David Philp BIM Task Group Head of BIM - Convr2013 · asset data, particularly external data, will...

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Transcript of David Philp BIM Task Group Head of BIM - Convr2013 · asset data, particularly external data, will...

H.M. Government’s

whole sector approach to

implementation of digital,

collaborative working

David Philp BIM Task Group Head of BIM


Construction Sector: a time of change

"Tempori Parendum"- Be prepared for your time

Building Information Modelling!!!

“A great opportunity for Industry !”

Built Environment enters a Digital Revolution

Asset Data Sets

Our own data is no longer enough; it is about

our ability to connect and share with others ” “

No industry; not even construction is

exempt from the challenges, or

opportunities, of the Data Revolution The ability to analyse and act upon

asset data, particularly external data,

will be key for both solving challenges

and gaining competitive advantage in

the construction sector

Data growth in the B.E.

Our national economy just can’t

afford this!

Low growth of UK construction productivity

30 Storeys in 15 days

BIM: A truly global conversation / race • Procurement through computer

readable data.

• A global playing field with no borders

• EU Public Procurement Directive later

in the year will encourage the

progressive use of BIM in public works

contracts across member states

UK Back-story: A need for industry reform takes centre stage

Government strategy

Collaborative 3D BIM with all

project and asset information,

documentation and data being


By 2016 a staged plan will be

published with mandated

milestones showing measurable

progress at the end of each


BIM forms part of the whole strategy: Other areas include: • Better client briefs and reduced scope creep • More supply chain design engagement • Reduced lump sum tenders, more price

benchmarking • More offsite manufacturer and prefabrication • Better visibility of forward program ( 2 years) • Replace adversarial with collaborative cultures • Better alignment of design, construct, occupy and


Keep it simple; our

hypothesis is:


Government as a client

can derive significant

improvements in cost,

value and carbon

performance through

the use of open

sharable asset information

Behavioural change within the industry


Culture: doing things different: build twice

Collaboration: better together

No one can whistle a

symphony. It takes a whole

orchestra to play it! Lonely

BIM v Social BIM


So not just


Value creating collaboration


BIM: A better way of working

A smart way of thinking (“start to start”, not cradle to grave)

What is BIM? Building a consistent, collaborative industry, with

clear and open communication

Information of high-quality is procured to support

business outcomes

Modelling the design increases efficiency,

enabling simulation & analysis

Copyright © 2012 BSI. All rights reserved. 17

Level Definitions

• Level 0 - Unmanaged CAD typically 2D, with paper (or ‘electronic ink’) exchanged between participants.

• Level 1 - Managed CAD in 2D or 3D using BS 1192:2007 with a common data environment, but standalone commercial data management

• Level 2 - Managed 3D environment using separate discipline “BIM” tools with attached data and integrating commercial data

• Level 3 - iBIM or integrated BIM potentially accessing all available data forms, adding value in operation and supported by open standards.

Level 2 BIM: a minimum standard

Level 2 BIM: a minimum standard

Copyright © 2012 BSI. All rights reserved. 20

The B/555 Roadmap


• B/555 Scope:

• The development and maintenance of British Standards on the digital definition, representation, presentation and exchange of information and knowledge in the construction industry.

• Shadowing and inputting to the work of International committees.

• Monitoring the work of International organizations that provide input to Standards developments.

All project information,

whether in BIM

environments or in

conventional data

formats should be

shared using a single


data environment (CDE).

Copyright © 2012 BSI. All rights reserved. 23

B555 Roadmap: Standards published or to be progressed

Standard Published

BS 1192:2007 Collaborative production of architectural, engineering and construction information. Code of practice

Dec 2007

BS 7000-4:2013 Design management systems. Guide to managing design in construction Documents design coordination process and planned management of project data delivery across all disciplines.

Rev Sept 2013

BS 8541-2: Library Objects for Architecture, Engineering and Construction: Recommended 2D symbols of building elements for use in building information modelling


BS 8541-1: Library Objects for Architecture, Engineering and Construction: Identification and grouping


BS 8541-3: Library Objects for Architecture, Engineering and Construction: Shape and measurement


BS 8541-4: Library Objects for Architecture, Engineering and Construction: Attributes for specification and simulation


PAS 1192:2: Specification for information management for the capital/delivery phase of construction projects using Building Information Modelling Early Adopter document to enable the delivery of HMG BIM strategy projects to Level 2. Incorporates principles of Soft Landings for managed handover into post occupancy and operations. Full upgrade to BS Standard level before 2015.

Feb 2013

Copyright © 2012 BSI. All rights reserved. 24

B555 Roadmap: Standards published or to be progressed

Standard Published

PAS 1192:3: Operational Asset Management – Processes and data for the commissioning, handover, operation and occupation stages. Early Adopter document as for PAS 1192:2, to enable delivery of HMG BIM strategy projects to Level 2 Created as a PAS due to time constraints and low level of maturity in the practicing industry. Will offer guidance on the use and maintenance of the asset information model (AIM) to support the planned preventative maintenance programme and the portfolio management activity for the life of the asset.

Scoping commence

d early 2013

BS 1192-4: Collaborative Production of Architectural, Engineering and Construction Information Part 4 – Client information requirements (COBie) Standardize COBie-UK-2012 templates for the employers information requirement (EIR) up to handover.


Copyright © 2012 BSI. All rights reserved. 25

BS 1192:2007

• Collaborative production of architectural, engineering and construction information – Code of practice

• Describes: • Common Data Environment (CDE)

• Standard Method and Procedure (SMP)

• Quality Control

• BS1192:2007 is particularly applicable where technology enabled processes are used to support projects • automation of drawing and document production processes;

• indexing and searching project material;

• filtering and sorting;

• quality checking and document comparisons

Level 2: process and deliverables



Project Decision

Business Justification

Investment Decision

Procurement Strategy

Tender v Framework

Commit to Scheme

Budget Approval

Commit to Construct

Contract SignaturePractical Completion

Project Review

Financial Close

Post Occupancy

Periodic Review

Consolidated BIM Process Model


Typical Decision Gates

Discretionary Gate Compulsory Gate

PAS 1192:2

Work Stage

Latest - TraditionalTypical – D&C

or Traditional


Exchange Data



Discretionary Gate Discretionary Gate Discretionary GateCompulsory Gate Compulsory Gate Compulsory Gate



Plain Language


Earliest – Fully Integrated

Deliverables described

in plain language

Information purpose

2D Drawings – Level

of Detail & Definition

To be Completed by


To be Identified by


To be Completed by


To be Identified by




What a client needs to make decisions

The purposes that the information might be used for.

The information (reports etc) to inform decisions and purposes

The data

The drawing content that conveys information

Hierarchy of Information and the Work Stages






• Describe: Information exchange and collaborative working requirements

• Will in turn be incorporated by a supplier into their Project Execution Plan.

• The contents of the EIRs are aligned to employer decision points

• The EIRs shall be consistent with other appointment and contract documents

• Aligned with industry standards such as the RIBA Plan of Work or APM Project Stages.

• Info requirements set out in the EIRs shall only provide enough information to answer the

”Plain Language Questions” required at a particular stage, at an appropriate level of detail.

Information delivery – Assessment

and need


How are the PLQ’s linked to data?

Energy Analysis Requirements Humidity Requirement

Energy Analysis Requirements Radiant Heating Requirement

Energy Analysis Requirements Air Circulation Requirement

Energy Analysis Requirements Ventilation Requirement

Energy Analysis Requirements Temperature Range Requirement

Energy Analysis Requirements Energy Performance Basis

Energy Analysis Requirements HVAC Performance Basis

PLQ’s at Stage 02

How are the PLQ’s answered?

What is the data?


Key elements – EIRs


Technical – details of models and other

BIM outputs

Managerial – details of roles and

standards adopted

Commercial – information to support

supply chain appraisal

Key Issues

Tested in projects

Overlap with other documents

Detail in advance of



Management Commercial


Technical Management Commercial•Software platforms

•Alignment of data drops with HA project control stages

•Model list aligned with project control stages

•Coordinate definitions

•Level of detail definition

•Definitions of Strategic Purposes of information


•System performance constraints


•Roles and responsibilities

•Work planning, design management and data segregation

•Security issues

•Coordination and clash detection process

•Model sharing process

•Model review meetings

•H&S and CDM(M)

•Defined BIM deliverables for CPs

•BIM capability and experience

•Evidence of BIM execution planning

•Confirmation of BIM toolset

•Details of BIM workload and resourcing

1. Organisation

2. Principal supply chain

•BIM assessment criteria with agreed scoring

Technical Management Commercial•Software platforms

•Alignment of data drops with HA project control stages

•Model list aligned with project control stages

•Coordinate definitions

•Level of detail definition

•Definitions of Strategic Purposes of information


•System performance constraints


•Roles and responsibilities

•Work planning, design management and data segregation

•Security issues

•Coordination and clash detection process

•Model sharing process

•Model review meetings

•H&S and CDM(M)

•Defined BIM deliverables for CPs

•BIM capability and experience

•Evidence of BIM execution planning

•Confirmation of BIM toolset

•Details of BIM workload and resourcing

1. Organisation

2. Principal supply chain

•BIM assessment criteria with agreed scoring

Information Growth during a Project

As part of the main contract selection process, the

employer shall request in the EIRs that bidders submit

details of their approach to project information

management, sufficient to demonstrate the supplier’s

proposed approach, capability, capacity and

competence to meet the EIR.

It is likely that the BEP will be developed in two

phases, pre- and post-contract award.

Information delivery – Procurement

Information delivery – Production


COBie UK 2012

COBie is formal schema that helps organise information about new and existing facilities. It is general enough that it can be used to document both Buildings and Infrastructure assets. It is simple enough that it can be transmitted using a spread-sheet. It is means of sharing structured information

Not just 3D graphical data

Not all the data lives in the 3D model

Information delivery – Asset information

model (AIM maintenance)


BIM Level 2

Practically applied

What did we do?



Final process chart showing key decision points (red diamonds) and associated data drops (green


Cookham Wood - Lessons learned


Other digital workflows introduced: scanning & gaming

BIM task group: regional hubs

and projects


Beyond Level 2


Construction 2025… HM Government 2013 Industrial Strategy: government and industry in partnership

Towards a Digitally Built Britain.

Construction roles in 2050 will be

unrecognisable from the roles today

BIM 2050 – Education and Skills

Skills gaps

BIM 2050 – Education and Skills

App Developer

Market Research Data Miner

Educational or Admissions Consultants

Millennial Generational Expert

Social Media Officer

Chief Listening Officer

Cloud Computing Services

Elder Care

Sustainability Expert

User Experience Design

Ten most in demand jobs today did not exist in 2000

Future Roles

BIM 2050 – Education and Skills

Future Technology

Contour Crafting – 3D printing with concrete

Source: Prof Behrokh Khoshnevis University of Southern California

Thank You

Have a look at our web-site www.bimtaskgroup.org Follow us on Twitter @BIMgcs
