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Transcript of DECEPTION of GOD’S NAME – Part Eight: FALSE TEACHER PERRY STONE, YHWH… · 2017. 8. 6. ·...

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Shout out to Colette L. for bringing this to my attention about a year ago. God

bless this man for letting God lead him to expose Perry Stone and someone he

works with in his ministry, Mark Casto. He has done very thorough research,

please go to his channel and watch his research and exposure videos on

freemasonry and Perry Stone.

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Two snakes viping (one on top and one down below outlining the lamb), the word

sex hidden in the top of the logo, a triangle in the top logo, sun rays shining out,

to the occult a lion represents sun worship, the omega emblem is off center, one

side higher than the other representing as above so below also the top is bright

and the bottom is darker representing duality, in the sides there are moon slivers.

**Please play from 50:57 to 51:46 and from 1:03:45 to 1:08:07 Perry talks

about a spot to create a portal / praying from a white chair and a Bible that

produces oil** (about 5 min’s total)

This is witchcraft plain and simple. The one lady passed that chair down to the

other lady and that is what the occult does, they believe there is power in objects

and things and along with it comes familiar spirits and sorcery because you are

believing in the object instead of in Jesus. This oil from that bible is like in the

Catholic church when statues cry or blood comes out from them, it is witchcraft.

Some of it is staged, Ms. Lucy who used to come here shared a testimony of a

man who used to be a priest and he had staged a statue to cry to increase the

numbers of his congregation.

Psalm 20:7 - Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember

the name of the LORD our God.

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God never wanted His people trusting in chariots or alliances, but in Him. We

don’t trust in objects, but we look to Jesus Christ.

This is from the facebook page of Mark Casto who Perry had done video teachings

with. You are known by the company you keep. So there’s a picture of Walt

Disney who was a mason and Disney is used majorly in mind control and

programming by the occult. Mark says: reading this over Christmas to which

Jessica hardwood33 responds: I have that, it’s good. Notice at the time of this

screen capture there were 33 likes. This is not by accident. Sick perversion. Just

in case you think Disney is ok and don’t understand the big perversion here. Let’s

watch this clip:

**Please play this 11 min. video on the Disney perversion**

For all those practicing witchcraft and in the secret societies and purposely lying

about the truth of God the following scripture applies:

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Rev. 22:15 – For without (outside of New Jerusalem) are dogs, and sorcerers, and

whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosever loveth and maketh a

lie. LIARS will not enter in!!

You can see squares all over this, a triangle coming down from the top and one

going up from the bottom all for sun worship – to the god of the sun:

baal/nimrod/satan. This is also the square and compass of freemasonry.

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Look at the “A” and the “O” and the “R” and remember them because I’m going

to show you what they are doing in this advertisement by writing them like that.

See the lightning bolt for satan/zeus/Jupiter between Perry Stone and Todd

White. Where lambs become lions is a play on words. If you really are a lamb for

Jesus Christ, you don’t want to become a lion like satan.

1 Peter 5:8 - Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring

lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

Remember those letters that were written strangely? This is what they are doing,

using ancient alphabets called runes. Witches use these in their sorcery and


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Remember that “A” that looked like it fell over

Here is the fallen leaning “A” again

The runic alphabet used to write old English before the introduction of the latin

alphabet. Remember the “O” with the cross sticking through it.

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The “O” or womb with the cross or phallus sticking through it. Masons and

witchcraft plain and simple.

The “O” again.

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The “O” again.

One of satan’s calling cards is the lightning bolt. Look at all of these slaves

displaying who their master is.

**Please play from 10:17 to 12:05 Perry Stone talking about God changing

names in the Bible and the YHWH**

He mentions God’s name to be yhwh.

**Please play this 4 min. clip - Perry Stone on YHWH on the plaque of the cross**


Often i see that messianic s are using the tetragrammaton yhwh what is

supposed to be derived from Yeshua Hanozri Wemelech Hajehudim.

But is this really correct and how do we handle this ?

I have problems with it and would never use it.

Here is why.

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Its heavy involved with freemasonry, king solomon, the antichrist system the

kabbalah and the occult.

It represents the name of the judeo-christian g_d who is not our God.

Its pentagram is a symbol for occultism used by eliphas levi, aleister crowley,

blavatsky and other sorcerers..

(By the way only judaism is using the spelling g_d. All other religions are using


Chuck Missler used to disseminate that "Yeshua Hanozri Wemelech Hajehudim"

provided the YHWH acronym. He later redacted it saying he was wrong. "Yeshua"

is a guess name as it is. Only the Greek, in both Old and New Testaments, seems

to be authoritative. I wonder why. And I totally agree with you. The

tetragrammaton permeates Freemasonry and the occult; meanwhile, demons and

Jews shudder at the very mention of the name Jesus. What seems more sacred?

The name I AM holds the most consistency along with Jesus.

*In the references for this message there is a link that breaks down why this is

wrong. The sign Pilate put on the cross did not have the initials YHVH.*

I have seen many things on Perry and his ministry. Youth worship that looks like

a rock concert and more. Many things he has done I never saw because they are

not part of his Manna Fest program. I feel after this teaching that I have provided

enough on him if he happens to come up in my research of another message I will

bring it out then but for now that is enough on him.


Rom. 1:28-32 – And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge,

God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not

convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness,

covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity;

whispers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil

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things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant-breakers,

without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of

God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the

same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


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Perry Stone teaches on names at the beginning of this message

Perry Stone on God’s Lamb – 2nd teaching on YHWH being on the plaque of the


Exposing Perry and Mark Casto

M Willis – breaks down Perry’s portal video

A breakdown of why the sign on the cross did not say “yhvh” or “yahweh”

Blog opinion on how satanic that yhwh is