisor

Pulkkinen, Jari Louis J, D.Sc. (Tech.)

Pongrácz E, Professor

Ruusunen M, D.Sc. (Tech.)

Title of Thesis

Demand Side Management potential of using electric heating in Finnish buildings – current and prospective


Major Subject Type of Thesis Submission Date Number of Pages

Industrial Energy and

Environmental Engineering Master’s Thesis December 2018 148 p. + 2 appendices


The objective of this work is to evaluate the flexibility of electric space heating technologies with their respective

demand side management programs. To reach this goal, a thermal model was formulated to be integrated into an

existing smart house model. The demand side management programs include three parameters: electricity costs,

environmental impact and thermal comfort in today and 2050’s networks. The economic feasibilities of the simulated

demand side management programs are estimated and the impacts of the heat demand and thermal insulation on the

optimal solution are tested.

To create the thermal model, hourly heat demand and electric space heating models were created based on the

modified calculation methods of the National Building Code of Finland and relevant standards. The created electric

space heating model includes several modelling blocks: direct electric space heating with different temperature

settings, manually controlled heating, linear programming optimization tool to minimize costs, PV generation, battery

systems and underfloor heating with their respective charging scenarios. Thermal comfort is estimated by utilizing

predicted mean vote (PMV) method from relevant standard. For testing 2050 scenarios, hourly profiles for electricity

generation and price together with the temperature changes were created from existing estimation scenarios and

current profiles.

The annual results from the simulations show the difficulty in optimizing the system by the three parameters, as no

technology could show good results in all three of them. The biggest reductions in electricity costs and CO2 emissions

can be achieved by underfloor heating with photovoltaic charging, and the highest thermal comfort achievement rate

with set charging hours in underfloor heating. The economically feasible solutions were cost optimized direct electric

space heating and cheapest charging hours for underfloor heating. The photovoltaic systems showed the best

optimization results in 2050, and the underfloor charging and direct load shifting with them became profitable.

Therefore, PV generation seems to have potential in electric space heating in the future but first needs to become

economically feasible. The thermal insulation level did not seem to impact significantly on the optimal solution but

increasing it was efficient in reducing costs and CO2 emissions.

This thesis is part of the Smart Energy Networks 2050 (SEN2050) project funded by the Academy of Finland. The

core aspect of the project is to study the transition towards decarbonized energy systems in 2050. This work

participates in the project’s objectives of modelling smart buildings in a bottom-up approach and optimizing them

for decarbonization.

Additional Information


This work was funded through an Academy of Finland project Smart Energy Networks

2050 (SEN2050) and conducted on the Energy and Environmental Engineering Research

Group at the University of Oulu. The work started at March 2018 and took nine months

to finnish in December 2018.

Firstly, I want to sincerely thank my supervisor Dr. Jean-Nicolas Louis for his great

support during the process and for sharing his insights on the topic. I also want to express

my gratitude to my supervisor and head of the unit, Professor Eva Pongrácz for providing

me this oportunity to work with this subject and for supporting me along the process.

Many thanks go also to my supervisor Dr. Mika Ruusunen for his knowledge and the help

he provided along the process.

I would like to express my gratefulness to all my co-workers in the office for providing

help with everyday issues and for the good atmosphere we had. I also want to thank Kalle

Herva and Alec Svoboda for all the great conversations we had and for keeping me

company throughout the process. Everyone in the Research Group also deserves my

gratitudes for providing a nice working environment, which was a pleasant to work in. I

also want to thank Petri Hietaharju for helping me with the issue on the thermal mass of

the building, and therefore helping me progress onward with my work.

Finally, I want to thank my friends and family for their support and time they had. Their

presences helped me a lot during the process and gave something else to think about. That

really helped me along the process.

Oulu, 17.12.2018 Jari Pulkkinen

Table of Contents

Tiivistelmä ........................................................................................................................ 3

Abstract ............................................................................................................................. 4

Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................... 5

Table of Contents .............................................................................................................. 6

Markings and abbreviations .............................................................................................. 9

1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 11

2 Smart Buildings ............................................................................................................ 14

2.1 Smart Building Concept ........................................................................................ 14

2.2 Smart Building Functions ..................................................................................... 15

2.3 Home Energy Management System ...................................................................... 17

2.4 Measuring Devices ................................................................................................ 18

2.5 Thermal Comfort ................................................................................................... 19

2.6 Local Generation ................................................................................................... 21

2.7 Energy Storage ...................................................................................................... 22

3 Demand Side Management .......................................................................................... 25

3.1 General .................................................................................................................. 25

3.2 Residential DSM ................................................................................................... 27

3.3 Evaluation and barriers ......................................................................................... 29

4 Projections .................................................................................................................... 31

4.1 Energy Mix & Related Emissions ......................................................................... 31

4.1.1 Today ........................................................................................................... 31

4.1.2 In 2050 ......................................................................................................... 35

4.2 Price of Electricity ................................................................................................. 40

4.2.1 Today ........................................................................................................... 41

4.2.2 In 2050 ......................................................................................................... 44

4.3 Climate .................................................................................................................. 46

4.3.1 Today ........................................................................................................... 46

4.3.2 In 2050 ......................................................................................................... 49

4.4 Building specificities ............................................................................................. 51

4.4.1 Today ........................................................................................................... 51

4.4.2 In 2050 ......................................................................................................... 55

5 Own Model .................................................................................................................. 57

5.1 General on thermal models ................................................................................... 57

5.2 Current smart house model ................................................................................... 58

5.3 Assumptions .......................................................................................................... 59

5.4 General information and inputs to the simulation ................................................. 59

5.5 Heat Demand ......................................................................................................... 64

5.5.1 Heat gains from appliances .......................................................................... 67

5.5.2 Heat gains from people ................................................................................ 68

5.5.3 Heat gain from solar radiation on transparent materials .............................. 69

5.5.4 Solar Shading ............................................................................................... 70

5.6 Ventilation ............................................................................................................. 71

5.6.1 Heat flow and heating calculations .............................................................. 74

5.7 Forecasting of model variables ............................................................................. 76

5.8 Thermal comfort .................................................................................................... 77

5.9 Photovoltaic generation ......................................................................................... 79

5.10 Battery system ..................................................................................................... 80

5.11 Heat production technologies .............................................................................. 83

5.11.1 Heating Calculations .................................................................................. 83

5.11.2 Design Heat Power Calculations ............................................................... 85

5.11.3 General Description of the heating model ................................................. 85

5.11.4 Direct Electric Space Heating from Grid-based Electricity ...................... 90

5.11.5 Heating with photovoltaic electricity generation ....................................... 92

5.11.6 Heating with battery from grid .................................................................. 94

5.11.7 Thermal Storage Heaters ........................................................................... 96

5.12 Operative Temperature ........................................................................................ 98

5.13 Feasibility Test .................................................................................................... 99

5.14 Selected Simulation Scenarios .......................................................................... 100

6 Results ........................................................................................................................ 102

6.1 Today scenario .................................................................................................... 102

6.1.1 Reference scenario ..................................................................................... 102

6.1.2 Heating from the grid ................................................................................. 104

6.1.3 PV panels ................................................................................................... 105

6.1.4 Battery from grid ....................................................................................... 107

6.1.5 Underfloor heating ..................................................................................... 108

6.1.6 Overall ....................................................................................................... 109

6.1.7 Feasibility test ............................................................................................ 111

6.2 2050 Scenario ...................................................................................................... 113

6.2.1 Effects of the scenarios .............................................................................. 113

6.2.2 Technology comparison ............................................................................. 117

6.2.3 Zero and net zero building ......................................................................... 120

6.2.4 Overall ....................................................................................................... 121

6.2.5 Feasibility test ............................................................................................ 122

7 Discussion .................................................................................................................. 125

8 Conclusions ................................................................................................................ 128

References ..................................................................................................................... 131

Appendix A – Occupancy Detection of a single person household .............................. 149

Appendix B – Occupancy Detection of a multiple persons household ......................... 150


Appendix A – Occupancy Detection of a single person household

Appendix B – Occupancy Detection of a multiple person household

Markings and abbreviations

BPIE the Buildings Performance Institute Europe

CCS Carbon capture and storage

CFD Computational fluid dynamics

CHP Combined heat and power

CO2 Carbon dioxide

CPP Critical peak pricing

DR Demand response

DSM Demand side management

EPBD Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

FMI Finnish Meteorological Institute

GHG Greenhouse gas

HAN Home area network

HEMS Home energy management system

HVAC Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning

ICT Information and communications technology

IoT Internet of Things

LCOE Levelized-cost of electricity

nZEB Nearly zero energy building

NZEB Net zero-energy building

met Metabolic equivalent of task

PMV Predicted mean vote

PPD Predicted percentage dissatisfied

PV Photovoltaic

RTP Real-time pricing

SOC State-of-charge

SRES Special Report on Emissions Scenarios

TOU Time-of-Use

TRY Test reference year

VAT Value-added tax

VRES Variable renewable energy sources

ZEB Zero-energy building

A Area [m2]

C Total heat capacity [Wh/K]

c Specific heat capacity [J/kgK]

E Energy [Wh]

F Fuel cost [€]

FW Non-scattering glazing correction factor [-]

f fraction of outdoor air in the supply air flow [-]

g Total solar radiation transmittance value [-]

gdirect Total solar energy transmittance values on direct solar incidence [-]

I Investment cost [€]

m mass

N Number of items

n50 Building’s air-leak number [1/h]

OM Operation & maintenance costs [€]

P Power [W]

p Price [€cent/kWh]

q Air-flow [m3/s]

Q Energy flow [Wh]

q50 Building envelope’s air-leak number [m3/(h m2)]

t Time [h]

T Temperature [°C]

U Overall thermal transmittance [W/m2K]

ŋ Efficiency

ρ density [kg/m3]



Climate change is impacting the world and its effects are becoming more visible on

regular basis, influencing the building energy consumption in near and mid-term future.

At the same time, smart technologies are developing in an increasing rate, which can help

in providing smart functions to customers. To mitigate the effect of climate change,

carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions need to be reduced and society decarbonized. Thus,

achieving the carbon reduction targets require changes to the current energy system. On

the other hand, information and communications technologies (ICT) allow better

utilization of variable renewable energy sources (VRES) through demand side

management (DSM) and improve quality of life in buildings through smart functions. All

these characteristics are intrinsic to smart buildings, which should additionally empower

customers, reduce electricity costs and decarbonize building stock. (De Groote et al. 2016,

Haider et al. 2016, De Groote et al. 2017a)

An important parameter in decarbonizing the building stock is the environmental impact

reduction of the heating of buildings (De Groote et al. 2016). As a Northern European

country, Finland’s energy system is highly influenced by space heating, which accounts

27 % of the total energy consumption (Statistics Finland 2018a). From the total space

heating, residential buildings then account 64 % (Statistics Finland 2018b). Especially in

detached houses, electricity-based heating is very common as almost 43 % of them have

an electric heating system (Statistics Finland 2018c). This would add up to slightly under

1400 MW heating load in 0°C outdoor temperature (Järventausta et al. 2015). Therefore,

electric space heating impacts the future energy system, which needs to change to match

the CO2 reduction targets. Similarly, electric space heating has potential in balancing the

electricity consumption and supply.

DSM aims at improving the energy efficiency of the system and reducing energy

consumption, which results in lower electricity costs and environmental impact (Palensky

and Dietrich 2011). Improving energy efficiency is also the direction to which European

Union (EU) legislation is heading towards, as new building should be nearly zero-energy

buildings (nZEB) soon, and the member states should create pathways in improving the

energy efficiency of existing building stock through renovations (The European

Parliament and The Council of the European Union 2010, 2018). Therefore, future

buildings will be more energy efficient than today. Thermal loads, such as heating, are


considered to be flexible, and can be used in shifting electricity loads (Sharifi et al. 2016).

This is subject to the thermal characteristics of the building; temperature in a low thermal

mass building with poor insulation drops faster than in a building with high thermal mass

and good insulation. Conversely, poorly insulated buildings provide higher reduction

potential due to higher heat demand than well insulated building. (Le Dréau and

Heiselberg 2016) Generally, the DSM markets for frequency control and balancing power

need higher loads than what a single household can provide, and therefore they need to

be aggregated to be utilizable. Yet, Rautiainen et al. (2009) found that aggregated heating

loads can bring frequency control, and Lu (2012) that aggregated residential heating,

ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) loads can operate on balancing power. For

optimizing the system from the single household’s point-of-view, optimization of just

costs can increase CO2 emissions and vice versa. When the optimization is handled as a

combination of both, they both can be reduced. (Dahl Knudsen and Petersen 2016)

Therefore, the optimization needs to take several parameters into account.

The work is part of the Smart Energy Networks 2050 (SEN2050) project, which is funded

by Academy of Finland and aims at creating a tool for planning and evaluating energy

networks in 2050. More precisely it contributes to model a smart house using a bottom-

up approach for smart grid infrastructure (WP1) and it participates in optimizing

decarbonization (WP3). The objectives of the study include the creation of electric space

heating and heat demand models to test out DSM programs, and integrating the created

models with the existing smart house model. Research questions for the thesis for both

today and 2050 scenarios are as followed:

1. Which demand side management (DSM) technologies are useful for optimizing

the electric space heating between price, environmental parameters, and thermal


2. What DSM technologies are profitable?

3. How does heat demand and thermal insulation affect the heating of buildings and

DSM programs?

The work is separated into two sections, to theoretical and experimental parts. First

theoretical part discusses the characteristics of smart buildings and Home Energy

Management Systems (HEMS). Second part is about DSM, its utilization in residential

sector and its markets. Third theoretical part is combined with experimental part as it


includes a description about today and 2050’s energy systems, climates and building

specifications. This is extended to the experimental part by creating hourly 2050 scenarios

for electricity generation and real-time-price and utilizing climate change scenarios for

estimating hourly outdoor temperatures from existing prediction scenarios and current


Experimental part includes the creation and description of the electric space heating and

heat demand models. The electric space heating model includes direct and electric thermal

storage space heating technologies with electric radiators and underfloor heaters,

respectively. The model also includes the utilization of photovoltaic (PV) panels and

battery storage technologies, which are tested from the load shifting point-of-view. This

is followed by results from the simulations and economic feasibility test. The thesis work

is then concluded, and future research, limitations of the study and the benefits to the

project are described.



The following chapters describe some smart building fundamentals by firstly looking into

the concept and the smart building functions, and then discussing about some of the smart

building devices.

2.1 Smart Building Concept

The smart or intelligent building concept was introduced already in the 1980s and was

emphasizing more automatically controlled system. The concept has developed since and

has changed its key features and definitions more towards a thorough management

system, which would provide both comfort and efficiency. (Ghaffarianhoseini et al. 2016)

The difficulty in defining the concept causes some issues in the subject as varying

definitions can cause slightly different specifications. An intelligent building may be

regarded as one, which should be smart and aware of technology, economically and costly

efficient, have sensitivity towards personal and social preferences as well as be

environmentally responsive. (Ghaffarianhoseini et al. 2016) The Buildings Performance

Institute Europe (BPIE) (De Groote et al. 2017a) on the other hand regards the smart

building to consider the occupant’s preferences and to provide both higher-quality and

lower costs, simultaneously with providing flexibility to the building’s energy use. The

European Parliament’s Amendment Directive (EU) 2018/844 describes three

functionalities in buildings to assess its smart readiness. The Amendment Directive

emphasizes the ability to integrate renewable energy sources to the buildings energy

system, the capability to participate in demand response actions, and the occupant’s

empowerment on the system to generate healthy indoor climate and receive information

on the energy use. Even though these indicators do not directly give a description of the

smart building, they show what the measures in assessing it are. Furthermore, smart

buildings may also generate energy efficiency and flexibility, which would provide health

and comfort in the building while lowering both energy consumption and carbon impact

through ICT. (The European Parliament and The Council of the European Union 2018,

Verbeke et al. 2018)

Based on these definitions and measures on the smartness of the building, a smart building

shall improve the occupant’s quality of life while generating and making renewable

energy integration possible by controlling and maintaining building’s energy


performance and providing demand response possibilities. Consequently, the building

would be a healthy and comfortable living space where occupant can influence the system

and control it. Similarly, the energy efficient performance should generate economic

benefits and help in the renewable energy transition. Achieving these functions would

likely require some sort of building automation system together with ICT technologies.

2.2 Smart Building Functions

The Smart Building concept includes improvements to both building’s energy system and

to occupants living conditions and quality of life. It can be seen as an enabler in

decarbonizing the building stock in order to meet the carbon dioxide reduction

requirements set by EU. (De Groote et al. 2016, European Commission 2018) De Groote

et al. (2016) further considers 10 different principles which will allow buildings to

function as micro-energy hubs. These micro energy-hubs are defined as a single or group

of buildings, which can integrate their electricity production and storage to the energy

system, enable DSM and enhance energy efficiency. At the same time, the concept

includes the possibility to reduce electricity invoices of customers and could be an enabler

in increasing the number of electric vehicles. Similarly, smart buildings have been seen

as a step towards decarbonized residential sector as they improve the energy efficiency

of the buildings and by allowing the integration of renewable energies (De Groote et al.

2016, 2017a, 2017b).

Smart buildings are considered to offer economic savings through their functions, which

include e.g. the possibility to have DSM and to participate in demand response (DR)

programs. The potential financial savings in electricity invoices are presented for instance

by Lee and Bahn (2013) who studied scheduling of appliances by conducting

experimental simulations. They noted that using genetic algorithm to optimize the usage

of appliances through a smart device could generate savings in electricity costs by 25.6

% with dynamic pricing. In Hussain et al. (2018) the electricity cost deductions, peak to

average ratio and user comfort through waiting time were studied by using heuristic

optimization methods as well as creating and testing a new one. They noted that using

heuristic optimization methods, the electricity costs of appliances can be reduced as much

as 56 % for multiple homes compared to non-optimized scenario. Zhao et al. (2013)

noticed reductions in electricity costs as well as lower peak to average values by using

genetic algorithm to schedule appliances in a combination of real-time pricing and


inclining block models. The decrease in average daily electricity cost was found to be

approximately 10 cents.

Healthy living environment and occupant’s comfort were considered as another smart

building feature in De Groote et al. (2017a) and therefore, indicators and their measures

determining the healthy living environment needs to be assessed. Several pollutants like

carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO), sulphur dioxide (SO2), benzene, ozone

(O3), nitrogen oxides (NO) and (NO2), particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) and different

volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have an effect to the indoor air quality, and they can

be sourced from outdoors or indoors. Smart buildings can improve the indoor air quality

through monitoring the pollutant concentrations and indoor temperature with sensors and

controlling ventilation accordingly with the building automation. (Schieweck et al. 2018)

However, Schieweck et al. (2018) points out the difficulty in controlling the indoor air

quality based on the measured values due to the complexity of the environment. Another

health related improvement in smart house is the possibility to provide assisted living for

the elderly and the disabled, by providing different kinds of remote monitoring systems

to keep track of the state of the inhabitant (Deen 2015, Schieweck et al. 2018).These

functions come with an increasing amount of information sharing between parties and

increasing amount of smart devices that arises some security and privacy issues. The

privacy issue was also found to be one of the public concerns by Balta-Ozkan et al. (2013)

who surveyed experts and public in the UK about smart homes. Similarly, smart buildings

need to address not only privacy issues, but also potential security breaches and have

countermeasures to tackle them (Komninos et al. 2014). E.g. smart meter related privacy

issues may be tackled by using privacy enhancing technologies, like anonymization,

trusted computation, cryptographic computation, perturbation, verifiable computation or

data obfuscation techniques (Jawurek et al. 2012, Komninos et al. 2014).

At the same time, building performances are set and monitored in the EU legislation for

Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) (2010/31/EU). It provides

frameworks to the building-stock and drives the new buildings towards nearly zero energy

buildings (nZEB). (The European Parliament and The Council of the European Union

2010) Karlessi et al. (2017) studied the principles and design parameters of smart

buildings in regards with the EU policy about nZEBs. The study considered three main

stages of the implementation and design of nZEBs: 1. building design, 2. the design of

the operation and 3. integrating the nZEBs in smart grids. The focal points of the study


were modelling the nZEB in design and operational mode to design them correctly, apply

smart technologies, like smart meters and controllers to the building, and secure the

efficiency and reliability of the building through control strategies which will not neglect

the needs and comfort of the occupants. (Karlessi et al. 2017) Therefore, the smart

building concept seems to relate to the nZEBs, which will more likely increase the

importance of smart buildings.

2.3 Home Energy Management System

Home energy management systems (HEMS) make it possible for consumers to manage

and control their energy usage by providing either information or allowing the HEMS a

direct control over the appliances and devices consuming energy. HEMS combines

interconnected hardware and software to provide various objects to consumers. These

objects include some of the smart building principles by providing energy management,

comfort, convenience, and economic gains to occupants while decreasing their

greenhouse gas emissions. (Karlin et al. 2015) Karlin et al. (2015) and Ford et al. (2017)

conducted comprehensive reviews on smart home technologies, which were classified

into three groups: user interfaces, smart hardware and software platforms. The user

interface group included devices like in home displays and energy portals, which are used

to present information. Some of these also provide a control possibility either with or

without the information presentation. Smart hardware covers appliances, lights,

thermostats, plugs and hubs that have some intelligent function embedded. Finally, the

software platforms are used to enable the information communication between the parties.

These platforms can be for smart homes, data analytics and web services. The smart home

technologies can be linked together through Home Area Network (HAN) by using

different communication protocols which are varying from Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to

Zigbee and Zwave. These protocols are generated to make communication of devices

possible, yet not all these protocols offer interoperability of devices. (Karlin et al. 2015)

At the same time, there does not seem to be any individual protocol which could be able

to fulfill the smart home criteria (Karlin et al. 2015, Mendes et al. 2015). This lack of a

common standard can even restrict the utilization and development of smart home

management automation technologies (Toschi et al. 2017).

Energy efficiency and management are one of the main principles of the smart house

concept and therefore, the energy saving and shifting potential achieved by applying


HEMS needs to be assessed. Karlin et al. (2015) reviewed the HEMS saving potential

when the systems provide information and feedback to the user and analyzed these results.

The study estimated that the common energy saving varies from 4 to 7 % when the user

is given feedback on their actions, but that on general there was more variation in the

results. This would indicate that the effectiveness is dependable on the user and the

feedback type. (Karlin et al. 2015)

The control of HEMS, on the other hand, can be either user’s remote control or an

automation and optimization based control, which may be applied by the user or the utility

(Karlin et al. 2015). Ullah and Kim (2017) presented an experimental simulation study,

which was conducted to optimize energy efficiency and comfort parameters. The results

of the study show that with an optimization scheme, energy savings are possible, varying

between 27 and 31 %, depending on the optimization method. At the same time, the user

comfort was found to have improved when compared to the non-optimized case.

On the contrary, Ford et al. (2017) reviewed energy saving and DSM potential of smart

technologies, and noted that currently not all home management technologies provide

energy consumption information, interact with DSM programs and some may even

increase the energy usage through their control functions. Hence, even though HEMS

have been found to reduce energy consumption, some of the smart home devices do not

seem to yet provide the energy efficiency and information exchange principles of the

smart houses.

2.4 Measuring Devices

To gain full benefits from HEMS and provide high quality living conditions in a building,

smart sensors and smart meters are required to measure and monitor the environment and

electricity consumption. As discussed in section 2.2, there are several different

environmental parameters, which can be measured with sensors and that can be important

for the high quality of life. In general, Fugate et al. (2011) divided measuring devices in

to three categories based on the measurement: 1. occupant comfort, 2. energy

consumption and 3. machinery characteristics, with each of them having their own

characteristics. Measuring devices can provide information about electricity and gas

consumption, air and mean radiant temperatures, air velocity, relative humidity, indoor

air quality, pollutant gases, like CO2, CO and VOC, occupancy and about the amount of


the daylight. (Ahmad et al. 2016) Similarly, they have different usages, communication

protocols, and sensor types. This can be used then to present the performance of a building

and possibly even improve it.

Occupancy detection and determination is one way to utilize sensors and measurements.

In Chen et al. (2018) the most common types of occupancy detection are either different

kinds of sensors like passive infrared, environmental parameters, like e.g. CO2,

temperature, light, humidity, pressure or a combination of these, or other methods like

WiFi signals, smart meters, cameras or Bluetooth low power technology. The review

concluded that all these methods have their own benefits and downsides, making the

selection of the measurement type more objective based. Furthermore, they concluded

that the accuracy could be increased with the selection of multiple methods, as they are

likely to complement each other. Detection can then be combined with prediction and

used in managing the heating of the building based on the estimated times of occupancy

(Kleiminger et al. 2014). In Kleiminger et al. (2014) the actual energy saving amount was

found to vary from 6 to 17 % based on the insulation level of the building. They also

noted that the impact on the annual energy consumption from the occupancy prediction

was higher with less insulated buildings. On the other hand, the buildings with lower

occupancy rates have higher potential in energy savings with occupancy prediction

methods (Kleiminger et al. 2014). Occupancy measuring using environmental parameters

can also provide savings in demand control of ventilation when the air flow is controlled

using CO2 and moisture threshold values, so that higher ventilation rates are used at times

of higher CO2 and moisture content to ensure proper indoor air quality for the occupants.

(Nielsen and Drivsholm 2010).

2.5 Thermal Comfort

One important function of a smart building is its ability to increase the comfort level and

satisfaction of the resident. An important parameter in that is thermal comfort, which

describes the person’s thermal sensation and contentment with the current thermal status.

The affecting parameters are based on the thermal balance of a body, which is eventually

connected to person’s own actions through clothing and metabolic rate of the physical

activity. Environmental parameters like radiant and air temperatures, and velocity and

relative humidity of the air impact the thermal sensation as well. Similarly, a local climate


like cold or warm surfaces and draught can create thermal discomfort, which will

influence the thermal sensation and cause dissatisfaction. (SFS-EN ISO 7730 2005)

The thermal comfort estimations can be done using a Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) and

the predicted percentage dissatisfied (PPD) models first created by Fanger (1970) and

further developed and presented in SFS-EN ISO 7730 (2005) standard (Rupp et al. 2015).

The aim of these methods is to present the average thermal sensation of the people and

whether they are content with the thermal environment. The PMV index shows the scale

of the perception of the thermal sense. It presents the sensations in a seven-point scale

where each of the points presents a certain thermal feeling. The scale goes from cold to

hot sensation so that the middle value presents the most neutral sense. The final value is

a prediction of the average vote from the group to present the general thermal comfort.

PPD value is then an estimation of the proportion of dissatisfied people based on the

PMV. According to the model, it is impossible to create an environment where everyone

is satisfied to the situation, since with the neutral PMV value there are 5 % of dissatisfied

individuals. In addition to the two models, the local thermal discomfort is also indicated

with a percentage of dissatisfied. These values can then be used to determine a thermal

environment where majority of the people feel content with the thermal climate. (SFS-

EN ISO 7730 2005) Rupp et al. (2015) presented two other standards to also assess the

thermal comfort; an adaptive model which was made by Nicol et al. (2012) and the

Chinese Evaluation Standard by Li et al. (2014).

Wang et al. (2018) investigated the differences related to e.g. gender and age by

conducting a comprehensive literature review from researches using climate chambers

and field studies. They noted that the results from the previous studies showed no clear

inference on preferred thermal conditions by gender or age, but it is believed that females

and elders are more critical of the thermal climate and susceptible to the deviation in the

conditions due to the differences in clothing and physiology. Without these differences,

they concluded that there are no clear differences in the preferred thermal environments.

Differences in fitness, circadian rhythm, disabilities and so on were found to influence

the individual’s thermal comfort in the same review. Thus, Wang et al. (2018) suggested

a time varying and personalized air conditioning with the help of using smart wearable

devices and machine learning to address the thermal comfort better.


2.6 Local Generation

One of the smart building characteristics is considered to be the potential to integrate local

generation in to the building and thus create more dynamic and resilient energy system in

the building while promoting prosumerism (De Groote et al. 2016). PV panels, small-

scale wind turbines, µCHP, small-scale hydro power, biogas and fuel cells can be used in

small-scale electricity generation in residential level (Pesola et al. 2014, Motiva Oy

2017a). Out of these, PV panels seem to be achieving the most attention as the most

prominent small-scale generation method in Finland (Pesola et al. 2014).

From the economic point-of-view, PV panels decrease the costs in the buildings as the

electricity generated and self-consumed in them is not associated to the grid-based

electricity costs, including the cost of electricity, distribution costs and taxes. The PV

panel costs are just direct investment costs and operation and maintenance costs.

(Auvinen and Jalas 2017) Therefore, the feasibility of the system is related to its size,

financial aid and support from the government, and to the purchase cost of energy

(Auvinen 2016). Different kinds of support schemes for PV in Europe include feed-in

tariffs and premiums, investment subsidies, tax reductions, soft loans, tradable green

certificates, R&D incentives, calls for tenders and net-metering and self-consumption

schemes (Ramírez et al. 2017). From these, feed-in tariffs, net metering and net purchase

and sale were studied as residential support schemes to sell electricity to the grid by

Yamamoto (2012). The improvements on social welfare were found to differentiate by

the electricity consumption reduction assumed to be happening under net metering

scheme, favoring net metering, and net purchase and sale when the reductions are large,

and feed-in tariffs in cases when the reductions in electricity consumption are small. On

the other hand, no clear indication was found on which scheme provides the lowest

electricity rate.

To optimize the economic gains from the PV system, the amount of self-consumption

should be increased as it provides more savings than what the profit would be from selling

the electricity to the grid in Finland (Auvinen and Jalas 2017). The amount of the self-

consumption can be increased by utilizing load shifting if applicable or a battery system

at the times, the generation is higher than the base consumption (Luthander et al. 2015,

O’Shaughnessy et al. 2018). Luthander et al. (2015) found that with the utilization of load

shifting, relative self-consumption can be increased by 2-15 %-points and with a battery


system 13-24 %-points (capacity of 0.5-1 kWh per 1 kW of installed PV). O’Shaughnessy

et al. (2018) presented comparable results with the increase in self-consumption, but

found load controlling devices to be more cost-efficient than battery systems currently.

On the other hand, it was found that batteries provide more flexibility and efficiency in

self-consumption than load controlling. Cerino Abdin and Noussan (2018) conversely

found battery systems as economically unfeasible at current prices in Italian case,

emphasizing the net metering as a better solution than battery storage systems to provide

economic gains, as well as discusses the inefficiencies due to higher losses related to

battery storage system. Similarly, McKenna et al. (2013) and Uddin et al. (2017)

considered the unfeasibility of battery systems integrated with PV panels in the UK,

adding also higher environmental impacts with lead-acid batteries integrated to grid-

connected PV panels in residential buildings

2.7 Energy Storage

One way to handle the variations and intermittency of the generation and consumption in

residential level is to utilize energy storage technologies. In general, these technologies

can be divided in to electricity and thermal storages (Baker 2008, Ibrahim et al. 2008,

Kousksou et al. 2014). The electricity storage technologies utilize either electrochemical,

kinetic or potential energy, or electromagnetism, while the thermal energy storages have

either latent or sensible storage medium, or it utilizes thermochemical reactions (Ribeiro

et al. 2001, Baker 2008, Kousksou et al. 2014). Examples of electricity storage

technologies are presented on Table 1 below.


Table 1. The different electricity storage methods.

Electricity storage type Reference

Electrochemical storages Baker 2008

Kousksou et al. 2014 - Battery

- Flow cell

Kinetic storage Baker 2008

Kousksou et al. 2014 - Flywheel

Potential energy storage Baker 2008

Kousksou et al. 2014 - Pumped Hydro

- Compressed Air

Electromagnetic storages Ribeiro et al. 2001

Gualous et al. 2003

Rafik et al. 2007

Ibrahim et al. 2008

Kousksou et al. 2014

Nielsen and Molinas 2010

- Capacitators

- Super capacitators

- Superconducting magnet

Medium storage Ibrahim et al. 2008

Kousksou et al. 2014 - Hydrogen

Thermal energy storages store energy in the form of heat and utilize either sensible, latent,

or chemical way of storing energy. Sensible energy storage utilizes the temperature

difference between the medium in time, where the medium can be in either liquid or solid

form. On the contrary, the latent energy storage includes a material changing its phase,

while storing the energy in the phase change. The third thermal energy storage type uses

thermochemical method in which the heat is used to generate new chemical compounds,

then they are stored separately and combined again at the discharge state in which the

compounds react with each other and that generates heat (Kousksou et al. 2014).

Currently, five battery technologies exist in the residential scale: lithium-ion, lead-based,

flow, nickel-based and sodium-based batteries (van de Kaa et al. 2018). Van de Kaa et al.

(2018) conducted an analysis on the residential scale battery technologies by using the

best worst method and considered lithium-ion batteries to have the best chance of

succeeding in the future.


Thermal storage is another energy storing technology and it includes sensible, latent, and

thermochemical storages divided further into passive and active methods. The passive

methods include thermal mass as sensible storage and phase change materials in the

building envelope as latent storage. Active methods can then heat up the hot water tanks,

utilize snow or water storages nearby the building, have latent storage in ventilation or

equipment, or include thermochemical storage. The building structures could also be

thermally activated and passively distributed. (Heier et al. 2015) Heier et al. (2015)

considers sensible heat storages like water tanks to be the most common heat storages in

residential buildings, while phase change materials and thermochemical storages are

raising a lot of interest. On the other hand, in Heier et al. (2015), the thermal mass in

buildings was found to stabilize the indoor temperatures with only small reduction in the

energy consumption. Contrary, Zhu et al. (2009) found that high thermal mass can

actually increases the cooling demand in zero energy buildings in desert climate as the

heat is not released outdoor fast enough during the night and is therefore accumulating

inside. Yet, combining partial thermal storage with DR and direct electric heating in

dynamic pricing scheme could provide energy cost savings (Ali et al. 2014).



The demand side management (DSM) section discusses DSM programs in both general

and residential level. These are followed by markets and price signals, and evaluation and

barriers of DSM.

3.1 General

Demand Side Management (DSM) is a measure to adapt the electricity consumption of

the customer to better match the state of the system. In general, DSM techniques can be

divided in to two categories: Energy Efficiency (EE) and Demand Response (DR). Energy

Efficiency improvement increases the efficiency of the system in terms of energy use and

this can be achieved by having more energy efficient devices and materials, e.g.

improving thermal insulation of the building, or changing old lightbulbs to newer light-

emitting-diode (LED) lamps. DR then is used to change the consumption pattern of the

end-user or customer by applying either price or incentive-based DR programs. The price

based DR programs can still be divided into three groups by basing them on their dynamic

behavior: Time-of-Use (TOU) tariff presents different electricity prices during the day by

certain time slots, Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) is similar to TOU, but it also adapts to peak

times by increasing the peak price, and Real-Time Pricing (RTP) gives the most dynamic

electricity prices as it variates during the day based on the market price of electricity. RTP

can be either a day or an hour ahead price. The incentive-based DR programs, then, are

based on some incentives by the action. The schemes are divided into six categories:

Direct Load Control (DLC), Interruptible/curtailable service, Demand Bidding or

Buyback Programs, Emergency Demand Response Programs, Capacity Market Programs

and to Ancillary Services Market Programs. These price and incentive-based DR

categories are presented more on Table 2 below. (US Department of Energy 2006,

Palensky and Dietrich 2011, Behrangrad 2015, Sharifi et al. 2017)


Table 2. The definitions and presentations of different DR actions (US Department of

Energy 2006).

Demand Response

Programs Definition and actions


Time-of-Use (TOU) Different electricity tariffs based on the time of use.

Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) Different electricity tariffs like TOU, but an extra peak

cost in certain conditions.

Real-Time Pricing (RTP) Dynamic pricing scheme where the electricity price

variates, usually on hourly basis, and by reflecting the

wholesale electricity markets.


Direct Load Control (DLC) Program operator has direct control over certain

electricity appliances or devices.


(I/C) service

A service where the participant agrees to decrease the

load when necessary and gets some form of discount

or credit from it. Possible to offer penalties for not


Demand Bidding or

Buyback Programs

Participant bids to curtail the load.

Emergency Demand

Response Programs

Participant reduces load during network emergency

shortfall and receives incentive from it.

Capacity Market Programs Participant receives day ahead notices of capacity

restrictions. Possible to have penalties for failure of

load reduction.

Ancillary Services Market


Participants bid load reductions in markets, and act as

reserves if needed.

In Palensky and Dietrich (2011) another kind of division of the DR systems is presented.

They conclude that DR can be parted in to Market and Physical DR, where Market based

DR includes pricing schemes and signals as well as incentives. Physical DR then would

consider grid emergencies and management which cannot be handled through markets.

These physical DR programs would have mandatory requests so that the load reduction

would happen even without being included into the market-based prices. (Palensky and

Dietrich 2011)

TOU, CPP and RTP are potential dynamic pricing schemes for DSM providing the

customers different prices at different times according to the characteristics of the pricing

schemes as described in Table 2. The price signals are the ones that will direct the


consumers behavior as the price of electricity changes the consumption profile by making

the customers consider their preferences (Herter 2007, Behrangrad 2015). Issues may also

arise from the automated control, if it is based on dynamic pricing. These issues were

presented in Muratori et al. (2014) who used HEMS to create a local optimum on using

TOU rating and deferrable loads. The study concluded that by simply creating a local

optimum e.g. waiting for the cheaper TOU rate and turning the deferrable loads on

immediately after that, could create a peak on the consumption as the deferrable loads

will aggregate. Thus, this phenomena might create a local optimum, but not a global

optimum. (Muratori et al. 2014) Muratori et al. (2014) also discuss the problem of the

price signal and how pricing might not provide enough incentives to customers to adapt

to the state of the system, or how the dynamic pricing might shift the consumption, but

not reduce it.

3.2 Residential DSM

Residential customers have different potential in DSM than industrial and commercial

customers due to their different characteristics, which is seen in the difference of the

applicable DSM programs of residential customers. The residential sector can have DR

measures from price-based DR and from direct load control incentives while the load

shifting is either manual or automated by HEMS. (Paterakis et al. 2017) Haider et al.

(2016) considers that for an efficient load shifting, accurate optimization method and a

good communication infrastructure are needed. Yet, Internet of Things (IoT) devices and

applications can also participate and provide new chances for load monitoring and control

(Haider et al. 2016).

The residential sector includes many kinds of loads from various appliances and devices.

In Sharifi et al. (2017) and Sharifi et al. (2016) these loads have been parted in to flexible

and non-flexible ones based on their behavior and characteristics for load shifting. Non-

flexible loads were considered to include e.g. lighting and cooking appliances. Flexible

loads on the other hand were divided in to deferrable and temperature-based loads by their

features; deferrable loads including washing machines and dishwashers and temperature-

based loads HVAC technologies. (Sharifi et al. 2016) Hence, heating applications in

residential sector are flexible loads based on temperature, and are able to participate in

residential DR. E.g. in Chassin et al. (2015) a new thermostat was found to be able to

provide consumer comfort even with fast reactions to price chances and DR signals, and


by providing demand elasticity between 10 and 25% from the total residential load. On

the other hand, Lu (2012) suggests that direct load control from the aggregator can be

used to provide DR on aggregated HVAC units, and that with a wide enough deadband,

the load of a single HVAC unit can be controlled. Similar results were discovered by Hao

et al. (2015) while studying the potential of thermochemically controlled loads to provide

regulation services as an aggregate resource by modelling them as a stochastic battery

with losses. Both of the studies (Lu 2012, Hao et al. 2015) stated the potential of the

thermal load, either in heating as in Lu (2012) or air conditioning as in Hao et al. (2015),

to be relative to the outdoor temperature and varying the regulation power accordingly.

A study by Rautiainen et al. (2009) discovered that heating devices can also be used as a

frequency reserve due to their low effect on indoor temperature on short disturbances,

while an aggregated load reduction of multiple households can reduce the load from the

grid and slightly balance the frequency until other mechanisms are applied. Samarakoon

et al. (2012) on the other hand argues that with the current smart meters, a primary

frequency response through direct load control scheme is unlikely due to the delays in

communication. The study presented another frequency control scheme which utilizes

frequency measurement of smart meters, and control of different appliances accordingly.

Yet, they concluded that the current smart meters need to increase the speed of the

measurement if they are to provide any primary frequency response control. (Samarakoon

et al. 2012) Thus, it seems that the heating devices have potential in frequency control,

but still face some technical restrictions.

As the residential sector may also have their own electricity generation, DSM methods

like load shifting can be used to make consumption match their own generation

(Luthander et al. 2015, O’Shaughnessy et al. 2018). On the other hand, the excess

generation and electricity from the grid can be stored and used later on for DSM from the

storage system (Wu et al. 2015). Wu et al. (2015) then discusses the possible problems

from the renewable energy generation with a battery system from the DSM side,

specifying especially peak shaving, direct load control, capacity market programs and

time-of-use rates as challenging programs.

Battery storages can also be used individually without local generation. Leadbetter and

Swan (2012) modelled and simulated typical Canadian houses and could reduce the

consumption peak from the grid by 42-49 % with a battery storage system size of 5-8

kWh in houses without electric space heating. Electrically heated houses required


significantly higher storage capacity (22kWh) to provide proper peak reduction. Zheng et

al. (2015) conducted research on the potential of electricity storage systems on peak

shaving and DR without altering the appliance consumption and found out that by

integrating electricity storages to buildings it is possible to reduce the electricity invoice

and provide feasible DR, hence providing comparable results to the potential of battery

only systems as well.

3.3 Evaluation and barriers

Important issues regarding the DSM technologies lie in estimating their efficiency and

barriers in utilizing them. This is vital as there is lack of understanding DR in terms of

utilization and economic benefits as noted in Nolan and O’Malley (2015). There are also

difficulties for customers and residents in estimating the effect from energy efficiency

measures as in some countries the residents may overestimate the effect while in the

others it can be vice versa (Attari et al. 2010, Iwata et al. 2015). Hence, conducting

research on the topic and studying the effects would generate better evaluations on the

DSM measures, especially in DR (Nolan and O’Malley 2015). The lack of data and

behavior of consumers can therefore be barriers to DR. Similarly, the difficulty in

defining the baseline scenario for the DR activity and calculating the DR impact from the

considered baseline, are barriers that undermine the importance of evaluation. (Nolan and

O’Malley 2015, Sharifi et al. 2017)

Good et al. (2017) derived the DR barriers in to fundamental and secondary barriers. The

fundamental barriers were economic, social, and technological while the secondary

barriers were divided in political and regulatory, market structures, physical and

understanding. The economic barriers were still divided in to market failures, like

imperfect information, incomplete markets and to imperfect competition, and to market

barriers, like lack of access to capital, uncertainty, hidden costs and to both system value

and demand for DR. The imperfect information can be traced back to the lack of data

mentioned earlier as it describes problems occurring from situations where the

information might be unknown or uncertain. (Good et al. 2017) On the other hand, the

lack of data could produce situations in which the product might not meet the demand of

the second party or act against the second party’s interest, called ‘split incentive’ situation

and ‘principal-agent problem’ (Brown 2001, Thollander et al. 2010, Good et al. 2017).

Incomplete markets may then give unfair benefits or costs to third parties by e.g. not


noticing the polluter or not excluding the benefits of the DR action from the third parties.

The other fundamental barriers are yet parted in to organizational and behavioral as social

barriers and to sensing, computing and communication as technological barriers. These

barriers were possibly tackled to some extent with automation systems including opting-

out possibility and policy certainty. An idea of a separate metering infrastructures for

consumption, generation and storage were also introduced so that different taxation

schemes can be applied to them. (Good et al. 2017)

Residential sector has its own specific barriers from the above presented ones. Gyamfi et

al. (2013) found that there are behavioral issues in the residential sector in applying DR.

The study argued against price only signals as some households are not responding to

them, and some customers may be more prone to respond to other kinds of signals than

just price. The lack of responsiveness to prices was found to be related to the richness of

the household, the competence of the customer and to the lack of options or capacity. Yet,

all consumers have been found to benefit from residential demand response programs and

Gyamfi et al. (2013) suggests explaining these benefits better to the consumers in order

to implement the DR better in residential sector. At the same time, the difficulty in

considering the baseline scenarios can restrict residential sector DR as well, since the

residential consumption is unpredictable, making the baseline estimation difficult (Nolan

and O’Malley 2015, Mohajeryami et al. 2017, Sharifi et al. 2017).



To simulate the thermal model, the simulation environment needs to be described.

Therefore, the following sections define the energy mix and related operational CO2

emissions, electricity costs, climate and building specificities today and in 2050. The

simulations are based on imaginary buildings located in Oulu and therefore information

used is related to the location. The 2050 scenarios present both the projections used from

literature, and then the creation of their hourly profiles.

4.1 Energy Mix & Related Emissions

Here the energy mix and related operational CO2 emissions are presented for today and

2050 scenarios, respectively.

4.1.1 Today

An important part of determining the environmental parameters from the electricity

consumption is the energy mix of the electricity generation. Finland’s total electricity

consumption in 2016 was 85.2 TWh, from which 66.2 TWh was produced in Finland,

resulting in a net import of 19 TWh. Consumption increased 2.7 TWh from 2015, while

production stayed basically the same. Thus, increase in consumption was covered mainly

by importing electricity. (Statistics Finland 2018d) The development of Finnish energy

mix from 2005 to 2016 is presented below on Figure 1.


Figure 1. The development of Finnish energy mix from 2005 to 2016 (Statistics Finland

2018e, 2018f).

Figure 1 shows that the energy mix in Finland has stayed rather constant through the last

decade, as nuclear and hydro power and import of electricity are covering over half of the

electricity generation in Finland. Similarly, consumption has been stable, while energy

production has decreased slightly, resulting in an increase of import. The decrease in the

production is due to reduction in condensing power production. At the same time, some

wind power has entered the market. The technology mix could be described as diverse,

as electricity is supplied from several sources. Many of them are not operated on

balancing electricity demand and supply; combined heat and power (CHP) plants are

mainly run by heat demand, and nuclear power plants provide base power. On the other

hand, as the electricity mix does not have high proportions of variable renewable energy

sources (VRES), there is less need for complementary balancing power or demand

shifting in the system. Balancing power then is mainly delivered by condensing and hydro

power plants or through importing electricity.

The direct CO2 emissions from the electricity production come from combustion-based

technologies and to assess their environmental impacts, their fuel usage needs to be

defined. The fuel usage by the generation technology is presented on Figure 2.


Figure 2. The usage of fuels on generating electricity. “Others” variable includes both

renewable and fossil fuels which are not separately defined here. (Statistics Finland


As Figure 2 shows, there is a high variability on the used fuels, as industrial CHP plants

use mainly wood fuels, while condensing and district heating CHP rely more on the usage

of coal. There is basically no natural gas used in condensing power plants, nor oil used at

all. Overall, wood-based fuels are used the most with the share of 42 % of the total

combustion-based electricity generation. Wood fuels are followed by coal, which has a

share of 25 %, and natural gas with a 12 % share. The generation with peat is close to the

natural gas production (11 %). (Statistics Finland 2018g) Next, the aggregated CO2

emissions from electricity generation are defined in Figure 3.


Figure 3. CO2 emissions from the combustion of peat and fossil fuels in the electricity

generation in Finland in 2016 by technologies. The values are from the energy method

from Statistics Finland (2018g).

Figure 3 shows that almost half of the CO2 emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels

and peat come from condensing power generation, even though it produces only 5 % of

the electricity consumed in Finland. Thus, condensing power is very emission intensive

method to generate electricity in Finland. District heating CHP plants also have high CO2

emissions, but they generate more electricity and have higher efficiencies as they combine

electricity and heat productions. Industrial CHP plants then have the smallest electricity

generation CO2 emissions from the three. This is likely linked to the high proportion of

wood fuels used in the industries. (Statistics Finland 2018g) On average, the total

electricity generation produced 114 gCO2/kWh in 2016 when considering energy method

(Statistics Finland 2018h).

The model uses hourly emission factors on the consumed electricity in Finland and only

takes operational emissions into account. These are created by first taking annual

emissions and electricity productions per technology from Statistics Finland (2018g) and

then calculating a fixed emission factors for a produced electricity per technology by

assuming that electricity production per technology has a fixed fuel usage and


disregarding the ramping effect on emissions. Finally, the cumulated hourly emissions

are calculated by utilizing the hourly production profiles per technology from Finnish

Energy (2018). The downside of this method is that it does not consider that power plants

use different fuels and operate on different times. Yet, the approximation is used, as

condensing power is generally used to meet peak demands, which on the other hand

usually generates the most emissions. This impact is modelled even with the fixed

emission factors as condensing power has the highest emissions per produced electricity.

This increases the hourly emissions every time condensing power is used. The impact of

electricity import is neglected here, as they are considered to only contribute into the

origin country’s emissions in the model.

4.1.2 In 2050

The Finnish national energy and climate roadmap 2050 describes the greenhouse gas

(GHG) reduction targets for Finland in total and by the sectors by 2050. In general, the

total GHG reduction target was set to 80-95 % by 2050 from the 1990 levels and more

specifically the energy sector should be nearly emission free at the same time. (Finnish

Ministry of Employment and the Economy 2014) Thus, there will be changes in the

electricity mix. Koljonen et al. (2012), Lehtilä et al. (2014) and Child and Breyer (2016)

were all able to present different future scenarios providing the required GHG reductions

to the energy sector by 2050. Out of these, two scenarios, Growth (“Jatkuva Kasvu”) and

Save (“Säästö”), from Lehtilä et al. (2014) are selected to test different energy systems

for the electricity supply to buildings in 2050. The scenarios are created as possible

pathways for the future with the VTT TIMES model and they were chosen as they present

different pathways for the future; Growth relies on technological development and higher

share of VRES while energy efficiency has more important role on Save scenario. Hence,

they provide different pathways of achieving the same goal, and with them some

uncertainties on the future direction can be tested.

Next, the characteristics of the chosen scenarios are presented. The annual energy mixes

of these scenarios are presented in Figure 4, followed by presentation of the emissions

from the scenarios on Figure 5.


Figure 4. The energy mixes of Growth and Save scenarios in 2050. The values are

estimations from Lehtilä et al. (2014).

There are some differences on the energy mixes of the scenarios. Save scenario has more

nuclear power generation than Growth, but solar and district heating CHP productions

have higher shares in Growth scenario. In Save, the electricity production surpasses the

demand, and thus it includes exporting of electricity. Save scenario also has lower

electricity demand, which impacts the annual electricity balance. (Lehtilä et al. 2014)

Figure 5. Annual emission from Growth and Save scenarios (Lehtilä et al. 2014).


Both scenarios include carbon capture and storage (CCS), and therefore some of the

emissions are immediately captured. The rest are dispatched to the atmosphere resulting

in direct CO2 emissions. Bio-CCS is considered as a viable option in both scenarios and

could make them carbon neutral in whole (Lehtilä et al. 2014).

To test the impacts of these scenarios on energy supply and emissions, as well as on

electricity price, an hourly generation profile needs to be created. First, hourly

productions are created from the normalized productions of 2016 to present a possible

future scenario on the generation distribution, and second, the respective hourly CO2

emissions are calculated. The normalized production is created with the following

equation (1):

Enorm,t = Et

Ea (1)

Where Enorm,t is the normalized distribution of the production at time t [-], Et is the

measured production at time t [TWh], and Ea is the annual production [TWh]. This way

the distribution profile is created for production that equals to 1 TWh production, and the

hourly generations are created by multiplying the annual production by the normalized

hourly values. For the model the normalization is based on hourly production in 2016 by

Finnish Energy (2018). The created hourly production profiles for 2050 are in Figures 6

and 7.


Figure 6. The hourly electricity generation and consumption distribution in Growth

scenario based on normalized 2016 generation and solar electricity generation from Louis

et al. (2016) with Test Reference Year 2012 (TRY2012) radiation data from area III.

(Jylhä et al. 2012, Finnish Energy 2018)

Figure 7. The hourly electricity generation and consumption distributions in Save

scenario based on normalized 2016 generation and solar electricity generation from Louis

et al. (2016) with TRY2012 radiation data from area III. (Jylhä et al. 2012, Finnish Energy



The hourly generations show different patterns on both scenarios. In Growth scenario, the

generation varies a lot as there are high shares of production from VRES. In Save

scenario, there is less variation as the scenario includes high generation from nuclear

power, which generates steady base power. This likely affects the self-sufficiency of the

system as Save scenario exports electricity while in Growth some import is needed.

Similarly, the high share of variable generation needs either DSM mechanisms or

electricity storage technologies. Therefore, Lehtilä et al. (2014) includes compressed air

energy storage (CAES) technologies in both scenarios. The effect of the storage to the

supply and demand of the energy system on hourly basis is out of the scope of this work,

but the created artificial hourly electricity generation profiles highlight its importance.

The electricity demand distribution here does not consider any DSM mechanisms on the

system scale and follows the normalized 2016 pattern. At the same time, the lack of

balancing power matching the demand is present on the hourly distributions. Hence, the

operation of hydro power would likely be different from the current pattern to stabilize

the grid. It seems that Save scenario would rely on such a high base production that there

is less need for balancing power, while Growth scenario would need more balancing to

both sides. Yet, the proper operation of the system is not modelled here as the generations

are purely based on historic and climatic data, and the actual operation is likely different

creating uncertainties on the presentation of the system.

Next, the fuel consumptions for electricity generation needs to be estimated to create the

hourly CO2 emission profiles. First, the annual energy mix in Growth and Save scenarios

were used to determine the combustion-based productions. Then their fuel distributions

were calculated by estimating bio-based productions (estimated from Lehtilä et al.

(2014)) and considering both direct and captured annual emissions as the total CO2

emissions created. Next, industrial CHP generation was assumed to be fully from bio-

based fuels, and therefore all the created emissions are from district heating CHP. The

emissions are assumed to come only from the combustion of coal and natural gas, and

their share in district heating CHP was solved from their final energy delivery, share of

electricity from the total production of the plant, and from the total emissions. The

efficiencies of CHP plants were assumed to be around to 80 %, which is close to the

current efficiency (Statistics Finland 2018g).

Hourly CO2 emissions are based on fixed emission values from the efficiency of CHP

plants and the fuel’s carbon intensity from Statistics Finland (2018g, 2018i). CCS is


assumed to work on a fixed share from the production while in reality, it is likely included

in just some of the power plants and would be operated only during the operation times

of the plants, and not as fixed share from production. The scenarios include the utilization

of bio-CCS, but its impact is not considered in the model as their emission reductions

come in longer term, and they do not affect the direct emissions. Growth scenario is

assumed to include bio, coal, and natural gas-based district heating, while in Save only

bio and coal are assumed to be used. All the captured emissions come from the

combustion of coal, as it had the highest carbon intensity out of the fuels. As industrial

CHP is assumed to be only bio-based and there is no condensing power, all the emissions

come from district heating CHP plants. The hourly emission factors are calculated by the

generation of electricity and presented as emissions per consumed electricity. Average

value from Growth scenario is 4.6 gCO2/kWh from the production and in Save scenario

it is 4.7 gCO2/kWh. Therefore, there are no big differences on average, which is caused

by the lower total production of electricity in Save, even though it has higher direct annual

emissions than Growth.

The biggest uncertainties related to these scenarios come from the created assumptions,

reading the graphical presentations, lack of data on the fuel mixes, and the direct

transformation of the hourly distribution data from 2016 to 2050. Thus, the fuel mix and

emissions may be different in the original study and the results from them might be

different. Also, the hourly distributions include uncertainties in the operations of the

technologies, as they are likely operated differently due to different conditions. Similarly,

emissions are likely different due to changes in the maturity of the technologies, different

power plants may have different fuels and they are operated on separate times. Yet, the

simplified version is used as it shows similar patterns of base generation from nuclear

power and high fluctuation of VRES. This provides an approximated but detailed

representation of the hourly distribution profiles.

4.2 Price of Electricity

Next section describes the costs related to electricity in Finland and more specifically in

Oulu. After that the creation of the artificial real-time pricings for 2050 are presented.


4.2.1 Today

The total electricity price for customers in Finland is a combination of three separate

costs: the price of electricity, the distribution costs and taxes (Energiavirasto 2018a).

Taxes are fixed to similar customers and are based on the electricity consumption (Act

on excise tax on electricity and some fuels 1260/19961). Value-added tax (VAT) is also

added to the electricity price and distribution costs (Energiavirasto 2018a). Distribution

costs are related to the location and the distribution company and, therefore, they vary

over the country. There is no possibility for a customer to change the costs related to taxes

and distribution of electricity as taxes are set by the government and distribution costs by

the regional distribution companies, which are then regulated and monitored by the

energy market authority. Yet, the distribution costs can have TOU tariffs, varying over

the time of day, or by the season. Usually the distribution costs include a fixed monthly

fee added to a consumption based fee. (Energiavirasto 2018a) The distribution costs and

associated taxes are presented in Tables 3 and 4 below.

Table 3. The distribution costs in Oulu by the local distribution company Oulun Energia

Siirto ja Jakelu Oy in October 2018. The prices do not include the annual fees added to

the distribution price, nor the energy taxes. (Oulun Energia 2018)

Distribution Costs of Oulun Energia Siirto ja Jakelu Oy

Type of Distribution and the time of distribution Costs (€cents/kWh, incl.

VAT 24%)

Fixed Price 3.52

Daily Time-of-use, 7-22 2.96

Daily Time-of-use, 22-7 1.82

Seasonal Time-of-use, 1.11.-31.3 between 7-22 hours,

excl. Sundays


Seasonal Time-of-use, other times 2.16

1 Laki sähkön ja eräiden polttoaineiden valmisteverosta 1290/1996


Table 4. Taxes related to the electricity distribution and retail price for residential

customers in 2018. Class I is for e.g. residential customers. (Act on excise tax on

electricity and some fuels 1260/1996 2018, Energiavirasto 2018a, Verohallinto 2018)

Type of Tax Amount Variable

Energy Tax,

Electricity, Class I

2.24 €cent/kWh

VAT 24 %

Strategic Stockpile Fee 0.013 €cent/kWh

Unlike taxes and distribution costs, electricity prices are open for tendering for the

consumers. There are different electricity contracts available in Finland and they can be

divided either with their duration or by their type. Electricity consumers can choose

between fixed-term and non-fixed-term electricity contracts as well as from fixed priced,

TOU or RTP contracts. TOU price can be based on the time of the day, in which day and

night have different electricity prices, or on season, when the price is different in winter

days than in other times. The prices in fixed and TOU contracts are predefined and

tendered by the supply company, but RTP prices in Finland are defined on hourly-basis

in electricity stock market. (Energiavirasto 2018a)

The stock marketplace for electricity in Finland is Nord Pool, which is an electricity

trading market and a company providing electricity trading services. Currently it is

operating in the Nordic and Baltic countries. It provides hourly prices in day-ahead and

intraday markets called Elspot and Elbas, respectively. Some of their intraday markets

offer also half- or quarter-hourly products. (Nord Pool 2018a, 2018b) In day-ahead

market, an auction is held, where traders give bids on generation and consumption by

providing one of the four order types. The day-ahead market operates for each hour of the

day and the bidding procedure closes on 12.00 Central European Time (CET) the previous

day. After that, the hourly price is determined by matching created curves on demand and

supply for every hour, and by taking the network’s transmission restrictions into account.

Thus, all the transmission areas will have their own price area. (Nord Pool 2018b, 2018c)

Intraday market is then an hourly market for matching the consumption and production

during the on-going day by either continuous trading or by running an auction. The

bidding and trading for intraday market closes 30-minutes before the supply of electricity

in Finland. (Nord Pool 2018b, 2018d) Other balancing mechanisms on the Finnish


electricity market are handled by the Finnish transmission system operator (TSO) Fingrid,

which provides both generation and DSM markets. (Fingrid 2018a, 2018b)

A comparison of different electricity contract types and their costs to customers are

presented below on Table 5.

Table 5. Electricity prices by different contracts. Fixed and TOU prices are cheapest

found in November 2018 from Helen (2018) and RTP is average Elspot price in 2016

(Nord Pool 2018e).

Electricity contract Day tariff (7-22) Night tariff (22-7) Average daily

Fixed price - - 5.59 €cent/kWh

Time-of-Use 5.99 €cent/kWh 4.98 €cent/kWh 5.65 €cent/kWh



- - 3.24 €cent/kWh

Table 5 values for electricity prices for fixed and TOU contracts are currently higher than

what the real-time electricity price was in 2016. The difference in the electricity price

comes from the increase of the market price of electricity from 2016 to 2018. E.g. average

Elspot price in 2016 was 3.24 €cents/kWh while in 1.1.2018-30.9.2018 it was 4.59

€cent/kWh on average, increasing 42 %. (Nord Pool 2018e) Similarly, a fixed price

contract had an electricity price of 3.72 €cents/kWh in 2016, which is 50 % lower than

the current one (Energiavirasto 2018b). On the simulations, only RTP is used to calculate

the price of electricity.

The cost of electricity to consumer includes taxes, distribution costs and electricity price.

According to information from Energiavirasto (2018a) the hourly price to consumer can

be calculated with equation (2) below.

Cost = (EP + Distribution) × (1 + VAT) + TAX (2)

Where Cost is total cost of electricity to a customer [€/kWh], EP is the price of electricity

[€/kWh], VAT is the value-added-tax, Distribution is the respective distribution cost

[€/kWh] and TAX is the associated energy taxes [€/kWh]. For the cost calculation, fixed

distribution fee from Table 3 is used, energy taxes are combination of energy tax on

electricity and stockpile fee from Table 4 and electricity price is the hourly Elspot price

from 2016 (Nord Pool 2018e).


4.2.2 In 2050

Generally, the cost of generating electricity has an impact to the electricity price as it will

affect the supply price to the customers. Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) describes

the unit price of electricity generation by technology and it can be used in comparing their

costs over the lifetime of the technology. LCOE [€/MWh] is calculated with equation (3)


LCOE = ∑ ( ( It + OMt + Ft+ Dect ) × (1 + r) -t )

∑ (Et × (1 + r) -t )


where It is the investment costs at time t [€], OMt is operation and maintenance costs at

time t [€], Ft is fuel and carbon costs at time t [€], Dect is the decommissioning costs at

time t [€], (1+r)-t is discount factor and Et is the produced electricity at time t [MWh].

This calculation is done on by summing all the operational years together to achieve

lifetime LCOE. This equation is also used to determine the electricity price with which

the owner will break even on the operation. (International Energy Agency et al. 2010)

Thus, LCOE is used to determine the cost of electricity in 2050 by the generation

technology mix and their electricity generation distribution.

LCOE for different technologies in 2050 in Finland is calculated by using POLES model

values including extra costs and subsidies (Keramidas et al. 2017). POLES model gives

LCOE in US$/MWh which is exchanged to €/MWh with an average exchange rate from

October 2018 (Eurostat 2018). The calculated electricity price for the different scenarios

is presented in Figure 8. The electricity price is a weighted average of the LCOEs by the

technology and fuel mix of the on-going hour from chapter 4.2. Fuels are considered to

be consumed at fixed rate, which is equal to the fuel mix used in the technology. As there

are no direct LCOEs for coal and natural gas CHP plants, they are assumed to be the same

as respective combined cycle power plants using same fuels. This is assumed since

LCOEs for biomass CHP plant and biomass combined cycle plant are close in the POLES

model. The utilization of CCS is considered in the price similarly as in the emissions,

having a fixed share from the production.

The created hourly prices are then presented in Figure 8 below together with a

comparative hourly cost of 2016 created with using only LCOE values from the POLES



Figure 8. Hourly electricity price calculated by using LCOE values of generation

technologies in 2016 and 2050.

Based on Figure 8, it seems that electricity price will increase in the future, as well as the

volatility of the price when compared to LCOE-based price from 2016. The future price

in Growth scenario is 9.9 €cent/kWh on average, whereas in Save scenario it will be

slightly higher at the 10.7 €cent/kWh level. Similarly, the volatility is higher in Save

scenario, which is due to the higher price of coal-based generation without CCS. Yet, in

both scenarios the increase in volatility come partially from the increase of VRES, which

has lower LCOE than nuclear or CHP plants.

There are some uncertainties in using LCOE in defining the electricity price. According

to International Energy Agency et al. (2010) LCOE prediction on the wholesale price

works better on regulated electricity markets, whereas in liberalized markets the real-time

price is defined by the marginal costs of the most expensive operated power plant of the

hour. Generally, VRES and CHP plants are not operated by the variation on electricity

demand, so they offer lower bids to the market during their operation. This impacts the

market-clearing price, as there is less need of more expensive generation. Similarly, the

margin costs may vary during the year according to the changes in fuel prices, for


instance. On the other hand, some unexpected events may cause spikes to the dynamic

price, as there may be a sudden lack of supply on the markets. This is also a downside on

LCOE-based price model as it cannot simulate the effect of the shifts in demand and

supply balance, which influences the market price. By using LCOE, the market price is

assumed to be more influenced by the supply price than by the demand levels, while their

balance is more important in dynamic markets. (International Energy Agency et al. 2010)

This uncertainty is visible on the mismatch between the average 2016 Elspot price in

Finland, which was 3.24 €cent/kWh, and the LCOE modelled price, which was on

average 8.16 €cent/kWh. This means that the modelled LCOE price was over 2.5 times

higher on average than the Elspot price. At the same time, LCOE price is unable model

the volatility of the current electricity market price, as it only had standard deviation of

0.86 while Elspot had 1.31. (Nord Pool 2018e)

In spite the lack of ability to model the dynamic market, LCOE is used in the creation of

the 2050 hourly price profile. International Energy Agency et al. (2010) considers that

LCOE is still a good method to estimate electricity prices, especially in comparing the

technologies, as it presents price of electricity when all the costs are delivered to the

customer. Hence, LCOE is used in creating the hourly model for comparing the costs of

the 2050 scenarios and their technologies. It should provide information on the volatility

of the electricity price on the supply-side as well. Yet, the level of uncertainty is naturally

high in the price scenarios as the LCOE model has its downsides on modelling the

dynamic behavior and deregulated electricity market.

4.3 Climate

Climate influences the building simulation and therefore, it is important to present the

environment in which the simulations are run. For this reason, representative climates for

today and 2050 for Oulu are presented on their respective sections.

4.3.1 Today

In the model 2016 values from the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s (FMI’s) open data

set are used in the simulations to present outdoor temperature and solar irradiance

(Finnish Meteorological Institute 2018a). Temperatures are from Vihreäsaari, Oulu and

global irradiance data is from Sotkamo, which is the closest solar irradiance measuring

point available in FMI’s open data set. Sotkamo is placed southeast from Oulu and is


located inland, whereas Oulu is on the sea shore. This means that the used solar irradiance

values are slightly different than what the Oulu climate would have. (Finnish

Meteorological Institute 2018a) The solar irradiance dataset was lacking 5 values from

December and were mainly from night and morning. The next observed values were in

the same magnitude than day before, and due to lack of starting values, the missing

datapoints were taken from the observed values from day before. The dataset also

included some global irradiance values from the winter nights, but their impact was

assumed to be little on the annual basis. Temperature and solar irradiation variations are

represented in Figures 9 and 10 and they are compared to monthly average values to show

the long-term variations in climate and to validate the data. Similarly, Test Reference

Year 2012 (TRY2012) for area III, which includes Oulu, is added as well, as it presents

an average year used in the building simulations (Jylhä et al. 2012).

Figure 9. Average temperatures in Oulu by test reference year 2012 (TRY2012),

measured average values from Oulunsalo Pellonpää in 1980-2010, and 2016 monthly

average temperatures (Jylhä et al. 2012, Pirinen et al. 2012, Finnish Meteorological

Institute 2018a).


Figure 9 shows that 2016 was slightly warmer year than what the average year in Oulu

is: the annual average temperature in 2016 was 4.1°C as the 1980-2010 average was

2.7°C. (Pirinen et al. 2012, Finnish Meteorological Institute 2018a) The only colder

month in 2016 was January, which was over 2°C colder than normally. The difference in

the average and measured temperatures may be subject to different measuring stations, as

2016 values are from Vihreäsaari, which is located on the seaside and measured average

values are from Pellonpää, which is located more on the inland. On the other hand, as the

aim is to simulate one representative year, the measured values are used instead of

TRY2012 values, as the climatic conditions can impact the energy mix of the year. In

general, the average monthly temperatures follow the same seasonal pattern in 2016 than

the measured average, and thus 2016 temperatures are used to represent a single year in

the current climate. The average monthly irradiance sums of the used data and its

comparison to data from Jyväskylä, TRY2012 and PVGIS are presented on Figure 10.

Figure 10. The average monthly irradiance sums of used data in the simulation from

Sotkamo 2016 compared to average monthly sums from Jyväskylä 1980-2009, to a

TRY2012 and data obtained from an interactive tool PVGIS near Oulu (Jylhä et al. 2012,

European Commission 2017, Finnish Meteorological Institute 2018a).


On Figure 10 the measured Sotkamo irradiance values show similar monthly patterns than

TRY2012 and PVGIS values on Oulu, and therefore Sotkamo data is assumed applicable

in the model. Only difference is the clearly lower irradiance sum values on April that can

be caused by natural variation as other months have compatible values to the compared

databases. On hourly level there might be some differences due to the location and

climatic differences, but due to lack of data from Oulu, the closest measuring station is

estimated to give acceptable values on global irradiance.

4.3.2 In 2050

The temperature changes in Oulu region by 2050 were created by using monthly average

temperature projections from Finnish Meteorological Institute and Ilmasto-opas (2018),

by calculating the projected temperature change from TRY2012 and using the monthly

temperature change values in Oulu with three Special Report on Emissions Scenarios

(SRES): B1, A1B and A2, which are described in Nakicenovic et al. (2000). As the data

is provided in every 10 years from 2015 onwards until 2085, the projected temperature

changes by 2050 were interpolated from the provided values. The 2050 temperatures for

the climate scenarios are created by multiplying the changes in temperatures from

TRY2012 to the projected mean monthly temperatures in Oulu in 2050, so that the

average monthly temperatures match. These changes from the TRY2012 are presented in

Figure 11.


Figure 11. The changes in mean temperatures from TRY2012 for area III to projected

2050 temperatures in Oulu by SRES (Jylhä et al. 2012, Finnish Meteorological Institute

and Ilmasto-opas 2018).

As Figure 11 shows, there is a clear increase in the average temperature. Yet, there are

some months like April, May, September, and October, where the future temperature in

Oulu is closer to the current TRY2012 temperature, or even under that. This highlights

the importance of using the values from Oulu.

Global radiation changes are harder to mimic due to lack of hourly and monthly data of

the changes, so the TRY2050 values were used from Finnish Meteorological Institute

(2012) for the area III. It is acknowledged that the TRY2050 presents the A2 scenario,

and thus the global radiation data is according to that and the changes in other scenarios

might be different.


4.4 Building specificities

4.4.1 Today

The Decree of the Ministry of the Environment on the energy efficiency of the new

building (1010/20172) includes reference values for the U-values for new buildings.

These reference values together with the ventilation losses and air-leakages are used to

define the total heat loss through the building envelope, so that building’s heat loss is

equal or smaller than the heat losses with the reference values from the decree. The overall

thermal transmittance reference values from the decree are gathered to the Table 6 below.

Table 6. The overall thermal transmittance values for different new building types

(Decree of the Ministry of the Environment on the energy efficiency of a new building

1010/2017 2017).

The building structure

U-value for

warm and

cooled spaces


U-value for

transferable and

partially warm

spaces [W/m2K]

U-value for

vacation use



Wall 0.17 0.26 0.24

Solid wood with thickness

of at least 180 mm

0.40 0.60 0.80

Ceiling and floor

connected to the exterior


0.09 0.14 0.15

Floor with crawling space 0.17 0.26 0.19

Floor against ground 0.16 0.24 0.24

Window, skylight, door,

roof dome, smoke hatch

and exit hatch

1.00 1.4 1.4

Buildings from the past have different U-values as the regulations were different. The

thermal insulation requirements from past building codes are presented on Table 7 below

by the year when the regulation became in force.

2 Ympäristöministeriön asetus uuden rakennuksen energiatehokkuudesta (1010/2017)


Table 7. The U-values, air-leakage numbers n50 (q50 for 2012 and 2018) and heat

recovery rates from past building regulations in Finland. (The National Building Code

of Finland C3 1978, 1985, 2003, 2007, 2010, The National Building Code of Finland

D3 2012, Ministry of the Environment 2013, Decree of the Ministry of the Environment

on the energy efficiency of new buildings 1010/2017)

The structure

of the building 1978 1985 2003 2007 2010/2012/2018

U-values [W/m2K]

Wall 0.29/0.35



0.28 0.25 0.24 0.17 (0.4 for

building timber)

Ceiling and

floor against

exterior air



100 kg/m2)

0.22 0.16 0.15 0.09

Floor with

crawling space

- - 0.2 0.19 0.17

Floor against


0.4 0.36 0.25 0.24 0.16

Windows and




solid part of

the door)




part of

the door)













Building’s air-


number n50


(2012 and

2018 values

are for q50


6.0 6.0 4.0 4.0 4.0

Heat recovery

rate [%]

0 0 30 30 45 (55 for 2018)

In addition to the legislative values, low-energy and passive buildings are considered as

their own building types. They differ from each other by the heating energy demand. RIL

(2009, pp. 12 & 28) on the other hand describes low energy buildings by their annual

combined heating and cooling energy consumptions corrected to Jyväskylä’s climate.

There the low energy building’s corrected annual consumption is between 26 and 50


kWh/m2. Conversely, Siikanen (2015, p. 63) had slightly higher limits for the low energy

building, that was described with heating need of less than 60 kWh/brm2 per heated

building area in South-Finland, and less than 90 kWh/brm2 per heated building area in


The next step from a low energy building is a passive house, which is a construction

concept providing comfort and affordability to the occupants by being energy efficient

and ecological building. It is an improved low energy building consuming less energy to

heat up the building than conventional or low energy building. Yet, as the climates vary

in different regions, the passive house concept should adapt accordingly still fulfilling the

same principles. (Passive House Institute 2015) The Finnish definition for a passive

energy building is between 20 and 30 kWh/brm2 in South and North-Finland respectively

(Siikanen 2015 p. 63). RIL (2009, pp. 12 & 28) then defines passive house as one which

has less than 25 kWh/m2 heating and cooling need annually. The RIL (2009, pp. 12 & 28)

definitions for low energy and passive buildings are used and their characteristics are

presented on Table 8.


Table 8. The over-all thermal transmittance U [W/m2K], the building envelope’s air-

leak number n50 [1/h] and heat recovery [%] values from the Decree of Ministry of the

Environment on the energy efficiency of the new buildings (1010/2017) and RIL (2009

p. 34) values for low and passive energy buildings.

The National

Building Code


Low energy


Passive energy


U-values [W/m2K]

Wall 0.17 0.12 0.08-0.10

Ceiling 0.09 0.08 0.07

Floor to exterior air 0.09 0.08 0.08

Floor to crawling


0.17 0.10 0.08

Floor against


0.16 0.12 0.10

Windows 1.0 0.8 0.7-0.8

Doors 1.0 0.6 0.5



number n50 [1/h]

2.0 0.8 0.6

Heat recovery 55 % 70 % 80 %

Thermal mass on the other hand is not related to the thermal insulation level of the

building. This means that buildings with the same thermal insulation levels may have

different thermal time constants. (Karlsson 2012) Table 9 below presents the different

heat capacity values estimated for the buildings by The National Building Code of Finland

D5 (2017). The total heat capacity Cs [Wh/m2K] of the building is then achieved by

multiplying the heated floor area by the thermal mass value.


Table 9. The values and construction materials for different thermal masses estimated

by The National Building Code of Finland D5 (2017).

Thermal mass


Heat capacity for the

building envelope Cs


Construction materials

Light 40 Log

Medium light 70 Floor is concrete, and others are log

Medium heavy 110 Exterior walls are walling blocks or

solid timber, floor is concrete, and

roof and partition walls are log

Heavy 200 Exterior walls are concrete or bricks,

partition walls are walling blocks or

bricks, and roof and floor are concrete

4.4.2 In 2050

The buildings can be assumed to be more energy efficient in 2050, as EPBD

(2010/31/EU) and its amendment (EU 2018/844), define that all new buildings need to

be nearly zero energy buildings by the end of 2020, and that the member states need to

create a renovation strategy in order to transform current buildings into nearly zero energy

buildings and decarbonize the building stock. (The European Parliament and The Council

of the European Union 2010, 2018) Thus, it can be assumed that the level of insulation in

future increases, reducing the energy consumption and demand of buildings. In Lehtilä et

al. (2014) the combined space heating and hot water demand of new residential buildings

in 2010 was 123 kWh/m2, and for the existing residential building stock it was 181

kWh/m2. Similarly, they assumed the combined space and water heating energy demand

of 50 kWh/m2 and 94 kWh/m2 for new and existing buildings respectively in Growth

scenario. In Save scenario the same assumptions for new and existing buildings were 55

kWh/m2 and 116 kWh/m2. Using assumptions and calculations on hot water consumption

and its heat demand from Motiva Oy (2017b) the hot water demand is assumed to be

approximately 35 kWh/m2. This means that the new buildings in 2050 would be passive

houses and the existing building stock would have space heating demands between

current new houses and low-energy houses.

Zero and Net Zero (or Plus) Energy Buildings can also present future buildings. Currently,

there are several definitions on zero-energy building (ZEB), varying in its energy balance

and use, supply of renewable energy, connection to grid, emissions and costs (Torcellini


et al. 2006, Marszal et al. 2011). One example definition then is from the US Department

of Energy (DOE) (2015) who considers that the ZEB needs to be energy efficient and that

the annual exported energy from the on-site renewable sources is at least equal to

delivered one on source energy basis. Similarly, Siikanen (2015, p. 63) considers ZEB to

generate equal amount of energy to the building’s consumption including both heating

and electricity consumptions. This definition is used in the simulations to present ZEB.

Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB), or Plus Energy Building in some other references, is

another term used in the literature among with the zero-energy building to describe

potential future buildings. NZEB concept was discussed and reviewed by Wells et al.

(2018) where the issue of the lack of common definition was presented. Majority of the

definitions resembled ZEB ones showing the interconnection of the concepts and terms

to the extent of having similar measured metrics like energy demand, costs, emissions,

and primary energy. In Siikanen (2015, p. 63) and Laustsen (2008) Plus Energy Buildings

were considered as the buildings which should generate more energy in a year than what

they consume. Thus, it seems that NZEBs are buildings with similar characteristics as

ZEBs, but that their electricity generation is higher than of ZEB’s.



This section describes the work conducted to create the used thermal model and its

simulation rules. The chapter starts with discussing the general matters on thermal models

and reasoning in selecting the used model type. This is followed by presenting the existing

smart house model and the basics used in the thermal model. After that calculation

methods for the heat demand and other modelling blocks are defined, as well as the rules

used in the simulations.

5.1 General on thermal models

A thermal model for the building is created to test out the different DSM methodologies

for electric space heating. The first step was to consider different thermal models for

buildings in order to determine the most suitable one for this application. Li and Wen

(2014) considers the building energy modelling by the length of the simulation and

forecasting time: long-term forecasts are for system-planning, medium for system

maintenance and short-term for daily operation. The short-term thermal models can

further be roughly divided in to three main categories by their characteristics: to “white-

box”, “gray-box” and “black-box” models. In “white-box” models, the modelling is

purely utilizing the physical behavior of the building, while in the “black-box” models,

the entire system is based on statistical analysis modelling and it does not take any

physical properties or systems into account. “Gray-box” models are the third category of

thermal models and they combine “white” and “black-box” models as they include

physical systems but use statistical analysis to solve them. (Foucquier et al. 2013, Li and

Wen 2014)

The “white-box” models can be further divided in to three sub-categories: computational

fluid dynamics (CFD), zonal and nodal approaches. In CFD approach the modelling is

done in 3D and it gives the most precise results while requiring a lot of computing power.

Zonal approach divides each building zone in to smaller cells, in which the thermal

calculations and transitions are calculated. The calculations give 2D results and are not

as accurate as with the CFD approach but are computed faster. The final “white-box”

model is a one-dimensional nodal approach where each nodal area is a homogeneous area

having its own variables and the thermal transfer is happening between the nodes. The

nodal model can utilize either transfer functions or finite difference method, which can


also be described as the “RC” or “thermal-network” model as it mimics Ohm’s law from

the electricity systems. (Foucquier et al. 2013) Also majority of the building modelling

software, like TrnSYS, EnergyPlus and IDA-ICE, utilize the nodal approach (Foucquier

et al. 2013, Li and Wen 2014, Equa 2018, Thermal Energy System Specialists 2018, US

Department of Energy (DOE) et al. 2018). Yet, one of the downsides of “white-box”

models is that they are not able to measure and provide thermal comfort properly. Other

drawbacks are the requirements of physical formulation and parameters, which may be

uncertain or difficult to model sometimes. (Foucquier et al. 2013)

As the aim of the model is to be universal and able to simulate houses with different

characteristics without any actual measured data, a creation of “white-box” model is

chosen for the simulation. This way the model is bounded to the physical characteristics

of the building. At the same time, to create a computationally efficient model, a nodal

approach was selected as it is simplified enough description. The thermal house model

was created with Matlab simulation program on top of an existing smart house model,

which is described in sector 5.2 below (MathWorks 2018). The equations, assumptions

and the functioning of the different modeling blocks are defined in their respective

subsections of this chapter.

5.2 Current smart house model

Thermal model is built on top of an existing smart house model, which was created to

assess HEMS on reducing CO2 emissions in residential sector. (Louis et al. 2014a, Louis

et al. 2016) The current model includes 4 main sections: it creates electricity consumption

profiles of appliances, generates events, includes control by HEMS and considers the

effects of user responsiveness based on given input data. This consists different

parameters like energy efficiency of appliances, consumption profile types, electricity

contracts and building characteristics. It has 4 options for HEMS which are handled

through a controller and vary in providing information of consumption and billing to load

shifting of appliances. The model steps include different modeling blocks e.g. pricing,

environmental impacts, and occupancy estimation. In addition there is a simple thermal

house model, which is developed further in this work. (Louis 2016) It also has models for

electricity production with PV panels, wind power and fuel cells, making it possible to

study the integration of local generation. (Louis et al. 2016) In addition to these, the smart


house model includes various databases like dynamic hourly emission profile of the

electricity generation in Finland (Louis et al. 2014b).

5.3 Assumptions

There are some assumptions that are needed in the model for simplifying it to the degree

that the simulation is sensible. The assumptions used while creating this model are listed

down below.

- The simulated building is a detached house.

- The detached house is modelled as a single zone having only one room and one

floor. It only has a roof and not a separate ceiling. The building does not have a

balcony, which would impact the heat demand calculations.

- The building does not have separate thermal bridges.

- The system is considered to have hourly steady-state conditions.

- The building does not have any external shadings.

- Only dry heat is delivered. Thus, energy attached to the moisture is not considered

and neither is humidifying the ventilation air.

- There is no sauna in the building, as it would affect the heating calculations.

- The exhaust and supply air flows are equal.

5.4 General information and inputs to the simulation

The aim of the model is to study DSM methods and technologies on electric heating.

Thus, thermal house model is created to simulate performance and behavior of a building.

Firstly, the model includes separate sections for calculating heat demand and indoor

temperature with the simulated input values. Heat demand calculations are based on

energy balance method using assumptions of steady-state conditions. It follows the

heating demand calculations from The National Building Code of Finland D5 (2017) so

that the energy losses and internal heat gains are calculated on hourly-basis instead of

monthly-basis. Indoor temperature calculation follows standard SFS-EN ISO 52016-1

(2017), which utilizes a “thermal-network” model for dynamic calculation of indoor,

radiative and operational temperatures of the building on hourly-basis. Thus, assumptions

used to calculate the indoor temperature are defined in the standard.


The thermal house model needs heating power to keep the indoor climate thermally

comfortable and the lost heat is compensated by supplying heating energy to the building.

Heating power calculations in the model mainly comply with the heating power

calculations in The National Building Code of Finland D5 (2017) by calculating the

heating power required to match the heat demand on hourly steady-state conditions.

Therefore, power can be converted to energy delivered during an hour of constant


Other sections of the model include thermal comfort estimations and calculations,

forecasts on weather, heat demand and local electricity generation, determining

occupancy of the residents, calculating the local generation from PV panels, and

modelling the usage of a battery system. The functions and simulation blocks of these

sections are described in their respective chapters, and not all of them are needed on every

simulation scenario. A general description of the model is shown below on Figure 12 and

the inputs for the simulation are presented in Table 10.


Figure 12. The general description of the simulation. Each of the individual parts are

defined and discussed in their own sections shown in the chart. Not all looping parts are

needed in all simulations. The scenarios are depending on heating technologies and are

defined in section 5.11.


Figure 12 shows the general progress of the model. It starts by calculating heat demand

from heat losses and internal heat gains. Then it makes day-ahead forecasts for local

generation and heat demand for the future as they are needed in some of the simulation

scenarios. Then it simulates the action of ventilation and estimates suitable indoor

temperatures of thermally comfortable indoor climate. Then heating power is supplied,

or storages operated under their given limits. Finally, the model calculates CO2 emissions,

costs, savings, and monetary gains from the simulated hour.

Table 10. The input variables of the simulation, which are up to the selection of the user.

User may select to apply a database, which includes values for buildings which are

defined in section 4.7. or add their own values. Inputs for appliances, inhabitants and PV

generation are applied to Louis et al. (2016) as they are part of the original model.

Dimensions of the


Length of building in south and west sides, height, pitch

of the roof, areas of windows on each of the main

orientations and area of door.

Thermal inertia of the


Thermal Mass of building

Thermal insulation


U values for walls, floor, roof, windows, and door

Convective loss values Air leak of building (n50/q50), ventilation air change rate

(1/h), heat recovery rate

Internal heat gain values Number of inhabitants, appliances, g value of the window

Scenario selection Heating technology and scenario selection. Type of

ventilation technology. Selection of predefined database

values (by building construction year)

Local generation


Usage, number, size, power, and connection types of PV

panels. Number of batteries.

Simulation period Start and end dates, timestep

Temperature limits Selection of the PMV range for thermal comfort.

Temperature set up for constant heating scenario

Type of electricity


Selection of the electricity contract type (fixed, TOU or


The inputs of the model are then presented in Table 10. It shows all the possible variables

which may be added and changed in the model. On the other hand, the selected input

values are presented in Table 11. These values will stay constant for all the scenarios and

some of them are used to create value vectors from the original smart house model. These


vectors will be used in all scenarios to ensure the consistency of the simulations with

different scenarios.

Table 11. The default input values used in the simulation.

Variable Input

Length of South wall 10 m

Length of West wall 12 m

Height 2.5 m

Pitch of the roof 8 °

Area of South Window 2 m2 (3.75 m2 for 15 %)3

Area of North Window 2 m2 (3.75 m2 for 15 %)

Area of West Window 2 m2 (4.5 m2 for 15 %)

Area of East Window 2 m2 (4.5 m2 for 15 %)

Area of Door 2 m2

Type of electricity contract Real Time Pricing, no price limits

Profile type 1

Metering type 2, Billing only

Appliances No Electric heater or sauna. Rest of the

appliances 1, type A or B, Low

consumption lightbulbs.

User type Orange

Number of inhabitants 1

With the input values from Table 11, the original smart house model creates appliance

consumption profiles and calculates both solar irradiance to vertical surfaces for the 4

main orientations, and electricity generation from PV panels. These are used to calculate

heat gains in the building and estimate the occupancy of the residents. Local electricity

generation is used in the scenarios either as a condition for actions or to calculate the

savings in electricity invoices and CO2 emissions.

3 15 % from the area of the wall for window is a default value from (The National Building Code of Finland D5 2017)


5.5 Heat Demand

Heat demand describes the state of the building from heat energy balance point-of-view,

as it describes whether a building is losing or gaining energy. Generally, in a heating

season, heat demand is the amount of energy needed to keep the system in a steady-state,

which means having a constant indoor temperature. Heat demand is therefore, affected

by the heat losses and gains of the system. The heat demand calculation procedure is

based on equations from The National Building Code of Finland D5 (2017) and they are

applied in the model with dynamic hourly values. On Figure 13 below the general concept

of heat demand by energy balance method is depicted.

Figure 13. A representative picture of main heat losses and gains in the building. Arrows

going through the building envelope to outdoor air present heat losses and arrows inside

or to the indoor air present heat gains. (Modified from the principles from Hagentoft 2003,

Siikanen 2015, The National Building Code of Finland D5 2017)

Heat demand is influenced by heat gains and losses in the building. Therefore, heat

demand is calculated by their difference as presented in equation (4) below:

QHeat demand

= QHeat losses

- QHeat gains


Where QHeat demand is heat demand of the building [Wh], QHeat losses is the heat losses from

the building [Wh] and QHeat gains is the heat gains in the building [Wh]. (The National


Building Code of Finland D5 2017) When heat losses are higher than gains, system has

positive heat demand, which needs to be fulfilled with heating energy to keep the system

balanced and indoor temperature constant. Vice versa, if heat gains are higher than heat

losses, heat demand will be negative, and system will gain energy, raising indoor


Heat losses and gains can be further divided into smaller sections describing the sources

of them. First, heat losses are calculated with equation (5)

QHeat losses

= QConductive

+ QAir-Leak

+ QVentilation


Where QConductive, QAir-Leak and QVentilation are heat losses from conduction, air-leakage

through the building envelope and ventilation [Wh]. (Modified from The National

Building Code of Finland D5 2017) This shows that there are 3 main heat loss sources in

a building, including conductive heat transfer through building structures, and convective

heat transfers from building envelope air-leakages, and ventilation. Eventually,

conductive heat transfer can be divided further into conductive heat transfers through each

building element as presented in equation (6)


= Qew

+ Qc + Q

f + Q

w + Q

d + Q

other + Q

TB (6)

where 𝑄𝑒𝑤, 𝑄𝑐, 𝑄𝑓, 𝑄𝑤, 𝑄𝑑, 𝑄𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 and 𝑄𝑇𝐵 are the conductive heat losses of exterior

walls, ceiling, floor, windows, door, unconditioned places and thermal bridges

respectively [Wh]. (The National Building Code of Finland D5 2017) Conductive heat

loss through a single structure is then defined with equation (7)

Q = A × U × ∆T × t (7)

where Q is the heat flow through the material [Wh], A is the surface area of the structure

[m2], U is the overall thermal transmittance of the structure [W/m2K], ΔT is temperature

difference on indoor and outdoor [°C] and t is time [h]. (Siikanen 2015, p. 56, The

National Building Code of Finland D5 2017) Here the U-value describes the overall

conductive heat flow rate that surpasses the structure. Basically, this shows the amount

of heat conducted through 1 m2 area of the structure when temperature difference is 1°C.

Hence, it presents the thermal insulation level and quality of the structure. (Siikanen 2015,

p. 56)


Generally, the conductive heat transfer depends on the temperature difference between

indoor and outdoor, like with a wall structure, while heat conduction through floor

depends on the temperature difference of ground and inside air. The ground temperature

is calculated on monthly-basis according to the calculation method presented in The

National Building Code of Finland D5 (2017). This is expected to give high enough

precision, as according to the building code, the average ground temperature variation

during a year is 6°C. The needed annual average temperature in Oulu is taken from

Pirinen et al. (2012).

Other heat loss type is convective heat transfer, which includes building envelope air-

leakage and ventilation. Their convective heat transfer is calculated with equation (8):


= ca × ρa × q

v in × (Tsup - Tint) × t (8)

where Q𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 is the convection heat transfer [Wh], qv in is the air flow of supply air

[m3/s], ρ𝑎 is the density of air [kg/m3], c𝑎 is the specific heat capacity of air [J/kgK], T𝑠𝑢𝑝

and T𝑖𝑛𝑡 are the supply and indoor air temperatures [°C]. The supply air temperature

depends on the type of the convective heat transfer; in case it is building envelope air-

leakage or a non-heated ventilation system, supply air temperature is equal to the outdoor

air temperature. If the ventilation system includes ventilation heater, then supply air

temperature is higher. (SFS-EN ISO 52016-1 2017, The National Building Code of

Finland D5 2017) The air flow rate is also different between the air-leakage and

ventilation. In building envelope air-leakage, the supply air flow is equal to the air flow

through untight building structures, which is calculated in accordance with The National

Building Code of Finland D5 (2017) calculation methods for building air-leakage value

q50. Ventilation system on the other hand can adjust its supply air flow.

The heat demand is also impacted by the heat gains, which are either waste heat emitted

from appliances or people, or radiative short-wave heat transfer through transparent

materials. Thus, they can be calculated by using equation (9).

QHeat gains

= QPeople

+ QAppliances

+ QSolar Heat Gain

+ QHot water


Where QPeople, QAppliances, QSolar Heat Gain, and QHot water are internal heat gains from people,

appliances, solar radiation, and hot water respectively [Wh]. Here appliances include heat


gains from lighting sources, and as the model does not consider hot water consumption,

its effect is neglected. (SFS-EN ISO 52016-1 2017, The National Building Code of

Finland D5 2017)

5.5.1 Heat gains from appliances

Appliances generate waste heat during their operation, which may be utilized as a source

of heat. This reduces the heat demand inside the building. The heat generation from an

appliance depends on its characteristics and parameters. For example, dishwasher uses

electricity to heat up the supply water and then discharges it to the sewage decreasing its

heat gain. (Wilson et al. 2014) Heat gains from appliances are divided into sensible and

latent heats. Sensible heat includes radiant and convective heat transfers, and thus, its

share from the electricity consumption is used to determine the heat gains from

appliances. The used fractions of the appliances are presented below on Table 12.

Table 12. The sensible heat fraction of appliances from their electricity consumption.

Values for “Other appliances” and “Lighting” are from (The National Building Code of

Finland D5 2017) and the rest are from (Wilson et al. 2014).

Appliance Sensible heat fraction

Refrigerator 1.00

Washing Machine 0.80

Dishwasher 0.60

Range (Hobs & Oven) 0.40

Television 1.00

Microwave 1.00

Freezer 1.00

Other Appliances 1.00

Lighting 1.00

After knowing the sensible heat gain fractions of the appliances, their internal heat gain

profiles are created. First, the electricity consumption profiles of the appliances are

created with the original model, after which each appliances’ electricity consumption is

differentiated from each other. Then, each appliance’s internal heat gains are calculated

on hourly-basis by multiplying their electricity consumption by their sensible heat

fraction. After that, the internal heat gain loads are aggregated to one hourly heat gain

load from appliances.


5.5.2 Heat gains from people

The presence of people creates heat loads according to their occupancy and actions in the

building. The activity level of a person varies with their metabolism rate, which changes

their heat generation amount as well. According to SFS-EN ISO 7730 (2005) standard,

the metabolic rate of a person in a seated position is considered to be 1.0 met, which is

equal to 58 W/m2. As the standard body surface area of an adult is 1.80 m2, which is

calculated with the Du Bois and Du Bois (1916) method presented in Ahmed et al. (2017),

the heat generation of a person is 104.4 W. Assuming the body surface area as a constant

from Du Bois and Du Bois (1916) and with the metabolic rate estimates from the SFS-

EN ISO 7730 (2005) standard, the heat gains from certain activity levels can be

calculated. These values and activity levels are presented below on Table 13.

Table 13. The metabolic rates for different activities and their internal heat gains for

surface body area of 1.80 m2. (SFS-EN ISO 7730 2005, Ahmed et al. 2017)

Activity Metabolic Rate


Metabolic Rate


Heat generation


Recline 46 0.8 82.8

Seating 58 1.0 104.4

Sedentary activity 70 1.2 126

Domestic Work 116 2.0 208.8

Next the occupancy and actions of the residents need to be determined to calculate the

heat generation from the people, for which the electricity consumption profiles of

appliances are used. The occupancy and action detections are done differently for single

and multiple inhabitant houses. The current model already includes an occupancy

detection method, also utilizing electricity consumption of appliances to determine

whether lighting is on or not. This principle is now developed to bring out the actions of

people to provide dynamic information about their heat generation. This information is

also used in the thermal comfort functions. The flow chart on determining the occupancy

and actions of a single person household are presented on appendix A and on multiple

person households on appendix B. The principle used in them is described below.

The detection of sleeping, sedentary activity, seating, and domestic work comes mainly

from time and action of few appliances. When time is between 22 and 8, people are

sleeping. In other times, when vacuum or oven is on, at least one person is doing domestic


work, as these appliances are the ones with which people are needed to be involved with

all the time, unlike with dishwasher or washing machine. Otherwise, when a computer or

TV is on, people are most likely using them, meaning that they are seating. After that, if

any other occupancy requiring appliances from Louis et al. (2016) has power

consumption higher than their stand-by power, people are doing sedentary activities.

Metabolic rates of the actions are described in appendices and the resulting heat gain is

equal to values in Table 13.

5.5.3 Heat gain from solar radiation on transparent materials

The third considered heat gain source in the model is short-wave radiation through

transparent material. The main principle for estimating the solar heat gain, is calculating

heat transfer through the transparent material. This requires calculations of global

irradiances on vertical surfaces facing the four main orientations. These global irradiance

values are achieved by using the solar radiation function from Louis et al. (2016) with

their respective values. The solar heat gain calculation in the model is done in accordance

with the The National Building Code of Finland D5 (2017) by following their calculation

method and using their default values, except for the total solar radiation transmittance

value g, which is calculated by using equation (10).

g = FW × gdirect


Where FW is a non-scattering glazing correction factor, for which 0.9 can be used as a

default value, and gdirect is total solar energy transmittance value on direct solar incident.

(SFS-EN ISO 52016-1 2017) The total solar energy transmittance g values for different

windows can be calculated by utilizing their total solar energy transmittance values. For

this purpose, databases from Ikkunawiki (2018a, 2018b) are used in order to find

corresponding window types to U-values from the legislation. With the selected window

types, the total solar energy transmittance value g is calculated with the equation (10)

with the matching gdirect value from The National Building Code of Finland D5 (2017)

and are added to the Table 14 below.


Table 14. Different glazing types selected from the database and their total solar energy

transmittance values. g value is calculated with equation (10) by taking gdirect values

from The National Building Code of Finland D5 (2017) and matching their U-values to

their legislative limits from Table 7. (RIL 2009, p. 34, Ikkunawiki 2018a, 2018b)

Year Glazing type from


Suitable glazing type

from (Ikkunawiki

2018a, 2018b)

U-values g-values

1978 Three glazes and

two frames

Three glazes and one


1.8 0.9 × 0.7 =


1985 Three glazes and

two frames

Three glazes and one


1.8 0.9 × 0.7 =


2003 Three glazes with

selective layer

and two frames

Three glazes and one


1.3 0.9 × 0.7 =


2007 Three glazes with

selective layer

and two frames

Three glazes and one


1.3 0.9 × 0.7 =


2010 From RIL From RIL 1.1 0.56

2018 From RIL From RIL 1.0 0.56

Low energy


From RIL From RIL 0.8 0.56



From RIL From RIL 0.7 0.46

5.5.4 Solar Shading

Solar irradiation combined with high outdoor temperatures may raise the indoor

temperature during the summer, and thus, an internal solar shading device is applied to

prevent the indoor temperatures from increasing too high. The selected solar shading

device is internal white horizontal venetian blinds, which are operated manually. The

impact of the shade is calculated by utilizing a reduction factor for the blinds, for which

a value of 0.6 is used from the The National Building Code of Finland D5 (2017) and the

total solar energy transmittance value g is then corrected by multiplying it by the

reduction factor. This results in a new total solar energy transmittance value, which is

used when the venetian blinds are used.

The manual operation of the blinds includes determining the occupancy of the residents

and measuring both indoor temperature and global irradiation value. The first requirement

is that there needs to be someone inside the building to turn the blinds on or off. Then,


the blinds are operated to prevent higher indoor temperatures, so they are applied when

the indoor temperature rises over 25 °C. Third clause for the operation is that the amount

of global irradiation to the surface of the window is higher than 0. The blinds are then

turned off once either the indoor temperature drops under 25 °C or the global irradiance

value is 0. This action also requires someone to be occupant in the building to turn them


5.6 Ventilation

Building ventilation can be divided to mechanical and natural ventilations. Mechanical

systems include three sub-categories which are exhaust, supply, and balanced

ventilations. On mechanical exhaust and supply ventilations, only the respective air flow

is forced, while the other flows naturally. On balanced ventilation both supply and exhaust

air flows are controlled at the same time, and they are usually attached to a heat exchanger

or a heat recovery heat pump. The most common residential ventilation types are natural,

mechanical exhaust air and balanced ventilations, out of which balanced ventilation has

heat recovery system. (Concannon 2002)

Common practices in balanced ventilation is assumed to have either an electric ventilation

heating system for the supply air or preheater prior to the heat exchanger and they both

reduce the heating need inside the building. Both balanced and exhaust ventilations use

electricity to run; exhaust ventilation only for the extraction of the exhaust air and

balanced for supplying and extracting air. Natural ventilation does not use electricity nor

have a heat recovery system. It also does not have a good control over the air circulation

in and out of the building, and thus here it is considered to have only fixed air change rate

in the building. As natural ventilation is not considered to provide control over the indoor

air flow, it is not considered in the simulations. The selection of the used technology is

based on the legislative limits given to the building at the time of the construction, which

are presented in section 4.7, so that if building needs a heat recovery system, then it has

a balanced ventilation system. Otherwise building is expected to have mechanical exhaust

air ventilation. A flow chart showing the characteristics of the ventilation systems and the

simulation procedure is presented in Figure 14 below.


Figure 14. Flow chart presenting the ventilation systems included in the model and their


As Figure 14 shows, the electricity consumption differs by the characteristics of the

ventilation system. Now the maximum values for electricity consumption of the air

circulation of the ventilation system are described in Table 15 by the construction year of

the building.


Table 15. The electricity consumption of ventilation system by the type and construction

year or building type. This does not include the electric heating of the supply air. (RIL

2009 p. 34, Ministry of the Environment 2013, Decree of the Ministry of the Environment

on the energy efficiency of a new building 1010/2017 2017)

Type of


Electricity consumption of the ventilation system (kWh/m3/s)





2018 Low Energy Passive



0 0 0 - -



1.5 1.0 0.9 - -



2.5 2.0 1.8 < 2.0 < 1.5

Table 15 shows how the ventilation system’s electricity consumption is dependable on

the ventilation technology and construction year. Newer buildings have lower limits for

the electricity consumption than the older ones, and these values are used in the model

according to the construction year. Low energy and passive house consumptions are equal

to the maximum allowed values and they are only allowed to have mechanical ventilation.

Ventilation flow values may differ with the occupancy and usage of the building to

optimize consumption and good indoor air-quality. The values and clauses for the

ventilation flow are presented in Table 16. These values are used in the simulations for

balanced and mechanical exhaust ventilations.


Table 16. Different settings for the electrically adjustable ventilation according to the

actions or temperature of the building. (RIL 2009, p. 114) Summer time operation is used

when inside temperature rises over 25°C in the building.

Clause Ventilation flow rate (1/h)

Absence/ no occupancy 0.2

Normal operation 0.5

Normal operation during summer 0.7

Increased flow rate while cooking or vacuuming 1.0

Increased flow rate for summer time cooling during

night time


5.6.1 Heat flow and heating calculations

The heat transfer of the ventilation system in general is calculated with the equation (11).

In the equation it is considered that the ventilation system utilizes outdoor air either as

supply air or as replacement air, which needs to be heated to room temperature or to

supply air temperature depending on whether the heating occurs in the room or in the

ventilation system. Heat recovery can recover energy from the warm indoor air, and thus

reduce the heating need, or vice versa cool down the warmer outdoor air before the

supply. Balanced ventilation has a heating system, which heats the air to supply air

temperature from either the outdoor or recovered heat temperature. Heating energy

QVentilation need for the supply air can be calculated with equation (11) below:


= ρa × ca × q

s × (Tinlet + ΔTHU - THr) × tci (11)

Where qs is the supply air flow [m3/s], Tinlet is the inlet air temperature [°C], ΔTHU is the

temperature change in the humidifier [°C], THr is the heat recovery temperature [°C] and

tci is the timestep [h]. This equation is achieved by making assumption that the

recirculation of air is off, making all the supply air come from the heat exchanger, and

that the ventilation system does not have a cooling coil in it. The ventilation heater is

assumed to heat the supply air to the temperature of 18°C, which is the supply air

temperature assumed in the building code. On the other hand, as humidifier is not

considered in the model and the ventilation system efficiency should be in accordance

with the standards, the humidifier temperature change is neglected. Heat recovery


temperature is limited to supply air temperature, and if outdoor temperature is higher than

that, heat recovery system can cool the inlet temperature in the heat exchanger. (Modified

from SFS-EN 16798-5-1 2017, The National Building Code of Finland D5 2017)

Next the heat recovery temperature THr can be calculated by using equation (12) below

THr = Te + QHr

ρa × cpa × f × qs × tci (12)

Where QHr is the amount of energy recovered [Wh] and f is the fraction of outdoor air.

Here the outdoor air fraction is assumed to be 1, as there is no recirculation of air.

(Modified from SFS-EN 16798-5-1 2017)

Using standard SFS-EN 13053 + A1 2011, the temperature efficiency ŋt is calculated with

equation (13) if the ventilation system mass flows are equal and only dry conditions are


ηt =

TSupp - Te

Ti - Te (13)

Where TSupp is the supply air temperature from the heat recovery system [°C], which is

equal to THr. Now, by solving heat recovery temperature from equation (12), combining

it with equation (13) and rearranging terms, a following equation (14) for the energy

recovered from heat recovery QHr [Wh] can be achieved.


= ηt × ρ

a × cpa × q

s × tci × (Ti - Te) (14)

Where ŋt is the temperature efficiency, which is considered to be equal to the annual heat

recovery efficiency. (The National Building Code of Finland D5 2017)

In heat recovery system, the frost prevention needs to be accounted during the winter in

Finland, as outdoor temperatures may be under the frost prevention temperature. The

National Building Code of Finland D5 (2017) considers 5°C as the lowest temperature

from the heat exchanger in residential buildings. Now to maximize the efficiency of the

heat exchanger, there is a preheater added to the inlet of the outdoor air. With the

preheater, the air arriving to the heat exchanger is heated up to the temperature where the

annual efficiency is achieved. The required temperature to the heat exchanger is

calculated by modifying equation (13) to heat exchange efficiency on the exhaust side,


and assigning the outlet air temperature from the heat exchanger to the defrost limit of

5°C. This gives outdoor temperature limit for the preheating, which is calculated by using

equation (11) with the temperature difference of outdoor air and the temperature to the

heat exchanger. Otherwise, the outdoor air is used in the heat exchanger without any

preheating. Low energy and passive buildings are assumed to have rotary heat

exchangers, which have high enough annual heat recovery efficiencies (RIL 2009, p.

113). As rotary heat exchanger uses electricity in its operations, the electricity

consumption used in running the motor is added to the model, with constant power

consumption and motor power of 60 W (HOVAL 2015).

5.7 Forecasting of model variables

The model includes forecasting of some of the input values in the model. These values

include forecasting of the next day’s outdoor temperature, PV generation, and heat

demand. The outdoor temperature forecast is needed for the heat demand estimations, so

that the model can calculate the heat needed in the next day and estimate indoor

temperatures. The forecasted outdoor temperatures are used in underfloor heating

scenarios, as its control requires estimating the heat demand for the next day. Similarly,

it is used in “Cost optimized heating” -scenario, as it needs to calculate the indoor

temperature of every hour of the next day to keep the indoor temperature within the

thermal comfort threshold values. The outdoor temperature forecasting is done artificially

as there is no historical data of the forecasted temperatures freely available. Finnish

Meteorological Institute estimates that their 24 hours forecasts are within 2.5°C from the

measured value 90 % of the time (Hyrkkänen 2014, Finnish Meteorological Institute

2018b). Therefore, artificial weather forecasts are created by assuming they are in a

normal distribution where mean value is the actual measured value for each hour and

standard deviation is 1.5. The vector is created with “normrnd” function in Matlab and

output values are within the 2.5°C limit 90 % of the time.

The second forecasted variable is the forecasted heat demand, where the calculation is

based on the forecasted temperatures and internal and solar heat gains from the The

National Building Code of Finland D5 (2017). As the forecast is for the daily heat

demand, the internal and solar heat gains are fixed values used in the monthly calculation

method. They are sized for an hour and multiplied for a full day to provide an estimation

on the aggregated heat they generate, as the forecasting is done for the full day, and not


for a specific hour. This way the electric underfloor heater can estimate the magnitudes

of the heat gains and prevent overcharging itself. In case of undercharging, an extra heater

is available to provide direct space heating.

PV generation forecasts are also created for charging the underfloor heater with local

generation. This way the management system can estimate what is the approximate

amount of generation that is going to be charged in to the storage during the day. This

prevents underfloor heater from overcharging itself with electricity from the grid if the

charging happens during a time it may expect some local generation. Yet, the system will

charge itself with grid electricity in case there is need for the heat before the time of the

local generation or if the generation levels are lower than expected. The forecast is a

simple simulation result, where the inputs to the system are the information of the PV

system and weather information is from TRY2012 (Jylhä et al. 2012). It calculates an

average generation value for each month with the installed PV system and uses the

average monthly value to estimate what is the magnitude of the generation the system

might expect from the PV panels in the on-going month.

5.8 Thermal comfort

One way to consider the occupants’ satisfaction to the indoor climate is to consider their

thermal comfort indoor. This is added to the model so that the temperature is let to vary

between the thermal comfort limits of the residents. Thermal comfort is measured in the

model by a method called Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) and Predicted percentage

dissatisfied (PPD) presented in standard SFS-EN ISO 7730 (2005). Since the simulation

is handled on hourly-basis it could be assumed that the conditions inside the building have

reached steady-state conditions, and thus the standard can be used. On the other hand, the

standard is chosen because of its suitability to fast computing.

Thermal comfort calculations are utilized twice in the model: firstly, to determine the air

temperature limit values, and secondly to check whether thermal comfort was achieved.

The calculation procedure follows standard SFS-EN ISO 7730 (2005) and the equations

and iterations used in the calculations are presented there. The calculation of the thermal

comfort temperature limit is done between 10 and 30°C and the met-rate comes from the

simulation. The actual indoor and radiative temperatures are then used in determining the

thermal comfort achievement.


People dress out differently by the season, even inside, as the outdoor temperature

changes. This has been found to affect the clothing by Morgan and de Dear (2003), where

the clothing of office workers showed correlation with outdoor temperature when they

were able to wear casual clothes. The mean outdoor temperature from the previous day is

used as a decision parameter for the clothing insulation value. Table 17 provides

temperature ranges and their respective clothing insulation values. Indoor air velocity is

set at 0.20 m/s, which is described as the maximum air velocity in winter for a residential

building from the ventilation by The National Building Code of Finland D2 (2012). The

air velocity value is likely smaller, but due to lack of presented data, the maximum value

is used. Relative humidity inside is constant 50 % all the time, since only dry heat is

considered in the model. For calculating the indoor temperature limits, the radiative and

indoor air temperatures are set to equal, to ensure effective computing and to provide easy

limit values for indoor temperature in the model. This should not provide too large errors

in the estimation, as radiative temperatures will likely follow the pattern of the indoor

temperature and should not differ too much from it. Only exception is underfloor heater

where the floor’s higher surface temperature can impact the radiative temperature, but

due to the consistency of the model, the temperatures are considered as equal on that

scenario as well. The temperature limits come from calculating PMV values with them

and accepting only temperatures that are inside the given PMV limits. In the first phase

the strictest PMV limits (- 0.2 < PMV < 0.2) from the standard are used so that the system

aims at maximizing thermal comfort of the residents. When checking the thermal comfort

values, radiative temperature from the calculations is used and a wider PMV limit (-0.7 <

PMV < 0.7) is used to assess the accepted thermal comfort limits. This generates more

dissatisfied people, but the limit was chosen to prevent the heater from overheating the

building, if temperature limits vary a lot. (SFS-EN ISO 7730 2005) Stricter PMV limits

might require the model to cool itself down after heating and vice versa to meet the limit

values. In the end, an estimation on how many times the operative temperature inside was

able to provide thermal comfort is calculated for the times of occupancy.


Table 17. Clothing insulation values based on season and mean outdoor temperature

from the previous day. Seasonal temperature limits are from (Finnish Meteorological

Institute 2018c)

Season or Action Mean temperature


Clothing insulation

value (m2 °C/W) Reference

Winter < 0 °C 0.155 (1.0 clo) (Ala-Juusela and

Shukuya 2014)

Spring &

Autumn 4

0 – 10 °C 0.8 × 0.155 (0.8 clo) (Stoops 2000)

Summer > 10 °C 0.6 × 0.155 (0.6 clo) (Ala-Juusela and

Shukuya 2014)

Sleeping 5 - 0.96 × 0.155 (0.96 clo) (ASHRAE 2004)

5.9 Photovoltaic generation

Local generation is considered in the scenarios with PV panels, and it can utilize load

shifting on heating power or storage systems. To compare the potential of load shifting

and battery systems, net metering is also added in the model. PV generation is calculated

on hourly-basis by using existing model from Louis et al. (2016) with the inputs described

in Table 18. For the 2050 scenario, two test scenarios are created with the PV capacities

of 6 and 8 kWp. These scenarios are able to generate 6.6 and 9 MWh of electricity with

the TRY2050 solar radiation and created temperature values (Finnish Meteorological

Institute 2012). This is enough to match heat demands of 55 kWh/m2/a and 75 kWh/m2/a

respectively, for the example building used. The input values for them are presented in

Table 18 below. Other input values are the default values of the model. The generation of

electricity with PV panels is considered carbon neutral, as the panel uses solar irradiation

to generate electricity and does not emit CO2 during its operation.

4 The values in Stoops (1999) for Swedish office workers are close to the values for winter and summer

clothing, so the spring and autumn values are taken from there as an average value as an approximation. 5 A sleeping person is considered with its own clothing insulation value.


Table 18. The installed PV peak capacities for the tested scenarios. One panel has a peak

power capacity of 200 Wp (Louis et al. 2016).

Installed PV peak capacity for the scenarios


- 1 kWp (5 panels, all connected in series)

- 2 kWp (10 panels, 2 parallel connected modules, which both have 5 panels

connected in series)

- 4 kWp (20 panels, 2 parallel connected modules, which both have 10 panels

connected in series)


- 6 kWp (30 panels, 3 parallel connected modules, which all have 10 panels

connected in series)

- 8 kWp (40 panels, 4 parallel connected modules, which all have 10 panels

connected in series)

5.10 Battery system

Battery systems are included in scenarios either with PV generation or with charging from

the grid. They are utilized as electricity storages at the times of extra generation from the

PV panels or when there is cheap electricity available from the grid. Battery system in the

model is a Lithium-ion battery, which was found to be the most likely succeeding

residential battery technology in van de Kaa et al. (2018). Tesla Powerwall is an example

of Lithium-ion battery designed for residential use, and thus it was used to provide

technical information for the model (Tesla 2018a). This technical information is presented

in Table 19 below.

Table 19. Technical information of Tesla Powerwall used as an example in the model.

(Tesla 2018a, 2018b)

Technical information

Usable Capacity 13.5 kWh

Depth-of-Discharge 100 %

Efficiency of full cycle 90 %

Maximum input 5 kW

Maximum output 5 kW


With the technical information from the Table 19, State-of-Charge of the battery in

charging and discharging modes can be calculated with the equations (15) and (16) below:

SOCt = η × Input

Battery Capacity+ SOCt-1 (15)

SOCt = SOCt-1-Output

Battery Capacity (16)

Where SOCt and SOCt-1 is the State-of-Charge at times t and t-1 [%], ŋ is the cycle

efficiency, Input is the amount of electricity charged in 1 hour [Wh], Output is the amount

of electricity discharged for 1 hour and Battery capacity is the total usable capacity of the

battery [Wh]. Full cycle efficiency is used as the efficiency of the battery system, and the

battery capacity is equal to usable capacity from Table 19. Maximum input and output

values give the limits on charging and discharging of battery. The operation of the battery

system is then presented on Figure 15 below.


Figure 15. The decision-making tree for the battery system. Charging and discharging are

done separately and only one can applied at a time.

The inputs to the battery are defined in heating power chapter 5.11 in Figures 20 and 21.

The operation of the battery is considered to include charging and discharging cycles as

the battery cannot charge and discharge at the same time. Therefore, it is considered that

battery will be charged every time to at least 80 % SOC and discharged to 30 %, which

is similar to charging cycle constrains used for Li-ion battery in Tran and Khambadkone


(2013). This operation is assumed to give 5000-7000 cycles for Li-ion battery (Rydh and

Sandén 2005). A middle ground value of 6000 cycles for cycle life is used in the

simulations. Wearing down of the battery is not considered in the model currently nor is

adding a battery system considered add emissions itself. The actual emissions from the

utilization of the battery system are only related to the electricity used in its charging.

The battery system related scenarios include different number of batteries, so that the

feasibility and effect of the batteries is studied, and the optimal solution is tried to be

found. The scenarios include having 1, 2 or 3 example batteries in the system for both

local generation and grid-based electricity. Similarly, electricity cost for charging the

battery from the grid is studied with percentile values of 5, 10, 15 and 20 for trying to

find feasible solution and to study the impacts of them.

5.11 Heat production technologies

The following sections describe the electric space heating calculations and rules on

simulations of the heating scenarios. The calculation methods and heater capacity limits

are described first, and then the simulation rules on the scenarios are presented.

5.11.1 Heating Calculations

First, the heat consumption of the building is calculated with equation (17):


= QHS + QHv + QHW - QSHW - QOthers



where QHS, QHV and QHW, describe the heating needs of the different heating components

of space, ventilation, and hot water heating [kWh/a], QSHW and QOthers are hot water

produced with either solar heat or all the other heat generation methods for space,

ventilation or hot water heating [kWh/a] respectively, and ŋgeneration is heat generation

efficiency in the heat production of total heating. The heat generation efficiency ŋgeneration

for direct electric heating is 1.00. (Shemeikka et al. 2011, The National Building Code of

Finland D5 2017)

Now, the amount of space heating QHS can be calculated by using equation (18) described









Where QNHS is the space heating need of the heating system [kWh/a], ŋHS is the total space

heating efficiency of the system, QDL is the distribution loss of the system which cannot

be used in space heating [kWh/a] and QSL is the losses occurring during storage [kWh/a].

The total space heating efficiency considers the losses in the system due to temperature

stratification, heater’s controller, heat distribution and from heat emission, and its annual

value for direct electric heating is 0.95. (The National Building Code of Finland D5 2017)

Distribution and storage losses are neglected for direct electric space heating. This

equation is used for ventilation heating as well, where heating need of the supply air is

first calculated with equation (11) if applicable. The total ventilation heating efficiency

value for direct electric ventilation heating is 1.00 (The National Building Code of

Finland D5 2017).

The heat need of a thermal storage heater can be calculated similarly to any other heating

system using equation (18). Yet, storage heaters are different from direct electric heaters,

as they include charging and discharging of the system, dividing electricity consumption

from the heat dissipation. The charging power of the storage heater is calculated with

equation (19) below:

PSH = QHD 24 + QSL 24

tr (19)

Where PSH is the input rating of the storage heater [W], QHD 24 and QSL 24 are heat demand

of the building and heat losses of the storage for the next 24 hours respectively [Wh] and

tr is the recharge time or the number charging hours of the storage heater [h]. (Oughton

and Hodkinson 2008, p. 163) Heat storage losses are calculated by utilizing the annual

efficiency value of the heater.

The charge of the storage heater is then calculated with an energy balance equation (20)


m × cp × dTs

dt= Q

input- Q

output- Ustorage × Astorage × (Tf - Ts) (20)

Where QInput and QOutput are inputs and outputs from the storage [Wh] and Ts and Tf are

start and final temperatures of the timestep [°C]. (Sarbu and Sebarchievici 2018)


Underfloor heater does not have a separate storage output value as it only emits energy

from the storage, but input value is modified to include the heat losses occurring in the

storage system to differentiate the actual input to the storage and electricity consumption.

Thus, input to the storage is the electricity consumption multiplied by the annual

efficiency of the storage system, for which a value of 0.85 is used for the underfloor heater

(The National Building Code of Finland D5 2017).

5.11.2 Design Heat Power Calculations

The design heating capacity for the direct electric heater and ventilation heater is

calculated in accordance with the The National Building Code of Finland D5 (2017) by

calculating the heating power need in design conditions, which are defined in Table 20.

For the storage heater, the design input value to the system is calculated with equation

(19) by assuming daily heat demand equal to the design conditions for a space heating

scenario. The maximum input capacity is then design input power multiplied by 1.3 to

provide high enough response power to changes (DEVI 2018). The design values for the

heat demand calculations are defined in Table 20 below.

Table 20. Conditions for the design heating power calculations in Oulu, for which the

outside temperature is taken from area III from the Decree of the Ministry of the

Environment on the energy efficiency of a new building (1010/2017). (The National

Building Code of Finland D5 2017)

The design conditions for heating capacity calculation

Outdoor Temperature -32 °C

Ground Temperature 5.4 °C

Indoor Temperature 21 °C

Supply air Temperature 18 °C

Air exchange rate 0.5 1/h

Outlet temperature from heat recovery 5 °C

5.11.3 General Description of the heating model

Heating model is divided into space heating and ventilation. Total heating in the model is

calculated with equation (17) while space heating uses equation (18), ventilation heating

equation (11) and storage heating equation (20) with the losses included in the input. The

calculation heating procedure of space and ventilation heating follow heating power

capacity calculations from The National Building Code of Finland D5 (2017) on


delivering energy by using the heating power for an hour. On Figure 16, a principle

diagram of the heating system and its losses are presented, while different space heating

technologies and operation strategies are described below on Table 21.

Figure 16. Flow chart describing the total electricity consumption and all the different

losses of the electric heating system. Modified from Shemeikka et al. (2011)

Table 21. The different space heating technologies and scenarios available in the model.

Direct electric heating from the grid

• Manually Controlled

• Constant Temperature Setting

• Time Setting Temperatures

• Cost Optimized with RTP

PV using

• PV with load shifting

• PV + battery system

• (Net metering scheme)

Only Battery

• Battery from Grid

Thermal Storages

• Underfloor heating, fixed charging hours

• Underfloor heating, cheapest charging hours

• Underfloor heating, PV charging


There are four main technologies available in the model, differentiating in characteristics.

Direct electric heating from the grid includes only systems that use grid electricity in the

radiator. Their main differences are variations in the times and powers of the heating

schedules. “Manually controlled” -scenario considers only manually adjustable

thermostat, while in “Constant temperature setting” -scenario the heating power matches

with the heat demand and a constant temperature setting indoor. “Time setting

temperatures” -scenario uses a programmable thermostat to create hourly temperature

settings and “Cost optimized” -scenario utilizes optimization mechanisms with forecasted

temperature and real-time price. PV scenarios include local generation with the solar

panels, with or without the electricity storage possibility. Net metering scheme is

considered here as a reference scenario to see the difference in the potential of the other

PV scenarios compared to net metering. The third main technology includes a battery

system which will be charged with the grid-based electricity during cheap prices and used

when the electricity in the storage is cheaper to use than the grid-based electricity. The

final main technology includes the thermal storage as in underfloor heating. Here

underfloor heating includes three different charging scenarios with either fixed or

cheapest hours, or with utilizing the local generation to charge the underfloor heater.

Basically, “fixed charging hours” is conducted by having a programmable thermostat,

while in “cheapest charging hours” charging requires some sort of smart device, which is

applicable of receiving cost information and adjusting the charging accordingly. “PV

charging” on the other hand, needs smart functions and will likely require a HEMS to

operate, as well as to utilize the forecasted data on the estimated PV generation.

In almost all cases, the heating power is used to match the heat demand from equation

(4), with which the system tries to calculate the needed amount of heat and supply it

accordingly. The aim of heating is to provide thermally comfortable conditions inside the

building, and thus temperature limits are considered from estimating thermal comfort. It

is assumed that every hour either residents or controller would shift the temperature

setting of the thermostat to thermally comfortable temperatures according to the actions

and met-rate of the residents inside. Here the temperature limits mean that there is an

acceptable range, in which temperature can float before the resident or controller would

re-adjust the temperature setting.

Heating is limited by the heater’s capacity restrictions as well as high indoor

temperatures. The simulation runs on hourly-basis and it can be assumed that if the system


has temperature measuring devices, the system may measure the actual temperature in

the building within a shorter time-frame and adjust the heating power during that hour.

This function is added to the model by utilizing an “extra heater”, with which the model

can calculate the effect of adjusting the heat supply from the originally estimated. On the

other hand, when indoor temperature is changing according to the temperature setting,

the supply of heating power is calculated by considering the system as a thermal storage,

where the sum of air and building structures is the heat capacity of the storage. Therefore,

equation (21) below is used to calculate the amount of energy needed to increase the

indoor temperature to the wanted one.

Q = m × c × ΔT (21)

Where Q is the amount of energy stored [J], ΔT is the temperature change in the material

[°C], c is specific heat capacity of the medium [J/kgK] and m is the mass of the storage

material [kg]. (Siikanen 2015, p. 58)

The actual operative and indoor temperatures are then calculated by a more precise

method by using a standard SFS-EN ISO 52016-1 (2017). The controller of the thermostat

is assumed to be perfect as it supplies exactly the amount of heat needed and the effect of

the unperfect control is included in the heat losses of the space heating system. With

equation (18) the actual electricity consumption of the space heater is calculated and

added in to equation (17) for the total heating electricity consumption calculation.

Now the direct electric space heating model always contains the described building blocks

making it follow the functions in flow chart on Figure 17 below:


Figure 17. Flow chart presenting the pathway of the model for the direct electric space



5.11.4 Direct Electric Space Heating from Grid-based Electricity

This section includes the four different heating scenarios, which all utilize direct electric

space heating and grid-based electricity. First, “Constant temperature setting” -scenario

always has a constant temperature setting of 21°C, which is used in the calculations in

The National Building Code of Finland D5 (2017). For the “Time setting temperatures”

-scenario, a regular programmable thermostat is used, where the temperature setting is

changing according to the time. Each time slot has their own preset temperatures, and

heat is supplied to keep the indoor temperature in the temperature setup.

Manually controlled heating differentiates from the “Constant temperature setting” and

“Time setting temperature” heaters, as it does not have any temperature measuring

thermostat or device in it and it only uses manual control. The output powers form the

heaters were determined by utilizing examples from K-Rauta (2018) and Clas Ohlson

(2018), which both offer three possible heat outputs for a single heater: 750W, 1250W

and 2000W. Cases having more than a single manually controlled heater, all possible

output combination options are calculated in the model. The simulation is done according

to rule-based actions from the user, which are presented on Figure 18 below. Here the

occupant is considered to have good enough knowledge to set up the heater close to the

heat demand value with the respective outdoor temperature. Also, if indoor temperature

rises over 1°C from the upper thermal comfort temperature limit, the user will shut down

heating until the temperature drops to the thermal comfort limits.


Figure 18. Rule-based actions of the user of the manual heater.

The fourth direct electric space heating scenario is the “Cost optimized” heating, which

creates and utilizes heating schedules. These schedules are optimized with RTP, and it

uses weather forecasts and indoor temperature limits. “Cost optimized” -scenario was

created with a linear programming optimization method from Matlab, so that the heating

pattern is predefined from the output of the optimization result. The aim of the linear

programming tool is to minimize the cost of electricity and the restrictions are set by

default lower and upper indoor temperature limits, which are defined as inputs, and by

the heater capacity. It utilizes equation (21) to calculate the indoor temperature with the

supplied heating power to check if it stays between the temperature limits. The output

from the linear programming optimization tool is a heating load profile for the next 24

hours. After that the system runs the created heating pattern accordingly. Thermal comfort

estimation is done on hourly-basis also in “Cost optimized” heating, and the system will

react similarly than other systems by using the “extra heater” in case the current indoor

temperature does not meet the thermal comfort limits. Adjustments are also needed in


case the forecasted heating need is lower than actual, resulting in dropping the indoor

temperature under the predefined values. In “Cost optimized” -scenario, the system

knows the RTP for the next 24 hours and creates a scenario every midnight for the next


5.11.5 Heating with photovoltaic electricity generation

The second main section in the heating scenarios is for the PV generation of a building.

Here local generation can be in the system either alone or with a battery system providing

electric storage capacity. The reference scenario is to have a PV system without any load

shifting or battery systems and use its generation only when the heating in the constant

heating scenario matches the PV panel generation. The second scenario is to include DSM

mechanisms to shift heating loads to the times when panels are generating electricity. A

flow chart describing the rules of the model is presented in Figure 19. The third option is

to compare battery system as an electricity storage to both reference and load shifting

scenarios. In “PV with battery storage” -scenario, the usage of the local generation is still

prioritized over charging the battery like in the heating load shifting option. Battery

cannot be charged and discharged at the same timestep, and thus it has charging and

discharging modes to prevent too short cycles and waring down of the battery. A flow

chart of the actions of the controller is shown in Figure 20, while the description of the

battery comes later. The final PV generation scenario is for net metering the PV

generation and it is used as a comparison to check the potential of heating load shifting

and battery systems when they are compared to net metering scheme, which is generally

used to promote PV panels. Net metering scheme operates the same way as the battery

system, but net metering does not have any capacity limits on how much it can be

“charged”. Yet, the “charge” is immediately used when there is need for electricity. This

is “free electricity” price-wise.


Figure 19. The rule-based actions for the PV with load shifting DSM method. Aim is to

maximize local generation.


Figure 20. Rule based actions for a PV system with battery. Heating clauses are found in

Figure 17. Shifting heating load is done by matching generation with heating as much as

possible within temperature and capacity limits.

5.11.6 Heating with battery from grid

The third main section utilizes battery system without local generation. Here, the battery

system is charged with cheap grid-based electricity and used when the RTP price for the

grid electricity is higher than electricity in the battery when including the battery costs.

The electricity value in the battery is calculated with equation (22) below:

pb =

pbt-1 × (Battery charge - Input × ηbattery) + pe × Input

Battery charge



Where pb and pbt-1 are electricity values in battery currently and on time t-1 [€cent/kWh]

and pe is the electricity price in the current hour [€cent/kWh]. Thus, the value of electricity

in the battery is firstly calculated for the previous hour, then the value of current input is

added and finally this value is normalized to the current battery charge. Now the price

limit for discharging the battery is defined by equation (23).


= pc +


BC × Dmin + p

p (23)

Where pd and pc are price limits of discharging and charging of batteries [€/kWh], IB is

the investment of cost of the battery [€], BC is number of estimated life cycles, Dmin is the

minimum amount of electricity discharged from the battery in one full cycle [kWh] and

pp is the wanted profit per usage [€/kWh]. The discharge price is attached to the charging

price, so that there is fixed price limit for discharing the battery and to ensure that each

time the battery is used, it will at least cover all the costs of the system. Next the minimum

discharge cycle is calculated with the technical information and operation conditions from

section 5.10. with equation (24):

Dmin = NB × Battery capacity × (SOCupper - SOClower) (24)

Where SOCupper and SOClower are the state-of-charge operation limits of the battery

defined in the section 5.10. and NB is the number of batteries on the system.

The used battery system is the same as in PV generation scenario with the same inputs

and outputs, as well as with the same full cycle efficiency. The charging of the battery is

done when RTP is lower than the nth percentile value from the previous year’s real time

price. Savings here are the amount of money saved when using cheaper electricity from

battery instead of more expensive grid electricity. The rule-based actions are described in

Figure 21.


Figure 21. Rule-based actions in the battery from grid scenario. Charging battery from

the grid with cheap electricity. Heating clauses are defined in Figure 17.

5.11.7 Thermal Storage Heaters

The fourth main section is the utilization of thermal storage heaters. This includes electric

underfloor heater, which is charged with electricity and discharged by dissipating heat.

The input to the storage is calculated with equation (19) and the input is directly applied

to the indoor temperature calculation function, so that all the input is supplied directly to

the first floor-node with electricity value equal to electricity flow per floor area and

considering fully radiative dissipation. The thermal mass of the floor is calculated

separately by having 15 cm deep concrete slab in the floor with specific heat capacity of

840 [J/kgK]. (Siikanen 2015 p. 58, DEVI 2018)

There are three charging scenarios of the underfloor heater: fixed charging hours,

cheapest charging hours, or with PV generation. Using fixed hours means that the system

uses programmable thermostat to always charge itself during the same time in the night,

from midnight to 8 in the morning. “Cheapest charging hours” -scenario then uses the

cheapest hours for the charging. The rule-based actions of these two charging scenarios

are depicted in Figure 22. For PV charging, the aim is to maximize charging of the thermal


storage with local generation as much as possible. The rule-based actions for the PV

generation charging are described in Figure 23. Here the heat demand estimation from

the forecast is used to estimate the amount of heat that needs to be stored to the system,

and PV generation forecast is used to estimate the amount of local generation, so that the

amount of electricity taken from the grid can be calculated. Input here is more variable

than in the others, due to the characteristics of solar radiation. It is mainly equal to the

local generation, as its usage is emphasized much as possible.

Figure 22. Charging underfloor heater. For fixed hours, the hours are predefined and

checking of cheaper hours is not included. For cheapest hours, the hours may be

predefined for the next day if RTP is known, or the controller may adjust the heating

hours every hour, if pricing is more dynamic.


Figure 23. Decision-making tree for PV charging of underfloor heater. Yesterday’s mean

temperature clause is used to prevent overheating and is modified from the Heating

Degree Days concept (Finnish Meteorological Institute 2018d) with the assumption that

here heat gains are able to keep the building warm without the need of extra heating when

outdoor temperature is over 15°C.

5.12 Operative Temperature

The main objective of heating is to provide thermal comfort to the people living inside

the building. As radiative and indoor temperatures are one of the main thermal comfort


parameters, they need to be calculated in the model. The temperature calculation is based

on SFS-EN ISO 52016-1 (2017) standard, which provides a dynamic hourly inside

calculation method. The standard uses “thermal network” -model which divides opaque

building structures into 4 layers and 5 nodes for opaque building structures, and into 1

layer and 2 nodes for windows and doors. It calculates the temperatures of each of the

nodes and inside the building with internal and solar heat gains and delivered heater

power. The default values from the standard are used in the model to calculate the surface

temperatures, which are required for the calculation of radiative temperature, and for the

calculation of the indoor temperature. Some of the methods used in the standard require

calculations and values from other standards, and they are done accordingly. Only

assumption is the calculation of the heat transfer for the virtual ground layer, which is

calculated with 2018 legislation values, and the transfer value is same for all buildings.

Hence, the change in overall transmittance value Ufloor for the floor against ground is

considered to come from the changes in the thermal resistance value of the floor. The heat

mass in the calculations is concentrated in the internal side.

5.13 Feasibility Test

One part of the research is to estimate the economic feasibility of the suggested scenarios.

For this reason, a simple payback time calculation is used to estimate how long would it

take to pay back the investment. Similarly, the model includes simplified calculation for

the payback time of PV panels and battery systems based on their expected investment

costs, but not taking operation and maintenance costs into account. The calculation

follows the equation (25) presented below.

Payback time = Investment costs

Savings and gains (25)

where payback time is presented in years, investment costs as [€] (or €/kW(h) of installed

capacity), and savings and gains are [€/year]. The savings calculations depend on the

utilized technology. For PV panels and batteries, the savings are considered as costs that

would have had to be paid unless of the local generation or storage, and for DSM

technologies, the savings are mirrored to the reference scenario with either constant

temperature thermostat, or manual heating. Gains are then calculated by the sold

electricity to the grid, which is considered as the real-time price. Table 22 below shows

the investment costs for PV panels, batteries and for an example HEMS system.


Table 22. Investment costs for PV panels, Battery system and for HEMS for managing

electric heating for direct and underfloor heating.

Cost of investment Reference

PV panels (< 10 kWp) 1300 - 2000 €/kWp (Auvinen and Jalas


Battery system (Tesla


650 – 800 €/kWh (Tesla 2018a)

HEMS for electric heating


1450 € + monthly fee

(minimum amount of rooms)

(OptiWatti 2018)

5.14 Selected Simulation Scenarios

The simulations scenarios are aimed to bring information of the current and future status

and the potential of DSM technologies in different heating schemes, under different

technologies included in the house and by the characteristics of the house. The model will

bring information on the costs, CO2 emissions and thermal comfort on the building for

each of the scenario and calculates feasibility of systems having at least one of the

following: PV panels, battery system or HEMS for direct electric heating. Temperature,

solar radiation, emissions, electricity price and future buildings are defined on their

respective sectors for today and 2050. Table 23 below shows the selected simulation

scenarios and the associated results are presented in Section 6.


Table 23. Tested simulation scenarios are presented here. Thermal insulation and mass

changes are tested in each of the scenarios to test if there is a different optimal solution.



insulation and


- The selected buildings are by the construction year of 1985,

2003 and 2018, and low energy and passive houses.

- Buildings have medium heavy thermal mass by default

Change in heating

schemes for direct

electric heating

- Manual heating and constant heating of 21 °C are

considered as reference cases.

- Time set temperatures are 19 °C for night (22-8) and 21 °C

for day (8-22).

- Cost optimized RTP scenario

Potential of DSM

with PV


- Four PV scenarios: only PV, PV with load shifting, PV with

battery system, and PV with underfloor heating.

- Three PV sizes: 1 kWp, 2 kWp and 4 kWp. All are tested

with each of the scenarios.

- Scenarios are compared to net metering scenario

Potential of


- Number of batteries is either 1, 2 or 3.

- Potential of battery system in reducing electricity costs and

emissions with RTP scheme

- Changes in the charging price limit

Potential of

Thermal Storage

- Underfloor and convective storage heaters are tested

- Underfloor heating is compared in three different charging

scenarios: fixed, cheapest and PV


Change in

building types

- The change in building type is simulated. Insulation in

buildings in 2050 are 2018 value, low energy, and passive


- Zero energy buildings are simulated with low energy

building insulation and 8 kWp PV system, and with passive

house insulation and 6 kWp PV system.

- Net zero energy building is simulated with passive house

insulation and with 8 kWp PV system

Change in climate - Three temperature change scenarios: B1, A1B and A2

- Solar radiation from TRY2050

Change in energy


- Two energy system options are tested: Growth and Save

- Testing of whether future energy system has different

solutions from single house’s point-of-view



This section presents the annual results from the simulation. Firstly, the results from the

today scenario are presented by the technologies to conclude their costs, CO2 emissions

and thermal comfort achievement. After that, their feasibility test is conducted to see the

differences of the optimal solutions and their economic feasibility. The same procedure

is then presented for the 2050 scenario with only difference being the inclusion of ZEB

and NZEB.

6.1 Today scenario

First the results from the today scenario are presented. The results follow the technology

scenarios by starting with the reference scenario. Then results from the “Direct electric

space heating from the grid” -scenario are presented that is followed by PV electric space

heating scenarios. After that, the “Battery from the grid” -scenario results are provided,

and then underfloor storage heating is studied. The today results are then concluded with

overall results and economic feasibility test.

6.1.1 Reference scenario

Reference scenarios are “Constant temperature setting” with 21°C temperature setting

indoor and manually controlled heaters. The reference results are presented on Table 24.


Table 24. Results from the reference scenario simulations.

1985 2003 2018 Low

Energy Passive


Total Costs (€) 1830 1600 1050 700 560

Total CO2 emissions


2291 1994 1325 803 640

Thermal Comfort

achievement (%)

22.7 24.3 35.3 40.1 40.5

Total Heating Energy


18.4 15.7 10.3 6.0 4.8

Average indoor

temperature (°C)

21.1 21.1 21.1 21.4 21.4


Total Costs (€) 2580 2000 1450 1020 890

Total CO2 emissions


3040 2330 1690 1110 960

Thermal Comfort

achievement (%)

77.9 64.4 68.6 69.8 69.2

Total Heating Energy


26.1 19.6 14.4 9.6 8.3

Average indoor

temperature (°C)

24.9 23.4 24.2 24.6 24.7

The reference scenario results confirm the impact of thermal insulation as newer buildings

have lower heating energy consumption and thus, lower costs and emissions. Low energy

building meets its definition limit as it has an average heat demand of 50 kWh/m2 a year,

while passive building’s heat demand is slightly higher than in the RIL (2009, pp. 12 &

28) definition at 40 kWh/m2 a year. Therefore, this building would still belong in the low

energy building class. The impacts on thermal comfort likely come from the variations in

the indoor temperature, as more insulated buildings have higher indoor temperatures in

the summer. The manual heaters on the other hand, consume from 25 to 73 % more

energy, but generate 29-55 %-points higher thermal comfort achievement values as they

have higher indoor temperatures. The highest thermal comfort achievement value in the

lowest insulated building is due to the highest indoor temperature achieved.


6.1.2 Heating from the grid

The results for electricity grid-based heating technologies show that manual heating

delivers 25-73 % more heating power, which results in increase in all the variables. “Time

setting temperature” -scenario reduces average indoor temperature by 14-20 % from

“Manually controlled” and 1-3 % from “Constant temperature setting” -scenarios, and

thermal comfort by 2-11 and 34-58 %-points, respectively. At the same time, “Time

setting temperature” has basically the same CO2 emissions and total costs than constant

heating. The “Cost optimized” -scenario has 1-15 % higher costs and 2-17 % higher CO2

emissions than “Constant temperature setting” and “Time setting temperature” -scenarios.

This relates to higher heating energy delivery and indoor temperature, resulting in 12-51

%-points higher thermal comfort rate. Overall, the biggest absolute influence of the cost

optimization on all parameters was detected with the least insulated buildings. Comparing

the “Cost optimized” -scenario to manually controlled heating, thermal comfort is

reduced by only 7-17 %-points while costs and CO2 emissions are reduced by 18-55 %

and 11-47 % respectively. The impacts compared to manually controlled heating are

higher in more insulated buildings. Also, average indoor temperature in “Cost optimized”

-scenario are lower with more insulated buildings, which would suggest that with better

thermal insulation the optimization is closer to the given lower temperature limit. The

simulation results are presented on Figure 24.

Figure 24. The results from the “direct electric space heating from the grid” -scenarios.


6.1.3 PV panels

The generation from the PV panels depends on the size of the panels and the level of the

solar irradiance. Generally, the simulation results show that the self-consumption rate is

higher with smaller panel powers, and with less production. The mismatch between the

heat demand and the PV production is visible from the decreasing self-consumption rate

during summer months, when the production increases. This means that a large share of

PV power cannot be used only in heating. The PV production from the panels and the

monthly self-consumption rate of 2018 building with heating load shifting is depicted on

Figure 25.

Figure 25. The monthly self-consumption rate and PV electricity generation with different

panel powers in 2018 building.

The electricity costs in the load shifting scenarios with local generation are 2-14 % higher

than in “Cost optimized” -scenario, 9-31 % lower than in manually controlled heating and

4-18 % higher than in constant 21°C temperature setting. This is partially due to the

applied rules, which increase the indoor temperature higher than in “Constant temperature


setting” -scenario even without PV generation. Utilizing local generation with battery

system, the electricity costs are closer to the constant 21°C temperature setting, as with 1

kWp panel capacity the costs increase from 4-16 %, with 2 kWp capacity the cost are 1-

11 % higher and with 4 kWp capacity the costs are 5 % higher in 1985 building but

decrease 4-5 % in other building types when compared to constant temperature setting.

PV generation with battery system then decreases the costs by 14-39 % when compared

to manually controlled heating. It seems that costs reduce when the PV power increases,

and the costs could be reduced 4-19 % more by using a battery system instead of just load

shifting. The reductions to CO2 emissions seem to be linear; when the panel power is

higher, the CO2 emissions decrease more. The decrease in CO2 emissions in battery

systems is 4-20 % from the load shifting scenario. Conversely, the battery system has 2-

8 %-points lower thermal comfort achievement rate than the load shifting scenario. The

highest thermal comfort values are achieved with the least insulated building type and

with load shifting, higher indoor temperatures are achieved. Also, utilizing battery

system, the self-consumption rate can be increased by 12-26 %-points when compared to

load shifting. Similarly, more insulated buildings have smaller potential in using the PV

generation to direct electric space heating. Yet, the self-consumption change does not

seem to impact the costs and CO2 emissions much, and it even reduces the thermal

comfort sensation. Part of this may be caused by emphasizing similar load shifting

principle both scenarios. The self-consumption seems to decrease together with heat

demand, and therefore, the higher demand relates to higher utilization. Battery systems

can utilize more the local generation than just load shifting in all house types due to its

ability to storage electricity. Also, increasing the number of batteries in the system has

basically no impact to any direction. Therefore, the PV capacity is more impactful on the

results. The results from the PV scenarios are presented on Figure 26.


Figure 26. The comparison of PV load shifting and battery system scenarios.

6.1.4 Battery from grid

In general, the costs from the “Battery from the grid” -scenario are close to the PV

scenarios with the changes in costs from 14 % reduction to 18 % increase, whereas CO2

emissions are in between an increase of 19 % and decrease of 18 %. The passive buildings

have the least positive results from the “Battery from grid” -scenarios, whereas the 1985

building type can benefit more. Thermal comfort achievement levels are then 6-20 %-

points lower than in the PV generation scenarios with the biggest differences from poorly

insulated buildings. Equivalent results are achieved by comparing “Battery from grid”

and “Cost optimized” -scenarios; the changes in costs are in the range of increase by 8 to

decrease by 15 %. The costs are increased in passive building type and decreased in 1985

building type, and with the rest, the results are in between of the two depending on the

technology and charging rule. Comparing thermal comfort achievement to “Cost

optimized” -scenario thermal comfort values range from 10 %-points higher to 6 %-points

lower values, with the lower values coming from 2018, low energy and passive building

types. Between the scenario itself, the highest impact seems to be related to the charging

rule, as higher charging limit reduces costs and direct CO2 emissions by 4-11 %. The

thermal comfort achievement is more stable, and results are not as clear, with some

building types the higher percentile for charging limit increases the thermal sensation


within a year while in some buildings it does not impact or might even reduce it. As

heating energy delivered and indoor temperatures do not change within the scenarios all

the impacts found here are related to the charging and discharging of the battery. The

results are presented below on Figure 27 by the number and charging rule of the batteries.

Figure 27. The comparisons of battery from grid technologies by the different amount of

batteries and their charging rule.

6.1.5 Underfloor heating

With underfloor heating, “Set Time” -scenario has the highest costs, CO2 emissions,

thermal comfort, and total electricity used. With “Set Time” -scenario the thermal comfort

achievement rate is 2-8 %-points higher than with the second highest value. In the

“Cheapest charging hours” -scenario, the costs are 8 and 1 % less than in “Cost

optimized” -scenario in 1985 and 2003 building types respectively, whereas the rest had

1 to 10 % higher costs than in “Cost optimized” -scenario. With 1985, 2003 and 2018

buildings the cheapest charging hours decreased the CO2 emissions by 1-13 % from “Cost

optimized” -scenario, while in low and passive buildings CO2 emissions were increased

by 1 and 10 %, respectively. Thermal comfort achievement was 6-16 %-points higher in

“Cheapest charging hours” -scenario than in “Cost optimized” -scenario with increase of

difference with the increase of insulation in the building. Utilizing PV generation in

underfloor heating decreases the annual costs by 38-80 % from “Set Time” -scenario and

by 17-40 % from the “Cheapest charging hours” -scenario, and CO2 emissions by 62-127

% and 33-74 %, respectively. These are partially related to the lower electricity


consumption and average indoor temperature. Yet, “PV charging” -scenarios have higher

indoor temperatures than “Constant temperature setting” and “Time setting temperature”

-scenarios, even though underfloor heating with PV charging has 8-31 % lower costs and

25-69 % lower direct CO2 emissions than “Constant temperature setting” -scenario.

Thermal comfort achievement is affected by the lower indoor temperature when

compared to other underfloor heating scenarios. The results from the underfloor heating

scenario are presented below on Figure 28.

Figure 28. Comparison of the different charging methods in underfloor heating.

6.1.6 Overall

Generally, the impact on the absolute values between the scenarios is higher with less

insulated buildings. This means that less insulated buildings have more potential in

reducing electricity costs and CO2 emissions by utilizing DSM methods like load shifting.

This finding is in line with the results from Ippolito et al. (2014) who discovered that the

impact of building automation is higher to buildings with higher energy consumption.

Yet, the biggest impact comes from increasing the energy efficiency of the building by

improving its insulation level. By renovating the least insulated building to passive

building level, costs are reduced on average by 235 % and CO2 emissions by 263 %.


Some of the differences between the scenarios are also related to the applied rules; time

and constant temperature sets are operated on lower temperature limits which clearly

decreases the costs and CO2 emissions as they use less energy, while in “Cost optimized”

-scenario the costs are higher due to the higher energy delivery. PV generation with load

shifting creates 2-14 % higher costs and 2-16 % higher CO2 emissions than PV generation

with battery systems, but load shifting creates 2-8 %-points higher thermal comfort

achievement. In “Battery from the grid” -scenario the costs and CO2 emissions are around

the scenarios with PV generation while the charging of the battery decreases the thermal

comfort indoors. This may be related to the charging rule, as the system first emphasizes

the battery charging and only heats up the building after that. Underfloor heaters charged

with grid electricity can deliver good thermal comfort, but suffer from lower heating

efficiency, even though charging with the cheapest hours has costs close to the “Cost

optimized” -scenario. Charging underfloor heater with local generation on the other hand

decreases costs and CO2 emissions, but is not able to provide equal thermal comfort than

charging with grid-based electricity.

The optimization of the electric space heating is estimated by ranking all the scenarios by

the three categories: total costs, CO2 emissions and thermal comfort. Then an overall rank

is given to all scenarios by the average value of the three and by assuming that the smaller

the number, the better it is. The three lowest number technologies are described under on

Table 25.


Table 25. Ranking of the technologies by the average rank from the cost, CO2 emissions

and thermal comfort parameters.


Rank 1985 2003 2018 Low Energy Passive

1st Underfloor

heating with

PV charging


heating with

PV charging


heating with

PV charging


heating with





with PV


2nd Battery from

grid with 3

batteries and




PV 2 and 4

kWp with

battery system

PV 2 and 4

kWp with



PV 2 and 4

kWp with



PV 2 and

4 kWp




3rd Cheapest




Battery from

grid with 3

batteries and

20th percentile


Battery from

grid with 3

batteries and

20th percentile



from grid

with 3 and 2


and 20th




The ranking of technologies shows the high potential of utilizing PV charging with

underfloor heating as it was ranked first in every building type. Similarly, local generation

combined with battery system, as well as, battery from the grid show potential in electric

space heating. Therefore, storing the local generation shows more potential than load

shifting in heating systems. Yet, as the ranking system does not consider the magnitudes

of the differences between technologies it may be biased towards a technology that has a

good rank in two categories with small difference, and a worse rank in the third with

larger difference to the others. Still, this is considered to provide a good estimate on the

potential of the technologies as they need to be good in several categories to do well.

6.1.7 Feasibility test

Another important parameter in comparing the technologies, is their economic feasibility

analysis, as it is possible that an otherwise optimal solution might not be profitable on

present prices. Currently, there does not seem to be any economically viable option for

battery systems. This is in line with the findings of McKenna et al. (2013), Uddin et al.

(2017) and Cerino Abdin and Noussan (2018) that current PV system combined with

batteries in residential sector are not economically feasible. The lowest payback times


were achieved with local generation on poorly insulated buildings, and the payback time

seemed to increase with the higher insulation level of the building. However, load shifting

can slightly decrease the payback time on more insulated buildings. Conversely, the

number of panels does not seem to have high impact on the payback, which is likely

caused by the sale of electricity to the grid. The lower payback times with load shifting

than with battery systems complies with the findings of O’Shaughnessy et al. (2018).

Underfloor heating with PV generation charging has the shortest payback time out of the

tested scenarios. These are almost comparable to net metering payback times on poorly

insulated buildings. The results on the payback times of PV panels and batteries are

presented on Figure 29.

Figure 29. The payback year estimations from the simulations.

The second economic feasibility analysis is related to the HEMS and its usage. HEMS is

likely used in “Cost optimized”, “PV load shifting”, “PV battery”, “Battery from the grid”

and “Underfloor heating” -scenarios to control their consumption and charging. Their

payback times are presented below on Table 26. Calculation of the payback time of “Cost

optimized” -scenario is done against manually controlled heater, while in reality the

system might require also other changes to utilize HEMS.


Table 26. The total payback time of different technologies requiring HEMS by savings

from the simulation. PV systems are 1 kWp and only one battery is considered. Battery

from grid uses 20th percentile charging rule.

Technology Payback time [years]

Cost Optimized 3 – 4.7

PV load shifting 31.7 – 44.1

PV battery system 140 – 192

Battery from grid 800 – 1240

Cheapest charging underfloor 2.5 - 13.3

PV charging underfloor 30.8 - 40

Now it seems evident that only electricity from grid technologies are feasible in their

current investment costs. The total payback time in load shifting PV systems almost

doubles even without considering the possible monthly fees for HEMS system and O&M

costs for the PV panels. Battery systems are unfeasible at their current costs and will not

likely ever return the investment back due to shorter lifetimes.

6.2 2050 Scenario

Here the 2050 scenario results are presented by first starting with the different scenarios

and by checking how they are related to each other. Then results from the technology

simulations are presented and they are followed by looking into the ZEB and NZEB

buildings. Finally, overall results and feasibility test conclude the 2050 scenario results.

6.2.1 Effects of the scenarios

The simulations were run on 3 different climate scenarios all resulting a different increase

in average temperature by 2050. The impact of the temperature on the results is shown in

Figure 30 below where the results from the simulation scenarios are scatter plotted against

the results of the same technology on different temperature scenario.


Figure 30. The relations of the temperature scenarios on the costs, CO2 emissions and

thermal comfort of different technologies in 2050.


There seems to be clear relation with all temperature scenarios to each other on the costs,

CO2 emissions and thermal comfort achievement. Therefore, it can be concluded that the

temperature scenario in the future does not impact the DSM potential of different

technologies against each other. Yet, all the climate scenarios decrease the heat demand

from today’s values. The A1B scenario decreases heat demand the most by 4-12 %, and

B1 the least by 1-8 %. Furthermore, heat demand is decreased more in the highly insulated

buildings. Comparing these values to Jylhä et al. (2015) where the change in space heating

and ventilation need was -15-18 %, it seems that the impact found here is smaller than in

earlier research. This may be caused by a higher reference year temperature, which

reduces the change in heat demand. The impact of the temperature scenarios on heating

energy is shown on Table 27 below.

Table 27. The effect of the temperature scenario on the heating energy delivery when

compared to 2016 scenario.

Comparison 2018 Building Low Energy Passive building

B1 Constant


-2.6 % -3.6 % -3.9 %

B1 other scenarios -0.8 – 5.8 % -1.6 – 7.4 % -1.6 – 7.7 %

A1B Constant


-6 % -7.6 % -8.5 %

A1B other


-4.0 – 9.4 % -3.8 – 11.2 % -4.9 – 11.8 %

A2 Constant


-5.7 % -7.3 % -8.2 %

A2 other scenarios -3.5 – 9.0 % -3.8 – 10.9 % -4.5 – 11.4 %

Next, the results from the two energy scenarios are compared on Figure 31 below.


Figure 31. The comparison of energy system scenarios on the results of the DSM

technologies in A1B temperature scenario.

Similarly, to the temperature scenarios, differences in the energy systems do not seem to

impact the DSM potential of the technologies when they are compared against each other.

Therefore, testing a single scenario should give relative results to other scenarios as well.

The effect of the energy scenario to the results is presented below on Table 28. The results

indicate that electricity costs would increase by 37-128 %, and direct CO2 emissions

decrease by 95-98 %. The energy scenario does not seem to impact the environmental

parameter, but costs are higher in Save than Growth scenario.

Table 28. The changes in electricity costs and CO2 emissions from today to 2050 by the

building types and energy scenarios.

2018 Low Energy Passive

Growth Cost


63 – 110 % 40 – 86 % 37 – 84 %

Growth CO2

emission changes

-95-98 % -95-98 % -95-98 %

Save Cost changes 75 – 128 % 54 – 99 % 50 – 97 %

Save CO2 emission


-94-98 % -95-98 % -95-98 %


6.2.2 Technology comparison

A technology comparison is conducted to test out the potential of the DSM technologies

in 2050. The simulation results here are from “Growth” and “A1B” -scenarios and are

expected to show representative results for all the scenarios. Generally, the trendline of

the future scenarios show that electricity prices are higher and direct CO2 emissions are

lower than today. Yet, the energy system related direct CO2 emissions show that the

energy system has not been fully decarbonized in the scenario. However, similar pattern

than in today’s scenario is visible; the “Constant temperature setting” and “Time setting

temperature” -scenarios have smaller costs and CO2 emissions, but are unable to provide

thermal comfort. Results from “Cost optimal” -scenario show 8-13 % higher costs and 2-

6 % higher direct CO2 emissions than “Constant temperature setting” -scenario, but “Cost

optimized” -scenario has 8-28 %-points higher thermal comfort achievement rate.

Manually controlled heating provides the most thermal comfort, but it also has the highest

costs and CO2 emissions. Like today, the insulation level has high impact on electricity

costs and CO2 emissions; passive building has 63-100 % lower costs and 80-114 % lower

CO2 emissions than 2018 building type. The results from the grid electricity-based heating

technologies are compared on Figure 32.

Figure 32. The comparison of electricity from the grid technologies in 2050.


Next the different “PV generation” -scenarios are compared on Figure 33. The

comparison is done on 1 kWp capacity as the impact of the capacity is studied separately

on ZEB and NZEB results. The biggest differences between the results come from the

thermal comfort achievement rate, as load shifting and battery system can achieve 21-26

and 17-24 %-points higher thermal comfort rates than heating with a constant temperature

setting, respectively. Similarly, load shifting, and battery system can create 6-13 %-points

higher thermal comfort than “Cost optimized” heating, while PV with load shifting and 1

kWp panel has 0-8 % higher costs and 2-8 % higher CO2 emissions than “Cost optimized”

-scenario. PV with battery system can decrease the costs by 2-5 % and direct CO2

emission by 1-4 % when compared to the “Cost optimized” -scenario. Therefore, it seems

that load shifting, and battery system have higher potential than cost optimized heating in

2050. The lower costs and CO2 emissions in constant temperature setting relate to lower

total heating and simulation rules.

Figure 33. The comparison of different PV technologies.

The third main simulation technology is “Battery from grid” -scenario, which results are

presented on Figure 34. The results are for the most promising scenario from 2016

simulation, considering charging rule of 20th percentile. The results indicate that the

number of batteries in use has no impact on the results in 2050. Generally, the costs in

the scenario are 1-13 % higher than in PV scenarios, and direct CO2 emissions increase


1-13 %. Thermal comfort on the other hand is 4-8 %-points lower than in PV and “Cost

optimized” -scenarios, which shows comparable results than the 2016 scenario. Thus, the

“Battery from the grid” -scenario is less potential than PV generation scenarios.

Figure 34. Comparison of battery only technology with different number of batteries and

20th percentile rule.

The fourth main technology is the underfloor heating with several charging options and

their results are presented on Figure 35. The underfloor heater shows similar patterns in

2050 scenarios than in 2016; “PV charging” -scenarios are the cheapest and generate the

least CO2 emissions. Yet, they do not generate as much thermal comfort as “Set times”

or “Cheapest charging hours”, which both have higher costs than other scenarios except

of manually controlled heating. Similarly increasing the local generation capacity reduces

costs and CO2 emissions, but their impact is less than improving the insulation of the



Figure 35. Underfloor heating comparison.

6.2.3 Zero and net zero building

ZEB and NZEB are included in the 2050 scenario as specific house types. The annual

generation amounts were estimated with 2016 heat demand for low energy and passive

buildings so that their heat demands, and annual PV generation would be equal or that

there would be more PV generation than what the building’s heat demand is. The results

from the simulations for ZEB and NZEB are presented on Figure 36. ZEB with 6 kWp

capacity and NZEB are simulated with passive energy building insulation, while ZEB

with 8 kWp capacity is simulated with low energy building characteristics. There is a

slight mismatch with the annual generations and heat demands as ZEBs generate 2.2-3.4

MWh more electricity than what their heat demands are. In the results there does not seem

to be any differences on the same insulation level buildings in any parameters; only a

slight increase in self-consumption with lower PV capacity. The technology used on the

other hand, has more influence on the results, as utilizing either electrical or thermal

storage, costs and CO2 emissions can be reduced from the load shifting scenario. The only

difference in thermal comfort achievement rate comes from “Constant temperature

setting” -scenario, to which PV panels are added. The storage scenarios also increase the

self-consumption rate of technologies.


Figure 36. The ZEB and NZEB comparisons by the technology.

6.2.4 Overall

Generally, the 2050 scenario results follow the same pattern as today’s scenarios; same

technologies provide the same benefits and have the same downsides. Big differences

come from the higher electricity costs and lower CO2 emissions from the new energy

system. Temperature rise decreases the heat demand of buildings, but it is not enough to

compensate the increase in electricity costs. The results show that underfloor heating with

PV electricity supply shows good potential like today, whereas it has lower thermal

comfort achievement rate than other technologies. PV load shifting, manually controlled

heating and grid electricity with underfloor heating provide the highest thermal comfort

rates but are closely followed by PV with battery system and “Cost optimized” heating.

The lowest costs are associated with lower heat delivery, except for “Cost optimized”

heating, which has almost as low costs as “Constant temperature setting” and “Time

setting temperature” -scenarios. CO2 emissions are low in “PV generation”, “Constant

temperature setting” and “Time setting temperature” -scenarios and in “Cost optimized”

heating. Still, the biggest impact comes from increasing energy efficiency of the system,

e.g. improving the insulation of the building. The ranking of the technologies by the

average rank from the parameters is presented in Table 29 below.


Table 29. The overall ranks of the technologies by the average rank of costs, CO2

emissions and thermal comfort.

Overall Rank 2018 Low Energy Passive

1st PV 8, 6 and 4 kWp

with battery system

Underfloor heating

with PV charging

PV with battery


2nd Underfloor heating

with PV charging

PV with battery


Underfloor heating

with PV charging

3rd PV load shifting PV with load


PV load shifting

The results from Table 29 show that PV systems are potential in electric space heating in

the future. The high electricity price level reduces the potential of electricity from grid

technologies as they have higher costs than local generation. Furthermore, the sale of

electricity to the grid seems more profitable in the future with higher electricity price

levels and this likely increases the potential of the PV systems. As the 2050 price includes

todays distribution costs and taxes, the electricity market price has higher impact than

today’s total electricity price and may influence the result.

6.2.5 Feasibility test

The feasibility of the solutions in 2050 are tested to consider the usability of the

technologies. The feasibility test is conducted with the investment cost estimations from

2016, so that the direction of the economic feasibility of the technologies can be assessed.

The results from PV and battery system payback time calculations are presented on Figure

37. All scenarios having only PV systems seem to become more economically feasible in

the future as the payback times reduce from the range of 17-25 years to 7-12 years. This

can practically cut the payback time by half and would make the PV only systems more

attractive. The PV combined with battery systems also have lower payback times than

today, but they can still be considered economically unfeasible. Yet, the payback time

decreases as the panel capacity increases, which would indicate that the batteries are

economically more suitable on those scenarios. The lowest payback time of PV combined

with battery system is achieved with 8 kWp panel and 1 battery with 19 years of payback

time. Comparing the payback time of PV net metering to PV with load shifting, the

payback time for low capacities is still lower in PV net metering but becomes higher when

the panel capacity increases. This would indicate that the stored electricity in the meter

cannot be used fast enough to gain more economic benefits, and likely a sale price should


be added to PV net metering in case the total generation cannot be utilized. The battery

from grid system on the other hand, seems to have extremely high payback times, which

is likely related to the created electricity price scenario, which would not have enough

volatility for the battery system’s proper operation. This means that the battery system

does not charge and discharge itself properly as the results from the scenario indicate that

there was only 1 full cycle during the year, which generated a profit of less than 1 €.

Figure 37. The feasibility test of 2050 technologies in today’s prices.

Finally, the impact of the HEMS on the payback times is presented on Table 30 below.

The payback times are calculated for 1 kWp PV capacity and for 1 battery. Battery from

grid is neglected by its high payback time even without HEMS.


Table 30. The total payback times of technologies including HEMS.

Technology Payback time [years]

Cost Optimized 2.4 – 3.2

PV load shifting 17 – 19

PV battery system 77.5 – 147

Cheapest charging underfloor 3.7 – 11.1

PV charging underfloor 16 – 17.4

Now the payback times for just load shifting are all under 20 years. The electricity from

the grid technologies seem more economically viable than systems including PV panels.

This is caused by higher investments related to PV panels, whereas load shifting with

grid-based technology only includes the HEMS. Yet, as these payback times are

calculated with 2016 costs, the changes in the costs of the system affect the feasibility of

the technology. Still, this shows a direction of the future feasibility of the technologies,

making them likely more feasible in 2050 than today.



To test out the different DSM methodologies, a thermal model was created basing it

partially on energy method from The National Building Code of Finland D5 (2017),

which is used in monthly calculation methods, but can be applied to dynamic calculations

with dynamic approach. The model also includes another dynamic calculation method for

estimating hourly indoor temperatures with SFS-EN ISO 52016-1 (2017), which takes

more phenomena into account. Thus, the used models do not both consider the same

parameters, which may cause some discrepancies on the simulations. Similarly, some

simplifications have been made in the creation of the model that may influence the

dynamic behavior on hourly-basis. The created electric space heating model also includes

simplifications like perfect thermostat and hence the results may be more ideal than in

reality. Dead band in the thermostat setting is not considered even though it exists and

can impact all the parameters neglecting some of the consumption variation. Furthermore,

thermal comfort is measured using PMV method with the mean vote limits. This means

that the thermal comfort achievement may not be a thermally comfortable climate to

everyone. Also neglecting thermal discomfort from the surfaces impacts results,

especially with heat delivery from underfloor heater. Similarly, it may give higher thermal

comfort achievement values from the radiative floor structure. Yet, the calculations on

the energy demand of a building in The National Building Code of Finland D5 (2017) are

conducted with constant 21°C indoor temperature setting, which did not seem to provide

much thermal comfort in the simulations. Therefore, it should be considered whether this

is the temperature with which the calculations should be done, as the indoor temperature

is likely higher in the building.

The directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings (2010/31/EU) and its amendment

directive (EU) 2018/844 are requiring that building stock moves towards more insulated

and energy efficient buildings which can integrate local generation and DSM methods

through smart functions. The amending directive (EU) 2018/844 proposes a creation of

Smart Readiness Indicators (SRI), which would evaluate the buildings technological

capability to interact with occupants and the energy grid by utilizing ICT while having

energy efficient operations. (The European Parliament and The Council of the European

Union 2010, 2018, Verbeke et al. 2018) Some of the proposed and tested heating

functions can comply with the changing legislation and SRI as they would integrate local

generation and DSM methods to the building and provide smart heating functions. Yet,


these methods were not found to be economically feasible in electric space heating

currently, which would indicate that some of the indicators contradict with the economic

benefits to customer. Naturally, the issue is more complex as local generation can be used

to fulfill other consumptions as well, and in those cases, the suitability and potential of

the local generation in electric heating should be studied as aggregated loads from the

appliances and electric heating. This also impacts the control of the whole building as all

loads have different DSM potentials. Therefore, the creation of the heating and heat

demand models and attaching them to the existing smart building model allow studying

the impact of aggregated loads and hence should benefit the SEN2050 project. On the

other hand, the proposed dynamic thermal comfort model, which would adapt to people’s

actions, improves the quality-of-life of the occupants, but would require smart control

system or active human control of the system.

The studies on DSM were made on considering methods that can be applied solely on

building by the occupant without any load control from the utility or aggregator. Taking

these aggregated load control methods into account and studying their impacts, the results

would provide more thorough effects of all the DSM methods. As the local and global

optimums may be different, as described in Muratori et al. (2014), the importance of

thinking the global and local effects together arises.

For testing electric space heating in the future, scenarios for 2050 were applied and

created based on information from literature. The future scenarios always include

embedded uncertainties related to the nature of the future and testing out different

scenarios was conducted to minimize the level of uncertainty. The hourly temperature

scenario was created by interpolating the monthly average temperatures and creating an

hourly temperature scenario that is based on the changes and TRY2012. Currently, a new

European project Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) (2018) provides daily,

monthly, seasonal and annual temperature values for the future climate scenarios, and

they could provide temperature values for 2050 without the need of interpolation,

providing possibly more accurate values for the simulation. Creation of the hourly profiles

for electricity generation and real-time electricity prices then are approximations based

on current information of the generation distribution and LCOE. Uncertainties rise from

the actual operation of the 2050 electricity system as balancing technologies like hydro

power could be operated differently. Therefore, the energy system in 2050 may be

different as well as the prices in the liberalized electricity market. Similarly, the conducted


feasibility test was mainly based on investment prices of today, and depending on the

maturity of the technology, the prices will decrease in the future at some point. Today’s

feasibility of the technologies is also related to estimations of the starting level, as some

space heating technologies may require investments on the radiator itself for example,

and not just the investment on HEMS, to ensure the proper functioning of the control


This work provides an electric heating and heat demand models for the SEN2050 project

to be used in further evaluating and optimizing the electricity demand of smart buildings.

Similarly, it gives results on the DSM programs that can be used in decarbonizing the

building stock and evaluates their profitability. Future research on electric space heating

should include confirming the positive results on PV charging underfloor heating and

testing out various control mechanisms on it to optimize the parameters better. This could

include utilization of weather or production forecasts to provide more dynamic

estimations on the production to be applied to approximate the grid electricity need.

Similarly, the model should be further developed to optimize the heating in presence of

PV and control systems with HEMS, to see if the heating can be optimized with several

parameters, e.g. by firstly emphasizing PV generation, then real-time costs, CO2

emissions and thermal comfort. The optimization by the CO2 emissions should be

included as well as studying the adaptive control on direct electric heating when the

emissions levels or outdoor parameters are different than forecasted. The model should

include the possibility to test out the impacts on other parameters, if one is normalized

between the technologies. Similarly, assessing the optimal solution should consider the

differences in the parameters as the results on some parameters may be closer to each

other than others. The potential of the flexibility of the electric space heating from the

utility point-of-view with these technologies should be investigated as well. The model

should also be further developed to allow testing of the local generation and load shifting

of aggregated loads to obtain more thorough energy management system. On the other

hand, reducing the future uncertainties should be conducted by testing out more 2050

scenarios and by trying to improve the current hourly profiles. All these could be included

in optimizing the electricity demand and in improving the model and could therefore help

in achieving the project targets in decarbonizing the building stock.



The work is part of an Academy of Finland funded SEN2050 project and aims in creating

a thermal model for calculating the heat demand and simulating the effects of electric

space heating in a building. This model will be integrated to an existing smart house

model, with which electricity consumption of appliances, user behavior and DSM

programs can be simulated. Therefore, the created model allows further studying of the

demand of electricity in buildings and multi-microgrids and hence helps in achieving the

project objectives. Furthermore, the model is used to optimize the heating related costs,

CO2 emissions and thermal comfort with the help of DSM technologies on electric space

heating today and in 2050. The created thermal model utilizes energy method for

building’s heat demand calculation while the indoor temperature is calculated with the

help of standard SFS-EN ISO 52016-1. Different electric heating technologies are studied

from cost optimized direct electric heating to load shifting from PV panels generation.

Electric and thermal storage technologies are also studied for their potential in electric

heating. Different building types are modelled to test out their characteristics and

potential, as well as to study whether they have different optimal solutions. Thermal

comfort of the occupants is tested using standard predicted mean vote (PMV) method

from SFS-EN ISO 7730. Feasibility test on the solutions is also conducted.

To test out the 2050 scenarios, the changes in climate, energy system and electricity price

were modelled by selecting two energy scenarios from the literature. The selected energy

scenarios are “Growth” and “Save”, originally created with VTT TIMES model. The

climate scenarios showed different increases in monthly average temperatures in Oulu

and energy scenarios different energy mixes for 2050. Utilizing the electricity generation

profile from 2016, an approximated but detailed hourly electricity generation profiles

were created for the 2050 energy mixes. Similarly, an hourly real-time price scenario was

created from LCOE estimations to model the costs and impact of the energy mix to DSM

potential. Similarly, ZEB and NZEBs were simulated in 2050 network for testing their

characteristics and potential of having electric space heating. The uncertainties related to

the scenarios are discussed. The research questions are answered below on their separate



1. Which demand side management technologies are useful for optimizing the

electric space heating between price, environmental parameters, and thermal


The results from both 2016 and 2050 simulations show the difficulty of the optimization

as the technologies may create low costs and CO2 emissions, but at the same time cannot

provide proper thermal comfort. On the other hand, some technologies can provide

thermal comfort to occupants while having high costs and CO2 emissions at the same

time. In the 2016 simulations and in direct electric space heating from the grid, the “Cost

optimized” -scenario provided 12-51 %-points better thermal comfort than “Constant

temperature setting” and “time setting temperature” -scenarios, but it has 1-15 % higher

costs and 2-17 % higher direct CO2 emissions as well, since it delivers more heat to the

building. Yet, it decreases electricity costs by 18-55 % and direct CO2 emissions by 11-

47 % from the “manually controlled heating” -scenario, with 7-17 %-points lower thermal

comfort rate. Therefore, the “Cost optimized” -scenario shows the best operation from

the direct electric space heating technologies in 2016. PV generation with battery system

has 4-20 % lower costs and direct CO2 emissions than with only load shifting but also 8-

12 %-points lower thermal comfort rate. “Battery from the grid” -scenario in 2016 shows

results within a 20 % range in electricity costs and direct CO2 emissions from PV

generation scenarios but has 6-20 %-points less thermal comfort achieved. The biggest

impact in “Battery from the grid” -scenario comes from the charging rule as utilizing

higher price limit for charging reduces both costs and direct CO2 emissions by 4-11 %.

Underfloor heating with the PV charging can reduce the costs and CO2 emissions the

most, with decreases of 8-31 % and 25-69 % from the “Constant temperature setting” -

scenario, respectively. Generally, storage technologies, especially underfloor heating

with PV charging, show promising results on the optimization problem with local

generation today.

In the 2050 scenario, the heat demand decreases 0.8-11.8 % from 2016 values depending

on the technology and the climate change scenario. The electricity costs increase 37-128

% from today, with Save scenario having higher costs than Growth. Conversely, the direct

CO2 emissions decrease 94-98 % from today, showing the direction towards

decarbonization, with both scenarios having equal emission reductions. Yet, the results

from the 2050 scenario show that the technologies are related to each other in all

scenarios, and therefore they show similar relative characteristics. Thus, it can be assumed


that the optimal solution for one scenario is optimal solution for them all. Considering the

overall rank of the technologies, it seems that PV generation is becoming more optimal

solution in 2050.

2. What DSM technologies are profitable?

The economic profitability of the technologies is estimated with calculating payback time

for the technologies in 2016 and 2050. In 2016, all the PV generation scenarios show

payback times of over 30 years when HEMS is included in the calculations. The payback

times for “Battery from the grid” are even higher with all showing over 800 years as

payback time. The only economically feasible options in 2016 are “Cost optimized” and

“Cheapest charging hours” -scenarios with payback times from 2.5 to 13.3 years when

compared “Manually controlled” and “Set times” -scenarios, respectively. In 2050 the

scenarios with only PV panels become more profitable as their payback times reduce to

16-19 years. Still, “Cost optimized” and “Cheapest charging hours” -scenarios stay

economically more feasible with payback times of 2.4-11.1 years. The “Cost optimized”

-scenario has the lowest payback times in both 2016 and 2050. Therefore, the optimal

solutions do not seem to be the economically the most feasible options.

3. How does heat demand and thermal insulation affect the heating of buildings and

DSM programs?

The thermal insulation level impacts electricity costs and direct CO2 emissions the most

as on average it decreases the costs by 235 % and direct CO2 emissions by 263 % when

a 1985 building type is renovated to passive building today. In 2050 scenario renovating

2018 building to passive building insulation levels, the electricity costs decrease 63-100

% and the direct CO2 emissions decrease 80-114 %. Therefore, the increase in insulation

level seems to be the most effective decarbonization method out of the tested in both 2016

and 2050 scenarios. From the technology point-of-view it seems like there are slight

changes in the most prominent technologies but mainly the PV system scenarios are the

best. Hence, it seems that the optimal solutions do not change too much between different

thermal insulation levels. Similarly, the optimal solutions between the heat demands with

2016 and 2050 scenarios both include PV generation with storage technologies in the

highest ranked technologies.



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Appendix A. Occupancy detection of a single person household by using electricity

consumption values of appliances.




Appendix B. Occupancy detection of multiple person households by the electricity

consumption information on appliances.