DC : Batman - Joker's Apprentice - TBP

Post on 22-Jul-2016

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In Arkham Asylum, four inmates are playing poker and one of them is telling a story about how Batman struck him down from the shadows. The other inmates tell him he's lying, but the Joker, overhearing the conversation sits down at the table and has a conversation with the man, Arthur Rankel. Rankel has been convicted of raping and killing eighteen women and the Joker seems to think Rankel is just the man for the Clown Prince of Crime to take under his wing and train as a weapon against Batman. Joker spends the next 83 days teaching Rankel everything he has learned about Batman during his nefarious career. Once Rankel "graduates," the Joker arranges to have Scarecrow and his gang break Rankel out of Arkham

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