Post on 15-May-2015

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Table of Contents

Media Procedures................................................................................................................ 3 The Crisis Management Team (CMT) is composed of: ..................................................... 4 Actions Taken for Crisis ..................................................................................................... 4 Actions Defined .................................................................................................................. 5 Custody Procedures ............................................................................................................ 5 Children Left at School....................................................................................................... 6 Childnapping/Missing Child............................................................................................... 7 Assault and Sexual Assault of a Student/Employee ........................................................... 8 Accident/Injury/Medical Emergency.................................................................................. 8 Bomb Threats/Telephone Threats....................................................................................... 9 Bus Accidents ................................................................................................................... 13 Child Abuse ...................................................................................................................... 15 The password is: report1Fire/Explosion .......................................................................... 16 Fire/Explosion................................................................................................................... 17 Gas Leak ........................................................................................................................... 18 Hazardous Materials ......................................................................................................... 19 Weather Related Emergencies .......................................................................................... 20 Stranger on Campus.......................................................................................................... 22 Violence/Breach of Campus Security............................................................................... 23 Hostage Incident ............................................................................................................... 24 Death/Suicide.................................................................................................................... 24 Gang Activity.................................................................................................................... 26 Gang Violence .................................................................................................................. 26 Riots/Demonstrations/Protest Activity ............................................................................. 27 Basic First Aid .................................................................................................................. 28 ADDENDUM A ............................................................................................................... 31 Proactive Guide for the Threat of Terrorism .................................................................... 31 Be Proactive: The Awareness / Prevention Checklist....................................................... 32 Biological Terrorism......................................................................................................... 36 Chemical Terrorism .......................................................................................................... 38 Bombs and Explosives...................................................................................................... 41 Terrorism & Emergency Preparedness Resources............................................................ 44


Crisis Management Plan

Dell City ISD has created the Crisis Management Plan to enable staff members to know the proper steps to take during a crisis situation. The plan covers a variety of emergency situations. Accidents, fire/explosions, deaths, hostage situations and kidnapping are just some of the situations addressed.

This plan is intended for use as a practical outline of what to do in the event of these emergencies. The Crisis Management Plan can do nothing to prevent or predict a crisis. If used properly, it may help the district manage the situation and bring about a swift resolution.

Emergency Phone Numbers

Ambulance/Fire Department/Police Department Emergency 911

Dell City Sheriff (Non-Emergency) 964-2305

Dell City ISD Administration 964-2663

Child Abuse Hotline 800-252-5400

Media Procedures

All requests for information regarding an emergency/crisis situation from an outside media source (newspapers, radio, and television) should be channeled through the superintendent’s office. The superintendent’s office will serve as the primary media contact for Dell City ISD and provide media releases.

The superintendent is always the official district spokesperson in a crisis situation, unless the superintendent designates other administrators to serve as spokespersons in a particular situation.

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2 :

In emergency/crisis situations, it is imperative that no statements be made to the media until the superintendent has been notified. If pressed for information, simply state that all media requests must go to the administration office, and any statements will come from the office of the superintendent. Media personnel may be requested to leave the campus property if their presence significantly interferes with normal school operations or the resolution of the crisis. Filming the campus may not be prohibited if media personnel are no longer on school property.

• After the superintendent is notified, the Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2 may be asked to make a statement to the media. If so, the Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2 should follow these guidelines:


- Always get the reporter’s name, the media source he/she represents, a telephone number, and any questions he/she would like answered.

- Remember that when you speak, you are doing so as a representative of Dell City ISD. Don’t express personal opinions about issues or situations.

- Be honest. Give only the facts. The most dangerous words you can say are, “I heard that . . .” If you don’t know the answer to a question, simply state that those facts are not available at the time, but you will try to get the information they are requesting as soon as possible.

- Do not release the names of victims until families have been notified.

After you have notified the superintendent’s office and depending on the situation, you may be asked to designate an area for the media (staff workroom or cafeteria, for example). Inform all personnel where the area is and have them escort all media people to that area.

District Wide Crisis Codes

Action Announcement Bell

1. Evacuate premises Red Three (3) short bells

2. Take cover (weather related) Gray One (1) long bell

3. Secure facility (lock down) Blue N/A

The Crisis Management Team (CMT) is composed of:

• Principal • Designee #1 and/or Designee #2 • Athletic Director • Office Staff

Actions Taken for Crisis

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

In the event of an emergency, the following actions should be taken.

- Always respond to the emergency first. If first aid or emergency personnel are warranted, the school employee should take the necessary steps to handle the situation. Ask another school employee to dial 911 or notify the office.


- Instruct the staff to notify the campus administrator. Once the building administrator is apprised of the situation, he or she should begin procedures to notify the parents or guardians of the child. If a parent or guardian cannot be reached, a message should be left. If no answering machine is available, the office staff should continue to try to reach next of kin or the parent at five-minute intervals until someone is reached. If the injured party is a school employee, a spouse or next of kin should be notified. The campus administrator should give the notification, if possible. Otherwise, someone on the office staff should make the call.

- Notify administration office. Notification should be given to the superintendent’s office or other individuals listed in the Crisis Management Plan. Should emergency vehicles respond but the child is not transported, you still need to notify administration. Questions about the presence of an emergency vehicle on campus may reach administration, and the staff there needs to be updated periodically about what is happening.

- Crisis Management Team activated. The Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2 will take the necessary steps to activate the CMT should the need arise. The superintendent or designee will make the decision to involve a district wide CMT and other outside assistance if needed.

Actions Defined

- Activate CMT – Communicate to members that a crisis situation exists and meet to plan as appropriate.

- Notify administration – Use Crisis Management Plan to notify administration. Give preliminary assessment of crisis and specify any assistance, support or particular needs the situation requires.

- Update communications – As the crisis is managed, have ongoing two-way communication with CMT and update central administration as to status.

- CMT needs to debrief – AS soon as practical after the crisis situation is under control, the CMT should meet to debrief as to how the crisis situation was handled, noting problems in managing, corrective actions suggested and other information that may be helpful in dealing with similar incidents.

Custody Procedures

Request to Release Child

- Divorced Parents


1. Refuse to release child except to custodial parent. An exception can be made only upon the written request of the custodial parent. Written requests will be kept on file.

2. A change in custody should be noted with a copy of the court order or court document and kept on file.

- Separated Parents

1. Release to either parent unless there is a court order on file.

Request to See Child at School

-Divorced Parents

1. Notify custodial parent.

2. Abide by any court document (such as divorce decree or temporary orders) if on file.

- Separated Parents

1. Permit either parent to visit.

Medical Emergency

- Divorced Parents

1. Use information listed on the student’s emergency card.

2. Contact non-custodial parent if appropriate and noted on emergency card.

- Separated Parents

1. Use emergency information listed on the student’s emergency card.

2. Either parent may be contacted.

Children Left at School


-Check the student’s emergency card and call the parents or other persons designated as parents. DO NOT transport child in private vehicle unless authorized. Do not leave a child alone or unattended at the school site.


- Contact campus Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2 at school or at home.

- Call the police department if the parent cannot be reached.

Child napping/Missing Child

Witnessed Events

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- If life threatening, call 911 and convene Crisis Management Team (CMT). Notify superintendent.

- Gather facts about abduction: description of abductor and any vehicle.

- Notify parents.

- Decide on plan of action:

Faculty meeting

Visit classrooms as requested.

- Send letters home to parents.

- Prepare classmates to be supportive.

- Provide for follow-up counseling.

- Debrief with CMT and staff.

Non-Witnessed Events

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- Verify child is missing. Search buildings and grounds.

- If life threatening, call 911 and convene CMT. Notify superintendent.

- Notify parents.

- Convene CMT.

- Question child’s friends or ensure availability for police questioning.

- Search neighborhood, if prudent, with police leadership.


- Prepare classmates to be supportive.

- Prepare fact sheet and media statement.

- Debrief with CMT and staff.

Assault and Sexual Assault of a Student/Employee

Assisting the Victim

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- Provide medical attention if there are injuries.

- Keep victim at school unless injuries indicate visit to doctor or transport to hospital is needed.

- Notify victim’s family. (Anger toward the school may be anticipated.)

- Provide resources for counseling if necessary.

Managing the Alleged Assailant(s)

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- If alleged assailant is a student, notify assailant’s parents and request a conference.

- According to the severity of the situation, notify proper authorities.

- Follow board policy regarding disciplinary action.

Accident/Injury/Medical Emergency

Level l – Minor

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2 and School Nurse:

- Administer first aid by using trained staff.

- Follow emergency procedures as indicated by nature of accident.

- Use emergency card to inform parent and copy for transport if indicated.

- Fill out student/personnel accident report.


Level ll – Major

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- Call for emergency assistance.

- Activate Crisis Management Team.

- Use trained staff to triage and assess injuries.

- Assist trained staff in administration for first aid as indicated.

- Remove uninjured students from the site to a central location.

- Pull emergency cards on all injured students and copy as indicated for EMS.

- Notify parents of the nature and extent of their children’s injuries; specify where their children are located.

- Notify siblings who are on campus of injured sibling.

- Inform teachers and all students of the accident.

- Provide accurate information to those answering the questions of other parents or the community.

- Assist the superintendent in preparing a statement for the media.

- Ask teachers to refer distressed students to the counselor.

- Follow up with injured students.

- Debrief with Crisis Management Team.

Bomb Threats/Telephone Threats

The principal must evaluate the seriousness of bomb threats and act in the best safety and interest of those under his charge. Bomb threats may be originated in writing, in person, over the phone, or relayed through a second source.

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- Don’t hang up on phone threats; try to keep caller talking; and instruct staff to notify Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2.


- Document the phone threat using the Threat Call Checklist. Place copies at appropriate phone locations.

- Document in writing, as soon as possible, other types of threat contacts including:

1. Specific time message is received: include date and day of the week.

2. Exact wording of message.

3. Estimation of sex, race, age, and cultural background of person making


4. Explain circumstances under which message is received noting usual as

well as unusual circumstances such as noises, clothing and actions of


5. Call police and the superintendent.

6. Make a decision regarding evacuation of the building.

A search of lockers and other possible hiding places for a bomb may be instituted. Enlist the help of civil authorities such as fire or police department.

Bomb Found

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- Call 911

- Isolate the area. Do not handle device or attempt to dismantle or remove it.


- Evacuate building in stages, starting with the rooms nearest the device.

- Notify the superintendent.

- Re-enter building only after being advised to do so by police.


- Prepare statement for media. Provide fact sheet to aid in answering calls from


concerned parents including location of evacuated students.


Threat Call Checklist

DON’T HANG UP THE PHONE. (Use another phone to call police/sheriff.)

Date: _________________ Day of Week: _________________Time of call: __________________

Record the exact words used by caller: ________________________________________________________________________





Ask: What time is it set for?____________________

Where is it? _____________________________

What does it look like? ____________________

Why are you doing this? ___________________

Who are you?________________________________

Voice on Phone: (Check list) ___ man ___ woman ___ child ___ intoxicated ___speech impediment ___ accent ___ disguised/unknown ___ other ______

Background noise: ___ music ___ children ___ talk ___ airplane ___ traffic

___ typing/computer ___ machinery ___ other

The person receiving the call should immediately notify Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2, who will then alert superintendent’s office.

Call received by: _________________________________ Date: __________________

Distribute copies immediately to: principal, superintendent’s office, and police


Bus Accidents

Minor Level l: Non-Evacuation

- Driver will call the office at 963-2663 with location, nature of accident, and need of medical assistance.

- Driver will evaluate condition of the bus to determine if students should be evacuated.

-The office staff will notify police and superintendent and place school nurse on stand by.

- Driver or designee will take students’ names and seating positions.

- Driver will contact the office to verify that evacuation is not needed.

- Driver or designee will administer first aid as needed.

- Transportation director or designee will arrive on site to evaluate accident and to render aid as needed.

- Transportation director will dispatch another bus to site to transport students home.

- Transportation director will fill out accident report.

Minor Level ll: Evacuation

- Driver will call the office at 963-2663 with location, nature of accident, and need of medical assistance.

- The office will notify police and superintendent.

- Driver will evaluate bus condition and determine if students should be evacuated.

- Driver will inform the transportation director that students are being evacuated.

- Driver or designee will administer first aid as needed.

- Driver or designee will take students’ names and seating positions.

- Transportation director will inform campus principal(s) of the accident and the names of the students on the bus.

- Principal(s) or designees will notify parents.

- If either bus and/or other vehicle are towed, the transportation director will transport driver for drug test.


- Transportation director will fill out accident report.

Major Level l: In Town Major Accident

- Driver will call the office staff at 964-2663 with location, nature of accident, and emergency medical.

- The office staff will call 911, superintendent, and building principals (for students involved).

- Driver will evacuate students to another bus, standing by, if possible.

-The superintendent will arrive on site to assist in first aid, gather student data, and assist police.

- The office staff will dispatch another bus to site to transport students.

- The office staff or designee will take students’ names and seating positions.

- The office staff or designee will attempt to determine who has been injured, extent of injuries, and designated hospitals.

- The office staff or designee will prepare a list of students, parents, and phone numbers and will inform appropriate schools.

- The office staff or designee will follow up with students and families as appropriate.

- Transportation director or designee will obtain written statement from witnesses.

- The office staff or designee will fill out student/personnel accident report.

- The office staff or designee will check with risk management/business office about insurance coverage, etc.

Major Level ll: Bus Accident On Trips Away From School or Town

- Driver or designee will call emergency vehicles/service: police, fire, ambulance, DPS.

- Driver or designee will evacuate school bus.

- Driver or designee will contact the office staff at 964-2663.

- Driver or designee will verify report with police and will attempt to determine who has been injured, extent of injuries, and where they were taken.

- The office staff or designee will notify superintendent and principal(s) of school.


- Superintendent or designee will assemble campus Crisis Management Team and will set incident command centers up at main campus students are from.

- The office staff or designee will prepare a list of students, parents, and phone numbers.

- The office staff or designee will dispatch another bus to site transport students home.

- The office staff or designee will take students’ names and seating positions.

- Superintendent or designee will prepare a fact sheet and media statements.

- Superintendent or designee will visit the injured.

- Superintendent or designee will debrief campus Crisis Management Team and staff.

- The office staff or designee will fill out all student/personnel accident reports.

- The office staff or designee will fill check with administration office about insurance coverage, etc.

Child Abuse

Any person who believes that a child’s physical/mental health or welfare has been or may be adversely affected by abuse or neglect or that a child has died of abuse or neglect MUST report his/her suspicions to the Texas Department of Human Services or to a law enforcement agency within forty-eight hours from the moment the abuse is discovered or suspected. Failure to report suspected child abuse or neglect of a child and false reporting with malice are crimes punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Immunity: A person who, without malice, makes a report or collaborates in the investigation of suspected child abuse or neglect is immune from civil or criminal liability. Confidentiality: Reports of child abuse or neglect are confidential. Information in the reports, including the name of the person who makes the report, may be used only for purposes consistent with the investigation.

Suspected Child Abuse

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- Report suspected child abuse to Child Protective Services (1-800-252-5400) within 48 hours.

- Report suspected child abuse to building principal.

- Document actions and decisions. Include form below.

- Do not attempt to investigate or verify information unless given specific


instructions by the superintendent or other central office administrators.

- Permit interview of child by authorized, properly identified officials only.

- Cooperate with request of the investigator regarding notice of parents.

- Contact appropriate Crisis Management Team (principal, counselor, and other professionals) and provide follow-up counseling as needed.

Accusations Against School Personnel

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- Instruct staff to notify the principal.

- Document report. Do not investigate or attempt to verify information unless

given direction by superintendent or other central office administrators.

- Notify superintendent.

- Report accusation to Child Protective Services.

- The superintendent will prepare all/any necessary media information.

- Plan for parental inquiries, staff meetings, and safety measures.

- Provide any necessary crisis counseling only after statements are taken.

- Debrief with Campus Crisis Team and staff.

Report of Child Abuse

Reports should be made online to the following address.

Secure web site: The login name is: professional

The password is: report1



Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- Extinguish small fires (i.e. trash can).

- Call 911.

- Evacuate building: three (3) short bells, Code Red.

- Close windows and doors (time permitting).

- Predesignate staff members to check restrooms, vacant classrooms, storage areas, and other areas to make sure everyone is out of the building.

- Notify the office staff.

- The office staff will notify the maintenance director at 940-6288 to shut off


- Activate Crisis Management Team (CMT) and set up incident command center

with communications capability.

- Log all activities and decisions.

- Assist emergency personnel in locating injured persons.

- Follow instructions of police/fire department personnel.

- Keep list of hospitalized persons and places to which students and staff are evacuated.

- Ask superintendent for media assistance in notifying the community and parents.

- Debrief with CMT and staff; keep informal.

- Continue interactions with counselors until trauma is resolved and school is

returned to normal.


- Carry class roll books to account for students


Gas Leak

For All Gas Leaks

- Employees should contact the campus Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2 and state the emergency.

- Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2 will contact maintenance director and the superintendent stating the emergency.

- Maintenance director will determine whether the gas company, fire department, and/or police should be called.

If the Smell of Gas is Faint

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- Open windows and/or doors.

- Evacuate the area.

If the Smell of Gas is Strong

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- Evacuate the building.

- Move upwind from any smell of gas.

- Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2 will notify the superintendent.

- Follow directions of gas company personnel and/or fire department.

If the Person(s) is Unconscious

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- Do not enter area without breathing protection.

- Remove all persons from area.

- Call 911.

- Contact the office staff.


Hazardous Materials

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

If life threatening, call 911 and give the following information (if possible).

- Location of spill.

- Product information.

- Manufacturer information.

- Product contents/ingredients as given on container (spell names).

- Volume of spill/exposure.

- Reactions on surface/individuals.

- Product contamination with other materials.

- Ask for advice on evacuating or sheltering in house.

- Remain on the line to give additional information.

If advised to shelter or remain in the building

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- Will move all students inside building away from affected area.

- Will have students and personnel breathe through wet paper towels.

- Will close up and secure affected area.

- Call maintenance director to shut down electricity, gas, and ventilation system.

- Post warning signs at entrance.

If advised to evacuate school site, proceed as follows

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- Call the office to request the buses to run.

- Sound alarm to evacuate the building -- three (3) short bells, Code Red.


- Instigate evacuation plan.

- Notify superintendent .

Direct Contact

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

-Evacuate the area to avoid fumes.

- Remove contaminated clothing and flush the area with cold running water for fifteen minutes. If flushing the eye area position flow into the eye while holding the eyes open.

Indirect Contact

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- Evacuate area to avoid fumes.

- If spill is outside, move upwind from the spill.

Cleanup and Disposal:

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- Follow directions of emergency personnel.

- Never enter a spill area alone.

Weather Related Emergencies

Tornado, Thunderstorms, Flooding, Ice, Snow

1. If a weather related emergency/storm is forecast or has hit the area, the superintendent or designee will determine if school will remain open.

2. If a storm develops during the day, the superintendent or designee will determine the action to be taken and advise principals and other appropriate staff.

3. Severe weather conditions may develop before warnings are posted. Principals should use their judgment and make the necessary decisions concerning relocating students and staff to a main building or a central location to ensure their safety without notification from the superintendent or a designee.

Tornado Warning


Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- If a funnel cloud is sighted, implement tornado procedures by sounding one (1) long bell.

- Instruct teachers to carry class rolls and accompany class to designated area.

- Have everyone sit facing the interior wall with head in knees with hands and arms covering face and head.

- Request all to remain calm and listen for instructions.

- Request all to stay at designated area until instructed to move.

- Designate personnel to check restrooms and vacant classrooms.

- Use battery powered radios for weather information.

Building is Struck by Tornado/Storm

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- Call 911

- Contact maintenance director to turn off electricity and gas at main switches in accordance with maintenance emergency plan.

- Activate Crisis Management Team.

- Evacuate damaged area cautiously to safe building area.

- Move injured as little as possible.

- Make a record of those persons who are taken to hospital and location of evacuated persons.

- Notify superintendent or designee of all damages and injury as soon as possible.

- Establish a parent information response team.

- Disseminate information about procedures for releasing students.

- Retain students until it is considered safe to return to classrooms, go home, be released to parents, or board on school buses.


- Meet with Crisis Management Team to plan follow-up services.

Stranger on Campus

Preventive Measures

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- Post decal/posters at building entrances asking visitors to go to the office and identify themselves.

- Instruct staff to greet and direct visitors to the main office.

- Direct strangers who fail to identify themselves or their business at school to leave the campus immediately.

Stranger in the Building

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- Will approach the person, ask for identification, determine the nature of his/her presence, and direct and/or accompany the person to the main office.

- If the person has no acceptable response, ask him/her to leave.

- If the person refuses to leave, ask once more and remind the person he/she is in violation of the law involving loitering on a school campus and that the police will be called.

- If the person continues to refuse to leave, call the police department at 911 or non-emergency at 964-2305 and have the person removed.

- If the person is irate or behaving irrationally, use a combination of extreme politeness, courtesy, and firmness to structure and de-escalate the behavior. If the person is coherent, listen to him/her and try to understand his/her concerns.

- Note: The situation would become an emergency if: a) the personal safety of the students, faculty, or staff is threatened; b) the orderly management of the instructional program is disrupted; or c) school order and discipline is disrupted.

- If a stranger on campus situation was witnessed by students or staff, inform them of the facts once the situation is resolved.


Violence/Breach of Campus Security

Dangerous/Irate Person, Intruder/Loiterer,Hostages or Gunfire

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2 and Staff:

- Approach and greet person. Ascertain legitimate purpose to be on campus.

- If needed, request person to leave the campus.

- Notify campus Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2.

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- If life threatening call 911.

- Notify superintendent.

- If an intruder cannot be removed, instruct all personnel to avoid contact with intruder.

- Remove students and staff from vicinity of intruder.

- If hostages taken or gunfire:

- Inform staff by code to keep all students in classrooms and away from


- Secure building keeping all students away from affected area. Lock classroom doors.

- Hold change of class bell.

- Convene Crisis Management Team (CMT).

- Log all activities and discussions.

- Remain available to law enforcement and negotiators.

- Have multiple copies of floor plan available for police.


- Assist superintendent in preparing a fact sheet and media statement.

- Have an attendance roster to check off when releasing students.

- Teachers remain with students until notified.

- Debrief CMT and staff.

Hostage Incident

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- Call 911.

- Assess situation.

- Attempt to identify hostage and hostage taker.

- Follow directions of police department regarding securing and evacuating the hostage area.

- Have campus floor plans available for police intervention.

- Police take charge of scene.


Death At School

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- Notify superintendent; call 911.

- Clear students from area and protect scene.

- Convene campus Crisis Management Team (CMT) to address a) psychological and emotional issues and b) issues of potential criminal and/or legal activity.

- Log activities and decisions.

- Determine method to inform parents, classmates, and community of death, plans, and expected child reactions.

- Ensure family of deceased is notified through pre-established method.

-Inform staff and student body.


- Assist superintendent in preparing a fact sheet and media statement.

- Provide counseling individually or in groups.

- Make home visits with counselors or crisis team members.

- Hold faculty meeting as soon as possible to process feelings.

- Prepare to hold community meetings.

- Plan long-term response and follow-up counseling.

- Permit students to leave only with parental permission.

- Debrief crisis teams and faculty.

- Relay information as it becomes available.

Death Not at School

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- Activate CMT.

- Determine method to inform classmates and teachers.

- Provide counseling.

- Permit students to leave only with parental permission.

- Debrief CMT and faculty.

Attempted Suicide

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- Call 911, if warranted.

- Activate CMT

- Secure the area and protect scene.

- Isolate witnesses.

- Suspend bell schedule, if warranted (everyone stays where they are).


- Notify administration (specify needs).

- Secure health/emergency card.

- Notify parents (personal visits if possible).

- Communicate with staff, including a written statement (use team leaders and department chairs, if necessary).

- Document who receives counseling and needs follow up.

- Complete incident report.

- CMT meets to debrief.


- Identify students that need counseling.

Gang Activity

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

1. Be knowledgeable of the warning signs of gang/cult involvement.

2. Attempt to identify student(s) involved.

3. Interview student(s).

4. Document all information relating to the suspected involvement.

5. Inform parents or guardians of student(s) involved.

6. Follow standard disciplinary procedures if offense is committed (e.g. defacement of property or unauthorized meetings).

7. Provide training for staff in the areas of gang signs, symbols, and what to look for in students who may be involved in gang/cult activity.

8. Request assistance from Crisis Management Team (CMT) if drug involvement, large number of students, or suicidal intention is present.

Gang Violence

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:


1. Call for immediate emergency assistance.

2. Reestablish order with assistance from available staff.

3. Implement plan of action according to Crisis Management Plan.

4. Notify superintendent or designee.

5. Assess danger: injuries, number of students involved, location and presence of weapons.

6. Gather witnesses and protect crime scene.

7. Reassure parents, students, and faculty that appropriate steps are being taken to ensure safety.

8. Prepare plan(s) to prevent retaliation or further campus violence.

9. Follow disciplinary procedures to address any offense such as aggravated assault, possession of weapons, etc.

Riots/Demonstrations/Protest Activity

Principal or Designee #1 or Designee #2:

- Will identify the group and the purpose of the protest/demonstration.

- Will convene Crisis Management Team (CMT); designate one member to

notify police.

- Determine if mediation is needed.

- Refuse permission for unauthorized personnel to enter school property. If protest group is already on school premises, request that the members vacate immediately. Assign staff to all building entrances to prevent further disturbances inside facilities.

- Request teachers to keep classroom doors closed.

- Keep administrative office locked; provide security measures for files and records.

- Keep faculty informed through memos or personal contact.

- Assist superintendent in preparing a statement for the media.


- Prepare for community meetings that may be needed to respond to the demands or problems identified by the protesters. Refer to board policy for disciplinary action if students are involved in demonstrations and create, or threaten to create, a substantial disruption in classes or school operations.

Basic First Aid

Heart Attack or Stroke

Signs and Symptoms

1. Chest pain, middle of chest and possibly in left arm and neck.

2. Shortness of breath

3. Sweating

4. Lose of consciousness

5. Weakness on one side of body

6. Slurred speech

First Aid

1. Call 911.

2. Check to see if patient is breathing and check pulse.

3. DO NOT apply a tourniquet.

4. If no pulse or breathing, start CPR.

5. If stroke (weakness on one side and/or slurred speech), lay victim down on unaffected side and guard airway.


Signs and Symptoms

1. Uncontrolled muscle contractions caused by possible head injury, drug overdose, epilepsy, fever, or acute infection.

First Aid

1. Call 911.


2. Place patient on floor and DO NOT restrain.

3. Try to help maintain an open airway by supporting person in side-lying position.

4. DO NOT put anything in patient’s mouth including your fingers.

5. After seizure, DO NOT attempt to awaken patient.

6. Note time of onset and behavior during seizure, as well as time that seizure ends if emergency personnel have not arrived.


Signs and Symptoms

1. Unable to talk or cry out

2. Victim clutches at throat

First Aid

1. Call 911.

2. If patient is coughing, then do nothing but assist.

3. If patient is unable to cough and airway is completely obstructed, use five (5) abdominal thrusts, pause, and ask if the patient is still choking. Repeat until airway is clear. Wait for fire department to arrive.


Signs and Symptoms

1. External – uncontrolled bleeding 2. Internal – patient complaining of pain in stomach or chest, patient dizzy when

standing, pulse rate fast, above 100

First Aid

1. Call 911. 2. External – Place direct pressure over the wound; keep wound as clean as

possible. Immobilize the injured area in a relaxed position. Elevate a bleeding extremity above the level of the heart.

3. Internal – Lay patient down with feet raised, protect airway, and keep patient calm.



Signs and Symptoms

1. Swelling 2. Deformity 3. Tenderness 4. Exposed bone ends

First Aid

1. Call 911. 2. Immobilize the extremity. 3. Never straighten fracture or nearby joints. 4. Splint if you have to move the patient; if not, wait for the ambulance.



Proactive Guide for the Threat of Terrorism


Throughout the rest of the world schools have been targeted for terrorist activity in the past. Although we are currently not aware of any specific threats against schools in the United States, we believe that circumstances warrant that our schools adopt a heightened state of awareness.

Will our schools be targeted?

It is difficult to assess the likelihood that our schools will be targeted for terrorism. However, many security experts believe that schools are viable targets for terrorist activity. Understanding the terrorist’s objective may help explain why. Terrorists seek to create public fear and anxiety in order to influence government policy. Through the randomness and unpredictability of their acts, terrorists attempt to undermine confidence in government’s ability to protect the public. Terrorists hope the resulting insecurity fuels public demands for government concessions in order to stop the terrorist acts.

Throughout early history, terrorists tended to target prominent individuals, such as political or religious figures, in order to generate public fear. The targeting of uninvolved, innocent people was historically avoided. Today, terrorists target the maximum number of innocent people, in our most cherished public places, in order to generate the fear they desire. As the government mobilizes to protect infrastructure from attack, less protected targets likely become more attractive to terrorists.

We believe that awareness plays a critical role in our fight against terrorism. Taking a proactive stance may serve to reduce the likelihood that a terrorist may select a particular target or mode of attack. This may appear at odds with the popular belief that terrorist attacks are completely random and unavoidable. Terrorists plan their attacks and select their targets carefully. However, a terrorist’s activities may be deterred through vigilance. Awareness and vigilance are the most inexpensive deterrents we have available to us in our fight against terrorism.

Our children are America’s most visible representation of innocence. Purely, from a terrorist’s perspective, there would be no more effective way to crush the heart of America than to target our children at school, a place where they should feel the most safe.


Be Proactive: The Awareness / Prevention Checklist

The Awareness/Prevention checklist highlights areas of school operations,

maintenance, security, and personnel that may pose opportunities for risk

reduction. The district and campuses should use this checklist as a proactive

tool to generate awareness over the potential for terrorist acts at a time when

it is needed most.





Biological Terrorism

Today, the threat of biological terrorism is real. Although biological hoaxes

far outnumber cases of confirmed contamination, schools must be prepared to deal with all threat situations as real. Notwithstanding, Dell City ISD takes a proactive stance against hoaxes of any nature. Hoaxes serve to divert critical law enforcement and other emergency response attention from true crises and may cost lives. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against students and others who perpetrate hoaxes.

A biological agent can be introduced:

• by mail, via a contaminated letter or package • using a small explosive device to help it become airborne • through a building’s ventilation system • using a contaminated item such as a backpack, book bag, or other parcel left

unattended • by intentionally contaminating a food supply • by aerosol release into the air (such as with a crop duster or spray equipment) • into the general population by a missile warhead


Everyone who handles mail will be trained how to identify a “suspicious” package or letter.

There may be cause for suspicion if:

• The mail is unexpected or from someone you don’t know • It is addressed to a title, but no name • It is addressed to someone no longer at your address • It is handwritten and has no return address or bears one that you cannot confirm is

legitimate • The return address does not match the postmark • Common words are misspelled • It is lopsided or lumpy in appearance • It has wires or tinfoil protruding from it • It is sealed with excessive amounts of tape or string • It is marked with restrictive delivery instructions such as “Personal or

“Confidential” • It has excessive postage • It has oily stains, discoloration, crystallization, or a strange odor • It is leaking a powdery substance



If you receive a suspicious letter or package, or a letter or package

threatening biological contamination:

Step One: Stay calm. Don’t get excited or excite others. Most threats are,

in fact, hoaxes. Regardless, you must treat each incident seriously.

Step Two: If the letter/package is unopened and not leaking:


• Do not open the letter/package. • Do not pass the letter/package around to show other people. • Do not shake the letter/package.


• Place the letter/package in a plastic bag or other container (such as a trash can) to prevent leakage.

• Move a safe distance away and call your supervisor. • Prevent others from coming into the area. If someone comes into the area, ask

them to stay until instructed to leave by Public Safety or Health responders. • Wash your hands with soap and water. Everyone who had any contact with the

letter must also wash his or her hands with soap and water.

If, however, powder spills from the letter, either because it was opened or has torn open, follow these steps:


• Do not clean up the powder. Do not sniff, touch, taste, or look closely at the spilled contents.


• Put the letter on a stable surface. • Leave the room promptly and prevent anyone from entering. • Everyone who touched the letter should wash their hands. Do not leave the area.

There is no need to evacuate the floor or building. • Have the buildings ventilation system, heating system, or air conditioning system

shut down, if possible, and turn off any blowers to the room.


Step Three: Contact your supervisor. He/she will make a list of all persons who touched the letter or envelope. (Be sure the list includes work and home phone numbers for each person for any necessary follow-up.)

Step Four: Your supervisor will call 911. A risk assessment for those persons involved in the incident will be coordinated by appropriate law enforcement personnel with decisions about the need for decontamination and initiation of prophylaxis treatment being made by the appropriate local health department staff. Once the on-scene investigation is complete, ask to go home to wash your clothes and take a shower. No special precautions are needed. Do not use bleach on your skin.

If you receive a biological threat by phone, alleging a contaminated package, parcel, or letter:

• Use the Threat Call Checklist (See p. 11.) as a basis to ask the caller appropriate questions about the package or letter allegedly containing the biological agent.

• Have someone else listen to the conversation, if possible. • Notify the principal. • Call 911. • Conduct a search of the building to locate the package in question. • If a suspicious package is found, do not touch it. • Secure the immediate area until emergency response personnel can

determine the best method of handling the item. • Contact your local health officials if law enforcement has not already done this.

Chemical Terrorism

Unlike biological attacks, most chemical attacks by terrorists tend to be overt in nature. While symptoms of a biological attack may take several days or even weeks to manifest, the display of illness caused by a chemical attack will be immediate and obvious. Chemical agents that might be used by terrorists range from highly refined and processed warfare agents, to common industrial toxins. As with biological attacks, public buildings may be specifically targeted for attack, or, may be affected because they are part of the larger community under attack.

A chemical agent may be introduced:

• into a water supply such as a reservoir • into the air using a missile warhead or similar device • into a building, through the ventilation system • by spilling or leaking toxin into a populated area • inside a building using a small explosive device


Dell City ISD campuses should follow procedures as listed.


• Make sure all common hazardous chemical materials are properly secured and properly disposed of when no longer needed (not stockpiled needlessly).

• Review and coordinate your plans with local emergency response officials in advance of an incident happening.

• Practice shelter-in-place and evacuation procedures as you would a fire drill. • Know your local government’s warning signal that a disaster has occurred. • Make sure your campus emergency kit is complete and up-to-date. • Make sure each teacher’s classroom emergency kit is complete. • Contact the district director of health services to assist chemical victims before

medical help arrives. • Let parents and the local community know that a plan has been prepared and

that children will be in the hands of professionals should a situation occur.


• Designate a first (the principal), a second, and a third person in charge for each campus.

• Designate who will make the decision to evacuate or to shelter-in-place, and under what circumstances.

• Inform persons in charge of their role in advance. • Include training for staff, including substitute teachers and volunteers

Practice Drills for Chemical Attack

Scenario I – School has been alerted that a chemical attack has occurred in a neighboring town, somewhere within or near the local community.

Follow procedures as listed:

• Determine how emergency instructions will be communicated by local government (emergency broadcast radio, etc); stay tuned in.

• Alert the principal. • Alert the Campus Crisis Management Team. • Have a procedure for notifying students and faculty that may be outside (sports

facilities, etc.) to return to the building. • Shut down ventilation system, heating and air conditioning system. • Maintain contact with Superintendent & District Crisis Management Team

according to prearranged procedures. • Keep phone lines open to the extent possible. • Await specific instructions from local emergency management officials. • Be prepared to: 1) arrange for transportation and to evacuate; or 2) shelter-in-

place. Depending on the location of the contamination and other factors, emergency management officials may recommend either option.


Scenario II – Persons inside the school fall ill (if under chemical attack, multiple victims will exhibit similar symptoms simultaneously or within minutes of one another).

Follow procedures as listed:

• Call 911, let the operator know that there is a possible chemical attack and that there are persons with injuries.

• Notify the principal and superintendent. • Shut down ventilation system, heating and air conditioning system. • Alert the Crisis Management Team. • Evacuate, if the hazard is originating from within the building. • Establish an outside command post. • Execute the shelter-in-place procedure in an unaffected area, if the hazard is

originating from outside the building. • Keep students calm. • Identify and attend to injured persons. • Meet emergency response personnel. • Lead medical personnel to injured persons. • Allow emergency response personnel to take control of the scene. • Notify parents of injured children (when physically possible). • Cooperate with officials on decontamination procedures. • Declare all clear and resume normal operations, or, make decision to close facility

for prolonged decontamination. • Provide appropriate information to press. • Keep Superintendent informed. • Hold staff meeting and provide details. • Meet with parents, if necessary. • Meet with Crisis Management Team and review response. • Update plan, if needed. • Meet with parents, if needed. • Involve counselors to assist students, if needed.

Special shelter-in-place procedures for chemical attacks:

• Use duct tape to seal areas around windows, and air ducts. • Place wet towels (or duct tape) at door sills. • Injured should be sheltered in place within rooms that have running water if


Assistance for persons who have been affected by a gas or liquid

chemical toxin – prior to arrival of emergency response personnel

(These steps may mean the difference between life and death.)


• Affected persons should be told to remove their clothes immediately and completely for contact with a liquid toxin or down to their underwear if an aerosol toxin.

• They should remove all jewelry. • They should be placed in a shower or should rinse as much of their body as they

possibly can with water. • If physically able, and with close supervision, they should enter a pool, if

available. • Clothes should be secured so that they do not pose a hazard to anyone else.

Bombs and Explosives

Bombs are the weapon most frequently chosen by terrorists, both inside and outside of the U.S. When conceiving a bomb, terrorists are essentially limited by only their own imaginations. Bombs can be made large enough to destroy an entire building and all of its occupants, as evidenced by the bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building, or to create an explosion just large enough to distribute a biological or chemical agent into a room or other enclosed area.

What does a bomb look like?

Bombs are easily disguised to look like every day items. The stereotypical images of bombs as being ball shaped items with fuses, or of several sticks of dynamite wrapped together, are useless and should be dismissed. Bombs are more likely to be disguised as common items that fit in with current surroundings. A bomb can be disguised within letters, parcels, brief cases, book bags, back packs, gym bags, vans, cars, or

Explosive devices can be as small as a credit card or a matchbook. Bombs left by terrorists are likely to be constructed to detonate by movement, by timer, or by remote activation.


Staff and student awareness is key in reducing the risk of mass injury

from an explosive device. Dell City ISD campuses should follow procedures as listed.

• Rehearse the Bomb Threat Plan in a way similar to a fire drill. (see page 10.) • Be sure all appropriate staff members are aware of the Threat Call Checklist

and how it is used. • Train appropriate staff to recognize and report any suspicious letter/package

received in the mail or left inside or outside a school building. • Maintain campus access control; report suspicious persons.

• Designate office personnel to inform substitute teachers and volunteers of crisis management procedures.


• Include janitorial and maintenance personnel in preventive measures.

Practice Bomb Threat/Explosion Drills

Scenario I: - A bomb threat call is received.

Follow procedures as listed:

• Take the threat seriously. • Complete the Threat Call Checklist. • Notify principal. • Notify Superintendent, security, and appropriate district staff. • Review and assess information on Threat Call Checklist. • Conduct visual search of building using two persons familiar with facility. • If imminent danger exists (a device is found) call 911. • Principal uses his/her discretion in making decision to evacuate. • Declare all clear and resume normal operations when appropriate. • Keep Superintendent informed. • Hold staff meeting and provide details, if necessary. • Meet with parents, if necessary. • Meet with Crisis Management Team and review response. • Update plan, if needed. • Meet with parents, if needed. • Involve counselors to assist students, if needed.


Scenario II - After a call a package or potential device is found.

Follow procedures as listed:

• Secure the immediate area. • Call 911. • Notify principal that potential device was found. • Update Crisis Management Team. • Implement Building or Site Evacuation Plan. • Notify Superintendent, security & appropriate district staff. • Establish command post outside of building. • Provide emergency and law enforcement personnel the description and location of

the package. • Allow emergency response personnel to take control of the scene.

Scenario III - An explosion has occurred.

Follow procedures as listed:

• Call 911. • Activate Crisis Management Team. • Notify Superintendent. • Implement Building or Site Evacuation Plan (minimum safe distance is from 1000

– 3000 feet). • Be aware there may be additional explosions. • Attend to students by keeping them calm and in one location. • Have designated staff member(s) meet emergency vehicles. • Direct medical personnel to any injured students or staff. • Take roll and account for any missing students. • Allow emergency response personnel to take control of site. • Establish command post. • Notify parents of any injured students. • Arrange for emergency student transportation, if necessary.

Terrorists often use car and truck bombs to commit their acts. These devices are constructed to cause maximum human devastation. The ATF minimum safe evacuation distance for car bombs is 1500 feet; for vans and small trucks it is 3750 feet; for large trucks (such as tankers) it is 7000 feet. Both the size of the suspected vehicle and the size of your campus will determine whether a building evacuation or a site evacuation is appropriate.


Terrorism & Emergency Preparedness Resources

Biological and Chemical Terrorism : The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention : The Federal Emergency Management Agency The United States Postal Service The Federal Bureau of Investigation The World Health Organization The American Red Cross The Texas DEM (Division of Emergency

Management) Web Site for WMD/Terrorism Domestic Preparedness TheTexas Department of Health The Journal of the American Medical


Bombs and Explosives The Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms