Deconstruction of billboard magazine’s double page spread

Post on 20-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Deconstruction of billboard magazine’s double page spread

Deconstruction of Billboard Magazine’s Double Page Spread

Done by Eman Shah

The main image on the double page spread is of a famous person called Nicki Minaj. She is directly facing the camera, with her whole body facing directly at it. A mid shot has been taken of her showing her hips are forward.

The headline says ‘the gospel according to Nicki Minaj’. ‘The gospel according to’ is written in black and is bold, whereas her name is written in pink which is also in bold, this gives a more of a modern look to the magazine. Nicki Minaj’s name is the biggest text on the page which makes her stand out. So when the reader reads her name they will automatically think the article is about her. Her name is written in pink which connotes femininity and beauty. This may have been done to reflect her personality and style.

She is wearing a zebra printed dress. This brings across the appreciation of animals which will appeal to younger readers. She is also wearing a ring and a necklace of different colours. This may reflect how her character and personality is like to the


Her facial expression shows that she is serious which implies that she is serious in what she does. Her eyes are directly looking at the camera which shows she has a menacing look to her readers.

The lighting on the page is bright. There are no shadows which indicate that Nicki likes bright colours. So this means that this page is happy and will bring enthusiasm towards the readers.

The background is very simple which is light pink. Nicki Minaj is also known for her favourite colour pink so I think this is why this may have been done. Her fans will recognise it and appeal to it. This adds femininity and a beauty image we seen from the font.

The target audience I think would be Nicki’s fans mostly the younger ages teens and early twenties, but however other people may enjoy this page as well. The page has been constructed in a way that will inform her fans about the latest news on her.