Deep Magic Rebuilt

Post on 03-Oct-2015

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Deep Magic Alternate System

Transcript of Deep Magic Rebuilt

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    The Glyph Magic of RelPek

    (Deep Magic);

    Deep Magic is a mysterious discipline, believed

    to have roots in both psychic and magical

    energy, as it requires only concentration to

    create a spell-like effect, but gives no tell-tale

    component like gestures or chants. It seems to

    be associated with chaos but, like sorcery, its

    power can be used for good or evil.

    Deep Magic in RelPek works the same way as

    Advanced Magics Deep Magic, but with the

    following changes:

    A POW of 16 is required to learn Deep Magic.

    Magi choose a Sphere and Glyph to specialize in

    at the beginning of their careers, and may

    prepare up to Half of their INT in spells at any

    time, recording other ideas as Deep Magic Spells

    in their spell books (if desired). Deep Magi can

    specialize in a different rune (One more Sphere

    or One more Glyph) for every 6 points of INT

    above 16.

    Casting outside the Specialization:

    The success of spells used outside of the Magis

    specialization rely on INT, rather POW. Before

    casting such a spell, the sorcerer must make a

    special Idea roll, based on the mages INT, less

    the number of Magic Points needed to cast the

    spell, and multiplied by 5. If the Idea roll fails, or

    if 96% 100% is rolled, then the spell does not

    work and the caster loses 1 Magic Point.

    The spell caster may increase the time required

    to cast a spell to improve his chances of casting

    the spell; increase the time needed to cast the

    spell to 1 round per MP cost of the spell. If

    uninterrupted, then the idea roll noted above is

    considered to be Easy.

    If the caster is interrupted (hit by a mace,

    jostled, forced to dodge or parry, knocked off a

    building, etc), then he must he must

    immediately make the required Special Idea roll

    or he loses 1 MP and the spell fails. If the makes

    the check, then he can continue casting the spell

    (on the final round of casting, his chance to

    succeed doubles.

    Preparation: New spells require 1 round per

    MP of base cost to prepare. A magi may have

    number of spells prepared at one time equal to

    his INT score.

    Prepared spells require one action to cast.

    Base Cost: 2 MP (1 MP minimum)

    +1 for each space from a specialization on the

    Sphere Wheel.

    Note that through the Ethereal Plane, no

    Elemental Sphere is more than 2 spaces from

    any other Elemental Sphere. However, when

    trying to access an Elemental (or a Para-

    Elemental) sphere from its opposite, the cost is

    automatically +2 MP. Some Magi balance this

    by specializing in opposite elemental/para-

    elemental spheres.

    When passing from an elemental specialization

    to an Upper (or Lower) plane, one has to pass

    through the Ethereal Plane, to the Astral Plane,

    then to the upper plane, costing +3 MP.

    +1 for each space from a specialization the

    Glyph Wheel.

    Reductions to Deep Magic Casting (a minimum

    MP cost of 1 MP applies to each of the below).

    Subtract 1 from the MP cost of each spell for

    each 3 points of INT above 16, with a minimum

    cost of 1 MP.

    Verbal and Somatic Components may be added

    to the spell on the fly to reduce the cost of the

    spell being cast.

    Subtract 1 from the MP cost if the magi speaks

    the spell aloud.

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    Subtract 1 from the MP cost if the magi adds a

    somatic component to the spell by tracing the

    Glyph in the air with his hands. Apply the

    physical skill penalty for any armor worn to the

    required Idea Roll. If casting within own

    specialization(s), then subtract the armors

    physical skill penalty from 100%. Spells with a

    somatic component always fumble on a roll of




    There are three Planes that govern the Spheres

    of Influence; The Prime-Material Plane, the

    Inner Planes, and The Outer Planes.

    Some planes are considered to be adjacent to

    other, specific planes, despite their cosmic

    positions. These allow spells that require the

    influence of the adjacent spheres to cost less

    MP to cast.

    The Planes of Magic:

    The Astral Plane






    s Magma Fire Smoke The



    r Plan



    Prime-Material: Flesh Fauna Mind/Spirt


    Ooze Water Ice

    The Astral Plane

    The Prime Material Plane consist of the Spheres

    of Flesh, Fauna, Mind/Spirit. The Sphere of

    Mind/Spirit is considered to be adjacent to both

    the Ethereal Plane and the Astral Plane.

    The Inner Planes includes the Ethereal Plane,

    the Elemental Planes, the Para-Elemental

    Planes, the Positive Energy Plane, and the

    Negative Energy Plane.

    The Outer Planes includes the Astral Plane,

    which is considered adjacent to the Ethereal

    Plane, the Upper Planes, and the Lower Planes.

    The Astral Plane divides the Upper Planes from

    the Lower Planes.

    The Prime-Material Plane:

    Flora Mind/Spirt

    Astral Plane

    Flesh Ethereal Plane

    There are three Sub-spheres within the Prime-

    Material Sphere; Flesh, Fauna, and Spirit. Each

    considered to be one place from the other two

    (Imagine a triangle).

    FLORA: The spawn of earth. This Sphere

    includes all vegetation, from the lowliest fungi

    to the greatest of trees.

    MIND/SPIRIT: Intellect, mind emotions and the

    soul, POW and INT the base from which all

    senses are judged to have emerged from.

    FLESH: This sphere covers all aspects of physical

    being, including natural animals, insects, fish,

    birds, reptiles and of the physical world.

    Anything that directly affects the flesh is the

    province of this Sphere.

    The Inner Planes:

    The Ethereal Plane







    Magma Fire Smoke The Eth

    ereal P



    Positive and Negative Energy Planes


    Ooze Water Ice

    The Ethereal Plane

    THE ETHEREAL: Also known as the Bardo. This is

    the plane that wraiths and spirits who cannot

    pass to either the higher or lower planes get

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    stuck. It is the gateway from the material world

    into the dangerous and chaotic realms of the

    elements. Is Considered to be adjacent to each

    of the Inner Planes, the Prime Material Plane,

    the Energy Planes (Positive and Negative), and

    the Prime Material sphere of Mind/Spirit.

    POSITIVE ENERGY: This is the plane of the life-

    force, said to be a lush verdant forest of

    dangerous plants and beasts in some places and

    endless pools of white energy in others. Heals

    and adds to CON while damaging undead.

    Invoked to Create Light. Is considered to be

    adjacent to the Ethereal Plane, and each of the

    elemental planes. Is not adjacent to the Prime

    Material Plane.

    It forms regions of the following quasi-

    elements, from which many spells derive their

    origins: Lightning (Air), Mineral (Earth), Radiance

    (Fire), and Steam (Water). Thus, Positive Energy

    sphere can be used to create or manipulate

    effects regarding, Lightning, Mineral, Radiance,

    and steam.

    NEGATIVE ENERGY: Nothing with remotely

    touched with a life force can exist for long in this

    all-consuming realm. It is the energy that

    animates the undead. Damages and drains CON

    while animating and healing the undead.

    Invoked to create Darkness. Is considered to be

    adjacent to the Ethereal Plane and each of the

    elemental planes. Is not adjacent to the Prime-

    Material plane.

    It forms regions of the following quasi-elements,

    from which many spells derive their origins:

    Vacuum (Air), Dust (Earth), Ash (Fire), and Salt

    (Water). Thus, the Negative Energy Sphere can

    be used to illicit effects regarding Vacuum, Dust,

    Ash, and Salt.

    MAGMA: The para-elemental region between

    the Earth and Fire elements. Can be used to

    transform earth or fire into lava to devastating


    FIRE: This Sphere governs all aspects of fire:

    smoke, heat, and flames...

    SMOKE: The para-elemental region between

    Fire and Air. This sphere can be used to

    transform air or fire into smoke. Can create

    thin, obscuring smoke or thick choking ashen


    AIR: Air governs the movement of the winds,

    the hurricanes and the tornadoeselements

    which have the capability to soothe or to


    ICE: This is the para-elemental region between

    air and water. Can be invoked to create walls of

    ice or a devastating cold, or utilized to transform

    air or water into Ice.

    WATER: represents all liquids composed mainly

    of water or which rely on it for their

    composition: lakes, rivers, streams, the sea, the

    rain, wine, milk, and dew.

    OOZE: The para-elemental region between

    water and earth. Can be used to transform a

    volume of earth or water into mud or quicksand.

    EARTH: This Sphere includes all minerals and

    metalsbe they base or precious, solid or


    The Outer Planes:

    The Upper Planes

    The Astral Plane

    The Lower Planes

    THE ASTRAL PLANE: This is the plan that all

    souls pass through on their way to the Upper or

    Lower planes, according to the disposition of

    their accumulated actions. Considered to be

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    adjacent to the Upper Planes, the Lower Planes,

    and the Prime Material sphere of Mind/Spirit.

    THE UPPER PLANES: These are the various

    planes of the heavens and nirvanas, native

    regions of existence for such beings as angels,

    devas, couatl, and ascended elves and dragons.

    THE LOWER PLANES: These are the hells and

    abyssal realms of demons, devils, and similarly

    damned beings. Some are as beautiful as the

    heavenly realms, but the beauty veils something



    Transmutation Inhibition Diminution

    Summoning Dismissal

    Enhancement Direction Creation

    INHIBITION: This enables the stopping and

    prevention of things.

    DIMINUTION: The Diminution glyph effects the

    reduction of things in size, shape, mass and


    SUMMONING: This glyph calls beings or objects

    from some other place; either in the world or

    the realms that are unseen and untouchable by

    ordinary people.

    CREATION: The Creation glyph governs the

    making of raw materials where no raw materials

    are available.

    DIRECTION: This glyph masters the movement

    and redirection of things, either up, down, side

    to side, or in any permutation possible within

    the limits of earthly physics.

    ENHANCEMENT: The glyph of Enhancement is

    the opposite of Diminution and promotes the

    growth or acceleration of things.

    DISMISSAL: The opposite glyph to Summoning.

    This power allows a sorcerer to dismiss from this

    world creatures that may have come from


    TRANSMUTATION: The Transmutation glyph

    allows for the changing of one thing into

    another - be it water into ice or steam, or flesh

    into stone or metal. This is the glyph of ultimate


    Limit to Spell Levels:

    Like other Spellcasters, magi cannot cast spells

    with more than half their INT in levels.

    Duration of Magic:

    Rounds per point of Magis POW.

    -3 MP to cost if reduced to Instantaneous.

    + 3 MP if extended to minutes.

    + 6 MP if extended to hours.

    The target or caster may sacrifice a POW to

    make effect permanent (DM approval may be

    required). Undo Magic and like effects will

    temporary suppress these permanent effects if

    the caster of the undo magic spell overcomes

    the POW of the target (not the original caster).

    Number of Targets:

    Single target or creation of single area-effects.

    Single area-effects (field of fire, for example)

    grant 5 diameter of effect.

    +1 MP to increase the radius of the effect by 5


    Note that in the case of spells that dont have an

    effect which cannot described in terms of area

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    (like heal and armor spells), this simply extends

    the number of targets. Visualize a 5 squared off

    battle mat. Free is one space, +1 is four spaces

    (a square), +2 is nine spaces (a 3 square by 3

    square, square).

    Rule of Four to One:

    For every 4 points of POW, one point of healing

    or damage may be inflicted to hit points.

    The Rule of four has the per spell level

    descriptor. For example, Magi with 20 POW can

    spend 2 MP per level for an effect within their

    specialization for an effect that is 5 points per

    level (then add other modifiers afterwards).

    This rule also applies to enhancing, healing or

    damaging characteristics, such as STR, SIZ, APP,

    CON, INT, POW, and DEX. Increases to POW do

    not increase MP; but MP can be temporarily

    increased or damaged with this effect.

    Sphere of Flesh, Glyph of Inhibition can be used

    to stay the effects of poison or disease. See the

    Durations listed above.

    For every 4 points of POW, one point of armor

    may be granted (Flesh, Enhancement). Each 4

    points of AP reduces DEX and MOV by 2 for the

    duration of the spell.

    +1 MP; randomized damage; change the rule of

    four to D6 damage per level descriptor to the

    spell. Thereafter, cost is +1 MP per D6 damage

    (+2 MP for D6 dmg, +3 for 2D6, +4 for 3D6.)

    Creation and targeting of Mass

    To create, or move, or manipulate a target, use

    the rule of four to one; 1 MP per 4 points of SiZ.

    Creation (expansion/growing):

    Expands inert matter only; a plank can be

    created from a splinter, but a tree would not

    grow from a seed. Requires a 1/10th of the

    material that is to be created as a seed; Follows

    the rule of 4; for every 4 points of POW, one pint

    of liquid, or 10 pounds of material, or 1 cubic

    foot of gas. Expansion is permanent by default.

    Poisonous and rare materials are halved in the

    amount of material created and require a

    difficult luck roll.

    Potions can be expanded (require a full dose as

    a seed). This requires a Difficult Idea roll:

    Fumble - potion is destroyed, kiss it


    Fail - potion is destroyed unless a

    successful craft potion check is made

    Success - potion divides into two equal


    Special - potion divides into three equal


    Critical - potion divides into four equal

    potions, but recipe is gleamed (make a

    successful craft potion roll to remember

    the recipe)

    Summoning Demons, Spirits,

    Elementals and Para-Elementals; follow the established guidelines for the systems


    Demons: Sphere of Lower Planes, Glyph of

    Summoning. Follow the Demon Summoning

    system desired.

    Spirits: Sphere of the Ethereal Plane, Glyph of

    Summoning. Of not bound, they are

    commanded for a number of rounds equal to

    the POW of the magi.

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    Elementals: Sphere of Fire, Earth, Water, or Air.

    Glyph of Summoning. Follow the Elemental

    Summoning system desired.

    Other Effects:

    Use the Rule of Four for deeper and other

    Effects: when a magi wishes to use one of these

    effects in a way thats different from how its

    noted below, or when the player desires an

    effect that is not otherwise noted, it may seem

    appropriate to add to the cost. I suggest using

    the Rule of Four; simply add 4 MP to the cost.

    For instance, if a comrade is dying on the field,

    due to being stabbed by an orc pirate, and the

    Magi is the only healer nearby, but Flesh is not

    one of his specializations. Rather than leave his

    comrades life to chance, he uses a Mind-

    Spirt/transmutation effect to anchor the

    comrades soul his body. This buys he party

    several rounds in which to heal the damage to

    his body before his soul departs (this assumes

    there is enough of the body left to warrant

    healing). 2 points seems a little low for this life-

    saving effect, so the GM can decide the Rule of

    Four comes into play here. The cost is now 6

    MP (which can be mitigated if the magi both

    speaks and traces the glyph in the air).

    As another example, the players have capture a

    suspected member of an assassins guild and

    wish to use speak to mind to wrench the secrets

    of the guild from the prisoners mind. Add 4

    and a POW vs POW contest per secret (the

    Name and role of each contact, how they

    contact each other within the guild, etc).

    BONDS UNBREAKABLESphere: Flesh. Glyph:

    Inhibition. By manipulating the Flesh sphere

    with the Inhibition glyph, the mage creates

    tendrils of magical energy that bind and clasp

    whatever the spell has been cast upon. Like the

    Magic World spell, a POW vs. POW roll is

    needed to break the effect. If another mage is

    affected, he or she can try to undo the spell with

    the equivalent of Undo Magic.

    BOUNTY OF THE SEA Sphere: Water. Glyph:

    Summoning. To simulate this spell, the mage

    needs to summon water using the summoning

    glyph. However the amount of water that

    appears every round for the spells duration is

    equal in gallons to the casters POW

    characteristic; thus a mage with a POW of 17,

    allowing the spell to last for 17 rounds.

    BREATH OF LIFESphere: Air, Glyph: Creation.

    By manipulating air with creation, the mage can

    create a small pocket of air for use in whatever

    medium he or she is submerged. The air pocket

    lasts for a number of rounds equal to the

    sorcerers POW.

    Countermagic: (Spirit/Direction) Apply the rule

    of four for levels of protection; for the duration

    of the Countermagic, any spell effect targeting

    the caster must overcome the spell levels of

    countermagic or rebound upon the caster. This

    will affect spells currently targeting the caster.

    Curse of the Dark God; (Lower Planes or Flesh

    /Enhancement or Transmutation) 4 MP plus size

    modifier. Grants or inflicts upon the target one

    selected mutation form the Mutations table for

    the duration of the spell. The caster gains 2

    points in Evil/Dark, and the target gains 2 as

    well if it is a willing target.

    Create Food or Water; (Flesh or Water or

    Flora/Creation or Enhancement). Any food

    created by the spell is nourishing but any excess

    food vanishes after the spells duration.

    Enhance or Diminish a skill: (Flesh or

    Spirit/Direction or Enhancement or Diminution)

    10 points of penalty/bonus per level, for the

    duration of the spell. Targets May resist POW vs

    POW each round to cancel the spell.

    Enhance a weapon to inflict Max damage. A

    weapons damage die may be enhanced, this

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    generally requires Earth/Enhancement, but

    other effects may be used. Apply the

    randomized damage rule noted below.

    FURYSphere: Spirit, Glyph: Enhancement. The

    caster enrages the spirit of the target into

    wanting to fight unceasingly until the spell is

    either dismissed or comes to the end of its

    duration. A POW vs POW resistance roll is

    necessary if the target is unwilling to accept the

    spells effect. The effect is the same as described

    in the Magic World rules.

    GIFT OF THE EARTHSphere: Earth, Glyph:

    Summoning. Similar to Bounty of the Sea, save

    for the summoning of earth, dust and rubble

    instead of water.

    HOLD FASTSphere: Earth or Flora, depending

    on substance, Glyph: Direction. The direction

    rune causes the substances to flow together at

    subatomic levels, creating in indissoluble bond.

    Use the SiZ modifier for spell cost.

    Invisibility: (Fire or Positive Energy (for Light

    manipulation) /Direction) this will render the

    target invisible for the duration of the spell until

    it attacks. Apply the rule of four to cost of the

    spell, based on the SIZ.

    Lift: (Flesh or Earth or Air (if winds do the lifting)

    for creatures or objects/Direction) moves the

    target object or self MOV 6 as directed by the

    caster. Targets May resist POW vs POW each


    LIKEN SHAPESphere: Flesh, Glyph:

    Transmutation. To take on the semblance of

    another creature, the caster manipulates the

    body of the target; may require POW vs POW

    and requires +1 MP per four points of SIZ.

    MAKE WHOLESphere: Element appropriate to

    thing being mended, Glyph: Creation or

    Transmutation. This spell recreates the bonds

    between the two parts of whatever has been

    broken. The spell does not work on living

    organic tissue, although wood and other

    vegetable fibers can be affected. Use the SiZ

    modifier for spell cost.

    Manipulate Mental State; (Spirit/Enhancement

    or Inhibition). 4 MP to induce Fury as the spell,

    to effectively stun the target, or to Charm the

    target, causing it to defend the caster and attack

    anybody who attacks the caster. Target may

    attempt POW vs POW to resist each round

    effected by this spell. 4 MP to calm an angered

    target, or to anger a calmed target, or to make a

    calm/neutral target to regard the caster


    MIDNIGHTSphere: Negative Energy Plane,

    Glyph: Creation. Absolute darkness is the result.

    Mindblast Sphere: Spirt, Glyph:

    Transformation. The targets mind is filled with

    a rush of distracting, disorienting thoughts,

    leaving him unable to take actions, or even to

    take defensive actions while the spell persists.

    The target may attempt an idea roll each round,

    on his initiative rank to shake off the spell.

    Success means that he may act normally that


    MOONRISESphere: Positive Energy Plane,

    Glyph: Creation. The opposite of Midnight;, a

    cool ball of light can be created to provide

    limited illumination.

    MUDDLESphere: Spirit, Glyph: Inhibition or

    Transformation. The inhibition glyph prevents

    rational thought from taking place, resulting in a

    disorientation of the target, as described in by

    the spell of the same name.

    POXSphere: Spirit, Glyph: Dismissal. The

    caster attempts to dismiss an opponents Magic

    Points by attacking the spirit. With a successful

    POW vs POW roll on the resistance table, MP

    regenerate in the normal way.

    Scry; (Spirit/Enhancement) allows the caster to

    mentally observe events anywhere in the world

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    with his eyes closed. The Magi must have some

    personal familiarity with either the place or

    person/object being spied upon. May be used to

    extend line of sight for spells cast afterwards.

    CounterMagic/Spirit Screen/Undo magic type

    protections stymie this spell.

    SORCERERS SOULSphere: Spirit. Glyph:

    Enhancement. POW is increased by the rule of

    Four to One. Magic Points are not affect- ed,

    although the benefits described in the Magic

    World rules remain.

    SORCERERS SPEEDSphere: Flesh, Glyph:

    Enhancement. The movement of the caster is

    increased by the rule of Four to One. The spell

    can be cast on a different species although

    Dexterity is unaffected.

    Speak to Mind: (Spirit/Enhancement or

    Transmutation) Allows direct mental

    communication between the caster and a target.

    Store MP in an object: (Spirit/Creation) Use the

    rule of four as a casting cost 1 MP to store 4

    MP in the item. These MP do not regenerate.

    Sacrifice a point of POW to make the effect

    permanent, allowing the item to regenerate the

    MP. The base Max set at the casting (rule of

    four), but these items can be overcharged as


    Teleport: (Flesh or Earth or Fauna for creatures

    or objects/Dismissal or Summoning) instantly

    transports a single target from one location

    visible to the caster to another location visible to

    the caster, and both points must be within a

    range of POW X 10 feet of the caster. Targets

    may resist POW vs POW (and certainly any

    object held by another requires a POW vs POW


    UNDO MAGICSphere: Spirit, Glyph: Dismissal.

    Undo Magic works differently to the sorcery

    spell of the same name. When cast, the Undo

    spell has a strength determined by the rule of

    Four to One. Undo Magic can be directed

    against spells that have a strength based on the

    POW of the caster, with each point of the Undo

    Magics potency reducing the strength of the

    target spell by one point. Undo Magic can be

    countered by the Refutation.

    Vampirism: (Spirit or Flesh/Direction);

    temporarily drains points from the targets

    characteristic or magic points and grants them

    to the caster. These points return to the target

    at the end of the spells duration. Magic points

    are transferred to the caster as a separate pool

    and will return the target if not used up. If the

    target is slain before the spell ends, then the

    points immediately dissipate.

    Warp: (Lower Planes or Flesh/Enhancement or

    Transmutation). 3 MP plus size modifier. Grants

    or inflicts upon the target one selected ability

    from the Demon Abilities table for the duration

    of the spell. Reduces the APP of the spell by 3

    for each ability, as its appearance is demonically

    altered in some way to reflect the ability gained.

    WITCH SIGHTSphere: Spirit. Glyph:

    Enhancement. Allows the caster to sense

    targets soul, its relative POW score can be

    roughly determined as described in the Magic

    World rules, as well as its predominant

    alignment. A POW vs POW contest may be


    Sample Spells:

    Note that the following spells were made using

    a Magi who has the unusually high INT of 16 and

    POW of 18, with the specializations of Fire, and

    Enhancement. Ive allowed spells to be

    memorized more as templates, with variables

    being adjusted for the situation as noted.

    Spells that have their rune-types in bold will also

    require an Idea roll to be successfully cast.

    Increasing the cost of the spell may lower the

    chance of a successful Idea Roll.

    Flash Cost 2/level

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    Target takes 4 fire damage, requires POW vs

    POW or Dodge if changed to AoE, Instant


    Range POW X 10

    Cost +1 to extend 5' diameter.

    Chance of Success: 70% or lower (minus 5% per

    MP required).

    Light: Cost 5/level

    (Positive Energy/Creation)

    Fills an area with light, 30 foot diameter

    POW minutes (HR duration, +6 MP hours)

    Chance of Success: 55% or lower (minus 5% per

    MP required).

    Travel Lightly Cost 5 +

    (Positive Energy/Transmutation)

    Target travels as a beam of light between two

    points visible to caster and within range

    Range: POW X10

    Cost +1 per 4 max SIZ of target

    Cost +1 per 5' radius of targets.

    Chance of Success: 55% or lower (minus 5% per

    MP required).

    Invisibility Cost 5+

    (Positive Energy/Diminution)

    Turns target invisible until they attack, up to the

    duration. Target may spend an attack action to

    return to invisibility.

    Cost +1 per 4 max SIZ of target

    Cost +1 per 5' radius of targets.

    Chance of Success: 55% or lower (minus 5% per

    MP required).

    Fire Extinguisher Cost 4/lvl


    Extinguishes 4 points or 1 Die (D6) per lvl worth

    of flames in 5' diameter

    Cost +1 per 5' radius of target

    Chance of Success: 60% or lower (minus 5% per

    MP required).

    See Aura Cost 4


    Alters the caster's vision to be able to see

    magical emanations and the relative POW and

    alignments of objects and beings in range May

    require POW vs POW

    Chance of Success: 60% or lower (minus 5% per

    MP required).

    Spirit Amor Cost 6/level


    Reduces the effects of magical attacks upon the

    target by 4 levels, with a minimum of 1 level

    affecting the target.

    Cost +5 to increase protection 4 levels

    Cost +1 to extend 5'radius

    Chance of Success: 50% or lower (minus 5% per

    MP required).

    Flame weapon(s) Cost 5/level


    Sheaths a weapon in flames (damages wooden

    weapons) to inflict 4 extra fire dmg per hit.

    POW vs POW if wielder is unwilling

    Cost +1 to extend 5' diameter

    Chance of Success: 55% or lower (minus 5% per

    MP required).

    Mighty Dodge Cost 6/lvl


    Makes a target twitchy but enhances defensive

    rolls by 10% per lvl. (Subtract half from

    communication skills)

    Cost +1 to extend 5' diameter

    Chance of Success: 50% or lower (minus 5% per

    MP required).

    Heal Wounds Cost 5/level


    Target heals 4 damage by accelerating natural

    healing for the target.

    Cost +1 to extend 5' diameter

    Chance of Success: 55% or lower (minus 5% per

    MP required).

  • 10

    Toughen Skin Cost 5/lvl


    Grants Target 4 AP/lvl but reduces Dex and MOV

    by 2 per level and Physical skills by 5% per level.

    Cost +1 to extend 5' radius

    Increasing protection increases penalties.

    Chance of Success: 55% or lower (minus 5% per

    MP required).

    Identify Cost 4


    Caster learns the magical properties of target

    object (if enchanted) via a direct mental

    connection. (May require POW vs POW)

    Chance of Success: 60% or lower (minus 5% per

    MP required).

    Charm Being Cost 8


    Charms a creature inimical to the caster, causing

    it to defend the caster and attack those who

    attack him.

    Being is favorably disposed to the caster for the

    duration of the spell. POW vs POW

    Cost +1 per 5' radius of targets.

    Chance of Success: 40% or lower (minus 5% per

    MP required).

    Mindlink Cost 4


    Allows telepathic communication between

    target(s) and the caster via surface mental


    Cost +1 per 5' radius of targets.

    Chance of Success: 60% or lower (minus 5% per

    MP required).

    Undo Magic Cost 7/lvl


    Cancels/reduces/suppresses magic with POW vs

    POW plus a bonus of 4/lvl to caster's POW

    Cost +1 to extend 5' radius

    Chance of Success: 45% or lower (minus 5% per

    MP required).

    Drain Magicka Cost 7/lvl


    Transfers 4 MP/lvl from target to caster

    Cost +1 per 5' radius target, POW vs POW

    POW returns to target at end of duration if not


    Chance of Success: 45% or lower (minus 5% per

    MP required).

    Repair Item Cost 7 (Earth/Creation) Repairs and item of wood, metal, crystal; any non-organic material (cost 4 for leather, 3 for wood). Reassembles scattered parts and regrows lost parts. Restores object to full hit points. Cost + 1 per 4 SIZ of target. Chance of Success: 45% or lower (minus 5% per

    MP required).

    Other Sample spells:

    These were designed for a spy-type spell caster

    who is also part thief/rogue. His INT is a more

    typical 13 and his POW is 16, his Specializations

    are Mind-Spirit and Transmutation.

    These samples will illustrate how the same spell

    can be easier or more difficult, depending on

    the nature of the caster, as well as illustrate how

    magi will vary in their abilities according to their



    (Spirit/Transmutation) Cost: 2

    Caster Learns the Magical Properties of the

    target object (May require POW vs POW).

    See Aura

    (Spirit/Transmutation) Cost 2

    Caster is able to perceive the auras of living

    beings and magical emanations within range.

  • 11

    This connection to the spirit realm allows him to

    perceive relative POW, prevailing allegiance,

    and magical auras.

    Travel Lightly:

    (Positive Energy/Transmutation) Cost 4+

    Target Travels as a beam of light between two

    points visible to the caster and within range.

    Cost +1 per 4 Max Siz of target

    Chance of Success: 45%

    (Minus 5% per additional MP Cost

    Charm Stranger:

    Mind-Spirit/Transmutation Cost 6

    Charms a creature so that it will either defend

    the caster from harm, or tell him the truth of

    things as he perceives it.

    Speak to Mind

    Mind-Spirit/Transmutation Cost 2

    Allows telepathic communication between

    target(s) and the caster for the duration of the


    Cost +1 per 5' radius of targets.

    Cost +6 MP if extended to POW Minutes