DAY 14

Post on 06-Dec-2015

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DAY 14

Transcript of DAY 14


Meredith Meredith


There is no Copyright on this book.

It belongs to all of us.

You are free to

pass it on.

Anyway enjoy it, it is fascinating stuff.

Who knows you might

learn a thing

or two.



Meredith Meredith © 2015


Good morning, good afternoon, good evening to you!

Earlier this year, I joined an organisation in my City that helps

abused woman, teenagers and kids. Part of the organisations

work is a court mandated program to help men to be better

fathers, partners and husbands.

Every week I teach a class of around 60-70 men for two hours

who have been sentenced by the court for rehabilitation.

Eventually it is on my agenda to teach them to feel again but first

I have to help them recover from the root of their problem of

which is either alcohol, drugs, pornography or violence.

Unfortunately I can’t take them for nature walks so I have to

confine my teaching to class room sessions which only prolongs

their recovery.

Our human authorities have no idea how powerful nature is

as a recovery agent to us and you will see it today. Nature will

quickly restore our ability to feel and we don’t have to do a thing

except participate in her miracle power.

Meredith Meredith © 2015


Another one of nature’s precious gifts to us is colour. You

did not think God painted the sky blue and the forest green

because on the day “He” created these things “He” ran out of

pink and orange. Actually a pink sky sounds fascinating.

Colour in nature is not just colour. Colour is healing. Man has

duplicated colour but not the feeling that comes with colour

when it is natural. Scientist’s tell us trees are green because all

of the cells that make up the leaves contain little packets (called

chloroplasts) of the pigment chlorophyll. And this pigment

absorbs red light and blue light, but reflects green light so that

is why leaves look green.

What does this tell me? You can’t duplicate that purpose

with artificial colour. You won’t receive the same benefit from

observing artificial colour. Natural colour possesses a reflective

property that we need. It is that very essence of the light

spectrum that is not reflected when we look at something in

nature that is designed to benefit other living things.

Meredith Meredith © 2015


It is this ominous effect of colour that nature produces that

is what affects our feeling connection. We have all felt it when we

go outside and view nature with our naked eyes. Even such a

simple exercise like looking at the sky on a clear day for a while

produces the effect - the action of clearing the connection.

It was the English scientist Sir Isaac Newton in the 16th

Century who first discovered that when pure white light passes

through a prism, it separates into all of the visible colours.

Newton also found that each colour is made up of a single

wavelength and cannot be separated any further into other

colours. So colour is built into light.

Psychological studies conducted on colour show that

certain colours change the emotion and mood of people – the

way they feel. Colour is also known to determine factors like

personality, it can improve performance, and it can alter

behaviour and function in our bodies. It is even known to cause

a placebo effect.

Meredith Meredith © 2015


Several ancient cultures, including the Egyptians and

Chinese, practiced chromotherapy, or the use of colours to heal.

Chromotherapy is sometimes referred to as light therapy or

colourology and is still used today as a holistic or alternative

treatment. In this treatment:

Red was used to stimulate the body and mind and to increase


Yellow was thought to stimulate the nerves and purify the


Orange was used to heal the lungs and to increase energy


Blue was believed to soothe illnesses and treat pain.

Indigo shades were thought to alleviate skin problems.

This area is beyond the parameters of this book, this

information is readily available on the internet. The point is you

don’t have to pay someone for the treatment, it is there in nature.

Meredith Meredith © 2015


What exactly is in colour itself that affects us? Well you

heard it from this book first. Colour is not just “a look” it is

SOUND. Colour is a wave length on the light spectrum and so is

sound, thus, we can scientifically measure it. Each colour on the

spectrum of light has its own unique tune or tone and that tone

is constant like a hum that does not fluctuate. But there is a big

difference between natural and artificial colours.

When the colour is natural it is omits a pure tone that carries

a psychological and physiological effect. When it is artificial the

tone becomes gibberish or senseless. Artificial colours will work

on your emotion but not on your feeling connection. That is why

you can look at a nature scenery on your computer for hours and

it will not do anything substantive for you. Compare that to the

actual experience of colour in nature, the experience is magic.

However, it is not a single colour in nature that affects your

feeling connection but a combination of colours that does the

magic. As you can appreciate the combination is deliberate!

Meredith Meredith © 2015


You will not find a situation in Nature where one colour

ever dominates the scene, it is always an intense mixture of

colours, even if it is a desert or the ocean. Have you noticed

that there are incomprehensible shades of colour in these

colourless environment against the backdrop of an incredibly

colourful sky?

Here is the actual magic of colours, it the MUSIC from the

combination of colours and their shades in nature that affects

our feelings. The colours when they are intelligently arranged

become an orchestra of sound - a master piece of profound

arrangement that starts when the sun rises. Mozart, Beethoven

and Struss so forth were given a special gift from God to hear

these master pieces that are everywhere in nature that comes

from colour, their shades and their shapes. Now you know what

is the true source of their genius- The Creator!

I have heard these master pieces on many occasions myself,

for what was just a moment in time that felt like an eternity but

Meredith Meredith © 2015


because I do not possess the musical gift and skill to harness the

music and make it into compositions, I only receive the

momentary benefit of the arrangement.

When the sun sets the orchestras stop playing. We then get

another feeling from the blanket of darkness. Darkness is actually

not a colour. We all think it is black. Darkness is the absence of

sound – a toneless environment. It is stillness where there is but

silence. This is the feeling of deep space where there is no light.

So what is the purpose of darkness?

The reason why God created darkness is allow your feeling

connection on the adamic side to rest. But be careful when the

sun sets feelings die out naturally and emotion becomes the

dominate factor. The after effect of a feeling or no feeling day.

So if you had a great feeling day you will have a great emotional

night, of course the converse is just as true. Now you know why

people are ruled or led by their emotions at night and why bad

things happen at night. To be continued.

Thank you for reading thus far.

This is an ongoing book.

Please see next Day.


BbbBOOKComposed Compiled Edited Published

By Meredith Meredith