Defintion Handout

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Transcript of Defintion Handout

ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I






ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I

CorporationCorporation is referred as a legal structure authorized by state law that allows a business to organize as a separate legal entity from its owners. One advantage of incorporating is that a corporation's owners (shareholders) are legally shielded from personal liability for the corporation's liabilities and debts (unpaid taxes are often an exception). In theory, a corporation can be organized either for profit-making or nonprofit purposes. Most profit-making corporations are known as C corporations and are taxed separately from their owners, but nonprofit corporations are organized under subchapter are pass-through tax entities, meaning that all profits are federally taxed on the personal income tax returns of their owners.

Exercise 1: Vocabulary1. Find a synonym for the word“ shield” in L.3: ________________________

2. Find a word in L.4 means “legal responsibility for something, especially for paying money that is owed, or for damage or injury” : ____________________

3. Find a synonym for the word “entity” in L.8: _______________________

Exercise 2: Comprehension 1. Underline the sentence in the passage that describes the main idea best.

2. What are the types of corporations?___________________________________________________________________

3. What is the positive side of “incorporation”?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 3: ReferenceWhat do these pronouns refer to?

1. its (L. 2) : _________________________

2. their (L.7) : _________________________

3. their (L.9) : _________________________

Exercise 4: Language1. Underline the phrases that are used for definition.

2. Underline the phrase that is used for categorization.

3. Which techniques / skills are used to define the term “corporation”?

a-___________________________ c-___________________________b-___________________________ d-___________________________


ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I

4. Paraphrase the statement below:

Most profit-making corporations are known as C corporations and are taxed separately from their owners, but nonprofit corporations are organized under subchapter are pass-through tax entities, meaning that all profits are federally taxed on the personal income tax returns of their owners.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

FranchiseA franchise is a form of licensing. The franchiser provides his services through a series of franchisees. There are three (3) basic types of franchises: Distributorships, which grant the right to sell their parent company's product(s) such as auto dealerships (Toyota, Ford, GM, Mercedes, etc). Trademark or brand name licensing, which gives the licensees the right to use the parent company's trademark or brand in conjunction with the operation of their own business i.e. beverages (Coca-Cola) and sport franchises (Miami Dolphins, New York Yankees, etc). Business format franchises, the type most people are familiar with (Subway, Meineke Muffler, and Circle K.)

Exercise 1: Vocabulary1. Find a word in L. 1 means “authorize, let, permit”: _____________________

2. Find a synonym for the word“ grant” in L.3: ______________________ 3. Find a word in L.4 means “brand” : _______________________

4. Find a synonym for the word“ familiar” in L.8: _______________________

Exercise 2: Comprehension1. What is the function of franchisees?______________________________________________________________

2. Find 3 examples from Turkey that suit for each type of franchise and state the type’s name.

a- _______________________________

b- _______________________________

c- ______________________________

Exercise 3: ReferenceWhat do these pronouns refer to?

1. his (L. 1): _____________________

2. their (L. 3): _____________________


ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I

3. their (L. 6): _____________________

Exercise 4: Language.1. Which term is defined in the paragraph? _____________________

2. What is the class of the term? ______________________

3. What is special feature of the term? ______________________

4. Underline the phrases that are used for definition.

5. Underline the phrase that is used for categorization.

6. Which techniques / skills are used to define the term “franchise”?

a-___________________________ c-___________________________b-___________________________ d-___________________________

7. What is the tone of the text? Show the phrases or structures that give you an idea about the tone of the text.

8. Paraphrase the statement below;

“A franchise is a form of licensing. The franchiser provides his services through a series of franchisees.”


Small BusinessSmall business means a business smaller than a given size as measured by its employment, business receipts, or business assets. The Small Business Act established (SBA) to protect the interests of small businesses. The law defines a small business concern as "one that is independently owned and operated and which is not dominant in its field of operation." It also states that in determining what constitutes a small business, the definition will vary from industry to industry to reflect industry differences accurately.

Exercise 1: Vocabulary

Match the words with their synonyms and state the part of speech for each word.

Word Synonym Part of Speech1. asset _________ a. concern, matter ___________2. interest _________ b. advantage benefit ___________3. ensure _________ c. mirror ___________4. determine _________ d. change, alter ___________5. constitute _________ e. guarantee, assure ___________6. vary _________ f. take a decision ___________7. reflect _________ g. compose ___________8. operate _________ h. function ___________


ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I

Exercise 2: Comprehension

1. List 3 criterion that determines a business is a small business.a. ____________________b. ____________________c. ____________________

2. What is the duty of SBA?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What are the features of a small business?a. ________________________________________________b. ________________________________________________

Exercise 3: Reference

What do these pronouns refer to?

1. its (L.1): ___________________

2. one (L.4): ___________________

3. it (L.5) : ____________________

Exercise 4: Language

1. Which term is defined in the paragraph? _____________________

2. What is the class of the term? ______________________

3. What is special feature of the term? ______________________

4. Underline the phrases that are used for definition.

5. Paraphrase the statement below;

The Small Business Act established (SBA) to protect the interests of small businesses. The law defines a small business concern as "one that is independently owned and operated and which is not dominant in its field of operation."____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I


Inflation is the term used to describe a rise of average prices through the economy. It

means that money is losing its value. The underlying cause is usually that too much

money is available to purchase too few goods and services, or that demand in the

economy is outpacing supply. In general, this situation occurs when an economy is so

buoyant that there are widespread shortages of labor and materials. People can charge

higher prices for the same goods or services. Inflation can also be caused by a rise in

the prices of imported commodities, such as oil. However, this sort of inflation is usually

transient, and less crucial than the structural inflation caused by an over-supply of


Exercise 1: Vocabulary



L.2.   basic      fundamental        L.3   need               L.4   leave behind               L.4   stock      source        L.5   changeable      inconsistent        L.5   extensive      common        L.5   insufficiency      scarcity        L.5   require      ask        L.7   asset      belonging        L.8   temporary      changeable        L.8   essential      vital        

Exercise 2: Reference

1. it (L.1): ____________________________

2. this situation (L.4): ___________________

Exercise 3: Comprehension


ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I

1. Write 3 causes for inflation in your own words.

a. ______________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________________

2. Define inflation in your own words._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What are the 2 types of inflation?

a. ______________________________________

b. ______________________________________

Exercise 4: Language

1. Which term is defined in the paragraph? _____________________

2. What is the class of the term? ______________________

3. What is special feature of the term? ______________________

4. Underline the phrase(s) that is used for definition.

5. Underline the cause phrases in the paragraph.

6. Underline passive structures in the paragraph.


Internet Sites for Paraphrasing

1. (Answer Key)







ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I

Exercise: Divide into groups (a) identify the main points of each of the following

paragraphs , (b) then paraphrase , ( c ) determine the audience and the tone and

the purpose of each :

1. Humanity has been utilizing the fossil fuels ever since the beginning of civilization .

For millions of years , these fuels have been exploited without any major problems

until we came to the industrial revolution . Until roughly 1850s , the amount of

carbon dioxide in the atmosphere remained stable at about 250 parts per million .

Within a very short span of time , the consumption of fossil fuels surged .









2. Acid rain mostly affects forests and lakes. It has caused the death of large forests

in Europe and America. At least half of the Black Forest in Germany has been

destroyed. In Switzerland, it has damaged 14 % of the trees in mountain areas.

This endangers the villages because trees protect them from landslides and

avalanches. In North America, pine trees are losing their ability to reproduce

because of the acid rain. Conifers, or pine trees, are affected more than

deciduous trees such as oak or plane trees for two reasons .First, the deciduous

trees lose their leaves in autumn whereas conifers are exposed all year around,

especially during the winter months when pollution is greatest. Secondly conifers

are founds n mountainous areas where there are more clouds, rain and fog. Thus

their exposure to acid rain is higher for longer periods of time.









ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I



____________________________________ _____________________________________



4. The excess amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere coupled with global

warming will affect the oceans as well. The oceans will absorb a large portion of the

gas and this will change their temperature and composition. In addition, the melting

of the ice caps would affect their salinity.








5. The life under the seas will also be affected and the biosphere will never be the

same for any kind of life form .The suggested remedies can never commensurate

with the severity of the case .







Exercise – Break into groups and reduce the following long texts to shorter ones

a. People whose professional activity lies in the field of politics are not, on the

whole, conspicuous for their respect for factual accuracy.

Short version:…………………………………………...............................................

b. Failure to assimilate an adequate quantity of solid food over an extended period

of time is absolutely certain to lead, in due course, to a fatal conclusion.

Short version:…………………………………………................................................


ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I

c. The climatic conditions prevailing in the British Isles show a pattern of alternating

and unpredictable periods of dry and wet weather, accompanied by a similarly

irregular cycle of temperature changes.

Short version:………………………………………...................................................

d. It is undeniable that the large majority of non-native learners of English

experience a number of problems in attempting to master the phonetic patterns

of the language.

Short version:…………………………….................................................................

e. Tea, whether of the China or Indian variety, is well known to be high on the list of

those beverages which are most frequently drunk by the inhabitants of the British


Short version:…………………………………………………...................................

f. It is not uncommon to encounter sentences which, though they contain a great

number of words and are constructed in a highly complex way, none the less ,

turn out , on inspection , to convey very little meaning of any kind.

short version :…………………………………............................................................


Read the paragraphs below and find out the sentences which destroy the unity.

1. This must have greatly impacted not only the Africans identity, but also their

culture’s ideology. When the Europeans changed the way Africa was run, Africa’s

ideologies changed. Europeans forced their ideologies upon Africans. The African’s

feelings also changed because their society’s ideologies changed. These women

struggle for gender equality. Therefore, the changing of ideologies changed the

Africans’ identities.

2. Ideology directly affects our identity. It is a major part of what makes a person

who they are. Attitudes, values, and ideas, have a great impact on one’s identity. As

long as ideology is prevalent in society, people will conform to it and their identity will

be based upon it. There are many different components that make up who a person

is, but the society’s ideology that a person lives in vastly influences that person’s


ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I

identity. Since the dominant class has control and power they do not see a need for

the way things are run to change.

3. Programs that are well designed and take into consideration children's

developmental stages are more likely to have educational merit than shows not

geared toward their healthy growth. Even more important than the content and

construction of a show, however, is the role a caregiver can play. When television

content is not understandable to children, they pay less attention to it. By watching

with the child, a parent can find ways to interact during the viewing and take

advantage of learning opportunities embedded in a program.

4. A recent study found some parents have rules about programs — pertaining to

which shows children are allowed to watch — and some have rules about time —

how long the TV can be on. Parents who set time rules reported their children spent

less time watching television whereas parents who set program rules reported their

children watched more television. Thirty-five percent of the children lived in a home

where the television was on "always" or "most of the time," even if no one was

watching. Parents with program rules were more likely to have positive attitudes

toward television and more likely to be present when their children were viewing.

Transition Signals

Exercise – There are two paragraphs that follow. Both paragraphs convey the same

information, yet one paragraph is easier to understand than the other because it

contains transition signals that lead the reader from one idea to the next. Circle all the

transition signals that you can identify:

Paragraph 1

A difference among the world’s seas and oceans is that the salinity varies in different

climate zones. The Baltic Sea in Northern Europe is only one-fourth as saline as the Red

Sea in the Middle East. There are reasons for this. In warm climates, water evaporates

rapidly. The concentration of salt is greater. The surrounding land is dry and does not

contribute much fresh water to dilute the salty sea water. In cold climate zones, water


ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I

evaporates slowly. The run-off created by melting snow adds a considerable amount of

fresh water to dilute the saline sea water.

Paragraph 2

Another difference among the world’s seas and oceans is that the salinity varies in

different climate zones. For example, the Baltic Sea in Northern Europe is only one-

fourth as saline as the Red Sea in the Middle East. There are two reasons for this. First

of all, in warm climates, water evaporates rapidly; therefore, the concentration of salt is

greater. Second, the surrounding land is dry and consequently does not contribute much

fresh water to dilute the salty sea water. In cold climate zones, on the other hand, water

evaporates slowly. Furthermore, the run-off created by melting snow adds a

considerable amount of fresh water to dilute the saline sea water.

P.S.: You should not use a transition signal for every sentence . Too many transition

signals can be just as confusing as too few.

Exercise - Break into groups and identify all the transition signals in the following

paragraphs. Afterwards try to find alternative for each transition signal:

Paragraph 1

Genetic research has produced both exciting and frightening possibilities. Scientists are

now able to create new forms of life in the laboratory due to the development of gene

splicing. On the one hand, the ability to create life in the laboratory could greatly benefit

humankind. For example, it is very expensive to obtain insulin from natural sources but

through genetic research, scientists have now developed a way to manufacture it

inexpensively in the laboratory. Another beneficial application of gene splicing is in

agriculture. Genetic engineers have created a new tomato that does not spoil quickly.

Consequently, tomato farmers can now let the tomatoes ripen on the plant and develop

full flavor and color before they are picked – no more green, flavorless tomatoes in the

grocery stores! In addition, genetic engineers have created larger fish, frost resistant

strawberries and more productive cows.


ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I

Paragraph 2

On the other hand, not everyone is positive about gene splicing technology. Some

people feel that it could have terrible consequences. A laboratory accident, for example,

might cause an epidemic of an unknown disease that could wipe out humanity.

Furthermore, the ability to clone human being s is a possibility that frightens many

people. In 1993, a researcher at George Town University Medical Center cloned human

embryos into twins and triplets. These embryos did not develop into babies but, it is

possible that they could do so in the future. Because human embryos can be frozen and

used at a later date, it could be possible for parents to have a child and then, years later,

to use a cloned frozen embryo to give birth to its identical twin.

Paragraph 3

Because language plays such an important role in teaching, Bellack and his colleagues

chose to examine in some detail the "language game" in the classroom. They contended

that "teaching is similar to most games in at least two respects. It is a form of social

activity in which the players (teachers and students) fill different but complementary

roles. Furthermore, teaching is governed by certain ground rules that guide the actions

or moves made by the participants" (p. 4). By studying the language game, then, Bellack

et al. intended to identify the various types of verbal moves made by teachers and

students and the rules they followed in making these moves. As a result, they could

investigate the functions these verbal moves served and examine the meanings that

were being communicated.

Paragraph 4

To begin with, it is necessary to consider the long-term implications of the decision to

increase our dependence on permanent staff in our restaurants. For example, let us say

we do go ahead. In this case, our reliance on hourly-paid staff will decrease. As a result,

costs will reduce, as permanent staff is cheaper than hourly-paid staff. In fact, it is not

necessarily the case, especially as there is no way of knowing what the relative costs of

hourly-paid staff and permanent staff will be in ten years' time. However, as a rule hourly

permanent staff is more reliable than full-time staff and this is a genuine advantage. As a

consequence of these two advantages, permanent staff would seem to be a better


ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I

option. In other words, they are cheaper and more reliable so they are better. In that

case, it is not necessary to hesitate. Naturally, nothing is so simple. In short, cost is an

unknown factor and the most economical choice is not known.

Paragraph 5

Another important element of a good paragraph is unity. Every good paragraph has

unity, which means that only one idea is discussed. For example if your paragraph is

about the advantages of owning a compact car, discuss only that. Do not discuss the

disadvantages. Furthermore it is good idea to discuss one advantage, such as gas

economy, in each paragraph. If you begin to discuss another advantage, start a new

paragraph. Sometimes it is possible to discuss two or even three aspects of the same

idea in one paragraph if they are closely related to each other. For example , you could

discuss gas economy and low maintenance costs in the same paragraph because they

are closely related , but you should not discuss both gas economy and easier parking in

the same paragraph because they are not closely related

The second art of unity is that every supporting sentence must directly explain or prove

the main idea stated in the topic sentence. Do not include any information that does not

directly support the topic sentence. If you write sentences that are “off the topic “, these

would be irrelevant sentences. If you are writing a paragraph about the high cost of

college tuition, you could mention inflation as a factor. However, if you write several

sentences about inflation, you are getting off the topic, and your paragraph will not have


Exercise – Break into groups and fill each blank with an appropriate transition signal

such as for instance, moreover, but, furthermore, however, for example, such as, in

conclusion, etc.


For many years, Japanese consumers have been very slow in accepting foreign goods,


ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I

mainly because they are very selective and will only purchase high quality products.

Lately …………………..the consumer market has been changing. According to a recent

article in The Wall Street Journal, koku-saika , which is defined as internationalization ,

is influencing young Japanese consumers , who are very eager to purchase and enjoy

products from countries around the world . The greatest access into the Japanese

market has been by the food industry. Traditionally , the protein staple in Japan has

been fish products , …………………………….., in the last decade or so , the Japanese

have been consuming more beef . In fact, annual per capita consumption is expected to

be about seven kilos in the next decade.

………………………..They have acquired a taste for imported beverages, both of the

non-alcohol and of the low-alcohol varieties, like beer drinks and light wines important

from England, Germany, Switzerland, the U.S. and Australia. ………………… young

people, especially women who are aware of the importance of health and fitness, are

eating western style breakfasts. ……………………they enjoy fruit, milk and bran type

cereals imported from the United States.

Not only western countries , but also Asian nations …………………………South Korea ,

Taiwan , Singapore and Thailand have been benefiting from the changing diet of the

Japanese consumer . ………………………Japan is importing eels ( fish ) from Taiwan,

asparagus( vegetable ) from Thailand , and mangoes ( fruit ) from the Philippines .

……………………..the Japanese rend toward internationalism should have become

even greater as we approach the twenty-first century. It will certainly increase

international trade, which will definitely be advantageous to many countries of the world.

There are three separate sources of hazard related to the use of nuclear reactions to

supply us with energy. __________, the radioactive material must travel from its place of

manufacture to the power station. __________ the power stations themselves are solidly

built, the containers used for the transport of the material are not. __________, there are

normally only two methods of transport available, __________ road or rail, and both of

these involve close contact with the general public, __________ the routes are bound to

pass near, or even through, heavily populated areas. __________, there is the problem

of waste. All nuclear power stations produce wastes which in most cases will remain

radioactive for thousands of years. It is impossible to de-activate these wastes, and

__________ they must be stored in one of the ingenious but cumbersome ways that

scientists have invented. __________ they may be buried under the ground, dropped


ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I

into disused mineshafts, or sunk in the sea. __________ these methods do not solve the

problem; they merely store it, __________ an earthquake could crack open the

containers like nuts. __________ there is the problem of accidental exposure due to a

leak or an explosion at the power station. As with the other two hazards, this is

extremely unlikely and __________ does not provide a serious objection to the nuclear

program, __________ it can happen, as the inhabitants of Harrisburg will tell you.

Separately, and during short periods, these three types of risk are no great cause for

concern. Taken together, __________, and especially over much longer periods, the

probability of a disaster is extremely high.


The “women’s lib” movement towards greater equality for women has produced some

permanent changes in the vocabulary of English. New words have been added.

………………..the words “feminist”, “sexist”, and “male chauvinist” have become have

become common during the past thirty-five years or so. Another new word is the title

“Ms” , which is often used in place of both “Miss” and ” Mrs. ” . A …………….change is

that sexist titles of many occupations have been neutralized. ………………..A “chairman”

is now a “chairperson” (or sometimes simply chair), a “waiter/waitress” is now a “wait-

person”, and a high school or college “freshman” is now a “first-year-student”.

…………………..A “mailman” is now a “mail-carrier”, and an “airline-stewardess” is now

a “flight-attendant.” ………………….. , English pronouns may also change as a result of

women’s desire for equality. Attempts to give equal treatment to masculine and feminine

pronouns in English have led to the search for a new pronoun form to replace “he” (such

as he/she or s/he) when referring to neutral nouns like student and manager.

………………some of the new words such as “Ms.” are quite useful ; you can use “Ms.”

to address a woman when you don’t know is she is married . ………………………….The

lack of a clear neutral pronoun can lead to awkward sentence construction.


Exercise 1 – The key noun is “gold”. Circle gold and all pronouns that refer to it.


ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I

Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics. First of all, gold has a

lustrous beauty that is resistant to corrosion. Therefore, it is suitable for jewelry, coins

and ornamental purposes. Gold never needs to be polished and will remain beautiful

forever. For example, a Macedonian coin remains as untarnished today as the day it

was minted. Twenty-three centuries ago. Another important characteristic of gold is its

usefulness to industry and science. For many years, it has been used in hundreds of

industrial applications .The most recent use of gold is in astronauts’ suits. Astronauts

wear gold-plated heat-shields for protection outside spaceships. In conclusion, gold is

treasured not only for its beauty but also for its utility.

P.S.: There are no fixed rules about how often to repeat key nouns or when to substitute

pronouns. At the very least, key nouns are to be repeated when the meaning is not


Exercise 2 - The paragraph below is similar to the one above. Yet it seems to be

less coherent. Why?

Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics. First of all, it has a

lustrous beauty that is resistant to corrosion. Therefore, it is suitable for jewelry, coins

and ornamental purposes. It never needs to be polished and will remain beautiful

forever. For example, a Macedonian coin remains as untarnished today as the day it

was minted. Twenty-three centuries ago. Another important characteristic is its

usefulness to industry and science. For many years, it has been used in hundreds

industrial applications .Its most recent use is in astronauts’ suits. Astronauts wear heat-

shields made from it for protection outside spaceships. In conclusion, gold is treasured

not only for its beauty but also for its utility.

Exercise 3 – The following paragraph appears to be ambiguous. Why? How would

you improve it?

English has almost become an international language. Except for Chinese, more people

speak it than any other language. Spanish is the official language of more countries in


ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I

the world, but more countries have it as their official or unofficial second language. More

than 70 % of the world’s mail is written in it. It is the primary language on the Internet. In

international business, it is used more than any other language, and it is the language of

airline pilots and air traffic controllers all over the world. Moreover, although French used

to be the language of diplomacy, it has displaced it throughout the world. Therefore,

unless you plan to spend your life alone on a desert island in the middle of the Pacific

Ocean, it is a useful language to know.

Exercise 4 –Replace some of the pronouns with appropriate singular or plural

nouns in the following paragraph about dolphins:

Dolphins are interesting because they display almost human behavior at times. For

example, they display the human emotions of joy and sadness. During training, when

they do something correctly, I they squeal excitedly and race towards their trainer. When

they make a mistake however, they droop noticeable and mope around their pool.

Furthermore, they help each other when they are in trouble. If one is sick, it sends out a

message, and others in the area swim to help it. They push it to the surface of the water

so that it can breathe. They stay with it for days or weeks – until it recovers or dies. They

have also helped trapped or lost whales navigate their way safely out to the open sea.

They are so intelligent and helpful, in fact, that the U.S. Navy is training them to become

underwater bomb disposal experts.

Exercise 5- Put the sentences in the correct order to form coherent paragraph.

Underline the words that helped you to organize the sentences in the right order and

discuss how they helped you.

1. In certain accidents, if breathing stops, it is possible to save life by artificial respiration. This means that someone else causes air to enter and leave a person's lungs.

2. With your left hand, pinch the nostrils to prevent the air you blow into the victim's mouth from escaping through the nose.

3. Now, place your mouth tightly over the victim's and blow into his or her mouth until you see the chest rise.

4. The method of artificial respiration now recommended by the U.S. Army, the Red


ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I

Cross, and the Boy Scouts of America is a method of mouth-to-mouth breathing.

5. Remove your mouth, turn your head to the side, and listen to the outrush of air that indicates air exchange.

6. First, place the victim face up. Tilt the victim's head back so that the chin is pointing upward.

7. Then, with your right-hand thumb, pull the jaw down to clear the tongue from the air passage in the back of the victim's mouth.

8. Next, if there is any foreign matter in the victim's mouth, wipe it out quickly with your fingers.

9. Repeat blowing.

10. For an adult, blow vigorously at a rate of about twelve breaths a minute. For a young child, take relatively shallow breaths, at a rate of about twenty a minute.

Exercise 6- The following paragraphs are not coherent. Rewrite them using

suitable coherence devices that we have studied such as repetition of a key term

or phrase , synonyms , pronouns , transitional words , sentence patterns ,

organization of details and examples :

Paragraph 1

Women should not be drafted for combat duty. It is not practical. The army needs to set

up two facilities for everything. It needs to set up two sleeping quarters, two sets of

showers and two latrines. The actual amount of work and supplies involved in setting up

camp is doubled. More supplies and equipment in the field slows down troop movement

considerably. Our troops would lose any advantage they would have for surprise attack.

We need an incredible amount of backup support for men. It is not practical to double

that in wartime.

Paragraph 2 The ancient Egyptians were masters of preserving dead bodies.

Mummification, which was remarkably effective, consisted of removing the internal


ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I

organs, applying natural preservatives inside and outside, and wrapping the body in

layers of bandages. Mummies several thousands of years old have been discovered

nearly intact, with well-preserved skin, hair, teeth, nails and facial features. Mummies

may show evidence of diseases such as smallpox, arthritis, and nutritional deficiencies.

Fatal afflictions are apparent: a middle-aged Egyptian king died from a blow to the

head; a child-king died from polio.


Term Class Characteristics

1. A computer is a machine with an intricate network of electronic circuits that

operate switches or magnetize tiny metallic cores.

2. Input is the information presented to the computer.

3. The term computer includes those parts of a hardware in which calculations and

other data manipulations are performed and the high-speed internal memory in

which data and calculations are stored during actual executions of programs.

4. A system is a mixture of integrated parts working together to form a useful whole.

5. Large computer systems or mainframes, as they are referred to in the field of

computer science, are those computer systems found in computer installations

processing immense amounts of data.

6. The part of the processor which controls data transfers between the various input

and output devices is called the control unit.

7. A modem is a device which serves a dual purpose because it acts as a

modulator (digital to analog) and a demodulator (analog to digital).


ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I

8. Computer memory is one of three basic components of a computer which stores

information for future use both data that will be operated on as well as the

programs that direct what operations must be performed.

9. The compiler is a systems program which may be written in any language, but

the compiler’s operating system is a true systems program which controls the

central processing unit, the input, the output and the secondary memory devices.

10. A variable is a quantity that is referred to by name, such as a, b, c, d, and


11. A WAN is a network connected over long-distance telephone lines.

Match parts of sentences to make definitions

1. A university isbranch of

scientific study

which consists of three elements or

components: (1) a question, problem, or

hypothesis, (2) data, and (3) analysis

and interpretation of data.

2. Social Economics may

be broadly defined asa liquid

made up of molecules of hydrogen and

oxygen in the ratio 2 to 1.

3. Research may be

defined asan institution

[which is] concerned with the

measurement, causes and

consequences of social problems.

4. Water is a systematic


primarily concerned with celestial objects

inside and outside of the earth’s


5. Astronomy is the branch of


where knowledge is "produced" and

passed on to others.

Pair Work Activity

Work with your partner and try to answer the following questions.

1. The term definition is used to mean:


ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I

a) A description of an object, mechanism, place, or organism

b) An account of how something works or happens—the events in that process

c) An explanation of what a potentially unfamiliar term means

2. Which of the following contains a short definition?

a) Approximately 5% of the U.S. population over 65 has severe dementia, while

another 10% have mild to moderate impairment of memory and cognition. Of these

demented individuals, approximately 40 to 50% have Alzheimer's disease, making it

the most common cause of dementia in middle and later life.

b) Life on earth is possible because there is liquid water, a blanket of life-supporting

gases, and a climate neither too warm nor too cold. Human beings may now be

altering this balance by adding unusual amounts of carbon dioxide to the

atmosphere. This could make the global climate warmer than at any other time in

human history. And this change would be irreversible.

c) The output produced by a computer program may contain error messages, which

indicate the presence of errors in the program. These messages are generated by

the computer system to help the programmer in correcting these errors, also known

as bugs. Severe errors can cause the processing to be terminated (aborted).

3. Which of the following contains a definition?

a) Stress is a measure of the internal reaction between elementary particles of a

material in resisting separation, compacting, or sliding that tend to be induced by

external forces.

b) The resisting forces within the material are made up of continuously distributed

normal and tangential forces that are of varying magnitude and direction and act on

elementary areas throughout the material.

c) These forces can be distributed uniformly or nonuniformly and can be categorized

as tensile, compressive, or shearing, according to the straining action.


ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I

4. In the definition in the preceding question, which word or phrase acts as the term



5. In the definition in the preceding question, which word or phrase acts as the class or

category element?


6. In the definition in the preceding question, which word or phrase acts as the

characteristics element?


Extended Definition

What Is Economics?

1 Economics is the study of how people choose to use resources.

2 Resources include the time and talent people have available, the land, buildings, equipment, and other tools on hand, and the knowledge of how to combine them to create useful products and services.

3 Important choices involve how much time to devote to work, school, and to leisure, how many dollars to spend and how

money to save, how to combine resources to produce goods and services, and how to vote and shape the level of taxes and the role of government.

4 Often, people appear to use their resources to improve their well-being. Well-being includes the satisfaction people gain from the products and services they choose to consume, from their time spent in leisure and with family and community as well as in jobs, and the security and services provided by effective governments. Sometimes, however, people appear to use their resources in ways that don't improve their well-being.

5 In short, economics includes the study of labor, land, and investments of money, income, and production, and of taxes and government expenditures. Economists seek


ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I

to measure well-being, to learn how well-being may increase overtime, and to evaluate the well-being of the rich and the poor.

6 Although the behavior of individuals is important, economics also addresses the collective behavior of businesses and industries, governments and countries, and the globe as a whole. Microeconomics starts by thinking about how individuals make decisions. Macroeconomics is a term meant to consider aggregate outcomes. The two points of view are essential in understanding most economic phenomena.

Definitions of Economics from Historic Textbooks

D.1 "Economics can be defined as the study of people in the ordinary business life."-- Alfred Marshall, Principles of economics; an introductory volume (London: Macmillan, 1890)

D.2 "Economics is the science which studies human behavior as a relationship between given ends and scarce means which have

alternative uses."-- Lionel Robbins, An Essay on the Nature and Significance of Economic Science (London: MacMillan, 1932)

D.3 “Economics refers to the "study of how societies use scarce resources to produce valuable commodities and distribute them among different people."-- Paul A. Samuelson, Economics (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1948)

Exercise 1: Vocabulary

1. Find a word in P.3 which means include, comprise: ______________________

2. Find a synonym for the word“ devote” in P.3: ________________________

3. Find a synonym for the word“ labor” in P.5: ________________________

4. Guess the meaning of the word ‘investment’ and give the verb form of the word.


5. Find a word in P.5 which means cash, wage: ____________________________

6. Find a word in P.5 which means payment, expense: _______________________

7. Find a synonym for the word ‘seek’ in P.5: _____________________________

8. Find two words in P. 6 that have the close meaning ; combined, cooperative


9. a-Find a word in D.2 which means insufficient, limited: _____________________


ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I

B-Give the antonym of the word: ______________________

10. Find a word in D.2 which means instrument, way: ______________________

11. Complete the sentence below by using two words from D.3;

If your agency would like to receive and ________________(v.) USDA

_________________(n.), please complete and return the attached

________________(n.) ________________(n.) Agreement.

Example 2: Comprehension

1. Which of the followings below cannot be listed as a resource;

a- loyalty ________ c- energy _________b- money ________ d- agreement _________

2. What can be inferred from the ‘important choices’ in P.3?


3. Name two focus areas of economics; a-_____________________________

b- _____________________________

4. What is the difference between micro and macro economics? Explain it in your own words.


5. What is common in D.1 and D.2 in terms of the definition of economics?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. Which of the following items can be involved by ‘Important Choices’? Put a thick

for the ones that can be listed for the ‘Important Choices’.

Decide about the money to be saved ______________ Area _________________ Ways of combining resources for the production of goods and

services_____ Equipments that are available ________________ ___________________

Exercise 3: Reference


ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I

1. their in P.4 refers to __________________________

2. they in P.4 refers to __________________________

3. The two points of view in P.6 refers to ____________________

4. them in D. 3 refers to __________________________

Exercise 4: Language

1. a - Underline all the definition sentences in the text.

b - Find the term – class – special feature for each definition.

2. How is the definition extended?


3. Do P. 2 & 3 include definition? Why? / Why not?


4. Underline all the sentences which have Infinitive of Purpose?

5. Underline all the sentences which have Noun Clause?

6. Paraphrase the following statements below:

a - Sometimes, however, people appear to use their resources in ways that don't improve their well-being.


b- Economists seek to measure well-being, to learn how well-being may increase overtime, and to evaluate the well-being of the rich and the poor.


c - Economics refers to the "study of how societies use scarce resources to produce valuable commodities and distribute them among different people.


ENG- 1003 Communication Skills and Academic Reporting I
