Day 1 – Introduction to Biology

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Day 1 – Introduction to Biology. Unit 1 – Introduction to Biology. What is Biology?. Biology is the study of life. Characteristics & behaviours Classification Many biological fields … botanists, zoologists, anthropologists. Why It’s Important. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Day 1 – Introduction to Biology

DAY 1 – INTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGYUnit 1 – Introduction to Biology

What is Biology?

Unit 1: Understanding Biological Inheritance


Biology is the study of life. Characteristics & behaviours Classification Many biological fields … botanists,

zoologists, anthropologists

Why It’s Important

Unit 1: Understanding Biological Inheritance


Biologists seek answers to questions about living things.

Biologists use many methods to answer their questions about life.

During this course, you will gain an understanding of the questions and answers of biology, and how the answers are learned.

Biologists Study the Diversity of Life

Unit 1: Understanding Biological Inheritance


Biologists study the interactions of the environment.

Biologists study problems and propose solutions.

Unit 1: Understanding Biological Inheritance


What is Life?

Unit 1: Understanding Biological Inheritance


difficult to define 9 Signs of life …

Characteristics of Living Things Biologists have formulated a list of

characteristics by which we can recognize living things.

Only when something has all of the characteristics can it be considered living: Have an orderly structure Produce offspring Grow and develop Adjust to changes in the environment

9 Characteristics of Life8

1. living things are made up of one or more cells, which are the smallest units that can be said to be alive

2. living things are highly organized and contain many complex chemical substances

3. living things use energy4. living things have a definite form and a limited size5. living things have a limited life span6. living things grow7. living things respond to changes in the environment8. living things are able to reproduce9. groups of living things evolve, or change over time

Living things are organized Structure is one of the first signs of life.

Composed of one or more cells. Each cell contains the genetic makeup

(DNA) that provides all of the information needed to control the organism’s life processes.

Whether an organism is made up of one cell or billions of cells, all of its parts function together in an orderly, living system.

Unit 1: Understanding Biological Inheritance10

Unit 1: Understanding Biological Inheritance11

Living things make more living things

Reproduction = the production of offspring

Organisms don’t live forever, so for life to continue, they must replace themselves.

Reproduction is essential for the continuation of the organism’s species Species = group of organisms that can

interbreed and produce fertile offspring in nature

Unit 1: Understanding Biological Inheritance13

Living things change during their lives

An organism’s life begins as a single cell, and over time, it grows and takes on the characteristics of is species.

Growth results in an increase in the amount of living material and the formation of new structures.

All organisms grow (even single-celled organisms).

Development = all of the changes that take place during the life of an organism.

Unit 1: Understanding Biological Inheritance15

Living things adjust to their surroundings

Organisms live in a constant interface with their surroundings. Environment – includes the air, water,

weather, temperature, any other living organism in the area, and many other factors.

Anything in an organism’s external or internal environment that causes the organism to react is a stimulus.

A reaction to a stimulus is called a response.

Living things adjust to their surrounding

Homeostasis – the regulation of an organism’s internal environment to maintain conditions suitable for its survival.

This is a process that occurs in all living things. Maintain internal temperature necessary for life

Living things reproduce themselves, grow and develop, respond to external stimuli, and maintain homeostasis by using energy. Energy is the ability to cause change. Organisms get their energy from food.

Living things adapt and evolve Any inherited structure, behaviour, or

internal process that enables an organism to respond to environmental factors and live to produce offspring is called an adaptation. Inherited from previous generations. Some are more suited to new conditions

than others. Evolution is the gradual change in a

species through adaptations over time.

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Unit 1: Understanding Biological Inheritance25

Unit 1: Understanding Biological Inheritance26

Unit 1: Understanding Biological Inheritance27

Section Assessment What are some important reasons for

studying biology? Identify and describe how an organism

could respond to an external stimulus. Describe a response to an internal stimulus.

Why is energy required for living things? How do living things obtain energy?

Describe how biologists’ research contributes to our understanding of the world.