Day 22 ELC 310. Copyright 2005 Prentice HallCh 1 -2 Agenda Questions? Assignment 4 posted – Due...

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Transcript of Day 22 ELC 310. Copyright 2005 Prentice HallCh 1 -2 Agenda Questions? Assignment 4 posted – Due...

Day 22

ELC 310

Copyright 2005 Prentice Hall Ch 1 -2


• Questions? • Assignment 4 posted

– Due Nov 26

• Engage:– Search Engine Optimization– PPC Advertising– Video Search Engine Optimization

• Exam 3 is on Nov 26– Strauss 12 & 13, Stokes 4 through 15 , 50/50 split– 20 M/C, 4 Short essay

Search Engine Optimisation

Key Terms and Concepts• Alt text This refers to the “alt” attribute for the IMG HTML tag. It is used in HTML to attribute a text field

to an image on a web page, normally with a descriptive function, telling a user what an image is about and displaying the text in instance where the image is unable to load.

• Anchor text The visible, clickable text in a link.• Backlink All the links on other pages that will take the user to a specific web page. Each link to that

specific page is known as an inbound/backlink. The number of backlinks influences PageRank so the more backlinks the better - get linking!

• Canonical The canonical version is the definitive version. In SEO, it refers to a definitive URL.• Domain name The easy to read name used to identify an IP address of a server that distinguishes it from

other systems on the World Wide Web: our domain name is• Flash A technology used to show video and animation on a website. It can be bandwidth heavy and

unfriendly to search engine spiders.• Heading tags Heading tags (H1, H2, H3 etc) are standard elements used to define headings and

subheadings on a web page. The number indicates the importance, so H1 tags are viewed by the spiders as being more important than the H3 tags. Using target key phrases in your H tags is essential for effective SEO.

• Home page The first page of any website. The home page gives users a glimpse into what your site is about – very much like the index in a book, or a magazine.

• Hyperlink A link in a document (electronic) that allows you, once you click on it, to follow the link to the relevant web page.

©2014 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall


Key Terms and Concepts • Keyword frequency The number of times a keyword or key phrase appears on a website.• Keyword phrase Two or more words that are combined to form a search query – often referred to as

keywords. It is usually better to optimise for a phrase rather than a single word.• Keyword rankings This term refers to where the keywords/phrases targeted by SEO rank amongst the

search engines - if your targeted terms do not appear on the first three pages, start worrying.• Landing page The page a user reaches when clicking on a paid or organic search engine listing. The pages

that have the most success are those that match up as closely as possible with the user’s search query.• Link A link is a URL embedded on a web page. If you click on the link you will be taken to that page.• Link bait A technique for providing content that attracts links from other web pages.• Meta tags Meta tags are there to tell the spiders what exactly the web pages are about. It’s important that

your meta tags are optimised for the targeted key phrases. Meta tags are made up of meta titles, descriptions and keywords.

• Referrer When a user clicks on a link from one site to another site the user left is the referrer. Most browsers log the referrer’s URL in referrer strings. This information is vital to determining which queries are being used to find specific sites.

• Robot.txt A file written and stored in the root directory of a website that restricts the search engine spiders from indexing certain pages of the website.

• URL rewriting Presenting search-friendly URLs without question marks, rewriting them on the server to their standard format suitable for use in querying dynamic content.

• Usability Usability is a measure of how easy it is for a user to complete a desired task. Sites with excellent usability fare far better than those that are difficult to use.

What is search engine optimisation (SEO)?

SEO “is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via the ‘natural’ or un-paid (‘organic’ or ‘algorithmic’) search results”. (Wikipedia)

Also called natural or organic optimisation

Image credit: creative commons,IconTexto

Search engines use complicated algorithms to determine relevance and ranking and these are always changing.

So keeping your website in shape to be ranked well by these algorithms is an ongoing process!

Why is it important?

1. Because the higher up your website is on the SERPs, the more likely you are to get traffic to your site

2. Search traffic is qualified traffic (users are explicitly looking for what you have!)

3. You don’t pay for each click (as you do with paid search)

In the early days of search engines, meta data was used to index and rank websites.

But this left the results open to manipulation

Hence the complicated algorithms that are used today.

Google says it uses more than 200 different factors.

These algorithms use page rank – simply put, the more a website is linked to, the more likely it is that the community considers it an authority.

So search results today are determined by on page and off page factors.

On page factors are the structure of the website (HTML code, content etc.).

Off page factors are elements which build links to the website.

Search engines look for:

1. Relevance2. Importance 3. Popularity4. Trust 5. Authority

Two types of SEO


White hat SEO works within the parameters set by search engines.

Aims for long-lasting success

Black hat SEO refers to someone trying to game or manipulate the search engines.

Aims for massive short-term traffic

5 main areas of SEO:

1. Search engine friendly website structure2. Well-researched list of key phrases3. Content optimised to target key phrases4. Link popularity5. Usage data

1. Creating a search engine friendly website structure

Remember, if spiders can’t find your website, then users won’t find it via search engines.

Leave crumbs for the spider to find (robots.txt) and clear paths to follow

Use best practises

Search engine friendly design = usability and accessibility

Remove technical barriers

Ensure there are direct HTML links to the pages you want indexed.

Some barriers to visibility:

•Flash•Frames based design•No XML site map• Sitemap for my website sitemap.xml

•AJAX•Video•Dynamic URLs

2. How to research key phrases

These are the foundation of search

Users enter words they think are relevant to their searches.

Aim to use keywords in your website content that your target audience is likely to use.

Finding keywords means understanding search psychology.

When choosing consider...Search volume: how many searchers are using that phrase?Competition: are other websites targeting that phrase?

•Propensity to convert: How likely is the searcher using the phrase to convert to your site?

Consider which term will lead to more conversions.

•Value per lead: What is the average value prospect attracted by the keyword?

‘Budget Durban hotel’ vs. ‘Luxury Durban hotel’

Where to start?


•What is your core business?•The needs of your customers?•What do they search for?

Also consider misspellings and synonyms

Keyword search tools can offer suggestions:

•Similar keywords•Common keywords used with that keyword•Common misspellings•Frequency of the keywords in search queries

•Industry related keywords•Keywords sending traffic to your competitors•Number of sites targeting your keywords

Use a keyword spreadsheet to store information:

Aim to get the right mix:

Low volume terms with low levels of competition are good in the short-term.

But high volume terms with high levels of competition can improve revenue over time.

3. Optimise content for key phrasesWe need to ensure the site contains content to target those phrases.

Website content must:

•Provide information to visitors•Engage with them•Convince them to do what you want

On top of that it must send signals of relevance to the search engines.

Each web page should be optimised for two to three key phrases:



•Title tag: use the key phrase in the title•Header tags: use H1 tag, and other H tags (H2, H3 etc)•Body content: use key phrase three times, more if it makes sense! About 350 words of content

•Bold: use <strong> tags around keyword (at least once) •Alt tag for image: use at least once to describe an image•URL: use a URL rewrite so it appears in the URL•Meta description: Use keyword at least once

Optimise images and video with the relevant keywords as well.

You have to rely on how the image is described.


If images are correctly labelled, search engines can index them.

•Use descriptive filenames•Use ALT tags and title attributes (Make sure websites make sense without images)

With image displayed Without image displayed

•Ensure meta information is relevant•Use descriptive captions, and keep relevant copy close to the relevant media•Make sure the header tags and images are relevant to each other

•For video, consider converting the script to text and making this available to search engines•YouTube offers an auto-captioning service that makes this easier to do

4. Links are vital to how the Internet works

They are there to allow a user to go from one web page to anotherThey help build signals of trustThey help to validate relevance

The content sends a signal of relevance; the link validates that signal.

e.g. A link with the text ‘Durban pet friendly hotel’ sends the message that you can trust the destination site is relevant to the term ‘Durban pet friendly hotel’.

Search engine spiders follow them

Not all links are equal• Pages with higher page rank themselves, will give you much

more value when they link to you than pages with a lower page rank.

More votes = more trusted = more important = better rank on search engines

What does a link look like?

<a href=””> Anchor Text</a>

(HTML code for a link)

(Page the link leads to)

Anchor Text

(The text that forms the clickable link displayed to users)

But you can include more information

<a href= rel=”nofollow”>Anchor Text</a>

rel=”nofollow” – can be included when you don’t want to vouch for the target URL. Also keeps the spider indexing your content instead of “following” the link

So, how do you get more links on a website?

Create valuable content people want to readPosition yourself as an expert in the field

Use infographics – they’re popular and useful

Create tools and documents that others want to use:

•Host interviews on your website•Think outside the box

Create games that people want to play.

Make sure the theme is based on the key phrases of your website!

Create widgets, browser extensions and useful software.

Use WebPR to provide valuable links to your content.

Use competitor analysis to find out who is linking to your competitors and which non-competing sites are ranking highly for your key phrases.

5. Usage dataUsage data is the most effective way of judging the true relevancy of a website.How do search engines access it?

They use cookies to record search activity:• Keywords used• Websites visited from the search engine• Clickthrough rate• Bounce rates

Most provide other services too.

Some of Google’s services:

•Google AdWords•Google AdSense•Google Checkout•Google Analytics

What does this mean for SEO?Websites must:

•Be valuable enough to attract both visitors and links naturally•Retain visitors and make sure they return to the website•Convert visitors

Social media is important too!

Social content can appear in SERPs and is growing increasingly influential in search rankings. Use social media properties to dominate brand SERPs. Remember that real-time search relies on social media.

e.g. TwitterLinks from social sites are used as signals of relevance.

Personalised results are influenced by your online social network:

e.g. If you are logged in to Google while searching for blogs, you might be more likely to see a friend’s blog.

Optimise your content for social search

Consider mobile SEO

Mobile SEO is a little different to desktop SEO but the fundamental principles remain.

There are some differences• Search engines can deliver precise location-based results to

mobile users• The importance of usability in sites for mobile devices• Search engines having less data to work with in terms of site

history, traffic, and inbound links

So remember to:

•Create usable, crawlable sites•Format content for mobile usage•Use links from mobile to desktop and vice versa•Submit a mobile XML sitemap•Use the word “mobile” so search engines know this is the mobile version of your site

Local search means that location matters. ‘Claim’ your location to verify yourself.

A little advice:

• Avoid hidden text or hidden links• Don’t use cloaking or sneaky redirects• Don’t send automated queries to Google• Don’t load pages with irrelevant keywords• Don’t create multiple pages, subdomains, or domains with

duplicate content• Don’t create pages with malicious behaviour, such as phishing

etc.• Avoid “doorway” pages created just for search engines or other

“cookie cutter” approaches

If your site participates in an affiliate programme, make sure that your site adds value

Avoid links farms and focus on attracting quality, valuable links

At the end of the day, create content that users want, and make sure that content is accessible to both search engines and users.

PPC Advertising

Key terms and Concepts

• adCenter Microsoft’s advertising Platform. Serves PPC adverts to Bing and Yahoo!• AdWords Google’s PPC advertising system.• Ad Space Units (ASUs) Facebook ad space units, a type of advertising available on Facebook.• Clickthrough A click on a link that leads to another website.• Conversion rate Conversions / Clicks %• Cost per action (CPA) Paid when a certain action is performed by a user.• Cost per click (CPC) Paid when a link is clicked upon.• Cost per Mil (1000) (CPM) Amount paid for every 1000 views of an advertisement.• Clickthrough rate (CTR) Click Through Rate: Clicks / Impressions %• Display network Content websites that serve PPC adverts from the same provider, such as

AdWords.• Impression Each time the advert is shown.• Key phrase Just like keyword, this is simply a multi-word keyword.• Keyword This is a word found within a search query. For example, searching for “blue widgets”

includes the keywords blue and widgets.• Natural results Search results as determined by the search engine’s algorithm. The search

engine does not get paid to list these.

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Key Terms and Concepts

• Pay per click (PPC) The advertiser only pays for each click of the advert.• Quality score (QS) A measure used by Google AdWords to indicate how relevant a

keyword is to an ad text and to a user’s search query.• ROI Short for return on investment.• Search network Search engines which all serve adverts from the same provider,

such as AdWords.• Search term The keywords a user enters on a search engine.• Search Engine Results Page (SERP) SERPs are the actual results returned to the

user based on their search query.• Social network Websites that are social networks, such as Facebook, YouTube or

LinkedIn.• Sponsored results Search engine results that are paid for by the advertiser.• Traffic This refers to the visitors that visit a website.• YouTube Video platform that allows text, banner and other video advertising

through AdWords.

What is PPC advertising?

Pay per Click (PPC) advertising is where the advertiser pays only for each click on their advert.

PPC adverts

They’re easy to spot – on the top of SERPs and on the right hand side.

They also appear on content sites and social networks.

PPC advertising revolutionised the online advertising industry and today it generates 99% of Google’s revenue.

We will focus on PPC advertising on search engines and social networks

• PPC advertising is keywords based.• It is based on the search term a user enters into a search engine.

This means that it uses a “pull” strategy rather than a “push” strategy.

• The beauty of PPC advertising on search engines is that adverts are displayed when potential customers are already expressing interest.

Users are spoken to when they are already in the right frame of mind, the message is not pushed on to them like TV advertising.

How does it work?

Usually runs as an auction model – advertisers place bids to appear based on certain criteria.

Then advertising platforms determine when adverts are eligible to appear.

So the advertiser:

•Creates the advert copy•Determines the landing page for the advert•Selects the keywords or criteria•Chooses the maximum amount they are willing to pay per click

And the advertising platform:

•Checks the advert for compliance to editorial guidelines•Displays the advert for relevant search criteria•Determines the rank of the advert - based on the advertiser’s maximum bid and the relevance of the advert

The majority of PPC advertising spend is on Search network PPC advertising – this is the more targeted network.

They appear on SERPs and are mostly text – but more formats are becoming available.

But display advertising (on content pages, like news sites) and social networking advertising are important growth areas.

More advertisers are now moving to the display and mobile networks in order to attract relevant traffic and increase exposure.

Types of PPC adverts

Text advert format:


Two lines of advert copy,

Which can be displayed on one line

Vanity URLS: The URL shown is not necessarily the URL that the user will click through to.

Roses for Valentine’s

A dozen red roses for your love

Fast, free delivery in RSA

The display URL:

•What the user sees•Domain must match destination URL•Can use vanity URLs

The destination URL:

•Domain must exist•One ad group per domain•Domain must match display

Vanity URLs make them look appealing and keywords can be used to further increase the relevance of the ad to the user’s intent.

When writing PPC adverts, the number of characters are limited and restrictions exist.

Google AdWords guidelines:

•Heading: max 25 characters•Display URL: max 35 characters•Line 1: max 35 characters•Line 2: max 35 characters•No repeated exclamation marks

•No word in capitals only•No nonsense words•No claims of “best”, “number one” or superlatives, unless they can be verified by a reliable third-party•Product numbers may be used

Remember, there are usually no images in PPC adverts – the copy is key!

To help, use dynamic keyword insertion – inserting the search keywords dynamically into the advert copy.

Also use compelling calls to action or mention special offers:

Buy now, sign up now, enter now, 10% discount...

Advert extensions can be used to add more information to text PPC adverts.

Google offers five text ad extensions:

Location extensions

Image credit: Google Adwords,

Sitelinks extensions

Image credit: Google Adwords,

Phone extensions

Image credit: Google Adwords,

Product extensions

Image credit: Google Adwords,

Seller rating extensions

Image credit:

Not all extensions are supported in all countries – look to see if you country is included in the AdWords help forum.

Facebook PPC adverts are based on the interests a user enters into their profiles and their demographics.

They can be used to drive traffic to assets on Facebook or to an external site.

They contain images as well as text.

How do you target PPC adverts?

Keywords are central!

There are an estimated 200 million searches performed each day and nearly 50% of all searches are unique.

It would be impossible to find all the terms searchers use so there are different keyword match types.

Broad match: key phrasePhrase match: “key phrase”Exact match: [key phrase]Negative match: key -phraseModified Broad match: key +phrase

Broad match – i.e. Tennis shoes.

Your advert will be found when any of or all words are searched for.Also includes some synonyms and misspellings.

Search includes:

tennis shoesred tennis shoestennis sneakerhistory of tennis shoes

Phrase match – i.e. “Tennis shoes”

Your advert will appear when the phrase appears complete or in order.

Direct match extension – i.e. red +sneakers

Your advert will appear for any search containing red and sneakers and variations of sneaker (the marked keyword).

Modified broad match – i.e. Tennis +shoes.

Each word preceded by a + must appear in the user's search exactly or as a close variant. Close variants will include: misspellings, singular/plural forms, abbreviations and acronyms, and stemmings.

Modified broad match has the broad match reach, the exact match precision, and the phrase match flexibility.

Specify languages and locations your advert is targeted for.

Include country, city and postal code

Use Facebook advertising to target based on:

•Gender•Location•Relationship status•Age group•Likes and interests•Brand interactions


Advertisers must decide the maximum they are willing to pay per click - max CPC bid.

But every time there is a search, there is an auction for the adverts for that search term – a Generalised Second Price Auction (GSP).

Each advertiser pays the bid of the advertiser below them, plus a standard increment.

Ranking is not as simple

The bid and other factors are taken into account = Quality Score (QS)

Quality Score is determined by:

•The bid amount•Relevance of keywords to search term•Relevance of advert copy to the search term•Relevance of the landing page to the search term•Historic performance of the advert

Conversion rates and click-through rates

Those adverts nearer the top of the page (best ranked) attract the highest CTRs.

They also have a higher cost per click.

More clicks aren’t necessarily better

Set up goals to track conversions

Goals can be:

•Buying a product•Booking a plane ticket•Filling in a form•Sending an enquiry•Making a phone call

Click-through rate (CTR) is clicks / impressions (each time the advert is shown) %

Click-through rate tells you how well your copy is performing.

Conversion rate tells you how well your campaign is performing.

You need to know the value of each conversion so that you don’t pay too much per click.

With this info you can adjust accordingly:

•Change keyword match types•Change bids•Change ad copy•Change budget allocations•Improve website conversion rate

Use Adwords conversion tracking to report on campaigns

Google AdWords offers conversion tracking tags.

But for other networks use third-party tracking.

Set budgets to:


How do you choose a platform?

This is subjective and most large advertisers run PPC campaigns on a number of platforms.

The key is testing!

Use the long tail of search to figure out low volume, niche searches – it can do wonders for a PPC campaign!

The sum of the unique searches is the same as the sum of non-unique searches.

So, low volume, niche search terms:

•Are more targeted •Have less competition•Can have a lower CPC•And a higher conversion rate•May have a lower quality score so can take a while to get traffic

Landing pages are also vital

Aim to create landing pages that keep the user focused on the conversion goal – the home page gives them too many options to consider.

Create dynamic landing pages to simplify the process

How to plan a PPC campaign

1. Do your homework – conduct an online and offline analysis of the business


•A clear brand•Identity•Unique selling point

2. Define your goals

What do you want users to do once they click on your advert?

3. Budget, CPA and targets

How much are you willing to spend?Determine your target CPA.

Keep in mind, it can take months for a campaign to stabilise.

4. Keyword research

What keywords are potential customers using?

What words indicate undesirable clicks?•Free•Cheap

Similar or related keywords.

5. Write the adverts

•Write compelling copy•Make your headings and display URLs stand out•Use keywords in your copy

•Target the landing page to adverts•Adverts need to be worded differently for the different platforms – different types of user behaviour

6. Place your bids

Tweak them as you test your campaign

7. Track

Get your tracking tags in place

8. Measure, analyse, test, optimise!

•Use conversion tracking•Test text vs image/video•Test different landing pages•Test different networks/platforms•Test different demographics•Test different bidding strategies

Video Search Engine Optimisation

Key terms and Concepts• Annotations A comment or instruction (usually added as text) to a YouTube video. A YouTube annotation may

contain links directing users to other pages within YouTube, or if a brand is willing to pay, to outside websites.• Google AdWords Google’s main advertising product and primary source of revenue. AdWords offers pay per

click (PPC) advertising, cost per thousand (CPM) advertising, and site- argeted advertising for text, banner, video and rich-media ads.

• InStream videos A video advertisement that plays before the start of the actual selected video. Typically 15 to 30 seconds in length.

• Promoted videos YouTube and Google AdWords ‘Promoted Videos’ is an advertising solution which allows users to promote their video content within the YouTube website.

• Social Media Optimisation (SMO) Social Media Optimisation, Social SEO or SMO is the process of methodising social media activity with the intent of attracting visitors to specific website content. For example, Facebook tabs, Flash games, YouTube videos.

• Thumbnail The still image that is shown at the start of the video. This can be selected, and can make a video more enticing.

• Views This is the number of times a video has been seen. Remember, multiple views can come from one user.

• Video syndication The manner in which you attain optimum distribution and search coverage for your videos. This can include multiple facets of optimised distribution.

• Viral video This is a video that becomes immensely popular, leading to its spread through word-of-mouth on the Internet via email, social networks and other hosting websites.

• Video search engine optimisation (VSEO) Is optimising videos for search engines, similar to how one would optimise a website to rank higher on the SERPs.

YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine.

Every minute 48 hours of video is uploaded onto YouTube.

• People are creating opinion videos, parodies and responses.

Online markets are not traditional and don’t respond to traditional forms of advertising.

• Online searches now produce results in video, images, news articles etc.

How do search engines index and rank web pages?

• They use Keywords (alongside meta data) to ascertain content and Factors links pointing in, to ascertain relevance

• To search engine spiders, a video is just a blank file. You need to ‘educate’ a spider on a video’s content (visual & audio)

Remember, YouTube is a Google property.

Google will probably favour video results from it’s own asset versus those from other video sharing sites.

Post or Host?

Post – take advantage of an existing audience with a built-in social and viral aspect to their user experience.Host – control look and feel, text, metadata and user experience.

But they’re not mutually exclusive.

There are techniques for both to ensure optimum distribution and search coverage.

Current video-sharing sites tend to have simplified algorithms that are easier to take advantage of, leading to more rapid universal search exposure.

Users find videos in four main ways.

1. They know what they’re looking for and go directly to a search engine or video search engine

(e.g. Google, YouTube)

2. They follow recommendations from others:

•Emailed links and content•Social bookmarking and sharing services •Via social networks and social media e.g. blogs, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube etc.

3. They know exactly what they are looking for and navigate to the URL directly:


4. They find videos through paid advertisements and promotions

Optimise your videos to get them ranked fast.

• Video search engine optimisation can work faster than traditional SEO.



• Where your current viewers are coming from• Whether your video content already appears

in the SERPs• What percentage of visitors and viewers are

currently linking to, and sharing your videos?

Include keywords and key phrases in:

•Titles•Descriptions•Tags•Playlist additions•Inbound links

Make sure your video content is popular!

Keep YouTube content current and entertaining.

Popularity depends on:

• Views• Channel views• Ratings• Comments• Shares• Embeds• Subscribers• Flagging• Age of video

7 video optimisation techniques:

1. Titles are important!

Use keywords in the first three words.Longer and descriptive is better!

2. Descriptions should be long

Include:•As many keywords as possible•Plenty of information but keep it succinct!•Date is recorded

3. Put keywords into tags

•Put the most important ones first •Use relevant search terms and phrases: (Use YouTube Suggest and Google Suggest)

4. Encourage comments

Also encourage subscriptions, embedding and sharing.

5. Optimise the thumbnail to increase views

To add a thumbnail frame:

When you have a final time on your video (in seconds), divide by one of the following:1. 3.095975232. 2.850807733. 1.44869215

6. Use annotations to drive traffic to new videos

But be careful not to annoy or frustrate viewers.

7. Upload regularly to stay fresh and engaging

• Image Credit: creative Commons, Deleket (Jojo Mendoza)

Encourage Social Sharing • Use bookmarking and ensure access on various


Remember to use the TAO of digital marketing: Track, Analyse, Optimise.

Use YouTube Insights:

•A free tool•Anyone with a YouTube account to view detailed statistics about their videos:-How often they’re viewed-Different geographic regions-How popular they are relative to all videos in that market over a given period of time etc.

Consider the best way to optimise.Determine your exact goal.

If you want drive traffic to your site from search engines, use vSEO.If you want to drive them to your videos from other destinations, use social media optimisation.

Ask what your audience would enjoy.

You want them to share your content!

Ultimately there is a no quick fix for video.

It requires planning, investment and a long-term commitment to creating brand ambassadors.