Dealing with conflict in the work place negap presentation

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Transcript of Dealing with conflict in the work place negap presentation

Dealing With

Conflict in the

Work Place


as defined by

verb (used without object) come into collision or disagreement; be contradictor

y, at variance,

Noun 3.a fight, battle, or struggle, especially a prolonged strug

gle; strife.

Synonyms-collide, oppose. encounter, siege. See fight. contention, opposition.

Antonyms - accord.

Five Styles of Conflict


If you are focused on your personal goals you’ll





If you are focused on other’s goals you’ll likely:


Cave In

Chicken Out

How do you feel about Conflict?A few questions to consider:

Is conflict a bad thing?

Do you like conflict?

Do you like resolving conflict?

Does every dispute have a resolution?

What kinds don’t?

What does it mean to win in a conflict? Do

you always have to win? When will you

allow yourself to lose?

How do you feel about Conflict?Do you view concession as a sign of weakness?


Is it fair to appeal to facts/logic/guilt/emotions/consequences? When?

Do you usually resolve a dispute by talking or listening?

Are you sensitive to “face loss”, are you able to say “I was wrong”?

Do you hold stereotypes or prejudices? What ones, for example?

What culture do you belong to? What are three values of that culture?

Seeing a Conflict Clearly

Look at the origins

Look at the sources

Look at the type of conflict

Look at beliefs about resolution

Look at the stance

Methods of Resolving Work

ConflictYou might start with the university Faculty/Staff

Assistance Office or University Ombudsman

Defer to a supervisor (either yours, theirs, or both)

Address the issue(s) one on one directly with the person you see the conflict with.


Peer Mediation

(Other CR Methods not typical in smaller work place conflicts: negotiation, arbitration, court, restorative justice).

Whatever approach is taken,

remember to…

Give each person a chance to speak


Clarify the real issues and each parties real


Always be building toward an agreement by

deferring to the real issues heard and expressed

and hopefully understood.

LISTEN TO EACHOTHER without going on the


Remember the Power of an apology.

My Conflict and How I Resolved ItWhat happened?

Initial approach


Next Steps

Spoke to her supervisor

Spoke to her (but wasn’t explicit in my concerns

(chickened out somewhat)

Spoke to my supervisor

Final steps toward a resolution

Went to lunch with her and addressed my concerns head

on in a non-accusatory way

How about you?