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of the

International Conference




Volume 2

September 13-18, 1998Denver, Colorado

Sponsored by

American Nuclear SocietyU.S. Department of Energy

Colorado & Idaho Sections of the American Nuclear SocietyFuel Cycle & Waste Management Division

Environmental Sciences DivisionDecommissioning, Decontamination and Reutilization Division

Published by theAmerican Nuclear Society, Inc.

La Grange Park, Illinois 60526 USA

UB/TIB Hannover118 845 039


Volume 2

Technology and Experience(continued)

Treatment of Acidic INEEL Waste Using a CountercurrentCobalt Dicarbollide-Based Universal Solvent Extraction Pro-cess / T. A. Todd, J. D. Law. R. S. Herbst, K. N. Brewer(INEEL), V. N. Romanovskiy, V. M. Esimantovskiy, I. V.Smirnov, V. A. Babain, B. N. Zaitsev (Khlopin Radium Inst-Russia) 743

Waste-Treatment Experiment and Demonstration Facility /Frank S. Felicione, Kevin P. Carney, Carlo C. Dwight,Steven E. Aumeier (ANL-ldaho) 748

Analysis of a Water-Coolant Leak into a Very High-Temperature Vitrification Chamber / Frank S. Felicione(ANL-ldaho) 758

Tank Leak Detection and Monitoring at Oak Ridge Na-tional Laboratory / Gary A. Hayter (Vista Rsch), MarkPeet(ORNL), Dennis G. Douglas, Joseph W. Maresca, Jr. (VistaRsch) 774

Metal Waste Forms from Treatment of EBR-II Spent Fuel /Daniel P. Abraham (ANL), Dennis D. Keiser. Jr. (ANL-ldaho), Sean M. McDeavitt (ANL) 783

Crushed Salt as a Flame Barrier / Eike Barnert, HerbertWetzler (FzJ-Germany) 790

Leaching of Radionuclides from Cold Pressed and SinteredPerovsktte and Zirconolite Ceramics / Alexander V. Och-

kin. Svetlana V. Chizhevskaya ( D. Mendeleev Univ ofCT-Russia), Sergey V. Stefanovsky (SIA Radon-Russia),Alexander G. Ptashkin, Natalia E. Cherniavskaya (D. Men-deleev Univ ofCT-Russia) 796

Alternate Low-Level Waste Disposal for the Rancho SecoDecommissioning / Dennis E. Gardiner (SMUD), John M.Newey (NewRad) 802

The Effect of Radiation on the Corrosion Behaviour of Can-didate Container Materials for the Underground Disposalof High-Level Radioactive Waste in Boom Clay—In SituExperiments / Bruno F. Kursten, Pierre Ph. Van Iseghem(SCK/CEN-Belgium) 805

Glovebox Applications for Waste Management, Decontam-ination and Decommissioning / James M. Hines (ESC)... 813

Waste Acceptance for Vitrified Sludge from Oak Ridge TankFarms / John R. Harbour, Mary K. Andrews (WestinghouseSRC) 820

Simulating the Effect of Alpha Decay in Glass BondedZeolite / T. R. Allen, B. G. Storey (ANL-ldaho) 824

Actinides Containment by Using Zirconolite-Rich Synroc /Shanggeng Luo, Xinzhang Zhu, Baolong Tang (CIAE-China) 829

Melted Zirconolite-Rich Ceramics for Actinide Waste /Sergey V. Stefanovsky (SIA Radon-Russia), Sergey V. Yudint-sev, Boris S. Nikonov, Boris I. Omelianenko (IGOD-Russia),Alexander G. Ptashkin (D. Mendeleev Univ of CT-Russia),Anton I. Yakushev (IGOD-Russia) 834

A Computer Simulation of a Vitrification System / HisashiNasu (IHHI-Japan), David F. McLaughin (Westinghouse),Katsuyuki Shirato, Masasi Kitamura (IHHI-Japan) 840


Radiation Detection and Release Criteria

An Application of In Situ Survey Techniques Using MarssimMethodology / Peter Shebell, Marcel Reginatto (EML/DOE, New York) 847

The Radiological Scanning System / R. T. Reiman (R. T.Reiman). J. M. Schwing. D. L Seiller (Fluor Daniel Fer-nald) 854

Field Testing of a Portable Radiation Detector and Map-ping System / K. J. Hofstetter, D. W. Hayes. R. F. Eakle(Westinghouse SRC) 859

In Situ Radiation Mapping for Assessment of DistributedRadioactive Contamination / Nicholas E. Josten (Geo-Sense), Robert Gehrke (INEEL/LM1TCO) 865

Experience with In Situ Radiation Measurements with ThreeTypes of Detectors / R. J. Gehrke, R. G. Helmer (INEEL/LMITCO) 8 7 1

A Streamlined Process for Facility Characterization /Paul W. Wang (Concurrent Technol), Mitchell D. Erickson(DOE/EML, New York). Holmer A. Dugger (ICF KaiserInt) 878

Accelerated Building Characterization to Support Decon-tamination and Decommissioning / Douglas F. Allen(Radian Int) 886

Alpha Detection on Moving Surfaces / Duncan MacArthur(LANL), Christopher On, Craig Luff (BNFL Instruments-UK) 894

Application of X-Ray K-Edge Densitometry in D&D Op-erations / Terrence Jensen, Taher Aljundi, Joseph N. Gray(Center for NDE, Ames Lab/Iowa State Univ) 902

Case Studies of Uses of the Pipe Explorer System / C. Da-vid Cremer, D. T. Kendrick (Science & Eng Assoc) 909

Results of Position Sensitive Radiation Monitoring SystemInnovative Technology Demonstrated at Hanford's C Reac-tor / Stephen K. Pulsford (Bechtel Hanford). Joseph J.Shonka (Shonka Rsch Assoc), Marve H. Hyman (BechtelHanford), Mahmoud Haghigi (Bechtel Jacobs) 917

Technology Applications and Modeling

GIS Evaluation of Proposed Savannah River Site L-LakeDrawdown / James S. Bollinger, David L. Dunn (Westing-house SRC) 922

Russian /American Field Studies Around Lake Karachai /A. V. Glagolev, S. A. Ter-Saakian (P.S.A. Hydrospetzgeo-logiya-Russia), I. A. Ivanov, A. A. Poshokov (Mayak Pro-duction Assoc-Russia), B. B. Looney, R. L Nichols (SRTC),A. R. Hutter (DOE/EML, New York) 927

Experience of Joint Russian/American Studies Conductedin 1994-1998 / E. G. Kudryavstev (MAERF-Russia),E. Drozhko (Mayak Production Assoc-Russia), M. Glinsky,Yu. Tatarchuk (P.S.A. Hydrospetzgeologiya-Russia), A. R.Hutter (DOE/EML, New York) 932

Systematic Approach to Evaluate Erosion Potential at En-vironmental Restoration Sites / Steven J. Veenis, David C.Mays (Merrick & Company) 936

Evaluation of Remedial Alternatives for the Solar PondsPlume, Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site / KellyCarter Hranac (Morrison Knudsen), F. Winchester Chromec,Robert Fiehweg (RMRS), John Hopkins (RMRS, LosAlamos) 942

Hydrogeologic Analysis of Remedial Alternatives for theSolar Ponds Plume, RFETS / Charles F. McLane HI, Jef-frey A. Whidden (McLane Environmental), John K. Hop-kins (RMRS, Los Alamos) 950

Soil and Groundwater Characterization

Evolution of Characterization and Monitoring Technolo-gies for Groundwater and Soil / Paul W. Wang (ConcurrentTechnol), Charles L Nalezny (DOE, Germantown) 958

Schwartzwalder Mine Haul Road Radiation Survey / SteveLandau (Cotter), Shane Brightwell, Janet Johnson (Shep-herd Miller) 964

Expedited Approach to a Carbon Tetrachloride Spill In-terim Remedial Action / Craig Cowdery, Annette Primrose(RMRS), Jennifer Uhland (Kaiser-Hill), Norma Castaneda(DOE, Golden) 968

Crosstab Report Improves the Decision Making Process /Ann M. Morrison (JEG) 976

Soil and Groundwater Remediation

Subsurface Containment System Barrier Material Proper-ties / Peter Shaw, Jerry Weidner (INEEL) 984

Installation of Reactive Metals Groundwater Collection andTreatment Systems / John K. Hopkins, Annette L Primrose(RMRS), John Vogan (EnviroMetal Technol), Jennifer Uh-land (Kaiser-Hill) 989

Versatile Treatment System Cleans Mixed Wastewater fromDiverse Sources / J. Russ Cirillo (RMRS), William J. Kelso(Parsons Eng Science) 997

Process Wastewater Treatment with Hydrogen-Form CSTand Chabazite Zeolite / S. M. DePaoli, D. T. Bostick(ORNL) 1003

Results of Process-Water Scale-Treatment Tests at a GroundWater Cleanup Facility / Paula Krauter, Jackson Harrar,Stephen Orloff(LLNL) 1010

Development and Validation of Ion-Exchange Phase-Equi-librium Model for Sorption of Pb and Cs Mixtures on Zeo-litized Volcanic Tuff / M. Gopala Rao, S. Ali Pourhashemi,G. G. McBean (Howard Univ) 1015

Evaluating and Selecting Treatment Technologies and Treat-ing Nitroaromatically Contaminated Soil / Raymond E. Bai-ley (MK-Ferguson), David Hixson (JEG), Marjorie Wesley(MK-Ferguson) 1020

In Situ Vitrification Treatment of Mixed Buried Waste Pitsand Taranaki-Current Results / Brett E. Campbell (Geosafe,Richland). Leo E. Thompson (Geosafe-Australia), Jack L.McElroy (Geosafe, Richland) 1028

New Geomelt™ Vitrification Technologies for Difficult DOESite Remediation Needs / James E. Hansen, Patrick S.Lowery, Craig L Timmerman (Geosafe) 1034

Surfactant-Enhanced Remediation of DNAPL-ContaminatedAlluvium / Richard E. Jackson (Duke Eng, Austin), Paul E.Mariner (Duke Eng, Grand Junction) 1040

Biological Treatment of Carbon Tetrachloride in Soil VaporExtraction Contaminated Gases / Siwei Zou. H. DavidStensel, John F. Ferguson (Univ of Washington) 1045

A Field-Scale Test of In Situ Chemical Oxidation ThroughRecirculation / Olivia R. West. Steven R. Cline (ORNL),

Robert L Siegrist (CSM), Thomas C. Houk(Bechtel-Jacobs).William L Holden, Frank G. Gardner, Bob M. Schlosser(ORNL) 1051

The Direct Detection of Dense Non Aqueous Phase Liquids(DNAPL) Using Amplitude Variation with Offset (AVO)Techniques / Tom J. Temples (DOE. Aiken), Michael G. Wad-dell, William Domoracki (Univ of South Carolina) 1058

Environmental Remediation Case Studies

Conductivity Based Release Detection for the GuniteTanks at ORNL / John G. Morse, Dennis Douglas (VistaRsch) 1066

Installation of Horizontal Wells for Groundwater Extrac-tion at Brookhaven National Laboratory / Joseph Carelli(BNL), Alex Lowe (A&L Underground), Nicholas C. Pressly(Pressly Assoc) 1070

Field Test of Plutonium and Thorium Contaminated ClaySoils from the Mound Site Using the ACT*DE*CONSM Pro-cess / Neil A. Swift (SET), James Johnson, Richard Neff.Jeff Van Patten (MEMP) 1077

Groundwater Treatment Research at the Idaho NationalEngineering and Environmental Laboratory / James D.Navratil, Terry A. Todd (LMITCO) 1081

INEEL Remedial Action Management System / Michael V.Carpenter, Robert J. Gehrke, Lyle G. Roybal (LMITCO/INEEL) .' 1085

Application of the Technology Management System / Su-san Johnson, Diana Krop (DOE, Germantown), M. W. Har-rington (SNL), Donna Livingston, Holly Stack, Monica Fritz(RMC) 1094

Retrieval of Buried Depleted Uranium from the T-lTrench / Mark Burmeister(RMRS), Norma Castaneda (DOE.Golden), Tom Greengard (Kaiser-Hill/SAIC), Curt Hull(S. M. Stoller), Don Barbour, W. J. Quapp (Starmet) 1097

Remedial Action Planning for Trench 1 /Annette Primrose.Wayne Sproles, Mark Burmeister, Rick Wagner, John Law(RMRS). Tom Greengard (Kaiser-Hill/SAIC). Norma Cas-taneda (DOE.Golden) 1100

Trace-Level Mercury Removal from Surface Water/ K. Tho-mas Klasson. Debra T. Bostick (ORNL) 1105

Remediation and Verification of Radium-226 in Soils /Stephanie J. Baker (Western Nuclear). Lawrence E. Fiske,Anne K. Woodland (Shepherd Miller) 1109

Closure of the Nation's First High Level Radioactive WasteStorage Tank / Lawrence T. Ling, Howard B. Gnann (DOE.Aiken), Dale Bignell (Westinghouse SRC) 1113

Mercury Contaminated Floodplain. Streambank, and Wet-land Restoration Summary / Telena D. Moore (Roy F.Weston), Cyril E. Meredith. Jr. (MK-Ferguson of Oak RidgeCo), Jeffrey L Eyman (Roy F. Weston) 1119

MAG*SEPSM Technology for Milk Decontamination inUkraine / Lindsay S. Acuff III (SET), Victor V. Janitskij(SCUFI-Ukraine) 1122


Safety and Accident Analyses

Ignition Temperature of Bitumen Nitrate Mixture (AdditiveSalts Effects and Salt Segregation Effects) / Ken Okada,Masao Nomura, Yasuhiko Fujii (Tokyo Inst Technol-Japan) 1129

Russia-U.S. Joint Program on the Safe Management of Nu-clear Materials / Fred E. Witmer (DOE), Leslie J. Jardine(LLNL), Paul F. Krumpe (DOE), K. L Peddicord (TexasA&M), David D. Carlson (SNL), M. Lee Hyder (Westing-house SRC), Mary L Young (SNL), Leonard N. Lazarev,Victor N. Dushin, Mikhail M. Moshkov, Boris F. Petrov,Valeriy N. Romanovskiy (V. G. Khlopin Radium Inst-Russia) 1135

Sitewide Risk Perspectives for the Rocky Flats Environ-mental Technology Site / S. J. Olinger (DOE, Golden),T. L Foppe (M. H. Chew & Assoc) 1140

The Use of Filtered Bags to Increase Waste Pay load Capac-ity / Donald F. Dustin, Donald T. Thorp (SSOC). Mi-chael A. Rivera (LATA) 1148

Behavioral Safety Implementation at the BNFL Inc. EastTennessee Technology Park (ETTP) Three-Building Decon-tamination and Decommissioning and Recycle Project /Richard Cutshaw (BNFL Oak Ridge) 1156

Worker Protection andWorkplace Characterization

Improved Technologies to Alleviate Worker Heat Stress /Steven J. Bossart, Harold D. Shoemaker (DOE, Morgan-town). Kenneth M. Kasper (WPI) 1159

The Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site BerylliumCharacterization Project / Diane M. Morrell (Kaiser-Hill),Jeffrey R. Miller (Radian Int, Los Alamos), Douglas F.Allen (Radian Int, Oak Ridge) 1165

Risk Assessment and Management

Integrated Risk Management Using a Screening-Level Com-puter Model / Donald Lush, Neil P. Morris. Daniel Acton(Beak Int) 1172

An Approach for Integration of Facility Closures withCERCLA Restoration at the Idaho National Engineering andEnvironmental Laboratory / R. Doug Greenwell, Rene R.Rodriguez. Annette L Schafer (LMITCO) 1179

Action Levels for Radionuclides in Soils for the Rocky FlatsCleanup Agreement / Rick Roberts (SSOC). Laura Brooks(Kaiser-Hill). Steve Slaten (DOE. Golden) 1184

Swartzwalder Haul Road Risk Assessment / Janet A. John-son, Anne K. Woodland, Elizabeth D. Caldwell (ShepherdMiller), Steven D. Landau (Cotter) 1188

Steps Towards Harmonization of Risk from Chemical andRadioactive Contaminants / Nava C. Garisto, Douglas B.Chambers, Stacey L. Fernandes, Harriet A. Phillips,Gerd M. Wiatzka (SCL) 1191

Estimating and Valuing Risks Arising from Transportationof Hazardous Goods / Kathy Fisher, Don Hart (BeakInt) 1198

Environmental Management Integration Human Health RiskStudy / Thomas E. Wierman, Steven A. Eide, James L Jones(INEEL) 1206

Evaluating Risk Assessment Biomarkers Using the Value-of-Information Framework / Scott M. Bartell, Rafael A.Ponce, Robert C. Lee (Univ of Washington), Gilbert S.Omenn (Univ of Michigan), Elaine M. Faustman (Univ ofWashington) 1213

Criticality Safety

Criticality Safety Programs for Sites Undergoing Deactiva-tion and Decommissioning / R. E. Wilson (SSOC). R. V.Stachowiak (Kaiser-Hill) 1220

Criticality Safety and PU Solution Disposition in Building771 at RFETS / H. Toffer. J. L. Byrd, H. F. Lerum(SSOC) 1223

Criticality Safety and Tap and Drain Activities at RFETS /H. Toffer (SSOC), C. A. Atkinson, E. P. Elliott (FrankieFriend & Assoc) 1229

Criticality Detector Coverage Re-Analyses for Rocky FlatsFacilities / H. Toffer, J. L Byrd (SSOC), S. H. Finfrock,W. T. Watson (Fluor-Daniel NW) 1236

Case Histories of Criticality Detector Omission Consideredby UK Regulators / D. N. Simister (HM INS-UK) 1242

SRS TRU Criticality Safety Analysis Waste Characteriza-tion / Kim E. Hammer (Westinghouse SMS) 1246

Criticality Concerns of Legacy TRU Waste / Andrew Q.Goslen (Westinghouse SMS) 1250

Preliminary Consideration on Criticality Safety DuringTransfer and Storage of HLLW / Wang Wei Shan (BINE-China) 1252

Depleted Uranium Neutron Reflection Effects on Critical-ity Safety of Solid Waste Disposal / Andrew Q. Goslen (Wes-tinghouse SMS) 1257



Long-Term Responsibilities and Management Issues at DOESites / James Werner (DOE), Janet Bashaw, Elizabeth Pow-ell (PPC) 1263

Planning the Closure of the Most Dangerous Building inAmerica / Greg Meyer (Kaiser-Hill), Doug Hamrick(SSOC) 1271

Managing Uncertainty During the Closure of Rocky Flats /Anthony Buhl (Energx), Larry Kammerzell (IPMA) 1278

Optimal Facility and Equipment Specification to SupportCost-Effective Recycling / Kenneth S. Redus (MACTEC),Katherine L. Yuracko (ORNL) 1286

Enhanced Work Planning in Practice / Steven K. Little(LATA), Nicholas A. Regoli (T&PS) 1291

Lessons Learned Regarding NRC Regulation of DOE Fa-cilities / Donald J. Silverman, PaulJ. Zaffuts (Morgan, Lewis& Bockius) 1295

Value as a Driver for Technology Development / RobertG. G. Holmes, Rebecca A. Robbins (BNFL-UK), Fiona E.Rayment, Linda Wike (BNFL, Risley-UK) 1299

Methodology for Identifying and Prioritizing Site Technol-ogy Needs and Opportunities / Gillian Eaton (AIMSI), Kath-ryn Lowe (ORNL), Gary Morgan (DOE, Golden) 1307

Department of Energy Clean-Up Technology R&D Pro-gram: Tracking and Measuring Achievements / David R.Berg (DOE), Rudi Luyendijk, David Patterson, Tracy Gar-land, Darryl Holliday (WPI), Tom Ivory, Dawn Kaback(CCEM), Doug Abbott, Regina Kaupanger (MSE), MarkMu-sich (EERC) 1314

Recycling Uranium from a DOE Strategic Material at a Ura-nium Mill / Mark J. Krauss (Bechtel Nevada), Colleen T.O'Laughlin (DOE, Las Vegas), Michelle R. Rehmann, Har-old R. Roberts (Int Uranium USA), Peter A. Sanders (DOE,Las Vegas) 1325

Project Approach to Technology Deployment Case Studyof Reactor / Shannon Noelle Saget (DOE. Richland), Ste-phen K. Pulsford (Bechtel Hanford) 1332

Transferring Clean Technologies from University Study toNuclear Applications / Robert G. G. Holmes, Rebecca A.Robbins (BNFL). Chien Wai (Univ of Idaho) 1337

The Environmental Management Science Program: Past,Present, Future / Stephen C. T. Lien, Mark Gilbertson, MoiraShea (DOE) 1344

United States Department of Energy Office of Environmen-tal Management Environmental Management Science Pro-g r a m / Mark A . Gilbertson. Chester E. Miller (DOE) . . . . 1 3 4 9

A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Environmental ResourceManagement / Ron K. Bhada, Carolyn F. Perez, J. DeraldMorgan (New Mexico State Univ) 1353

WERC Educational Programs / Ricardo B. Jacquez, Caro-lyn F. Perez (New Mexico State Univ) 1357

Development and Deployment of Environmental Technol-ogies Through WERC / Abbas Ghassemi, James Bickel,Carolyn F. Perez (New Mexico State Univ) 1361

The WERC Environmental Design Contest / Abbas Ghas-semi (New Mexico State Univ), Gary N. Huffman (DOE.Golden), Carolyn F. Perez (New Mexico State Univ) 1364

WERC Public Outreach Programs for an Informed Nation /Ricardo B. Jacquez, Abbas Ghassemi. Carolyn F. Perez (NewMexico State Univ) 1368


Immobilization and Waste Form Product Acceptance for LowLevel and TRU Waste Forms / E.W. Holtzscheiter. John R.Harbour (Westinghouse SRC) 1371

The Integrated Tank Waste Management Plan at Oak RidgeNational Laboratory / Karen Billingsley (STEP), CavanaughMims (DOE, Oak Ridge), Sharon Robinson (ORNL) 1376

Preliminary Cost Analysis of Vitrification for Oak RidgeTank Waste / M. K. Andrews, J. R. Harbour (WestinghouseSRC) 1383

Separations/Pretreatment Considerations for Hanford Pri-vatization Phase II / Rodney D. Hunt, C. Phil McGinnis,Timothy D. Welch (ORNL) 1387

Large Underground Radioactive Waste Storage Tanks Suc-cessfully Cleaned at Oak Ridge National Laboratory / KarenBillingsley (STEP), Barry L Burks (Providence Group). Mar-shall Johnson (LMES), Cavanaugh Mims, Jane Powell(DOE, Oak Ridge), Dirk Van Hoesen (LMER) 1396

Technology Development and Privatization / David Geiser(DOE, Germantown), Jeff Frey (DOE. Richland), TerriStewart, Tom Brouns, Kristin Manke (PNNL) 1404

Case Study: The Technological and Risk Components of theIdaho Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project / Mi-chael J. Bonkoski (DOE, Idaho Falls) 1410

Cooperative Programs

The United States Nuclear Materials Accounting System WillInclude Waste Accounting Data / Garland Proco (NACInt) 1415

Why and When to Use Turnkey Remediation / Richard H.Wilkinson (Parsons Eng Svc) 1421

Technology Commercialization and Deployment ThroughDynamic Partnerships / Thomas A. Erickson, Daniel J. Daly,Ames A. Grisanti, Edward N. Steadman, Daniel J. Stepan(Univ of North Dakota) 1426


Life-Cycle Baseline Points the Way to Accelerated Closureof the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site / FrazerLockhart, Elizabeth Jordan (DOE, Golden) 1430

Site Wide Integration of the Rocky Flats Closure Proj-ect / Larry F. Burdge, Paul Golan (Kaiser-Hill/DOE,Golden) 1438

Boosting Environmental, Waste and D.D&D PerformanceThrough the IMC / Len Martinez, Jennifer Thompson(Kaiser-Hill) 1446

Doing More With Less-EM Program Integration Efforts Fo-cused on Technology Needs / Douglas Tonkay, Carl Cooley(DOE) 1453

Environmental Management Strategic Integration: A RockyFlats Case Study / Glenn Doyle, Paul Golan (DOE,Golden) 1459

Complex-Wide Environmental Management Integrated Sci-ence and Technology Needs / Keith Kristofferson, Eliza-beth C. Thiel (LMITCO) 1464


CRESP: A New Approach to Stakeholder-Responsive, Cost-Effective Research / Bernard D. Goldstein, Charles Pow-ers (EOHSI), John Moore (IEHR). Elaine Faustman (Univof Washington), Arthur Upton (EOHSI) 1471

Addressing Decommissioning and Associated RadiologicalIssues: A Community Outreach Program / Susan Castigli-one Baranski (NU NCS). Darrell M. Lankford (OR1SE) .. 1479

The Environmental Protection Agency's Waste Isolation PilotPlant Certification Process: The Steps Leading to Our De-cision / Caroline Laikin, Mary Kruger (EPA) 1485

Independent Review of Rocky Flats Interim RadioactiveSoil Action Levels / Jeremy Karpatkin, Steve Slaten(DOE, Golden). Tim Render (EPA, Denver), Carl Spreng(CDPHE) 1493

How Public Participation Changed Public Opinion /Launa L. Danielson, Jacqueline C. Beatty (MK-Ferguson) 1498

Stakeholders Can Help: Improving D&D Policy Decisionsat Rocky Flats / Jack Hoopes, John Corsi (Kaiser-Hill) .. 1501

Author Index 1507