Del prototipo a la realidad

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Presentación realizada en las Comunicaciones del UX Spain 2012. Todo sea dicho que por si sola no comunica mucho... Algunas diapositivas están en blanco intencionalmente.

Transcript of Del prototipo a la realidad

a la Realidad

Dani Armengol Garreta

Tres usos del prototipado

“For me, wireframes act as a form of ‘thinking device’ for the setting and

exploration of a given problem space.”

Will Evans Diseñador, actual director del Information Architecture Institute

explorar uso 1

“A ‘spec’ is close to useless. I have never seen a spec that was both big enough to be useful and accurate.”

Linus Torvalds Hacker, creador del kernel de Linux

“For many types of functionality, especially UI-heavy functionality, once

you have these storyboards, you’re done. That’s your spec.”

Jason Fried Fundador y presidente de 37signals

comunicar uso 2

“You can use an eraser on the drafting table or a sledge hammer

on the construction site.”

Frank Lloyd Wright Arquitecto excesivamente citado

“Testing one user early in the project is better than testing fifty

near the end.”

Steve Krug Consultor de usabilidad, autor de “Don’t make me think”

“Prototyping is externalizing and making concrete a design idea for

the purpose of evaluation.”

Bill Verplank Diseñador de interacción, uno de los padres de las GUI

evaluar uso 3

“Prototypes by their very nature are somewhat incomplete, sketchy

versions of the final product.”

Todd Zaki Warfel Diseñador, autor de “Prototyping: A Practitioner’s Guide”

“They’re not perfect. They don’t have to be.

They’re not meant to be.”

Todd Zaki Warfel Diseñador, autor de “Prototyping: A Practitioner’s Guide”

“It's a prototype. Not the Mona Lisa.”

Todd Zaki Warfel Diseñador, autor de “Prototyping: A Practitioner’s Guide”

