De Aston School Market Rasen Lincolnshire A War Memorial Boys and Teachers of World War One (Version...

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Transcript of De Aston School Market Rasen Lincolnshire A War Memorial Boys and Teachers of World War One (Version...

De Aston SchoolMarket RasenLincolnshire

“A War Memorial”

Boys and Teachers of World War One

(Version 8 – August 2006 -Kevin Norman, late of History Department

Photographs and materials remain the property and copyright of the Governors of De Aston School, unless otherwise attributed.


School owned Sources:The School “De Astonian” Magazine 1905 - 1940School Admissions books 1885 - 1974School Sports Photographs 1885 - 1920De Aston School Staff Register 1901 – 1963

Donated personally owned Sources:Extracted Diary of Mr. G. Kelly - 1917. Donated by his daughter, Mrs. Faupel, Milton Keynes.

Published material from elsewhere:Web access - Commonwealth War Graves Commission Internet Site ( access - National Geographic Maps: War Series CD – France 1918Brothers In War by Michael Walsh (Ebury Press)

Unpublished Material:P&O material on HMS Medina (obtained by Sixth Former’s personal correspondence)

•This presentation has been prepared by Mr. K.J.Norman of the History Department at De Aston School, with the assistance of various members of the Sixth Form spending time typing, searching the Internet and indexing school photographs.

On 26 July 1916, the Chairman of the Governors, Lord Heneage spoke to the School Cadet Company and Parents (possibly on the day this photograph was taken) and the following extract from his speech was reported in the De Astonian of Christmas 1916….

•“…After all, war was a serious game, but it was a game to a certain extent. All the boys in front of him knew that when they played football, or cricket, if one on the field got out of place it might contribute towards losing the match. It was no use unless each player kept his place. In war there was a place for every man, and attention to detail was quite essential…”

Things to do

Notes, insert maps of western front etc with places and send this off to the poppy project people and to Mrs Faupel on disc.

Scuphams poem on the wart page

And also the lidt of subscribers on page 152 244


House pictures overall map of europe from the memorial page ?

Did you know that De Aston School has a War Memorial ?

It names the 32 De Astonian pupils and Teachers who died in “the Great War” of 1914 - 1918.

Click on it to take a closer look.

•Plus: a Belgian Refugee educated at De Aston during WW1 – Maurice Geeraerts. .Possibly missing: G W Small

Second World War research

If you are interested in the World War Two names on the War Memorial – then a good start for your researches would be to find their Regiment, Number and place of burial from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website.

Click here to return to the memorial

Commonwealth War Graves Site:

Geeraerts, M E L G

•Maurice Geeraerts was De Aston’s Belgian Refugee during World War One.

•School Admissions Book:

•“Geeraerts, Maurice Edgar Leon Gerard, son of Mr. E. Geeraerts, of Heyst Op den Berg, Belgium – and “The Belgians, Walesby”. Father was a Magistrat de Justice.

•Born 17th January 1901, and entered School 10th May 1915 as a Day Scholar in Form III, having come from the “Petit Seminaire” of Malines.

•He passed the following examinations: Cambridge Junior Local July 1916; Cambridge Senior Local 1918 – with 3rd Class Honours.

•Left the School from Form VI on 30th July 1918 after completion of 10 terms. Continued his education in Malines, Belgium”.

•Cricket Team of 1918 •Return to Memorial

Lieut. Anderson, Clifford W

Back to the War Memorial

•Obituary on pages 195/6 of the Christmas 1918 De Astonian Magazine.

•“Another Old De Astonian who has given his life for his fellows is Lieut. C. W. Anderson, of the Royal Field Artillery. He obtained a commission in the above mentioned Regiment on joining the army in October 1915 and first saw active service in France in February 1917.

•On November 5th of that same year Lieut. Anderson was transferred with the British Force to Italy, where he remained for 5 months, returning to France in March 1918, just before the British retreat. He became a full Lieutenant before going to Italy.

•During the summer of this year he was on the staff at Headquarters for two months, acting as ADC to the General of his brigade. He subsequently returned to the front line and was killed in action just before he was due to take up his ADC duties again.

•Mrs Anderson, the late gallant officer’s Mother, has been the recipient of a letter from his Brigadier-General in which he states that all his fellow officers spoke most highly of him, that he was invaluable to the Brigade, and that whatever he was given to do he did quite regardless of personal danger or inconvenience.

•We desire to express our sincere regret at the death of this brave officer, and to offer our deepest sympathies to his bereaved family.”

Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website

“Killed 24 October 1918, “B” Battery 190th Brigade Royal Field Artillery.

Buried Vichte Military Cemetery, Anzegem, West-Vlanderen, Plot 1. BB.16”

•School Admissions Book:

•“Anderson, Clifford W., born 23 July 1898, admitted May 3rd 1910, son of Mrs. L.A. Anderson, Butcher and Farmer of Westlands, Westfield Road, Barton on Humber. Left Easter 1912.”

"It was no sacrifice, Ma'am," she told Queen Mary.

"I did not give them willingly."

Eight brothers called Beechey from Friesthorpe fought in World War One, of whom five were killed.

Three attended De Aston, one as a teacher, two as pupils – and two are mentioned on the War Memorial.

Full details are in the book – “Brothers In War” by Michael Walsh (Ebury Press). This text was lifted from the Daily Mirror web site of 5 August 2006 and an article written by Damien Fletcher.

Barnard Beechey,KILLED 1915BORN: April 26, 1877DIED AGED: 38

Schoolmaster and the eldest at 38 joined the 2nd Battalion of the Lincolnshire Regiment as a private and was the first son to die. Just a few days before he was killed in the Battle of Loos in France in September 1915, he wrote: "I really am all right and don't mind the life, only we all wish the thing was over."

Frank Collett Reeve Beechey,KILLED 1916BORN: Oct 12, 1886DIED AGED: 30

TEACHER AT DE ASTON SCHOOLA teacher was the next to give his life for his country. His legs were torn off by a Somme shell in November 1916 - and his death was one of the cruellest tricks that fate played on Amy and her five daughters. Frank, aged 30 when he died, had lain in No Man's Land under enemy fire from dawn until dusk before an army doctor risked his life to crawl out and administer morphine. Two days after getting official notice of his death Amy received a card from Frank that read: "Wounded... but going on well." Grief-stricken and bewildered, Amy fired off a telegram to the War Office asking if her son really had died. The brief, devastating reply confirmed her worst fears.

Christopher Beechey,SURVIVEDBORN: June 1, 1883DIED AGED: 85

Railway clerk who emigrated to Australia, served as a stretcher-bearer with the Australian infantry until a Turkish sniper's bullet in his shoulder ended his war - but, thankfully, not his life. Alongside brother Harold - with whom he had emigrated - he was part of the Anzac landing at Gallipoli in April 1915. He went plunging down a ravine, damaging his spine, and could only walk for short distances with two crutches after that. Chris returned to Australia with a new bride - the nurse who had helped him walk again in an English hospital.

Continued to rest of family

Harold Reeve BeecheyKILLED 1917BORN: Mar 22, 1891DIED AGED: 26

PUPIL AT DE ASTON SCHOOL 1899-1900Perhaps the most tragic of the brothers. Having fought Turks and dysentery at Gallipoli, he survived the Somme with a wound that took him back to England. He wrote home: "Very lucky, nice round shrapnel through arm and chest, but did not penetrate ribs. Feel I could take it out myself with a knife. "But there was little sympathy for the injured or battle-weary in Kitchener's army and he was patched up and sent back to fight again. He wrote bitterly to his mum: "To deny a fellow the right of a final leave seems to me to be miserable spitefulness on their part." Harold, a farmer in Australia, was killed in action in Bullecourt in April 1917 aged 26.

His few possessions - a pair of hairbrushes, a language book, a wallet and a photo of his sweetheart - were returned to his mother. In her only surviving response to the tragedy overwhelming her family, Amy wrote: "Thank you very much for your kindness in sending me details of the death of my son L/Cpl HR Beechey 48 Battalion. "I am thankful that he did not suffer long. Poor boy, he had been invalided twice and wounded once and we hoped he would come through."

CharlesKILLED 1917BORN: April 27, 1878DIED AGED: 39

Charles, as he was known, stayed on as a schoolmaster while his brothers rushed to join up. Handed a telegram about a brother killed in action, he read it, tucked it into his pocket - and continued taking a maths class. After giving in to pressure to join the war, he wrote: "These last three years seem so awful to us after the 20 we spent in such peace and enjoyment, so let me now hope that we have had our share of the losses although we are taking more than our share of the dangers.”In the end, those dangers overwhelmed him. A harrowing letter from Staff Officer HM Peacock, dated on the day Charles, 39, died of a bullet wound in East Africa in October 1917, reads: "I am writing you a few lines at the request of your son who is lying here with a very serious wound received in action.”I am sorry to say that the doctor can give little hope and I think your son himself realises this - he is bearing himself bravely and facing the situation like a true Britisher."

LeonardKILLED 1917BORN: Aug 31, 1881DIED AGED: 36

A quiet, romantic boy had worked as a railway clerk but wrote movingly as he sat amid the desolation of war. Recalling sunset walks across Hampstead Heath with his wife Annie, he wrote: "I think in autumn there are more beautiful sunsets, but I cannot rid myself of the thought that winter lurks behind them. "Leonard died, aged 36, in December 1917 in the battle of Cambrai, his last words written in spidery handwriting from his deathbed at a French hospital were: "My darling mother, don't feel like doing much yet. Lots of love, Len."

Eric SURVIVEDBORN: April 28, 1889DIED AGED: 65

He survived the war working as an army dentist in Malta and Salonika. He wrote: "You will have one of us come home to you, dear mother."

SamuelSURVIVEDBORN: Aug 13, 1899DIED AGED: 78

PUPIL AT DE ASTONThe baby of the family spent the last three weeks of the war as a junior gunnery officer on the Western Front - and came home safely to train as a chemist.

School Admissions Book:

Beechey Harold Reeve, aged 8, admitted Sept 18th 1899, son of Rev. P.W.T. Beechey of Friesthorpe Rectory, left Christmas 1900, killed in action”

Admitted again:

“Beechey H. R., aged 11, admitted 18 September 1902, son of Revd. P. W. T. Beechey, of Friesthorpe Rectory, left Midsummer 1907, killed in Action.”

Page 146, Christmas 1917 De Astonian Magazine

“Another Old De Astonian has given his life for his fellows. It is with deep sorrow that we record the death in France of H. R. Beechey, who was at school from September 1902 until 1907. He is the fourth son to be taken in this great struggle of the late Revd. P W T Beechey of Friesthorpe, (Editor: Five) and Mrs. Beechey and our deepest sympathies lie with Mrs. Beechey and family in their great sorrow.

H. R. Beechey after learning farming in England joined one of his brothers in Western Australia in 1913. When war was proclaimed they both joined the Australian Forces. He came to Egypt and thence to Gallipoli, where he fought, being invalided twice, the second time being sent home to England. Later he was sent to Egypt and afterwards to France, where he was wounded while taking messages across the open. He came home to recover and finally returned to France in November 1916, being killed by a bomb on April 10 th, 1917. His death was mercifully speedy. May his soul rest in peace !”

Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website:

“In Memory of Harold Reeve Beechey, Lance Corporal 200, 48th Bn., Australian Infantry, A.I.F. , who died on Tuesday 10th April 1917, aged 26” Check to see if there is any cemetery info?)

Lance Corporal Beechey, Harold Reeve 1891- 1917

•Photo 1907 cricket team

Teacher at De Aston School

Page 99 De Astonian of Christmas 1916

“Lieutenant Frank Beechey, the third son of the late Revd. P W T Beechey, Rector of Friesthorpe, died of wounds received in November this year. He was wounded dangerously in the head and succumbed to his injuries after a very short interval.

He was educated at Leatherhead and had been a Master at Hornsea and Horsham before joining the staff of De Aston, where he remained for some years. He was an excellent footballer and cricketer, and tremendously popular with everybody.

He left De Aston to take up a position at the Choir school, Lincoln, where he was when the war broke out. He was then captain of the Lindum football club, and kept wicket for the Lindum Club, at at times for the County Eleven. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Beechey, who has already lost one son in the war, and who has several others serving at present. Mr. Beechey was only 29 when he died.”

Page 90 De Astonian Magazine.

“Lieutenant F.R. BeecheyWrite we his name, whose loss we now deploreUpon the roll of those who come no more,His course is run, he did, he gave his best, And passes thus, with honour to his rest,As on the field of sport he played the gameAnd faced with cheerful mien what ever cameSo in the sterner game of war he died,And many will miss that ever smiling face,Regret serves not to fill the empty space.HWP”

Lieutenant Beechey, Frank Collett Reeve 1887-1916

•Commonwealth War Graves Website:

•“In Memory of


• Second Lieutenant, 13th Bn., East Yorkshire Regiment

• who died on, Tuesday, 14th November 1916. Age 30.

•Son of the Rev. P. W. T. Beechey and Mrs. Amy Beechey, of 197, Wragby Rd., Lincoln.

Cemetery: WARLINCOURT HALTE BRITISH CEMETERY, SAULTY, Pas de Calais, France, Grave Reference/ Panel Number: II. J. 8.

Warlincourt and Saulty are villages on either side of the main road (N25) between Arras (22 kilometres) and Doullens (13 kilometres). The site of the cemetery was chosen in May 1916. It was used from June, 1916, to May, 1917, by the 20th and 43rd Casualty Clearing Stations. There are now over 1,200, 1914-18 war casualties commemorated in this site. The cemetery covers an area of 5,545 square metres. “

The Beechey Story became worse: in 2003 the Author of this presentation received from a Researcher, Mr Michael Walsh of Ducklington in Oxfordshire [mwalsh AT] :

“I am working on a book about a Lincolnshire family who had close ties with the school. The family name was Beechey and the father was rector of Friesthorpe and Snarford from 1890 until his death in 1913. Two of his sons, Harold and

Samuel St Vincent, were pupils at the school and another boy, Frank, was later a master there.

You might know that of the eight Beechey brothers five were killed in the First World War, including Harold and Frank, and a sixth was left a permanent invalid after being wounded at Gallipoli.”

Details in book – “Brothers In War” by Michael Walsh (Ebury Press)

Samuel St Vincent Beechey in the Cricket team of 1915.

One of the eight Beechey brothers – not one of the killed or


Bird, Henry Charles

Back to the War Memorial

•School Admissions Book:

•“Bird, Charles Henry, born 10th April 1899, admitted September 17th 1908, son of Charles E. Bird, a Wine Merchant of 27 Hills View, Barnstaple. Left Christmas 1908. Killed in Action.”

•Obituary on Page 218 of the ?? De Astonian Magazine.

•“We exceedingly regret to have to add to our already long roll of Honour the name of H. C. Bird, London Scottish, who was killed on active service in France on 25th July 1918.

• He joined up in 1916 but was not sent out to France until April 1918, when he was attached to the Scots Greys.

•Bird was only just over 18 when he gave his life for his country, so he must have offered his services to the nation at as early an age as possible. We offer our deep felt sympathies to his relations and friends.”

Corporal Gant, Frank (M.M.)

School Admissions Book:

“Gant Frank, born 13. 5. 1892. Admitted 3 May 1906. Son of Charles Wm. Gant, Grocer of Ashby, Doncaster. Left Easter 1908.”

Page 178 Obituary in De Astonian Magazine:

“Still one more name has to be added to the list of those brave fellows who have laid down their lives for us. The most recent of our old school-fellows to make the supreme sacrifice is Corporal F. Gant, who was born on May 13 th, 1892, came to De Aston in May, 1906. He left at Easter, 1908, and volunteered for service shortly after war commenced. He joined the Machine Gun Section and was wounded three times in action. On April 14th he was awarded the Military Medal for bravery in the field, and he died fighting gallantly just one month later, on May 14th, the day after his 26th birthday. Our deepest sympathies are with his sorrowing parents.”

Extract from Commonwealth War Graves Commission website: “Frank Gant MM, Corporal, 29111, ‘’B’’ Coy. 4th Battalion, Machine Gun Corps (Inf) who died on Tuesday, 14th May 1918. Age 26, Son of Charles William and Louisa Gant, of Ashby, Scunthorpe, buried at St Venant-Robecq road, British Cemetery, Robecq, Pas de Calais France Plot iv . D. 12”

Page 189 De Astonian Magazine

“Ashby, Scunthorpe, July 29th

Dear Sir,

It is very nice of you to mention my dear boy in your school paper and I thank you also for your kind letter. We have two nice letters from his Company Major in which he tells us Frank would suffer no pain as he was killed instantly by a bomb which fell short of its object and struck Frank's position in the daytime while the whole five were asleep and killed them all and they all are buried together in the place where they fell near Paquit Wood. We seem to know very little about him since he was here at the end of November, and he told us very little; he did not appear to like recalling the horrors he had seen.

Frank joined the King's Royal Rifles in February, 1916, and was billeted at Banbury, and there he was chosen with one other as a machinegunner, and sent up to Grantham on St. Patrick's day, and in June was sent across to France with the 2nd section 123rd Machine Gun Brigade, 41st Division, which went onto Armentieres and then on to Fricourt. He was some time at Deville wood. He was wounded in the arm and leg and rendered deaf at Fleurs, and was three months in a Canadian hospital, afterwards joining the 90th Division. On Christmas Eve, 1916, he went into the line, but had to be sent back to the base, the cold being so intense he could not stand it.

After that he was some time at Havringcourt Wood, until the German retirement. He was at the capture of Combles, and remained in that district and Arras the greater part of 1917, during which year he was hit in the shoulder and another time in the hand. He was granted leave in November, and when he returned at the beginning of December he joined B Company 4th Machine Gun Corps.

Since then he had seen a great deal of fighting in the neighbourhood of Robecq. Poor boy, his was not a fighting nature, but he felt it his duty to go, although he did not like leaving us to the strain of all our business.

The future to us seems quite blank, although we are proud to know he has done his duty so well. He has more than once been asked to take a commission, but he said he would rather remain as he was.

His papers had gone through, and if he had lived only a few hours longer would have been on his way to England. He was awarded the Military Medal on April 14th, but had not mentioned that to us. The Major told us this after his death.

I see you mention Frank Burkitt in your school paper. I have no doubt he will know more about my Frank than I do, as they corresponded regularly.

With thanks for your paper.

I remain, yours sincerely,


Corporal Gant, Frank (M.M.)

•Village of Robecq


Coulthurst, Frank

School Admissions Book:

“Colulthurst, Frank. Born 10 Sept. 1895, admitted 23 April 1907, son of James Coulthurst, Farmer of West Halton, left Midsummer 1907?, killed July 1916. “

De Astonian Magazine Christmas 1916 – Page 99

“Frank Coulthurst, who was at De Aston from April 1907 until Midsummer 1911, was, we regret to state, killed in France by the explosion of a mine on September 6th of this year. He was in the London Scottish Regiment. We sympathise greatly with his parents and his brother, who was at school here with him. We are glad to be able to publish a photograph of him in uniform. F. Coulthurst was within a few days of his 21st birthday when he yielded his life for his country.”•Here pictured aged 16 in a photograph of the

1911 Cricket Team.Picture from the De Astonian Magazine of Christmas 1916 – aged 20 ?

From Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website:

“In Memory of


14th Bn., London Regt (London Scottish)who died on

Wednesday, 6th September 1916. Age 21.Son of James and Mary Ann Coulthurst, of West Halton, Scunthorpe, Lincs.

Buried at MAROEUIL BRITISH CEMETERY, Pas de Calais, France. Grave Reference III. E. 15.

Maroeuil is a village in the Department of the Pas-de-Calais, 6 kilometres north-west of Arras, between the roads to Houdain and Aubigny. The British Cemetery lies at the end of a track running north from the road to Bray and Ecoivres (C.1).

Maroeuil British Cemetery was begun by the 51st (Highland) Division when the British Army took over the Arras front in March, 1916, and it retained its association with that Division until the summer of 1918. Nearly one half of the graves are those of Highland Territorials. Nearly one quarter are those of London Territorials, who were here from July to December, 1916. Of the Tunnelling Companies of the Royal Engineers, 25 Officers and men are buried in this Cemetery; and the 6th Seaforths, the 6th Argyll and Sutherland and the 5th and 7th Gordons erected memorials to officers and men of their own who perished in mine explosions. The Cemetery was protected from observation by the crest of the hill behind it; and whenever it was possible bodies were brought back to it from the front line by tramway. There are now over 550, 1914-18 war casualties commemorated in this site. It covers an area of 3,179 square metres and is enclosed by a kerb on three sides. “

Flight-Lieut Croft, George Wheeler

•School Admissions Book:

•“Croft George Wheeler, born 31 December 1895, admitted 20th January 1909. Son of A. Croft, Fish Merchant of “Estaford”, Mill Road, Cleethorpes. Left Easter 1912”

1910 football team

Cricket team of 1911

•1911 Football Team

•Page 163 of the De Astonian Magazine:

“The death of flight-Lieut George Wheeler Croft of the R.N.A.S., whose photograph we are able to publish through the courtesy of the “Grimsby News,” has been confirmed by letters received from the chaplain to the deceased’s squadron and the Commanding Officer, and Mrs. Croft has also received a letter of sympathy from His Majesty the King in the loss she has sustained. The deceased officer, who formerly resided at Esladford, Mill-road, Cleethorpes, was only 22 years of age on December 31st last, and was the son of Mr. And Mrs. Croft of Cleethorpes.

•He received his education at Clee Grammar School and De Aston Grammar School, Market Rasen, and after leaving school he went into the service of the Coal, Salt and Tanning Company, and afterwards was employed by the Great Central Railways Company in the Dock Officers.

•He joined the “Chums” battalion on September 17th 1914, as a private, and received his commission on September 11th, 1915-a year later. He went to France in June 1916, and immediately took his place in the trenches, his first big engagement being the Battle of the Somme. On July 3rd he was in charge of an ammunition party, whose duty it was to keep the troops supplied with ammunition. Three days later he was in the fighting for the possession of Mametz Wood and the shelter, which latter position he was successful in holding.

•Later on the same year he was invalided home suffering from shell shock and invertigo? and was put under hospital treatment. On recovering he was put on light duty at Weelsby, and after being in Brockton Camp he departed for the Western front on Good Friday, 1917. He remained with the Lincolns until August, 1917, when at his own request he transferred to the Air Service, to which he had always been attracted.

Flight-Lieut Croft, George Wheeler

•He gained his ”wings” the first week in October after a period of training at Hythe. Returning from the Western front in November last he married Miss Sybil Hardy, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. John Hardy, of Cleethorpes. The shocking tragedy of his death, which occurred whilst acting as observer over the German lines, came as a great surprise to the widow and members of the family, to whom only a few days before the deceased had written stating that he was to be engaged on home-service in a short time.

The following letter has been received by Mrs. Croft from the Rev. P.H. Wilson, chaplain to the squadron:

• “By the time you receive this letter you will no doubt have heard of your husband’s death. He and his pilot were Killed flying just over the lines. Both must have been killed instantly. I thought you would like to know that the funeral took place this afternoon (Feb. 17th ) and I took the service.

•Your husband is buried in a cemetery just outside a small town named____. A cross with name, rank and date of death upon it will be placed over the grave. The cross will be made in the squadron. I knew your husband well and shall miss him very much as, I know, will all the squadron.

•My deepest sympathy is with you in your great loss. He has made the great sacrifice and you must be proud of him.''

The officer commanding the ______Squadron writes as follows:-''It is with deepest sympathy and heartfelt regret that I must write to tell you that your husband was killed today(16th Feb.) whilst on duty as observer to Sergeant Hardman, a pilot of the squadron. Up to the present I have no details of the combat, but I gather that an enemy machine gun succeeded in bringing your husband and Sergeant Hardman down in flames this side of our lines. Both were instantly killed. Your husband had been with the squadron for a long time, and his loss is very great indeed. His very many friends join me in heartfelt condolences.''

Flight-Lieut Croft, George Wheeler

•Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website:

•“In Memory of


•Lieutenant48th Sqdn., Royal Flying Corps

who died onSaturday, 16th February 1918. Age 22.

•Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Croft, of Hill Side, Brigsley; husband of Sybil Croft, of 65, Grimsby Rd., Cleethorpes, Lincs.Cemetery: HAM BRITISH CEMETERY, MUILLE-VILLETTE, Somme, France. Grave Reference/Panel Number: I. C. 32.

Ham is a small town about 20 kilometres south west of St Quentin at the crossroad of the D930 St Quentin-Roye and the D937 Peronne-Chauny. The British Cemetery is in the village of Muille-Villette. From the town centre of Ham take the D932 in the direction of Noyon. The Cemetery is signposted from this road and is situated on the left hand side.

Historical Information:

•In January, February and March, 1918, the 61st (South Midland) Casualty Clearing Station was posted at Ham; but on the 23rd March the Germans, in their advance towards Amiens, crossed the Somme at Ham, and the town remained in German hands until the French First Army re-entered it on the following 6th September. Ham British Cemetery began in January-March, 1918, as an extension of Muille-Villette German Cemetery, made by the Casualty Clearing Station.. There are now nearly 500, 1914-18 war casualties commemorated in this site. Of these, almost half are unidentified and special memorials are erected to 14 soldiers, believed to be buried among them. Other special memorials record the names of thirty United Kingdom soldiers, buried in other cemeteries, whose graves were not found. The Cemetery covers an area of 2,212 square metres and is enclosed by a brick wall. “

Ham•Return to Memorial


Private Dewey, Donavan

Back to the War Memorial

1913/14 football team

School Admissions Book:

“Dewey Donavan, born 16. 5. 1897, admitted 28th September 1908, son of Wm. Dewey, Brick Factory Manager, of Fern Villa, Butts Road, Barton on Humber. Left July 1914.”

Commonwealth War Graves Internet Site information

•“Private 202004 1st Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment died Tues 22 October 1918 age 21

•Son of Mrs Edith Dewey, 32, Burgate, Barton on Humber

•Buried at Berlin South Western Cemetery, (Stahnsdorf ?) Berlin Brandenburg, Grave reference XIII B 3”

•1913 2nd XI Cricket

2nd Lieutenant Gibson, Walter Reginald

•Obit and picture page 145

“The many friends of Second-Lieut Walter Reginald Gibson, son of Mr. Walter Gibson, Clerk in the Lindsey County Council office at Lincoln will learn will deep regret that he is officially reported by the war office as missing from October 4th and that in a letter to his parents Lieut. Draper states " his death has cast a gloom over this mess."

Second Lieut. Gibson who would have been 21 in December was a boy member of the Lincoln Cathedral choir which he entered in 1907. He was there nearly 5 years during which time he passed the Cambridge senior examination with honours. He thus obtained the Matriculation certificate of the London university and then became a student teacher of the Lincoln School and practiced at St. Peters-at-Gowts School.

In May 1915 Gibson joined up choosing the county regiment and arriving in France on his 19th birthday. He came back to England in January last to prepare to take a commission and for 4 months was in the Cadet Corps at the Balliol college Oxford.

Gazetted in June, he was sent to Weelsby camp for 3 weeks and was sent out to France as second LT. on August 19th attached to Battalion of Lincolns. As stated above he is officially reported missing on the sadder and more definite news is communicated in an un-official letter from a brother officer. A letter from another officer of the regiment states that second Lt. Gibson was killed in a attack on a German position in the early morning of October 4th.”

•Return to J.C.Walley’s letter of 1916

•School Admissions Book:

•“Gibson Walter R., born 11 December 1896. Admitted 19th September 1911, son of W. Gibson Esq., Clerk, of 17 Foster Street, Lincoln. Left July 1913. Killed October 1917, 2nd Lieut.”

At Christmas 1916 he was seen by another De Astonian, and mentioned in a letter back to the school

Letter page 103/104 of the De Astonian Magazine. Christmas 1916

“7th Battalion, The Leicestershire Regiment, B.E.F

Dear Sir, ….. Since I’ve been out I’ve had the pleasure of meeting both Mr. Upex and W.R.Gibson. I met the former at the base. We happened to be standing at the same street corner waiting for a tram

when we saw each other and the joy was mutual. We travelled up the line together, and had a long talk about old times. It appears that he had only recently visited the school and so was able to give me the

latest news. It was a week or two before I saw him again, and then he told me he had come across Gibson in his Battalion. Afterwards I had the pleasure of meeting him. He has been out 10 months and

is still going strong.

Walter Gibson in the 1913 Cricket Team

Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website:

•“In Memory of


• Second Lieutenant, 8th Bn., Lincolnshire Regiment

• who died on Thursday, 4th October 1917. Age 20.

Son of Walter and Emily Gibson, of 3, Sibthorp St., Lincoln.

Memorial: TYNE COT MEMORIAL, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium

Grave Reference/ Panel Number: Panel 35 to 37 and 162 to 162A

•The Tyne Cot Memorial to the Missing forms the north-eastern boundary of Tyne Cot Cemetery, which is located 9 kilometres north east of Ieper town centre, on the Tynecotstraat, a road leading from the Zonnebeekseweg (N332).

In 2006 a member of Walter Gibson’s family contacted the Author of this site and discussed this entry. He had never seen a

photograph of his relative, and kindly sent a picture of Walter Gibson’s medals

Flight Lieutenant Glew, Aubrey

•Obit page 98 De Astonian Magazine:

•“Aubrey Glew, who entered De Aston in April, 1903, and left at Easter, 1905, was the son of Mrs. Glew of Wittering and the late Mr. W. T. Glew of South Kelsey. He obtained his commission in the Flying Corps in March, and gained his "wings" six weeks later. Though he has been abroad only six weeks he had been engaged in many hazardous expeditions, and fought many battles with enemy pilots, accounting for no less than four of them. Earlier in the war Lieut. Glew, then a member of the Lincolnshire Yeomanry, had seen active service as a despatch rider. He died of wounds received on September 8 th this year, the sad news being received by his mother at the moment when she was reading a letter from her son expressing his anticipation of being home on leave in a few days. He was engaged to be married to Miss Davis of "The Chestnuts", Market Rasen, with whom and with his mother we feel the deepest sympathy.”

•Photograph of a modern replica of the plane in which Glew met his death supplied by Mr Colin Wood.

•(Yet to Insert details of the fatal explosion.)

•School Admissions book:

•“Glew, Aubrey, admitted aged 11 on April 30th. 1903 son of Walter Glew, of South Kelsey Hall, Flight Lieut. Glew, died of wounds received on Sept 8th 1916.”

•Commonwealth War Graves Commission website:

•“In Memory of


•Second Lieutenant24th Sqdn., Royal Flying Corps

who died onFriday, 8th September 1916.

•Commemorative Information

•Cemetery: ST. PIERRE CEMETERY, AMIENS, Somme, France Grave Reference/Panel Number: V. B. 5.

•Location: St. Pierre Cemetery is situated on the north-eastern outskirts of Amiens, on the northern side of the main road to Albert. At the back of the cemetery is the British Plot.

Historical Information:

•During part of August, 1914, Amiens was the British Advanced Base. It was captured by the Germans on the 31st of that month, and retaken by the French on the following 13th September. The German offensive which began in March, 1918, had Amiens for at least one of its objectives; but the "Battle of Amines" (8th to 11th August, 1918) is the British name for the action by which the counter-offensive, the Advance to Victory, was begun. The 7th General Hospital was at Amiens in August, 1914; the 56th (South Midland) Casualty Clearing Station from April to July, 1916; the New Zealand Stationary Hospital from July, 1916, to May, 1917; the 42nd Stationary Hospital from October, 1917, to March, 1919; and the 41st Stationary Hospital in March, 1918, and again in December, 1918, and January, 1919. The British Plot was first used in September, 1915, and closed in October, 1919; but shortly after 33 graves of 1918 were brought in from positions in or near the city. There are now over 750, 1914-18 and nearly 100, 1939-45 war casualties commemorated in this site. One of the graves from the 1914-18 War, the site of which is now lost, is represented by a special memorial. The British Plot covers an area of 3,774 square metres.”

Hallam, Robert Samuel

Football team 1910

Cricket team 1911

1911 football team

•School Admissions Book:

•“Hallam, Robert S. Born 3 September 1898, admitted 16th September 1909, son of R.Hallam, Solicitor of Chestnut Grove, Radcliffe on Trent. Left Easter 1912. Killed July 1916.”

2nd Lieut. Hallam, Robert Samuel

Back to the War Memorial

•Page 98 Christmas 1916 De Astonian Magazine:

•“Robert Samuel Hallam, the son of a well-known Nottingham solicitor, entered De Aston in September, 1909, and remained her until Easter 1912. He possessed undoubted talents, and was useful on both cricket and football fields, and was much missed when he accompanied Mr. Elliott to Ashby-de-la-Zouch. There he distinguished himself both as a scholar and as an athlete. He was about to enter the legal profession when war broke out, and he promptly volunteered his services. As he was only 16 years of age the recruiting authorities would not accept him, so he joined the Nottingham University O.T.C., and after a year’s training was granted a commission in the special reserve, Sherwood Foresters, shortly after his 17th birthday in September 1915. He proceeded to the front with a draft in the early summer 1916 and was killed in action in July 1916.”

(Editor: This means that he was killed aged 17 years and 10 months.)

Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website:


Second Lieutenant 15th Bn., Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby Regt.) who died on Thursday, 20th July 1916. Age 17.

Son of Robert and Emma Hallam, of Chestnut Grove, Trent, Notts.

Memorial: THIEPVAL MEMORIAL, Somme, France Grave Reference/ Panel Number: Pier and Face 10 C 10 D and 11 A”

Captain Hodgson, John Charles

•Page 69 De Astonian Magazine

•“HODGSON - Killed in action at the Dardanelles on June 28th, 1915, Captain John Charles Hodgson, 10th Batt. Border Regiment. Captain Hodgson had been an assistant master at Penzance County School, from 1910 to 1914. He was on the staff at De Aston from January 1907 till he went to Penzance. He was always most popular with every one who had the privilege of knowing him. He was also a frequent contributor to this magazine. He enlisted at the beginning of the war and soon obtained a commission, being promoted captain within 4 months. “

•Information taken and edited from De Aston School Staff Register 1901-1963:

•“John Charles HODGSON,

•Born 9 November 1882

•Educated at: Keswick School 1894-1898

•Educated at; Chester Training College 1902-1904 (Teacher Training – Govt Certificate 1st Class 1905)

•Employed by London County Council 1904-1906 - Latimer and Popham Rd (Schls?)

•Educated at: Le Paragon, Joinville le Pont 1907 April to October

•Employed at De Aston from February 1908

•Employed as Teacher of Senior and Junior French. General elementary subjects and some English Literature. Salary £75 a year plus Board and Lodging worth c. £40 a year. Rise in salary to £80 from January 1909.

Left De Aston on 27 July 1909

Next employment: Teaching Modern Languages at the County School, Penzance, Cornwall.”

•Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website:

•“In memory of

• John Charles Hodgson,

•Captain, 10th Bn., Border Regiment,

•who died on Monday 28th June 1915, aged 33.

•Son of Isaac and Emily Catherine Hodgson, of Newlands House, Keswick, Cumberland.

Memorial: HELLES MEMORIAL, Turkey

•Grave Reference/ Panel Number: Panel 119 to 125 or 222 and 223

•Location: The Helles Memorial stands on the tip of the Gallipoli Peninsula. It takes the form of an obelisk over 30 metres high that can be seen by ships passing through the Dardanelles.

•Historical Information: The Helles Memorial bears over 20,000 names and is both the memorial to the Gallipoli campaign and to men who fell in that campaign and whose graves are unknown or who were lost or buried at sea in Gallipoli waters (other than Australian, New Zealanders and Newfoundlanders who are named on other memorials). Inscribed on it are the names of all the ships that took part in the campaign and the titles of the army formations and units which served on the Peninsula.”

Captain Hodgson, John Charles

Private Holdershaw, Henry

•Page 117 De Astonian Magazine

•“Much sympathy is felt for the parent and relatives of Henry Holdershaw, who died on Thursday, 22nd Feb., in the Canadian General Hospital at Boulogne. Private Holdershaw was the elder son of Mister and Mrs Cook Holdershaw of Linwood house Market Rasen. He was at De Aston from 1888 to 1894, and subsequently occupied a farm in the immediate vicinity. He was a keen sportsman, being well known in the Cricket and hunting fields. He enlisted in the Lincolns last June, and some 5 months ago was drafted to France. As the result of the trying conditions there he developed pneumonia and passed away, and stated above, at the age of 40 years.”

•School Admission Book:

•“Pupil 283, Holdershaw H, admitted 18 September 1888, son of C. Holdershaw of Lynwode House, left Midsummer 1894. Died in France 1917.”

•1892Cricket Team

•1893 Cricket Team

•1894 Cricket Team

•In Memory of



2nd Bn., Lincolnshire Regimentwho died on

Sunday, 25th February 1917. Age 40.

•Additional Information: Son of Cook and Mary Holdershaw, of Linwood House, Market Rasen, Lincs.

•Commemorative Information

•Cemetery: BOULOGNE EASTERN CEMETERY, Pas de Calais, France, Grave Reference/Panel Number: VIII. B. 173.

•Location: Boulogne Eastern Cemetery is one of the Town Cemeteries and stands on high ground on the eastern side of Boulogne, on the road to St. Omer.

Historical Information:

•Boulogne, was one of the three Base ports most extensively used by the British Armies on the Western Front, throughout the 1914-18 War. It was closed and cleared on the 27th August, 1914, in consequence of the retreat of the Allies; but it was opened again in October, and from that month to the end of the war Boulogne and Wimereux formed one of the chief Hospital areas. The dead from the Hospitals at Boulogne itself were buried, until June (in a few cases July), 1918, in the Cimetiere de L'Est, one of the Town Cemeteries. The British graves form a long, narrow strip along the right hand edge of the cemetery; they are arranged in seven plots, numbered I to IV and VII to IX. There are now nearly 6,000, 1914-18 and 200, 1939-45 war casualties commemorated in this site. The cemetery covers an area of 8,040 square metres.

Back to the War Memorial

Corporal Lucas, Henry Raymond

•1907 Football

•1906 football,

•School Admissions Book:

•“Lucas Henry Raymond, born 4th March 1893, admitted September 21st 1905, son of G. Lucas a Grocer of Sturton by Stow. Left Midsummer 1908. Killed in Action October 1915.”

Corporal Lucas, Henry Raymond

•De Astonian Magazine Pg 51

• We are able to print the following facts of the career of H.R Lucas (whose photo we here reproduce). He was at De Aston from 1905 to 1908, during which time he kept goal for the football team in most matches. On leaving school, he entered the drapery trade in Lincoln, afterwards going to Sheffield and then to London. At the outbreak of war he enlisted in the Royal Field Artillery B/46 Battery. He was made a bombardier in a month , and became a corporal six months later. He was selected out of the whole battery to undergo a special course in Gunnery instruction at Shoeburyness, and he obtained a certificate of efficiency. He accompanied his battery to the front in May 1915 and was in action nearly all the time up to his death in on Sept.30th.


•Page 54 Obituary in De Astonian Magazine

•“Lucas, Henry Raymond.- born 4th March, 1893, killed in action 30th September 1915. De Aston September 1905 to July 1908.”

The following letter we are privileged to print through the courtesy of his father , Mr George Lucas:-

“ Tuesday 26th October 1915

Re Corporal Lucas. H R , deceased.

Dear Mr Lucas, - Yours of the 21st inst. to hand , I regret not having written you before this, but my time has been fully occupied, and as Corporal Barker kindly said he would break the sad news to you, I consented, promising to write later.

I will now give you all the particulars I am able to regarding the sad affair.

It occurred on the afternoon of the 30th ult., about 4-30 pm, the battery had just received the order “stand easy”, after a particularly heavy bombardment, and he was just emerging from the gun pit when a shell came, without any warning whatever, and burst, killing your son instantly. I need hardly say how sorry we all were - he was a particular friend of mine - he was so quiet and unassuming and liked in consequence by both officers and men. The following morning I collected all his private property-which I will forward to you to-morrow ( Wednesday ) -although we are supposed to send same in the first place to the base , but as same is rather a risky proceeding, I will send direct to you.

He was buried in the grounds of the ecole (school) in a place chosen by myself. The School is situated just outside the ramparts of Ypres. He was sewn in a blanket ( the soldiers’ coffin ) and reverently buried by the Army Chaplains about 6.30pm. When I tell you that hundreds of men are buried by their comrades just as they fall – no blanket or chaplain - you will see that we did all that was possible for your son. A few days later the grave was trimmed and a cross erected at the head of the same. A sketch is enclosed.

If at any time I go near his grave, I will give attention to it and also if there is anything further I can do for you, shall be only too pleased to do it.

Hoping that may time in some way heal your great sorrow – you know at any rate that he died doing his duty to King and Country. He was never a slacker - like hundreds in the Old Country.

With kind regards,

Harold G. Burton.”

Commonwealth War Graves information:

Corporal 94771 “B” Battery, 76th Brigade, Royal field Artillery died Thursday 30 Sept 1915, Buried Bedford House Cemetery, Zillebeke, Ieper, West Flanders, Enclosure No2 VI A 10

•Back to War Memorial

Corporal Lucas

Buried at Bedford House Cemetery, Ypres.

Photographed March 2002 by a member of a De Aston School Party

Lieutenant Marris, H F (M.C.)

•Page 164 The De Astonian Magazine

“Among those who have made the supreme sacrifice for their country there is none whose loss we more deplore than Lieut H F Marris, who died of wounds in Flanders on December 12th.

The deceased officer, who was the son of the Rev.CC Marris, formerly vicar of Habrough and Immingham, and himself an old De Astonian 1865-1869, was at school at De Aston from 1898 till 1903 , when he left to go to Durham School. Leaving the latter Midsummer, 1906, he went into the shops at Immingham Dock, then just beginning construction, and served his time as a fitter to gain a knowledge of mechanical engineering.

He was in charge of the cranes there when war broke out in 1914, and joined the R.E's (Regulars) as Sapper. He trained at the Curragh with the 63rd Field Company and left for Gallipoli July , 1913 (SIC), then being Sergeant. His first taste of war was in the Sulva bay landing, October 1st, 1915. He was invalided home from there and landed in England December 2nd, 1915.

On being discharged from hospital he was granted a commission in the R.E's, and after training was sent to the 75th Field Company attached to the Guards' Division shortly before the Battle of the Somme. He won the M.C in February, 1917, his name appearing in the Birthday Honours, June 5th. His promotion to Leiut. was announced in the Times, May 21st, 1917. He was badly wounded by an odd shell on December 2nd, and died December 12th. His fellow officers spoke of him as a ''Very brave man and of a very kind disposition.'' His C.O. said he was always ready to take the dangerous work without hesitation.

•Our heartfelt sympathies are with those relations and friends whom he has left to mourn his loss.”

•1903 Cricket Team (at back)

•Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website:

•“In Memory of


• Lieutenant, 76th Field Coy., Royal Engineers,

• who died on Wednesday, 12th December 1917. Age 28, of wounds received on 2nd Dec. Son of the Rev. Charles Colquhoun Marris and Edith Marris, of

"Hazeldene," Dene Rd., Guildford.

• Commemorative Information

• Cemetery: TINCOURT NEW BRITISH CEMETERY, Somme, FranceGrave Reference/ Panel Number: IV. B. 26.

•Tincourt is a village about 7 kilometres east of Peronne and Tincourt New British Cemetery is on the west side of the village, just off the D199.

• Historical Information: The villages were occupied by British troops in March, 1917, during the German Retreat to the Hindenburg Line; and fro the following May until March, 1918, Tincourt became a centre for Casualty Clearing Stations. The cemetery was begun in June, 1917, and used until September, 1919. There are now nearly 2,000, 1914-18 war casualties commemorated in this site. Of these, over 250 are unidentified.”

•School Admissions Book:

•“Marris, Horace F, admitted aged 9 on Sept 16th 1898, son of Rev. C.C.Marris of Habrough Vicarage, left Midsummer 1903. Killed in Action.”

Gunner Martin, Walter

Page 54 of De Astonian Magazine:

“Martin, Walter - born 1893 killed in action October 13th 1915. De Astonian January 1901 to December 1907.”

Football team of 1907 – aged 14

School Admissions Book:

“Walter Martin, admitted aged 7 January 24th 1901, (with brother George) son of Frank Martin, of ?? Boston, Left Christmas 1907. Killed in action”

•Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website

•“In Memory of



1st North Midland Brigade, Royal Field Artillerywho died on

Wednesday, 13th October 1915. Age 22.

Son of Frank and Violet Martin, of Devon Villa, Sleaford Rd., Boston.

Memorial: LOOS MEMORIAL, Pas de Calais, France

•Grave Reference/ Panel Number: Panel 3

•Loos-en-Gohelle is a village about 5 kilometres north-west of Lens. The Loos Memorial forms the side and back of Dud Corner Cemetery where over 1,700 officers and men are buried, the great majority of whom fell in the Battle of Loos. Dud Corner Cemetery, which stands almost on the site of a German strong point, the Lens Road Redoubt, captured by the 15th (Scottish) Division on the first day of the battle, is located about 1 kilometre west of the village, on the N43, the main Lens to Bethune road. The Loos Memorial commemorates over 20,000 officers and men who fell in the area from the River Lys to the old southern boundary of the First Army, east and west of Grenay, and who have no known grave. It covers the period from the first day of the Battle of Loos to the date of the Armistice. On either side of the cemetery is a wall 15 feet high, to which are fixed tablets on which are carved the names of those commemorated. At the back are four small circular courts, open to the sky, in which the lines of tablets are continued, and between these courts are three semicircular walls or apses, two of which carry tablets, while on the centre apse is erected the Cross of Sacrifice.”

Page 50 of De Astonian Magazine:

“Walter Martin enlisted soon after the outbreak of the war, having previously been working at Drainage engineering under Messrs. Johnson and Robins of Boston. He was a prominent member of the Boston Football Club and much repspected in the town and district. His brother, now Second-Lieut. George Martin, has been specially commended for almost reckless bravery at the front. George is now at Grantham, and it is sad to relate that Walter’s soldierly qualities had been duly recognised, and that it was expected that he would be commissioned at any time and would soon be home.

The following letter speaks for itself, and is one of the scores which have been received by Mr and Mrs. Martin in their sad bereavement.:

“Dear Sir, I am very sorry to have to inform you of the death of your son, Gunner Walter Martin, who was killed in action on the 13th inst. At

2.40pm. He had just been told to send a message through by signal from the Battery to another point, and had taken up his stand at the same moment as a 5.9 inch shell dropped on the gun-pit about six yards from him. He, and two other telephonists, as well as two gunners in the gun-pit, were killed instantaneously, and we have buried them just where it occurred.

He was of sterling quality and is greatly missed by both his officers and his comrades, and would seem to be almost a double loss in that his name had been sent forward for a Commission in the Territorials.

Please accept through me the sympathy of the officers and men of the Battery. And believe me, yours very sincerely,

Jas. J. Read, Major.

Commanding 1st Lincoln Battery.

October 15th, 1915.”

•Cricket Team of 1908

Lieutenant Measures, Arthur

Back to the War Memorial

•School Admissions Book:

•“Measures Arthur, admitted aged 8, 18th September 1902, son of Mrs. Measures of Louth, left Midsummer 1908. Killed in Action.”

•See brother E .Measures

•Obit page 196 De Astonian Magazine:

• “As we go to press we are given the sad news that Lieut. Arthur Measures, of the Royal Air Force, has been killed while flying in England.Though the sad event did not take place over the enemy lines this brave officer has none the less given his life for his country, and has left his name to be added to the honourable list of those old De Astonians who have fallen in this great war. We wish to express our sympathies with his relatives and friends.”

•Also insert picture of ? 1907 cricket team

Measures, Edward

Back to the War Memorial

•School Admissions Book:

•“Measures E, born 21 Nov 1887, admitted 19th January 1904, son of Mrs. Measures of Louth, left June 1904. Dead.”

De Astonian Magazine Christmas 1918.

•“The painful news has just reached us that Edward Measures, who was Veterinary Surgeon to H.M.the King at Sandringham, has died of typhoid fever after a very short illness. Coming so soon after the death of his younger brother Arthur, the decease of this Old De Astonian seems doubly sad.”

1901 Football Team

•1902 Cricket Team•1901 Cricket Team

•See Arthur Measures, his brother.

This name is not shown on the War Memorial – but is listed in the School Magazine. Did they find that he was alive after all – or did they miss him off ? The War Graves information seems to refer to a man of a different age:

School Admissions Book:

•“Small, George Wilfrid, born 28 August 1891, admitted 23 April 1907, son of Mrs. Small, Beer/Boot? Factor of West Street Alford, left Christmas 1908”

•Easter 1919 De Astonian Magazine – page 214:

•“It is with great regret that we have to chronicle the death of yet another Old Boy in the person of George Wilfrid Small, who was killed while on active service. Deceased was in his 28th year.”

Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website:



14th Bn., London Regt (London Scottish)who died on

Thursday, 16th August 1917. Age 27.

•Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Small, of Hinton Ampner; husband of F. E. Small, of Hinton Ampner, Alresford, Hants.. PERTH CEMETERY (CHINA WALL), ZILLEBEKE, Ieper, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium, Grave Reference/Panel Number: I. K. 38. Perth Cemetery (China Wall) is located 3 km east of Ieper town centre, on the Maaldestedestraat.

Small, George Wilfrid

Naylor, Cyril Doughty (M.C.)

Back to the War Memorial

•Plus.. 1911 football,

•Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website:


• Second Lieutenant, 7th Bn., Lincolnshire Regiment

• who died on Sunday, 25th August 1918. Age 20.

• Son of Frank Naylor, J.P., of Middle Rasen, Market Rasen, Lincs.

Cemetery: MARTINPUICH BRITISH CEMETERY, Pas de Calais, France Grave Reference/ Panel Number: A. 16.

•Martinpuich is a village in the Department of the Pas-de-Calais and is located 9 kilometres south-west of Bapaume, 1 kilometre off the D929. Martinpuich was captured by the 15th (Scottish) Division on the 15th September, 1916, lost in April, 1918, and retaken in August, 1918. Martinpuich British Cemetery was begun in November, 1916, and used by fighting units and Field Ambulances until June, 1917, and again at the end of August, 1918...There are now over 100, 1914-18 war casualties commemorated in this site. Of these, a small number are unidentified... The cemetery covers an area of 635 square metres and is enclosed by a brick wall.”

•School Admissions Book:

•“Naylor, Cyril D., born 5 Sept. 1897, admitted 16 Sept 1909, son of F. Naylor, Farmer of Middle Rasen, left July 1913.”

•1912 Cricket Team

Nettleship, Hubert Taylor

Back to the War Memorial

•EDITOR’S NOTE: There may be some confusion with this person. The H T Nettleship on the Memorial and on the War Graves site may or may not be the Thomas W Nettleship born about 1891 and listed in the School Admissions Book below: They apparently have the same father – but T W was born about 1891 and H T about 1897 ! Obviously needing further research.

•School Admissions Book:

•“Nettleship, Thomas W., aged 10, admitted January 24 1901, son of Thomas Nettleship Junior of Market Rasen. Left Christmas 1904. Dead.”

•Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website:

•“In Memory of


• Private 23496, 2nd Bn., Lincolnshire Regiment

•who died on Tuesday, 14th August 1917. Age 20.

•Son of T. and Mary Ann Nettleship, of 7, George St., Market Rasen, Lincs.

•Cemetery: HOOGE CRATER CEMETERY, Ieper, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium,

•Grave Reference/Panel Number: XIV. D. 14.

•Hooge Crater Cemetery is located 4 kilometres east of Ieper town centre on the Meenseweg (N8) connecting Ieper to Menen. From Ieper town centre the Meenseweg is located via Torhoutstraat and right onto Basculestraat. Basculestraat ends at a main crossroads, directly over which begins the Meenseweg. The cemetery itself is located 3.6 kilometres along the Meenseweg on the right hand side of the road

Historical Information: (edited)

•Hooge Chateau and its stables, on the North side of the road, were the scene of very fierce fighting during the War. The Germans retook Hooge on the 6th June, 1916; and on the 31st July, 1917, the 8th Division advanced 1.6 kilometres beyond it. It was lost for the last time in April, 1918, and regained by the 9th (Scottish) and 29th Divisions on the 28th September. There are now nearly 6,000 1914-18 war casualties commemorated in this site. Of these, over 3,500 are unidentified, and special memorials record the names of soldiers from the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, known or believed to be among them.”

Palmer William T. (“Pedlar” Palmer)

The School admissions book records:

William T Palmer, admitted 19 Jan 1904, born 17 Sept 1886, son of T.G.A. Palmer, addressed India, left Easter 1908, killed 1917 HMS Medina, 4th Engineer”

This diary kept by Gerald P Kelly, DeAstonian 1903/4, and passed to De Aston by his daughter, Mrs P Faupel of Milton Keynes.

“On April 8th 1917 we got to Suez, but no one landed so we only remained a couple of hours. It was just in the Canal (Suez) that I met “Pedlar” Palmer (who was with me at the de Aston), he had seen my baggage coming aboard at Colombo ( being a busy man, 4th Engineer is his rating), had not found time to look me up. However, we made up for lost time and many a pleasant hour we spent talking over old times…”

“Our course from Gibraltar took us right out into the Atlantic. We missed the Bay of Biscay altogether. I had a long yarn with Palmer, how little did either of us guess it would be the last. On the 27th morning we arranged to have a look at the engine room with our friends at 4.30 – we did so and spent a most instructive couple of hours down below: it’s a wonderful spot the engine room of a big liner and I wish I were able to give a good and full description of everything. Well, our journey was drawing to an end and a good deal quicker than anyone had anticipated.” (Continued)

•Here pictured in the football team of 1904

•“We got to Plymouth at midday of the 27th... At Three we left Plymouth and all went smoothly until we came close to start point – then our journey came to an abrupt end. From the time we left Gibraltar most of us had got very careless about life belts despite the drills and lectures, the advice given at various times by the chief and 2nd Officers – as a result when at 6pm on April 28th we were struck astern by a torpedo not many had life belts. I will not say that there was any panic but in a wonderfully short time the smoking room was empty ! We thought the ship would go down at once, - indeed the decks and cabins were full of water, caused as it happened by the force of water after the explosion. I did not go to my cabin as I had on a life saving waistcoat and did not know if I could find anything – lights having gone out at once as the torpedo struck the engine room.

•I went straight to the Hurricane deck as per orders ands waited a bit – no signs of a boat or anyone so I went to the boat deck and found most of the starboard boats smashed up – mine included – I had then to look for another and am glad we were such a small party for if not I would have had no alternative but to jump overboard and wait to be picked up: as it happened there were heaps of boats and I soon found room and got overboard down a rope ladder to safety. We pulled away from the “Medina” and when we had been some two hours in boats we were picked up by a trawler. We spent about half an hour aboard and saw the end of a good ship on which we had passed so many pleasant hours.

•To watch the gradual disappearance of the sinking “Medina” was one of the saddest experiences I have undergone. One felt one had lost ones dearest relative and I am sure none of us desire to go through it again. The trawler had found it could not move – as what wind there was was being against us. So we again transhipped but luckily a tug took us aboard this time and without further mishaps we eventually landed at Dartmouth. Though it was after ten and quite dark, all the inhabitants were out to welcome us and we walked ( or tried to ) through rows of sympathetic watchers to our various hotels. Later in the evening when the roll had been called we found that Palmer was missing. He must have been struck, I fancy, for he was on watch in the engine room and was known to have been astern just before the explosion: well he died at his post doing his duty as well as any of our brave men on service though he continually complained to me that he ought to have joined up. He with 5 or 6 native engine room hands were our only casualties, plus a man who lost a leg. This I think speaks volumes for the way the officers and crew looked after their safety.”

Palmer William T. (“Pedlar” Palmer)

Page 135 De Astonian Magazine


•It was the utmost regret that we have had to announce the death of W.T Palmer, who lost his life in the English channel on April 28th last. Palmer who was at De Aston from January 1904 to Easter 1905 when he was a keen athletic and a favourite with all, was acting as 4th engineer on board the R.M.S." Medina" when she was torpedoed outside Plymouth by a German submarine. The "Medina " was on her voyage homeward from India, and having landed some passengers and mails at Plymouth was proceeding to London with the remainder of her passengers in order to discharge her cargo. Palmer had only just got on duty at 6pm., and must have been in almost the exact spot where the explosion took place.In expressing our deep sympathy with his relations and numerous friends we cannot refrain from remarking our inability to understand the action of the authorities in sending on vessels from Plymouth through the dangers of the English channel to London and in this manner wasting the lives of England's brave sons, to say nothing of the valuable cargoes thus destroyed. G.P.Kelly who was returning by the same boat from Ceylon for a well deserved holiday, was fortunate in escaping with his life; he lost all his baggage which included a large number of objects of interest and value which he was bringing home from the East.”

•Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website:


Fourth Engineer Officer, S.S. "Medina" (Greenock), Mercantile Marine who died on Saturday, 28th April 1917. Age 28. Son of the late John and Mary Palmer. Born in India. Memorial: TOWER HILL MEMORIAL, London, United Kingdom. The Tower Hill Memorial which commemorates men of the Merchant Navy and Fishing Fleets who have no known grave, stands on the south side of the garden of Trinity Square, London, close to The Tower of London. “

HMS Medina

Material on HMS Medina from P&O Company files:

“Passenger liner, P&O Service 1911-1917, built by Caird & Co., at Greenock, registry number 131849, tonnage 12,350, length 167.58m, Brreadth 19.13m, depth 10.5m, two quadruple expansion steam engines, power 14,000 ihp, 2 screws, speed 16.5 knots, passenger capacity - 450 first class, 220 second class. Employed on London Australia mail service.”

“Career: launched 14.3.1911 as member of 10 strong M class at a cost of £332,377. 26.4.1911 announcement that she would be used as the Royal Yacht to transport King George V and Queen Mary to India for the Imperial Delhi Durbar. 10.10.1911 Commissioned as HMS Medina. 11.11.1911. Sailed for Bombay escorted by Cruisers Argyll, Natal, Cochrane and Defence. Had white livery with a blue band - and an extra third mast borrowed from P&O steamer Nankin to act as a flagmast. 2.12.1911 arrived at Bombay. 10.1.1912 left Bombay on return voyage. 5.2.1912 arrived back at Plymouth. 28.6.1912 begins normal commercial service to Australia. 28.4.1917 Torpedoed by submarine UB.31 25 km ENE of Start Point at Plymouth. Fourth Engineer and four fireman killed at 5.50pm but remaining crew and all passengers all towed on lifeboats into Dartmouth and Brixham. Destroyers Spitfire and Laurel attended and Laurel attempted a tow, but Medina sank at 7.15pm.”

School Admissions Book:

“Paulson John S, born 31 October 1889, admitted 21 April 1904, son of H.J.Paulson, Grocer &c. of Kirton in Boston.Left Midsummer 1907. Killed in Action during European War 1914.”

Obituary of Christmas Term 1914.

“It is with the profoundest regret that we record the death of Second Lieutenant J.S. Paulson, who lost his life in the battle of the Aisne.

John S. Paulson was born 31st October 1889. He entered De Aston on 21st April 1904, and left at Midsummer, 1907. He passed the London Matriculation Examination in June 1907, and carried off the De Aston School leaving Scholarship, which he held. for three years at the University of London. There he obtained his Bachelor of Science Degree, taking a third class in Chemistry. He served four years with the London University Officers’ Training Corps, rising to the rank of Cadet Sergeant. He was gazetted Second Lieutenant (Special Reserve) in August, 1911.

On leaving the University, Paulson took up at Easter, 1912, a position as Assistant Master at Orme Boys’ School, Newcastle-under-Lyne, where he remained until Midsummer, 1914. His departure was much regretted, but he had accepted the offer of another post in Northwich Grammar School. (Continued)

Lieutenant Paulson, John Sydney

•Cricket Team of 1905

•Here aged 17 in the 1906 Football team

He left, however, for the front on the 22nd August, and on the 23rd marched to the fighting area to enter into action immediately, taking part in two engagements on that day. He passed safely through the Battle of Mons and of the Marne. During the Battle of the Aisne his Brigade was told off to take the village of Bucy-le-Long, then in the possession of the Germans. They crossed the river on a single plank under heavy shrapnel fire. It was during this crossing that Lieutenant Paulson was hit. The following is the report sent by the Chaplain.

“Lieutenant Paulson was wounded by shrapnel all down one side of his body and died three hours later. Three attempts were made by men of his Regiment to rescue him when hit. Two men were killed and two wounded in these attempts. The body of Lieut. Paulson lies in the Churchyard of St. Marguerite, west of Bucy-le-long, immediately inside the gate of the cemetery, on the right side.”

Lieut. Paulson died on 13th September 1914. In concluding, we wish to express our deep sympathy with his family in their deep loss. England demands sacrifices and they, as well as his old schoolfellows who mourn his death, may find comfort in the thought that though he gave his life, he gave it for his country, and that his sacrifice is not in vain..”

School Magazine of Christmas Term 1914.

Lieutenant Paulson, John Sydney

•Commonwealth War Graves Website

•In Memory of


•Second Lieutenant2nd Bn., Lancashire Fusiliers

who died onThursday, 17th September 1914. Age 25.

•Additional Information:

•Son of Mr. H. J. and Mrs. C. Paulson, of 49, Tawney St., Boston, Lincs. Born at Kirton, Boston.

•Commemorative Information

•Cemetery: STE. MARGUERITE CHURCHYARD, Aisne, France

•Bucy le Long.

Sergeant Pippett, Cyril V

Back to the War Memorialand insert 1901 foot ball picture•1905 Cricket Team

•Commonwealth War Graves Website:

•“In Memory of


•Corporal, 220264, 11th Bn., East Yorkshire Regimentwho died on Wednesday, 27th March 1918.

•Memorial: ARRAS MEMORIAL, Pas de Calais, France, Grave Reference, Panel Number: Bay 4 and 5

•. The Memorial commemorates almost 35,000 casualties of the British, New Zealand and South African Forces who died between Spring 1916 and 7th August 1918.”

•School Admissions Book:

•“Admitted aged 8, September 16th 1898, son of Mr. Benedict Pippett, of Hambledon Villa, Market Rasen, left Midsummer 1906. Killed in Action.”

Obituary page 177 De Astonian Magazine – Midsummer 1918

•“It is with greatest regret that we record the death of Sergeant C. V. Pippett in action in France on 27th March this year. Pippett, who came to De Aston in 1898 aged eight, left us in 1906 to enter business in Hull. He joined the East Yorkshire Yeomanry soon after the outbreak of war and later became Sergeant and Instructor on machine guns. He spent several months in the latter half of 1917 on the Yorkshire coast in charge of a machine gun, and went out to France in December. In the following March he took part in resisting the first great onslaught of the enemy and was killed by a machine gun bullet. Deceased was in his 28th year.”

•See brother John Gibert Pippett

•School Admission Book:

•“Pippet, Gilbert, admitted aged 8 on 30th April 1903, son of Mrs. Pippett of Hambledon Villa, Market Rasen. Left July 1911. Military Medal 1916, 2nd Lieutenant 1917”

•De Astonain Magazine Christmas 1916 page 102:

•“Corporal John Gilbert Pippet, East Yorkshire Regiment. For bravery and devotion to duty in destroying wire defences in an important raid on the enemy trenches. He was wounded in the attack.”

•Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website:

•“In Memory of


• Second Lieutenant, 1st Bn., Lincolnshire Regiment

• who died on Wednesday, 29th May 1918. Age 23.

• Son of Mrs. Margaret Maude Pippet, of Hambleton Villa, Market Rasen, Lincs. Born at Everingham, Yorks.

•Cemetery: JONCHERY-SUR-VESLE BRITISH CEMETERY, Marne, France, Grave Reference/ Panel Number: I. F. 21.

Jonchery-sur-Vesle is a village and commune in the Department of the Marne, about 16 kilometres west of Reims.

There are now over 350, 1914-18 war casualties commemorated in this site. The cemetery covers an area of 1,376 square metres and is enclosed by a low flint rubble wall.

Corporal Pippett, John Gilbert (M.M.)

Back to the War Memorial

•Football team of 1910

•To brother Cyril V Pippett

Lieutenant Rawlinson, Harry Raymond

•Cricket 1910

•De Astonian Magazine Obituary of Christmas 1917

•“Second-Lieut. H. Raymond Rawlinson, whose death we much regret to report, entered De Aston in January 1906, remaining at School five years, when he left to take up a position in a bank.

•Lieut Rawlinson was on the staff at Lloyd’s Bank in Birmingham when war broke out, and on September 21st, 1914, he joined the 7th Worcesters. He underwent training at Kidderminster, Maldon and Brentwood. In October, 1915, he was promoted to the rank of sergeant, and went to Bisley for a machine-gun course.

•From there he went to Sidworth in the M.G.C. attached to the 7th Worcesters, and was drafted to France in March, 1916, returning to England the following November to take up a commission, He underwent the necessary training at Bisley and on April 26th this year was gazetted and sent to Clipstone, where lie remained until August and when he returned to active service and was killed in action on. 26th September.

•From Lieut. Rawlinson’s orderly, Mrs. Rawlinson received the following letter, dated 27th September “Dear Mrs. Rawlinson - Ere this arrives you will no doubt have received news of your dear son’s death. Being his servant I was much in contact with him. I feel it my duty to let you know he will be greatly missed by all those that knew him. He died a soldier’s death right in the battle front. It must be some satisfaction to you to know that he died doing his duty nobly, and that death was almost instantaneous. If it is not asking too much, I would like a small photograph of him.”

•School Admissions Book:

•“Rawlinson Raymond Harry, born 29 October 1893, admitted Jan 18 1906, son of Alfred Rawlinson, Grocer, of Market Rasen, left Christmas 1910, killed War 1917”

•Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website:

•“In Memory of Harry Raymond Rawlinson,

•Second Lieutenant, 118th Bn., Machine Gun Corps (Infantry)

•Who died on Wednesday 26th Septrember 1917 aged 23.

•Son of Alfred and Emma Rawlinson, of Market Place, Market Rasen, Lincs. A Bank Clerk at Dudley, enlisted September 1914.”

•Cemetery: HOOGE CRATER CEMETERY, Ieper, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium

•Grave Reference/ Panel Number: VIA. G. 3.

•Location: Hooge Crater Cemetery is located 4 kilometres east of Ieper town centre on the Meenseweg (N8) connecting Ieper to Menen. From Ieper town centre the Meenseweg is located via Torhoutstraat and right onto Basculestraat. Basculestraat ends at a main crossroads, directly over which begins the Meenseweg. The cemetery itself is located 3.6 kilometres along the Meenseweg on the right hand side of the road.

•Historical Information: Hooge Chateau and its stables, on the North side of the road, were the scene of very fierce fighting during the War. On the 31st October, 1914, the staff of the 1st and 2nd Divisions were wiped out by shell fire in the Chateau. From the 24th May to the 3rd June, 1915, the Chateau was defended against German attacks. In July, 1915, the Crater, on the North side of the road, was made by a mine sprung by the 3rd Division. On the 30th the Germans took the Chateau, and on the 9th August, it and the Crater were regained by the 6th Division. The Germans retook Hooge on the 6th June, 1916; and on the 31st July, 1917, the 8th Division advanced 1.6 kilometres beyond it. It was lost for the last time in April, 1918, and regained by the 9th (Scottish) and 29th Divisions on the 28th September. The King's Royal Rifle Corps Memorial stands near the Chateau.

•Hooge Crater Cemetery was begun by the 7th Division Burial Officer early in October, 1917. It contained originally 76 graves, in Rows A to D, of Plot I. It was greatly increased after the Armistice by the concentration of graves from smaller cemeteries and from the battlefields of Zillebeke, Zantvoorde and Gheluvelt. There are now nearly 6,000, 1914-18 war casualties commemorated in this site. Of these, over 3,500 are unidentified, and special memorials record the names of soldiers from the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, known or believed to be among them. Other special memorials bear the names of twelve soldiers from the United Kingdom, buried at La Chapelle Farm, and two buried in Kruiseecke German Cemetery, whose graves were destroyed by shell fire. The cemetery covers an area of 14,263 square metres.

Corporal Taylor, George Albert (M.C.)

De Astonian Magazine Page 99

“George Albert Taylor (Bert) died of dysentery in the 1st Canadian Stationary Hospital ant Salonica, on October 16th 1916. At the age of seventeen he joined the South Notts. Hussars at the outbreak of te war. He went with his Regiment to Egypt in May last year, andsome months later to Salonica. No further information is to hand with regard to his military career, but his death appears to have been very sudden, as a letter was received from him after the sad news had reached his home, saying that he was in good health. We wish to express our sympathy with his relations and friends.

G.A. Taylor was at De Aston from June 1907 until December 1910. He was only 19 when he died. Two of his brothers, Horace and Charles, also old De Astonian, are at present in the Army.”

Obit page 296 ? Check this

•School Admissions Book:

•“Taylor, George Albert. Born 16th July 1897, entered the school 16th June 1907, son of Mrs. Sarah Taylor of Sandiacre, Nottinghamshire. Left Christmas 1910.”

Any pictures?

•Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website:

•“GEORGE ALBERT TAYLOR Private 1167, South Nottinghamshire Hussars

who died on Thursday, 5th October 1916. Age 19.

Son of Sarah Taylor, of Winthorpe Bungalow, Skegness, Lincs., and the late J. J. Taylor. Native of Nottingham.

SALONIKA (LEMBET ROAD) MILITARY CEMETERY, Greece, Grave Reference/Panel Number 525

Thessalonika (Salonika) is a town at the head of the Gulf of Thessalonika. The Cemetery is on the northern outskirts of Thessalonika, adjoining the Roman Catholic French and Italian War Cemeteries. It lies on the west side of the road to Seres.

Salonika (now Thessalonika) was occupied in October, 1915, at the invitation of M. Venizelos, by three French Divisions and the 10th (Irish) Division from Gallipoli. Other French and British forces landed-during the year, and in the summer of 1916 Russian and Italian forces joined them. In August, 1916, a Greek Revolution broke out at Salonika, with the result that the Greek National Army came into the War on the Allied side; and these contingents, with the reconstituted Serbian Army, formed the Salonika Army to which the Bulgarians yielded in September, 1918.”.

Lieut. Tillett, John Edward

Page 196 De Astonian Magazine

“Another gallant De Astonian has made the supreme sacrifice, Lieut John Edward Tillet, of the Lincolnshire Regiment (special reserve), the only son of Mr Arthur J. and Mrs Tillett,with whom much sympathy is felt in their great loss.

Lieut. Tillett was, in truth, a soldier, and was beloved by those who had the good fortune to serve under him. The true qualities of an officer are very speedily seen by the men serving under him, and appreciated accordingly, with the result that the men give of their best and try to to emulate their officer in those attributes which make for military efficiency. Such an officer was Lieut. J.E.Tillett, who was killed in action on 8th October last, and whose death is deplored by a large circle of friends.


Insert 1911 football photograph,

School Admissions Book:

“Tillett, John Edward, born 4th December 1895, admitted September 21st 1905, son of A.J.Tillett, Brewery Manager of Market Rasen. Left Easter 1912. Killed in Action.”

1910 Football Team aged 15.•1911 cricket

Lieut. Tillett was educated at De Aston Grammar School, and in 1912 was articled to Mr. A.A. Padley, solicitor. On the outbreak of the war he joined a voluntary corps of young men who commenced their training at the Old Victoria Foundry, all the members of which joined H.M. Forces. The deceased was attached for training to a Territorial Regiment on his 19 th birthday, 1914, and was eventually gazetted in April 1915 to the Lincolnshire Regiment (Special Reserve of Officers) as 2nd Lieutenant.

In the same year he was attached to one of the Line Battalions of the Regiment in which he served 1915-1917 and this year on various parts of the Western Front. In the early part of 1916 he was machine gun officer to his Battalion, and was promoted Lieutenant in January 1917.

Lieut. Tillett was invalided home after the rigors of the 1916-17 winter, and during his period of light duty commanded a Company of a Battalion of the Suffolk Regiment, after which he returned to France to rejoin his old Battalion..

He was wounded near Rheims on the 29th May last, on the same morning that his old schoolfellow, Lieut. J. Gilbert Pippett, M.M., who was with him at the time, was killed. After a period of convalescence Lieut. Tillett rejoined his Regiment again and unfortunately met his death as stated previously.”

Commonwealth War Graves Website:

“In Memory of


Lieutenant 3rd, attd. 1st Bn., Lincolnshire Regiment who died on Tuesday, 8th October 1918. Age 22.

Additional Information: Son of Arthur John and Charlotte Wheatley Tillett, of "The Chestnuts," Market Rasen, Lincs.

PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY, GOUY, Aisne, France Grave Reference/ Panel Number: V. B. 7.

Gouy is a village to the east of the road between Cambrai and St. Quentin. On the 3rd October, 1918, the 1st King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry captured Prospect Hill, after Le Catelet and Gouy had been taken by the 50th (Northumbrian) Division, the 6th Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers and the 4th King's Royal Rifle Corps. The cemetery was made by the 50th Division and the 18th Field Ambulance immediately after; it contained, in its original form (Plot I), the graves of 78 officers and men, chiefly of the units which had won the ground. It was increased after the Armistice by the concentation of graves, mainly from the battlefields North of Gouy, almost exclusively of men who fell in October, 1918. There are now over 500, 1914-18 and a small number of 1939-45 war casualties commemorated in this site. Of these, one-fifth from the 1914-18 War are unidentified and a special memorial is erected to one soldier from the United Kingdom believed to be buried among them. A group of graves in Plot IV, Row F, are identified as a whole but not individually, and each of them is marked with the words, "Buried near this spot." The Cemetery covers an area of 2,068 square metres and is enclosed by a low rubble wall.

Private Topliss, Basil Hubert

Page 99 De Astonian Magazine:

Basil Hubert Topliss was killed in an attack on a German Trench on 21 st November, 1916. He joined the forces in November of last year, being attached to the 4th Lincolnshire Regiment. He underwent training at Grantham and Nottingham, and was subsequently at Saltfleetby.

He was transferred to the Royal Sussex Regiment at the beginning of September this year, and was included in a draft for the front almost immediately. We wish to express our great sympathy with his relations and friends.”

•School Admissions Book:

•“Topliss, Basil Hubert, born 3 May 1892, admitted 27 June 1906, son of John George Topliss, Grocer of Queen Street, Market Rasen. Left Midsummer 1909. Killed in Action.”

Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website:

“In Memory of


Private 28215 "E" Coy. 10th Bn., Lincolnshire Regiment

who died on Wednesday, 6th November 1918. Age 36.

Son of John and Mary Topliss; husband of Beatrice M. Tideswell (formerly Topliss), of Budby, Ellerton, Newark, Notts.

Born at Halton.

POZNAN OLD GARRISON CEMETERY, Poland Grave Reference/ Panel Number: IV. A. 5.

PILA PRISONERS OF WAR CEMETERY (formerly known as SCHNEIDEMUHL PRISONERS OF WAR CEMETERY) is situated within the boundaries of Poland.. The 18 casualties buried in this cemetery are now commemorated on a Special Memorial type "E" in Poznan Old Garrison Cemetery, Poland. The location of the original cemetery is -Schneidemuhl - a town in Posen, West Prussia, on the Polish border. Near the South end of this cemetery (about two miles East of the town) are graves containing the bodies of a number of Allied soldiers; and among them are 18 soldiers from the United Kingdom (mainly Guardsmen) who died in 1915.

Major Tryon, George Arthur (M.C.)De Astonian Magazine. Christmas 1918. Page 195

Our hearts go out to Mrs. Tryon, widow of the late Rev. A.W.Tryon, Vicar of Middle Rasen, in the great and incomparable loss she has sustained in the death of her gallant son, Major George Arthur Tryon, M.C., of the King’s Royal Rifles, who was killed in action in France on the 7th of November, in his 33rd year. Mrs. Tryon, like many Mothers in this country, had, upon the cessation of hostilities, been looking forward to her son’s speedy return when she received the sad news, and her sorrow at the loss of her only surviving son is shared by a wide circle of friends. Major Tryon was one of the most un-assuming of men, but he possessed all the soldierly attributes which make the British officer second to none in the whole world. He was a grandson of General Tryon of the 43rd Regiment, and of the Rev. Thomas Wimberley Mossman, Rector of West Torrington.

Major Tryon began his education at De Aston School, and afterwards went to Uppingham, from which School he gained a Scholarship at Pembroke College, Cambridge, coming out 20th Wrangler on taking his degree in 1908. Shortly after he was given the responsible post of House Master at Oundle School by Mr. F. W. Sanderson, the Head Master. Major Tryon was in the O.T.C at Uppingham and Cambridge, rising to the rank of Captain. On the declaration of war he at once volunteered for service and was given a commission, with rank of Captain in the 6th Battalion, K.R.R.C. He was on home service for a short time at Sheerness, going on active service to France in October 1914. He was wounded on January 1st 1915. After recovering he saw service in France again for a short time, proceeding from there to Salonica, where he remained nearly three years. During that period he received the Military Cross and was for a time in command of his Battalion. In July last he returned to France and there was promoted to the rank of Major. The following letter, received from his Commanding Officer, shows how much he was respected and admired by those with whom he was in any way connected in his military career.

School Admissions Book:

“Tryon, George Arthur. Admitted aged 11 on 23rd September 1897, son of Rev. A.W.Tryon, of Middle Rasen Vicarage. Left Christmas 190?. Killed in Action.”

Cricket Team of 1899 – aged about 14

Page 216 of the De Astonian Magazine

“The following is from the pen of the late major G A Tryon (whose death we recently recorded) on seeing in the Times the death of one of his boys.


  Another gone! The well known name,And then , the all to brief career,His home, his school, athletic fame''In action'‘ in his nineteenth year.

  Salt of the earth were such as he, Whose like no other age has bred,

What futures we had looked to see!But ''Killed in action'', they are dead.

 Was it in vain we wrought and they,Character strong and true to build,Fit their part in the world to playThrough life's long years, had god so willed?

 'Twas not in vain : they've played their part,Example set of highest worth;Their country took from them new heart,It saw the sons of God on earth.

 Their lives were long enough to leave A trail of blessing in their wake,And so we have no right to grieveNor count them lost -'tis but a break.

 For humbly we may dare to think Each death means one friend the more,Who when 'tis ours to cross the brink,Will greet us on the further shore.

  Salonica , 1916

Captain G.A. Tryon Page 164-165 De Astonian Magazine:“Captain Tryon was a house master at Oundle school when war broke out.He was at that time captain in the school O.T.C., and he immediately volunteered for service and was granted a commission in the K.R.R.C.He was soon sent to France;had he gone there 24 hours earlier he would have qualified for the much coveted "Mons Star", He was wounded at La Bassee on New Years Day, 1915 and invalided home.After his recovery he saw service again in France for a few months, then his battalion was ordered to Salonica,where he still is. While out there he was mentioned in dispatches and subsequently awarded the Military Cross. Unfortunately further particulars as to the acts of gallantry which earned him this distinction are lacking. In his letters home Capt. Tryon gives various interesting facts referring to life in Macedonia, as for instance that he and his men were at one time trying to make a decent road of the one travelled by St.Paul in his last missionary journey;he remarks that had the old saint passed by he would probably have been taken for a spy. In a description of a Greek monastery he mentions that in all the beautiful frescoes on the walls the figures had had the eyes scratched out by the Turks in one of their wars.

The following lines, which were written by Captain Tryon while on active service, will, we feel sure, appeal to all our readers. 

A SCHOOL HYMN IN WAR TIMEO Father, hear us when we pray,

For those,our brothers, who have knelt, Where we now kneel; by them to-day, Be thy uplifting presence felt, In dangers whatsoe'er they stand, Where wounds and death are ever near, Give each,at sea, in air,on land, A heart that knows no thought of fear. When issues full of fate depend, On swift decision in the fight, Thy spirit for their guidance send, In all things may they judge aright.  And when from stress of battle free, They find temptations hard to face, O grant that they may look to thee, For strength and all-sufficient grace.  And grant that the thoughts of this our home, Enshrined in our hearts and theirs, To high ideals inspiring come

In gracious answer to our prayers.

Salonica, 1917 G.A.T

Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website:


Lieutenant Colonel Commanding 4th Bn., King's Royal Rifle Corpswho died on Thursday, 7th November 1918. Age 32.

Son of the Rev. A. W. and Mrs. L. K. Tryon, of Middle Rasen, Market Rasen, Lincs.


St. Remy-Chaussee is a village in the Department of the Nord, 4 kilometres south-east of Aulnoye-Aymeries on the D961. The Communal Cemetery is on the left hand side of a small road in the direction of Ecuelin on the outskirts of the village. The graves are on the left hand side of the main path.

This cemetery is in the Department of the Nord, and within the area traversed by the British Army in August, 1914, but thenceforward occupied by the Germans until almost the end of the War. There are now over 10, 1914-18 war casualties commemorated in this site.”

Letter from Commanding Officer

“Dear Mrs Tryon, I cannot explain to you in a letter how deeply grieved I am to inform you that your son was killed by a bullet on the day before yesterday, during the attack towards Mauberg, near a place called St. Aubin. Death was absolutely instantaneous. We are burying him tomorrow morning at St. Remy Chaussee, and I shall attend the funeral. They brought his body here as we were relieved yesterday.

The whole of his battalion, officers and men, deeply feel their loss in his death, as he was most popular and trusted by everyone. At the time of his death he was leading his battalion, fearlessly and well – in fact they have acquitted themselves admirably, and earned great renown. He was in command at the time. He was an absolutely white man, in the best sense of the word, straight and true as steel, and I do hope the manner of his death, the pride and confidence everyone had in him, and the fact that he never once flinched in doing his duty, will give a very real consolation and comfort.

With kindest regards and very deep sympathy, not only from myself, but the whole of my staff.”

Private Waller, Richard Maiden

School Admissions Book:

“Waller, Richard Maiden. Born 10 March 1892, admitted 19th January 1905, son of Mrs. Waller of Silver Street, Lincoln, left Midsummer 1907.”

Obituary on page 50 of De Astonian Magazine:

“R.M.Waller enlisted in the first Battalion, 4th Lincolnshire Regiment at the outbreak of the war. He was trained at Luton and Bishop’s Strortford, and left with his Regiment for France at the end of February. There, to judge from his letters home, he seems to have have taken every thing in true British fashion; he made the best of things and seems to have derived pleasure from his work.

On October 13th the Lincolns formed part of an attacking party, their objective being the Hohenzollern Redoubt. Waller was wounded in this attack on the right arm and in the chest; he received treatment on the battlefield and was then sent to the Lahore Hospital at Calais. There the bullet was extracted and for nearly a fortnight he appeared to be making good progress, in fact he was shortly expecting to be sent home. Complications, however, set in, and in spite of a Surgeon specialist going over from Boulogne to operate, he was unable to stand the strain, and he passed away on November 5th.”

Memorial notice on page 54 of De Astonian Magazine:

“Waller, Richard Maiden - born 10th March 1892, wounded in action 10th October 1915 - died in Lahore hospital, Calais 5th November 1915. De Astonian January 1905 to July 1907.”

•1907 Cricket Team aged about 15

Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website:

“In Memory of


Private 2704, 4th Bn., Lincolnshire Regiment

who died on Friday, 5th November 1915. Age 23.

Son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Waller, of 65, West Parade, Lincoln.

CALAIS SOUTHERN CEMETERY, Pas de Calais, France - Grave Reference/ Panel Number: Plot A. Row 3. Grave 15.

Calais Southern Cemetery is a civil cemetery lying on the south of the main road to Dunkerque. Follow the A16 autoroute from Calais to Dunkirk. Come off at Junction 19 in the direction of Merck and follow the road to the junction. Turn left into Calais at junction and follow the road for approximately 3 kilometres. The Communal Cemetery is on the left hand side of the road, 50 metres after the traffic lights. To find the Commonwealth War Graves, proceed along the main pathway to the rear left hand side of the Cemetery.

From May, 1915, to September, 1917 (March, 1918, in the case of Officers), British burials took place in Calais Southern Cemetery. There are now nearly 950, 1914-18 and over 200, 1939-45 war casualties commemorated in this site. “

Private Waller, Richard Maiden

Lieut. Walley, John C.

1912 football team,

School Admissions Book:

“Walley John C., born 20 December 1896, admitted 16th September 1909, son of J.Walley, Schoolmaster of Waddingham, Kirton in Lindsey. Left July 1914.”

1911 cricket team, aged about 15

1912 Cricket

1913 Cricket Team 1913/1914 Football Team

•Letter page 103/104 of the De Astonian Magazine. Christmas 1916

•“7th Battalion, The Leicestershire Regiment, B.E.F

•Dear Sir, As it’s so near the end of the term I think it’s about time I wrote you a line to let you know of my whereabouts, or else perhaps the magazine will be going astray. I’ve been out here a little over three months now and I’ve come to the unshakeable conclusin that it’s abouttime this war was over. From the little experience of it I’ve had, it is decidedly “No bon” and I think the majority of people will be glad when it’s “Na Poo”

•Since I’ve been out I’ve had the pleasure of meeting both Mr. Upex and W.R.Gibson. I met the former at the base. We happened to be standing at the same street corner waiting for a tram when we saw each other and the joy was mutual. We travelled up the line together, and had a long talk about old times. It appears that he had only recently visited the school and so was able to give me the latest news. It was a week or two before I saw him again, and then he told me he had come across Gibson in his Battalion. Afterwards I had the pleasure of meeting him. He has been out 10 months and is still going strong.

•I haven't seen any actual fighting yet, that is I haven't taken part in any of the great pushes, but I have become pretty well accustomed to the monotony of trench life. Where I am at present the greater part of one’s time is occupied in dodging “minewerfers”, “rum-jars” and “Charlie Chaplins” species of hostile trench mortars whose too near presence is most embarrassing. I have found my training in the “long field very useful in helping me to judge these Bosche souvenirs, and it is generally considered by far the best plan to get out well out their way. We take turns in doing duty in the trenches night and day, and I have been very forcibly reminded on more than one of my night tours of some of Shakespeare’s words. Wasn’t it in “Midsummer Night’s Dream” that Helen in her pursuit of Demetrius through the dark wood, speaks of inanimate things taking the form of live things waiting to do harm ? Now I’m not at all sure whether it comes in the play or not, but at all events it’s in Shakespeare somewhere. Well ! That’s how it is here at night. You think everything you see is a Bosche, that is of course if you’ve got the “wind-up”. The other night I challenged a post which was standing up-right from the parapet, and on receiving no answer was about to clinch matters with my revolver, when I realised I’d seen it there before and so I saved my ammunition.

•Our opportunities to discourse in French are not very frequent, only when we’re lucky enough to get back into billets. Its really wonderful how well the French people stand hearing their beautiful language murdered, but at the same time they must have learnt a lot of good French they’d never dreamt of before.

•You’ll be interested to know that while I was with the 5th I had the pleasure of partaking of some of Captain Barton’s wedding cake. At our company mess I also heard one of the Officers remark with regard to him that “the men adored him-they’d follow him anywhere. He was a fighter, not merely a doctor” I felt very proud to think that an old De Astonian was spoken of in that way. I must stop now, and trust this last term has been a most successful one in every respect, that the staff and all the boys are “A.1.” I suppose I still know most of the boys. Kind regards to all of them. I am looking forward to receiving the School Magazine about Christmas time.

•With very best wishes, yours sincerely, John Walley.”

Page 116 De Astonian Magazine


“We have been much pleased to have letters, which we print below, from G Golland, and H Herring and J C Walley.

January 17, 1917

Dear Sir,

I am sure you will be interested to hear that last term's School Magazine has already been the means of bringing together two De Astonians , who are now spending a very enjoyable afternoon together in a small French town.

Lieut. Walley is hoping to come and see my entertainment tomorrow evening. At the present he is operating with a gramophone , so I am taking this opportunity of sending you a line. He asks me to say that he is expecting to come on leave shortly, and is sending his subscription as soon as he gets hold of an English two shilling piece.

With many thanks from us both , for the ''De Astonian,'' which we have each received safely, and with all the best wishes for the school,

We are,

Yours very sincerely,



De Aston Magazine Page 135

“Back in France

Tuesday, July 17th 1917


Dear Sir,

Just a line to let you know that I'm back again in this wretched place terribly misnamed 'La Belle France'! Give me 'Perfidious Albion' every time.

I was glad that I got over to see the old place. I have often left it with far happier feelings than I had last Thursday. You will be interested to hear that I came across the son of the late Mr Woodthorpe Clarke of Binbrook, when going up the line. He happened to mention Lincoln Cathedral, and I at once responded by asking whether he chanced to Know that district. He was rather astounded when I told him I had lunched at his house. I also told him that my most vivid recollections of Binbrook concerned the ''grub'' we got there. Please forgive the vulgar allusion, and believe me the happy moments that I was privileged to spend at De Aston always included meal times. I'm afraid you'll think my mind doesn't move on a very high plane, but I assure you that I have nobler instincts. Kindest regards and best wishes to all at De Aston.

Yours sincerely


Obituary on page 177 of the De Astonian Magazine.

“Killed in Action.

John Clifford WalleyIt is with great sorrow that we record the death of Lieut. J.C.Walley, the only son of Mr and Mrs Walley of Waddingham.

J.C.Walley was born in 1896 and came to De Aston in September 1909. He passed the Cambridge Local Junior in 1911 obtaining 3rd Class Honours, and he got the Senior with 2nd Class Honours in 1913 and again in 1914. He was a keen Cricketer, a bowler rather than a bat, though he headed the batting averages in 1914 with an average of 22.3 runs for 17 innings. In the two seasons 1913 and 1914 he took altogether 60 wickets at an average of 8 runs apiece. At football he made a fast and efficient outside left, and was a keen tennis player, coming out winner of the handicap in 1913, and runner up in the following year. He was a useful foreward at hockey. Walley was a prefect from Midsummer 1912 until he left in 1914.

On leaving De Aston Walley entered the teaching profession, being first of all stationed at the Wesleyan School, Market Rasen, and afterwards at Epworth Elementary School. From Epworth he joined the Artist Rifles O.T.C. in November 1915 as a Cadet. In June 1916 he was gazetted 2nd Lieut. In the 5th Battalion Leicestershire Regiment. He landed in France in September of t hat year and was attached to the 7th Leicesters with whom he remained to the end. On May 3rd 1917 he was wounded in an attack at Fontaine. At the beginning of March of this year, 1918, he receivedhis full Lieutenancy; and he died fighting at Epehy on March 22nd., aged 21.

The report given by his commanding-officer, Lt-Col. Warden, and countersigned by Lord Loch, Brigadier-General, and endorsed by him as a “Very Good Report 22/9/17” is as follows:-

“A very good type of officer, cheerful, and exceptionally smart at drill; has a very good military knowledge, especially musketry. Is keen and good at sports. Has distinct powers of command and should make an excellent

platoon officer.”

The following is an extract from a letter received by his parents from Capt. Vanner, and dated April 5 th. 1918:-

“He was killed on the morning of the 22nd March at Epehy during the heroic stand of our brigade. He held a post with his men until completely surrounded, and died fighting.”

Our deepest sympathies are with his parents in their great loss.”

Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website:

“In Memory of


Lieutenant, "C" Coy. 5th Bn. attd. 7th Bn., Leicestershire Regiment

who died on Saturday, 23rd March 1918. Age 21.

Son of John and Sarah Walley, of Wadingham, Kirton Lindsey, Lincs.

POZIERES MEMORIAL, Somme, France, Grave Reference/ Panel Number: Panel 29 and 30

Location: Pozieres is a village some 6 kilometres north-east of the town of Albert. The Memorial encloses Pozieres British Cemetery which is a little south-west of the village on the north side of the main road, D929, from Albert to Pozieres.

The Memorial relates to the period of crisis in March and April 1918 when the Fifth Army was driven back by overwhelming numbers across the former Somme battlefields, and to the succeeding period of four months during which there was built up, behind the new front, of the army, which on the 8 August 1918 began the Advance to Victory. The Memorial commemorates over 14,000 casualties of the United Kingdom and 300 of the South African Forces who have no known grave and who fell in France during the Fifth Army area retreat on the Somme from 21 March to 7 August 1918. “

Editor’s note: the context of the notes seems to indicate that Walley lost his life during the British Army retreat March/April 1918.

Whybrow John James

School Admissions Book:

“Wybrow, John James. Born 21st September 1894. Entered School September 17th 1908. Son of Mary Wybrow of Ivy ? Cottage, Ludford. Left Easter 1909. Killed in Action European War May 1915”

De Astonian Magazine: Page 35

“In loving Memory of Private John Whybrow, 17714, 1st Battalion. Sherwood Foresters, aged 21 years, who was killed in Action, in France, on Sunday, May 9th, 1915.

“For his Country’s sake”

Copy of Letter received from his comrades at the Front: France May 19th, 1915.

“Dear Mrs Whybrow, I am writing you these few lines to you because it is my duty to do so, and not because I wish to hurt your feelings. Your dear son ( and my friend) was killed in action on Sunday May 9 th 1915, during an attack by our Regiment on the German lines. At first he was missing, but since then we have found his body and have buried him in a Soldier’s Grave. Buried him where he died – right in the German lines and we fixed up a cross, “Private J.Whybrow, 1st Sherwood Foresters, RIP. “

I can say without fear of contradiction that he was respected by all his comrades and others who came in contact with him, and when we climbed the parapet to charge he was one of the first to go over, despite the fact that the Germans had a Maxim Gun trained on us – and he lived as he died, fearlessly – for , out and in the trenches, he neither saw nor looked for danger, but always did his duty.

He told me to divide his parcels among his section should he get killed – and so I have fulfilled his request, and if I am not asking too great a thing, may I keep your photograph, as an everlasting reminder of one of the truest chums I ever had, because in your photograph I, can see his face, very plainly. All his friends unite with me in offering our heartfelt sympathy to you in your terrible bereavement.

I remain yours sincerely, - W.G.Turner, Post-Corporal, 1st Sherwoods.”

Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website:

“In Memory of


Private, 17714, 1st Bn., Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby Regt.)

who died on Sunday, 9th May 1915.

PLOEGSTEERT MEMORIAL, Comines-Warneton, Hainaut, Belgium Grave Reference/ Panel Number: Panel 7

Location: The Ploegsteert Memorial stands in Berks Cemetery Extension, which is located 12.5 kilometres south of Ieper town centre, on the N365 leading from Ieper to Mesen (Messines), Ploegsteert and on to Armentieres. The Memorial commemorates over 11,000 men who have no known grave. The names of the dead are carved on panels set in the walls of the colonnade. They belonged to thirty-six different Divisions and to a hundred Regiments.

Historical Information: The Memorial in Berks Cemetery Extension, Ploegsteert, is one of those erected by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission to record the names of the officers and men who fell in the Great War and whose graves are not known. It serves the area from the line Caestre-Dranoutre-Warneton, on the north to the line Haverskerque-Estaires-Fournes on the south, in which the best-known features are the towns of Hazebrouck, Merville, Bailleul and Armentieres, the Forest of Nieppe, and Ploegsteert Wood; and it covers the period from the arrival of the III Corps in this area in 1914 to the date of the Armistice with Germany. The Battles of Ypres and Messines fall to the north of these imits, and the Offensives of 1915 mainly to the south; the normal state of the area, during the greater part of the War, was one of trench warfare. “

Whybrow, John James