December Monthly Numerology Report...

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December Monthly Numerology Report 2019


Like every month, this month has many exciting things in store, but before I get to that I’d like

to explain what Numerology is all about to the newcomers (or those of you that may need to

read up on it a bit again).

Numerology, as the name suggests, is the study of numbers. Each number was assigned a

Cosmic/Karmic vibration or energy. Legend has it that this was done by the ancient Egyptians

and Pythagoras, the father of modern mathematics. They translated their knowledge into a

format that could be understood by the Western World. What people like myself then do is

take this ancient knowledge and use it to ascertain the energies prevalent in certain things. This

could be anything from the energy of a name, to the energy of a birth date, to the energy of the

amount of flour you use to bake your favorite cake (although this last one will take a bit more

creative intuition, but I’ll get to that in a bit). Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is made up

of energy. What numerology does is translate that energy into psychic understanding (as in

understood by your psyche, not some hocus pocus act, as the word has been misconstrued to


Unexplained things, like the threads that hold the Universe together, are brought to light

through numerology. Take the number 4 for example. On the positive side it represents

structure and following rules. On the negative side it represents confusion and chaos. But that

doesn’t tell you much about how it relates to your life in the month ahead. That’s where this

report comes in handy. In this report I will relay the divine secrets you need to understand in

order to be in tune with the world around you at any given time. You won’t find exactly what to

do to have the perfect life in this report. That is not the aim. I am going to give you guidelines to

apply to your own life, yes. I am also giving you a description of what energies the numbers in

the month represent. But how you apply this knowledge to your particular situation is up to

you. I don’t even expect that everything I write will resonate with you. But the chances are that,

in this report, you will find the greatest insight into how you can achieve the future you desire.

The format of the report is quite simple. The first thing you’ll find is the Year forecast. It is

essential to keep this forecast in mind throughout the report as the energy of the year sets the

tone for the entire year. Therefore, each month is dependent on this energy. Next I have done a

forecast on the month itself. As you may have guessed this energy is applicable to all the

weekly forecasts of that month. You will also find weekly challenges, affirmations and an action

plan for each week, as well as what the challenge and lucky days are for that week.

So there you have it. If you’d like to test your psychic understanding you’re welcome to use the

table below to work out the number a name represents. However, please remember that a

sense of detachment works best when interpreting someone else’s name. It really does help to

be objective about others when it comes to being intuitive, otherwise you’ll just find exactly

what you’re looking for. When using your psychic abilities (everyone who has a psyche has

psychic abilities that they can develop with practice) it is common that your ego will super

impose your desires on your reading, albeit consciously or unconsciously. The key is to look at

the information you receive first. Then apply it to the situation as objectively as possible. This

may sound weird, and it will take practice to perfect, but I’m sure you’ll understand what I

mean after a couple of times. A healthy balance between interpretation, intuition and intent

needs to be maintained at all times, lest you unknowingly create more trouble than good out of


Anyway, here’s the table you can use to interpret names, or any words in general:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9





DAVID = 4 + 1 + 4 + 9 + 4 = 22 (MASTER NUMER, no need to go to single digit)

EMMA = 5 + 4 + 4 + 1 = 14 = (reduce to single digit) 1 + 4 = 5

2019 (2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12 (1+2) = 3) is a 3 year,

That means this year is all about Divine Grace…

What does 3 mean for the coming year?

Three is a very auspicious number. On the one hand it represents fun and freedom, while on

the other it is entwined with the divine and natural beauty of the world. It flows naturally from

the eleven, Spiritual energy of 2018, so your monthly energy cycle won’t get knocked off kilter.

But with the lovely three energy of 2019 you’ll be blessed with a lot more beauty and grace.

With the intensity of the eleven energy behind you this year will be a lot less hectic. You’ll have

time to unwind and catch up on some much needed TLC. Everything will slow down at the

beginning of the year as the energies quite down. Things will be less in your face and easier to

handle than last year. But the best thing about 2019’s three energy is that things will take on a

more Divine quality. Three is the number of the Holy Trinity. It represents the completion of the

whole. It also represents the child, or what is born out of a partnership. It even has value in

philosophy, as the synthesis of the thesis and antithesis. So, this year you can expect to find a

lot of solutions to your problems

But in another sense things will also be a lot more beautiful. With its Divine Grace three will

help you to see how everything is connected. How everything happens for a reason and most

importantly, that everything has to be the way it is, because everything has been the way it was

and will be the way it will…

The Year 2019

You will become more comfortable with yourself this year as you enjoy the company of friends

and loved ones. There will be many social gatherings and times of merriment. Your social life

will blossom as a new you emerges.

There are a couple of pitfalls to this. Firstly, it’s much more fun to spend time with friends than

sit at the office, so you’ll have to keep a tight leash on yourself in the career department,

otherwise you’ll end up spending more than you earn… With the lovely social boost your ego

will also be playing a big role in your actions this year. Be careful to stay true to yourself and

don’t let social standing and popularity become reasons for you to act out of character. And by

this I mean don’t spend more than you earn to look wealthier and don’t stab a good friend in

the back because more people would like you if you do.

If you manage to stick to your morals this year you will find the bonds of friendship flourish.

With its Divine Grace and joyful spirit this three year promises to be filled with happy moments.

Your social prowess will expand as you find exactly the right words to say at the right time. This

will add to the sense of everything being intimately connected.

I don’t know if I’ve made myself clear enough on this point. Although this is still the beginning

stages of a new yearly energy cycle things will be fitting into each other and propelling you

toward your destiny in a way that will astound you. You can expect a lot of synchronicity this

year as the Divine Grace reveals how everything falls into place around you to create your life

experience. It’s a beautiful experience and that beauty will become apparent to you as the year

rolls on. By July you will feel like a completely new person at the start of the new monthly

energy cycle which promises to bring a bountiful bouquet of possibilities with it.

This three year is about overcoming obstacles and seeing how everything happens for a reason.

Accepting the inevitable and working on expanding your horizons by trying new things. There is

a certain amount of creativity involved in this process. Given the eleven year that just passed

your creative banks will be full of wonderful ideas that are just waiting to be expressed, so go

ahead and make the most of this time. Bouncing ideas off others will also help you to come up

with some of your most novel inventions or solutions to date. But be warned, pick your

confidant wisely, because some people will be ready to grab your best idea and make it their


On the relationship front, singles can look forward to a year of intimacy, but don’t be surprised

if they are nothing but karmic relationships steering you in the right direction. Those of you in

serious relationships, one plus one can lead to three if you catch my drift… If you want to start a

family this is a great year to do so, but if you aren’t sure, rather get a puppy and see how that

gets first!

Let yourself explore and enjoy the possibilities the Universe has on offer for you. The new year

will bring a new sense of awareness and connected and it’s up to you to step up and make the

most of it in your personal and work life. So don’t let this amazing opportunity to change the

direction of your life go by without at least seeing what there is to pick from. You’ll soon know

that you’re on the right track because the coincidences will be uncanny and the interactions

with others will just flow as if guided by something ethereal.

This is definitely an exciting year and it will set the course for the next six years. So while this

year promises to be fun you also have a big responsibility to choose wisely. Make sure your

future takes the course you want it to. But, remember to have some fun while you’re at it, it

may ensure a fun filled future after all ;)

December Week One 01/12/2019 – 07/12/2019

Numerology Equation

01/12/2019 0 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 16 (1+6) = 7

02/12/2019 0 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 17 (1+7) = 8

03/12/2019 0 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 18 (1+8) = 9

04/12/2019 0 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 19 (1+9) = 10 (1+0) = 1

05/12/2019 0 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 20 (2+0) = 2

06/12/2019 0 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 21 (2+1) = 3

07/12/2019 0 + 7 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 22 – Master Number

Days Numerology Total= 7 + 8 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 22 = 52 (5+2) = 7

That means this week is all about appreciation and appraisal…

What does 7 mean this week?

This week’s seven energy is charged with deep thinking. As the end of the year approaches you

will be drawn toward thinking about how 2019 played out for you and all the ups and downs

you went through.

As this is a six month, it’d be a good idea to start this month off taking care of yourself a bit

first, especially if this year didn’t go exactly as you planned… As you think about the good things

and the bad things; the things that didn’t quite go as you planned, use this time to appreciate

how things did go. It may not have been exactly as you expected, but how did you adapt? What

happened as a result of the unexpected? How did you change since the beginning of the year?

It may be difficult to accept that you didn’t accomplish exactly what you set out to do this year,

but try to focus on what you did accomplish. Even if something isn’t as “good” as it was at the

beginning of the year, what has this change allowed room for? Has this change really been for

the worse? Or are things just lining up in a different direction?

It’s important to keep in mind that Divine Grace doesn’t always follow the plans we have for

ourselves. Sometimes things that no longer serve us need to fall away in order to make room

for the things that we really need. This is often attached to a certain experience we need to

undergo in order to live a more fulfilled life. By accepting this you will be opening yourself up to

love instead of negativity. The more you can accept and appreciate the experiences you lived

through this year the more Divine Grace will shine on you in the years to come. It may not

always be the easiest path, but it will always be the path that your soul is destined to follow.

What are the challenges for the week?

This week’s biggest challenge is getting into the frame of mind where you are accepting and

grateful, even for the bad things.

This is one of the biggest challenges for people who are not in tune with the loving energy of

six. Acceptance goes hand in hand with love. And if you cannot accept what has happened this

year you may go into next year being very hard on yourself.

While a stern hand may keep you in line from time to time, constant negative self-talk and

discouragement can actually lead to depression.

So things didn’t go exactly as you hoped, focus on the small victories. That’s what six energy is

all about. It’s not about the major obstacles or defeats, it’s about how you get back up, how you

overcome the small things each and every day. It’s about being proud of yourself for making it

through the year, despite everything that happened. And loving yourself for overcoming what

you have.

Remember this if you start feeling down on yourself about the way this year has gone. It went

exactly the way it was supposed to go.

What are some helpful affirmations for the week?

- I have achieved so much.

- I am grateful for everything I have.

- I love myself.

- I rise to every occasion.

- Everything happens for a reason.

What action plan can you follow to make the most of your


This week take some time to yourself. Even though this month is all about family and friends,

make sure you are in good standing with yourself first. You cannot give from an empty cup. To

ensure you are at your most loving for the rest of the month take this week to work on your

relationship with yourself.

Doing this can mean different things for different people. You may enjoy meditation or yoga, or

you may enjoy being creative with an art journal or writing. The choice is yours. As long as you

do something that makes you feel good this week. And by good I mean something that makes

you feel loved and taken care of. Even if it’s cooking your favorite meal, taking a log bath and

curling up to watch your favorite movie. Make this week all about you.

The lucky day of the week:

Wednesday – The one energy today is going to give you a chance to really focus on yourself.

This is the best day to dote on yourself. Do that thing for yourself you’ve been putting off for so


The challenge day of the week:

Sunday – The seven energy today might make you even more pensive than usual. Make sure

you stay positive, even when the deep things start coming up.

December Week Two 08/12/2019 – 14/12/2019

Numerology Equation

08/12/2019 0 + 8 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 23 (2+3) = 5

09/12/2019 0 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 24 (2+4) = 6

10/12/2019 1 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 16 (1+6) = 7

11/12/2019 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 17+ (1+7) = 8

12/12/2019 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 18 (1+8) = 9

13/12/2019 1 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 19 (1+9) = 10 (1+0) = 1

14/12/2019 1 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 20 (2+0) = 2

Days Numerology Total = 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 1 + 2 = 38 (3+8) = 11 – Master Number

That means this week is all about rising above…

What does 11 mean this week?

This week’s eleven energy is a welcome gift from the Universe. Combined with the Divine Grace

of the year and the loving six energy of the month the eleven energy of the week is going to

give you the perfect opportunity to mend fences with people in your life.

Whether there is a certain family member of friend you have had trouble with, but would really

like back in your life, this week is the perfect time to reconnect. The eleven energy of the week

is going to open you up to a higher plane. This increased perspective, combined with the

nurturing energy of six, is going to make you very empathetic. With a little bit of effort you may

find it simpler to just forgive this person instead of holding onto the anger and resentment.

If you want to rebuild a relationship with this person it’s your choice. If you don’t, the act of

forgiving them can be very liberating in itself. Letting go of resentment and rising above

negative situations is a great way to prepare yourself for the coming year. If you enter the year

with renewed energy you will be much more likely to make the best of it.

Rising above in your relationships can also help you through the rest of the month. Letting go of

anger is an act of love, both towards yourself and the person you are forgiving. This will put you in a

more festive and loving mood for the rest of the season.

Use the eleven energy this week to ask the Spirit realm what you can do to make peace and rise above

the difficult relationships you’re facing.

What are the challenges for the week?

This week’s biggest challenge will be not to get caught up in the negative energy you may still

be holding onto.

The eleven energy of the week is going to amplify your emotions. So if you choose to be

forgiving, you will make peace completely. But if you aren’t sure if making peace is what you

want to do, you may find yourself being sucked into a negative vortex.

You can avoid this by setting your intentions correctly. You do want peace don’t you? So,

instead of ruminating on the wrong the other person has done, however bad it may have been,

however hurt you may be, make a point of setting a clear intention.

Holding onto the pain may be tempting, but in the long run it is much more difficult than

making peace within yourself and moving forward. Whether that means moving on or

rekindling a friendship, that’s up to you.

What are some helpful affirmations for the week?

- I forgive those who have wronged me.

- I live in peace.

- I let go of feelings of pain and regret.

- I love the people in my life.

- I am a kind and loving person.

What action plan can you follow to make the most of your


This week think carefully about who you let into your life. Some people may not be healthy for

you to have relationships with. Whether you love them or not, loving them from a distance may

be the best option.

Take your time to think about what rising above really means for you. It doesn’t have to mean

making space for that person in your life again. It could mean just sending them a holiday card.

Setting a clear boundary can help you navigate the fast approaching holiday season as well. As

you rise above you will be cultivating peace in your life. Once you find some peace you will soon

be able to recognize which people or situations disrupt that peace. Knowing this will not only

help you through the holiday season but through the coming year as well.

The lucky day of the week:

Thursday – The nine energy today is going to help you see things from a higher perspective and

rise above even the most painful of situations.

The challenge day of the week:

Sunday – The five energy today is going to make you want to have fun rather than focus on the

responsibilities in your life. This isn’t a bad thing, except that five energy can be very impulsive.

Rather leave fence mending for a different day…


December Week Three 15/12/2019 – 21/12/2019

Numerology Equation

15/12/2019 1 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 21 (2+1) = 3

16/12/2019 1 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 22 – Master Number

17/12/2019 1 + 7 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 23 (2+3) = 5

18/12/2019 1 + 8 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 24 (2+4) = 6

19/12/2019 1 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 25 (2+5) = 7

20/12/2019 2 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 17 (1+7) = 8

21/12/2019 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 18 (1+8) = 9

Days Numerology Total = 3 + 22 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 60 (6+0) = 6

That means this week is all about love…

What does 6 mean this week?

This week’s six energy pairs up with the month’s six energy to make it all about love. There is

nothing more caring and empathetic than a double dose of six energy. You will find yourself

wanting to spend time with the people you like the most and when you do, it will be some of

the best times of your life. It won’t be a huge party, it could just be lovely meal or watching a

movie together, but just spending time together will be more fun than any party ever was or

ever will be.

You can expect a week filled with deep emotion and even deeper connections. And it’s just in

time for the festive season. If you’re single there’s a very big chance that you’ll connect with

someone with some real potential for a long term relationship this week. Don’t be afraid to put

yourself out there.

If you’re in a relationship, this week will feel like a second honeymoon. You can expect romance

and love to sweep you off your feet like during the first special moments you and your partner

shared. Of course that doesn’t mean sitting back and waiting for them to do all the work. Be

creative. Your efforts will be greatly rewarded.

In the sphere of friends and family you will also be having a good time. Preparing for the

holidays can be a stressful time, but with the self-less energy provided by six and the creative

and social flair of three you will be all too happy to spend your time preparing. Take the time to

ensure that everyone has something to look forward to this Christmas. The more attention you

pay to these tiny details the more rewarding this week and month will be.

What are the challenges for the week?

This week’s biggest challenge is staying on top of everything. You may get so wrapped up in

making others smile that you forget to take time to take care of yourself. That is why it was so

important to recharge your energy at the beginning of the month. If you find yourself feeling

tired or drained this week, do remember that key take-away from the first week, you cannot

pour from an empty cup.

In order to be the best version of yourself and make those around you smile, you need to make

sure you are happy first. The reason that this is so difficult this week is because you won’t be

thinking about yourself very much at all. It will be all about the special people in your life and

showing them how much you appreciate them. While this will give you joy in itself, you do need

to remember to keep your boundaries well in place, especially if you recently let someone back

into your life. While making people comfortable and happy is an admirable trait, doing so at the

expense of your own happiness will only lead to future problems.

What are some helpful affirmations for the week?

- I love caring for others.

- Making others happy brings me joy.

- Friends and family are true blessings from the Universe.

- I know my limits and take care of myself.

- Abundance and joy surround me.

What action plan can you follow to make the most of your


This week is all about spreading the love. If you cannot find a selfless act you would like to do

for the people in your life, try doing some charity work. In order for you to stay in step with

Divine Grace you need to make the most of the energy six is giving you this week.

The law of attraction, and Divine Grace, works in such a way that when you accept what is given

to you and work with it, being grateful for any and every opportunity, you will get much more

in return. So make sure you use what the Universe is offering you this week, which is a time to

focus on making other people happy. As long as this is not at your own expense, you can expect

a lot more happiness in the future. You get what you give. And by sowing happiness and joy this

week you will receive happiness and joy in the future.

The lucky day of the week:

Wednesday – The six energy today makes this a day of triple love and selflessness. Use this

time to make others happy and you will get great fulfillment and joy out of the day.

The challenge day of the week:

Thursday – The seven energy today may make you think a bit harder than usual. Don’t let this

come in the way of being of service to others.

December Week Four 22/12/2019 – 28/12/2019

Numerology Equation

22/12/2019 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 19 (1+9) = 10 (1+0) = 1

23/12/2019 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 20 (2+0) = 2

24/12/2019 2 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 21 (2+1) = 3

25/12/2019 2 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 22 – Master Number

26/12/2019 2 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 23 (2+3) = 5

27/12/2019 2 + 7 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 24 (2+4) = 6

28/12/2019 2 + 8 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 25 (2+5) = 7

Days Numerology Total = 1 + 2 + 3 + 22 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 46 (4+6) = 10 (1+0) = 1

That means this week is all about setting intentions…

What does 1 mean this week?

One is the energy of new beginnings, making this the perfect week to set your intentions for

next year. While I’m not a firm believer in New Year’s resolutions, I do appreciate the energy

that surrounds this time of year. There is always a sense of new beginnings and with the festive

season in full force this week, it’s going to hit you that the new year starts next week.

When this happens, instead of setting resolutions, try setting intentions instead. By setting an

intention you aren’t forcing yourself to be a certain way. It will make you much more adaptable,

making you more open to learning from your experiences rather than fighting them.

This week’s festivities will also play a big part in your life. Spending time with loved ones is a

great way to express the three energy of the year and the six energy of the month. They are

very social and loving. And with the three energy of the year transforming into four energy very

soon, this is a fantastic time to express everything Divine Grace means for you.

Have conversations about how far you and those closest to you have come, dream of the big

things you could achieve in the coming year, have fun with experiences and dreams. This week

is all about setting your intention for the coming year and by being happy and making light of

things you will already be starting the new year off on a good footing.

What are the challenges for the week?

This week’s challenge will be to not make everything about yourself. One can be a very

egotistical number, thinking only of itself. Luckily the six energy of the month is there to soften

this, with its selfless generosity. But be careful not to make gatherings and conversations

revolve around you and your feelings. This will be especially difficult if you have to endure a day

or two with someone that you aren’t on the best of terms with. If at all possible, avoid that type

of situation. While this is a rather traditional time of year, where you are expected to spend

time with family, if there is someone in your family you don’t want to spend time with and you

could be somewhere else, be a little bit selfish and go to the other party. It’s more important to

make sure you are happy than to be obliging to tradition. Don’t make it all about you, but do

take care of yourself and your needs at this time. Putting undue stress on yourself will only set

the wrong intention for next year. So be very careful what situations you put yourself in and

how they affect your mood this week. As the energies change the Universe is listening

especially intently. Make sure you’re sending out the right energy.

What are some helpful affirmations for the week?

- I am abundant and happy.

- My life is filled with love and laughter.

- I am surrounded by loving kindness.

- The Holidays are about spending time with the people that love me for me.

- I am excited for the year to come.

What is an action plan can you follow to make the most of your


It’s a good idea to make a vision board or a list of intentions for yourself for the next year.

Intentions and vision boards are different than New Year’s resolutions in the sense that this is

how you would like to be and what you wish to achieve, rather than a hard and fast course of

action you are committing yourself to. That’s why New Year’s resolutions hardly ever last.

People imagine themselves changing drastically within a day and when they miss even one day

of being this brand new version of themselves they give up and revert back to the old version of


Vision boards and intentions give you one key ingredient to reaching success. Time. Making

true lasting changes in life takes time, and some days you may be a bit lazy, but with a vision

board or clear intention for the year you will be much more likely to get back on track towards

reaching your goals.

The lucky day of the week:

Wednesday – The twenty two Master Builder energy will help you create a clear vision of what

you want for yourself in the year to come.

The challenge day of the week:

Thursday – Today’s five energy may make you dream a bit too big. Take these goals into

consideration, but make sure you pace yourself with a series of smaller, achievable goals.

December Week Five 29/12/2019 – 30/12/2019

Numerology Equation

29/12/2019 2 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 26 (2+6) = 8

30/12/2019 3 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 18 (1+8) = 9

31/12/2019 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 19 (1+9) = 10 (1+0) = 1

Days Numerology Total= 8 + 9 + 1 = 18 (1+8) = 9

That means this week is all about a final farewell…

What does 9 mean this week?

This week’s nine energy grants you the perfect opportunity to say farewell to the three energy

of the year.

It was a year filled with ups and downs. You learned a lot about yourself and life. Pay tribute to

all the things you have accomplished and how Divine Grace has guided you through one of the

most insightful and thrilling years of your life.

Yes, at times it may have felt as though you were being pushed to your absolute limit. As if your

soul was being laid bare and all your weaknesses exposed. But if anything, this year has made

you stronger and more resilient. Ready to face whatever challenges may lay in your path in the

year to come.

What are the challenges for the week?

This week’s biggest challenge will be to muster up the courage to say thank you, even for the

difficult times. It’s true that Divine Grace isn’t always soft, but one thing this year was, was

fulfilling And the more challenges you faced, the more fulfilling it turned out to be. The stronger

you had to be, the stronger you became. Realizing and accepting this will be your biggest

challenge this week.

What are some helpful affirmations for the week?

- I am forever evolving.

- Every challenge I face makes me stronger.

- This has been a year filled with growth.

- I am grateful for everything I experienced this year.

- I have grown immensely and I like the person I have become.

What is action plan can you follow to make the most of your


Take the time to bid the Divine Grace of the year farewell by writing all your accomplishments

and gratitude down on a piece of paper and offering it to the Universe. This is a great way to

end off the year and ensure that you start the new year off with a positive attitude. You can

burn the letter, bury it or throw it into a body of water. The choice is yours.

The lucky day of the week:

Tuesday – The one energy today makes this a great way to start off the new year on a brand

new energy cycle. Enjoy this refreshing time.

The challenge day of the week:

Sunday – The eight energy today may make it difficult to let go of the minor details and accept

the bigger picture of what your year has amounted to. Try not to cling to negative events, look

for the reasons behind them.


Dear Beautiful One,

Now that I have delivered This Month’s Numerology Report to you I encourage you to print it

out and read through it daily so you can make sure you are prepared for December 2019 and all

of the marvelous energy it offers you.

It's also important to know what to be alerted to, especially any possible challenges and

obstacles as you will be able to react to them more calmly. By thoroughly reading through your

report often, you will be assured that you will be conscious of what's happening with the

cosmic energies throughout the month, every month.

Remember that my monthly numerology report

Is the ultimate guide to experiencing a fulfilling and happy life!

By committing to this secret report each and every month,

You will always be one step ahead of the game!

You will undoubtedly understand your life so much more than those who do not have access to

this report, and, as always, I am happy assist you in your quest to enhance your life's

experiences this year and beyond!

Much Love & Blessings

Your Private Online Mystic