Day Dreamers

Post on 30-May-2018

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Transcript of Day Dreamers

  • 8/9/2019 Day Dreamers


    Day Dreamer

    Written by: Jordan L. Crowder

  • 8/9/2019 Day Dreamers




    My favorite holiday of the year. I can never get

    tired of all the black and all the candy. I can even

    handle all the screaming kids begging for more

    candy from their parents who just give in, becausethey are tired of the kid making a scene. The one

    thing I can never handle, however, is that all the

    kids are dressed up as something that doesnt

    exist. Every other kid I see is acting like a bad

    imitation of a vampire or a werewolf. Maybe one

    day theyll understand that vampires dont actually

    look like that or that werewolves actually arent as

    hairy as everyone thinks they are. Maybe theyll

    realize that vampires could actually be among


    Im 15, almost 16 and have been that way for

    almost two centuries now. I was originally born

    and raised in Paris, France. My parents were traders.

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    They traded spices, jewels, cloth, food, and anything

    else that could be traded. My mother was very fat

    and my father was very pot bellied. I had one sisterand one brother, Elsa and Robert. My name was

    originally Jezabelle Marie Coudres and I was getting

    ready to celebrate my sixteenth birthday when I

    was changed into what I am now. Two hundred

    years later, and I am now known as Hallow Sky

    Knight and I am still almost 16.

    After my sixteenth birthday, I was to be married

    to Joseph Cervantez. He was a Spanish explorer,

    who failed at anything and everything. He loved to

    spend money faster than he could earn it. Josephwas about 21 at the time and was seeking a young,

    beautiful, and energetic wife, so my parents brought

    me out to show him. He loved me immediately but,

    then again, who wouldnt? I mean, Im young

    woman with red-brown hair, blue-gray eyes, and a

    slender figure. I was very fit for a woman two

    hundred years ago.

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    When we were getting ready to have our

    engagement party, I fell deathly ill with a form of

    influenza. Joseph was upset that I was ill. He wasafraid that I would die and he would have to go find

    a wife elsewhere. So, he made a decision. He

    decided that he would change me and make me

    immortal like him. What he didnt know, was that, I

    did not want to be changed.

    Three days after Joseph changed me, I killed

    him. I ripped his head off, literary, and threw it in a

    fire. After that, I left Paris and went to Italy to learn

    all types of art, music, and literature. After I learned

    all I could there in Italy, I moved on to England.When I got to England, I learned very quickly that

    they knew the same things as the Italians. I quickly

    moved to the Americas after that. I went to live in

    Seattle, Washington and I currently reside there as it

    is. I have lived here for more than 150 years out of

    my two hundred and I still love it.

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    I have to go to a new high school every time I

    graduate from the previous. I currently go to school

    at Seattle High School. I am a junior there so I atleast have one more year of high school here. Oh,

    and did I mention that I can read peoples minds?

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    Chapter 1

    I was sitting at lunch time at a table by myself

    when I noticed something off. People were staring

    at more than usual. I tuned in to Jessicas mind to

    see what the problem was. According to Jessica,

    the head cheerleader, they were trying to figure out

    why the new guy kept looking at me. I hadnt even

    realized he had been so I tried to pay attention to

    his aura.

    He was dropped dead gorgeous and staringstraight at me. I tuned into his mind to see what he

    was thinking and was not surprised one bit. That

    girl over there sitting by herself looks lonely. Maybe

    I could go over there and keep her company. I

    wonder what her name is. Shes actually kind ofpretty Any girl would have been ecstatic to

    know some hot guy like this one was thinking

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    about her. But not me. I was used to this kind of

    thinking from a guy.

    I always dress to repel people. I dressed in all

    black and had my iPod on all the time. It usually

    worked on people except this time. I listened into

    Stephens mind next to get more information about

    this guy. I cant believe hes looking at her. I am

    Hallows only real friend, even if she doesnt likeme. Jeez, I cant believe Tyler is just sitting there

    staring at her. If he wants to be her friend, hes

    going to have an awful hard time doing that. It took

    me forever to become her friend

    So his name is Tyler, is it? And it also looks like

    Stephen is a little bit protective of me. Great. I give

    the guy one chance to be my friend and I find out

    hes trying to protect me. Protect me from what? But

    this Tyler guy is another story. He isnt that bad

    looking and all but, I cant afford to like a guy that

    has a life span of about 70 more years. When I am

    finished reading their minds, I do something I

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    havent done in over 100 years. I get up and go sit

    next to Stephen and start to talk to him. I am just as

    surprised as he is of what I am doing.

    Hey. Whats up, Stephen? I ask him. Um Are

    you talking to me, Hallow? he asks right back.

    Yeah, I guess I am. I answer. Well, Im doing

    good. Have you seen the new guy? Hes really cool

    and all but, he keeps staring at you. Its kind ofweird. I know he does. I can feel his eyes on me

    over at my table. If you want, I can go ask him to

    stop staring at you. Its not a problem if thats what

    you want me to do. No. Its ok. You dont need to

    go talk to him. Really. I dont care if he stares atme. Ok, but when it starts to get to where you

    cant stand it, you tell me. Ill tell the guy to leave

    you alone. Alright. Thanks Stephen. No problem.

    Besides, someone has to help look out for you.

    Youre like a little sister for me. Aw, thanks again.

    I get up and leave after Im done talking to him.

    I walk towards the commons area so I can wait for

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    the bell to ring to signal the start of class. As I am

    waiting, Tyler walks up to me. I dont read his mind,

    already knowing what is going to happen.

    Hey, your names Hallow Knight, isnt it? he

    asks. Yeah, I reply back trying to be as nice as

    possible, for me. Well, I was wondering because

    you looked awfully lonely back there in the

    cafeteria. Well, thanks for your concern but I enjoybeing lonely. You dont have to worry about getting

    hurt or being a bother for anyone else. That and, you

    dont have to try to impress anyone when youre

    lonely. Wow. I think that is the most words I have

    heard you say. You dont say very much in any ofour classes together. We have classes together?

    Like? How about, I tell you my schedule and you

    can tell me yours? That way, you and I can know

    who has what class. What makes you think I care

    what anyone else has for class? I just want this

    year to be over with. I will ask this though: What

    grade are you in? Oh, so you are interested in

    me? No but will you still tell me please? Sure.

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    Im a junior. What about you? Im a sophomore.

    Now, if you dont mind, I would like to enjoy my

    music without further interruption. Okay, okay. Illleave you alone. But just so you know: I will

    always be looking out for you. Thanks but I have

    enough people looking out for me.

    When I am done having my discussion with

    Tyler, I turn my iPod on and change the song toThinking Of You by Katy Perry. If my classmates

    heard the music I listen to, they would freak out.

    They all think I listen to hard rock, death metal, and

    gothic rock just because of the way I dress. But

    really, I listen to Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, A Day ToRemember, All Time Low, and a whole bunch of


    As I am listening to the song, the bell rings,

    signaling the start of 6th

    hour. I walk to my English

    class wondering what Tyler meant by all he was

    talking about. I am walking with Stephen to my

    class because he has no one else to talk to, other

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    than Anthony, who is a total douche bag from what

    I can tell from his mind. I enjoy Stephen walking

    with me, I dont want him corrupted by Anthony.

    When I get to class, Taylor Evergreen is

    standing next to my desk. He is the one guy I can

    trust and hang out with while being myself, literally.

    Taylor is a vampire just like me. Except, instead of

    reading minds, he has super speed. Even thoughvampires have super speed, he is faster than any of


    As I walk toward him, I catch a thought in his

    mind that he is directing right at me: Youre indanger. As soon as I catch that thought, I realize that

    Tyler is in my class along with another girl, who I

    assume is his sister. I keep walking to my desk

    were Taylor is, so I can find out what he means that

    I am in danger. I know that you want to know what

    I mean, but youre going to have to wait until after

    class. After English, me and you can skip the rest of

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    the day. I give him the slightestnod thatI


    Taylor walks up to me and gives me a kiss on

    the check for show to the others. As he gives me

    the kiss, I learn thathe is afraid for me. This makes

    me anxious for this class to be over with, so I can

    see whyTaylor is scared. Mr. Brown walks in at

    aboutthattime and sees the exchange betweenTaylor and me.

    Mr. Evergreen and Miss Knight. Would you

    please save the kissing for when you are notin my

    class? Thank you. Now class, we have a two newstudentwithus today. Their names are Mr. Tyler

    Randall and Miss Jezabelle Randall. Theycome to

    us all the wayfrom Italy.

    Tyler and Jezabelle stand up in frontof the class

    and talk a little aboutthemselves and Italy.