DBF armies of the hyborian age

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army lists for DBF

Transcript of DBF armies of the hyborian age

DBF Army Lists


R.E. Howard's


Playtest version for the 5th annual Wollongong TolCon Dec-5-6 1998

These lists may not be reproduced for any financial gain Introduction These lists have been written for wargamers recreating battles in R.E. Howard's fictional world of Hyboria using David Brown's De Bellis (F)ictionalis rules for fantasy wargames, based on WRG's DBM V2.1. Hyboria is peopled by many races and diverse cultures, the land is our earth set approximately 15,000 years before our understanding of recorded history. Howard's great hero, Conan, gets around to fighting for or against most of the nations. During the course of his fighting Conan proves almost as dangerous a friend as foe - I lost track of the number of armies destroyed to a man - except for a certain Cimmerian. Lists have also been provided for the armies and enemies of King Kull of Atlantis - although they are generally based on much scantier descriptions than post-cataclysmic armies. Kull lives in the same world as Conan only thousands of years earlier, before a great cataclysm distorts the continents, rocks civilisation's foundations and sends men back into base, sometimes pre-human, barbarism. I have included information from many Conan stories, even those not originally written by Howard for the Hyborian world. I have also drawn upon descriptions by some authors who have followed Howard. I have placed reliance upon and owe a great debt to the editing and skills and original works of L Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter. I have also included some detail from the Royal Armies of The Hyborian Age (RATHA) - A wargamers guide to the age of Conan - Lin Carter and Scott Bizar - Fantasy Games Unlimited, 1975. The RATHA is a set of rules and lists for Hyboria and includes heraldic information that Carter admits is largely his creation. As he was in the process of writing/editing the Conan stories at the same time as writing his lists the heraldic information is presented as a useful secondary source. His co-author stated that the information would appear in later Conan stories - a promise unfulfilled due to Carter's untimely death. I have not necessarily included information from the rash of later authors as much of it drifts too far from the Howard tradition of fast action, limited verbiage and supernatural elements appearing at the denouement rather than driving the action. Some later authors commit such blasphemies as having Conan caught sleeping by city-bred dogs or dabbling in magic. If my choice of sources leaves me open to the charge of subjectivity, I plead guilty and throw myself on the mercy of your judgement. If you don't agree with my interpretations - decide on something else you think better. In compiling lists I have taken as many description as possible at face value while maintaining some consistency with the cultural feel of the nation in question. Where gaps in an army exist I have added detail based on neighbours or simply included a few humble light troops to add balance to a list, sometimes I have emphasised unusual troop types where they are noted. Many armies include priests; seers, magicians, necromancers or similar - these may not have had a formal battlefield role but need to be included to work magic on the table-top. Those graded as regular generally represent such folk in accepted positions within their society, those graded as Ps (X) represent magicians using hypnotism, poison, gas or explosives at close range, those graded as Hd are lucky enough to have a cheer squad of lesser priests, victims, attendants or lackeys. The various "pikemen" described by Howard have not been classified as Pk but have been made Sp as they do not form up in deep formations and most also have large shields incompatible with historical phalanx doctrines.

Elephants have been included even though Howard provides no descriptions of them in a battlefield role. Numbers have been limited to only a few elements to allow for the possibility that they could have been used. If you believe, like the players of the famous 1970-80s Tony Bath Hyboria campaign, that more elephants should be included they should be limited to Hrykranian and Vendhyian-Iranistanian peoples. The lists are designed to allow armies of 300-500AP. Many of the armies are quite large compared with historical analogues - such as the 50,000 strong western-European mediaeval stlye forces of Nemedia and Aquilonia. Some of the smaller states, cults and creature collections may not have been army sized but have been included to add variety. Hordes Of The Things players should be able to convert these lists to suit their needs to supplement those in the HOTT rules. In which case Demons mostly become Gods, most nations gain a hero, Cv can be either riders or knights depending on their tactical role in the army in question, the western nations could include a few paladins, priests of Asura can become clerics, smaller dragons become beasts. In fighting battles with these armies my play-testers developed a house rule where no general represented Conan - that Conan could be skulking within any non-Pictish human element. The element of a command to throw a third consecutive close combat '6', in the same bound, providing it is not destroyed, is assumed to contain Conan - thereafter it rolls two dice in close combat and uses the higher score. In the unlikely case two elements can claim Conan simultaneously he will be in the element not recoiling or fleeing - if this does not apply the count is nullified and players must wait for their next 6-6-6. Conan appears only once. If Conan's element is lost he has of course not died but retired to loot baggage, temple or alehouse. Since using this rule he has been found leading Bossonian archers, Poitanian Knights and Shemite psiloi. Rather than attempting a strict time frame for each army, as per historical lists, I have placed armies into four broad time phases - some cross more than one of these. Foreign allies provided for a list must come from the same time phase which is included here. Allies are specified by reference to their own list. Each such allied contingent must include a single general and two baggage elements. The general's type can be that of the allied list's specified C-in-C or other general. Unless stated in a particular list, the allied contingent can include only compulsory troop types, and must have at least a quarter of the minimum for each such type. It cannot include more than a third of the specified maximum number of each type, or one element, whichever is greater. In some cases the maximum total number of elements that can be included in the allied contingent, including the general and two baggage elements is specified. Guide to time phases used for armies in this volume Phase One Pre-cataclysmic times; characterised by the eventual human triumph over the various beast-men and reptiles after millennia of conflict, the decline of serpent-men cultures and the dominance of human Valusia. Phase Two Post-cataclysmic times C18,000BC; characterised by the re-emergence of human civilisation, founding of the evil and magical realm of Acheron and her eventual overthrow by the emergent Hybori barbarians. Phase Three Characterised by the founding of civilised Hyborian nations in the west C15,000BC, the age of Conan and the dominance of Aquilonia. Phase Four Characterised by the decline and fall of the Hyborian west including dominance of Pictish barbarians in the west and Hyrkranian riders in the east. Phase Five Semi-historical lists spanning roughly 200-750AD in western Europe. Collectors contemplating building these armies may wish to haunt Stygian crypts in search of the archaic Minifigs SS range of 25mm figures and a similar range of Garrison figurines which were based on Hyborian armies and are yet to be bettered by the oversized and grotesque fantasy figures spawned by many more recent manufacturers.

Acknowledgments. Many thanks to my chief play-testers and conspirators, Troy Adlington, Saifur Ali, Paul Braun, Jeff Bolton, Andrew Bigwood, Robert Brown, Peter Barrett, Craig Burnett, Kit Cullen, Jason Dickie, Chris Craig, Jason Gray, Phil Holmes, Geoff Stewart, Aden Steinke, Brett Martin, Juan Medin, Craig McGarty, Bob Ritchie, Rene Wechner, Geoff Waldon, Mark Turnbull, Melanie Tilbrook Radek Zelany and Alex Shagrat Hafey who helped produce these lists. Many thanks also to Jim Behemoth Whitehead for the use of his machines. Special thanks also to Mike Childers for finding me a copy of the RATHA and Mike Walsh for his help on the Bran Mac Morn lists. Naval and aerial. Naval and airboat elements must be provided with a disembarking element as listed, the cost quoted is for the naval or airboat only - the crew element must still be paid for. Terrain. Terrain types listed in bold type are compulsory for defending armies - some armies may also provide a Mountain Range, which counts as impassable, and is otherwise positioned as if a WW. Terrain types are: • Waterways WW • Rivers Rv • Hills with some or all slopes steep H(S) • Hills or rises with gentle slopes H(G) • Woods Wd • Orchards or Palm groves O • Vines V • Enclosed fields E • Rough going, such as brush or bog Rgo • Marsh M • Sand Dunes D • Roads Rd • Built-up areas, villages BUA • Mountain ranges Mr Baggage. Players are reminded that an entirely waterborne, airborne, single-element, lurker or sneaker command need not have baggage. Multi-command armies. Players wishing to use a fifth or sixth command, as a single-element command, can choose to create one by providing an extra element of the type of any home-nation general listed, however, items which are intended to be unique can be provided only once. Items underlined in the body of a list can be upgraded into the general of a single-element command. Competition play. Armies with optional climatic regions must choose one for the entire competition. Fortifications Only those armies specified as having TF can use them in the way described - other TF and PF use is linked to the DBF/M terrain system. CONTACT ADDRESSES For details of other WRG wargames rules, army lists and reference books, send a stamped addressed envelope or international Reply Coupons to: WARGAMES RESEARCH GROUP, The Keep, Le Marchant Barracks, London Rd, Devizes, Wilts SNl0 2ER Tel: 01380 724558. PBM UMPIRE is a computerised system (IBM PC compatibles) for moderating and automatically generating player reports for campaigns with up to 30 players. A trial version, including a fully functional 20 player Medieval scenario, is available on 5.25" or 3.5" disk (please specify) for £4.00. On registration, which costs £25.00, the scenario editor will be supplied. This enables scenarios to be created or modified, and permits battles to be fought either automatically or using DBM, DBA or other table-top rules. Orders enquiries to Richard Bodley Scott, 28 Priory Gardens, Usk, Gwent NP5 IAJ. Tel: 01291 672496 (8-10 pm only). Please add £2.00 for overseas postage.

The SOCIETY OF ANCIENTS is a long established world-wide society for all interested in ancient and medieval warfare. Its bi-monthly journal SLINGSHOT balances research of a very high standard with more specifically wargaming content - Contact: shown below. WARGAMES DEVELOPMENTS is an association of wargames innovators centering around an annual "try it on the dog" conference, not to be missed. Contact: The Treasurer, 84 Eglinton Hill, Shooters Hill, London SEl8 3DY. Contact addresses. Wargames Research Group - The Keep, Le Marchant Barracks, London Rd, Devizes, Wilts SN10 2ER, United Kingdom - tel 01380724558 The Society of Ancients - Membership Organiser, c/o membership@soa.org.uk Wargames Developments - The Treasurer, 84 Eglinton Hill, Shooters Hill, London SE18 3DY, United Kingdom. Society of Fantasy and Science Fiction Wargamers - James Clay, Editor, 4 Old Acre Rd, Whitchurch, Bristol BS14 OHN, UK. Technomancy The rate of growth of sites on the internet means any exhaustive list appearing in print will soon be out of date - however the following can provide good links to a number of useful resources. DBM Home Page - De bellis homepagius and Miniatures information - Http://www.eden.com/~tmp Also search for the Lin Carter page and Amazon Books for out-of-print Conan books. A net search on "Conan the Barbarian" will provide useful listings of all the various Conan (and related) stories and information compilations including an unofficial Conan homepage. Copyright © David Brown 1995, 1996, 1998. 8 England Street, West Wollongong, NSW, 2500, Australia. (H) 0242 287938 - (M) 0417233609 dfmbrown@mpx.com.au.

ARMIES INCLUDED 1. Pict or Ligurean (Phase II-IV) 1a Pict Imperial (Phase-IV) 2. Meru (Phase-III) 3. Nordheim or Cimmeria 3a Aesir-Nemedian (Phase-IV) 3b Vanir-Stygian (Phase-IV) 4. Zamoran (Phase II-IV) 5. Yag Khitai (Phase I-IV) 6. City-State of Larsha The Accursed (Phase-II) 6a After the evacuation (Phase-III) 7. Nemedia (Phase III-IV) 7a Nemedian Imperial (Phase-IV) 8. City States of Corinthia (Phase III-IV) 9. Turanian Empire (Phase III-IV) 9a Phase-IV armies 9b Munthassem Khan Rebel Satrap of Yaralet or the Zamoran Marches (Phase-III) 9c Satrapy of Zamboula (Phase-III) 10 Tarantia or Pelishti Mob (Phase-III) 11 Eastern Horse Nomads (Phase II-IV) 12 Aquilonian (Phase III-IV) 12a Conan's Coup (Phase-III) 12b Brocas' Numedides Loyalists (Phase-III) 12c Ascalante Count of Thune's Coup (Phase-III) 12d Conan at the Battle of Shamu (Phase-III) 12e Conan at the Battle of Shamar (Phase-III) 12f Conan at the Battle of Valkia (Phase-III) 12g Tiberias' pro-Conan Partizans (Phase-III) 12h Conan at the Battle of the Valley of Lions (Phase-III) 12i Conan at the Battle of Nebthu (Phase-III) 12j Conan's invasion of Zembabwei (Phase-III) 12k Aquilonian Imperial (Phase-IV) 13 Bossonian Marchers (Phase III-IV) 14 Aquilonian Westermark (Phase III-IV)\ 15 Kingdom of Koth (Phase III-IV) 15a Kothic Empire (Phase-III) 15b Rebel eastern Prince (Phase-III) 15c Prince Almuric's Army (Phase-III) 16 The Kingdom of Ophir (Phase III-IV) 17 Zuagirs, Desert Shemites or Kezankians (Phase II-IV) 18 Kozaki or Kothic Free Company (Phase III-IV) 19 Shemite Free Company (Phase III) 20 Dagonian (Phase-II) 21 Yuetshi (Phase-II) 22 Pirates (Phase II-IV) 23 Iranistan (Phase III-IV)

24 Himelian, Afghulistan or Khurum (Phase II-IV) 25 Drujistanin Cultists of the Sons of Yezm (Phase-III) 26 Ghouls or Reptile Creatures of the Black Pool (Phase I-IV) 27 Zingara (Phase III-IV) 28 Gunderland or Border Kingdom (Phase III-IV) 29 Poitanian (Phase III-IV) 30 The Horde of Natohk the Veiled Sorcerer (Phase-III) 30a (above dismounted) 31 Argos (Phase III-IV) 32 Hyperborea, Virunian or Brythunia (Phase III-IV) 33 Shemite (Phase II-IV) 34 Black Seer of Mount Yimsha (Phase II-IV) 35 Hrykanian (Phase III-IV) 35a Hrykanian Conquest (Phase-IV) 36 Stygia (Phase II-IV) 37 Meroe (Phase III-IV) 38 Jungle Nations (Phase III-IV) 39 Empire of Tombalku (Phase III-IV) 40 Amazons of Gamburu (Phase III-IV) 41 Black Kingdoms (Phase III-IV) 42 Old Zembabwei (Phase-III) 43 Vendhya or Golden Kingdoms (Phase II-IV) 44 Khitai (Phase III-IV) 45 Hairy Cannibals, Apemen and Semi-Humans (Phase I-IV) 46 Khauran (Phase III-IV) 47 Khoraja (Phase III-IV) 48 Sons of the Desert (Phase III-IV) 49 Degenerate Civilisations, Nations and Cults (Phase I-IV) 50 Hybori (Phase-II) 51 Acheron or Kuthchemes (Phase-II) 52 Antillian (Phase I-IV) 53 Valusian or Pre-Cataclysmic Nations (Phase-I) 54 Grondar (Phase-I) 55 Creatures of The Forbidden Lake (Phase-I) 56 Atlantis, Pictland, Lemurian or Celtic (Phase-I) 57 Serpent Men, Wolf Men or Demons of Old Valusia (Phase-I) 58 Flying Creatures (Phase I-III) 59 S’tarra 60 Semi-Historical Pict

1. PICT OR LIGUREAN (Phase II-IV) Cold if Wolf or other eastern tribe C-in-C, Warm if Sea falcon or other coastal tribe C-in-C. Ag 3 if Wolf C-in-C, 0 for others. WW if Sea falcon, Cormorant, Hornbill, WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, Rgo, M. C-in-C - Irr Wb (F) @ 13AP or Bw (O) @ 14AP 1 Ally-general - as above @ 8-9AP 1-3 Shaman - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-1 per command +1 Extra to give shaman up to magic ability (O) @ 7-10AP Any Demon from one of the lower Hells - Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP *0-1 Warriors - Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP or Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP 50-150 Adolescents - Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP or all Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP or all Irr Ax (I) @ 2AP 0-12 Chaken - Irr Sneaker (O) @ 2AP 0-1 per shaman Swamp demons - Irr Behemoths (X) @ 17AP or all Irr Lurker (S) @ 3AP or - all Irr Water Lurker (S) @ 3AP **0-6 Upgrade one shaman to ally-general @ + 5AP **0-1 Camp sentries or swarm of snakes - Irr Lurker (O) @ 2AP 0-1 per command Slingers - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-4 Swarming canoes - Irr Bts (I) @ 1AP [any humans] 0-8 Only if Ligurean: Upgrade shamen to druids Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP All Upgrade one druid to Irr Ps (I) mtd on mule cart @ 2AP 0-1 Extra to give druid in cart up to magic ability (S) @ 0-13AP 0-1 Only if Pict: Upgrade Shaman to Zogar Sag the Pict wizard with up to (S) magic ability @ 0-13AP ***0-1 Zogar Sag’s swamp demon, Children of Jhil - Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP ***0-1 Zogar Sag’s ghost snake - Irr Dragon (I) @ 14AP or sabre-toothed tiger - Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP or Irr Beasts (S) @ 7AP ***0-1 Zogar Sag’s Children of Jhebbal Sag - leopard, panther etc - Irr Sneaker (O) @ 2AP - or Irr Beasts (S) @ 7AP ***0-2 Zogar Sag’s Brother of the Night - Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP or Irr Demon (O) @ 22AP ***0-1 All the warriors of a command must be the same type and commanded by a general of that type. Ally-generals can represent different clans, perhaps emphasising different fighting styles. Ligureans are taller “white men” occasionally allied to Pictish tribes but apparently culturally similar, as were presumably the post-cataclysmic Atlanteans. Tribes include; Wolf, Hawk-clan or “Onayaga”, Panther, Alligator, Ottermen, Eagle, Hornbill, Cormorant, Sea-falcon, South-Hawks, Wildcats, Turtles and Raven, Other tribes recognised the unusual ferocity of the Wolf tribe. Wolf Tribe must be Wb. Picts were naked except for loincloth and moccasins for some tribes, they paint their bodies in intricate designs, some tribes paint a white skull on their chest when on the warpath against Hyborians. Picts of the Thunder River, “Gwaweli”, sport white plumes, necklaces of human teeth and brass armlets. One tribe is recorded with lower jaws painted white. Standard fighting kit was an axe of stone or hammered copper, knife in beaded sheath and a bow in a quiver at the left hip. Some individuals use a broad-bladed stabbing or throwing spear. Conan is once felled by a slingstone. Slingers may have been one tribe’s adolescents. Although armed with bows, Picts love war cries, torture and wild charges - hence the Wb option. Chaken are semi-human ape beasts with peaked heads, they are trained by shamen to hunt enemies. Swamp demons marked** can be used only in one command which is lead by a shaman with magical ability who must be upgraded to an ally-general counting as foreign - he can, but need not, command other troops. Demons, roughly human-sized, are “tall, thin beings with bird-like legs and lower parts and half-human heads and upper portions. Each had long skinny arms ending in hands with huge curved claws.” A shaman can sit impassively to the rear of the army in deep communion with spirits or be depicted wearing feathers and a grinning scarlet mask sacrificing at an alter with a semi-circle of spectators. No self-respecting Pictish army is without drums, rattles and whistles. The demon from the lower Hells marked* may not be used with Chaken or Swamp demons. Zogar Sag’s creatures marked*** may not be used with Chaken, Swamp demons or demon from the lower Hells, all Zogar Sag’s *** options must be in the same command. Zogar Sag’s Brother of the Night is his double in the spirit world. The Brother can be depicted as a towering slender man with a scaly torso, long crane-like legs with three splayed toes, his arms end in curving sickle-like talons. Ligurean druids should be clad in white robes with oak leaf crowns. 1a Pict Imperial (Phase-IV) Use the list above but include no swamp demons; no demons from the lower hells, no more than one element with magic ability, no Zogar Sag troops or Sneakers and add the following troops and conditions: Conquered people - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-20 Upgrade ally-generals to sub-general All

Upgrade warriors to Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP, 15AP if general, or Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP or - 15AP if general or Irr Bw (S) @ 5AP or 15AP if general All/0 All the warriors of a command must be the same type and grade. This option covers the Picts of Gorm who becomes chief of chief and provides his tribesmen with the best training and arms Hyboria had to offer. He takes advantage of Aquiloninan internal problems to launch a massive invasion which ends with him capturing half the known world. 2. MERU (Phase-III) Tropical. Ag 0. Wd, WW, BUA, M (paddies) E, H(S). C-in-C - Reg Bd (O) @ 27AP 1 Sub-general - as above or Azweri or Marine @ 14-30AP 0-2 Azweri - Irr LH (F) @ 4AP or all Irr LH (S) @ 7AP or all Irr Cv (S) @ 9AP 2-12 Upgrade Azweri to Regular @ 4-30AP All/0 Chief wizard, Grand Shaman, Tanzong Tengri - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-1 Upgrade C-in-C and or Grand Shaman with to up to (S) magic ability @ 0-13AP 0-1 Artefact (P) for grand Shaman @ 5AP 0-1 Yama the Demon King - Irr Behemoth (S) @ 15AP or Irr Demon (S) @ 27AP 0-1 Extra to give Yama up to magical ability (S) @ 7-13AP 0-1 City Guards - up to 1/3 Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP rest Reg Ax (I) @ 3AP or Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP 20-60 Meruvian cavalry - Reg Cv (I) @ 6AP 0-2 Palace Guards - Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP 2-4 Marines - Reg Ax (O) @ 4AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 1 per Gal Galleys - Reg Gal (O) @ 3AP [marines] 0-4 The obscure Kingdom of Meru lay between Vendhya in the south, Hyrkania in the north and west and Khitai in the east. It is the central nation in The City of Skulls by Carter and de Camp. The people were squat, brown and (with reason) in thrall of Jalung Thonga, god-king, Terror of Men, Shadow of Heaven. The Azweri, slant-eyed little warriors, who may have been ethnically separate from other Meru are perhaps similar to desert Khitai. They shoot black-feathered arrows, use lances and scimitars while wearing “intricate armour of lacquered leather trimmed with gold and gems.” Human skulls with horns appear on architecture, shield bosses, helmets and personal jewellery. The Palace Guards are described as “gilded” and wielding ornate halberds. Galleys of the inland sea have a single bank of oars with a catwalk along their length - sails are gold and purple striped. Ordinary Meruvians wear only a short skirt and jewellery, they are “lax and lazy and fatalistic,” hence the (I) grading. The deformed and bald god-king wears a cloth-of-gold and a spired helmet or crown of solid gold blazing with rubies. The Grand Shaman should be a tall gaunt man with shaven head, scarlet robes and carven staff of ebony. He and the god-king can be accompanied by kneeling ranks of lesser priests also with shaved heads and red robes. The Great Dog of Death and Terror, Yama the Demon King is a 30-foot six-armed creature of jade. If the C-in-C is destroyed Yama the Demon King becomes an element of immobile baggage - but count it thereafter at original strength for command and army totals and losses. If the C-in-C is destroyed a Demon Yama yet to arrive will not arrive but does not count as lost. We are not told the fate of Meru following the death of the god-king or the presumed punitive actions of the Turanian Emperor in revenge for the kidnap of his daughter. 3. NORDHEIM OR CIMMERIAN (Phase II-IV) Cold. Ag 1. WW if Vanaheim, Wd, H(S) if Cimmerian, H(S), H(G), Rgo. C-in-C - in chariot as Irr Cv (O) @ 16AP or on horse as Irr Cv (O) @ 17AP or Irr Wb (O) @ 13AP - or Irr Wb (F) @ 13AP or Irr Wb (S) @ 15AP 1 Ally-general - as above @ 8-12AP 1-3 Warriors - Irr Wb (O) @ 3AP or all Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP or all Irr Bd (F) @ 5AP 50-150 Cavalry - Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP or Irr Cv (I) @ 5AP - Cimmerians 0-2 - Others 0-6 Scouts or adolescents - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP or Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP 0-8 Upgrade Cimmerian warriors to Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP All/0 Upgrade Aesir warriors to Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP Any Band of raiders or adventurers - Irr Sneaker (S) @ 8AP 0-1 Aesir barricade of shields TF @ 2AP 0-12

Nordheim is the term for red-haired Vanir of Vanaheim and yellow-haired Aesir of Asguard, the Cimmerians are described as similar but with white skin and dark hair and blue or grey eyes. Ally-generals can represent different nations in a combined raid. All the warriors of a command must be the same type and grade. Cimmerians attacking an Aquilonian outpost are described as “howling like a blood-mad horde.” In his teenage years Conan becomes proficient with knife and axe and sword. We are told that horses were rare in Cimmeria and Conan learns his horsemanship abroad. Chariots are included by analogy with the ruins in The Thing In The Crypt by Carter and de Camp. Vanir and Aesir and possibly Cimmerians use horned helmets. Women warriors should be included among the ranks. Aesir warriors, in Conan The Swordsman by de Camp, Carter and Nyberg, build a barricade with their long wicker and leather shields when fighting the Hyperborean Witchmen. 3a Aesir-Nemedian (Phase-IV) Use the Aesir list above and add 1-2 Nemedian ally contingents - List 7b either or both of which can include Numalia Police and add 0-1 contingent of Hyperborean allies - List 32 Hyperborea. This option represents the Aesir such as Hailmar who enlist in the Nemedian army in such numbers that they end up dominating it and seizing political power. 3b Vanir-Stygian (Phase-IV) Use the Vanir list above and add a Stygian rebel noble allied contingent - List 36 Stygia which must also include 12-32 elements of Stygian revolting slaves - Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP. This option covers the Vanir tribe instigating the massive slave revolt in Stygia. 4. ZAMORAN (Phase II-IV) Warm. Ag 0. Rv, H(S), H(G), Rgo, BUA, Wd, O, Rd. C-in-C - Reg Cv (O) @ 28AP or Reg Sp (S) @ 27AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-2 High Priest Yara - Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP or Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP *0-1 Extra to give Yara up to (S) magical ability @ 0-13AP 0-1 Artefact (P) for Yara - (Heart of the Elephant) @ 5AP *0-1 Giant spider the size of a pig, or guard lions for Yara - Irr Lurker (O) @ 2AP *0-1 Royal guard - Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP 0-4 Arenjun thieves, kidnappers, assassins - Irr Sneaker (O) @ 2AP 0-5 Upgrade master thief to Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP 0-1 Mercenaries - Irr Bd (O) @ 5 AP or Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP 0-8 Upgrade mercenaries to Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP Any Zamoran infantry - 1/2 Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP 1/2 Reg Bw (I) @ 4AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP - (Ps (O) can support non-Royal guard Sp) 30-80 Upgrade infantry from Reg Sp (I) to Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP or Reg Bw (I) to Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP 0-1/2 Upgrade infantry to 1/2 Reg Bw (X) @ 7AP 1/2 Reg Bw (O) @ 3AP on double bases All/0 Shadizar or Arenjun night watch - Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP 0-12 Cavalry - Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP or all Reg LH (F) @ 4AP 0-3 Priests - Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP or Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP 0-1 Priests’ enchanted victims - Irr Sneaker (I) @ 1AP or Irr Hd (F) @ 1AP 0-1 Ape-men from eastern Zamora - Irr Lurker (O) @ 2AP 0-1 Brythunian Free Company allies: Brythunian Free Company ally-general - Reg Bd (O) @ 17AP **1 Brythunian Free Company - Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP **2-9 Zamorans, “with daggers in their girdles and guile in their hearts”, worship a variety of strange gods, but the spider-god seems dominant in The Tower Of The Elephant by Howard. In his 1936 letter to Schuyler Miller, Howard described Zamora as “an absolute despotism where differing political opinions were not tolerated.” The nation was famous for thieves and criminals. The description of soldiers is limited to infantry and when King Tiridates assaults Larsha with “a company of his bravest soldiers” we are not told of any mounted troops. Zamoran adventurers in the Kenzankian mountains ride horses - suggesting some mounted troops were possible. The Royal guard is described as wearing silver corslets, silver armour, crested helmet (with dusky plumes), shield, spear and jewelled sword hilts. Items marked * may only be used in a command containing Yara. Yara should be tall and silken-clad accompanied by a captured, crippled, blind, elephant-headed Yag. Ordinary Zamoran soldiers wore plain steel caps, bronze greaves, leather jerkins studded with bronze buttons, short swords and bucklers. Officers have towering horse-hair crests, bronze greaves, sword, dagger and cloak. The company pursuing Conan has three bowmen and two men with pikes. The men are apparently from the same troop within a barracks - so mixed

formations represented by Bw (X) pairs can not be ruled out. Mixed formations of bows and spearmen would be different from the usual Hyborian practice of archers and spearmen fighting in separate units. The option to upgrade troops to (O) represents wholesale employment of mercenaries and mercenary officers to stiffen the locals, whom Conan considered “poltroons”. Shadizar night watch were armed with bills and the Arenjun watch were armed with glaives and swords. Thieves can include Shevates, master thief of Zamora, in scarlet loin-cloth, shaven head, gold-scaled girdle with short sword and leading or riding his camel. Generic Zamoran priests and their enchanted victims are mentioned in The People Of The Black Circle by Howard and Conan And The Spider God by de Camp. RATHA has the Zamoran flag as a white crescent moon on red. 5. YAG KHITAI (Phase I-IV) Tropical. Ag 0. WW, Rv, Wd, H(S), H(G) Rgo, BUA, M. C-in-C - as Yag - Irr Demon (S) @ 37AP or Reg Behemoth (S) @ 37AP - or human Irr Ax (O) @ 13AP 1 Sub-general - as above or as human Irr Ax (I) @ 12AP or Irr Hd (O) @ 11AP 0-3 Khitai warriors - Irr Ax (I) @ 2AP or Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP *40-120 Yellow-skulled priests of Yun - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP *2-6 Upgrade Priests of Yun with up to (O) magical ability @ 0-10AP 0-2 Khitai skirmishers - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (O) 2AP *6-20 Yag - Irr Demon (S) @ 27AP or all Reg Behemoth (S) @ 17AP 0-20 Extra to give up to magic ability (S) to Yag @ 0-13AP Any Dancing grey apes and priests with pipes - Irr Sneakers (I) @ 1AP *0-6 Only if Angkhor: (Phase III) Upgrade general to Reg Ps (I) @ 21AP or all Reg Ps (X) @ 26AP or Irr Hd (O) @ 11AP as Pru-Eun - Lord of the Scarlet Circle or similar 0-2 Extra to give Pru-Eun up to magic ability (S) @ 0-13AP 0-1 The alien Yag, elephant-headed creatures with green bodies, fly to earth in pre-cataclysmic times and become stranded when their wings wither on Earth. They fight the strange and terrible creatures of pre-history but dwindle over the ages while they stand aloof from human affairs. Yag-Kosha is the sole survivor becoming worshipped as a god by the kindly jungle folk of Khitai. He teaches them wisdom and white magic before his capture by Yara with his Stygian tricks as described by Howard in The Tower Of The Elephant. Yag can count as Demons due to unspecified but extensive powers such as building a tower in a single day. Grenadier Miniatures make an excellent Yag figure in 25mm. Troops marked * may not be used with more than one Yag. An army with more than one Yag is a Phase-I army, it may not be the invader if fighting against humans - but roll set up dice as usual to determine weather and time of day. No army can have both demon and behemoth. Angkhor can use no Yag. 6. CITY-STATE OF LARSHA THE ACCURSED (Phase II-III) Warm. Ag 3 before evacuation (Phase-II), 0 after (Phase-III). H(S), H(G), Rgo, E, BUA, D. C-in-C - Irr Sp (S) @ 17AP or Irr Bd (O) @ 15AP or Irr Cv (O) in chariot @ 16AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-2 Royal tomb guard - Irr Sp (S) @ 7AP or all Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP or all in chariots - Irr Cv (O) @ 6AP 0-4 Larshans - Irr Sp (I) @ 3AP or all Irr Bd (I) @ 4AP 30-150 Larshan skirmishers - Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP or Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-8 Extra to give up to magical ability (O) to generals @ 0-10AP Any Men-demon-owls - Irr Beasts (S) @ 7AP 0-3 Monster slug - Irr Dragon (S) @ 25AP 0-1 6a Only after the evacuation (Phase-III): Upgrade general and Royal tomb guard to undead giants - Irr Behemoth (I)/Irr Ps (I) @ 9AP, 19AP if general All Upgrade Larshans and Larshan skirmishers to “ghosts of the ancients” - Irr Wb (F)/Ps (I) @ 3AP All The city-state of Larsha the Accursed, as mentioned in The Hall Of The Dead by Howard and de Camp, was “immensely old, going back to cataclysmic times, it was then an island of semi-civilisation in a sea of barbarism (although the architecture seems advanced). Allegedly punished by an angry god for “deeds so wicked they made the crimes and vices of Shadizar look like virtues”. King Tiridates of Zamora attempts to loot Larsha with a company of his best soldiers in broad daylight. All the soldiers entering the city die a noisy and mysterious death and Tiridates is forced to flee. The seven-pointed star and the strange man-demon-owl on coins and gargoyles may be heraldic devices or representative of creatures forcing evacuation. Ghosts of the Ancients and undead giants are Undead counting as Irr Ps (I) in daylight and Wb or Behemoth respectively in other circumstances. The royal tomb guard are giants at least 7-foot tall “in trappings of a bygone age”. They have plumed copper helmets, copper scale corslets and are armed with bills and pikes. I assume the giants and generals may have been heroic charioteers by

analogy with contemporary practice. The gigantic 50-foot slug and men-demon-owls may have been created by the Larshans as one of their wicked deeds and then grown beyond control, or sent by the angry god to punish them. Troops after the evacuation can be depicted as a mixture of skeletons and ghosts. Irreg Sp (S) are not usually available - I have costed them as Reg Sp (S). 7. NEMEDIA (Phase III-IV) Cold. Ag 2. Rv, H(G), H(S), Rgo, Wd, BUA, Rd. C-in-C in chariot as Reg Cv (O) @ 27AP or on horse as Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP or Irr Kn (S) @ 22AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-2 Knights - Irr Kn (S) @ 12AP or Irr Kn (O) @ 10AP 8-30 Upgrade Knights to royal guard or standing forces - Reg Kn (S) @ 15AP 0-1/2 Numalia Police or Belverus slave watchmen - Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP or all Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP 0-8 Numalia Police crossbowmen - [if Ps can support Police] - Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP - or all Reg Bw (I) @ 4AP 0-1 per 2 Police Belverus guard - Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP 0-2 Belverus guard dogs - Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP *0-1 Adventurers - Reg Kn (O) @ 12AP or all Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP 0-1 Pikemen - Irr Sp (I) @ 3AP or all Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP 4-16 Arbalesters - Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP or all Reg Bw (O) 5AP 4-16 Stone-throwing peasants - Irr Hd (I) @ 0.5AP or all Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP 0-4 Swordsmen - Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP 0-6 Grey ape - Irr Lurker (O) @ 2AP 0-1 Taurus prince of thieves - Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP 0-1 Cimmerian barbarian hero-thief - Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP 0-1 Caranthes of Hanumar, Priest of Ibis - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-1 Extra to give up to magic ability (S) to Caranthes @ 0-13AP 0-1 Zamoran thieves - Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP or Irr Sneaker (O) @ 2AP 0-1 Only During the return of Xaltotun (Phase-III): Xaltotun of Acheron, in his bronze-wheeled chariot drawn by strange untiring black horses - Reg Cv (S) @ 9AP or Reg LH (S) @ 6AP or Reg Ps (I) @ 1AP or Reg Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-1 Extra to give up to magic ability (S) to Xaltotun @ 0-13AP 0-1 Silvery mirror Artefact (P) for Xaltotun @ 5AP **0-1 Xaltotun’s mummy-like “child of darkness” sending - Irr Sneaker (S) 3AP **0-1 Aquilonian puppet allies (Valerus) List 12 Aquilonian (whose command may also include 0-12 - mercenaries from that list and Valerus’ quartet of black-clad jungle Khitan priests, counting as 0-1 Irr Sneaker - (S) @ 3AP). 7a Nemedian Imperial (Phase-IV): Use the list above but upgrade infantry to Aesir mercenaries - Irr Wb (O) @ 3AP or all Wb (F) - @ 3AP or all Irr Bd (F) @ 5AP 8-1/2 Brythunian allies - List 32 Hyperborean, Virunian or Brythunia Zamoran allies - List 4 Zamoran Hyperborean allies - List 32 Hyperborean, Virunian or Brythunian The Numalia Police wear scarlet tunics, they are armed with short stabbing swords, long-shafted weapons such as half-pike and half-axe. The Belverus slave watchmen with pikes may have looked similar. Important people ride in chariots driven by specialist charioteers in leather helmets and long tunics. Tarascus and Amalric’s army at the battle of Valkia is a 50,000-strong force of western Hyborian troop types; knights, spearmen and bowmen marching under their silken golden banner with scarlet dragon. Xaltotun of Acheron is the greatest anti-hero of Conan’s world, whose assessment of himself included: “my necromantic knowledge is greater than the sum of all the knowledge of other men.” He also provides useful advice for fantasy wargames rules authors. “My arts shall crush Conan finally like a lizard under the heel. But even sorcery is aided by pikes and swords.” The record of “arts”, even mighty Xaltotun’s, in Hyboria is not good, most supernatural interventions seem doomed to backfire or unexpected countermeasures. Clad in black silks, Xaltotun in his chariot can be a LH due to its unnatural speed and endurance. Items marked ** may be used only if Xaltotun is present as must a black silk tent with demonic internal lighting as a baggage element. Xaltotun’s spell to destroy the Aquilonian knights under a landslide is best represented by a successful effort to delay a flank march. Xaltotun does not have to count as a general because he leaves such earthly matters to lesser beings. Belverus guard dogs marked* must be outnumbered by Belverus slave infantry. Xaltotun, Caranthes or Taurus may not be used together. Adventurers must be in the C-in-C’s command.

8. CITY-STATES OF CORINTHIA (Phase III-IV) Warm. Ag 0. WW, Rv, Wd, Rgo, BUA, H(S), H(G), Rd. C-in-C - Reg Kn (O) @ 32AP or Reg Cv (O) @ 28 AP or in chariot Reg Cv (O) @ 27AP - or as Reg Sp (S) @ 27AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-1 Ally-general - as above 0-3 Nambonidus the Red Priest - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-1 Extra to give up to magic ability (O) to Nambonidus @ 0-10AP 0-1 Nambonidus’ savage dog - Irr Lurker (I) @ 1AP 0-1 Cimmerian hero-thief - Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP 0-1 Thak the ape-man from eastern Zamora - Irr Lurker (O) @ 2AP 0-1 Priests of Anu - Irr Sneaker (I) @ 1AP 0-1 Mercenaries - Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP or Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP or Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP 0-12 Royal Guard - Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP 0-4 Infantry - 1/2 Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP 1/2 Reg Bw (I) @ 4AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 20-80 Police or prison guards - Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP 0-6 Gunderman mercenaries - Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP or Irr Sp (O) @ 4AP 0-2 Nationalist assassins - Irr Sneaker (I) @ 1AP 0-1 Nobles - Reg Kn (O) @ 13AP or in chariots as Reg Cv (O) @ 7AP 0-2 per command Corinthia was a mysterious place about which we hear little. We are told in Rouges In The House, by Howard, that it was a collection of city states and that the Red Priest dominated the King. I have assumed troops are similar to neighbouring Zamoran types and that a small number of knights were available, looking similar to their Hyborian cousins in the west. 9. TURANIAN EMPIRE (Phase III-IV) Warm. Ag 4. WW, Rv, Wd, Rd, M, H(S), H(G), Rgo, BUA. C-in-C - in chariot as Reg Cv (O) @ 27AP or on horse as Reg Cv (S) @ 30AP 1 Sub-general - as above 1-3 Low-paid mercenary horse - Irr LH (F) @ 4AP 2-8 Better-paid mercenary horse - Irr LH (S) @ 7AP or all Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP 2-8 Lower-paid mercenary foot - Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP or Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-8 Better-paid mercenary foot - Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP 0-8 Veterans, nobles and regular horse - Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP or Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP 10-40 Chariots - Reg Cv (O) @ 7AP or upgrade infantry to mtd in chariot @ +1AP 0-6 Veterans or Turanian Imperial Guard - Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP or Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP 0-4 Imperial Guard or Khawarizm archers - Reg Bw (S) @ 7AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP - (Ps can support Guard Bd or Sp) 0-2 Eastern border fort archers - Reg Bw (I) @ 4AP 0-8 Upgrade archers to eastern fort archers with mantelets as Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP All/0 Purple-sailed galleys - Reg Gal (O) @ 3AP or Reg Gal (S) @ 4AP [marines] 0-4 Marines - Reg Ax (O) @ 4AP or Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP 1per Gal Atalis the Far-seeing - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-1 Green crystal Artefact (P), heart of Tammuz, for Atalis @ 5AP 0-1 Wigur shaman - Irr Ps (I) mtd on pony @ 2AP or Irr Ps (X) mtd on pony @ 7AP 0-1 Extra to give up to magic ability (I) to Wigur @ 0-7AP 0-1 City spearmen - Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP or Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP 0-6 Agents, spies, assassins or Black Circle priests - Irr Sneaker (O) @ 2AP 0-3 Priests of Tarim - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-1 Extra to give up to magic ability (O) to Priests of Tarim @ 0-10AP 0-1 Shemite Free Company allies - List 19 Shemite Free Company Irakazi allies - List 24 Himelean, Afghulistan or Khurum (which need not include any infantry, and a total - command of 0-12 elements). 9a Only if Phase-IV armies: Zamoran allies - List 4 Zamoran Hyrkanian allies - List 35 Hyrkanian or Hyrkanian Conquest 9b Munthassem Khan Rebel Satrap of Yaralet or the Zamoran Marches (Phase-III) C-in-C - in chariot as Reg Cv (O) @ 27AP or on horse as Reg Cv (S) @ 30AP

- or on foot as Reg Ps (I) @ 21AP or Reg Ps (X) @ 26AP 1 Sub-general - as Cv above 1-2 Extra to give up to magical ability (O) to Munthassen Khan as C-in-C @ 0-10AP 0-1 Low-paid mercenary horse - Irr LH (F) @ 4AP 0-3 Better-paid mercenary horse - Irr LH (S) @ 7AP or all Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP 0-3 Lower-paid mercenary foot - Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP or Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-3 Better-paid mercenary foot - Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP 0-3 Iron-shod Legions - Reg Cv (O) @ 7AP or Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP 6-16 Chariots - Reg Cv (O) @ 7AP or upgrade infantry to mtd in chariot @ +1AP 0-2 Yaralet archers - Reg Bw (I) @ 4AP 0-6 Yaralet city watchmen - Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP or all Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP 0-6 Hand of Nergal - Artefact (H) for C-in-C @ 1AP *1 Ghost of gigantic vampire bat allies: Ghost of gigantic vampire bat ally-general - Irr Dragon (W,O) @ 27AP *1 Ghosts of gigantic vampire bats - Irr Dragon (W,O) @ 22AP *3-5 9c Satrapy of Zamboula (Phase-III) C-in-C - in chariot as Reg Cv (O) @ 27AP or on horse as Reg Cv (S) @ 30AP 1 Sub-general - as above 1-2 Low-paid mercenary horse - Irr LH (F) @ 4AP 0-3 Better-paid mercenary horse - Irr LH (S) @ 7AP or all Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP 0-3 Lower-paid mercenary foot - Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP or Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-3 Better-paid mercenary foot - Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP 0-3 Regular cavalry - Reg Cv (O) @ 7AP or Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP 6-16 Cannibal slaves from Darfar - Irr Sneaker (O) @ 2AP or all Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP 1-6 Pelishti watchmen - Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP 4-16 Baal-pteor, illusionist, strangler of Yota-pong, Priest of Kosala - Reg Ps (I) @ 1AP or - Irr Sneaker (S) @ 2AP or Reg Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-1 Totrasmek Priest of Hanuman - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-1 Extra to give up to magical ability (O) to Baal-pteor or Totramesk @ 0-10AP 0-1 Yezdigerd King of Turan is the mightiest monarch of Conan’s world, he is a major employer of mercenaries and his gilt-helmeted riders attack Zamora; Koth, Shem, Stygia, Hyperboria, Byrthunia, Vendhya, Ophir, Corinthia, Nemedia, Ilbarsi hillmen, Kozaki raiders and probably others. His armies may have been entirely of mounted troops. For all armies mounted elements (including Mtd Inf) must outnumber foot. Mighty archers from Khawarizm wield scimitars, are clad in close-meshed mail, spired helmets, and tiger-skin cloaks. While leading these archers, Jehungir Khan, lord of Khawarizm, is armed the same way so the archers may have been a personal guard - they could even be dismounted cavalry. Baal-pteor is an illusionist and a strangler trained from birth, he could be depicted as a large man in a loincloth and sandals accompanied by illusionary animals - he must have less magical ability than Totramesk. Items marked * apply only if any ghosts are used - the ghost general must command all the ghosts and no other troops. Ghosts are described by Howard and Carter in The Hand Of Nergal as “black, shadowy monsters hovering on broad arch-ribbed wings like enormous bats,” with “evil, slitted eyes of green flame”. Although in their hundreds and insubstantial they can lift a man out of his saddle. They are classed as dragons rather than create a new class of undead flyers. Bakra of Akif, King Yildiz’ general wears silver mail and a blue cloak. In The Return Of Conan by Nyberg and de Camp two southern Turanian cavalry are armed with 10-foot lances, have red turbans wound around spired helmets and sleeveless silvered mail shirts over while silk shirts, the third rider is a horse archer. Artaban’s marines in the Road of Eagles, Howard and de Camp, are archers, “bristling with weapons”. Guards must not outnumber other foot. RATHA has the Turanian flag as green with sliver writing flowing across the centre - like the modern Saudi flag. 10. TARANTIA OR PELISHTI MOB (Phase-III) Cold. Ag 0. BUA, O, H(G), E, Rgo, Rd. C-in-C - Irr Hd (F) @ 11AP or Irr Hd (S) @ 12AP 1 Ally-general - as above @ 6-7AP 1-3 Mob - Irr Hd (F) @ 1AP or all Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP 80-356 Only if Tarantia: Rebel mercenary allies: Rebel mercenary ally-general - Irr Bd (O) @ 10AP *1

Rebel mercenaries - Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP, or crossbowmen - Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP - or spearmen - Irr Sp (O) @ 4AP or Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP *8-16 Upgrade mercenaries to Reg @ 4-17AP All/0 Noble allies - List 12 Aquilonian (Which may also include 0-6 elements of mercenaries.) Only if Conan at Tarantia during the coup of Prince Arpello: Upgrade C-in-C to Conan on Pelias the sorcerer’s bat creature - Reg Flyer (O) @ 34AP 1 Only if pro-Pteor religious mob at Pelishti: Downgrade mob to stone-throwers - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP Any Revolting Anakian mercenaries - Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP or all Irr Sp (O) @ 4AP 0-4 Hyrkanian mercenary allies: Hrykanian mercenary ally-general - Reg Cv (S) @ 20AP *1 Hrykanian mercenaries - Irr Cv (S) @ 9AP *3-9 The mob of Tarantia, capital city of Aquilonia, were enthusiastic rioters and participants in civil wars and coups. Their sheer numbers, hatred of the latest autocrat and apparent universal ownership of rusty pikes made them a force to be reckoned with. The mob at Pelishti, incensed at King Akhirom’s execution of the High priest of Pteor, also possessed rusty pikes but most seemed to excel at stone throwing. Mazdak’s Hyrkanian mercenaries join the Pelishti mob to help remove the mad king. Rebel mercenaries are the Tarantia garrison joining in plundering. The noble allies represent an Aquilonian noble, either pressing his claim to the throne, or the mob’s current favourite. Conan on Pelias’ flying bat creature, with its 40-foot wingspan, may not be used with a noble ally. Minimums marked * apply if any mercenaries are used. 11. EASTERN HORSE NOMAD (Phase II-IV) Cold, Dry if nomads of the Wuhan Desert. Ag 0. Rgo, H(S), H(G), D if nomads of the Wuhan Desert. C-in-C - Irr Cv (S) @ 19AP or Irr LH (S) @ 17AP 1 Ally-general - as above @ 12-14AP 1-3 Nomads - Irr Cv (S) @ 9AP or all Irr LH (S) @ 7AP 30-60 Nomad foot - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP or Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP or Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-12 Only if Wigur: Wigur shaman - Irr mtd Ps (I) @ 2AP or Irr mtd Ps (X) @ 7AP 0-1 per command Extra to give shaman up to (I) magic ability @ 7AP Any Only if nomads of the Wuhan Desert: Cameleers - Irr Cm (O) @ 6AP or Irr LH (I) @ 3AP 0-8 Upgrade foot to mtd on camels @ + 1AP Any Downgrade nomads to Irr LH (F) @ 4AP All/0 The Kuigar nomads of Kujula, the Great Khan, inhabit the fringes of Conan’s world, they haunt the gusty plains of the southern slopes of the Talkmas. They probably wear fur caps, sheepskin coats, baggy trousers of coarse wool and stout boots of the type sold to Conan at the end of The City Of Skulls story. The Wigur were fierce and barbarous nomads to the northeast of the Vilayet Sea, as mentioned in The Return of Conan by Nyberg and de Camp. Tataur the Wigur shaman has black hair, red and black face paint and is clad in skins and sheepskin coats, he owns a drum and small shaggy Hyrkanian pony. 12. AQUILONIAN (Phase III-IV) Cold. Ag 3. Rv, BUA, Wd, O, H(G), H(S), WW. C-in-C - Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP 1 Sub-general as above or Reg Kn (I) @ 30AP 0-2 Knights and Nobles - Irr Kn (S) @ 12AP 4-16 Upgrade Knights to Black Dragons - Reg Kn (S) @ 15AP 0-4 Black Legion - Reg Bd (S) @ 9AP 0-4 Sergeants, retainers or mounted men-at-arms - Irr Kn (F) @ 9AP or all Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP 0-1 per Irr Kn (S) Mercenaries - Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP or Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP or Irr Bw (O) 4AP 0-12 Upgrade mercenaries to regular such as the Regiment of the Lions or Border Legion @ 4-7AP Any Poitainian knights - Reg Kn (S) @ 15AP or all Reg Kn (I) @ 10AP 0-6 Bossonian archers - Irr Bw (S) @ 5AP 0-6 Gundermen spearmen - Irr Sp (O) @ 5AP or Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP 0-6 Aquilonian city crossbowmen - Reg Bw (I) @ 4AP 0-4 Aquilonian men-at-arms - Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP or Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP 0-4 Conan’s anti-snake Gundermen or Aquilonian engineers - Reg Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-1

Aquilonian swordsmen - Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP 0-4 Light horse form Poitan, scouts or flankers - Reg LH (O) @ 5AP 0-2 Ballistae - Reg Art (O) @ 10AP 0-2 Palisade and ditch for camp TF @ 1AP 0-16 Poitanian allies - List 29 Poitanian Thandarian allies - List 14 Aquilonian Westermark Bossonian allies - List 13 Bossonian Marches Gundermen allies - List 28 Gundermen or Border Kingdom Ophiran allies - List 16 The Kingdom of Ophir Only if Aquilonian renegades: Cimmerian allies - List 3 Nordhiem or Cimmerian Only during the reign of Nunmedides: Downgrade C-in-C to Reg Cv (O) in chariot @ 27AP 0-1 Thulandra Thuu, eastern sorcerer - Reg Ps (I) @ 1AP or Reg Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-1 Extra to give Thuu up to magic ability (S) @ 0-13AP Any Upgrade Thuu to Reg LH (S) @ 6AP in ornate one artificial-horse chariot 0-1 Mirror Artefact (P) for Thuu @ 5AP 0-1 This list covers Aquilonia during periods of relative internal stability. Most knights are irregular due to petty disputes and disobedience among the unruly nobles. No command can have both regular and irregular mercenaries. If Poitanians are Kn (I), they and their general, must be double based giving rear support. We are told that Aquilonian renegades went to Cimmeria to hire irregulars. Renegades can use no Black Dragons, no Black Legion, no Gundermen or other allies. Some descriptions of knights and sergeants suggest the sergeants may have deployed separately. In The Phoenix on the Sword, Howard and de Camp, the Black Dragons appear to be the imperial guard knights and the Black Legion an elite infantry regiment - the latter perhaps recruited exclusively from foreigners. Players of this army should guard against using too many high quality troops and leaving themselves short of numbers. Anti-snake troops have bundles of sticks on their spears to set alight and ward off snakes. Blades of different grade may not give each other rear support. Allied contingents drawn from this list may include sergeants. 12a Conan’s Coup (Phase-III) Use the list above including only Poitanian, Thandaran and/or Schohiran (Aquilonian Westermark) allies, use no Cimmerians, no more than 4 regular mercenaries, no Black Legion, no Gundermen. Poitanian allies can include up to the maximum number of rebels. Argossian allies below represent Prince Cassio with his cavalry - he can command no other troops and must command all the Argossians marked *. Minimums marked ** apply if any Satyrs are used. Add the following: Argos ally-general - Reg Kn (S) @ 25AP *1 Argossian cavalry - Reg Kn (O) @ 12AP *2-6 Upgrade Bossonians to Irr LH (F) @ 4AP 0-1/4 Upgrade Bossonians to Mtd - Irr Ps(O) on horses All/0 Volunteers of various types and dubious quality - Irr Ax (I) @ 2AP 0-6 Satyrs with pipes - Irr Sneaker (O) @ 2AP **4-12 Mitra Priest - Reg Ps (I) @ 1AP or Reg Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-1 Extra to give up to magic ability (O) to priest @ 0-10AP Any 12b Brocas’ Nunmedides Loyalists (Phase-III) C-in-C - Reg Kn (S) @ 35 AP 1 Ally-general - Reg Kn (S) @ 25 AP 0-2 Bossonian Archers - Irr Bw (S) @ 5AP 4-10 Conawaga or Coyaga loyalist landowners and their retainers - up to 1/2 Kn (S) @ 12AP - rest Irr Sp (I) @ 3AP or Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP 3-12 Schohira renegades - Irr Bd (I) @ 4AP or all Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP 6-10 Gundermen guards - Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP or Irr Sp (O) @ 4AP 6-10 Forest runners - Irr Ax (S) @ 4AP or all Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP 2-6 Conawaga men-at-arms - Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP 0-4 Kwarda the Witch of Skandaga - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-1 Extra to give up to magic ability (I) to Kwarda @ 0-7AP 0-1 Pictish allies - List 1 Pictish or Ligurean (Which may also include a shaman and swamp demons and - the general can be depicted as an Aquilonian knight - Irr Kn (S) @ 17AP as Lord Valerian of Schondara or - General Viscount Lucian.)

This list covers the forces of Brocas, Baron of Torh, lord of Conawaga, fighting in support of Nunmedides during Conan’s coup as described in Wolves Beyond The Border by Howard. Aquilonian ally-generals need not command 1/4 of the minimum troops as would otherwise be required. Numedides’ standard was a golden serpent. When Hakon mentions Brocas’ army containing Aquilonian men-at-arms, he may have meant the Gundermen who were a common part of Aquilonian armies. Kwarada the witch of Skandaga is Valerian’s half-Hawk Pict half-Ligurean mistress. She was dark and wildly beautiful, in her doeskin loincloth and beaded moccasins. The Gundermen guards at the conspirators’ meeting have yellow hair cut square and confined under steel caps, they wear corslets of mail and polished leg pieces. They were girt with swords and daggers but probably fought as more traditional spearmen as we learn the cabin contained the men’s other weapons and gear. 12c Ascalante Count of Thune’s Coup (Phase-III) C-in-C - Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP 1 Knights and Nobles - Irr Kn (S) @ 12AP 4-10 Sergeants - Irr Kn (F) @ 9AP or all Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP 0-1 per Irr Kn (S) Mercenaries - Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP or Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP or Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP 0-12 Thoth-Amon of the Ring - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-1 Extra to give up to magic ability (S) to Thoth-Amon @ 0-13AP 0-1 Thoth-Amon’s Babeeon-Dog, being from the Outside - Irr Sneaker (O) @ 2AP 0-1 Aquilonian allies - List 12 Aquilonian (Up to two contingents representing Volmana dwarfish count of - Karaban or Dion the fat Baron of Attalus. Either of which may include 0 - contingent may include 0-4 Black Legion, as Reg Kn (S) @ 15AP or all Reg Bd (S) - @ 9AP and a general as - optionally Reg Bd (S) @ 19AP as commander of the Black Legion. Rinaldo the minstrel ally-general - Irr Hd (F) @ 6AP 1 Rinaldo’s mob - Irr Hd (F) @ 1AP 10-30 Pictish allies - List 1 Pictish or Ligurean This list covers the attempted coup against Conan as mentioned in The Phoenix on the Sword - Howard and De Camp - it could equally represent other factions during a civil war. All the Hd (F) must be commanded by the Hd (F) general who commands no other troops. 12d Conan at the battle of Shamu (Phase-III) C-in-C - Reg Kn (S) @ 35 AP 1 Sub-general - as above 1-2 Knights - Reg Kn (S) @ 15 AP 12-30 This list is included to cover Conan’s army at the battle of Shamu, where he is treacherously double-crossed by the Kings of Koth and Ophir. Conan’s magnificent force of 5,000 knights with their gilt-worked mail, silver breast plates and silken standards is wiped out in the battle while inflicting great loss on the enemy. Conan himself wears black armour. 12e Conan at the battle of Shamar (Phase-III) C-in-C - Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP or Reg Kn (I) @ 30AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-2 Pelias the sorcerer sub-general - Irr Ps (I) @ 11AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 16AP 0-1 Extra to give up to magic ability (S) to Pelias @ 0-13AP 0-1 Poitanian knights - Irr Kn (S) @ 12AP or all Reg Kn (I) @ 10AP 4-8 Aquilonian knights - Reg Kn (S) @ 15AP 0-6 Bossonian archers - Irr mtd Bw (S) @ 6AP 2-10 Gunderland pikemen - Irr mtd Sp (O) @ 5AP or all Reg mtd Sp (S) @ 8AP 2-8 Pellian soldiers saved from the mob - crossbowmen - Reg mtd Bw (O) @ 6AP or spearmen - Reg mtd Sp (O) @ 6AP 0-2 Levies from every village - Irr mtd Ax (I) @ 3AP or Irr mtd Hd (O) @ 2AP 2-6 Mercenaries or professional soldiers - Irr mtd Bd (O) @ 6AP or Irr mtd Ax (O) @ 4AP or - Irr mtd Bw (O) @ 5AP [crossbowmen] 0-4 Desperate Shamar civilian defenders - Irr Hd (F) @ 1AP 0-4 Shamar artillery - Reg Art (O) @ 8AP or Reg Art (S) @ 10AP 0-1 This list covers Conan’s victory over Koth and Ophir at the Battle of Shamar. Pelias the sorcerer may not command other troops, if given magical ability he can perform the spell of lycanthropy to change into eagle form as Irr Flyer (I) (in which case his AP cost is increased to 17AP or 18AP depending on his original cost]. Kn (I), if used, must not be outnumbered by other knights, they must be double-based and can give rear support. The description of the battle would suggest the Bossonians and Gundermen were the only infantry present yet we are told Conan raised a variety of other troops on his march to the battle.

12f Conan at the battle of Valkia (Phase-III) C-in-C - Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-2 Retainers - Irr Kn (S) @ 12AP or Reg Kn (S) @ 15AP 6-20 Mounted men-at-arms - Reg Kn (F) @ 11AP or all Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP 0-4 Bossonian archers - Irr Bw (S) @ 5AP or all Reg Bw (S) @ 7AP 4-20 Pikemen - Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP 4-20 Camp followers - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP or all Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP 0-4 Night guard - Irr LH (O) @ 5AP or all Reg LH (O) @ 5AP 0-2 This list represents Conan’s 45,000-strong force fighting against Xaltotun and Tarascus at the Battle of Valkia. The option to make most of the troops regular assumes Conan rushed to meet the invasion with his standing forces - irregulars represent nobles joining him on the way to the battle. 12g Tiberias’ Pro-Conan Partizans (Phase-III) C-in-C - Irr Sp (I) @ 13AP or Irr Hd (S) @ 12AP 1 Sub-general - as above or Irr Bw (I) @ 13AP 1 Priest of Asura sub-general - Irr Ps (I) @ 11AP or Irr Hd (O) @ 11AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 16AP 0-1 Homeless and hopeless men - Irr Sp (I) @ 3AP or all Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP 30-120 Wild and terrible men - Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP 30-80 Ragged, shock-headed men - Irr Ax (I) @ 2AP 0-20 Rock throwers and boulder-rollers - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP 0-20 Priests of Asura - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-3 Extra to give up to (S) magic ability to Priests of Asura @ 7-13AP Any This list covers the partizans of Tiberias who fight on behalf of Conan, but without his direct involvement, against Xaltotun. The army ambushes Valerius’ flank march before the Battle of Valkia. The ambush is aided by a fog and phantom drums generated by Priests of Asura. 12h Conan at the Battle of The Valley of Lions (Phase-III) C-in-C - Reg Sp (S) @ 27AP or Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP 1 Sub-general - Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP or Reg Kn (I) @ 30AP or Irr Kn (S) @ 22AP 0-3 Hadrathus priest of Ashura - Reg Ps (X) sub-general @ 26AP or Reg Ps (I) sub-general @ 21AP 0-1 Extra to give up to magic ability (S) to Hadrathus @ 0-13AP 0-1 Extra to give Artefact (A) to Hadrathus @ 15AP 0-1 Poitanian knights - Irr Kn (S) @ 12AP or all Reg Kn (I) @ 10AP 4-14 Aquilonian knights and barons - Irr Kn (S) @ 12AP 2-12 Bossonian archers - Irr Bw (S) @ 5AP 6-20 Gunderland pikemen - Irr Sp (O) @ 4AP or all Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP 7-30 Aquilonian pikemen - Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP or Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP 2-8 Retainers - Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP or all Irr Kn (F) @ 9AP 0-1 per Aquilonian Irr Kn (S) This is the army with which Conan defeats Tarascus and Xaltotun. The C-in-C as Sp (S) is Conan fighting among the Gundermen pikemen. Hadrathus can command no other troops, he can be accompanied on his element base by lesser priests or a witch and her wolf. The three knightly sub-generals represent Trocero, Prospero and Pallantides. Hadrathus can command only himself. Kn (I) give rear support and must be double based. 12i Conan at the Battle of Nebthu (Phase-III) C-in-C - Reg Sp (S) @ 27AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-2 Lemurian druid - Irr Ps (X) mtd on mule cart @ 7AP or Irr Ps (I) mtd on mule cart @ 2AP 0-1 Extra to give up to magic ability (S) to druid @ 0-13AP 0-1 Extra to give Heart of Ahriman, artefact (A) @ 15AP to druid 0-1 Bossonian archers - Reg Bw (S) @ 7AP 6-20 Gunderland pikemen and horseless Aquilonian knights - Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP 11-32 Baggage piles and sand ditch - TF @ 2AP 6-18

This is Conan's army which defeats the Stygians at the battle of Nebthu. Ophiran and Kothic allies are not included as they desert before the battle - taking all the horses with them and forcing the knights to fight dismounted in the front rank of the pikemen. They retained their lances to use as grounded spears to receive a mounted charge. 12j Conan's invasion of Zembabwei (Phase-III) C-in-C - Reg Sp (S) mtd on camel @ 28AP or Irr Cm (S) @ 21AP or Irr Cm (I) @ 15AP or - as knight @ 28-31AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-2 Knights - Reg Kn (F) @ 11AP or all Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP 2-12 Bossonian archers - Reg Bw (S) @ 7AP 4-12 Gunderland pikemen - Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP 4-12 Camel corps - Irr Cm (S) @ 11AP or all Irr Cm (I) @ 5AP or upgrade foot to mtd on camels @ + 1AP 0-6 Light horse - Reg LH (O) @ 5AP or on camels Reg LH (I) @ 3AP 0-4 Zingarian noble thief - Irr Sneaker (I) @ 1AP 0-1 Zembabwei allies - List 42 Old Zembabwei Amazon allies - List 40 Amazons of Gamburu 0-12 The Amazon general can be Irr Bd (F) @ 10AP or Reg WWg(I) @ 13AP as a litter bearing a wounded - Aquilonian general, the command need not include warriors or Ps, it may include no mounted but can include - all 8 elements of Irr Bd (F). This is the army with which Conan invades Zembabwei as recorded in Conan of Aquilonia - de Camp and Carter. Captured Stygian camels were included to make up for horses lost at the battle of Nebthu - only one type or grade of non-LH camel troop is allowed and only one general so mounted can be provided. If you prefer the Cm option figures can be depicted as Aquilonian knights riding camels. Other knights stripped back from full knightly panoply to mail as the captured Stygian and new Shemite horses could not carry the weight. 12k Aquilonian Imperial (Phase-IV) Use the main list 12 above, but include no non-allied Bossonians, no Cimmerians, no upgraded regular mercenaries from the main list, no Gunderman allies, no Aquilonian crossbowmen, no men-at-arms and add; Zingaran subjects or mercenaries - Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP or Reg Bd (F) @ 7AP 0-4 Argossean subjects - Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP or Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP 0-4 Shemite subjects - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-4 Ophirian subjects - Irr Kn (S) @ 12AP 0-1 Ophirian subjects - Irr Sp (O) @ 4AP or all Reg Sp (O) 5AP 0-4 Pict mercenaries - Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP or Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP 4-16 Kothian allies - List 15 Kingdom of Koth Corinthian allies - List 8 City-States of Corinthia Shemite allies - List 33 Shemite Zamoran allies - List 4 Zamoran This list covers the Aquilonian Empire that spread east to conquer many of the Hyborian nations but eventually fell to decadence, hubris and invigorated Picts. Picts were recruited as mercenaries in greater and greater numbers, this instilled disgust and fomented revolt in many of Aquilonia’s former clients. 13. BOSSONIAN MARCHES (Phase-III-IV) Cold. Ag 1. Wd, Rv, Rgo, BUA, Rd, H(G), M. C-in-C - Reg Bw (S) @ 27AP or Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP 1 Sub-general - as above or Irr Bw (S) @ 15AP 1-2 Archers - Irr Bw (S) @ 5AP 20-60 Skirmishers and scouts - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-12 Upgrade archers to Reg Bw (S) @ 7AP 0-1/3 Upgrade archers or scouts to mtd @ +1AP 0-6 Village defences - TF @ 2AP 0-24 Aquilonian allies - List 12 Aquilonian - (Phase-III) (Which can also include 0-6 mercenaries.) This list has been included to cover Bossonian forces before their incorporation into the Aquilonian kingdom; after their revolts against Aquilonian misrule in Phase-IV or forces raised in Bossonia during an Aquilonian civil war. Bossonian archers are graded Bw (S) due to their superior skills and morale - they consistently outshoot enemy archers. Aquilonian allies can represent a contending faction in a civil war or the local nobility.

14. AQUILONIAN WESTERMARK (Phase III-IV) Cold. Ag 1. Rv, Wd, Rgo, BUA, Rd, H(G) M. C-in-C as Irr Ax (S) @ 14AP or Irr Bw (O) @ 14AP if Thandara or Schohira, or as Irr Kn (S) @ 22AP if Schohira - Oriskonie or Conawaga, or as Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP if Conawaga 1 Sub-general - as above 1-2 Upgrade generals to Reg @ 25-35AP Any Rangers, foresters and borderers - Irr Ax (S) @ 4AP or all Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP - Schohira or Oriskonie 10-20 - Conawaga 4-10 - Thandara 20-60 Scouts and forest runners - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP or Irr Ps (S) @ 3AP - Schohira or Oriskonie 2-8 - Conawaga 0-6 - Thandara 4-10 Militia army - Reg Ax (O) @ 4AP or all Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP - Schohira or Oriskonie 4-8 - Conawaga 10-22 - Thandara 0-2 Militia army - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP - Schohira or Oriskonie 0-4 - Conawaga 4-8 - Thandara 0-2 Militia army - Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP or Reg Kn (O) @ 12AP or land owners - Irr Kn (S) @ 12AP - Schohira or Oriskonie 0-2 - Conawaga 2-4 Ballistae - Reg Art (O) @ 8AP - Schohira, Oriskonie or Conawaga 0-3 Gundermen guards - Irr Sp (O) @ 4AP or all Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP - Schohira or Oriskonie 0-4 - Conawaga 2-6 Conawaga retainers - Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP or Irr Sp (I) @ 3AP 0-4 Wooden or other fortifications - TF @ 2AP 0-30 Only if Schohira, Oriskonie or Conawaga: Noble allies - List 12 Aquilonia (Which may include 0-8 mercenary foot elements.) Only if Thandara: Schohira allies - List 12 Aquilonian Westermarck This list covers the provinces of the Aquilonian Westermark, the first line of civilisation east of the Pictish lands. The provinces include Thandara with its elected governor and council of captains, Schohira, Conawaga and Oriskonie. The latter two were governed by an often absentee Aquilonian noble. Lord Thasperas of Kormon declares for Conan during his coup while Brocas, Baron Torh, Lord of Conawaga fights for Nunmedes and is covered by list 12b. We are told Conawaga was the most populous and rich province with many landowners, Schohira appeared to have fewer settlers than Conawaga while Thandara prided itself on its rustic nature. Schohira’s standard was a spreading-winged eagle. The rangers’ equipment is the same as their Pictish enemies; a heavy bow and quiver at left hip, hatchet and knife - they wear fringed buckskin hunting shirt and leggings. 15. KINGDOM OF KOTH (Phase III-IV) Warm. Ag 2. WW, Rd, BUA, Wd, Rgo, D, H(S), H(G). C-in-C - Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP or Reg Kn (O) @ 32AP 1 Sub-general - as above or Irr Kn (S) @ 22AP or Irr Kn (O) @ 20AP 0-2 Knights - up to 1/2 Irr Kn (S) @ 12AP rest; Irr Kn (O) @ 10AP or Irr Cv (O) @ 8AP 4-12 Upgrade Knights to Strabonius’ regulars or Royal Cavalry - Reg Kn (S) @ 15AP or all Reg Kn (O) @ 12AP 0-1/2 Spahis - Irr LH (F) @ 4AP or all Irr LH (O) @ 5AP 0-8 Caravan guard cameleers - Irr LH (I) @ 3AP 0-1 Kothian pikemen - up to 1/2 Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP rest; Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP 8-24 Shemite archers - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 8-24 Khorshemish Guard - Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP 0-4 Palace guard of giant blacks - Reg Bd (F) @ 7AP or all Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP 0-1 Artillery - Reg Art (O) @ 8AP or Reg Art (S) @ 10AP 0-3

War towers - Reg WWg (S) @ 14AP 0-1 Naval - Irr Shp (O) @ 3AP or all Irr Bts (S) @ 3AP [Shemite archers with mantelets] 0-2 Tsotha-lanti - Reg Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP or Reg Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-1 Upgrade Tsotha-lanti to Reg LH (S) @ 7AP 0-1 Extra to give up to magical ability (S) to Tsotha-lanti @ 0-13AP 0-1 Crystal ball artefact (P) for Tsotha-lanti @ 5AP 0-1 Mutant pets of Tsotha-lanti or Satha the giant snake - Irr Lurker (S) @ 3AP *0-2 Camp servants - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-4 Upgrade non-Hd infantry to mtd on chariots @ +1AP or all chariots Reg Cv (O) @ 7AP 0-12 Strabonus’ Aquilonian puppet allies - List 12 Aquilonian which may also include; Arbalesters - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP 0-6 Mob - Irr Hd (F) @ 1AP 0-6 Mercenaries - Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP or Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP 0-4 Men-at-arms or retainers - Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP 0-4 Ophirean allies - List 16 Kingdom of Ophir 15a Only during the Kothic Empire (Phase-III): Khauran allies - List 46 Khauran Khoraja allies - List 47 Khoraja 15b Only if the Rebel Eastern Prince (Phase-III): Mercenary foot - Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP 2-8 Mercenary foot - Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP 2-8 Mercenary horse - Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP 4-8 Mercenary horse - Irr LH (O) @ 5AP 4-8 Free Company allies - List 18 Kozaki or Kothic Free Company 15c Only if Prince Almuric’s army (Phase-III): Outcasts, broken men and outlaws - Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP or Irr Ax (I) @ 2AP 4-30 Swordsmen - Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP 0-8 Upgrade foot to mtd on camels - @ +1AP 0-12 Koth is in many ways the middle kingdom in Hyboria - it spreads from the Zamoran-influenced east with a Shemite and Zuagir component, to the west with its Ophiran intrigues. To the south Koth was influenced by and had affinities with Stygia. Stabronius of Koth is the senior partner in the Ophir-Koth alliance at the battle of Shamu. I assume the specially-trained Kothian Knights (who dismount as swordsmen) were an attempt to provide a counter to western knights, his other cavalry or those recruited in the east may have been lighter. The enigmatic chariots are given the option to be vehicles to transport infantry like those of historical Elamite and Assyrian armies. They are never mentioned in action, but are large enough to carry at least two soldiers and a captive Conan during the evacuation of the wounded. Shemite archers in mail with their blue-black beards, are not described as mercenary so may be a permanent feature of the army provided as part of a tributory obligation. Palace guard blacks wear loin-cloth and use long-handled axes. I have assumed the Kothian spears are below par and the “steel rivers” at Shamu are Ophiran troops. Thoth-amon slums it as a Kothian cameleer during his exile, he should be dressed in flowing black silk robes, perhaps throwing explosive globes. Reg Kn can dismount as Bd (S) when an enemy command becomes demoralised. Chariots and chariot-mtd inf may not be used together. A rebel eastern prince or Prince Almuric may not have more than the minimum number of "knights" none of whom can be regular, they may not include more than the minimum pikemen or archers and may include no Khorshemish or giant black guard, no artillery, towers or naval and no Tsotha-lanti options. Items marked* can be used only if Tsotha-lanti is present, when on his weird steed that no horse could match he counts as LH (S). RATHA has the Kothian flag as a black triangle on yellow. 16. THE KINGDOM OF OPHIR (Phase III-IV) Cold. Ag 1. WW, Rv, Rd, BUA, Wd, Rgo, D, H(S), H(G). C-in-C - Reg Kn (S) @ 35 AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-2 Mailed lancers and Knights - Reg Kn (S) @ 15AP or Reg Kn (O) @ 12AP 6-20 Scouts - up to 1/2 Reg LH (I) @ 3AP rest Reg LH (O) @ 5AP 0-4 Archers - Reg Bw (I) @ 4AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-12 Pikemen - Irr Sp (O) @ 4AP or all Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP 10-40 Camp servants - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-6 Mangonels - Reg Art (S) @ 10AP 0-2

Naval - Irr Shp (S) @ 4AP [archers] 0-2 Storming towers - Reg WWg (S) @ 14AP 0-1 Kothic allies - List 15 Kingdom of Koth This list is based on King Amalrus at the Battle of the plain of Shamu where he treacherously attacks his erstwhile ally, Conan. Which troops belonged to Amalrus and which were commanded by his new ally King Strabonius of Koth is difficult to tell. The river Tybor looks fairly wide on the map reproduced in the Sphere Books and may count as a waterway thus allowing a range of classifications for naval at the siege of Shamar. Ophirean knights may have copied their King’s golden mail. Ophirean scouts have a mixture of some crossbowmen and others with spears. Ophir was famous for her production of scarlet cloaks. RATHA has Ophir's flag as a scarlet disc on blue. 17. ZUAGIRS, DESERT SHEMITES OR KEZANKIANS (Phase II-IV) Dry. Ag 2. H(G), Rgo, D if Zuagir, H(S) if Kezankian, Rv. C-in-C - Irr Cv (O) @ 17AP or Irr LH (O) @ 15AP or LH (F) @ 14AP 1 Sub-general - as above @ 9-12AP 0-1 Ally-general - as above 0-3 Raiders - Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP or Irr LH (O) @ 5AP or Irr LH (F) @ 3AP 30-90 Camel-raiders - Irr LH (I) @ 3AP 0-6 Kezankian agents and spies - Irr Sneaker (I) @ 1AP 0-1 Only if Conan is C-in-C of the Zuagirs (Phase-III): Upgrade C-in-C to Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP or Reg Kn (F) @ 31AP 0-1 Men of Khauran - Irr Kn (O) @ 11AP or all Irr Kn (F) @ 9AP 0-6 Conan's imitation artillery - Irr WWg (I) @ 2AP 0-6 Khauran bandit allies (Phase-III): Khauran bandit ally-general - Irr Ax (I) @ 7AP *1 Khauran bandits - Irr Ax (I) @ 2AP 0-*12 The Zuagirs or desert Shemites were “robed in flowing white khalats and mounted on slender desert steeds”. Their weapon of choice was a scimitar, while Conan wears mail and a steel cap when fighting with them. The Zuagir fighting for the hidden ones use javelins while a Zuagir ends Conan’s crucifixion by cutting down his cross with a battle-axe. Camel-hair garments are popular in Zuagir areas and individuals ride camels, so a few camel-mounted scouts cannot be ruled out. In Conan the Swordsmen, de Camp, Carter and Nyberg, we hear of Zuagirs in striped robes, some of whom are armed with bows. Olgerd Vladislav leads some Zuagir while dressed in a white khalat and a green silk turban wound around his gold-chased helmet. The Kezankian Mountains separate Koth and Zamora from the Turanian Steppes. Keraspa’s Kezankians may have been culturally closer to Zamorans than Zuargirs, they make a living at banditry. Kezankians wear turbans, use tulwars and bows from horseback, some have bucklers. All the men of Kauran, armoured Hyborians riding big horses, must be in the C-in-C’s command. All the raiders of a command must be the same type and grade. Conan’s imitation ballistae, catapults, rams and mangonels drawn by camel carts could also be represented as mobile baggage manoeuvred to attract impetuous enemy. Other baggage can be lines of camel-hair tents. Minimums marked* apply if any Khauran bandits are used, all the bandits must be commanded by a bandit general who commands no other troops. Bandits are Khauranian citizens and soldiers fleeing Salome’s tyranny. 18. KOZAKI OR KOTHIC FREE COMPANIONS (Phase III-IV) Warm if Free Company, Dry if Kozaki. Ag 2. Rgo, H(S), H(G), D, Rv. C-in-C - as raider 1 Sub-general - as above 0-1 Ally-general - as above @ 12-18AP 0-3 Raiders: 20-60 - Kozaki - Irr LH (S) @ 7AP - Free Company - Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP Upgrade raiders to regular - @ 7-28AP All/0 Upgrade Free Company C-in-C to Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP or Reg Kn (O) @ 32AP 0-1 Free company Kothic rebel nobles - Irr Kn (S) @ 12AP or Irr Kn (O) @ 10AP 0-1 Free company foot - Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP 0-6

Free company foot - Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP 0-6 Free company foot - Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP or Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-6 Kothic Free Company allies - List 18 Kozaki or Kothic Free Company (see notes) Only if Kozaki led by Conan (Phase-III): Red Fellowship of the Vilayet Sea allies - List 22 Pirates Zuagir allies - List 17 Zuagir, Desert Shemites or Kezankians Free companies can use no LH and Kozaki can use no non-general Cv. The Kothic Free Companions were originally a mercenary force raised by an unnamed eastern Kothic prince to stage a coup. The Company was left stranded by a truce forcing them to move east in search of loot. Kozaki, “wastrel”, seems to have been an eastern term for any organised group of raiders, Conan said his band was composed of a score of races and tribes. A Zuagir ally represents a tribe gone over to join his leadership. The distinction between Free Companions and Kozaki is best thought of in terms of the dominant fighting style - the further east men are recruited the better the LH classification. The Kozaki of the Zaporoskian River were shattered by the Turanian general Shah Amurath at the Battle of the River Ilbars. A combined Kozaki-Free Company army, co-operating before Conan takes over leadership, has a Kozaki C-in-C and a Free Company ally, with no foot but may include nobles. 19. SHEMITE FREE COMPANY (Phase-III) Warm. Ag 3. BUA, Rgo, H(S), H(G), O, V, E, Rd, Rv. C-in-C - Reg Cv (S) @ 30AP 1 Sub-general - as above 1-2 Shemites - Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP 10-55 Upgrade Cv to Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP All/0 Scouts - Reg LH (F) @ 4AP 1-6 Khauran mob - Irr Hd (F) @ 1AP 0-2 Salome imposter Queen of Khauran - Reg Ps (I) @ 1AP or Reg Ps (X) @ 6AP or Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-1 Extra to give up to magic ability (O) for Salome @ 0-10AP 0-1 Thaug - Irr Lurker (S) @ 3AP 0-1 This list covers Constantius, vovide of the Shemite Free Company, during his and Salome’s coup in Khauran as described in A Witch Shall Be Born, Howard. Salome chose Constantius, “The Falcon”, to head her coup “because of his utter lack of all characteristics men call good”. The Shemite Free Company was 10,000 professional men from Pelishtim, Anakim and Akkharim, armed with spears and bows, silvered scale corslets and peaked helmets - the bright housing of their chargers may qualify troops as (S). Olgerd believed the city Shemites would defeat his Zuagirs because the former’s “close marshalled ranks of trained swordsmen would cleave through our lines and scatter our men”. Thaug is a mysterious shadow demon with fangs or talons. 20. DAGONIAN (Phase-II) Tropical. Ag 3. WW, Rv, Rgo, H(G), H(S), BUA. C-in-C - Reg Bd (O) @ 27AP or Reg Sp (O) @ 25AP 1 Sub-general - as above 1-2 Dagonian warriors - Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP or all Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP 24-50 Shaven-headed priests - Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP or all Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP 0-6 Mercenaries - Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP or Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP or Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP 0-12 Naval - Reg Gal (O) @ 3AP [any foot] 0-4 Fortifications - TF @ 2AP 0-24 Only if Khosatral Khel is C-in-C (Ag 4): Upgrade C-in-C to Irr Demon (S) @ 37AP *1 Extra to give up to (S) magic ability to C-in-C @ 0-13AP 0-1 Yuetshi slaves - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP or all Irr Bd (F) @ 5AP or all Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP *0-8 Khosatral Khel’s strange and grisly servants - Irr Beasts (S) @ 7AP *2-6 Khosatral Khel’s giant snake - Irr Lurker (O) @ 2AP 0-1 Khosatral Khel’s flying thing - Irr Flyer (I) @ 7AP 0-1 Iron statues - Irr Lurker (S) @ 3AP 0-2 This list covers the pre-Hyborian city of Dagon, also known as the Island Kingdom of Xapur the Fortified, located in the Yaralet inland sea. Khosatral Khel is once called a god, he is a being crawled up from Night and the Abyss, in the shape of a man but formed of living iron. He and other Dagonains should be dressed in a short skirt, shagreen girdle, sandals and perhaps a gold headband. Ordinary Dagonians may have shaved heads like priests.

The classification of warriors is speculative while foreign mercenaries are mentioned by the girl Conan meets. Yuetshi settle on the shores of Yaralet and Khosatral Khel led the Dagonians to capture and enslave them. We are given no indication of what the grisly and strange beasts may have looked like. The iron statues that animate to attack pirates in Shadows In The Moonlight, Howard, seem similar to Khosatral Khel himself and may have been constructed by him. The statues are shining black lifesize powerful naked men with cruel hawk-like faces. Minimums marked * apply only if Kosatral Khel is C-in-C and can be used only by him. 21. YUETSHI (Phase-II) Warm. Ag 1. WW, Rgo, H(S), H(G), Rv. C-in-C - Irr Wb (F) @ 13AP or Irr Bd (F) @ 15AP 1 Sub-general - as above 1-2 Warriors - Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP or all Irr Bd (F) @ 5AP 30-260 Skirmishers - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP or Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP 0-10 Lower class warriors - Irr Bd (I) @ 4AP or all Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-20 Priests - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP or Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 1-3 Naval - Irr Bts (I) @ 1AP [any foot] 0-2 Only during the revolt against Dagon: Downgrade warriors to Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP 1/2-All Extra to give priests up to magic ability (S) @ 0-13AP Any The fierce and brutish Yuetshi are conquered by Dagonia as mentioned in The Devil In Iron, Howard. In Conan’s time the Yuetshi had degenerated to dispicable semi-barbarous fisher folk. The Yuetshi were famous for their occasionally saw-toothed crescent knife or half-sword. The Yuetshi eventually throw off their Dagonian overlords with the help of an unnamed priest who had the power to counter Khosatral Khel’s magic. 22. PIRATES (Phase III-IV) Warm. Ag 3. WW, Rv, Rgo, M, BUA. C-in-C - Irr Bd (F) @ 15AP or Irr Bd (I) @ 14AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-1 Ally-general - as above @ 9-10AP 0-3 Pirates - Irr Bd (F) @ 5AP or Irr Bd (I) @ 4AP 30-130 Slingers or other shooters - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 2-12 Galleys - Reg Gal (S) @ 4AP or Reg Gal (O) @ 3AP [any foot] 0-16 Transports - Irr Shp (I) @ 2AP [any foot] 0-8 Fortifications for camp - TF @ 1AP 0-12 Only if Barrachan Pirates (Phase-III): Upgrade Gal to Irr Shp (S) @ 4AP Any Upgrade pirates or shooters to Irr Bw (S) @ 5AP 0-1/5 Only if the Red Brotherhood or Red Fellowship of the Vilayet Sea: Kozaki allies - List 18 Kozaki or Kothic Free Company Only if Zingaran Buccaneers or Freebooters (Phase-III): Upgrade pirates to Irr Sp (O) @ 4AP or 14AP if sub-generals or 9AP if ally-general Any Zingaran allies - List 27 Zingara Only if Black Pirates of the Island Kingdoms (Phase-III) (add Wd to terrain): Upgrade C-in-C to Irr Bw (O) @ 14AP or Irr Wb (F) @ 13AP 1 Upgrade other generals to Wb (F) @ 13AP if sub-general, 8AP if ally-general - and pirates to Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP All Further upgrade pirates to Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP 0-5 Downgrade galleys to Reg Gal (F) @ 3AP All Black shaman - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP 0-1 Extra to give shaman to (I) magic ability @ 0-7AP 0-1 This list covers the various pirate groups mentioned in Hyboria, including those in the Western Ocean and Vilayet Sea. Vilayet pirates of the Red Brotherhood (or Red Fellowship) were originally escaped slaves from Turan, including Kothians; Zamorans, Brythunians, Corinthians and Shemites. Some pirates had stumps for arms, while most were half naked with bits of silver-chased armour, earrings and nose rings. In the Treasure of Tranicos, by Howard, the Barrachan Strombani’s ship, the Red Hand, flies a black flag with the outline of a scarlet hand. Barrachan pirates preferred a wild charge but were also greatly feared as expert archers who could out-shoot contemporary opponents. The black pirates of the Island Kingdoms are based on those led by Bêlit the Queen of the

Black Coast. The black pirates fight with spears and spotted oval shields but Bêlit also teaches her men Shemite archery. Zingaran allies for the Zingaran buccaneers assumes a charismatic ex-noble figure such as Black Zorano would have had government permission and assistance for a raid on Argos. Armies may not combine pirates of different nations. 23. IRANISTAN (Phase III-IV) Warm. Ag 1. BUA, Rd, H(S), H(G), Rgo, Rv. C-in-C - Reg Cv (S) @ 30AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-2 Royal guard - Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP or Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP 1-6 Cavalry - Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP 4-16 Downgrade Cv to Reg Cv (I) @ 6AP 0-1/2 Tribal light cavalry - Irr LH (O) @ 5AP or Irr LH (F) @ 4AP 0-4 Elephant - Irr El (I) @ 14AP 0-1 Informers and assassins - Irr Sneaker (O) @ 2AP or Irr Lurker (O) @ 2AP 0-1 Gwadiri islanders - Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP 0-4 Irakazi or similar mercenaries - Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP or Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP 0-12 Ajhindar thief of Iranistan - Irr Sneaker (O) @ 2AP 0-1 Catapults or other siege gear - Reg Art (S) @ 10AP or Reg Art (O) @ 8AP 0-2 Kozaki allies - List 18 Kozaki or Kothic Free Company 0-9 Irakazi or Khushafi allies - List 24 Himelean, Afghulistan or Khurum (Which can include 0-3 - non-general mounted elements.) Vendhyan allies - List 43 Vendhya or Golden Kingdoms Players interested in Iranistanian armies are directed to the atmospheric drawings of Iranistan envisaged for the proposed possible 1934 film of Conan the Barbarian which were printed in the comic book The Savage Sword of Conan the Barbarian - 214 Jan. The drawings show a high mediaeval Persian-Hollywood style culture. We are told Khobad Shah, King of Iranistan, had trouble maintaining the army at the same quality as his grandfather and that he needed to hire light horse. Khushafi tribesmen were contracted to protect the northern frontier. The Gwadiri are hot blooded fisher folk of the Islands of Pearl. When Conan’s Kozaki are stationed in Anshan, the Iranistani capital, they are described as wearing “gaudy silken pantaloons and spired helmets of Iranistani pattern”. Royal guard were clad in gilded mail with nodding plumes on helms, they wield scimitars. 24. HIMELIAN, AFGHULISTAN OR KHURUM (Phase II-IV) Cold. Ag 1. H(S), H(G), Rgo, BUA, Rd. C-in-C - Irr Cv (O) @ 17AP or Irr LH (O) @ 15AP or as warrior 12AP-15AP 1 Ally-general - as above @ 7-12AP 1-3 Cavalry - Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP or Irr LH (O) @ 5AP 0-12 Warriors: 30-160 - Himelian - Irr Ax (X) @ 3AP - Khozgari, Theggir or Ghoufags - Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP or Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP - Wamadzi or Dagozai - Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP - Ilbari - Irr Bd (F) @ 5AP - Khushafi, Afghuli, Irakazi, Wazulis of Khurum, Galzai or Khurakai - Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP - or all Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP Skirmishers of any clan - Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP or Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP or Irr Ps (S) @ 3AP 4-12 Only if Kushafi (Phase-III): Kozaki allies - List 18 Kozaki or Kothic Free Company 0-9 This list covers the various clans of fierce mountaineers living south of Turan and north of Vendhya. All the warriors of a clan must be the same type and grade - allies can represent clans uniting against a common foe. Kushafi mountaineers led by Balash are those living on the borders of Iranistan. Balash is described with his purple-stained beard as having his belt bristling with knife and dagger hilts. He sets an ambush of archers and javelinmen in white cloth garments. Shaf Karaz of the Khozgari and Theggir and Ghoufags fight against Turan in the People of the Summit, Conan the Swordsman, by de Camp, Carter and Nyberg. Conan has a low opinion of their archery skills. Wamadzi are a Himelian tribe armed with Hyrkanian bows. A Himelian with a pike attacks Conan in The Flame Knife, while Conan’s turbaned Afghuli cavalry use arrows and swords. Mounted troops can dismount, as warrior type for that clan, if they are deployed in ambush and the army is the defender.

25. DRUJISTANIAN CULTISTS OF THE SONS OF YEZM (Phase-III) Cold. Ag (0). H(S), H(G), Rgo, O, Rd, BUA. C-in-C - as Reg Bd (O) @ 27AP or Reg Cv (S) @ 30AP or Reg Ps (I) @ 21AP or Reg Ps (X) @ 26AP 1 Sub-general - as Palace guard Reg Bd (O) @ 27AP or Reg Cv (S) @ 30AP 1-2 Extra to give Ps C-in-C as Master cultist up to magic ability (O) @ 0-10AP 0-1 Hyrkanian palace guard - Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP 4-6 Hyrkanian archer guard - Reg Bw (S) @ 7AP 0-1 Negro or guard - Reg Bd (F) @ 7AP or Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP 0-1 Stygian guard - Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP 0-1 Zaporoskans or Desert Zuagirs - Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP or all Irr Ps (S) @ 3AP 0-2 Khitai - Irr Bw (S) @ 5AP or Irr Sp (O) @ 4AP 0-2 Iranistanians or Shemites - Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP or Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-4 Sabatean Shemites - Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP or all Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP 0-2 Kothians - Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP or all Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP 0-2 Vendhyans - Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP or all Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP 0-2 Kushites - Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP or all Irr Ps (S) @ 3AP or all Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP 0-2 Himelians - Irr Ax (X) @ 3AP 0-2 Cultists - Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP or Reg Bw (I) @ 4AP 10-30 Cultists - Irr Ax (I) @ 2AP or Reg Ax (I) @ 3AP 0-6 Giant snow ape - Irr Lurker (O) @ 2AP 0-1 Spies and agents - Irr Sneaker (I) @ 1AP 0-1 Sons of Yezm assassins - Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP 1-8 Upgrade Hyrkanian Palace Guard to Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP, Iranistanians or Vendhyians to - Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP or Khitai to Irr Cv (S) @ 9AP or Irr LH (S) @ 7AP or Zuagirs to Irr LH (O) @ 5AP 0-6 Upgrade irregular foot other than WWg, Lurker or Sneaker to drug-crazed cultists - Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP All/0 Improvised tower - Irr WWg (S) @ 10AP 0-1 Fortifications and city defences -TF @ 2AP 0-30 The Sons of Yezm is the infamous assassin cult revived by Virata of Kosala and "The Tiger" it was based in the rebuilt city of Yanaidar as described in The Flame Knife by Howard and de Camp. The option to mount some troops to fight in their national style assumes they may have had horses stabled within their fort but were not required for the garrison duties we see them in. No more than a total of four mounted elements of any type are permitted. The Sons of Yezm assassins with their wavy-bladed poisoned daggers struck fear into the hearts of brave men. Assassins were recognisable by the crimson fist and wavy dagger motif on their undershirts. The motif may have served as a emblem for the soldiers listed above. The cult preferred to rule the world by spies and assassins if possible, however, the master understood the need to recruit troops which he did from across the world. Collectors who tire of painting multiples of the same figurines should enjoy building this army. Conan remarked that the ordinary cultists had acquired basic regular training from their Hyrkanian officers. Virata could not replicate his predecessors' knack of instilling unthinking loyalty in his troops so resorted to performance enhancing drugs. 26. GHOULS OR REPTILE CREATURES OF THE BLACK POOL (Phase I-IV) Tropical if Ghouls of the Zingaran-Argossean border or Servants of Bît-Yakin, otherwise cold. Ag 0. BUA, E, H(S), H(G), Rgo, Wd if Zingaran-Argossean border, H(S) if Servants of Bît-Yakin. C-in-C - as Ghoul or Reptile @ 12-15AP 1 Sub-general - as Ghoul or Reptile @ 12-15AP 1-2 Ghouls or Reptiles - Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP or all Irr Beasts (O) 5AP 50-200 Ruins - TF @ 2AP 0-24 Only if Servants of Bît-Yakin (Phase-III): Upgrade C-in-C to Shemite human - Irr Ps (I) @ 11AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 16AP 0-1 Extra to give human C-in-C up to magic ability (O) 0-10AP 0-1 Shemite humans - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP or Reg Ps (O) 0-1 Only if Reptile creatures of the Black Pool (Phase I-III): Tropical. Ag 0. WW, BUA, Wd, Rgo, H(G), H(S). Extra to give up to magical ability (I) to Reptile C-in-C @ 0-7AP 0-1 City walls of strange architecture to defend baggage - TF @ 1AP 0-12 This list covers the hideous subjects of Ura the ghoul-king of Yanaidar; those attacking the Yezmites, who may be the same ones more than a 1000 years later, the ghouls of the Zingaran-Argossean border, the Brylukas of Zaporoskan legend at Fort Ghari and the servants of Bît-Yakin in Keshan. Those of the Zingaran-Argossean are “children of unholy mating of a lost and forgotten race with demons of the underworld...with dog-like jaws.” The

ghouls attacking the Yezmites also have soulless eyes and misshapen doglike jaws. They are probably smaller than human as four attack a man at the same time. The BUA of the Zingaran-Argossean border is a ruined city, others a fort city with unsuspecting civilian population. Bît-Yakin is the Pelishti wise man who peopled the ancient city of Alkmeenon with his friendly ghouls to found the oracle for the Keshani as told in the Teeth of Gwahlur by Howard. The reptile creatures of the black pool are the tall sleek inhuman creatures from the island in the Western Ocean as described in The Pool of the Black One, Howard and de Camp, they have a fascination with shrinking captives in their dark pool and decorating their city walls with the miniaturised people. Creatures tower above Conan’s sailors when they attack with talons and teeth, tearing out men’s throats. The C-in-C creature wears a jewelled headband and carries a black flute with golden pipes. 27. ZINGARA (Phase III-IV) Warm. Ag 0. BUA, E, H(S), H(G), Rgo, Wd, WW. C-in-C - Reg Bd (O) @ 27AP or Reg Bd (F) @ 27AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-2 Ally-general - as above 0-3 Knights - Reg Kn (O) @ 12AP 2-12 Royal guard or similar - Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP or all Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP 0-2 Infantry - Reg Bd (F) @ 7AP or all Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP 16-40 Archers or crossbowmen - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 2-12 Mercenary companies - Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP or Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP or Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP 0-12 Night watch, slave guards, police or similar - Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP or all Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP 0-6 Armed black slaves - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-6 Criminals, spies, agents and assassins - Irr Sneaker (O) @ 2AP 0-2 Menkara, rebel Stygian priest of Set - Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP or Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP 0-1 Extra to give Menkara up to magic ability (O) @ 0-10AP 0-1 Cobra crown, Artefact (P) for Menkara @ 5AP 0-1 Navy - Reg Gal (S) @ 4AP or Reg Gal (O) @ 3AP or Irr Shp (S) @ 4AP [any foot] 0-8 Argossean allies - List 31 Argos Only if Partho Duke of Gurralid (Phase-III): Upgrade knights or generals to Reg Kn (S) @ 15-35AP 0-4 Upgrade mercenary companies to regular - @ 4-7AP All/0 Zingara seems analogous to late mediaeval Spain - many of the troops listed above are included on the basis of neighbouring armies. Whether the army formed up as a Hyborian style knight-based army with infantry support, or had a unique tactical doctrine, is uncertain as we are not given a detailed battle account. However we hear of Partho Duke of Gurralid's failed invasion in Conan of Aquilionia - de Camp and Carter. His force of "adventurers", knights and yeomen, is stalled by Bossonian archers and when rallying finished off by a Poitanian knight charge. The nation was a major maritime state. Menkara the Stygian priest of Set, and the mind-controlling cobra crown are described in Conan The Buccaneer, by de Camp and Carter. Black slaves in southern Zingara are mentioned in A Witch Shall Be Born, Howard. Zingaran sub-generals and ally-generals my not be used together - ally-generals represent factions in a civil war. Partho may not use Menkara, night watch or slaves. RATHA has the Zingaran flag as quartered orange and white (orange in top left and bottom right) with a black crown in the centre. 28. GUNDERLAND OR BORDER KINGDOM (Phase III-IV) Cold. Ag 0. H(S), H(G), BUA, Rgo, Rd. C-in-C - Irr Sp (O) @ 14AP or Irr Bd (O) @ 15AP or Reg Bd (O) @ 27AP 1 Sub-general - as above 1-2 Upgrade generals to Reg Sp (S) @ 27AP Any Upgrade generals to Reg Cv (O) @ 28AP Any Guards - Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP or Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP 0-6 Spearmen - Irr Sp (O) @ 4AP or Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP 30-80 Skirmishers - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-6 Only if Gunderland: Aquilonian allies - List 12 Aquilonia (Which may include 0-8 elements of mercenaries.) Only if Border Kingdom: Virunian allies - List 32 Hyperborea, Virunian or Bryuthinia This list is based on the Gunderland mercenaries and vassals fighting for Aquilonia. I assume the mysterious and little-described Border Kingdom has troops similar to the Gundermen. No command can include both regular and

irregular Sp. Irregular Sp and Bd must be commanded by an irregular general. Guards are based on the possibility that those described during an Aquilonian civil war may have been armed as swordsmen rather than the much more probable spearmen. Conan has a high opinion of Gunderland infantry - who are at times are described as the best infantry in the world. 29. POITANIAN (Phase III-IV) Warm. Ag 2. BUA, Rd, Wd, Rv, O, H(G), H(S), WW. C-in-C - Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP or Reg Kn (I) @ 30AP 1 Sub-general - as above 1-2 Knights - Reg Kn (S) @ 15AP or all Reg Kn (I) @ 10AP 8-30 Outlaws - Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP or all Irr Hd (F) @ 1AP 0-8 Garrison soldiers - Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP 0-4 Garrison soldiers - Reg Bw (I) @ 4AP or all Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-4 Free companions - Reg Kn (O) @ 12AP or all Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP 0-2 Camp followers - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP 0-4 Light horse - Reg LH (O) @ 5AP 0-3 Rebels - Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP 0-20 Zingaran puppet allies - List 27 Zingara Aquilonian allies - List 12 Aquilonian - (which may also include 0-8 elements of mercenary infantry.) Poitanians fighting under their famous crimson leopard banner were rulers of a powerful semi-independent province within Aquilonia. Poitania was noted for its purple, gold and crimson castles. Trocero mentions Poitain’s earlier independence from Aquilonia and he was besieging Tarantia in a civil war 15 years before Conan became king. Free companions in red cloaks were raised from men of all races. Poitainian knights fighting with giant swords at the Battle of Shamu are described as “swinging their terrible two-handed swords” and fighting in a deep wedge. Knights (I) including generals must be double based and can give rear support. Rebels should include men using clubs, rakes, scythes and other weapons. 30. THE HORDE OF NATOHK THE VEILED SORCERER (Phase-III) Dry. Ag 4. Rgo, BUA, H(G), H(S), D. C-in-C on winged camel chariot - Reg Flyer (O) @ 32AP (see notes) 1 Extra to give up to (S) magic ability to C-in-C @ 0-13AP 0-1 Sub-general as Kushite - Irr LH (O) @ 15AP or Irr Cv (I) @ 15AP or Nomad - Irr LH (O) @ 15AP or - Shemite - Irr Cv (O) @ 17AP 0-2 Stygian ally-general in chariot - Reg Cv (S) @ 19AP 1 Stygian noble chariots - Reg Cv (S) @ 9AP 8-20 Naked Kushites - Irr LH (O) @ 5AP or all Irr Cv (I) @ 5AP 8-35 Sons of Shem, Asshuri of Nippur, Shumir, Eruk or other Shemite city - Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP 8-30 Upgrade Assuri to Reg Cv (O) @ 28AP if general, otherwise @ 8AP All/0 Upgrade Assuri to Reg Cv (S) @ 30AP if general, otherwise @ 10AP All/0 Nomad clans - up to 1/6 cameleers, Irr LH (I) @ 3AP rest Irr LH (O) @ 5AP 6-30 Thugra Khotan cultists, degraded Zugite cultists - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-2 Incubus, vampires, witches and werewolves - Irr Sneaker (O) @ 2AP 0-2 Golden destruction powder -TF @ 2AP 0-30 30a Option to have the army dismounted before battle: All the army except the C-in-C and 0-8 elements of LH or non-chariot Cv must be provided and costed - as dismounted and may not remount; Stygians become - Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP, 17AP if the general Asshuri become - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP or all Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP, 15AP or 14AP if generals Kushites become - Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP or all Irr Bd (X) @ 6AP, 13AP or 16AP if generals Nomad clans become - Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP or all Irr Ps (S) @ 3AP, or 13AP if generals Natohk the Veiled One is Thugra Khotan, Ruler of Kuthchemes, dead for 3000 years having imbibed strange poisons upon the Hyborian overthrow of Kuthchemes. Kuthchemes may have been an independent city-state or a satrapy of Acheron. The Stygian ally-general is Prince Kutamun with his 5000 chariots but apparently no other troops. The southern Stygian chariots had an unspecified number of plumed horses, naked driver, warrior with heavy bow and bronze helmets decorated with a crescent supporting a golden ball. When dismounted they fought with spear, shield and sword. Naked Kushites rode half-wild horses without saddle or bridle, we are told they were

not armed with bows but fought with spears and iron hammers. Shemite assuri wear scale mail and cylindrical helmets. The white-robed nomad clans are presumably analogous with, or recruited from Zuagir tribes, they count as Zuagir. Natohk spreads a line of explosive golden powder in front of his battle line to disrupt the Khorajan knight charge at the battle of Shamla. As it is spread across the entire army TF is the nearest non-magical classification. Natohk, inhumanly tall and lean in shimmering green silks, rides a chariot drawn by a single great winged camel-like beast driven by a black anthropomorphic being, The chariot can change from a Cv (S) chariot to a winged camel, Reg Flyer (O) if the general is a magic user and he performs the spell of lycanthropy. Ally-generals do not count as foreign for unreliability - they can command only troops of their origin, Natohk can command any mix of troops except Stygians. 31. ARGOS (Phase III-IV) Warm. Ag 0. BUA, WW, H(G), H(S), Rd, Rgo, O. C-in-C - Reg Bd (O) @ 27AP or Reg Sp (S) @ 27AP or Reg Cv (O) @ 27AP or Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-2 King’s Guard - Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP or all Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP 0-2 Cavalry - Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP or all Reg Kn (O) @ 12AP 0-6 Swordsmen - Reg Bd (F) @ 7AP 0-4 Arbalesters - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP or Reg Bw (I) @ 4AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 10-20 Gladiators - Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP 0-2 Slaves - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-4 Sailors or levy - Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP 2-12 Guardsmen - Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP or all Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP 0-12 Mercenaries - Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP or Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP or Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP 0-8 Galleys - Reg Gal (S) @ 4AP or Reg Gal (O) @ 3AP or Irr Shp (S) @ 4AP [any foot] 0-8 Downgrade galleys to slender war galley - Reg Gal (F) @ 2AP All/0 Transports - Irr Shp (I) @ 2AP [any foot] 0-8 Kothic allies - List 15 Kingdom of Koth Shemite allies - List 33 Shemite Only if Prince Zapayo da Kova’s Mercenary Army (Phase-III): Upgrade any foot to standing mercenaries - 1/2-all Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP or Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP - or Reg Ax (O) @ 4AP rest; Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP All/0 This list covers the nation of Argos, of which Howard tells us little, however, the people may have been culturally similar to the neighbouring Zingarans. Conan’s Kushite friend Juma was trained as a gladiator in Argos’ arenas, their use in any military capacity is purely speculative. Ships in Messantia include purple and crimson and vermilion sails of galleons, carnacks, galleys and dromonds. Argossean galleys were crewed by slaves, often Kushites. Argossian free sailors are armed with bows, quilted jerkins and steel caps. The mercenary army of Prince Zapayo da Kova was raised to invade Stygia by sea in a combined assault with Koth. The Kothians concluded a separate peace with Stygia leaving the mercenary force to defeat one Stygian army before losing to a second. RATHA has the flag of Argos as three golden balls up and down the centre of a purple field. 32. HYPERBOREA, VIRUNIAN OR BRYTHUNIA (Phase III-IV) Cold. Ag BUA, WW, H(G), H(S), H(S) if Virunian, Rd, Rgo. O. C-in-C - Irr Cv (O) @ 17AP or Irr LH (O) @ 5AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-2 Cavalry - Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP or Irr LH (O) @ 5AP 1-6 Spearmen - Irr Sp (O) @ 4AP or all Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP 20-80 Archers - Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP or Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 2-12 Guards - Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP 0-2 Only if Hyperboria: Slaves - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-8 Downgrade sub-generals to ally-generals All Only if Haloga Hyperboria (Phase-III): Upgrade C-in-C to Queen Vammatar the Cruel, with up to magic ability (O) @ 0-10AP 0-1 Undead - Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP 0-2 Only if Pohiola Hyperborean (Phase-III): Upgrade C-in-C to Queen Louthi and her witchmen guard - Reg Ps (X) @ 26AP or Reg Bd (S) @ 29AP 0-1 Witchmen with stun-rods - Reg Ps (X) @ 6AP or all Reg Bd (S) @ 9AP 0-3 Extra to give Louthi up to magic ability (O) @ 0-10AP 0-1

Downgrade spearmen to beastmen - Irr Ax (I) @ 2AP or all Irr Hd (F) @ 1AP Any Thoth-Amon, Pru-Eun or Nenaunir - Reg Ps (I) @ 1AP or all Reg Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-3 Extra to give Thoth-Amon, Pru-Eun and Nenaunir up to magic ability (S) @ 0-13AP All/0 Brazier and other arcane apparatus Artefact (W) for magic users @ 5AP 0-1 per magic user Only if Brythuinia: Upgrade cavalry to knights - Irr Kn (O) @ 12AP, 22AP if generals Any Slingers - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-10 Free Company allies: Free Company ally-general - Reg Bd (O) @ 17AP *1 Free Company - Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP *2-9 Hyporborea and Brythunia were mysterious places in Howard’s world, they bordered the barbarian north and the western Hyborian nations. In Carter and de Camp’s Legion of The Dead the witchmen of Hyperborea are interpreted as pallid Hyborian types with the red mark of Haloga on their black clothing. Queen Vammatar wears heavy white clothing while riding her black horse. The undead, in stages of decay, use a variety of swords, axes and war-hammers while some fight unarmed. The Virunians may not use slaves or undead. The Virunians were a branch of the Hyperboreans who strayed into the Border Kingdom, they lived in perpetual war with the hairy cannibals of the Eiglophian Peaks. We are told little about Hyperborean or Brythunian military institutions but a scarcity of cavalry, common to the north lands seems likely, I have assumed the Brythunians were closer to western Hyborians and had a small core of knightly nobles. A Bryuthinian pirate once fells Conan with a sling. Minimums marked * apply only if any troops so marked are used, a Free Company general, such as Captain Catigern must command all the Free Company and no other troops. The Free Company in Conan and the Spider God, by de Camp, were armed with halberds and wear mailshirts and crimson uniforms. Louthi's witchmen and their white-hand emblem are mentioned in Conan of Aquilonia - de Camp and Carter. Beastmen sound like the semi-humans of list 45. Witchmen, nearly 7-feet tall, with stun-staff are clad in all black with masks, no army can have both witchmen Ps (X) and Bd (S). Thoth-Amon and the other evil magic users must all have the same grade of magic ability. Magic users can all use any Artefact (W) to transport themselves. RATHA has the Brythunian flag as a black horizontal bar in the centre of a red field. 33. SHEMITE (Phase II-IV) Warm. Ag 1. Rv, BUA, WW, Rd, H(S), H(G) Rgo, O. C-in-C - Reg Cv (O) @ 28AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-1 Ally-general - as above 0-3 Upgrade generals to Reg Cv (S) @ 20-30AP All/0 Assuri - Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP 12-36 Upgrade assuri to Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP All/0 Coast guard or scouts - Reg LH (F) @ 4AP 0-6 Archers - Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP or Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 2-20 Upgrade archers to Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP Any City spearmen - Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP 0-6 Downgrade archers or spearmen to levy - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP All/0 Zugites, Jhilites, Erlikites or Yezidites cultists - Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP or Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP 0-2 Gang of Kushite or similar assassins - Irr Sneaker (O) @ 2AP 0-1 Astrologer - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-1 Extra to give up to magic ability (I) to astrologer @ 0-7AP Any Shemite allies - List 33 Shemite Only if Pelishti (Phase-III): Downgrade and Assuri to pikemen - Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP Any Servants of Bit-Yakin - Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP or all Irr Beasts (O) @ 5AP 0-6 Only if Uriaz is King of Pelishti (Phase-III): Tame lions - Irr Beasts (O) @ 5AP or Irr Lurker (O) @ 2AP 0-2 Only if Akhîrom is King of Pelishti (Phase-III): Downgrade Assuri to Hyrkanian mercenaries - Irr Cv (S) @ 9AP 4-1/3 Downgrade Assuri to Kushite mercenaries - Irr LH (O) @ 5AP or all Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP 4-1/3 Palace Guard black swordsmen - Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP or all Reg Bd (F) @ 7AP 0-2 Downgrade Reg Sp (O) to Anakian mercenaries - Irr Sp (O) @ 4AP All/0 Only if Sabatea (Phase II-III): Devil Worshippers of the Golden Peacock - Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP or all Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP - or all Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP 0-4 Sorcerers of the Black Circle - Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP or Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP 0-1

Extra to give Black Circle Sorcerers up to magic ability (S) @ 0-13AP 0-1 Only if Anakia (Phase-III): Downgrade Assuri to mercenaries - Irr Sp (O) @ 4AP Any Only if Early Shemite Nomads (Phase-II) Downgrade mounted troops to Irr LH (F) @ 4AP, 9-14AP if general All Downgrade foot to Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP or Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP All This list covers the war-like Sons of Shem, the city Shemites, who lived in a state of permanent antipathy with the Zuagir, the desert Shemites. Free Company Shemite horses have rich housings, their spears and bows may qualify troops as Cv (S). Pelishti was a source of reliable spearmen, perhaps replacing the assuri as the preferred troop type. When working as mercenaries in Zamboula the spearmen are hook-nosed with blue-black beards - they wore mail and marched in close formation with pikes and broad brass shields. Shemite archers appear in a number of foreign forces as mercenary or tributory troops. The troops listed above for Akhîrom of Pelishti are taken from Hawks Over Shem, Howard and de Camp. Akhîrom’s army was based on the three mercenary battalions of Hyrkanians, Kushites and Anakians. The servants of Bit-Yakin are ghouls. Uriaz and Akhîrom may not use ghouls. RATHA gives an example of a Shemite city-state flag as a golden sun symbol in a sky-blue field. 34. BLACK SEERS OF MOUNT YIMSHA (Phase II-IV) Cold. Ag 0. H(S), H(G), Rgo, Rd, BUA. C-in-C - as the Master of Yimsha - Reg Ps (X) @ 26AP or Reg Ps (I) @ 21AP, [or 27AP*] - or Reg Bd (F) @ 27AP (but see notes) 1 Sub-general - as acolyte 0-2 Extra to give Master or crimson conoid cloud up to magic ability (S) @ 0-13AP 0-1 Artefact (P) for C-in-C @ 5AP 0-1 Crimson conoid cloud - Reg Flyer (S) @ 14AP or Reg Airboat (I) @ 9AP [Demon, Sneaker or regular foot] 0-1 The Four or the Black Circle - Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP or Irr Demon (S) @ 27AP 0-1 Master's demons - Irr Demon (O) @ 22AP 0-1 Seers or high-ranking priests (Rakhsha) - Irr Sneaker (O) @ 2AP or Reg Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-2 Priest and/or agents on assassination mission - Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP 0-1 Acolytes - Reg Ps (X) @ 6AP or Reg Bd (F) @ 7AP 6-36 Acolytes with disruptive horns - Reg Art (I) @ 4AP 0-2 Extra to give acolytes or priests up to magic ability (O) @ 0-10AP Any Wild dogs or other animals - Irr Beasts (I) @ 3AP 0-1 White puffballs/clouds - Reg Art (O) @ 8AP or all Reg Art (S) @ 10AP or all Irr Exp (O) @ 7AP 3-12 Yimsha’s carpet - Reg Art (S) @ 10AP 0-2 Enchanted victims - Irr Hd (F) @ 1AP or Irr Sneaker (I) @ 1AP 0-1 Castle wall, moat or enchanted ravine - TF @ 2AP 0-30 Rakhsha riding horse-of-air - Reg Flyer (I) @ 8AP 0-1 Turanian allies - List 9 Turanian Empire Vendhyan or Kosalan allies - List 43 Vendhya or Golden Kingdoms This list covers the Black Seers of Mount Yimsha as described in The People of the Black Circle by Howard. Khemsa the Rakhsha wears a brown camel-hair robe, sandals and a green turban. The Four of the Black Circle have shaved heads and wide-sleeved black robes. Acolytes with 10-foot bronze disruptive horns wear green robes. The affect of the horns may have weakened over distance to the target, hence the Art (I) classification. Acolytes as Ps (X) represent men with containers of molten lead or magic dust, poisonous green clouds or hypnotic powers. Acolytes as Bd (F) are men fighting with daggers or arcane unarmed fighting techniques. Yimsha’s carpet is a crimson cloud capable of terrorising hillmen, it may have also had qualities similar to white explosive clouds. Puffballs as Art can be depicted with a priest at the rear of the base summoning and controlling the clouds. The tower and massive pyramidal castle seems superfluous for the apparently smallish number of acolytes. I assume the sect once had greater numbers and may have been army-sized as represented by this list. The crimson conoid cloud and the Four of the Black Circle may have been the same entity. Khemsa and Gitara ride an otherwise undescribed “horse-of-air” which could have been a corporeal or supernatural beast or a magical effect. The Master of Yimsha is a major anti-hero of Conan's time - his seers were the priests behind other priests across the world. Turanian or Vendhyan allies represent the Master interfering in their politics - for reasons too complicated to explain to the puny intellects of most wargamers. The Master, if given magical ability, can use the spell of lycanthropy to change between his listed form or a snake - Irr Beasts (S) or a giant vulture - Reg Flyer (I)* - a master able to change is costed at a base of 27AP being the highest AP option. 35. HYRKANIAN (Phase III-IV)

Cold or Dry. Ag 3. BUA, WW, H(G), H(S), Rd, Rgo, O. C-in-C - Irr Cv (S) @ 19AP or Irr Kn (F) @ 19AP 1 Sub-general - as above 1-3 Lancers - Irr Cv (S) @ 9AP or all Irr Kn (F) 9AP 15-45 Scouts - Irr LH (F) @ 4AP or all Irr LH (S) @ 7AP 0-6 Upgrade generals to Reg Cv (S) @ 30AP Any Upgrade lancers to guards - Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP or Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP 0-4 Infantry - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP or Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP or Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-6 Elephants - Irr El (I) @ 14 AP 0-1 Subject tribe allies - List 11 Eastern Horse Nomad This list covers the gold and steel-clad Hyrkanian lancers living to the east of the Vilayet Sea during the time of Conan. This list includes those savage tribes not part of the Turanian Empire, they are described in The Hyborian Age - Howard, as unable to withstand the Aquilonian cavalry charge. We are told that elephants were common in Hyrkania - but there is no good evidence for them being used in a military role in Conan’s world. Foot guard are based on those fighting for the Yezmites. No army can use both Cv (S) and Kn (F). 35a Hyrkanian Conquest (Phase-IV) Use the list above, with Ag 4, and add; Peasants driven before the army - Irr Hd (I) @ 0.5AP 0-10 Shemite subjects - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-6 Zingaran refugees - Irr Bd (I) @ 4AP or all Irr Bd (F) @ 5AP 0-6 Black nation settlers or colonists - Irr Sp (I) @ 3AP or Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP 0-6 Zamoran subject allies - List 4 Zamora Turanian allies - List 9 Turanian Empire This list option covers the hordes of Hyrkanian riders who conquer the eastern half of the known world. Unable to defeat the Aquilonian knights head-on they instead defeat her by detaching her satellite nations before settling into perennial war with the new Pictish Empire. 36. STYGIA (Phase II-IV) Dry. Ag 1. BUA, WW, H(G), D, Rd, Rgo, O, Rv. C-in-C - on horse as Reg Cv (O) @ 28AP or in chariot - Reg Cv (S) @ 29AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-3 Cavalry - Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP or chariots - Reg Cv (S) @ 9AP 8-24 Downgrade cavalry to slave raiders - Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP 0-2 Scouts or light horse - Irr LH (O) @ 5AP or Irr LH (F) @ 4AP 2-8 Upgrade light horse to Reg @ 4AP or 5AP Any Archers - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 4-40 Negro slaves - Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP or all Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP 0-6 Shemite slaves - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-12 Kushite slaves - Irr Sp (I) @ 3AP 0-6 Mixed mercenaries - Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP or Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP or Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP 0-4 Masked priests, with mass of ostrich feathers - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP or Reg Ps (I) @ 1AP 1-4 Princess Akirasha - Irr Lurker (S) @ 3AP or Irr Demon (O) @ 22AP 0-1 Thoth-amon Lord of the Black Ring or Thothmes of Khemi or similar - Reg Ps (I) @ 1AP or Reg Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-2 Extra to give up to (S) magic ability to Thoth-Amon, Thothmes or similar @ 0-13AP Any Giant snake - Irr Lurker (S) @ 3AP 0-2 Mob - Irr Hd (F) @ 1AP 0-4 Tlazitlans - Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP or Reg Bw (I) @ 4AP or Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP 0-8 Sleek black ships - Gal (F) @ 3AP [any foot] 0-3 Kushite allies - List 37 Meroê (Phase III or IV): Only if Sukhmet or similar border army (Phase III or IV): Zarallo’s Free Company allies: Free Companion ally-general - Reg Kn (O) @ 22AP *1 Free Companion cavalry - Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP or Reg Kn (O) @ 12AP *0-6 Free Companion light horse - Reg LH (O) @ 5AP *0-4 Free Companion foot - 1/2-all Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP or Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP or - Reg Ax (O) @ 4AP rest Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP *10-20

Only if Rebel Prince (Phase-III): Downgrade archers, slaves, mob, Tlazitlans to Kushite bowmen - Irr Bw (O) 4AP or Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP All Upgrade cavalry and LH to Irr Cm (I) @ 5AP 0-1/2 Upgrade any foot to Mtd on camels @ + 1AP 0-20 Only if Proto-Stygians (Phase-II): Downgrade all troops to Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP or 14AP if generals, or Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP or 12AP if generals All Only if Phase-II armies: Heart of Arhiman - Artefact (A) for senior priest or magic user @ 15AP 0-1 Hand of Nergal Artefact (H) for priest @ 1AP **1 Ghost of gigantic vampire bat allies: Ghost of gigantic vampire bat ally-general - Irr Dragon (W,O) @ 27AP **1 Ghosts of gigantic vampire bats - Irr Dragon (W,O) @ 22AP **3-5 Stygians were an ancient race, a dark inscrutable people, powerful and merciless. Their pyramids, dusty tombs and personal names are all suggestive of historical Egyptians. Archery was an important part of Stygian warfare - the descriptions of battles are so general this could apply equally to foot or mounted troops. We are told that the lower classes were not permitted to bear arms and that armies were recruited from warrior castes. Stygian racing-galleys or galleons were long, low slim and black. The Stygian slave traders in The Castle of Terror, de Camp & Carter, were equipped with helms, mail hauberks, sword spear and shield. Princess Akivasha is the 10,000-year-old beautiful vampire given to eating people to maintain her everlasting youth. Tlazitlanians came from Lake Zuad on the borders of Kush, they use curved blades and rebel against the Stygian King to feature in the Red Nails story by Howard. The Rebel Prince flees Stygia to form a kingdom of his own - unfortunately his army dies in the desert leaving Thalis to dwell with the people of Xuthal. A rebel prince may not use both Cm and camel-mounted foot, he may not use lurkers, priests, Thoth-Amon, Thothmes, mob or Tlazitans. Zarallo’s Free Companions were contracted to defend Stygia’s southern border, given Zarallo sounds like a Zingaran or Argossian name the Company may have had a Hyborian quality - adventurers of all nations should be included in the ranks including Conan for a time. Mercenaries may not be used with the Free Company. Minimums marked * apply if any troops of that origin are used. A Free Company general must command all the Free Company and no other troops. An army with a Free Company ally may not have lurkers, naval or more than one priest or magic user. Minimums marked ** apply if any items so marked are used, they may not be used with Free Company or Tlazitlans. See List-30 for descriptions of chariots. The WW can be the Western Ocean or the River Styx which may have been wide enough to count as one at least up to the city of Luxor. 36a Thoth-Amon at the battle of Nebthu (Phase-III) C-in-C as Thoth-Amon Lord - Reg Ps (I) @ 21AP or Reg Ps (X) @ 26AP 1 Sub-general as - armoured horse or light horse 1 Black chaos sphinx ally-general - Irr Demon (S) @ 32AP 0-1 Black circle priests - Reg Ps (I) @ 1AP or Reg Ps (X) @ 6AP 1-5 Extra to give Thoth-Amon or priests up to magic ability (S) @ 0-13AP Any Armoured horse - Reg Kn (F) @ 11AP or all Reg Kn (X) @ 13AP or all Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP 4-12 Light horse - Reg LH (F) @ 4AP or all Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP 16-30 Upgrade Reg LH (F) to Reg LH (O) @ 5AP 0-1/5 Cameleers - Reg LH (I) @ 3AP or Irr Cm (O) @ 6AP 2-8 Border scouts - Irr LH (F) @ 4AP 0-4 High guild of Arenjun - Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP 0-1 This list covers the Stygian army defeated by the Aquilonians as mentioned in Conan of Aquilonia - de Camp and Carter. The black chaos sphinx counts as foreign for unreliability - he can command only himself. If the sphinx is used a black stone statue of it should be included in the baggage. The armoured horse were in black mail and preparing a "grand charge" on the Aquilonian position before the army is distracted by the sphinx. The option for Kn (X) is based on the description of the battle which the authors seem destined to make sound like a revisiting of Carrahae. The armoured horse might be an imitation of Shemite armour or an attempt to provide a counter to Hyborian knights. Kettledrums and trumpets should be included among the ranks. Troops are recorded as retiring by organised bodies hence the regular status for most of the troops. LH (O) are the javelin-throwers not otherwise described. 37. MEROÊ (Phase III-IV) Dry. Ag 1. BUA, H(G),WW, Rgo. C-in-C - on horse as Reg Cv (O) @ 28AP or in chariot as Reg Cv (S) @ 29AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-2

Downgrade one sub-general to commander of Black Spearmen - Reg Sp (S) @ 27AP 0-1 Downgrade sub-generals to ally-generals @ 17-19AP Any Queen’s guard or royal guard - Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP 0-4 Mounted guards - Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP or all Reg Kn (F) @ 11AP 0-2 Black Spearmen - Irr Sp (O) @ 4AP or all Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP 30-125 Pig-baboon demon - Irr Sneaker (O) @ 2AP 0-*1 Reg Tower guard - Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP 0-4 Skirmishers - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP or Irr Ps (S) @ 3AP 2-8 Ageera the witch-smeller -Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-1 Muru the Stygian wizard - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-1 Extra to give up to magic ability (I) to Ageera or Muru @ 0-7AP 0-2 Black horsemen guards - Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP 4-12 Shemites - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-2 Lower class black mob, rioters or looters - Irr Hd (F) @ 1AP or all Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP 0-6 Stygian allies - List 36 Stygian This list covers the semi-civilised Black Nation of Kush, known by the locals as Meroê. The kingdom was centred in the rolling grassland south of Stygia and north of the black jungle. The kingdom was founded by the Stygians who formed an upper class ruling over the black lower classes. Nobles riding chariots may be a relict from their Stygian past. Royal guard infantry use long-bladed spears, elephant hide shields and sport plumed head-dresses. The Stygian upper-classes formed the cavalry in crimson silks and gold-worked harnesses with spears and curved swords. Conan commands a company of mounted guards with lance. Ally-generals represent nobles unhappy with Queen Tananda. The sneaker marked * can not be used without Muru. Muru or the lurker may not be used with Hd (F or S) or Ageera the Witch-smeller. 38. JUNGLE NATIONS (Phase III-IV) Tropical. Ag 3 if Bamulas, 2 if Kulalo, 1 if others. BUA, Wd, WW, Rv, H(G), Rgo, M. C-in-C - as Spearmen or Irr Cv (O) @ 17AP or Irr LH (O) 15AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-1 Ally-general - as above @ 9-12AP 0-3 Spearmen: 30-160 - Bamulas - Irr Wb (O) @ 3AP or all Irr Sp (O) @ 4AP - Bakalah, Jihiji or Khordafa - Irr Ax (O) or all Irr Sp (I) @ 3AP - Darfar, Suba, Matamba or Kulalo - Irr Ax (O) 3AP or all Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP Cavalry - Irr LH (O) @ 5AP or Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP or Irr Cv (I) @ 5AP 0-6 Skirmishers - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP or Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP or Irr Ps (S) @ 3AP 0-8 Jungle Nation allies - List 38 Jungle Nations Palisade or Boma to protect baggage - TF @ 1AP 0-18 Only if Darfar: Cannibal cultists - Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP or Irr Sneaker (O) @ 6AP 0-6 Only if Juma’s Turanian-trained Kulalo troops: Upgrade spearmen to Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP, 25AP if C-in-C or sub-general Any Upgrade C-in-C or sub-general to Reg Bw (O) @ 25AP Any Upgrade spearmen to Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP 0-1/2 This list covers the black barbarians of the southern jungles but not those living in semi-civilised nations based on lost cities. Conan became the leader of the warlike Bamulas whom he describes as “suckled on the teats of war”. Different tribes can be represented in alliances - all the Irregular spearmen of a command must be the same type and grade. Spearmen use long-bladed spears and oval elephant or rhino hide shields while side arms often included clubs. Warriors wear leopard skins, ostrich feathers and lion head-dresses. Juma boasts that his Turanian-trained archers were the best in the area and could stop other tribes’ warbands. 39. EMPIRE OF TOMBALKU (Phase III-IV) Dry. Ag 2. BUA, Rgo, H(G), D, Rv. C-in-C - Irr Cv (O) @ 17AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-2 Ally-general - as above @ 12AP 0-1 King’s bodyguard - Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP or Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP 0-1 Aphaki or similar cavalry - Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP 4-16

Tibu or other tribal cavalry - Irr LH (O) @ 5AP or Irr Cv (I) @ 5AP 2-16 Black Spearmen - Irr Sp (I) @ 3AP or all Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP 20-90 Javelinmen - Irr Ps (S) @ 3AP or Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP 2-8 Levy - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-6 Mob - Irr Hd (F) @ 1AP 0-6 Dura the priest or Askia the witch finder - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP or Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-2 Extra to give up to (I) magic ability to priest or witch finder @ 0-7AP 0-2 Invisible demon - Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP 0-1 Desert tribe allies - List 48 Sons of the Desert Only if Conan is one of the dual Kings (Phase-III): Upgrade Cv to Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP, 28AP if general, LH to Reg LH (O) @ 5AP and - Spearmen to Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP Any The Empire of Tombalku with its dual Kings differs from other black kingdoms having a mixed-Shemite rather than mixed-Stygian upper class. The Shemite Aphaki race provided the white-clad Aphaki cavalry armed with sword and lance. The C-in-C can be depicted as the dual kings on the same element base or the army can have Sakumbe the black ruler wielding real power with Zehbeh as a disaffected Aphaki ally. The Bd bodyguard can be dismounted Aphaki in turbans fighting with their swords. Tribal cavalry may be subject, mercenary or allies. No command can have more than one magic user. The Sneaker must be used in the same command as Askia. Tibu or tribal cavalry count as Bedouin. The invisible demon could be depicted as an element base showing ominous footprints in the sand. 40. AMAZONS OF GAMBURU (Phase III-IV) Dry. Ag 1. BUA, Wd, H(G), H(S), Rd, Rgo. C-in-C in chariot - Irr Cv (O) @ 16AP or on horse Irr Cv (O) @ 17AP or in litter - Irr WWg (I) @ 12AP - or as Irr Bd (F) @ 15AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-2 Nobles in chariots - Irr Cv (O) @ 6AP or on horse - Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP or Irr LH (O) @ 5AP 0-4 Guards, swordswomen or clubwomen - Irr Bd (F) @ 5AP 0-8 Warriors - Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP or all Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP or all Irr Ax (I) @ 2AP 30-125 Archers, javelineers or knifethrowers - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP or Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP 2-20 Kulamtu man-eating trees - Irr Lurker (I) @ 1AP 0-1 Ghanata allies - List 48 Sons of the Desert This list covers the Amazons of Gamburu who de Camp and Carter, in Conan The Buccaneer, have interpreted as warrior women reversing the usual sex-roles. Men are limited to domestic duties, driving chariots and carrying litters for important women. Gamburu is similar to other semi-civilised black kingdoms in being based on a much older city but differs in the apparent lack of cavalry and mixed-race upper class. Queen Nzinga’s women soldiers have crude breastplates of leather with squares of bronze, kilts of leather straps with similar studs, they use throwing spears, throwing knives, short swords and clubs. They are otherwise dressed in the same style as their black male cousins in leopard skins, lionskin head-dresses and plumes. The option to make warriors Ax (I) represents a possible lack of shields. 41. BLACK KINGDOMS (Phase III-IV) Tropical or Dry. Ag 2. BUA, Wd, Rgo, H(S), H(G), Rv. C-in-C - Irr Cv (O) @ 17AP or Irr LH (O) @ 15AP or as black spearman 1 Sub-general - as above 1-2 Ally-general - as above @ 8-12AP 0-1 Black spearmen - Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP or all Irr Sp (I) @ 3AP 24-80 Guard spearmen - Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP 0-2 Lower caste blacks - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-8 Cavalry - Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP or Irr LH (O) @ 5AP or all Cv (I) @ 5AP - Keshan 2-20 - Others 1-6 Shemite archers - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP - Zembabwei 4-16 - Others 0-2 Mercenary Swordsmen - Irr Bd (O) 5AP - Zembabwei 4-16 - Others 0-4

Skirmishers - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP or Irr Ps (S) @ 3AP 0-6 Mud walls to protect baggage - TF @ 1AP 0-12 Only if Keshan (in Phase-III): Upgrade troops to Conan’s regulars - spearmen to Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP or 25AP if generals or - cavalry to Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP, 28AP if generals or Reg LH (O) @ 5AP, 25 if generals Any Priests or acolytes - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP or Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-2 Extra to give up to (I) magic ability to Priests @ 0-7AP 0-2 Only if Punt: Upgrade Black spearmen to Irr Sp (O) @ 4AP or 14AP if generals All/0 Cave-ape creature - Irr Lurker (O) @ 2AP 0-1 Priests or acolytes - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP or Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-1 Extra to give up to (I) magic ability to Priest @ 0-7AP 0-1 Only if Zembabwei or Atlaia: Priests or acolytes - Irr Ps (O) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP or Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-1 Extra to give up to (I) magic ability to Priest @ 0-7AP 0-1 Only if Zembabwei: Keshan allies - List 41 Black Nations Only if Atlaia: Upgrade spearmen to tribal steppe cavalry - Irr LH (O) @ 5AP Any Upgrade guard spearmen to Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP All This list covers the semi-civilised Black kingdoms south of Stygia. Most armies were based on the Black Spearmen with supporting cavalry - the latter of mixed race in the case of Keshan. Conan and Thothmerki the Stygian adventurer intrigued in these nations, Thuthmerki offered to send a Zembabwei army of black spearmen, Shemite archers and mercenary swordsmen into Punt in combined invasion with Keshan. We have to take his word that the Zembabwei army could field these troops. The nations seem to have been located in grasslands, often based on a city of ancient, possibly pre-human origin. Black Spearmen look much the same as their coastal and jungle cousins. Atlaian tribal steppe cavalry count as Bedouin. Baggage for Zembabwei and perhaps others listed above can be trains of women bearing items on their heads. 42. OLD ZEMBABWEI (Phase III-IV) Tropical. Ag 0. BUA, Wd, Rgo, H(S), H(G), Rv. C-in-C - as wyvern-rider - Irr Dragon (W,O) @ 32AP or Irr Flyer (S) @ 23AP or as spearman 1 Sub-general - as above 1-2 Upgrade C-in-C to Reg Ps (I) @ 21AP or Reg Ps (X) @ 26AP as Nenaunir the wizard king 0-1 Extra to give Nenaunir the wizard king C-in-C up to magic ability (S) @ 0-13AP 0-1 Wyvern riders - Irr Dragon (W,O) @ 22AP or all Irr Flyer (S) @ 13AP 2-10 Black spearmen - Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP or all Irr Sp (I) @ 3AP 24-72 Guard spearmen - Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP 0-2 Mob - Irr Hd (F) @ 1AP 0-8 Devil worshippers - Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP 0-2 Hero thief - Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP 0-1 Priests or Shemite astrologer - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-2 Extra to give up to (I) magic ability to Priest @ 0-7AP 0-1 Amazon allies - List 40 Amazons of Gamburu This list covers the lost kingdom of Old Zembabwei deep in the southern jungles. The Wyvern-riders use spears and are otherwise like black spearmen with leopard-skin cloak, plumed headdress, necklace of claws and monkey-skin loincloth. They ride on high-backed saddles of bamboo and leather. Wyverns themselves are described by de Camp and Carter in Conan of Aquilonia as: "huge reptile beasts" with a body the size of a lion and long curved neck and serpent-like head with elongated jaw containing rows of needle-like fangs. Horses could not live in the far southern jungles. Nenaunir the wizard king is a despotic Set-worshipping leader and powerful magician - a fugitive Thoth-Amon can be included on his element base. Nenaunir can be depicted in his purple cloak, serpent mask and serpent-headed staff. 43. VENDHYA OR GOLDEN KINGDOMS (Phase III-IV) Warm. Ag 1. BUA, WW, H(G), H(S), Rd, Rgo, E. C-in-C - Reg Cv (O) @ 28AP or Reg Cv (S) @ 30AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-2

Ally-general - as above 0-2 Nobles - Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP or Irr Cv (S) @ 9AP or Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP 10-36 Upgrade nobles to Lance Guard - Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP or Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP 0-1/2 Palace archer guard - Reg Bw (S) @ 7AP 0-2 Peshkhari or similar spear guards - Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP or Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP 0-20 Elephants - Irr El (I) @ 14AP 0-1 Massed priests - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-2 Lower class levy or slaves - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP or Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP 0-12 Nameless hermit - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP 0-1 Extra to give up to magic ability (O) to priests or hermit @ 0-10AP Any Only if Kosala: Various preists - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-2 Upgrade any priests to necromancers with up to magic (S) ability @ 0-13AP Any Cultists - Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP or all Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP or all Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP 0-4 Yota-pong stranglers - Reg Bd (F) @ 7AP 0-2 This list covers the “golden kingdoms” south of the Himelias, most notably Vendhya but may also include the shadowy Kosala. The personal names of Vendhyans are suggestive of historical Indians - which may provide a guide for figure collectors. Cavalry were armed with polished helmets, curved swords, gold-chased corslets and lances - all must be the same grade. It is unlikely nobles would have fought in a formal battle other than mounted but the option is given to add variety and for those mentioned outside the royal chamber in The People of the Black Circle. Irr Cv must outnumber Bd. Vendhyan armies should be accompanied by musicians with gongs, conches and trumpets. Ally-generals represent small kingdoms in alliance. The references to Kosala in the Red Nails story includes archers, slaves, necromancers, possibly domesticated (but not explicitly military) elephants. Kosala may not use any regulars other than generals or stranglers. RATHA has an example of a Vendhyan potentate's flag as a mammoth's head with gold balls on its tusks. 44. KHITAI (Phase III-IV) Tropical. Ag 3 if Yah-chieng the Terrible, 1 if others. BUA, H(G), Rd, Rgo, M, O, E, Wd. C-in-C as Reg Cv (O) @ 28AP or Reg Bd (I) @ 25AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-1 Ally-general - as above 0-3 Priests - Reg Ps (I) @ 1AP or Reg Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-4 Extra to give priests up to (O) magic ability @ 0-10AP Any Extra to give priests up to magic ability (S) as Lord of the Scarlet Circle @ 0-13AP 0-1 Artefacts (P) for priests @ 5AP 0-1 Cavalry - Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP 1-3 Tribal or light cavalry - Irr LH (F) @ 4AP or Reg LH (F) @ 4AP 0-2 Cameleers - Irr Cm (O) @ 6AP or Irr LH (I) @ 3AP 0-2 Black-clad priests - Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP or Reg Bd (F) @ 7AP 0-1 Robbers - Irr Ax (I) @ 2AP 0-4 Dancing gray apes and priests with pipes - Irr Sneaker (I) @ 1AP 0-1 Archers - Reg Bw (I) @ 4AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 2-12 Village levy - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP or 1/2 Irr Ax (I) @ 2AP 1/2 Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP 0-20 Jungle allies - List 5 Yag Khitai Nomad allies - List 11 Eastern Horse Nomad Only if Kang, Shu-chen or Ruo-gen: Regular army - Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP or Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP 20-80 Upgrade infantry to mtd on camels or donkeys @ +1 AP 0-6 Only if Yah Chieng the Terrible of Paikang (Phase-III): Upgrade C-in-C to Reg Bd (S) @ 29AP 0-1 Bodyguard sabremen - Reg Bd (S) @ 29AP 0-1 Paikaing infantry - Irr Bd (I) @ 4AP or all Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP 20-80 Upgrade infantry to Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP or Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP 0-1/2 Magical fire wielders - Reg Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-6 Flying beast - Irr Sneaker (O) @ 2AP 0-1 Dragons - Irr Lurker (S) @ 3AP or Irr Dragon (O) @ 20AP 0-1 Only if Kang revolt against Ya-Chieng (Phase-III): Peasant uprising - Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP 20-50 Deserting regulars - Reg Bd (I) @ AP or all Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP 0-8 Hyborian mercenaries - Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP or Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP 0-2

The Jungles of Khitai were in the extreme east of Conan’s world. Most of this list has been based on Conan the Avenger by Nyberg and de Camp. Khitai of the city-states wear jackets and silken trousers - Yah-cheing of Paikang’s soldiers appear to have been mostly infantry armed with bills and tridents. Yah-Chieng as Bd (S) represents his 200 giant sabremen bodyguard in their lamella armour, “scaled and plated like the crayfish of lake Ho” The bodyguard was recruited from captured white-skinned mercenaries. The dragon of leaden hue is 40-foot long with a spiked tail. Camels are mentioned as riding beasts in A Witch Shall Be Born - where a magician takes Salome to purple-towered Paikang to learn magic. The unnamed Khitai magician had been in Stygia on study leave. Black-clad priests are based on those in servitude of Valerus - as Bd (F) they are assumed to be fighting with arcane unarmed fighting techniques. 45. HAIRY CANNIBALS, APE-MEN AND SEMI-HUMANS (Phase I-IV) Cold if cannibals of the Eiglophian peaks or arctic ape-men, warm if others. Ag 1. H(S), H(G), Rgo, Wd, M. C-in-C - Irr Ax (I) @ 12AP or Irr Hd (F) @ 11AP 1 Ally-general - as above @ 6-7AP 0-3 Mountain men, cannibals or ape-men - Irr Ax (I) @ 2AP or Irr Hd (F) @ 1AP 30-340 Archers or slingers - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-8 Adolescents or rock-throwers - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP 4-40 Boulder-rollers - Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-4 This list covers the barbarous or semi-human or ape-men groups haunting the fringes of Conan’s world. The list is based on the hairy cannibals of the Eiglophian peaks who lived in a state of perpetual war with the Hyperborean Virunian people. The cannibals were armed with crude wooden clubs and stone tipped spears and axes. They were “short-limbed, thick-bodied creatures in tattered mangy furs”, they also sported blood-shot eyes - thus accurately resembling more than a few wargamers. This list can also cover the post-apocalyptic tribes crawling from or reverting to complete barbarism; or ape-men evolving into humans. 46. KHAURAN (Phase III-IV) Warm. Ag 0. BUA, H(G), H(S), Rv, Rd, V, D. C-in-C - Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP or Reg Kn (O) @ 32AP 1 Sub-general - as above 1-2 Ruling caste knights - Reg Kn (O) @ 12AP 2-8 Lower caste cavalry or mercenaries - Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP 2-8 Queen’s Guard, Palace Guard or guardsmen - Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP or all Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP 0-4 Khauran city infantry - Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP or all Reg Bd (O) 7AP 10-50 Downgrade city infantry to disgruntled disbanding troops - Bd to Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP - or Sp to Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP Any Downgrade Knights or cavalry to disgruntled disbanding troops - Reg Cv (I) @ 6AP Any Mob - Irr Hd (F) @ 1AP 0-8 Khuran is one of the small nations, formerly part of Koth, that lay between the Hyborian west and the Hyrkanian east. The nation and its ruling Hyborian Askhauranian Dynasty are the subjects of the story A Witch Shall Be Born - Howard. The native army is disbanded early in the story making reconstruction of an army list difficult. However, we are told the ordinary civilians were not permitted to bear arms and that Conan raises a force of 3000 Hyborian style lancers from among those dispossessed by Salome’s coup. The army may have been similar to that of the sister kingdom of Khoraja. Guards are described as wearing armour and plumed helmets. As Salome’s coup was accomplished solely with the help of Constantius’ troops that army is included in the Shemite Free Company list. RATHA has the flag of Khauran as plain green. 47. KHORAJA (Phase III-IV) Warm. Ag 1. BUA, WW, H(G), H(S), Rd, Rgo, O. C-in-C - Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP or Irr Kn (S) @ 22AP or Reg LH (I) @ 23AP 1 Sub-general - as noble knight - Irr Kn (S) @ 22AP 1 Sub-general - as wild tribe or hillman - Irr Cv (O) @ 17AP or Irr Bw (O) @ 14AP or Irr LH (F) @ 14AP 0-1 Mercenary sub-general - Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP 0-1 Guardsmen - Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP 0-4 City guard - Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP 0-4

Knights - Irr Kn (S) @ 12AP 1-2 Mercenary spearmen Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP 1-4 Hillmen cavalry - Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP or all Irr LH (F) @ 4AP 10-30 Khoraja spearmen - Irr Sp (I) @ 3AP or all Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-6 Upgrade Khoraja spearmen to mtd @ + 1AP or all to Irr Cv (I) @ 5AP All/0 Conan’s or similar mercenary horsemen - Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP or all Reg Kn (O) @ 12AP 2-6 Wild hill-tribe archers - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP or Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP 8-30 Thief of Shumir - Irr Sneaker (I) @ 1AP 0-1 Khoraja was a small kingdom between the Hyborian nations and the eastern steppe, it was carved out of Shemite lands by Kothic adventurers. Guardsmen have long shafted battle-axe, gold-chased greaves, silvered cuirass and crested gilt helmet. Conan as captain of infantry mercenaries wears a red cloak, mail, blue steel greaves and basinet. Knights are fully-armoured on silk-caparisoned horses, hillmen cavalry have peaked steel caps, chainmail under their flowing kaftans and are armed with Shemite bows. Khoraja spearmen were recruited from ruined Kothic families. Mercenaries have head-to-foot mail, visorless head pieces, lance and mace or broadsword. The C-in-C can be Princess Yasmela riding her camel, richly harnessed with a silk canopy and surrounded by knights. Hillmen cavalry can always dismount as Bw (O) if the army is the defender. No army can have more than two sub-generals. RATHA lists the Khorajan flag as pink with a silver diagonal bar from top left to bottom right. 48. SONS OF THE DESERT (Phase III-IV) Dry. Ag 1 if Tibu, 0 if others. D, Rgo, H(G), BUA. C-in-C - Irr Cv (O) @ 17AP or Irr LH (O) @ 15AP or Irr Cm (O) @ 16AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-1 Ally-general - as above @ 10-12AP 0-3 Nomads - up to 1/3 each command cameleers - Irr Cm (O) @ 6AP or Irr LH (I) @ 3AP - rest Irr LH (O) @ 5AP 30-90 This list covers the black and mixed-Stygian nomads living in the south-western desert or southern steppe. The troops are based on those fighting for Tombalku. The semi-mythical kingdom of Atlaia which may have been similar to these tribes is covered elsewhere. Tribes can include the mixed-race Tibu and Ghanatas and the lesser clans of Bigharma, Mindangi and Borni. Many of the nomads wore face masks, they were otherwise dressed in loose white garments, including silk pantaloons, or “picturesque tatters”. Those fighting for Tombalku were lancers, curved swords or flare-tipped scimitars were also popular. All troops count as Bedouin. 49. DEGENERATE CIVILISATIONS, NATIONS AND CULTS (Phase I-IV) Cold if People of the Summit, Tropical if Old Kosala, Warm if others. Ag 0. BUA, - H(S) if People of the Summit, H(S), H(G) - Rgo, Rd, E, Wd if Xuchotlan. C-in-C - Reg Bd (I) @ 25AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-2 City walls or battlements to protect baggage - TF @ 1AP 0-24 Only if Xuthal (Phase-III): Swordsmen - Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP 30-80 Scientists and priests - Reg Ps (I) @ 1AP or Reg Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-3 Thog the Ancient, shadow demon - Irr Lurker (S) @ 3AP or Irr Demon (O) @ 22AP 0-1 Only if People of the Summit (Phase-III): Vilayet hairless apes - Irr Bd (I) @ 4AP or all Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP 20-100 Upgrade apes to swordsmen or swordswomen - Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP Any Ancient one - Irr Lurker (S) @ 3AP or Irr Demon (O) @ 22AP 0-1 Bhambar mists - TF @ 2AP 0-36 Extra to give magic ability (I) to C-in-C @ 0-7AP 0-1 Only if Xuchotlan (Phase-III) or Old Kosala (Phase-II): Swordsmen - Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP 30-80 Archers - Reg Bw (I) @ 4AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-20 Wizards and necromancers - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-3 Extra to give up to magic ability (S) to necromancers @ 0-13AP Any Elephants - Irr El (I) @ 14AP 0-1 Dragons - Irr Lurker (S) @ 3AP or all Irr Dragon (O) @ 20AP 0-3 Black slaves - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP or all Irr Sp (I) @ 3AP 0-12 Only if Old Kosala (Phase-II):

Cultists - Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP or all Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP or all Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP 0-6 Yota-pong stranglers - Reg Bd (F) @ 7AP 0-2 Only if Tecuhltli (Phase-III): Swordsmen - Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP 30-80 Door guards - Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP 0-4 Ambush parties - Irr Lurker (I) @ 1AP or all Irr Sneaker (I) @ 1AP 0-3 Upgrade C-in-C with up to magic ability (S) @ 0-13AP 0-1 Only if Xotalanc or Tolkemec (Phase-III): Priests and magicians - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-1 Upgrade C-in-C with up to (S) magic ability @ 0-13AP 0-1 Upgrade priests with up to (O) magic ability @ 0-10AP 0-1 Swordsmen or clubmen - Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP 30-80 Ambush parties - Irr Lurker (I) @ 1AP or Irr Sneaker (I) @ 1AP 0-3 Only if Xotalanc (Phase-III): Crawler - Irr Dragon (I) @ 12AP or Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP 0-1 Only if Priests of The Black Shadow (Phase-I): Upgrade C-in-C to Thuron Black Shadow Priest - with up to magic ability (O) @ 0-10AP 0-1 Upgrade sub-general to Reg Bd (O) @ 27AP 0-2 Further upgrade Thuron to Reg Ps (I) @ 21AP or Reg Ps (X) @ 26AP 0-1 Priests - Irr Priests (I) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-6 Fully-armed priests or Thuron’s swordsmen - Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP or all Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP - or all Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP 30-80 Partially-armed priests or followers - Irr Hd (F) @ 1AP 0-20 Only if Degenerate worshippers of Zogthuu (Phase-I): Zogthuu - slitherer in the Night - Irr Lurker (S) @ 3AP or Irr Dragon (I) @ 14AP 0-1 Upgrade Dragon Zogthuu to C-in-C - @ 24AP or upgrade C-in-C to Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP as - Valusian noble rebel 0-1 Maddened naked worshippers of Zogthuu - Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP 40-200 Valusian rebel noble allies - List 53 Valusian or Pre-Cataclysmic Nations This list covers the degenerate, decaying or isolated cults and city-states colouring Conan and Kull’s world. The main nations are Xuthal and Xuchotl south of Stygia and the people of the Summit in the Himelians and the pre-cataclysmic cult enemies of Kull. Xuthal swordsmen have high-strapped sandals and purple silk tunics, Thog is a toad-faced shadow demon of indeterminate form but attacking with fangs, tentacles and talons. People of the Summit, both men and women fight in black robes wielding saw-toothed knives - they train the hairless Vilayet apes as swordsmen to make up for manpower shortages. The Ancient one is a 10-legged creature like a spider or huge suspended egg, it has stalked eyes and a gaping mouth. Xotalanc, Tecuhltli and Tolkemec are warring factions in the city of Xuchotl - they were originally the Tlazitlan people who escaped the king of Stygia. The factions used both men and women fighters in loincloths. Xotalanc’s crawler is a crocodile-like reptile. Xotalanc priests should include a man hiding under a black sheet with an antique skull on his head. Old Kosalans build Xuchotl with the help of an enslaved black tribe. The slaves were all massacred to fuel the magic required to bring the pre-historic dragons alive. Slaves may not be used with dragons. Dragons were used to infest the forest surrounding the city to aid defence - the dragons became uncontrollable as the level of magical knowledge declined over time. The descriptions of elephants suggest they may have been domesticated. See also list 9 for a description of stranglers. The Black Shadow Cult were enemies of Kull; Thuron’s swordsmen may have been the “fully-armed priests” or mercenary soldiers. When we see Thuron he is in a silk loincloth with a curved dagger and whip - these may not have been his standard work clothes. Zogthuu is a 30m slug or worm god, his worshippers came from all classes of Valusian society including the nobility - hence the ally-general’s contingent. The worshippers were a major menace, Kull had to suppress the cult with fire and axe. The various people listed above may not have been army-sized as represented here but the Tlazitlans were strong enough to defy Stygia and the People of the Summit once beat off the Turanians. 50. HYBORI (Phase-II) Cold. Ag 4. Rgo, Wd, H(S), H(G), Rv, M. C-in-C - Irr Wb (S) @ 15AP or Irr Kn (F) @ 19AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-2 Ally-general - as above @ 10-14AP 0-3 Hybori warriors - up to 3/4 Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP rest Irr Kn (F) @ 9AP 30-90 Conquered people - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP or Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP 0-8 Feathered priests of Bori - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-1 per command Upgrade priests with up to (S) magic ability @ 0-13AP Any

Heart of Arhiman Artefact (A) for priest - @ 15AP 0-1 Downgrade Kn (F) to heroic charioteers - Irr Cv (O) @ 6AP, 16AP if generals All/0 Bands of thieves - Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP 0-2 Only if Hyperborean Hybori (Ag 0): Primitive boulder forts to protect baggage - TF @ 1AP 12-36 The Hybori were the barbarians crawling out of the north during post-apocalyptic times. They were originally tall, tawny-haired, grey-eyed vigorous and warlike. Their warlike nature was fierce enough to sustain them in an ultimately successful 2000 years of conflict with the magic and armies of Archeron. Descriptions of warriors mentions horn-helmeted men in wolfskins and riders clad in scale mail. The Hyborian sack of Kuthchemes - mentioned in the Black Colossus suggests they may have all been mounted troops and we learn the southern tribes took to cattle raising and plains living. No army can have both sub-generals and ally-generals 51. ACHERON OR KUTHCHEMES (Phase-II) Warm if Acheron, Dry if Kuthchemes. Ag 2. BUA, Rgo, Rd, H(G), H(S), E, V, O, Rv. C-in-C - in chariot as Reg Cv (S) @ 29AP or Reg LH (S) @ 26AP 1 Sub-general - as above 1-3 Chariots - Reg Cv (S) @ 9AP 4-20 Cavalry - Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP 0-10 Scouts - Reg LH (O) @ 5AP or Reg LH (F) @ 4AP 0-4 Archers - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 12-36 Slaves or subject people - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP or Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP 0-10 Swordsmen - Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP 0-6 Priests of Set or other magicians - Reg Ps (I) @ 1AP or Reg Ps (X) @ 6AP 1-6 Extra to give up to magic ability (S) for generals, priests and magicians @ 0-13AP Any Downgrade troops to irregular @ 1-16AP All/0 Giant snake - Irr Lurker (S) @ 3AP or all Irr Dragon (I) @ 14AP 0-2 Spell-enslaved creatures - Irr Beasts (O) @ 5AP or Irr Beasts (S) @ 7AP 0-6 Spell-enslaved creatures, enchanted victims or similar - Irr Sneaker (I) @ 1AP 0-2 Spell-enslaved or drugged cultists - Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP or all Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP or Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP 0-4 Golden destruction powder - TF @ 2AP 0-24 Stygian allies - List 36 Stygian Only if Acheron: Nameless anthropomorphic monstrosity - Irr Lurker (S) @ 3AP or Irr Demon (O) @ 22AP 0-2 Heart of Arhiman Artefact (A) for general or other magic user @ 15AP 0-1 Mirror or other Artefact (P) for magic user @ 5AP 0-3 Hand of Nergal Artefact (H) for magic user @ 1AP *1 Serpents or other creatures - Irr Lurker (O) @ 2AP 0-1 Mummy-like child of darkness - Irr Sneaker (O) @ 2AP 0-3 Ghost of gigantic vampire bat allies: Ghost of gigantic vampire bat ally-general - Irr Dragon (W,O) @ 27AP *1 Ghosts of gigantic vampire bats - Irr Dragon (W,O) @ 22AP *3-5 Kuthchemes allies - List 51 Archeron or Kuthchemes Only if Kuthchemes: Upgrade C-in-C on winged camel chariot - Reg Flyer (O) @ 32AP (see notes below) 1 Downgrade swordsmen to Reg Bd (I) @ 5AP or archers to Reg Bw (I) @ 4AP 1/2-All Nomads - Irr LH (O) @ 5AP or Irr LH (F) @ 4AP 0-4 Nameless anthropomorphic monstrosity - Irr Lurker (S) @ 3AP or Irr Demon (O) @ 22AP 0-1 Incubus, vampires or witches - Irr Sneaker (O) @ 2AP 0-1 This list covers the powerful, mysterious and magical land of Acheron with its famous purple towered cities and the related nation of Kuthchemes. Acheron with its famous capital of Python was the northern sister nation to Stygia. Acheron and Kuthchemes fell to the relentless assault of the barbarous Hybori. Acheron’s fall might plausibly be blamed on the loss of the Heart of Arhiman, with which the Hybori counter her magic. We are told Stygia did not fall to the Hybori because its armies were more disciplined than Acheron - hence the option to make the entire army irregular. Priests and magic figure prominently in Acheron, Xaltotun was both a High Priest of Set and a fighter against the Hybori and proto-Cimmerian barbarians. Kuthchemes may have been a satrapy of Acheron or a separate contemporary city-state. Items in Natohk’s tomb in Kuthchemes include jewel-hilted swords in cloth-of-gold sheaths, golden helmets with coloured horse-hair crests of black and scarlet plumes, silver scaled corslets and gem-crusted harness. Many of the troops are included by analogy with Stygia and what little information can be gleaned from other sources. Minimums marked * apply if any troops so marked are used - see List 9 for more

information on ghosts. Kuthchemes allies for Acheron can include non-compulsory troops. For all armies Bw must outnumber Cv. Kuthchemes can use only one or two sub-generals and only one priest. The Kuthchemes C-in-C in his chariot can change from a Cv (S) chariot to a winged camel, Reg Flyer (O) if the general is a magic user and he performs the spell of lycanthropy. 52. ANTILLIAN (Phase I-IV) Tropical. Ag 0. WW, BUA, H(S), H(G), Rgo, Wd. C-in-C - Reg Ps (I) @ 21AP or Reg Ps (X) @ 26AP or Reg Bd (F) @ 27AP - or Reg Sp (O) @ 25AP or Reg Bd (O) @ 27AP 1 Sub-general - as above 1-2 Soldiers or marines - Reg Bd (F) or all Reg Bd (O) 4-16 Soldiers or marines - Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP 4-16 Priests - Reg Ps (I) @ 1AP 0-3 Hierarch of Xotli - Reg Ps (I) @ 1AP or Reg Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-1 Extra to give up to magic ability (O) for Hierarch of Xotli @ 0-10AP 0-1 Narcotic gas grenade slingers - Reg Ps (X) @ 6AP 4-16 Thieves - Irr Sneaker (I) @ 1AP 0-1 Dragons - Irr Dragon (I) @ 14AP or Irr Dragon (O) @ 20AP *2-5 Xotli the demon-god - Irr Demon (S) @ 27AP 0-1 Imitation dragon galley - Reg Gal (S) @ 4AP [any foot] 0-4 Phantom-crewed bireme - Reg Gal (F) @ 3AP [priests or marines] 0-4 Ships - Irr Shp (I) @ 2AP [any foot] 0-4 Rat swarm - Irr Lurker (S) @ 3AP 0-1 This list covers the remnant Antillian civilisation on the islands far to the west of Hyboria as mentioned in Conan of the Isles by de Camp and Carter. Soldiers from the city of Ptahuacan use glass-tipped swords, spears and bills and are protected by glass mail armour. Phantom marines have a long coat of rosy metal chain mail, bird’s head helmet, long straight saw-toothed sword and jagged-edged shield of enamelled metal embossed with the kraken emblem of Atlantis. Biremes have a double bank of oars, a ram and brass dragon-head prow. Imitation dragon galleys have bamboo reinforced triangular sails as false wings and imitation clawed feet as grappling devices - they spurt flammable liquid from the dragon’s mouth. Marines wear glossy armour over leather jerkins, they wield wavy-headed spears, saw-tooth swords, hooked spears and have breathing equipment. Narcotic gas globes, the size of apples are launched by slingers who keep spare globes in baskets. Priests wear cloaks of feathers and platform shoes - some of them serve as officers for other troops. They should be tastefully decorated with rings, amulets, bracelets and anklets. Dragons are slate grey in colour with forked tongues, they must all be in one command. Minimums marked * apply only if any Dragons are used. The Demon of Darkness, Xolti, is a huge tentacled black hovering cloud - it doesn’t seem to fly about so is not classed as an aerial. 53. VALUSIAN OR PRE-CATACLYSMIC NATIONS (Phase-I) Warm. Ag 2. WW, BUA, Rgo, Rv, M, Wd, H(S), H(G). C-in-C - as Red Slayer or similar - Reg Cv (S) @ 30AP or all Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-2 Ally-general - as above 0-3 Upgrade C-in-C as Valusian snake-man doppelganger with up to magic ability (S) @ 0-13AP 0-1 Red Slayers or similar - Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP or all Reg Kn (S) @ 15AP 4-20 Gladiators - Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP 0-1 Footmen or men-at-arms - Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP 4-20 Bowmen of the hills - Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP or Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-8 Light footmen - Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP or Irr Ps (S) @ 3AP 0-8 Pictland mercenaries - Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP or all Irr Bd (F) @ 5AP 0-16 Bowmen of Lemuria - Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP or all Irr Wb (F) @ 4AP 0-16 Black squadron or similar - Reg Gal (O) @ 3AP [marines or slaves] 0-4 Slaves - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-4 Marines - Reg Ax (O) @ 4AP or all Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP 0-1 per Gal Pictland or Lemurian allies - List 56 Atlantis, Pictland, Lemurian or Celtic (0-2 contingents of - either tribe) Only if Kull is King of Valusia: Regrade sub-general to Pictish - Reg LH (S) @ 27AP or Reg LH (F) @ 24AP 0-1

Pictland cavalry - Reg LH (S) @ 7AP or all Reg LH (F) @ 4AP 1-3 Upgrade Pictland mercenaries to Reg Ax (S) @ 5AP or all Reg Bd (F) @ 7AP and Bowmen - of Lemuria to Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP All/0 Only if Valusian Rebels: Assassins, agents and spies - Irr Sneaker (O) @ 2AP or Irr Sneaker (I) @ 1AP 0-3 Bandit allies: Bandit ally-general - Irr LH (O) @ 10AP *1 Bandit cavalry - Irr LH (O) @ 5AP *0-2 Bandits - Irr Ax (I) @ 2AP *6-12 Enarios’ Black Legion allies: Black Legion ally-general - Reg Bd (S) @ 19AP **1 Black Legions - Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP **4-9 Only if Farsunian: Adventurers - Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP or all Reg Kn (O) @ 12AP 0-4 Only if Zarfhaanian Empire: Border guards - Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP 0-6 Downgrade generals to chariot riders - Reg Cv (O) @ 27AP or all Reg Cv (S) @ 29AP All Downgrade Red Slayers or similar to nobles in chariots - Reg Cv (O) @ 7AP or all Reg Cv (S) @ 9AP 0-1/2 Only if Verulian: Agents - Irr Sneaker (I) @ 1AP 0-1 Upgrade men-at-arms to Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP Any This list covers the pre-cataclysmic kingdoms of King Kull’s world, which, other than Grondar, are assumed to be similar to Valusia. Other nations can include: Farsun, Verulia, Zarfhaanian, Thurania and the Lesser Kingdoms. Grondar and the various barbarians and non-humans are covered elsewhere. Kull’s Valusians should be accompanied by mounted trumpeteers with slender gold trumpets. No army can include both home nation sub-generals and home nation ally-generals. Valusian rebels such as the revolt of the Rebel Four and the Lesser Kingdoms must have ally-generals. The bandit ally-general marked* must command all the bandits and no other troops - the minimums so marked apply only if any are used. Enaros’ Black Legion marked ** must be commanded only by him, he can command other troops but need not use footmen or men-at-arms the minimums so marked apply only if any are used.. I assume the Black Legion was Enaros’ personally-uniformed men-at-arms but are not otherwise associated with the Black squadron marines which attacked the Atlanteans. The elite Red Slayers were clad in all red/crimson and rode caparisoned horses - they were armed with pennoned lances and shields. Verulian men-at-arms as Bd can be armed with swords or axes. 54. GRONDAR (Phase-I) Warm. Ag 1. BUA, H(G), H(S), Rgo, WW, M C-in-C as Irr Cv (O) @ 17AP or Irr LH (O) @ 15AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 16AP 1 Ally-general - as above @ 10-13AP 1-3 Upgrade generals with up to magic ability (S) @ 0-13AP 0-1 Sorcerers - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-2 Riders - Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP or Irr LH (O) @ 5AP 20-90 Foot - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-4 The mysterious plains-dwelling pre-cataclysmic people of Grondar, “the shadow land,” recognised no kings but were rumoured to be ruled by sorcerers. The riders, with unshorn black hair, rode shaggy black ponies and were roughly clad in glistening black leather. They use glittering swords and buffalo hide shields “painted with uncouth symbols of terrible demons’ faces and monsters”. The WW can be the sea or the shallow river Stagus at the end of the known world. 55. CREATURES OF THE FORBIDDEN LAKE (Phase-I) Warm. Ag 0. WW, BUA, M, Rv, H(G), Rgo, Wd. C-in-C - Irr Bd (I) @ 14AP 1 Sub-general - as above 1-2 Lake-beings - Irr Water Lurker (O) @ 2AP or Irr Bd (I) @ 4AP or Irr Beasts (O) @ 5AP 30-100 Giant water skimming spiders - Irr Beasts (O) @ 5AP or all Irr Bts (I) @ 1AP [no crew] 0-2 Giant serpent - Irr Dragon (O) @ 20AP 0-1 Behemoth - Reg Gal (S) @ 4AP [non-Lurker lake-beings or generals] 0-1 Upgrade generals with up to magic ability (O) @ 0-10AP Any

This list covers the pre-cataclysmic creatures of the Enchanted Domain connected to Kull’s world via the Forbidden Lake. The Lake-beings should be a delight for figure converters and collectors as they include octopus-headed and shark-men among their number. Other Lake-beings are more humanoid and use daggers. The Dragon is a 200-foot long serpent with gold and jade scales. Kull leaves the Enchanted Domain riding a behemoth, which I assume was a whale or whale analogue. The BUA is a great underwater basalt city with huge columns. All troops count as water adapted. 56. ATLANTIS, PICTLAND, LEMURIAN OR CELTIC (Phase-I) Cold or Warm. Ag 2. WW, H(S), H(G), BUA, M, Rv, Wd, Rgo. C-in-C - as warrior 1 Sub-general - as warrior 0-1 Ally-general - as warrior 0-3 Warriors - Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP or Irr Bd (F) @ 5AP 30-120 Archers - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP or Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP 8-20 Spear throwers - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Ax (I) @ 2AP 0-6 Priests - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-1 per command Naval - Irr Bts (O) @ 2AP [any foot] 0-4 Only if Lemurian: Upgrade warriors to Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP or Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP All Slaves - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-12 Upgrade naval to Reg Gal (O) @ 3AP [any foot] Any Only if Pictland: Upgrade generals to Irr LH (S) @ 17AP or Irr LH (F) @ 14AP Any Upgrade ally-general to sub-general 0-1 Cavalry - Irr LH (S) @ 7AP or all Irr LH (F) @ 4AP 1-10 Downgrade naval to war canoes - Irr Bts (I) @ 1AP All Upgrade one general to Irr Wb (S) @ 15AP *1 Upgrade warriors to Spear-slayers - Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP *0-15 Upgrade priest to C-in-C - Irr Ps (I) @ 11AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 16AP or Irr Hd (O) @ 11AP 0-1 Extra to give priest C-in-C up to magic ability (S) @ 0-13AP 0-1 This list covers the pre-cataclysmic barbarian peoples, including Pictland, Lemuria, Atlantean and the mysterious Celts. Warriors of most nations use a spear, often stone tipped, and a sword which varied in quality from tribe to tribe. Kull’s Atlanteans are mentioned wearing leopard-hide loin cloth while Picts sport a leather kilt. Lemurians were famous archers, they kept slaves and engaged the Valusian navy. Warriors and their weapons can be painted with blue woad to guarantee success. A Pictland Wb (S) general marked* must command all the Wb (S) and no other troops. The Spear-slayers were a famous warrior clan, apparently recruited from the best fighters of other tribes - they can be distinguished by their feathered crown. Spear-slayers may not be provided in an allied contingent for foreign nations. Spear-slayers must be commanded by a Wb (S) general. A Pictland magic user C-in-C is Aa-thak, King wizard of the Sungara people, dressed in his furs, feathers, beads, skulls, lion-skull helmet and holding his carved staff. Other Pict priests are shamen in bison-skull masks and necklaces of human fingers. A Pict army can have Nial of the Tatheli, overlord of The Isles, Great War-chief, as C-in-C and two sub-generals representing a combined army fighting foreigners. The Celts are not described they but may be similar to Atlanteans. All the warriors of a command must be the same type and grade. 57. SERPENT MEN, WOLF MEN OR DEMONS OF OLD VALUSIA (Phase-I) Warm. Ag 3. BUA, WW, Rgo, Wd, H(S), H(G), Rd. C-in-C as knight, cavalry, chariot or priest @ 35-21AP 1 Sub-general - as above 0-2 Priests of the Mighty Serpent - Reg Ps (I) @ 1AP or Reg Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-3 Hand of Nergal artefact (H) for priest or general @ 1AP *1 Extra to give up to magic ability (S) to general or priest @ 0-13AP Any Ghost of gigantic vampire bat allies: Ghost of gigantic vampire bat ally-general - Irr Dragon (W,O) @ 27AP *1 Ghosts of gigantic vampire bats - Irr Dragon (W,O) @ 22AP *3-5 Cavalry or chariots - Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP, 9AP if chariots, or Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP or 7AP if chariots 4-10 Knights - Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP or all Reg Kn (S) @ 15AP 0-2 Scouts - Reg LH (O) @ 5AP or Reg LH (F) @ 4AP 0-2

Swordsmen or spearmen - Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP or Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP 4-12 Archers - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 16-32 Downgrade non-allied troops to lesser reptile creatures, snakes or similar Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP, 12AP if - generals, Any Giant serpents - Irr Lurker (S) @ 3AP 0-2 Doppelgangers - Irr Lurkers (S) @ 3AP or Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP 2-12 Ghosts of the slain - Irr Lurker (I) @ 1AP 0-1 Snake cultist allies: Cultist ally-general - Irr Bd (I) @ 9AP or Irr Hd (S) @ 7AP or Reg Ps (I) @ 11AP or - Reg Ps (X) @ 16AP **1 Extra to give up to magic ability (S) to priest @ 0-13AP 0-1 Cultists - Irr Bd (I) @ 4AP or Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP **10-30 Thulsa Doom ally-general - Irr Ps (I) @ 6AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 11AP - or Irr LH (S) @ 12AP ***0-1 Extra to give up to (S) magic ability to Thulsa Doom @ 0-13AP ***0-1 Thulsa Doom’s mist-demon or fog-phantom - Irr Sneaker (O) @ 2AP ***0-2 Thulsa Doom’s deluded followers Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP ***0-3 The serpent men, wolfmen, demons and goblins of old Valusia fought against the first humans. The serpent men had a snake head but were otherwise human. The troops listed here can be either non-humans or humans not realising their leaders have been replaced by doppelgangers. The snakemen and presumably others were expert lycanthropes able to copy human forms. Troop types listed are based on contemporary Valusians and assumed to be the model for later Stygian doctrines. Cultists are worshippers of the Mighty Serpent, perhaps led by snakemen. A cultist general marked ** must command all the troops so-marked and no other troops the minimums so marked apply only if any are used.- he does not count as foreign for treachery. Thulsa Doom is Kull’s great sorcerer enemy - a fellow traveller of the Mighty Serpent - as a general he can command only troops marked*** no other general can command them. Thulsa Doom has a naked skull for a head but otherwise seems normal, deluded followers are humans duped by his latest trickery. See list 9 for items marked*. 58. FLYING CREATURES (Phase I-III) Warm. Ag 2. Rv, WW, H(S), H(G), Rgo, BUA. C-in-C - Irr flyer (O) @ 20AP or Irr Flyer (I) @ 17AP 1 Ally-general - as above @ 12-16AP 1-3 Birdwomen, harpies, bat-men, flying fiends or similar - Irr Flyer (O) @ 10AP or Irr Flyer (I) @ 7AP 15-65 Only if bat things of the River Zarkheba (Phase I-II): Upgrade C-in-C to Reg Flyer (S) @ 34AP 1 Upgrade ally-generals to sub-generals as Reg Flyer (S) @ 34AP All Upgrade Flyers to Reg Flyer (S) @ 14AP All Extra to give Flyers or generals up to magic ability (O) @ 0-10AP Any Only post-mutation bat things of the River Zarkheba (Phase II-III): Tropical. Ag 0. Also - Wd, WW. Upgrade Flyers to Irr Flyer (S) @ 13AP, @ 23AP if C-in-C or @ 18AP ally general All Ensorcelled humans in giant hyena form - Irr Beasts (O) @ 5AP 0-1 This list covers the “birdwomen, the harpies, the bat-men, the flying fiends” of pre-cataclysmic times and the bat creatures of the River Zarkheba that attack Conan and Belit’s crew. All the flyers of a command must be the same grade and commanded by a general of that grade. The bat-things of the River Zarkheba were “like men of heroic proportions” - who had a flourishing civilisation until mutation and corruption took hold of the species debasing them from winged gods to pinioned demons. 59. AMANAR’S S’TARRA (Phase III) Dry. Ag 1. H(S), H(G), Rgo, Rd, BUA. C-in-C as Reg WWg (I) @ 23AP or Reg Cv (O) @ 28AP or Reg Bd (F) @ 27AP 1 Sub-general - Reg Cv (O) @ 28AP or Reg Bd (F) @ 27AP 1-2 S’tarra cavalry - Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP or Reg LH (O) @ 5AP 0-2 S’tarra - Reg Bd (F) @ 7AP or all Reg Ax (S) @ 5AP 20-60 S’tarra crossbowmen - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 2-12 S’tarra javelineers - Reg Ps (I) @ 1AP 0-6 Ballistae or Stone throwers - up to 1/2 Reg Art (S) @ 10AP rest, Reg Art (O) @ 8AP 0-4

Zath the demon or ensorcelled S’tarra - Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP 0-2 Artefact (P) for C-in-C @ 5AP 0-1 Extra to give up to (S) magic ability for WWg C-in-C @ 0-13AP 0-1 This list covers the S’tarra lizardmen forces controlled by the wizard Amanar, in Conan the Invincible, Jordan. The S’tarra are taller than human creatures of the Kenzankian Hills. They use a variety of combat weapons such as battle-axe, spear, sword, club and wear chain mail and ridged helmets. The force may not have been army sized as represented here but the list is included for saurophiles and in recognition that pre-cataclysmic lizardmen may have had similar standing armies. Cavalry are S’tarra riding horses, ordinary S’tarra are classed as regulars due to their blind loyalty to Amanar. A WWg general is Amanar in his scarlet robes on an ivory litter caries by eight S’tarra. Zath is a small grey ape-like being with bat-like wings. 60. SEMI-HISTORICAL PICT (Phase IV) Cold. Ag 3. WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, RGo, M, Rd, BUA. C-in-C - in chariot as Irr Kn (O) @ 19AP or on horse as Cv (O) @ 17AP or as Irr Bw (O) @ 14AP 1 Ally-general - as above 0-1 Extra to give up magic ability (I) to Pict generals @ 0-7 AP Any Gonar the Wizard or Atla the witch woman of Dagon-moor - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP or Irr Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-1 Extra to give Gonar up to Magic ability (S) @ 0-13AP or Atla up to magic (O) @ 0-10AP Any Bandits - Irr Bd (F) @ 5AP or Irr Lurker (O) @ 2AP 0-1 Cornish Tribe allies: Cornish Tribe Ally-general - Irr Wb (F) @ 8AP *1 Cornish Tribesmen - Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP 0-*12 Men of the Fen allies: Men of the Fen Ally-general - Irr Ax (O) @ 8AP **1 Men of the Fen - Irr Ax (I) @ 2AP 0-**12 Pict werewolves - Irr Sneaker (O) @ 2AP 0-2 Pict witchfinder, wizard, priest or similar - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-1 Extra to give up to magic (I) to witchfinder @ 0-7AP Any Pict "frogmen" - Irr Water Lurker (I) @ 1AP 0-1 Pict warriors - Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP 12-36 Pict skirmishers - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP (can support spearmen) 4-12 Pict spearmen - Irr Ax (X) @ 3AP 0-16 Briton chariots - Irr Kn (O) @ 9AP 0-9 Boats - Irr Bts (I) @ 1AP [any foot] 0-4 Nameless water monster - Irr Water Lurker (O) @ 2AP 0-1 Only if Bran Mac Morn is King: Extra to give C-in-C Jewelled Crown of Morni - Artefact (H) @ 1AP 0-1 Ally-general as Cormac of Connaght - Irr Kn (F) @ 14AP 0-**1 Gaels - Irr Kn (F) @ 9AP 0-**12 Kull of Valusia ally-general - Reg Bd (S) @ 19AP 0-***1 Gold Helm - Artefact (H) for Kull @ 1AP 0-1 Worms - Irr Sneaker (S) @ 3AP or all Irr Demon (O) @ 22AP 0-6 Norse allies: Norse ally-general - Irr Bd (O) @ 10AP 0-***1 Norse axemen - Irr Bd (O) @ 5AP 0-***3 Extra to upgrade C-in-C to Reg Kn (O) in chariot - @ 31AP, Kull to Reg Bd (S) sub-general @ 29AP - and Cormac to Reg Kn (F) sub-general @ 31AP All/0 Only after Bran Mac Morn: Upgrade Picts to flint people - Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP 0-4 Stone god idol carried by Picts - Irr WWg (I) @ 2AP 0-1 Extra to give stone god idol up to magic ability (S) @ 0-13AP 0-1 This list covers the semi-historical Celtic and Pict armies described by RE Howard, in the Worms of the Earth. The army differs from the historical prototype by not having compulsory spearmen, which are mentioned less frequently than archers and adding supernatural items. The action deals mostly with the heroic Bran Mac Morn leading his resistance against imperial Rome. A feature of the stories is the linking between characters and those in Phase I pre-cataclysmic times - King Kull is summoned to aid his distant successors against the evil of Rome. Bandits can be the red-haired Buruc the Cruel and his sword. Savage Cornish tribesmen are not fully-described but I have included them as Wb by analogy with contemporary Welsh and Scots-Irish. Primitive Picts are four foot-tall savages armed with bows, arrows, spears, daggers, hides while wearing coarse cloths. They were decorated with

tattoos, woad and ochre. Pict werewolves are men in wolf costumes pretending, quite convincingly, to be wolves, other Pict warriors are armed with small round shields, long spear and oval-bladed swords. Pict "frogmen" are spearthrowers hiding underwater and breathing with reed straws. Pict witchfinders should be depicted in loincloth and tattooed from head to foot. The Gaels marked ** are hard-riding hard-fighting warriors in mail shirts and visorless helmet, they were armed with round bucklers, long swords and light axes, they must be commanded by Cormac of Connaght who can command other troops. Briton bronze chariots with long cruel blades projecting from their sides terrorised Pict, Roman and Norse raider alike. The crews, apparently three-strong, wore deerskin and sandals, they were armed with small bronze-braced round bucklers, long heavy swords and some with bows, all the chariots must be commanded by a general in a chariot. Bran's Pict archers are barefoot and clad scantily in wolf skins, armed with short barbed swords of iron, heavy black bows, stone-headed mallets and crude shields of hide covered wood. Kull or a Norse general must command all the troops marked *** and Kull can also command 0-2 elements of Pict Bw or Ps. Kull should be depicted with his ornate gold headband, Norse shield and heavy mace. He counts as Bd (S) due to his Valusian steel weapons and god-like ability to inspire those near him. Kull will never change sides to fight for the enemy. Troops marked ** must be commanded by Cormac who can command other troops. Troops marked * or ** can only be commanded by the general of their type who commands no other troops. Worms are not well described but strike fear and loathing into the hearts of everybody, they are humanoid monstrosities with pendulous lips and fangs, pointed fangs, hideously misshapen, dwarfish body and reptilian eyes. Worms may not be used with Kull. The stone god idol was captured by Vikings who have to face fanatic Picts bent on recapturing it, the idol helps those it favours by telepathic suggestion and other ill-defined powers.

Guide to dismounting If it becomes necessary to dismount troops to attack or defend fortifications or to attack war-wagons use the following scheme. List-2 Cv (I) as Ax (I); LH (F) as Bw (O), LH (S) or Cv as Bw (S) List-3 Cv as Wb (S) List-4 Generals as Sp (S); Cv or LH as Bw (O) List-6 Cv as Sp (S) List-7 Kn as Bd (S), Adventurers as Sp (O), chariot generals as Sp (S), Xaltotun as Ps (X) or Bd (F) List-8 Kn as Bd (S), Cv as Sp (S) List-9 Reg Cv as Bw (S), Irr Cv and LH as Bw (O), chariots as Sp (S) List-10 Cv as Bw (S) List-11 LH (S) or Cv as Bw (S), LH (F) as Bw (O) List-12 and List-14 Kn as Bd (S), sergeants or men at arms as Sp (O), LH (O) as Ax (O), LH (I) as Bw (I) List-15 Kn as Bd (S), LH as Bw (O), Cv as Sp (O) List-16 Kn as Bd (S); LH (O) as Ax (O), LH (F) as Bw (I) List-17 Kn generals as Bd (S), other generals as Bd (F) or Ax (S), Kn as Sp (O), Cv or LH (O) as all Ax (O) or all Ps (S), LH -(I) as Bw (I) List-18 Kn as Bd (S); Kozaki as Bd (F), Free Company as Sp (O) List-19 Cv as Bw (S), LH as Bw (O) List-23 Guard or general Cv as Bd (O), other Cv as Sp (O), LH as Bw (O). List-24 Cv as Bd (F) or warrior type for tribe, Cv or LH as warrior type for tribe. List-25 Mtd as per home lists, generals as Bd (O) List-27 Kn as Bd (S), Cv as Bd (F) List-28 Cv as Sp type/grade chosen for that command, or Bd (O) if no Sp. List-29 Kn as Bd (S), Free Companions as Sp (O) List-30 As foot types shown in 30a List-31 Kn as Bd (S), Cv as Guard type chosen, if none as Bd (O) List-32 Kn as Bd (S) Cv or LH as Spearmen List-33 Cv as Bw (S), Kushite LH or Cv as Ax (O) or all Ps (S) or all Bd (X), other LH as Bw (O) List-35 Cv or Kn as Bw (S), LH as Bw (O) List-36 or List 51 or List 57 Cv as Bw (S), Chariots as Sp (S), LH (O) or slave raiders as Ax (O), LH (F or I) as Bw (O), Free -company Kn as Bd (S), Free Company Cv as Sp (O), Stygian Kn as Sp (S) List-37 Chariots as Sp (S), mounted guard Cv or Kn as Sp (S), black guard Cv as spearmen List-38 LH or Cv as spear type for tribe List-39 Generals as Sp (S) or Bd (O), Aphaki as Bd (O), Tibu as Ax (O) or all Ps (S) or all Bd (X) List-40 Cv or LH as Bd (F) List-41 Generals as guard spearmen, Cv or LH as black spearman type chosen or all as Bd (X), Atlaia as Ax (O) or all Ps (S) List-43 Irr Cv as Bd (O), Reg Cv as all Bw (S) or all Bd (O) List-44 Cv as Bw (S), LH as Bw (O) List-46 Kn as Bd (S), Cv as city infantry List-47 Kn or LH (I) as Bd (S), Irr Cv (O) as Bw (O), Conan's Cv as mercenary spearmen List-48 Generals as Ax (S) or Bd (F), LH as Ax (O) or all Ps (S) List-49 Kn as Bd (S) List-50 Kn or Cv as Wb (S) List-53 Slayers as Bd (S), Pictland LH as Pictland foot, bandit LH as bandit foot, Farsunian Kn as Bd (S), Cv as Sp (O), -Zarfhaanian chariots or Cv (O) as Sp (O). List-54 Cv or LH as Wb (O). List-56 LH as ordinary Pictland warrior List-57 Kn (F) as Bd (O), Chariots as Wb (S), general's Ch or Cv as Bd (O) List-59 Cv or LH as Ax or Bd. List-60 Kn chariots and Cv generals as Wb (S), Kn (F) as Bd (O)