Degree of MEng in Computer Science and Applied Computer ... · Computer Science and Applied...

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Transcript of Degree of MEng in Computer Science and Applied Computer ... · Computer Science and Applied...

Degree of MEng in

Computer Science


Applied Computer Science

Part IV Handbook

(for students entering Part IV in 2004)

May 2004

The University of Reading Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science School of Systems Engineering

Disclaimer This is an informal guide for the convenience of students and staff. Formal Ordinancesand Regulations are given in the University Calendar and in the ProgrammeSpecification; should there be, or appear to be, any conflict between statements in this handbook and the full Ordinances, Regulations and Programme Specifications, the lattershall prevail. Although the information in this Handbook is accurate at the time of publication, aspectsof the programme and of School practice may be subject to modification and revision. Information provided by the School in the course of the year should be regarded, whereappropriate, as superseding the information contained in the handbook. Please keep this handbook in a safe place as you will need to refer to it throughout your programme. You should also have a copy of the School handbook which containsimportant information for all students in the School.


Please note CS4B2 Parallel Programming, which was to be taught by Professor Megson, has been cancelled. Students will take in its place CS3Z4 Network Security.

MEng in Computer Science

MEng in Applied Computer Science (Degree Course Profile for students who entered Part I in October 2001)

Profile The formal statement of requirements.

Date of this Profile: 12 March 2004

Course Adviser: Dr GT McKee

Board of Studies: Computer Science

Aims: This course aims to prepare students for responsible professional leadership roles in technologically demanding areas of computing having a basis in science or engineering. This professional preparation will be recognised via individual exemption for examinations of the British Computer Society, and for CEng. Graduates will be well qualified to play a disciplined and creative part in a research, development or support environment. The curriculum combines a sound understanding of the principles and practice of good software design, implementation and project management in both systems and application areas, with a detailed knowledge of a range of modern developments. Students following the course are challenged on many fronts, including technical complexity, team working, pressure of deadlines, and the production of quality written reports. They will have considerable practical experience of formulating, managing and carrying out projects of significant scale.

Part I (total — 12 modules)

Compulsory Units The compulsory units are organised in four blocks; students must take appropriate units from each block. For a full explanation refer to the Part I course handbook, under Course Structure.

Block 1: three units

1/EI/A Introduction to Systems (2) EI101, EI201

and 1/CS/H Approaches to Problem Solving (2) CS121, CS221

and 1/MA/6 Logic and Discrete Mathematics (2) MA106, MA206 Block 2: one unit

either 1/CS/E Event-driven Programming (2) CS101, CS201 or 1/CS/F Introductory Computing (2) CS102, CS202 Block 3: one unit

either 1/MA/7 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (2) (for those without A level Mathematics)

MA107, MA207

or 1/CY/B9 Analysis of Cybernetic Systems (2) (for those with A levels in Mathematics and Physics)

CY 192, CY 292

or 1/MA/4 Mathematics for Scientists (2) (for those with an A level in Mathematics)

MA105, MA205

Optional Units

Block 4: one unit

An open choice of one further unit. The most frequently chosen units are 1/CY/A6, Cybernetics and its Applications; 1/PY/C, Psychology C, or a language unit provided by the Institution-Wide Language Programme (IWLP).

Part II (18 modules)

Compulsory Units 2/CS/A8 Compilers and Computer Architecture (3) CS331, CS411, CS511 2/CS/B0 Design Methodologies (3) CS304, CS404, CS504 2/CS/3U Operating Systems (3) CS310, CS410, CS510 2/CS/3X Databases and Information Systems Design (3) CS302, CS402, CS502 2/CS/3Z Representation and Reasoning (3) CS323, CS422, CS522 and

either 2/CS/E8 Further Programming and Software Engineering (3) (for those who did 1/CS/E in Part I)

CS301, CS400, CS500

or 2/CS/F8 Interactive Programming and Software Engineering (3) (for those who did 1/CS/F in Part I)

CS300, CS400, CS500

Part III (18 modules)

Compulsory Units 3/CY/L0 Object-Oriented Design and Programming (1) CY6a7

3/CS/C1 Case Study Projects (3) CS640, CS740, CS840

3/EM/AC Law and Business Management (1) EM631

3/CS/7Y The Social Impact of IT (2) CS704, CS804

3/CS/6V Advanced Computer Architecture (1) CS606

3/CS/6B Communications and Protocols (1) CS610

3/CS/6K Algorithms for Objects and Images (1) CS621

Students taking Applied MEng in Computer Science must also register for

3/CS/6I Industrial Year (0)

This can be taken either after Part II or Part III. Optional Units

Students must take four of the following units:

3/CS/7B Graphical User Interfaces and Digital Multimedia Systems (2)

CS705, CS805

3/CS/7E Emergent Computing Structures (2) CS732, CS832

3/CS/7G Computer Graphics (2) CS701, CS801

3/CS/7K Image Processing and Vision (2) CS721, CS821

3/CS/L0 Distributed Systems (2) CS735, CS830

3/CS/7R Software Quality Metrics (2) CS734, CS834

3/CS/7T Informatics for E-Enterprise (2) CS736, CS836

Part 4 Compulsory Modules

CS4A2 Business: the IT Sector 10 M CS4P2 MEng Project 40 M CS4Q2 Research Studies 20 M CS4B2 Parallel Algorithms 10 M CS4E2 Robotic Intelligence 10 M CS4H2 Applied Software Engineering 10 M

Students must take two modules (for a total of 20 credits) from Part 3 optional modules. The selected modules should not have been taken previously. Course Assessment and Progression General The course is examined by both written papers and continuous assessment as set out in the individual unit descriptions. A unit may be examined by a written paper only, by continuous assessment only, or by a written paper plus a continuously-assessed component. Students who are unsuccessful in achieving the requisite level to progress to the next Part of a course have the right to be re-examined on one subsequent occasion. Students who fail in the Final Part of a course have the right to be re-examined on one subsequent occasion. Re-examination, however, is not available in any part of a course related to a professional qualification in any practical or similar assessment to a candidate whose re-examination would in the view of the relevant Faculty Examiners' Meeting entail unacceptable risk for clients involved. Students will be advised of the reassessment arrangements by the Assistant Registrar (Examinations). They are obliged to pay a re-examination fee, which will be detailed in the Assistant Registrar's letter.

Students who fail for a second time are normally required to leave the University. All students have the right to make a case to the Senate Committee on Failures in Examinations for an exceptional third attempt at the assessment failed. Such a case should only be made on the basis of exceptional circumstances. Details of this Committee and the Standing Committee on Examination Results are given in the Guide to Examinations.

Progression from Part II to Part III To proceed from Part II to Part III it is sufficient to pass Part II by achieving an average of not less than 50% overall and to obtain not less than 30% in modules taken in Part II . Marks of less than 30% in a total of two modules will be condoned provided that the candidate has pursued the course for the module with reasonable diligence and has not been absent from the examination without reasonable cause.

Progression from Part III to Part 4

There is not normally a formal requirement for progression from Part III to Part 4 of MEng programmes.

Final Degree Assessment Part II contributes 20% of the overall assessment, Part III 30% and Part IV the remaining 50%.

Candidates for the Applied Computer Science degree must receive a satisfactory report on their industrial year (unit 3/CS/6I).

To obtain a degree students must complete a satisfactory Project (unit CS4P2) in Part 4, and pass Part 4 overall.

General Descriptive Material Further information by way of advice and guidance specific to this degree programme.

Disclaimer This is an informal guide for the convenience of students and staff. The full Ordinances, Regulations and Syllabuses are given in the University Calendar; should there be, or appear to be, any conflict between statements in this handbook and the full Ordinances, Regulations and Syllabuses, the latter shall prevail. Although the information in this handbook is accurate at the time of publication, aspects of the course and of departmental practice may be subject to modification and revision. Information provided by the Department in the course of the year should be regarded, where appropriate, as superseding the information contained in the handbook. Please keep this handbook in a safe place as you will need to refer to it throughout your course.

List of contents Introduction Course Description

Course Aims/Overview Course Objectives Course Structure

Personnel responsible for the course Unit Descriptions

Introduction Welcome to the MEng course in (Applied) Computer Science. Together with the School Handbook for Students, this handbook is intended to give you as much as possible of the information you need in order to function effectively as a student on our course. Read the two together, and keep them both at hand. There’s a lot of it — sorry about that, but life is never really simple!

At the moment the full legal statement of the examinations and syllabuses is found in the University Calendar, in two places.

Section F of the Calendar contains the Ordinances, which set out the framework within which the university’s various degree courses operate. Ordinance LX governs BSc degrees in the Faculty of Science.

Section J of the Calendar contains the syllabuses, but only very briefly: this document is meant to “put flesh on the bones”.

Four Course Handbooks like this one are issued in each academic year. In the late Summer a Part I version is issued containing descriptions of the Part I units that students are required to do or are likely to choose from as they begin their degree studies. Late in the Lent Term (early in March) Part II, Part III and Part 4 versions are issued, to students approaching the end of their Part I and Part II programmes respectively. These will contain only the relevant Part II, III and 4 units that are about to be delivered. It sometimes happens that staff changes during the summer dictate a change in the list of available final year options: changes of teaching personnel or syllabus, or the complete withdrawal and possible replacement of a unit. If this happens, a brief supplement will be issued to the Part III handbook setting out the material changes and containing a full description of any new unit.

Course Description This section describes the degree course in outline. It is offered in two forms:

Computer Science, a four-year full-time degree course


Applied Computer Science, a five-year degree course which is identical to the MEng in Computer Science save that a year in industry is intercalated between the second and third academic years of the course.

Course Aims/Overview Computer Science is one of the fastest moving disciplines in the University. In recent years there have been enormous changes in the cost and power of computers, which

have opened the way for corresponding growth in the range of tasks to which they have been applied.

We aim to expose students to current practical methods and environments in addition to teaching fundamental and leading edge theory.

Graduates from these courses can apply for individual exemption from the Professional Examinations of the British Computer Society.

Course Objectives The course has a number of objectives, in terms of the knowledge and skills that students are intended to derive from it.

Subject-specific: programming using procedural, functional and logic styles; the use of formal methods in specifying and verifying programs; the use of data structuring techniques to represent complex real-world objects and situations; the study of algorithms for manipulating models of real-world situations for analytic and predictive purposes; an appreciation of the potential of this rapidly-changing technology, and the social consequences of its dissemination; responsible professional conduct.

Transferable: organisation and management of a project; requirements analysis and design for others to implement; documentation of programs and of development work; presentation skills; responsible group working.

Course Structure Like all Bachelors Degree courses in the Faculty of Science, this course consists of three parts: Part I comprises the first two terms (Autumn and Lent) and is examined just after Easter, about the middle of April; Part II consists of the next three terms (Summer, Autumn and Lent) and again is examined about the middle of April. Part III consists of the four remaining terms (Summer, Autumn, Lent and Summer again), and is examined in the final Summer term.

In Part I you must do six units which in this degree are grouped in four blocks.

Block 1 consists of three units, all of which are compulsory. One, 1/EI/A, taught by Computer Science, Cybernetics and Electronics staff, introduces the structure and logic of computer hardware; the other, 1/CS/H, sets out to strengthen problem solving skills and to impart a deep understanding of the ways in which computer programs need to express those solutions. The third unit in this block, 1/MA/6, deals with a particular branch of Mathematics, Logic and Discrete Mathematics, important in rigorous approaches to software engineering.

Block 2 consists of two units of which you have to do one, the choice depending on the extent of your previous experience in programming; if you have little or no experience the appropriate choice is 1/CS/F, whereas more experienced entrants should do 1/CS/E.

Block 3 consists of a choice of one from three units that prepare for the general mathematical content of the course. The first of these, unit 1/MA/7, lays the mathematical foundations for later work in units that deal with the application of computers in fields such as graphics and artificial intelligence. It is intended for entrants whose Mathematics is not strong. By selecting the Cybernetics unit 1/CY/B9 in block 3 and 1/CY/A6 in block 4 students will be able to switch to the joint degree Computer Science and Cybernetics (or its Applied variant). 1/CY/A6 is a co-requisite of 1/CY/B9.

Unit 1/MA/4 offers students with A level Mathematics an opportunity to consolidate and develop their abilities in this direction.

Block 4 offers an open choice of one further unit. This will not offer you the chance to switch to another degree after the Part I examinations, but is nevertheless a worthwhile opportunity to explore another discipline altogether. There is a wide range of units available, depending on your entry qualifications; many Part I units have specific A-level prerequisites. This handbook includes most of those likely to be of interest to Computer Science students. Here we summarise the most frequently chosen possibilities.

You may wish to explore Cybernetics. A suitable Part I Unit is 1/CY/A6.

Unit 1/PY/C introduces the main areas of modern Psychology and is for those who are looking for one more unit; it offers no way in to Psychology degree courses. It is also very popular and enrolment is strictly limited. An early indication of interest in this unit is recommended.

The University also offers a range of courses in modern languages (French, German, Spanish) suitable for complete beginners or for those with more experience. Details are available from the Faculty Office.

In Part II of the Computer Science degree there is no element of choice, because it is here that we cover the core of the subject. Depending on which of 1/CS/E and 1/CS/F you did in Part I, however, you will follow one of 2/CS/3E and 2/CS/3F in Part II.

In fact the core (compulsory) part of the course also includes three Part III courses: a unit 3/EM/AC introducing concepts of law and business management, and a unit 3/CS/7Y entitled Social Impact of IT and the Project in Part 4. Professional bodies such as the British Computer Society need to be clear what it is that graduates know about the subject, which is why the compulsory part of the course is larger than in some other degree programmes at Reading.

The Social Impact unit covers legal, professional and ethical matters that are judged to be important in the formation of an IT professional.

In addition Part III includes a varied range of options which build on the core material in particular ways. There are courses on Artificial Intelligence applications, including computer vision and robotics and on parallel and distributed computing. Computer graphics, and the design and use of graphical user interfaces also figure in the list of options.

Personnel Responsible for the Course Head of School: Professor Graham Megson

Head of Department: Professor Rachel Harrison Course Adviser: Computer Science Dr GT McKee Applied Computer Science Dr GT McKee Chair of the Board of Studies: Professor Rachel Harrison Examinations Officer: Professor Keith Baker Laboratory Co-ordinator: Mrs Susan Walmsley Project Co-ordinator: Dr James Ferryman

Unit Descriptions The following pages give detailed descriptions of the units with which you will be concerned in the Part of the degree that you have now reached. The pages are not numbered, because many of the unit descriptions are provided by other departments. The sequence generally adopted is ascending alphabetical order of unit code. Thus in Part I, 1/CS/H precedes 1/EI/A.

The Library Library books, periodicals and other materials belong to the University community and must not be treated as though they were your own property. Highlighting, underlining and writing in books makes it difficult for others to read them and is an infringement of the Library Rules. Heavy fines and/or suspension of borrowing rights are among the penalties that can be imposed on those found damaging books or other items; perpetrators can be traced through the computerised library issue system. The Department fully endorses any action the Library may take to reduce this or any other form of vandalism.

Module title: Business: The IT Sector Module code: CS4A2 Providing Department: School of SE Level: M Number of credits: 10 Terms in which taught: Autumn or Spring Number of ECTS credits: Module convenor: KDB Other teaching staff: Pre-requisites: Co-requisites: Modules excluded: Module type: Maximum number of students: Current from: Summary module description Aims Intended learning outcomes: Assessable outcomes Understanding of innovation in IT with specific reference to Internet technologies. Formation of markets The dynamics of innovative product design Economics of information markets Economics of business development Dynamics of change management Building shareholder value Additional outcomes Hypergrowth markets Connected communities Introducing change in organisations Infomediaries Formation of a small business Intellectual capital Outline content: Brief introduction to innovation in the IT sector. The development of the Internet, its impact on the economics, social and legal aspects of the business community. The development of products and services in the Internet age. The convergence of computing and communication. The formation of markets and hyper-growth markets. The role of information in the new economy. Creating a company, developing a product and a business plan. Creating shareholder value. Intellectual capital and the knowledge economy.

Brief description of teaching and learning methods: The course combines the teaching methods of economics, business studies and computer science. The main teaching will be based on case studies drawn from large and small companies involved in innovative use of Internet technology. The basic knowledge will be developed in lectures and illustrated by guest lecturers from companies who have innovated with technology. Learning is best achieved by active participation and students will be encouraged to participate in the analysis of business situations using simulations where appropriate. Coursework will alternate between essay and seminar preparation. Contact hours Lectures 10 Tutorials/seminars 4 Practicals None Other contact (eg study visits )

1 or 2

Total hours 24 Number of essays or assignments


Other (eg major seminar paper)


Assessment: By coursework Coursework: A single essay assignment or seminar presentation will be set selected from a choice of several business situations that cover the content of the course. Relative percentage of coursework: 100 Examinations: None Requirements for a pass: As specified by the Faculty of Science Reassessment arrangements: Standard

Module title: Computer Science MEng Project Module code: CS4P2 Providing Department: School of SE Level: H Number of credits: 30 Terms in which taught: Number of ECTS credits: Module convenor: Dr Shirley Williams Pre-requisites: CS3R2 Co-requisites: CS4Q2 Modules excluded: Module type: Maximum number of students: Current from: October 2005 Summary module description Aims Intended learning outcomes: Assessable outcomes A working project, survey papers. Additional outcomes Experience of design in a large scale project. Ability to work independently Outline content: This is the final project and must be done individually and contain an element of individual work. The project will usually be allied to current research within the Department.

Research skills are developed and the student is expected to produce a survey paper on research in a related area.

Brief description of teaching and learning methods: Lectures will be given as necessary to provide relevant information to the whole class. Individual students will be allocated a project supervisor and weekly meetings will be arranged.

Contact hours Autumn Spring Summer Lectures 2 2 Tutorials/seminars 10 10 Practicals Other contact (eg study visits )

Total hours 12 12 Number of essays or assignments

Other (eg major seminar paper)

1 1 1

Assessment: By coursework only Coursework The major deliverable is a report describing the project and the demonstration of the project. Other deliverables are interim reports Relative percentage of coursework: 100% Examinations: none Requirements for a pass: Satisfactory reports and projects Reassessment arrangements: Only possible with special permission from the Head of Department.

Module title: Research Studies Module code: CS4Q2 Providing Department: School of SE Level: M Number of credits: 10 Terms in which taught: Autumn Module convenor: Dr Rachel McCrindle Pre-requisites: Co-requisites: CS4P2 Modules excluded: Current from: 2005 Intended learning outcomes: Assessable outcomes Selection of topic and the ability to formulate a critical approach Ability to search for relevant literature from a wide range of sources and to select appropriate key literature Ability to write an extended essay using good scientific writing and presentation skills, according to a specified set of requirements Ability to assess critically the methods, results and conclusions reported by other researchers Knowledge and understanding acquired of the researched topic Ability to present the work orally to a group

Additional outcomes Outline content: The aim of the module is to provide training in the use of available literature and to be able to critically evaluate a given topic in computer science. It provides experience in the use of library and computer-based literature search facilities, in the selection of material, in the writing of an extended essay, in the use of English for scientific writing and in the presentation of a piece of work according to a given set of requirements. A detailed knowledge of a given topic in computer science also results. Brief description of teaching and learning methods: Students work individually on a topic chosen in conjunction with the module convenor. Lectures will be given as necessary to provide relevant information to the whole class and fortnightly seminars will be held. The format will be primarily student led with an emphasis on professionally presenting their work through written reports and oral presentations. . Contact hours

Autumn Spring Summer Lectures 2 Tutorials/seminars 8 Practicals Other contact (student presentations)


Total hours 20 Number of essays or assignments


Other (presentation to group)


Assessment: By coursework only. Coursework Individual written report comprising a 5000 word literature review, on a given topic. Oral and poster presentation of this work to the other student. Relative percentage of coursework : 100% Penalties for late submission School penalties apply Examinations none Requirements for a pass Satisfactory of reports and projects. Reassessment arrangements Only possible with special permission from the Head of Department.

Module title: Parallel Algorithms

Module code: CS4B2 Providing Department: School of SE Level: M Number of credits: 10 Terms in which taught: Autumn or Spring Number of ECTS credits: Module convenor: GMM Other teaching staff: Pre-requisites: CS1G2, CS2G2 Co-requisites: none Modules excluded: none Module type: Maximum number of students: Current from: 2002 Summary module description Introduction to the issues of designing and implementing parallel algorithms using data dependency analysis. Aims To be able to analyse an algorithm and detect parallelism using notions of data dependency. To be able to map the parallelism exposed onto a parallel architecture. Intended learning outcomes: Assessable outcomes This course provides and insight into designing algorithms to be exploited by parallel computer and high performance architectures. At the ends of the module students will be able to analyze and algorithm for speed-up, efficiency, and scalability. Understanding of the principles of data partitioning. Dependence Analysis and its relationship to Automatic Parallelisation. Additional outcomes Appreciation of the interrelationships of parallelism with concurrent systems, algorithm design, and architectures. Outline content: 1. Why parallel processing (motivational - evergreen - examples). 2. Speed-up, Efficiency, and Scalability (Amdahl, Gustasfon). 3. Dependency Analysis (dependence graphs, loop transformations, iteration spaces). 4. Algorithms for Grids and Meshes (mainly matrix, table examples, block forms,

partitioning). 5. Algorithms using Trees (Fan-in, Fan-out, examples - sorting, convex hull, divide

and conquer, partitioning)

6. Principles of Space-Time mapping (LPGS, LSGP, tiling) 7. Pipelined Algorithms (systolic, embedded systems). Brief description of teaching and learning methods: Lecture courses supported by paper based design exercises. Directed Reading. Contact hours Autumn Spring Summer Lectures 20 Tutorials/seminars 10 Practicals Other contact (eg study visits )

Total hours 30 Number of essays or assignments


Other (eg major seminar paper)

Assessment: 70% Exam, 30% coursework Coursework: One piece of coursework based on mesh and tree algorithms Relative percentage of coursework: 30% Examinations: One 90-minute written examination Requirements for a pass: As specified by the Faculty of Science Reassessment arrangements: Examination only

Module title: Robotic Intelligence Module code: CS4E2 Providing Department:School of SE Level: M Number of credits: 10 Terms in which taught: Autumn or Spring Number of ECTS credits: Module convenor: GTM Other teaching staff: Pre-requisites: CS3Y2 Co-requisites: None Modules excluded: None Module type: Maximum number of students: Current from: 2005 Summary module description Students will be introduced to algorithmic techniques for solving robotic problems in sensing control and planning. Aims This module aims to provide students with a sound understanding of the key principles of intelligent robotics systems. Intended learning outcomes: Assessable outcomes Students will study theoretical and practical techniques in artificial intelligence and robotics and their application to the design and implementation of intelligent robot systems. Students will gain practice in the analysis, design and implementation of a robotics system concept. Additional outcomes Students completing this unit will have a sound appreciation of current research and open research challenges in the area of robotics, in particular their application to space robotics. Outline content: Brief review of Artificial Intelligence; AI concepts and early work related to Robotics; Heuristic search techniques, assembly and path planning; Knowledge representation and reasoning for robotics; Robot architectures; Sensors and controls; sensor fusion, map-building, autonomous navigation and localisation. Man-machine interfaces and human-robot systems.

Advanced topics studied in detail: networked robotics, modular robotics, Internet robotics, planetary robotics, cooperative robotics, cognitive architectures, embedded robotics technologies. Brief description of teaching and learning methods: The main body of the material will be presented through lectures. Teaching methods will include focused discussion of key research papers and seminal contributions to robotics and artificial intelligence. Practical laboratory sessions and exercises will be used to demonstrate key concepts. An assignment will be set involving research, analysis, design and implementation of important principles and techniques. Contact hours Autumn Spring Summer Lectures 18 Tutorials/seminars 3 Practicals 5 Other contact (eg study visits )

Total hours 26 Number of essays or assignments


Other (eg major seminar paper)

Assessment: Coursework Programming assignment; Report or programming assignment Relative percentage of coursework: 30% Examinations: One 90-minute written paper Requirements for a pass: As specified by the Faculty of Science Reassessment arrangements: By examination only

Module title: Applied Software Engineering

Module code: CS4H2 Providing Department: School of SE Level: M Number of credits: 10 Terms in which taught: Spring Number of ECTS credits: Module convenor: RH Other teaching staff: Pre-requisites: CS3N2 Co-requisites: none Modules excluded: none Module type: Maximum number of students: Current from: October 2004 Summary module description This module builds on CS3N2 (Software Quality Metrics) to help students understand more about measurement and empirical software engineering in general. Aims To further develop an understanding of the meaning and importance of empirical software engineering in relation to software systems. Intended learning outcomes: Assessable outcomes By the end of the course, students should be able to: • understand and apply the basics of reliability theory; • understand how to measure productivity; • cope with estimation; • perform empirical research in software engineering.

Additional outcomes Outline content: Reliability: measurement and prediction: theory, software reliability growth models; Making process predictions: Cocomo. Planning a measurement program. ISO9000 CMM, SPICE; Measurement in practice: HP, IBM Empirical research: Software requirements specifications. Cleanroom. Brief description of teaching and learning methods:

Lectures, guest lectures from colleagues in industry, assessment by exam.

Contact hours Autumn Spring Summer Lectures 20 Tutorials/seminars Practicals Other contact (eg study visits )

Total hours 20 Number of essays or assignments


Other (eg major seminar paper)


Assessment: Coursework: None Relative percentage of coursework: 0% Examinations: One 3 hour paper Requirements for a pass: 40% Reassessment arrangements: Examination only