Dear Parents and Friends of SGS, · Dear...

Post on 20-Aug-2018

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Transcript of Dear Parents and Friends of SGS, · Dear...

Dear Parents and Friends of SGS, The year continues in a wonderful manner. School has commenced well and

we are certainly experiencing many opportunities for learning to be


The beginning of year events have also helped set the tone for the year. I

have heard rave reviews of the Primary Swimming Carnival from Tuesday,

with strong competition, wonderful participation and a lot of fun.

Congratulations to Ledger who were the victorious house on the day.

The New Parents Function last Friday was a lovely evening with new parents

from the Preschool, Primary and Secondary mixing with present parents and

staff on a beautiful night. The food served by the Hospitality team under the

direction of Mrs Tania Lambley was superb.

Year 7/11 returned safely from camp following two very successful days of fun and bonding up at Omadale

Lodge at Moonan.

The Parent Information nights have commenced with Year 7 Parents attending an informative evening to

help them support their children as they begin the Secondary School journey.

At the evening, Parents were encouraged to use the Parent Portal to keep up to date with assessments, the

calendar and have access to data regarding their child/ren. An email was sent this week with the log-in

details to this important resource for all parents.

Grandparents Day

The 13 March offers the opportunity for Grandparents and special friends of the students to come to

experience school for the day. Please put aside this date and talk to those special people in the children’s

lives who might be able to attend. It is always a delight to host this day.

Thank you for your ongoing support of your child’s/children’s education.

Paul Smart


Primary News from Mr Feeney

Congratulations to all students from Years 2-6 for their participation in the Primary Swimming Carnival last

Tuesday. I was delighted to hear the very positive reports from Miss Day about student participation and ef-

fort, together with the encouraging growth in overall swimming skills and levels of performance. My thanks

go especially to Miss Jess Day, and all the Primary staff for their efforts and support in organising and running

this event. Their work behind the scenes is appreciated very much. Thank you also to the many parents who

attended and as always, offered so generously their support as officials and marshals.

We are looking forward to the K-1 Swim Fun Morning, next week on Monday, 16 February at the Scone

Memorial Pool. Parents and visitors are most welcome to come along and support the students. Please note

there will be an admission charge for all parents and visitors attending. Student admission charges will be

added to Monthly Statements.

Kindergarten students participated this morning in a Bus Safety workshop, in the Kindergarten classrooms.

Staff from the local NRMA Office, a local Police Officer and a local bus company driver, visited the School to

speak to students about safe bus behaviour. Students learnt about bus safety and also practised these safety

behaviours on a short bus ride around town.

At the School, we regularly speak to the students about the importance of appropriate bus behaviour.

This means respect and courtesy for the driver, for other students on the bus, and particularly for the bus

rules. Bus rules include sitting down, facing the front, talking quietly, using appropriate language, following

instructions from the driver and / or senior students and always having their bus pass. If a student invites

friends to travel with them on the bus, parents need to contact the bus company beforehand, organise a letter

for the School and the bus driver, and also ensure children have money for their fare. Please talk through

these areas with your children at home so that we can work co-operatively and positively with our local bus

companies and drivers.

Congratulations to our recently elected Primary SRC Semester 1 Representatives:

Year 3 - Harry Faulkner and Sophia Edlington

Year 4 - Joshua Crowther and Destiny Wilton

Year 5 - Isla Hamson and Chester Hall

These students will be presented with their SRC badges in Chapel on Monday, 23 February. I’m sure they will

hard at work very shortly, organising and planning a number of special activities for Term 1. I do want to ac-

knowledge and thank Mrs Tesoriero again for her committed leadership of the Primary SRC.

Term 1 Primary Information Nights commence tonight,

Thursday, 12 February

K-2 Information Night 7:00pm - K-2 Classrooms and continue next week,

Tuesday, 17 February

Years 3-6 Information Night 7:00pm - 3-6 Classrooms

Good Humour for the Week

Why did the Maths textbook look so sad? It had too many problems!

What is the best tool to take to a Maths class? Multi-plyers

Special congratulations this week to Isla Hamson (Year 5 Gold), Maggie Callinan (Kindergarten Gold), Hamish

White (Year 4 Gold), George Patterson (Year 1 Gold), Jack Murphy (Kindergarten Blue), Harry Goodhew (Year

3 Gold), Maddi Potter (Year 1 Gold), Izzy Jones (Kindergarten Red) and Georgina Pratley (Year 3 Blue), who

are all celebrating birthdays. This is always a special occasion, and I do wish these students all the best as

they enjoy the day and share the time with family and friends.

From the Chaplain

This week I have been thinking about the ’thought’ that often accompanies ‘performance’ in life. Thinking is an

important part of human life. The way we think shapes the way we learn and the way we live. Unhealthy or

destructive thoughts lead to unhealthy actions and a disrupted learning experience. That's why it's important to

focus our thoughts every day on God and His will for us. By nature we are unlikely to always be thinking about

the ‘right things’.

A prayer to God to create a new heart and right thoughts within us is a great way to start a new day. God wants

us to be able to learn and live confidently. To live life to the full, and in accordance with His will for our lives. This

is why He gives us His Holy Spirit, to cleanse us from within, to help us overcome unhealthy or destructive

thoughts, and to fill us with good thoughts. These in turn will lead to right action and a healthy way of living.

A great daily prayer to aide our ‘thinking life’:

Heavenly Father, create a pure heart in me, and put a new and right spirit in me. Reveal yourself to

me, so that I may reveal you to others. Then I will have the strength to live and serve you well. In

Jesus mighty name, Amen.

Weekly Chapel Bible passages and relevant links can be found at

In Prayer this week:

Reflect on: Proverbs 4:1-27

Give thanks for: The ability to think and to problem solve; God’s goodness in leading our thinking when we ask;

Parents, teachers and supporters who truly care for us; A productive start to 2015; For an enriching Year 7 & 11


Pray for: New students, families and staff who have come to our school this year; Families and students who are

ill or struggling at the moment; Year 1 and Year 8 students; For your son or daughter’s teacher/s!: For the school

building project; The ‘Yellow Cottage’ SGS Pre-School. (specific prayer requests can be sent to to be prayed for by our weekly prayer group- not published in newsletter)

Rev’d Nate

Monday Lunchtime

The Yellow Cottage Tales

The Yellow Cottage has been an ocean of activity this week. We have read stories about the beach and

the ocean, we have been singing songs like Slippery Fish and Baby Shark. We set up a beach and rock

pool in our sand pit. The children have enjoyed making turtles, fish, jelly fish and drawing shells. We

have had a great week.

Message from Osborn’s Transport Lately we have been having a few problems with children missing their stops whether it be because they have

fallen asleep, sitting up the back and the driver was not aware they are a new student getting off at a different

stop or parents not standing at the bus stop waiting for their children.

If your child is new and may not know their bus stop or you are concerned that they will not know where to get

off we would like parents to be standing at the bus stop, not sitting in their car or waiting at their door as drivers

cannot see this. Also if the parents can wave down their bus when they see it that way if the child is has not

informed the driver they are ready to get off the driver will know to pull over.

Equestrian Information

The following students have been entered in the Denman Horse Sports Day.

Evie White, Willa Mitchell, Matilda Mitchell, Milly Fisher, Millie Graham, Andrew Hordern, Jessica Flynn, Will

Warner, Camilla Warner, Harry Warner, James Haydon Wicks, Charlie Mitchell, Georgia Thrift, Tadhg Magner and

Prunella Hayes.

If you are intending to jump at Denman you must bring your jump card with you unless it has already been

attached to order entry form. Denman competitors please pick up a time trial pattern from me this week.

Please note entries for Blandford Horse Sports must be handed into the school office by next Monday 16 February

and for Willow Tree Horse Sports by Monday 23 February.

Please let me know if you intend to come to Tuesday Horse Sports commencing on 24 February.

New Grammar School saddle cloths are on order and will be available from the school clothing shop in a few

weeks. If they do not arrive before the first interschool horse sports any dark coloured saddle cloth can be used.

Helmet covers are available at the school clothing shop.

Anne Davies

Equestrian Co-ordinator

Outstanding Medical Forms / Lost Property

There are still some outstanding medical forms that were due at the beginning of term 1. Please complete and

return to main admin.

Lost property is already starting to build up, if your child had misplace something please check in lost property

either in Primary Admin or main admin.

3 February 2015 Dear Parents and Guardians, Welcome to the New School Year. We have vacancies in the following two areas: Class Liaison Parents: As we go into 2015 we are looking for parents who would be interested in becoming a Class Liaison Parent (CLP). The CLP’s role is an important support role between the School and its parents concerning fundraising, Grandparents’ Day, Open Days and, of course, the annual SGS Fete. CLPs are not expected to deal with problems arising in the class or with any student. We are looking for parents in Years 2, 5, 7, 8, 10 and Kindergarten to take on the role. If you are interested in finding out more about the role of a CLP please contact Yvonne Clerke on 0419449976 or Ideally we would like to finalise the CLP list in the next couple of weeks. 2015 Fete Committee: We are also looking for keen parents who are full of ideas to join the 2015 SGS Fete Committee. The 2015 Fete will be held on Saturday, 9 May. We meet once a month leading up to the Fete normally in a local Scone restaurant, about 6.00pm. Our first meeting will be held on Tuesday, 24 February 2015 at the Royal Hotel, Scone at 6.00pm. We are looking for everyone who is willing to help out in either a major or minor role and, of course, any help will be greatly appreciated. If any parent of the School who attended last year’s Fete has any ideas on how we could improve on the day please come along to the meeting and let us know or drop me a line at: I look forward to hearing from you soon. Kind regards

Yvonne Clerke Class Liaison Parent Coordinator Yvonne Clerke Glastonbury Farms 0419449976 yvonne@glastonburyfarm

2015 is shaping up to be a big year in the Music department at SGS. Notes have been going

home seeking interest in Primary Band and Strings and I am looking for Year 7 students who might be interested in joining our Junior Band/Orchestra. Kia Ora Music Camp notes should be

coming home soon. The Camp is being held from 18 - 20 March here in Scone and is open to students in years 3 - 12 with Concert Band, String Ensemble and Choir available as the main

activities along with exciting elective groups such as Hip Hop and Garbage Percussion.

Applications need to be submitted to the Upper Hunter Shire Council by 20 February. Our junior and senior secondary chapel bands kicked off at this weeks chapel services. If anyone is

interested in playing or singing at chapel should come and see me, there is always room for more.

All private music lessons should have commenced last week. The Upper Hunter Conservatorium staff conduct

lessons at SGS on a wide variety of instruments. If you have been thinking about getting lessons on an

instrument for your child please contact the Conservatorium, there are still places available for this term. Learning an instrument is such a wonderful experience and has so many benefits for developing young brains.

“People like music when they're in love, but they don't need it as much. You need music when you're missing

someone or you're pining for someone or you're forgetting someone or you're trying to process what just

happened” - Taylor Swift.

Mr Buckley

Rowing News What an exciting weekend we have had! Two regattas were run last weekend at the Berry Park Rowing Complex

near Morpeth. Lake Macquarie’s Regatta was held on Saturday and the Endeavour Rowing Club hosted the

regatta on the Sunday. Competition is open to anyone and the clubs that competed included Lake Macquarie,

Manning, Port Macquarie, Newcastle Grammar School, Hunter Valley Grammar School, Newcastle, Endeavour,

Hastings, Brisbane Waters, Newcastle University, North Shore, Brisbane Waters, Central Tablelands and

us....Upper Hunter. Rowers can be of any age including Masters rowers, University students and school

students. Events are raced over either one or two kilometres depending on the division and /or age group.

Upper Hunter was represented by Rohan Edwards, Hugh Price, Sebastian Carroll, Fintan Conway and Tom

Nichols in the boys and Karinya Harvey, Nat Catzikiris, Mardi Norton, Ellie Brown, Abbey McDonald, Elizabeth

Croaker and Lily Collins in the girls. Due to school holidays and swimming carnivals we had only been able to get

on the water to train for a couple of early mornings before school in preparation for the regattas. This aside, the

students were very keen to race and for most of them it was the first time they had raced at regattas on

consecutive days. Both the boys and girls raced in quads and doubles over 1000m and quads over 1750m. The

boys were over the moon to win their first ever medal in Division 3 of the Mens D grade quad skull. Mardi raced

in a composite crew with an Endeavour rower to win a division of the Womens D grade double skull and

Karinya and Nat also composited with some girls from Lake Macquarie and Endeavour to win the Under 19’s

quad skull over 1750m. All of our students competed in over six races each over the two days so were totalled

exhausted by the end of the weekend.

We have been given so much assistance and encouragement from the other clubs with the Endeavour Club

allowing us to use their boats and oars to race in as well as combining with our students to form crews when we

have not had the numbers needed to compete. This has given our students wonderful opportunities to compete

with more experienced rowers for which our young rowers are very grateful. I would like to congratulate all of

the rowers for their efforts on the weekend and their outstanding representation of our school.

I would like to also thank the parents for their help on both days of the regattas and Nick Price for his assistance

with the students. Our rowing programme is developing all the time and one which the students are really

enjoying being a part of. I am very proud of all of my ‘elite’ rowers and look forward to watching their

improvement and commitment to the sport of rowing.

Chris Brennan

Rowing Coach

Year 7 and 11 Omadale Camp

Last Thursday 45 Year 7 students, 22 Year 11’s and 7 staff travelled to The Omadale Brook near Moonan. This is

the home of the famous Tilse apple orchard. We were blessed with beautiful sunshine for the 2 days in which the

camp took place.

This allowed for many activities to take place. A special guest was bush expert, Sam new, from Barrington out-

door Centre. Sam demonstrated how to build a bush “humpy” from found branches and twigs and also how to

make fire and rope from natural materials. All the students, and staff, learnt so much from Sam whose love of the

natural world was evident in his presentation.

The students could decide if they wished to stay in tents or cabins. Most, surprisingly, went for the tents. In hot

weather they bravely erected their overnight accommodation and then found some relief in the swim hole where

The Omadale Brook meets the Hunter River. Everyone enjoyed the cool water.

Later the students were treated to Mrs. Hollis’ famous burgers and chips and dessert of ice cream and fruit.

Throughout the day all were supplied with cakes and snacks to keep the energy levels up. Other activities in-

cluded; paper plane making, pet rock painting, yabbying and sport activities.

The Year 11 students were wonderful mentors to the Year 7’s even though they found the exercise tiring. They

had forgotten that only a few years ago they were in the same situation!

The evening concluded with a talent show and a performance of bush ballads around the camp fire; they were of

the usual variable standard. The wallabies were the eventual winners and carried off a multitude of prizes all of

which contained chocolate. The team consisted of; Karrisa Harper, Thomas Hawkins, April Johnson, Brigette

Kelly, Jacob McDonald, Noah McDonald, Phoenix McInerney, Jim Merrick, Alexander Bates,. Congratulations to

the Wallabies and Sam New who stood on one leg throughout the whole show.

The 2 days allowed all students to participate and interact positively with each other and to have a better under-

standing of each other’s talents and abilities.

Many thanks to the staff that consisted of; Mrs. Foote, Mr. Price, Mr. Atkinson, Mrs. Hollis, Mr. Berry and Ms. Gib-


Mr. Berry

Camp Coordinator

Senior Secondary Tennis

Two senior boys tennis teams represented SGS at the HRIS Gala day on Tuesday. The competition was very tough but

each boy had a highlight of their day on the court. The boys all tried hard in the hot humid conditions and their tennis

continually improved during the day.

Scone Grammar School Foundation

The Scone Grammar School Foundation is having its first meeting this Thursday 12 February at 5.30pm in the Library.

The Foundation is a company limited by guarantee. It is controlled by a board elected from its membership and

managed by a committee to which the board delegates its day-to-day activities. A permanent partner of the School

Council, the Foundation has clearly stated short and long-term objectives, which include:

To provide a substantial and varied asset base to ensure ongoing financial independence of the School.

To provide finance for capital works for the growth and development of the School.

To encourage financial commitment from the School community, as well as personal interest in the general

development of the School.

To educate the School community to better understand the role of the Foundation and the School’s supporters in

funding the development of the School for the present and future generations of the children of the Upper Hunter.

Mr Brett Hails is the Chairman of the Foundation and welcomes anyone who might like to come and make a contribution

to the School via the Foundation. Mrs Kelly Harvison is the Treasurer of the Foundation, Mrs Kirsty Cole is the Executive

Officer. If you have any questions regarding the Foundation don't hesitate to get in touch with any of these office

bearers. The School will assist you to locate and speak to any of them at anytime.

11 February 2015 Dear Parents

BUS ROUTE CHANGE TO 107 (L) AM & PM Currently your child is catching the 107 bus in the morning and the afternoon for Scone Grammar School. As of Monday 16 February 2015 we will be changing our bus routes. Your children will remain on the same bus 107 in the morning and in the afternoon however:

o Instead of going around Kamilaroi & Towarri Street the bus will be going straight up Adams Street, and o Instead of going around Wanaruah Circuit the bus will now be going Up Henry Dangar Drive, Left into

Dixon Circuit and following this back to Henry Dangar Drive to turn right and complete the run. At this stage the bus stops will be moved from:

o Towarri Street to the Corner of Adams and Towarri Street, and o The Corner of Wannaruah Circuit and Mussell Street to the Corner of Henry Dangar Drive & Mussell

Street o With a new stop added along the top of Dixon Circuit.

The pick up and drop off times will remain the same except for those children getting on along Ironbark Road which will need to be 2 minutes earlier. If times and pick up and drop off points need to be altered later you will be notified of this if this needs to happen.

Stops and Route will be at the following places (as per picture):

o The Corner of Adams Street and Towarri Street, o The Corner of Henry Dangar Drive and Mussell St, o Along the top of Dixon Circuit

Should you require further information on this matter please feel free to contact the office. Yours faithfully Melinda Halloran Accounts Manager

Primary Kiss and Drop Zone The zone operates as follows:

Drive in from the Aberdeen St (western) end

Stop parallel to the kerb Kiss your child/ren goodbye

Your child/ren alight your vehicle onto the footpath

You drive off

Please make sure your child/ren have their backpacks with them and are ready to leave your vehicle. If you need to get your child/ren’s gear out of the car please make sure you park out of the Kiss and Drop Zone

This zone will only operate during the morning and needs to remain clear from 8am to 9.30am.

Secondary Pickup/ Drop off Location Point For the School’s Secondary students the drop off / pickup area is located in front of the Secondary Staff Cottage

(brick house adjacent to the Administration Office in Hill Street). This area has been allocated by the Shire for

the safe arrival / departure of our students.

This zone is a “No Parking” area between the times specified on the signs.

This means you can drive in for the time it takes for your child to get in / out of the car but you cannot park in

this zone waiting for your child/ren to arrive. Your child should be already waiting in this area for you to collect

them. If they are not waiting for you, please park elsewhere. The Police will book you as has occurred on previ-

ous occasions. If you arrive early please park further up the street and meet your child/ren there. Please use

the pickup/drop off zone for its designated purpose and please do not use the bus zone or drive-

way for pickup and drop off.

Community Notices & News Blue Heeeler Film Festival - Short Film Competition 2015: The Theme this year is “UP”. Download

the entry form from Entries close on 22 March. Festival dates are 12-15 April. There are some Entry Forms available from the Office.

Workshop: “How to Make A Great Short Film” will be held at the Muswellbrook Library this weekend. The Session on Saturday, 14 February is aimed at Primary School students and on Sunday, 15 February, the

Session is suitable for High School-aged students and interested adults.

Both Sessions will run from 9.00am to 5.00pm with lunch provided. The cost to the participants is just $20.

Spots are limited so please reserve your place by contacting Casey Gilbey on 0417 014 891 or

Lions Youth Exchange Programme: – Gives those who are between 16 –& 21 years of age the opportu-

nity to live with Lions families overseas during their end of year summer holidays. It is a cultural holiday

where by students can immerse themselves in a new culture, enjoy supervised sightseeing and practise sec-ond language skills. For further information contact Helen Dalgleish (helend222@ or Lorraine

Hemsworth (

Leo Clubs: - focuses on the individual and social development of teens and the personal and professional

development of young adults. Membership is open to teenagers and young adults aged 12- 30 years of age. More information is available by contacting Martin Peebles (mgfp1952@hotmailmcom) or by phoning Martin

on 4626 8220 or 0437 483 127

For Your Diary

Week 3 (A) Thurs 12 Vaccinations all Year 7

K- 2 Parent Information Night

Fri 13 On Stage - Drama students Years 9-12

Week 4 (B)

Mon 16 K- 1 Swim Fun Day

Tues 17 HRIS Secondary Tennis Junior HRIS Secondary Swimming Training

Thurs 19 Years 9-12 boys- Men Of Honour

Fri 20 Art Express- Years 9-12 VA students

Week 4 (B)

Mon 23 HRIS Secondary Swimming – Div. 2

Tues 24 Secondary (Yrs 8- 11) Rowing/Coaching Excursion at Berry Park, Morpeth

Wed 25 “Kill The Messenger” – Year 11 English &

12 Drama students at Belvioir Street

School Council Meeting

Thurs 26 HRIS Primary Swimming - Div 1 Maitland Thurs 26 -

Fri 27 Feb. A S Triathlon – details to come

Sat 28 Scholarships - SGS

Canteen Roster

Week 3 (A) Thursday 12 February

Jenny Crackett, Kristy Brooks, Trish O’Brien Friday 13 February

Jenny Crackett, Clare Norvill, Kelly Tym

Week 4 (B)

Monday 16 February

Jenny Crackett, Cathy Gatwood, XXX Tuesday 17 February

Fiona Bailey, Sally Chesworth XXX

Wednesday 18 February

Fiona Bailey, Debra Haydon, Jeremy Odgers Thursday 19 February

Jenny Crackett, Pip Bishop, Cassie Flanagan

Friday 20 February Jenny Crackett, Amanda Dowell, Georgie Ryan

Week 5 (A)

Monday 23 February

Jenny Crackett, Lorraine Bull XXX

Tuesday 24 February

Jenny Crackett, Erryn Day XXX Wednesday 25 February Jenny Crackett, Meegan O’Neill, Sue Thrift

Thursday 26 Febraury Fiona Bailey, Debbie Sadler, Anne Ferries

Friday 27 February

Fiona Bailey, Rachel Northam XXX

XXX Helpers wanted please