Datapolis Process System - Installation Guide€¦ · following guide: “Datapolis Process System...

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Transcript of Datapolis Process System - Installation Guide€¦ · following guide: “Datapolis Process System..., ul Wiktorska 63, 02-587 Warsaw, Poland tel. (+48 22) 398-37-53; fax. (+ 48 22) 398-37-93,

INSTALLATION GUIDE Datapolis Process System v

Last modification on: 10 June 2015

Thank you for choosing Datapolis Process System ................................................................................. 2 1 Installation requirements ............................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Server ...................................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Client........................................................................................................................................ 3

2 Installation ...................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Migrating from Workbox 2.3 ................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Datapolis Process System installation ..................................................................................... 4 2.3 IIS settings ............................................................................................................................. 12 2.4 Licensing ................................................................................................................................ 14

2.4.1 License Limitations ............................................................................................................ 19 2.5 Feature activation ................................................................................................................. 20 2.6 Repairing/Removing Datapolis Process System .................................................................... 23 2.7 SharePoint settings ................................................................................................................ 24

2.7.1 Workflow history ............................................................................................................... 24 3 Troubleshooting............................................................................................................................ 24

3.1 Known errors ......................................................................................................................... 24

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Thank you for choosing Datapolis Process System We hope that you will find our product useful. If you have any comments or questions regarding Datapolis Process System or this guide, please feel free to contact us. Contact details are included in Troubleshooting section of this document. We will gladly help you solve any issues. Please take time to read this guide. It will help you to install DPS on your system and deal with a number of the most common problems you might encounter during the process. On User Area web page on “My Products” there is section “Datapolis Process System” where you can find “Get Datapolis Process System Trial License” link. Use the button to get 30-days trial license if your installed product version is greater than or equal 4.2.x.x. If your Datapolis Process System or Workbox version is less than 4.2.x.x. 30-days trial license is active by default after product installation. You can generate only one trial license and use it only on one of your environment. In order to use Datapolis Process System after 30 days, you need to purchase and activate a new license. More about licensing can be found in the Licensing chapter. If you encounter any problems while using our product, please refer to the instructions included in Troubleshooting section.

Datapolis Process System is still expanding. While its base functionality is fully tested and stable, we are constantly adding new functionalities with each release. We strongly recommend you to register on, where you will be able to easily track latest releases. Also, you will be able to get additional materials and to try our on-line demonstration environment with latest version of Datapolis Process System.

Users migrating from SharePoint Server 2010/SharePoint Foundation 2010 to SharePoint Server 2013/SharePoint Foundation 2013 should read chapter 2.1 “Migrating from Workbox 2.3”.

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1 Installation requirements

1.1 Server

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 / Windows Server 2012

SharePoint Foundation 2013 / SharePoint Server 2013

.NET Framework 4.5

1.2 Client

1. A web browser with Silverlight 4.0 plugin

2 Installation

2.1 Migrating from Workbox 2.3

Note: Work on SharePoint 2013 is still in progress, so there can be some major changes. Due to this please contact our support team at before you start migrating, so we will be able to give you latest instructions and help. Please do not start migration without contacting technical support. Follow this steps to successfully migrate from Workbox 2.3 when you are upgrading your SharePoint environment to SharePoint 2013.

1. On SharePoint 2010 1.1. Install Workbox 2.3.10 if not installed yet. Only from this version you can upgrade Workbox. 1.2. Create backup of your database (named “DP_DB_YourFarmGuid”) 1.3. Run “WorkboxSP2010MigratorSource.exe”

1.3.1. This application will create text file named “WorkboxSP2013Migration.txt”. It will store information about GUIDs of your farm and Web Applications. Keep this file for further steps.

1.4. Uninstall Workbox 2.3.10 and SharePoint Column Protector (if it is installed). It is necessary because of large amount of changes in WorkBox features and possible inconsistencies.

2. Create new SharePoint 2013 farm and migrate your environment following Microsoft guidelines. 3. On SharePoint 2013

3.1. Import your Workbox database into SQL Server. Keep previous name. 3.2. Copy file “WorkboxSP2013Migration.txt” to your new Workbox installation directory (it

should lay in the same folder as “WorkboxSP2013MigratorTarget.exe”. 3.3. In case of standard migration URLs to your Web Applications will not be modified. In you are

performing this kind of migration please skip this step. But, if you want to import your Web Applications to be running on ports other than before migration, you should do some extra actions described below. You have to verify “WorkboxSP2013Migration.txt” file validity – all Web Applications mentioned in file should has corresponding URLs to Applications in your farm. Remember to keep URLs in the same form as they were saved – “http://URL:PORT/. In other words, you should modify URLs of applications that have been imported under different port. Imagine that after doing step 1.3 you have file with following content:

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http://SomeCentralAdministration:3000/ 82608fb3-ffdd-412d-bb91-1fbe6e119ddf http://SomeSiteCollection/ a6914cc6-1611-48fa-b2d9-62775372445c

These are, in order, your Workbox database name and running web applications URLs and GUIDs. Now, after migrating SharePoint your applications may be available under different URLs (you can check it in IIS), for example: http://SomeCentralAdministration:3200/ http:// SomeSiteCollection:81/ In this situation, you have to replace old URLs with new URLs, so your “WorkboxSP2013Migration.txt” will look as follows:

DP_DB_91638235-745b-4d83-a2c8-0a3ca1068f7d http://SomeCentralAdministration:3200/ 82608fb3-ffdd-412d-bb91-1fbe6e119ddf http:// SomeSiteCollection:81/ a6914cc6-1611-48fa-b2d9-62775372445c

3.4. Now you can save “WorkboxSP2013Migration.txt” file. Make sure that “WorkboxSP2013MigationTarget.exe” lays in the same folder as saved text file. If yes, go to next step.

3.5. Run “WorkboxSP2013MigratorTarget.exe”. 3.6. Install Datapolis Process System. 3.7. Activate new license for Datapolis Process System. 3.8. If you have custom functions or activities written using Workbox SDK, you should prepare

new versions to be running under SharePoint 2013.

2.2 Datapolis Process System installation To install DPS you just need to run the attached setup application on the web server hosting your farm’s Central Administration application. Setup will deploy DPS on all front-end servers in a farm. You don’t have to launch the setup on every server in the farm. Prerequisites:

For the installation time please unlock port 445 on every server’s firewall for TCP connections. It is necessary in order to verify the SharePoint Timer work.

It’s necessary to add authorization for Farm Administrator to base. To do it, please start as administrator SharePoint PowerShell and write a command: Get-SPDatabase | ?{$_.Name -eq "DP_DB_7cf21959-1068-49e7-97ff-dba3c237e1ca"} | Add-SPShellAdmin -Username tg\administratorLogin

Note: The user account used to install DPS should have administrative privileges on both server and SharePoint farm levels.

1. Run the file „ InstallationPackage.msi”. This will launch extraction wizard. Click „Next” on the „Welcome” page.

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2. Select the folder where the setup files are to be extracted. We advise you to keep these files even after you complete the installation, for they are useful while fixing or removing DPS solution.

Click „Next”.

3. When the files are uncompressed, click the „Finish” button. Setup will automatically launch DPS Installer.

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4. After setup.exe is launched, click the “Next” button on the “Welcome” page.

5. System requirements are verified on next page. Please wait for all the checkpoints to be completed.

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6. Click “Next” if all the requirements are met.

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7. If the verification fails on any of the checkpoints, click the “Abort” button. After

resolving the issue, run setup.exe again. See the Troubleshooting section for more details.

If Datapolis Process System has been already installed, the “Repair/Remove” options are shown. In this case please read Repair/Remove Datapolis Process System section.

8. The next page shows End User License Agreement (EULA). Please read the agreement carefully. In order to continue the DPS installation you have to agree with the statements in the license by checking the appropriate option. Click the “Next” button.

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9. The next page contains web applications on which you can deploy DPS. You can select more than one web application.

10. As stated before, DPS is deployed as a Site Feature. In order to use DPS (i.e. design

and deploy, as well as run Datapolis workflows) it is necessary to activate the feature on each site where Datapolis workflows are to be run. Setup wizard gives you an option (“Activate Datapolis Process System on all sites on all site collections on selected web applications”) to automatically activate the feature on all sites in selected site applications. It’s selected by default.

Note: If your web applications contain a large number of sub sites, the auto-activation can take a long time and use a significant part of server resources.

11. After selecting deployment targets, click the “Next” button.

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12. Following step informs which components will be installed or modified. Click “Next” to continue.

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13. The next page shows progress of the installation. It might take several minutes, depending on the configuration of the SharePoint environment. When the installation is completed, click the “Next” button.

14. The last page displays the deployment summary. The details show how the deployment process was performed and on which web applications and site collections where DPS was installed.

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Note: If errors occurred during the installation, they will be listed here as well. Please note them down and include them when contacting Datapolis Support. Clicking the “Next” button forwards you to an end screen which completes the installation process.

Additional information on how to work with Datapolis Process System can be found in the following guide: “Datapolis Process System – Quick Start.pdf”.

2.3 IIS settings To work properly, DPS requires your IIS application to have at least one website identity set on a default IP address and empty host header value. Note: DPS cannot deploy workflows on a website application without website identity with empty host header. To ensure your settings are correct:

1. Click the Windows “Start” button and click “Run”. 2. In the textbox type “inetmgr” and click “OK”.

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In IIS Manager find the web application that hosts your SharePoint, select it and on the right-side toolbar click “Bindings…”.

3. In the “Site Bindings” window check if you have at least one entry for default (unassigned) IP address and empty Host header value. Port number is irrelevant.

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4. If you don’t have this entry, click the “Add” button and provide a port number. Do not change other settings. Click “OK”.

5. Repeat these steps for all web applications that host SharePoint and use DPS. You might need to restart the Web application.

2.4 Licensing On User Area web page on “My Products” there is section “Datapolis Process System” where you can find “Get Datapolis Process System Trial License” link. Use the button to get 30-days trial license if your installed product version is greater than or equal 4.2.x.x. If your Datapolis Process System or Workbox version is less than 4.2.x.x. 30-days trial license is active by default after product installation. You can generate only one trial license and use it only on one of your environment. In order to use Datapolis Process System after 30 days, you need to purchase and activate a new license. The Trial version includes all of the Enterprise version features. Note: When you have installed the Trial version of DPS and you want to continue using it after the trial period, you don’t have to reinstall or reconfigure anything. It is sufficient to purchase and activate either the Standard or Enterprise license. To activate license on server farm you need to:

1. Purchase license for Datapolis Process System in Datapolis Sales Department. 2. Once you have purchased a license, it should be available for you on “My Products” page. In

order to set the license, go to “License Management” page on your server (SharePoint 2013 Central Administration -> Datapolis Process System -> License management for Datapolis products) Note: DPS is licensed per server and/or per user of your SharePoint farm. You cannot transfer your license from one server farm to another once you have generated License Key based on the Product Key for a given farm.

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a. Go to “Central Administration” page for the server farm:

b. Go to “Datapolis Process System Administration” section by clicking on “Datapolis Process System” link in left menu:

c. On the “Datapolis Process System Administration” page click “License management for Datapolis products” link under “Datapolis Configuration” header:

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3. If your server (the one where DPS is installed) has internet connectivity, you can activate

your product automatically. If you don’t have internet connection on the server, you have to activate your product manually – go to step 4.

a. Click on the link “Activate license automatically”:

b. Please log on to and open section licenses for Datapolis Process System. Then copy product key and go back to “License Management for Datapolis Products” and paste it to “Product key:” section. Now please click “Check licenses”. “License Id” field will be fill automatically. After that click "Activate“.

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c. Now be sure that your version of Datapolis Process System have valid license. Choose Datapolis Process System form drop down and then click “+” on the right side.

Note: If the automatic license activation was successful, you can skip point 4, 5 and 6.

4. Generate Product Key for your installation of DPS on given farm. a. Click the “Get Farm Key” button.

b. You will receive a file to download. Download it and save on your disk in convenient

localization. Note: If you do not receive the file, check whether it was blocked by your browser.

5. Generate license key

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a. Go to page. Expand “Datapolis Process System” product section and upload your product key in the “Licenses” section. Note: When uploading a product key, please add a meaningful description. This will help you locate your license later.

b. When product key is in place, you can download your license key. Save it in a convenient place so you can locate it easily – you will have to upload it on your SharePoint Central Administration site.

6. Activate product with license key a. Return to License Management page and click the “Upload License Key” button.

Browse for the license key file and click the “Upload” button.

b. If provided license key is invalid – for example product key used to generate license key was generated from another server farm or trial has expired, license status will change to “Not valid License Key” and product status will change to “not valid”. Note: When you will have problems with starting actions or associating workflows, then you should wait a few minutes.

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Note: Datapolis workflows will deploy and start if product status is “Not valid”.

2.4.1 License Limitations

Licenses, depending on their type, can be constricted by:

1. The number of users allowed to use DPS (Client Access License, CAL); 2. The number of servers working in the SharePoint farm.

The following information contains detailed specification of both entities. Client Access License

1. Each user executing DPS Workflows is one CAL. 2. After the number of used CALs surpasses the limit included in the license, an e-mail is sent to

farm administrator, informing about the event. 3. DPS allows for a situation where a number of temporary users have to be included in a

process: 5 users over the set limit may execute DPS actions. We encourage you to carefully consider using this feature, though, because it was designed for emergencies and is not part of a license.

4. Sixth user surpassing the CALs limit will get information that the CALs limit has been exceeded. The user will not be allowed to execute any Datapolis Workflow action.

5. Every 24 hours, farm administrator can remove up to two users from the list of logged DPS users, thus freeing their CALs. The operation can be done on Datapolis licensing page in SharePoint Central Administration. This feature allows you to react to changing organization environment, for instance when certain users are no longer part of any process.

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1. Server is a physical or virtual machine that is a part of SharePoint farm in which DPS is deployed.

2. The number of servers in the farm must be equal to the number of servers included in the license, otherwise an error that license is invalid will be thrown and DPS will not work. Please note that this is true also when the number of servers in the farm is lower than the number included in the license.

2.5 Feature activation WARNING: If the Datapolis Process System feature is not activated on a given site, users will not be able to launch actions and define workflows. Newly created workflows will be suspended. If during the setup you have checked the “Activate Datapolis Process System on all sites on all site collections on selected web applications” option, the DPS feature will be active after completing installation, so you can use the application right away. Note: If you reinstall DPS using the “Repair” option in the setup wizard, the all feature states will be preserved: activated features will be active, deactivated features will be inactive.

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If the feature has been deactivated, or the setup was unable to activate the feature, you need to activate it before you can use DPS. If you don’t see the link to Datapolis Process System administration in the SharePoint list settings menu, then most likely you need to activate it for the site collection that hosts the list. Note: To activate the feature you need “Manage Web Site” permissions on site. To activate the feature:

1. Go to the site’s administration page. Choose “Site Settings” from the “Site Actions” menu on the top-left side.

2. On the “Site Settings” page click the “Manage site features” link in the “Site Actions” section.

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3. Check if the status of Datapolis Process System and Datapolis Column Protector (feature for column permissions) are “Active”.

4. If features are not active, click the “Activate” button to activate them.

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2.6 Repairing/Removing Datapolis Process System If by any reason - deleted files, version upgrade or malfunction - you want to repair DPS installation, run the Setup application, as described in the “Installation” chapter above.

1. After all configuration checks are completed (paragraph 5 in the “Installation” chapter) you will enter the “Repair or Remove” screen:

2. To repair the DPS installation chose “Repair” and click “Next”. DPS will be uninstalled and reinstalled. No configuration data will be lost.

3. To remove DPS, choose “Remove” and click “Next”. DPS will be removed from your SharePoint environment. You can install it again later.

Note: DPS configuration files for each list will not be removed. To remove the files, you have to delete the XML file from every list catalog manually. You can do this with SharePoint Designer. While removing of DPS database, which has been created during installation, will not be removed. If you are sure, that you will not use DPS or other Datapolis products in future, remove that database.

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2.7 SharePoint settings To work as desired, DPS may require proper configuration of some SharePoint settings, which are described in the below section.

2.7.1 Workflow history

By default, Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 runs a daily “Workflow Auto Cleanup” job to permanently delete workflow instances and related task entries that still exist 60 days after a workflow is completed or canceled. Workflow history items themselves are not deleted, but the entry point to view them on the status page for a particular instance of a workflow will no longer be available. To disable timer job cleaning workflow history information, follow the below steps:

1. From Central Administration, navigate to "Monitoring" and then to "Review jobs definitions" in "Timer Jobs" section.

2. On the displayed list, find job named "Workflow Auto Cleanup" and open its details. 3. On the details of the "Workflow Auto Cleanup" job click button "Disable". 4. After you are redirected to the list of job definitions, verify whether in the "Schedule Type"

column, the "Workflow Auto Cleanup" job has status "Disabled".

3 Troubleshooting If any errors or other issues occur, please visit the Datapolis Process System Team blog at This site contains a list of known bugs and solutions to common issues. There you can also find additional information about DPS new features and development trends. For troubleshooting, help and tips please contact our support team by mailing us at

3.1 Known errors Please visit the following web page for a list of knows errors and possible solutions

Datapolis Process System has reached production phase. While its base functionality is fully tested and stable, we are constantly adding new functionalities with each release. We strongly recommend you to register on, where you will be able to easily track latest DPS releases. Also, you will be able to get additional DPS materials and to try our on-line demonstration environment with latest version of DPS.