David B. Grusky Addresses · 2 | P a g e The New Gilded Age, edited by David B. Grusky and Tamar...

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Transcript of David B. Grusky Addresses · 2 | P a g e The New Gilded Age, edited by David B. Grusky and Tamar...

David B. Grusky

Barbara Kimball Browning Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences

Director, Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality



Office: David B. Grusky, Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, 450 Serra Mall, Building 80, Stanford

University, Stanford, CA 94305 [Telephone: 650-724-6912; Fax: 650-736-9883]

Email: grusky@stanford.edu

Website: www.grusky.org


Ph.D., The University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1987, Sociology

M.S., The University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1983, Sociology

B.A., Reed College, 1980, Sociology

Academic and Administrative Positions

Director, Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, Stanford University, 2005-present

Director, Recession Trends Initiative (www.recessiontrends.org), 2012-present

Director, California Welfare Laboratory (www.c-well.org), 2012-present

Co-Director, Collaboration for Poverty Research, 2009-11

Senior Editor and Founder, Pathways Magazine, 2009-present

Founding Director, Center for the Study of Inequality, Cornell University, 1997-2004.

Professor, Department of Sociology, Stanford University, 2004-present

Professor, Department of Sociology, Cornell University, 1999-2004

Honorary Fellow, Department of Sociology, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1997-98

Professor, Department of Sociology, Stanford University, 1997-99

Associate Chair, Department of Sociology, Stanford University, 1992-96

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Stanford University, 1992-97

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Stanford University, 1988-92

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, The University of Chicago, 1986-88


Living in a High Inequality Regime, edited by Alair MacLean and David B. Grusky. 2016. The ANNALS of

the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.

Monitoring Social Mobility in the 21st Century, edited by David B. Grusky, C. Matthew Snipp, and Timothy

Smeeding. 2015. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Volume 657.

Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.

Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective, 4th Edition, edited by David B.

Grusky and Kate Weisshaar. 2014. Boulder: Westview Press.

Occupy the Future, edited by David B. Grusky, Douglas McAdam, Robert Reich, and Debra Satz. 2012.

Cambridge: MIT Press.

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The New Gilded Age, edited by David B. Grusky and Tamar Kricheli-Katz. 2012. Stanford: Stanford

University Press.

The Great Recession, edited by David B. Grusky, Bruce Western, and Christopher Wimer. 2011. New

York: Russell Sage Foundation.

The Inequality Reader: Contemporary and Foundational Readings in Race, Class, and Gender, 2nd Edition,

edited by David B. Grusky and Szonja Szelényi. 2011. Boulder: Westview Press.

The Inequality Puzzle, Roland Berger, David B. Grusky, Tobias Raffel, Geoffrey Samuels, and Christopher

Wimer. 2010. Springer Press. Translated into Chinese and republished by Xinhua Publishing House.

Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective, 3rd Edition, edited by David B.

Grusky, Manwai C. Ku, and Szonja Szelényi. 2008. Boulder: Westview Press. Translated by Xia Jianzhong

and republished by Renmin University of China Press.

The Declining Significance of Gender?, edited by Francine D. Blau, Mary C. Brinton, and David B. Grusky.

2006. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Mobility and Inequality: Frontiers of Research from Sociology and Economics, edited by Stephen Morgan,

Gary Fields, and David B. Grusky. 2006. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Poverty and Inequality, edited by David B. Grusky and Ravi Kanbur. 2006. Stanford: Stanford University

Press. Translated into Korean and republished by Geulhangari Press, Munhakdongne Publishing Group.

Occupational Ghettos: The Worldwide Segregation of Women and Men, Maria Charles and David B.

Grusky. 2004. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Winner, 2005 Max Weber Prize, American Sociological


The Inequality Reader: Contemporary and Foundational Readings in Race, Class, and Gender, edited by

David B. Grusky and Szonja Szelényi. 2007. Boulder: Westview Press.

Inequality: Classic Readings in Race, Class, and Gender, edited by David B. Grusky and Szonja Szelényi.

2006. Boulder: Westview Press.

Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective, 2nd Edition, edited by David B.

Grusky. 2001. Boulder: Westview Press. Translated into Chinese and republished by Hua Xia Publishing


Social Differentiation and Inequality, edited by James N. Baron, David B. Grusky, and Donald J. Treiman.

1996. Boulder: Westview Press.

Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective, edited by David B. Grusky.

1994. Boulder: Westview Press.

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Articles and Papers

Levanon, Asaf, and David B. Grusky. Forthcoming. “The Persistence of Extreme Gender Segregation in the

21st Century.” The American Journal of Sociology.

Red Bird, Beth, and David B. Grusky. 2016. “The Distributional Effects of the Great Recession ... Where

has all the Sociology Gone?” Annual Review of Sociology.

Grusky, David B. 2016. “Social Stratification.” Vocabulary for the Study of Religion, edited by Robert Segal

and Kocku von Stuckrad. Brill Academic Publishers.

Grusky, David B., and Alair MacLean. 2016. “The Social Fallout of a High Inequality Regime.” In Living

in a High Inequality Regime, edited by Alair MacLean and David B. Grusky. The ANNALS of the

American Academy of Political and Social Science. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.

Mitnik, Pablo A., Erin Cumberworth, and David B. Grusky. 2016. “Social Mobility in a High Inequality

Regime.” In Living in a High Inequality Regime, edited by Alair MacLean and David B. Grusky. The

ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.

Grusky, David B., C. Matthew Snipp, and Timothy Smeeding. 2015. “A New Infrastructure for Monitoring

Social Mobility in the United States.” Monitoring Social Mobility in the 21st Century, edited by David B.

Grusky, C. Matthew Snipp, and Timothy Smeeding. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political

and Social Science. Volume 657. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.

Collis, Conway, David B. Grusky, Sara Kimberlin, Courtney Powers, Sandra Sanchez, Marion Coddou, Erin

Cumberworth, Jonathan Fisher, Jared Furuta, Jasmine Hill, Molly King, Yana Kucheva, Ryan Leupp, Ana

Matosantos, Natassia Rodriguez, and Rachel Wright. 2015. “Reducing Poverty in California ...

Permanently.” Pathways Magazine.

Grusky, David B., Marion Coddou, Erin Cumberworth, Jonathan Fisher, Jared Furuta, Jasmine Hill, Sara

Kimberlin, Molly King, Yana Kucheva, Ryan Leupp, Marybeth Mattingly, Natassia Rodriguez, Charles

Varner, and Rachel Wright. 2015. “Why is There So Much Poverty in California? The Causes of

California’s Sky-High Poverty and the Evidence Behind the Equal Opportunity Plan for Reducing It.”

Pathways Magazine.

Mitnik, Pablo A., Victoria Bryant, David B. Grusky, and Michael Weber. 2015. “A Portrait of Economic

Mobility in the United States.” The Pew Charitable Trusts.

Mitnik, Pablo A., Victoria Bryant, David B. Grusky, and Michael Weber. 2015. “New Estimates of

Intergenerational Economic Mobility Using Administrative Data.” Statistics of Income Working Paper.

Red Bird, Beth, and David B. Grusky. 2015. “Rent, Rent-Seeking, and Social Inequality.” Emerging Trends

in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, edited by Stephen Kosslyn and Robert Scott. Wiley.


Huerta-Wong, Juan Enrique, Esra Burak, and David Grusky. 2015. “Is Mexico the Limiting Case? Social

Mobility in the New Gilded Age.” Social Mobility in Mexico, edited by Roberto Velez, Raymundo Campos,

and Juan Enrique Huerta-Wong, Centre for Studies Espinosa Yglesias.

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Grusky, David B. 2015. “America’s Premier Equal-Opportunity Institution.” Pp. 47-53 in Opening the

Doors of Opportunity for All. Washington, D.C.: American Institutes for Research.


Grusky, David B. 2014. “Theories of Stratification and Inequality.” International Encyclopedia of Social

and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition. Oxford: Elsevier.

Grusky, David B. 2014. “Social Class.” International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd

Edition. Oxford: Elsevier.

Lui, Yujia, and David B. Grusky. 2014. “The Winners of the Third Industrial Revolution.” Pp. 113-26 in

Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective, 4th Edition, edited by David B.

Grusky and Kate Weisshaar. Boulder: Westview Press.

Grusky, David B., and Kate Weisshaar. 2014. “The Questions We Ask About Inequality.” Pp. 1-16 in

Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective, 4th Edition, edited by David B.

Grusky and Kate Weisshaar. Boulder: Westview Press.

Grusky, David. B. 2014. “Four Myths About Poverty.” Pp. B11-B14 in The Chronicle of Higher Education.

See http://chronicle.com/article/4-Myths-About-Poverty/144819/.

Grusky, David B., and Szonja Szelényi. 2014. “The Stories We Tell About Inequality.” Pp. 17-27 in Social

Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective, 4th Edition, edited by David B. Grusky

and Kate Weisshaar. Boulder: Westview Press.

Grusky, David B., and Kate Weisshaar. 2014. “A Compressed History of Inequality.” Pp. 44-52 in Social

Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective, 4th Edition, edited by David B. Grusky

and Kate Weisshaar. Boulder: Westview Press.

Weeden, Kim, and David B. Grusky. 2014. “The Changing Form of Inequality.” Pp. 222-32 in Social

Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective, 4th Edition, edited by David B. Grusky

and Kate Weisshaar. Boulder: Westview Press.

Grusky, David B. 2014. “The Inequality Research Machine.” The Stanford University Press.


Lui, Yujia, and David B. Grusky. 2013. “Inequality in the Third Industrial Revolution.” American Journal of

Sociology 118 (6), May, 2013, pp. 1330-74.

Weeden, Kim A., and David B. Grusky. 2013. “Inequality and Market Failure.” American Behavioral

Scientist 57(11), pp. 1-19. See


Grusky, David B., and Erin Cumberworth. 2013. “Economic Inequality in the United States: An Occupy-

Inspired Primer.” Ch. 2 in Occupy the Future, edited by David B. Grusky, Douglas McAdam, Robert Reich,

and Debra Satz. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Owens, Lindsay A., and David B. Grusky. 2013. “Comment on 'Rising Inequality: Transitory or Permanent?

New Evidence from a Panel of U.S. Tax Returns.'” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (Spring), pp.

133-40. See http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Projects/BPEA/Spring%202013/2013a_panousi.pdf.

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Grusky, David B., Beth Red Bird, Natassia Rodriguez, and Christopher Wimer. 2013. How Much Protection

Does a College Degree Afford? The Impact of the Recession on Recent College Graduates. Philadelphia,

PA: The Pew Charitable Trusts.

Grusky, David B. and C. Matthew Snipp. 2013. “Neighborhood as Destiny? What’s Unknown about Stork

Drops and Mobility? PBS Newshour Magazine. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/author/david-


Grusky, David B. 2013. “Taxing Away Inequality” Boston Review (February, 2013). See



Grusky, David B., and Kim A. Weeden. 2013. “Why is There So Much Poverty?” Ch. 5 in Occupy the

Future, edited by David B. Grusky, Douglas McAdam, Robert Reich, and Debra Satz. 2013. Cambridge:

MIT Press.

Grusky, David B. 2013. ”A Review of Good Jobs – Bad Jobs (by Arne Kalleberg).” American Journal of


Grusky, David B., Douglas McAdam, Rob Reich, and Debra Satz. 2013. “Occupy the Future.” Ch. 1 in

Occupy the Future, edited by David B. Grusky, Douglas McAdam, Robert Reich, and Debra Satz.

Cambridge: MIT Press.

Weeden, Kim, and David B. Grusky. 2012. “The Three Worlds of Inequality.” American Journal of

Sociology 117 (6), pp. 1723-85.

Grusky, David B. 2012. “What to Do About Inequality?” Boston Review (March/April).


Grusky, David B., and Tamar Kricheli-Katz. 2012. “Poverty and Inequality in a New World.” Ch. 1, The

New Gilded Age, edited by David B. Grusky and Tamar Kricheli-Katz. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Jonsson, Jan O., David B. Grusky, Reinhard Pollak, and Matthew Di Carlo. 2011. “Occupations and Social

Mobility: Gradational, Big Class, and Micro-class Reproduction in Comparative Perspective.” Persistence,

Privilege, and Parenting: The Comparative Study of Intergenerational Mobility, edited by Robert Erikson,

Markus Jannti, and Timothy Smeeding. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Grusky, David B., Bruce Western, and Christopher Wimer. 2011. “The Consequences of the Great

Recession.” Pp. 3-20 in The Great Recession, edited by David B. Grusky, Bruce Western, and Christopher

Wimer. New York: Russell Sage.

Wimer, Christopher, Barbara Bergmann, David Betson, John Coder, and David B. Grusky. 2011. “How

Should the U.S. Poor be Counted in the Future?” Pathways Magazine (Fall), pp. 20-25.

Grusky, David B. 2011. “The Stories About Inequality that We Love to Tell.” Pp. 2-14 in The Inequality

Reader: Contemporary and Foundational Readings in Race, Class, and Gender, 2nd Edition, edited by

David B. Grusky and Szonja Szelényi. Boulder: Westview Press.

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Jonsson, Jan O., David B. Grusky, Matthew Di Carlo, and Reinhard Pollak. 2011. “It’s a Decent Bet that our

Children Will be Professors Too.” Pp. 499-516 in The Inequality Reader: Contemporary and Foundational

Readings in Race, Class, and Gender, 2nd Edition, edited by David B. Grusky and Szonja Szelényi. Boulder:

Westview Press. Reprinted in Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective,

4th Edition, edited by David B. Grusky and Kate Weisshaar. Boulder: Westview Press.

Grusky, David B. 2011. “It’s Not Just the Poor Who Pay for our Taste for Small Government.” Spotlight on

Poverty and Opportunity. Accessible at http://www.spotlightonpoverty.org/budget-


Grusky, David B., and Erin Cumberworth. 2011. “A National Protocol for Measuring Intergenerational

Mobility?” National Academy of Science.

Grusky, David B. 2011. “America’s Army of Jobless.” Los Angeles Times (November). Accessible at


Grusky, David B., and Kim A. Weeden. 2011. “Is Market Failure Behind the Takeoff in Inequality?” Pp. 90-

97 in The Inequality Reader: Contemporary and Foundational Readings in Race, Class, and Gender, 2nd

Edition, edited by David B. Grusky and Szonja Szelényi. Boulder: Westview Press.

Grusky, David B. 2011. “Theories of Stratification and Inequality.” Pp. 622-224 in The Concise

Encyclopedia of Sociology, edited by George Ritzer and J. Michael Ryan. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

Grusky, David B. 2011. “Rationing Education Protects the Rich.” Boston Review (December). Accessible at

http://www.bostonreview.net/BR36.6/david_grusky_occupy_movement_future.php. (Reprinted in Calcalist,

Yedioth Ahronoth Group.)

Grusky, David B., and Christopher Wimer. 2010. “Is There Too Much Inequality?” Pp. 3-10 in The

Inequality Puzzle. 2010. Roland Berger, David B. Grusky, Tobias Raffel, Geoffrey Samuels, and

Christopher Wimer. Springer Press.

Grusky, David B., and Christopher Wimer. 2010. “A View from the Top.” Pp. 177-89 in The Inequality

Puzzle. 2010. Roland Berger, David B. Grusky, Tobias Raffel, Geoffrey Samuels, and Christopher Wimer.

Springer Press.

Grusky, David B., and Christopher Wimer. 2010. “Can Inequality be Reduced by Building Better Markets?”

Pp. 211-23 in The Inequality Puzzle. 2010. Roland Berger, David B. Grusky, Tobias Raffel, Geoffrey

Samuels, and Christopher Wimer. Springer Press.

Grusky, David B. 2010. “Inequality Makes Us Anxious.” Stanford Social Innovation Review (Spring): 18-


Jonsson, Jan O., David B. Grusky, Matthew Di Carlo, Reinhard Pollak, Mary C. Brinton. 2009. “Micro-

Class Mobility: Social Reproduction in Four Countries.” American Journal of Sociology 114: 977-1036.

Grusky, David B. 2009. “Editing and Altruism.” Footnotes 37:8 (November-December).

Grusky, David B. 2009. Review essay, Deciphering Stratification and Inequality: Japan and Beyond, edited

by Yoshimichi Sato. Pacific Affairs 82 (4).

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Grusky, David B., and Jan O. Jonsson. 2008. “Where’s the Occupation in Occupational Mobility?”

Sociologia del Lavoro 113: 119-38.

Grusky, David B., Yoshimichi Sato, Jan O. Jonsson, Satoshi Miwa, Matthew Di Carlo, Reinhard Pollak, and

Mary C. Brinton. 2008. “Social Mobility in Japan: A New Approach to Modeling Trend in Mobility.” Pp.

1-25 in Intergenerational Mobility and Intragenerational Mobility, edited by Tsutomu Watanabe. 2005 SSM

Research Project Series, Volume III.

Grusky, David B. 2008. “Poverty and the Hyper-Moral American.” Stanford Report (October): 5.

Grusky, David B., and Kim A. Weeden. 2008. “Are There Social Classes? An Empirical Test of the

Sociologist’s Favorite Concept.” Pp. 65-92 in Social Class: How Does it Work?, edited by Dalton Conley

and Annette Laureau. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Grusky, David B., and Kim A. Weeden. 2008. “Measuring Poverty: The Case for a Sociological Approach.”

Pp. 20-35 in Many Dimensions of Poverty, edited by Nanak Kakwani and Jacques Silber. New York:


Grusky, David B., and Manwai C. Ku. 2008. “Gloom, Doom, and Inequality.” Pp. 2-28 in Social

Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective, 3rd edition, edited by David B. Grusky,

Manwai C. Ku and Szonja Szelényi. Boulder: Westview Press.

Grusky, David B. 2008. “Class.” The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd edition. Hampshire:

Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.

Grusky, David B., and Asaf Levanon. 2008. “Four Gloomy Futures for Sex Segregation.” Pp. 812-25 in

Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective, 3rd edition, edited by David B.

Grusky, Manwai C. Ku and Szonja Szelényi. Boulder: Westview Press.

Weeden, Kim, Young-Mi Kim, Matthew Di Carlo, and David B. Grusky. 2008. “Is the Labor Market

Becoming More or Less Gradational?” Pp. 249-65 in Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in

Sociological Perspective, 3rd edition, edited by David B. Grusky, Manwai C. Ku and Szonja Szelényi.

Boulder: Westview Press.

Grusky, David B. 2007. “Theories of Stratification and Inequality.” Pp. 4801-4810 in Encyclopedia of

Sociology, edited by George Ritzer. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Weeden, Kim A., Young-Mi Kim, Matt DiCarlo, and David B. Grusky. 2007. “Social Class and Earnings

Inequality.” American Behavioral Scientist 50: 702-36.

Charles, Maria, and David B. Grusky. 2007. “Egalitarianism and Gender Inequality.” Pp. 327-342 in

Inequality: Contemporary and Foundational Readings in Race, Class, and Gender, edited by David B.

Grusky and Szonja Szelényi. Boulder: Westview Press. Reprinted in Social Stratification: Class, Race, and

Gender in Sociological Perspective, 4th Edition, edited by David B. Grusky and Kate Weisshaar. Boulder:

Westview Press.

Grusky, David B., and Szonja Szelényi. 2007. “The Rise and Fall of Benign Narratives About Inequality.”

Pp. 1-13 in The Inequality Reader: Contemporary and Foundational Readings in Race, Class, and Gender.,

edited by David B. Grusky and Szonja Szelényi. Boulder: Westview Press.

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Grusky, David B., and Emily Ryo. 2006. “Did Katrina Recalibrate Attitudes Toward Poverty and

Inequality? A Test of the ‘Dirty Little Secret’ Hypothesis.” Du Bois Review 3 (1): 59-82.

Grusky, David B., and Asaf Levanon. 2006. “Describing Occupational Segregation in Sparse and

Incomplete Arrays.” Sociological Methods and Research 34: 554-72.

Blau, Francine D., Mary C. Brinton, and David B. Grusky. 2006. “The Declining Significance of Gender?”

Pp. 3-34 in The Declining Significance of Gender?, edited by Francine D. Blau, Mary C. Brinton, and David

B. Grusky. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Grusky, David B. 2006. “Journalists Without Deadlines.” Contexts 5(Winter): 54-56.

Grusky, David B., and Kim A. Weeden. 2006. “Does the Sociological Approach to Studying Social Mobility

Have a Future?” Pp. 85-108 in Mobility and Inequality: Frontiers of Research from Sociology and

Economics, edited by Stephen Morgan, Gary Fields, and David B. Grusky. Forthcoming. Stanford: Stanford

University Press.

Grusky, David B., and Ravi Kanbur. 2006. “Conceptual Ferment in Poverty and Inequality Measurement:

The View from Economics and Sociology.” Pp. 1-29 in Poverty and Inequality, edited by David B. Grusky

and Ravi Kanbur. Forthcoming. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Weeden, Kim A., and David B. Grusky. 2005. “The Case for a New Class Map.” American Journal of

Sociology 111: 141-212.

Grusky, David B., and Gabriela Galescu. 2005. “Foundations of Class Analysis: A Durkheimian

Perspective.” Pp. 51-81 in Approaches to Class Analysis, edited by Erik O. Wright. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press.

Grusky, David B. 2005. “Is Durkheim a Class Analyst?” Pp. 322-59 in The Cambridge Companion to

Durkheim, edited by Jeffrey Alexander and Phil Smith. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Weeden, Kim A., and David B. Grusky. 2005. “Are There Any Social Classes at All?” Pp. 3-56 in The

Shape of Social Inequality: Stratification and Ethnicity in Comparative Perspective, edited by David Bills.

Volume 22, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Grusky, David B., and Kim A. Weeden. 2002. “Class Analysis and the Heavy Weight of Convention.” Acta

Sociologica 45: 229-36.

Grusky, David B., and Matthew Di Carlo. 2001. “Should Sociologists Plod Along and Establish Descriptive

Regularities or Seek a Grand Explanation for Them?” European Sociological Review 17: 457-64.

Grusky, David B., and Kim A. Weeden. 2001. “Decomposition without Death: A Research Agenda for a

New Class Analysis.” Acta Sociologica 44: 203-18.

Grusky, David B., and Jesper B. Sørensen. 2001. “Are There Big Social Classes?” Pp. 183-94 in Social

Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Second Edition), edited by David B.

Grusky. Boulder: Westview Press.

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Grusky, David B., and Maria Charles. 2001. “Is There a Worldwide Sex Segregation Regime?” Pp. 689-703

in Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Second Edition), edited by

David B. Grusky. Boulder: Westview Press.

Grusky, David B. 2001. “The Past, Present, and Future of Social Inequality.” Pp. 3-51 in Social

Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Second Edition), edited by David B.

Grusky. Boulder: Westview Press. Reprinted in Social Inequality (translated by Xia Jianzhong), Renmin

University of China Press, 2006.

Grusky, David B. 2001. “Social Stratification.” Pp. 14,443-52 in International Encyclopedia of the Social

and Behavioral Sciences, edited by Neil J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes. New York: Elsevier Science.

Grusky, David B. 2001. Book Review, Tracking Inequality: Stratification and Mobility in American High

Schools, by Samuel Roundfield Lucas. Contemporary Sociology 30: 574-76.

Grusky, David B., Kim A. Weeden, and Jesper B. Sørensen. 2000. “The Case for Realism in Class

Analysis.” Political Power and Social Theory 14: 291-305.

Grusky, David B. 2000. “Social Stratification.” Pp. 2807-21 in The Encyclopedia of Sociology (Second

Edition), edited by Edgar F. Borgatta and Rhonda J.V. Montgomery. New York: Macmillan Publishing


Grusky, David B. 1999. Book Review, Durable Inequality, by Charles Tilly. American Journal of Sociology

104: 1823-25.

Grusky, David B., Jerald R. Herting, and Stephen E. Van Rompaey. 1998. “The Simple Virtues of

Descriptive Modeling.” American Sociological Review 63: 907-13.

Grusky, David B., and Maria Charles. 1998. “The Past, Present, and Future of Sex Segregation

Methodology.” Demography 35: 497-504.

Grusky, David B., and Jesper B. Sørensen. 1998. “Can Class Analysis Be Salvaged?” American Journal of

Sociology 103, pp. 1187-1234.

Grusky, David B., and Kim A. Weeden. 1998. “Models of Influence.” Required Reading: Sociology’s Most

Influential Books, edited by Dan Clawson. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press.

Herting, Jerald R., David B. Grusky, and Stephen E. Van Rompaey. 1997. “The Social Geography of

Interstate Mobility and Persistence.” American Sociological Review 62: 267-87.

Sørensen, Jesper, and David B. Grusky. 1996. “The Structure of Career Mobility in Microscopic

Perspective.” Pp. 83-114 in Social Differentiation and Inequality, edited by James N. Baron, David B.

Grusky, and Donald J. Treiman. Boulder: Westview Press.

Baron, James N., David B. Grusky, and Donald J. Treiman. 1996. “Social Differentiation and Inequality:

Some Reflections on the State of the Field.” Pp. 345-65 in Social Differentiation and Inequality, edited by

James N. Baron, David B. Grusky, and Donald J. Treiman. Boulder: Westview Press.

Charles, Maria, and David B. Grusky. 1995. “Models for Describing the Underlying Structure of Sex

Segregation.” American Journal of Sociology 100, pp. 931-71.

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Grusky, David B. and Marta Tienda. 1995. “Foreword.” Pp. ix-x in The New Role of Women: Family

Formation in Modern Societies, edited by Hans-Peter Blossfeld. Boulder: Westview Press.

Grusky, David B. 1994. “The Contours of Social Stratification.” Pp. 3-35 in Social Stratification: Class,

Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective, edited by David B. Grusky. Boulder: Westview Press.

Fukumoto, Ivan K., and David B. Grusky. 1993. “Social Mobility and Class Structure in Early-Industrial

France.” Pp. 40-67 in Building European Society: Occupational Change and Social Mobility in Europe,

1840-1940, edited by Andrew Miles and David Vincent. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Grusky, David B. 1993. “Social Stratification.” Pp. 610-613 in The Blackwell Dictionary of Twentieth-

Century Social Thought, edited by William Outhwaite and Tom Bottomore. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Grusky, David B., and Marta Tienda. 1993. “Foreword.” Pp. vii-viii in Persistent Inequality: Changing

Educational Attainment in Thirteen Countries, edited by Yossi Shavit and Hans-Peter Blossfeld. Boulder:

Westview Press.

Grusky, David B., and Stephen E. Van Rompaey. 1992. “The Vertical Scaling of Occupations: Some

Cautionary Comments and Reflections,” American Journal of Sociology 97, pp. 1712-28.

Grusky, David B., and Ann Azumi Takata. 1992. “Social Stratification.” Pp. 1955-70 in The Encyclopedia

of Sociology, edited by Edgar F. Borgatta. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

Burton, Mary Diane, and David B. Grusky. 1992. “A Quantitative History of Comparative Stratification

Research,” Contemporary Sociology 21, pp. 623-31.

Grusky, David B. 1991. Book Review, Similar or Different: Continuities in Dutch Research on Social

Stratification and Social Mobility, edited by Wim Jansen, Jaap Dronkers, and Kitty Verrips. Contemporary

Sociology 19, pp. 668-69.

Grusky, David B., and Thomas A. DiPrete. 1990. “Recent Trends in the Process of Stratification,”

Demography 27, pp. 617-37.

Stier, Haya, and David B. Grusky. 1990. “An Overlapping Persistence Model of Career Mobility,”

American Sociological Review 55, pp. 736-56.

DiPrete, Thomas A., and David B. Grusky. 1990. “The Multilevel Analysis of Trends with Repeated Cross-

Sectional Data.” Pp. 337-68 in Sociological Methodology, edited by Clifford C. Clogg. Oxford: Basil


DiPrete, Thomas A., and David B. Grusky. 1990. “Structure and Trend in the Process of Stratification for

American Men and Women.” American Journal of Sociology 96, pp. 107-43.

Grusky, David B. 1990. Book Review, The Emergence of the Middle Class: Social Experience in the

American City, 1760-1900, by Stuart M. Blumin. American Journal of Sociology 96, pp. 201-3.

Grusky, David B., and Ivan K. Fukumoto. 1989. “A Sociological Approach to Historical Social Mobility: A

Research Update.” Journal of Social History 23, pp. 221-32.

11 | P a g e

Grusky, David B. 1989. Book Review, Social Mobility and Class Structure in Modern Britain (Second

Edition), by John H. Goldthorpe (in collaboration with Catriona Llewellyn and Clive Payne). American

Journal of Sociology 95, pp. 481-83.

Tienda, Marta, and David B. Grusky. 1989. “Foreword.” Pp. ix-x in Equality and Achievement in Education,

by James S. Coleman. Boulder: Westview Press.

Hauser, Robert M., and David B. Grusky. 1988. “Cross National Variation in Occupational Distributions,

Relative Mobility Chances, and Intergenerational Shifts in Occupational Distributions.” American

Sociological Review 53, pp. 723-41.

Hauser, Robert M., and David B. Grusky. 1988. “Errors in Slomczynski and Krauze's Comparative Analysis

of Social Mobility.” American Sociological Review 53, pp. 749-52.

Grusky, David B. 1987. Book Review, Social Mobility in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Europe and America

in Comparative Perspective, by Hartmut Kaelble. American Journal of Sociology 92, pp. 1562-64.

Grusky, Oscar, Kathleen Tierney, Ronald Manderscheid, and David B. Grusky. 1985. “Social Bonding and

Community Adjustment of Chronically Mentally Ill Adults.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 26, pp.


Grusky, David B., and Robert M. Hauser. 1984. “Comparative Social Mobility Revisited: Models of

Convergence and Divergence in Sixteen Countries.” American Sociological Review 49, pp. 19-38.

[Reprinted in Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective, edited by David B.

Grusky. Boulder: Westview Press.]

Grusky, David B. 1983. “Industrialization and the Status Attainment Process: The Thesis of Industrialism

Reconsidered.” American Sociological Review 48, pp. 494-506.

Editorial Responsibilities

Editor, Pathways Magazine

The Poverty and Inequality Election. 2016. Winter.

The State of the Union. 2016. Special Issue.

Hispanics in America. A Report Card on Poverty, Mobility, and Assimilation. 2015. Spring.

State of the States. The Poverty and Inequality Report 2015. 2015. Winter.

Jobs, Joblessness, and the New American Poverty. 2014. Summer.

The State of the Union. 2014. Winter.

The Quiet Revolution in Housing Policy. 2013. Summer.

A Social Fallout to the Great Recession? 2012. Summer.

Monitoring Poverty in the 21st Century. 2011. Fall.

Leaders of the War on Poverty. Learning from State and Local Innovation. 2011. Summer

Does Poverty Get Under the Skin? The Effects of Deprivation on Blood, the Brain, and the Body. 2011.


Is This Executive Paid Too Much? New Ideas for Reforming Executive Pay. 2010. Summer

The Obama Effect: A New Future for Inequality? 2010. Spring

Are Green Jobs a Silver Bullet? 2009. Fall.

Going Global: Antipoverty Lessons From Around the World. 2009. Spring.

12 | P a g e

Reconstructive Surgery: Designing Health Care for the 21st Century. 2009. Winter.

Can We Fight Poverty During Economic Downturns? 2008. Summer.

A New War on Poverty? 2008. Winter.

Co-Editor (with Marta Tienda and Paula England), Studies in Social Inequality, Stanford University Press,

1997-present. Series Volumes:

Bartfeld, Judith, Craig Gundersen, Timothy Smeeding, and James P. Ziliak. 2015. SNAP Matters. How

Food Stamps Affect Health and Well-Being. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Gornick, Janet C. and Markus Jäntti. 2013. Income Inequality: Economic Disparities and the Middle

Class in Affluent Countries. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Jackson, Michelle. 2013. Determined to Succeed? Performance Versus Choice in Educational

Attainment. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Grusky, David B., and Tamar Kricheli-Katz. 2012. The New Gilded Age. Stanford: Stanford University


Arum, Richard, and Melissa Velez. 2012. Improving Learning Environments: School Discipline and

Student Achievement in Comparative Perspective.

Porter, Katherine. 2012. Broke: How Debt Bankrupts the Middle Class.

Kogan, Irena, Clemens Noelke, and Michael Gebel. 2011. Making the Transition: Education and

Labor Market Entry in Central and Eastern Europe.

Carlson, Marcia J., and Paula England. 2011. Social Class and Changing Families in an Unequal


Domhoff, G. William, and Michael J. Webber. 2011. Class and Power in the New Deal: Corporate

Moderates, Southern Democrats, and the Liberal-Labor Coalition.

Treas, Judith, and Sonja Drobnic. 2010. Dividing the Domestic: Men, Women, and Household Work in

Cross-National Perspective.

Yu, Wei-hsin. 2009. Gendered Trajectories: Women, Work, and Social Change in Japan and Taiwan.

Davis, Deborah S., and Wang Feng. 2008. Creating Wealth and Poverty in Postsocialist China.

Khazzoom, Aziza. 2008. Shifting Ethnic Boundaries and Inequality in Israel.

Wang, Feng. 2007. Boundaries and Categories: Rising Inequality in Post-Socialist Urban China.

Shavit, Yossi, Richard Arum, and Adam Gamoran. 2007. Stratification in Higher Education: A

Comparative Study.

Svallfors, Stefan. 2007. The Political Sociology of the Welfare State: Institutions, Social Cleavages,

and Orientations.

13 | P a g e

Morgan, Stephen, Gary Fields, and David B. Grusky. 2006. Mobility and Inequality: Frontiers of

Research from Sociology and Eonomics.

Svallfors, Stefan. 2006. The Moral Economy of Class: Class and Atitudes in Comparative Perspective.

Olzak, Susan. 2006. The Global Dynamics of Race and Ethnic Mobilization.

Diewald, Martin, Anne Goedicke, and Karl Ulrich Mayer. 2006. After the Fall of the Wall: Life

Courses in the Transformation of East Germany.

Goldthorpe, John H. 2006. On Sociology.

Grusky, David B., and Ravi Kanbur (eds.) 2006. Poverty and Inequality.

Svallfors, Stefan. 2005. Analyzing Inequality: Life Chances and Social Mobility in Comparative


Morgan, Stephen. 2005. On the Edge of Commitment: Educational Achievement and Race in the

United States.

Charles, Maria, and David B. Grusky. 2004. Occupational Ghettos: The Worldwide Segregation of

Women and Men.

Blossfeld, Hans-Peter, and Karin Kurz. 2004. Home Ownership and Social Inequality in Comparative


Brinton, Mary C. (ed.) 2001. Women’s Working Lives in East Asia.

Baxter, Janeen, and Mark Western (eds.). 2001. Reconfigurations of Class and Gender.

Kingston, Paul W. 2000. The Classless Society.

Co-Editor (with Marta Tienda), Westview Press Series on Social Inequality, Westview Press, 1987-97.

Series Volumes:

Rumbaut, Ruben G., and Kenji Ima. Forthcoming. Between Two Worlds: Southeast Asian Refugee

Youth in America.

O’Rand, Angela M., and John C. Henretta. 2001. Age and Inequality: Diverse Pathways Through

Later Life.

Blossfeld, Hans-Peter, and Gerald Prein. 1998. Rational Choice Theory and Large-Scale Data


Entwisle, Doris R., and Karl L. Alexander. 1997. Children, Schools, and Inequality.

Baron, James N., David B. Grusky, and Donald J. Treiman. 1996. Social Differentiation and


14 | P a g e

Erikson, Robert, and Jan O. Jonsson. 1996. Can Education Be Equalized? The Swedish Case in

Comparative Perspective.

Kerckhoff, Alan C. 1996. Generating Social Stratification: Toward A New Research Agenda.

Blossfeld, Hans-Peter. 1995. Family Formation in Modern Societies and the New Role of Women.

Grusky, David B. 1994. Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective.

White, Harrison C. 1993. Careers and Creativity: Social Forces in the Arts.

Shavit, Yossi, and Hans-Peter Blossfeld. 1993. Persistent Inequality: Changing Educational

Stratification in Thirteen Countries.

Lewin-Epstein, Noah, and Moshe Semyonov. 1993. The Arab Minority in Israel's Economy: Patterns

of Ethnic Inequality.

Coleman, James S. 1990. Equality and Achievement in Education.

Kerckhoff, Alan C. 1990. Getting Started: Transition to Adulthood in Great Britain.

Goldscheider, Calvin, and Frances Goldscheider. 1989. Ethnicity and the New Family Economy:

Living Arrangements and Intergenerational Financial Flows.

Editorial Board, Stanford University Press, Stanford University, 2011-present

Editorial Board, Contexts, 2004-2008

Consulting Editor, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 2010-present

Advisory Board, International Journal of Japanese Sociology, 2013-present

Editorial Board, Worldwide Attitudes, 1998-present

Research Infrastructure Panel, National Science Foundation, Division of Social, Behavioral, and Economic

Research, 1999

Editorial Board, Contemporary Sociology, 1995-98

Dissertation Improvement Committee, Sociology Program, National Science Foundation, 1995-98

Editorial Board, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 1994-97

Editorial Board, Stanford University Press, Stanford University, 1990-93

Advisory Panel, National Science Foundation, Division of Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research,

Young Investigators Review Board, 1993

Associate Editor, American Journal of Sociology, University of Chicago, 1987-88

Editorial Board, American Journal of Sociology, University of Chicago, 1986

Recent Research Grants

The Laura and John Arnold Foundation, “A New Administrative Database for California,” (Principal

Investigator: David B. Grusky), 2016-2017, $750,000.

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The James Irvine Foundation, “Building a Qualitative and Quantitative Infrastructure for Monitoring

Poverty,” (Principal Investigator: David B. Grusky), 2016-17, $750,000.

Annie E. Casey Foundation, “Measuring Poverty in the 21st Century,” (Principal Investigator: David B.

Grusky), 2016, $25,000.

Sunlight Giving, “Meeting Basic Needs.” (Principal Investigators: David B. Grusky), 2016, $25,000.

National Academy of Sciences, “Technical Support for the American Opportunity Study,”

(Principal Investigator for the subaward: David B. Grusky), 2015, $301,000.

Russell Sage Foundation, “Recovering and Coding Occupational Data in U.S. Tax Returns,” (Principal

Investigators: Michael Hout and David B. Grusky), 2015, $149,269.

The UPS Endowment, “Building a Segregation Monitoring Protocol Using New Mobile Technologies,”

(Principal Investigators; David B. Grusky, and Lester Mackey), 2014, $78,681.

National Science Foundation, “A New Infrastructure for Monitoring Social Class Networks,” (Principal

Investigators: David Grusky and Michael Macy), 2014-2015, $275,381.

United States Department of Health and Human Services, “The Sources of Inequality within Hispanic

Populations,” 2012-2014. (Principal Investigators: Douglas Massey, Tomás Jiménez, and David B.

Grusky), 2012-2103, $374,839.

Grace Foundation, “A Comprehensive Analysis of Poverty Policy Options for the State of California,”

(Principal Investigator: David B. Grusky), 2014, $20,000.

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human

Services, “Establishing a Poverty Research Center at Stanford University,” (Principal Investigator: David B.

Grusky), 2011-16, $3,977,455.

Innovation in Teaching and Researching Online and Blended Courses, Stanford University, (Principal

Investigators: David B. Grusky and Lindsay Owens), 2013-14, $25,000

Russell Sage Foundation, “Monitoring the Great Recession,” 2011-2013. (Principal Investigators: David B.

Grusky and Pablo Mitnik), $260,156.

The Pew Charitable Trusts and The Russell Sage Foundation. “Measuring Economic Mobility with Tax-

Return Data: Toward an IRS Platform” (Principal Investigators: Pablo Mitnik and David B. Grusky), 2011-

2013, $176,736.

State of California. “California Welfare Research.” (Principal Investigator: David B. Grusky), 2010-2017,


John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. “How Housing Matters?” (Principal Investigator: David

B. Grusky and Christopher Wimer), 2012-2013, $25,000.

The Pew Charitable Trusts, “Recent College Graduates? Early Labor Market Outcomes Before and After

the Great Recession” (Principal Investigator: David B. Grusky), 2011-2013, $63,899.

16 | P a g e

Russell Sage Foundation, “Living in a High Inequality Regime,” 2011-2013. (Principal Investigators: David

B. Grusky and Alair MacLean), $14,344.

The University of Wisconsin and the San Francisco Food Bank, “Studying Non-Use of Food Assistance

Among Low-Income San Franciscans,” 2011-2012. (Principal Investigators: Christopher Wimer and David

B. Grusky), $39,927.

Global Underdevelopment Action Fund, “Comparing the Efficacy of Cash Transfer and Medical

Interventions,” 2012-2013. (Principal Investigators: Eugene Richardson and David B. Grusky), $40,000.

Selected Prior Grants

Russell Sage Foundation, “The Great Recession: Winners and Losers,” 2010-11. (Principal Investigators:

David B. Grusky and Bruce Western)

New America Media, “Measuring Hardship and Misery in San Francisco,” 2010-2011. (Principal

Investigators: David B. Grusky and Christopher Wimer).

National Science Foundation Dissertation Research Grant, “New Forms of Gender Segregation,” 2010-11

(Principal Investigator: David B. Grusky, project advisor for Manwai Ku)

National Science Foundation, “Collaborative Research: Understanding The Economic Crisis and its Social

Impacts through Postdoctoral Fellowships,” 2010-2012. (Principal Investigators: Joel Rogers, Bruce

Western, Erik Wright, Neil Fligstein, Victor Nee, Paul DiMaggio, David Grusky, and Kim Weeden).

Elfenworks Foundation, “Collaboration for Poverty Research Grant,” 2008-2011 (Center Director: David B.


National Science Foundation Dissertation Research Grant, “Understanding White Opposition to Liberal

Racial Public Policy,” 2008-09 (Principal Investigator: David B. Grusky, project advisor for Frank Samson)

Elfenworks Foundation, “Center Grant to Support Postdoctoral and Visiting Scholars,” 2007-present (Center

Director: David B. Grusky)

National Science Foundation Dissertation Research Grant, “New Models of Immigration,” 2007-08

(Principal Investigator: David B. Grusky, project advisor for Asaf Levanon)

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, John E. Sawyer Seminar, “The Dynamics of Inequality,” Stanford

University, 2006-08

Atlantic Foundation, “Inequality Concentration Development Grant,” 2002-2003 (Recipient: David B.


Russell Sage Foundation, “The Declining Significance of Gender?,” 2001-2002 (Principal Investigators:

Mary C. Brinton, Francine D. Blau, David B. Grusky)

17 | P a g e

National Science Foundation Research Grant (SBS-9906419), Research Experiences for Undergraduates

Award, “The Micro-Level Structure of Social Classes,” 1999-2004 (Principal Investigator: David B.


National Science Foundation Research Grant (SBS-9906419), “The Micro-Level Structure of Social

Classes,” 1999-2004 (Principal Investigator: David B. Grusky)

National Science Foundation Dissertation Research Grant (SBR-9801697), “Labor Market Attainment in the

Context of Mass Migration: The Case of Soviet Jewish Immigrants in Israel,” 1998-99 (Principal

Investigator: David B. Grusky, project advisor for Nancy Weinberg)

National Science Foundation Dissertation Research Grant (SBR-9711510), “From Borders to Barriers:

Strategies of Occupational Closure and the Structure of Occupational Rewards,” 1997-98 (Principal

Investigator: David B. Grusky, project advisor for Kimberly Weeden)

National Science Foundation Dissertation Research Grant (SBR-9521320), “Mobility Pathways and

Inequality Processes of an Internal Labor Market,” 1995-96 (Principal Investigator: David B. Grusky,

project advisor for Manuela Romero)

National Science Foundation Dissertation Research Grant (SBR-9501687), “Separate and Unequal: The

Impact of the Welfare State Upon Patterns of Occupational Sex Segregation in Four Countries,” 1995-96

(Principal Investigator: David B. Grusky, project advisor for Mariko L. Chang)

Irvine Foundation Multicultural Curriculum Grant, 1994 (Recipient: David B. Grusky)

Office of Technology Licensing Research Incentive Fund Award, “Social Mobility of Women in Historical

Perspective,” 1994 (Principal Investigator: David B. Grusky)

The Stanford Center for the Study of Families, Children, and Youth Research Grant, “Social Mobility in

Microscopic Perspective,” 1993-94 (Principal Investigator: David B. Grusky)

The Stanford Center for the Study of Families, Children, and Youth Research Grant, “The Contours of

Intragenerational Mobility,” 1992-93 (Principal Investigator: David B. Grusky)

Presidential Young Investigator Five Year Career Award (SES-8858467), National Science Foundation,

1988-1993 (Principal Investigator: David B. Grusky)

The Stanford Center for the Study of Families, Children, and Youth Research Grant, “The Contours of

Intergenerational Mobility,” 1991-92 (Principal Investigator: David B. Grusky)

National Science Foundation Research Grant (SES-9012647), “Gender Attitudes in America,” 1990-92

(Principal Investigator: Szonja Szelényi; Co-Investigator: David B. Grusky)

Tangent Computer Research Laboratory Equipment Grant, 1991 (Principal Investigator: David B. Grusky)

The Stanford Center for the Study of Families, Children, and Youth Research Grant, “Social Class and

Family Structure,” 1990-91 (Principal Investigator: David B. Grusky)

Tangent Computer Research Laboratory Equipment Grant, 1990 (Principal Investigator: David B. Grusky)

18 | P a g e

The Stanford Center for the Study of Families, Children, and Youth Research Grant, “Social Mobility and

Assortative Mating in the 20th Century,” 1989-90 (Principal Investigator: David B. Grusky)

Access Computer Technologies Research Laboratory Equipment Grant, 1989 (Principal Investigator: David

B. Grusky)

The Stanford Center for the Study of Families, Children, and Youth Research Grant, “The Sources of Recent

Trends in the Stratification System,” 1989 (Principal Investigator: David B. Grusky)

National Academy of Education Spencer Research Fellowship, Spencer Foundation, 1988-1989 (Principal

Investigator: David B. Grusky)

National Science Foundation Research Grant (SES-8711301), “Social Mobility Among American Men,”

1987-89 (Principal Investigator: David B. Grusky)

Social Science Divisional Research Grant, “Long-Term Trends in the Patterns and Sources of Social

Mobility in America,” The University of Chicago, 1987 (Principal Investigator: David B. Grusky)

Biomedical Research Support Grant, “Occupational Mobility,” The University of Chicago, 1986 (Principal

Investigator: David B. Grusky)

Social Science Divisional Research Grant, “The Occupational Attainment Process in Historical

Perspective,” 1986 (Principal Investigator: David B. Grusky)

National Science Foundation Dissertation Grant (SES-8416141), “American Social Mobility and Class

Structure in the 19th and 20th Centuries,” 1985-86 (Sponsoring Investigator: Robert M. Hauser)

Selected Honors, Awards, and Committees

Elected member, American Academy of the Arts and Sciences, 2015

American Sociological Association Program Committee, 2013-present

Advisory Board, Public Policy Program, Stanford University, 2010-present

Chair, Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility Section, American Sociological Association, 2010-2011

Advisory Board, Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, California,



Program Commitee, American Sociological Association, 2013-present

Committee on Nominations, American Sociological Association, 2012-present

Technical Working Group on Self Sufficiency, Dept. of Health and Human Services, OPRE, 2011-present

Co-Director, Committee to Develop a New Infrastructure to Measure Social Mobility, National Research


Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2003-present

Executive Committee, Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research, 2001-2004

Advisory Board, Center for the Study of Economy and Society, 2003-2004

Advisory Council, Polson Institute for Global Development, 2001-2004

Governing Council, American Sociological Association, 2002-2004

19 | P a g e

Social Indicator Advisory Board, National Academy of Science, 2009-2011

Advisory Council, American Sociological Association Methodology Section, 2006-2008.

Max Weber Prize, 2005, American Sociological Association, Occupational Ghettos: The Worldwide

Segregation of Women and Men, Maria Charles and David B. Grusky, 2004

Member, Sociological Research Association, 1995-present

Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, California, 1991-92 Residence

Presidential Young Investigator Five Year Career Award, National Science Foundation, 1988-1993

Vilas Graduate Research Fellowship, The University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1985

Center for Demography and Ecology Traineeship, The University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1984-85

University of Wisconsin Graduate Research Fellowship, The University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1983-84

Caroline Rose Competition, American Sociological Association, First Place Paper, "Who Gets Prestige,

Power, and Privilege?" 1983

National Science Foundation Fellowship for Graduate Study, National Science Foundation, 1980-1983

Faculty and Divisional Commendation for Academic Excellence, Reed College, Portland, Oregon, 1976-80

Phi Beta Kappa, Reed College, Portland, Oregon, 1976-80

Class of 1921 Award, Reed College, Portland, Oregon, 1980

Professional Memberships

Elected Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2015-present

Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2003-present

Society for the Study of Social Problems, 2004-present

American Sociological Association, 1984-present

American Statistical Association, 1994-present

Midwest Sociological Society, 1985-present

American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1985-present

Population Association of America, 1985-present

Social Science History Association, 1985-present

International Sociological Association Committee #28, 1988-present

American Sociological Association Methodology Section, 1989-present

American Sociological Association Population Section, 1989-present

Institute for Research on Poverty Working Group, 1990-present

Southern Sociological Society, 1993-present

Sociological Research Association, 1995-present

Sociologists for Women in Society, 1998-present

Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility Section, 2010-present

Occupations, Organizations and Work Section, 1998-present

Dissertation and Thesis Committees

Maximilian Hell. Social Mobility in the United States. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee (Chair), Stanford


20 | P a g e

Kate Weisshaar. Discrimination and Opting Out. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee (Co-Chair), Stanford


Natassia Rodriguez. Do Social Origins Matter for College Graduates? Ph.D. Dissertation Committee

(Chair), Stanford University.

Molly King. Information Capital. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee (Chair), Stanford University.

Koji Chavez. Recruitment Scripts in the New Economy. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee (Chair), Stanford


Lauren Benditt. The Future of the Public Sector. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Stanford University.

Lindsay Owens. The Moral Foundation of Debt. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee (Chair), Stanford


Beth Red Bird. Licensure in America. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee (Chair), Stanford University.

Swethaa Ballakrishnen. Why Are There Hyper-Egalitarian Law Firms in India? Ph.D. Dissertation

Committee (Chair), Stanford University.

Brooke Conroy Bass. The Rise of Symbolic Forms of Gender Inequality. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee,

Stanford University.

Alison Wynn. Decoupling and Gender Inequality in Organizations. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee,

Stanford University.

Erin Cumberworth. The Rise of an Underclass? Ph.D. Dissertation Committee (Chair), Stanford


Sharon Jank. The Perverse Effects of Competition on Discrimination. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee,

Stanford University.

Traci Tucker. Why are Women Still Viewed as Less Competent? Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Stanford


Esra Burak. The Social Maximum: The Sources of Rising Support for Reigning in Inequality. Ph.D.

Dissertation Committee (Chair), Stanford University.

Rachel Wright. The Authoritarian Charity? The Commitment to Democracy and Participation in the

Nonprofit Sector. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Stanford University.

Jane Ohgami. The Boundaryless Career. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee (Chair), Stanford University.

Tamar Kricheli-Katz. The Dark Side of Choice. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee (Chair), Stanford University.

Stephen Nunez. The Moral Economy of Banking. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Stanford University.

Manwai Candy Ku. When Do the Careers of Women and Men Begin to Diverge? Ph.D. Dissertation

Committee (Chair), Stanford University.

21 | P a g e

Yujia Liu. The Inequality Takeoff and the Changing Payoff to Cognitive, Creative, Technical, and Service

Skills. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee (Chair), Stanford University.

Ivaylo Petev. Consumption and Social Class. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee (Chair), Stanford University.

Laura Lopez-Sanders. Brown, Black, and White: Racial Identity When a Two-Race Regime Breaks Down.

Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Stanford University.

Emily Shafer. Do Women Opt Out? Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Stanford University.

Emily Ryo. Becoming Illegal. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee (Chair), Stanford University.

Asaf Levanon. The Incorporation of Immigrants in Cross-National Perspective. Ph.D. Dissertation

Committee (Chair), Stanford University.

Esther Quintero. Why are Women Under-Represented in the Civil Service? Ph.D. Dissertation Committee,

Cornell University.

Frank Samson. Understanding White Opposition to Liberal Racial Public Policy. Ph.D. Dissertation

Committee (Chair), Stanford University.

Songhua Hu. Counterselection and the Reproduction of Advantage in China. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee,

Stanford University.

Heili Pals. Conformity and Getting Ahead in Transitional Societies. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Stanford


Young-Mi Kim. Why is Mobility Increasing? Deindustrialization and the New Employment Contract. Ph.D.

Dissertation Committee (Chair), Cornell University.

Judy Rosenstein. A Theory of Inter-Group Antagonism. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee (Chair), Cornell


Robb Willer. Status and Collective Action. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Cornell University.

Matthew DiCarlo. Social Class and the Welfare State. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee (Chair), Cornell


Zun Tang. Social Networks in China’s Urban Labor Markets. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Cornell


Hyunjoo Min. Occupational Sex Segregation and Job Transitions Among Women and Men in the United

States and Korea. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Cornell University.

Gabriela Sandoval. Is There a Brown Vote? Class, Race, and Gender Voting in Santa Paula. Ph.D.

Dissertation Committee (Chair), Cornell University.

Yang Cao. Inequality in Transitional China. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Cornell University.

22 | P a g e

Geoffrey Woodley. Can Firms Adapt to Changing Conditions? Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Cornell


Kim A. Weeden. From Borders to Barriers: Strategies of Occupational Closure and the Structure of

Occupational Rewards. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee (Chair), Stanford University.

Nancy Weinberg. Mass Migration and Labor Market Attainment: The Case of Soviet Jewish Immigrants in

Israel. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee (Chair), Stanford University.

Randi Cartmill. Occupational Sex Segregation in Industrialized and Industrializing Countries. M.S. Thesis

Committee (Chair), The University of Wisconsin.

Alair MacLean. Age Stratification at Work: Continuity and Change in the American Occupational Structure,

1950-1990. M.S. Thesis Committee, The University of Wisconsin.

Henry Anaya. The Sociology of Dropping-Out. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Stanford University.

Manuela Romero. The Myth of Internal Labor Markets? Ph.D. Dissertation Committee (Chair), Stanford


Ivan K. Fukumoto. The Structure of Inter-Firm and Intra-Firm Career Mobility. Ph.D. Dissertation

Committee (Chair), Stanford University.

Mariko Lin Chang. Separate and Unequal: The Cross-National Structure of Occupational Sex Segregation.

Ph.D. Dissertation Committee (Chair), Stanford University.

Winifred Poster. A Culture Clash of Gender Relations in the Global Economy: Women, Men, and Work in

India. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Stanford University.

Karen Aschaffenburg. Cultural Capital, Lifestyles, and Consumption. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee (Chair),

Stanford University.

Drori, Gili. The National Project of Science. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Stanford University.

Jesper Sørensen. Patterns of Executive Mobility and the Ecology of Competition Among Commercial

Broadcast Television Stations in the United States. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Stanford University.

Stephen E. Van Rompaey. The Decline of Chilean Fertility, 1960-1982. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee,

Stanford University.

Maria Charles. Occupational Segregation by Sex in 25 Industrial Countries. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee,

Stanford University.

Lisa Catanzarite. Job Characteristics and Occupational Segregation by Gender, Race, and Ethnicity. Ph.D.

Dissertation Committee, Stanford University.

Larry D. Crawford. The Occupation-Income Complex: A Detailed Analysis of Black-White Mobility Trends,

1940-1985. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, The University of Chicago.

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Jean Bacon. The Social Structure of Inter-Caste Contact. M.S. Thesis Committee (Chair), The University of


Lenora Smith. Marriage Rates of Black and White Men. M.S. Thesis Committee (Chair), The University of


Karen Aschaffenburg. The Structure of Social Mobility Among American Women. M.S. Thesis Committee

(Chair), The University of Chicago.

Annette Bernhardt. The Micro-Macro Problem in Social Stratification. M.S. Thesis Committee (Chair), The

University of Chicago.

Zai Liang. Age at First Marriage in China, 1950-1978. M.S. Thesis Committee, The University of Chicago.

Carol J. Ward. A Comparative Analysis of Educational and Occupational Attainment with Special Attention

to American Indians. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, The University of Chicago.

Lynne Casper. Costs Associated with Adolescent Pregnancy and Childbearing. M.S. Thesis Committee, The

University of Chicago.

Major Classes and Seminars

Center on Poverty and Inequality Workshop (Stanford University); Dynamics of Inequality (Stanford

University); Inequality Workshop (Stanford University); New Models and Methods in the Social Sciences

(Stanford University); Research Praticum (Stanford University); Controversies About Inequality (Cornell

University and Stanford University); Inequality, Diversity, and Justice (Cornell University); Research

Methods in Sociology (Cornell University); Social Inequality (Cornell University); Social Stratification

(Stanford University); Workshop in Social Stratification and Mobility (Stanford University); The General

Linear Model (Stanford University); Workshop in Research Design and Methods (Stanford University);

Class Structure and Social Mobility in Advanced Industrial Societies (Stanford University); Methods for

Discrete Variables (Stanford University); Graduate Proseminar (Stanford University); Senior Seminar on

Writing Skills (Stanford University); Social Stratification and Mobility (The University of Chicago);

Quantitative Research Methods (The University of Chicago); Class, Status, and Gender (The University of

Chicago); Self, Culture, and Society (The University of Chicago).