Debugging PHP with xDebug inside of Eclipse PDT 2.1

Post on 06-May-2015

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Integrated development plattforms (IDEs) like Eclipse or Netbeans do get more popular these days. One cause might be the beautiful benefits a developer gains from using an IDE like a type history or a code completion. This talk shall enable the attendee to get knowleadge about the possibilites of Eclipse PDT to use xDebug as internal debugger It shows howto install xDebug and give a deep introduction about how to enable Eclipse PDT version 2 to communicate with xDebug. Another topic of this talk would be the different debugging mechanism Eclipse PDT provides and how they work.

Transcript of Debugging PHP with xDebug inside of Eclipse PDT 2.1

Debugging PHPwith

XdebugInside of

Eclipse PDT 2.0

Bastian Federpapaya Software GmbH

IPC 200918.11.2009

Me, myself & I

Application developer PHP since 2001 @papaya since

01.2008 OpenSource addict


▹ CaricaCacheGrind

Who are you?

Derrick Rethans

„ Xdebug ̶

PHP developer's Swiss-Army Knife “

What is this xDebug ev'ryone's talking about?

Debugging for PHP by Derick Rethans(

Provides ▹ profiling, tracing, code coverage, …

▹ PHP error reporting enhancements

Cross platform

What's up for this talk?

Installation Configuration Techniques Eclipse PDT Troubleshooting

Obtaining Xdebug - Linux

#> sudo apt-get install php5-xdebug ↵

#> php -v ↵

PHP 5.2.-3ubuntu4.2 with Suhoshin-Patch (cli)Copyright © 1997-2008 The PHP GroupZend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright © 2002-2008 Zend Technologies with Xdebug v2.0.5, Copyright © 2002-2008, by Derick Rethans

Easiest way on Linux systems Basic configuration

Obtaining Xdebug - PECL

#> sudo pecl install xdebug ↵

Still configurations to be done

▹ Add:zend_extension=“/usr/local/php/modules/

to php.ini Ignore notes about to add

„“ → causes problems

Obtaining Xdebug – precompiled Modules


▹ Komodo IDE Xdebug binaries (


Add to php.ini

[XDebug] ;; Only Zend OR (!) XDebug zend_extension="/usr/local/php/modules/"

[XDebug] ;; Only Zend OR (!) XDebug zend_extension="/usr/local/php/modules/" xdebug.remote_enable=true xdebug.remote_host= ;if debugging on remote server, put client IP here xdebug.remote_port=9000 xdebug.remote_handler=dbgp ;; profiler xdebug.profiler_enable=Off xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger=On xdebug.profiler_output_dir=/data_lokal/temp/xdebug/profiling

Configuration (II)

.htaccess – file settings

#-------------------------------# # xDebug section # #-------------------------------#

php_value xdebug.remote_enable 1 php_value xdebug.remote_handler bdgp php_value xdebug.remote_host ;if debugging on remote server, put client IP here

php_value xdebug.remote_port 9000

# profiler php_value xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger 1 php_value xdebug.profiler_enable 0 php_value xdebug.profiler_output_dir "/data_lokal/temp/xdebug/profiling"

#-------------------------------# # xDebug section # #-------------------------------#

php_value xdebug.remote_enable 1 php_value xdebug.remote_handler dbgp php_value xdebug.remote_host ;if debugging on remote server, put client IP here php_value xdebug.allowed_clients <client IP address> php_value xdebug.remote_port 9000

# profiler php_value xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger 1 php_value xdebug.profiler_enable 0 php_value xdebug.profiler_output_dir "/data_lokal/temp/xdebug/profiling"

Debugging techniques

Local debugging

Debugging techniques (II)

Remote debugging

Debugging techniques (III)

Multi-User Debugging

▹ Only possible using Remote Debugging

▹ DBGp Proxy necessary

Eclipse PDT

Eclipse PDT

Debug Perspective Debug Views Support for

▹ Breakpoints

▹ Conditional Breakpoints

▹ Live view / edit of variable content

▹ All debugging techniques

Debugging perspective

Preferences – Basic setup

General settings

Debug Port Multisession DBGp Proxy settings

Preferences – Basic setup

Preferences – PHP servers

Remote debugging Mapping between IDE and Xdebug

Configuration for remote debugging

Start a remote debugging session

Start a local debugging

Configure „autostart“ options

Accept JIT

▹ Localhost

▹ any

▹ Prompt Disable Multisession

currently a Bug in PDT

Debug CLI scripts


▹ JIT configured

▹ Breakpoint set or 'Break at first line' active Debug cronjobs, PHPUnit tests, etc.

#> export XDEBUG_CONFIG=“idekey=ECLIPSE_DBGP“↵

#> php myScript.php ↵

#> export XDEBUG_CONFIG=““ ↵

Debugging made easy!

Firefox Add-on „Xdebug Helper“



Monitor TCP/IP

▹ Withershark / ethereal

▹ TCP/IP Monitor

TCP/IP Monitor (remote debugging only)


Further questions? Ask me at:

Contact'n Slides

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▹ Komodo precompilations(

▹ DBGp Proxy (

Eclipse PDT(

Xdebug-Helper( )


This set of slides and the source code included in the download package is licensed under the

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic
