Datagate 3 - Ferrari · Datagate 3 – User’s Manual Ferrari GeS – Sistemi Informativi 3 1...

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Transcript of Datagate 3 - Ferrari · Datagate 3 – User’s Manual Ferrari GeS – Sistemi Informativi 3 1...

Datagate 3 – User’s Manual

Ferrari GeS – Sistemi Informativi 1

Gestione Sportiva

Servizi Informativi

DATAGATE 3 Web-based data transfer system

User’s Manual

Ver. Date Change Description Author

1.0 2013/09/24 Draft based on IT version B. Franzini

1.1 2013/09/27 Review and fixes B. Franzini

1.3 2014/04/28 Ferrari/A. Di Zio review. Bump revision ID. B. Franzini

Document id DataGate3-user-guide-v1.6-EN.docx

Approved by

Authorized by

Datagate 3 – User’s Manual

Ferrari GeS – Sistemi Informativi 2

Table of Contents

1 System description ............................................................ 3

2 Login ................................................................................. 5

3 Files Management .............................................................. 7

3.1 Send Files .......................................................................................... 7

3.1.1 Recipients selection ....................................................................... 7

3.1.2 Selecting files to send .................................................................... 9

3.2 Receive Files ..................................................................................... 11

3.2.1 Download multiple dataset……………………………………………………………………….11

3.3 OutBox ............................................................................................. 12

4 Support ............................................................................ 12

5 Logout ............................................................................. 12

6 APPENDIX ........................................................................ 13

6.1 Cqc document procedures……………………………………………………………….……………13

6.1.1 Document set-up ......................................................................... 13

6.1.2 Data shipment ............................................................................. 13

6.1.3 Additional comments .................................................................... 14

6.2 File names forbidden characters………………………………..…………………………………14

6.3 Supported web browsers .................................................................... 14

Datagate 3 – User’s Manual

Ferrari GeS – Sistemi Informativi 3

1 System description

“Datagate” is the system for files exchange between Ferrari GeS and

external Companies and Consultants; hereafter referred as “Suppliers”.

It provides a simple, secure and managed method for files exchange, using

a common web browser.

Files can be of any kind, and in case of CAD files, the system has built-in

capabilities to do automatic CAD file format conversion, hence

automatically coping with mismatches between internal and external

parties formats.

From the web browser, the user selects the recipients from a pre-defined

and pre-configured list, and Datagate imports the files and notifies the

recipients, also providing a web URL to access the data.

It is the user responsibility ensuring the contents and recipients are approved and authorized.

Access to the system is based on encrypted connection.

The URL for Internal users is:

The URL for Suppliers users is:

Login to the system

To access the system it is necessary:

To own valid Ferrari GeS domain authentication credentials. They are the same as the one used to access the Windows PC through lanfges or lanfpista domains.

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To be configured to access the Datagate system, and enabled for data exchange among well defined list of Suppliers.

Password convention: o Not contain the user's account name or parts of the user's

full name that exceed two consecutive characters; o Contain characters, minimum length 12 characters, from

three of the following four categories: English uppercase characters (A through Z); English lowercase characters (a through z); Base 10 digits (0 through 9); Non-alphabetic characters (for example, !, $, #,

%); o Users can not specify the last 24 passwords already used.

Password expire after 28 days, user must change it at first logon after expiration and at first access after Supplier account creation.

Sending Files, Notifications

Once recipients and a textual note is entered, the selected files are

uploaded, processed and archived, and are made available for download.

The Supplier recipients as well as the Ferrari GeS user are notified by e-

mail about the availability of new files, together with the note and the

download URL.

The Suppliers, by mean of the encrypted link, are

then enabled to download the files.

Notice: the above link is restricted to the Suppliers

users, for accessing Datagate from the internet, and

shall not be used by Ferrari GeS employee from within

the “” network.

When the Supplier access to the folder containing the files sent, Datagate

logs the event and notifies the sender by e-mail. The mechanism is still the

same, with roles reversed, when the sending is done from Supplier to

Ferrari GeS user.

All the activities done and the files sent through Datagate are registered

and can be inspected by the Datagate administrators.

The Datagate system also provides a CAD format translation feature. Every

Supplier is configured for a set of CAD format preferences: the sender can

optionally request the Datagate system to perform a conversion of the data

to one of the available formats.

Notice: Datagate is not a format translator service and

the automated format conversion may fail. In case of

failure it is necessary to perform a manual conversion,

which in turn may require some modification to the

original model.

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For incoming data, the files are received without any format conversion or

any other kind of processing.

Every user can verify the status of the expeditions, including inbound and

outbound data.

2 Login

Access to the system is encrypted with HTTPS protocol, and the SSL certificate is

signed by “Ferrari S.p.A. Internal Certification Authority”.

The very first time a web browser connects to Datagate, it prompts for the

acceptance of the certificate. Once this is accepted, the page below is displayed:

click “Log-in” link on the left and enter Username and Password fields to log into

the system.

The access credentials are the same used by every GeS user to log into lanfges or

lanfpista Active Directory domains to access the Windows PC.

Once the credentials are entered, click on the “Login” button to access Datagate file

exchange services.

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At login, the user is redirected to the “Home Page” of the Datagate system:

Notice the information and the links on the top-right of the page:

The account logged into the system.

The access profile: “User Portal” or “Administrators Portal”. The logout link.

On the left side the Datagate specific service links are available:

Send Files: to send one or more files to one or more Suppliers. Show Inbox: to access the data sent by Suppliers. Show Outbox: to access files sent to Suppliers.

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The mentioned functions are described in detail in the following sections.

3 Files Management

This section describes the procedure to send files.

3.1 Send Files

Files are sent by mean of a 2 steps procedure:

1. Selection of recipients and writing of the notes about the data. 2. Selection of files and file format conversion option.

3.1.1 Recipients selection

Through the link “Send Files”, start the first step of the procedure.

Subject: is a text field used as email subject and displayed in the Inbox/Outbox tables.

To: is the widget to select the recipients. The selection can be done in 2 ways:

A. Typing at least 3 characters in the text field Datagate starts the auto-completion procedure, which prompts for all the possible Team names matching the entered string.

B. Selecting the button “ ” to open a pop-up dialog which enables to select the recipients from dropdown panels:

i. Organization: the Company to which the recipients belong.

ii. Team: team of people of the selected Organization.

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iii. User, with the possibility to select 1 or more recipients.

Examples when typing a text string

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Examples when hitting the “ ” button and selecting the recipients through the drop-down panels

3.1.2 Selecting files to send

Once all the fields at the first step are set (“Subject:”, “To:” and “Message:”),

proceed to the second step with the “Upload” buttons.

Notice: the “[Upload big files]” page will download a Java Applet so the web

browser must be enabled and provided with the Java Plugin. The Help Desk can

help in case of problems.

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Sending files through “[Big files upload]”

Sending files through “[Upload]”

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3.2 Receive Files

To retrieve the files sent by the Suppliers, select “Show InBox”: the system will

display the “Inbox” table: each row corresponds to a distinct files expedition

(“dataset”); each expedition can contain multiple files.

Through the link under the “Subject” column, open the files page. The icon will

identify new datasets, which haven’t been yet opened.

3.2.1 Download multiple dataset

A user can download an archive that contains the files of multiple shipments with

the following procedure:

after the access to Show InBox, the user select one or more entries (shipements)

through a “checkbox” in the left side, click on the button “Download files” in the

button panel (the button appear selecting at least one file).

The service creates a .zip archive leaving to user the possibility to continue to

interact with Datagate interface.

The .zip archive is named DG-<TIMESTAMP>.zip where TIMESTAMP is in the


DG-2014-10-09 14:26:56

Inside the .zip is created a directory named <SHIPMENT TIMESTAMP>-<SUBJECT>

for each selected shipment, where SHIPMENT TIMESTAMP is the date in which the

shipment is performed.

New download and its status (ready/pending) are monitored in a Download queue

on the right side of the InBox. The name of the queue entry is the same of .zip


After the archive is ready, the related entry becomes available for download.

Clicking the link the user download the .zip archive.

The archives deletion can be done manually, clicking on red X, or automatically,

waiting 24 hours.

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3.3 OutBox

To inspect datasets sent by yourself, select “Show OutBox”: each row corresponds

to a different files expedition (“dataset”); each dataset can contain multiple files.

Through the link under the column “Subject”, open the dataset and access the files.

The icon will identify new datasets, which haven’t been yet opened by the


Since the recipients can be more then 1, Datagate records how many of the

recipients have opened the dataset over the total: an icon like “N/T” (N=readers,

T=total). For example means that 1 over 2 recipients opened the dataset.

4 Support

To ask for support on the Datagate service, follow the common IT support

procedures, or write to, by email or by Datagate itself to send

files and notes.

5 Logout

To logout from the system it is requested to click on the link “Logout” on the upper

right corner of the page. Only after the logout, close the web browser.

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6.1 CQC document procedures

CQC document submissions through Datagate follow the aforementioned rules, with

some additional conventions, afterwards described.

6.1.1 Document set-up

The document set-up differs according to the need for a single file or a multiple file


• Single file documentation.

o The filename must be made by: Numero Bolla uscita materiale +

(data Bolla) + CQC number. For example:12547 (190603) 638;

o The file must be compressed in the zip format and the name of the

compressed file must be made of codice di disegno including Sez., 9

digits, no suffix or notes are admitted, example:;

o In the event of a double code, as for a right / left part, the certificates

must be compressed in the same file .zip, in the example:

Multiple file documentation.

o The rule is to have a single file containing all the documents, CQC +

measure tables + certificates;

o Create a folder having a name composed like: Numero Bolla uscita

materiale + data Bolla;

o All CQC related files must be copied in the previous folder;

o The folder must be compressed in the zip format and the name must

be codice di disegno including Sez.

In any case, one must be careful not to:

• Add to the code any further information (revision, left or right side ...);

• Add to the numero Bolla + data Bolla + CQC number other information.

6.1.2 Data shipment

To send the CQC documents it is necessary to select “CQC Qualità – Team of

Ferrari GES” and then select either All@CQC_Qualita or Pier Paolo Lugli:

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Once this is done, all further operations are described in the proper sections of the

manual for standard data exchange.

At the end of the transfer, a report showing the compressed file contents is

displayed, for user convenience.

6.1.3 Additional comments

In the field marked “message” it is suggested to add attached to the e-mail. In

particular, it is important to highlight possible notes and the name of the person

who is doing the operation.

6.2 File names and password forbidden characters

Datagate services may fail in case file names contain any of the following


& and other characters like ( , ...)

6.3 Supported web browsers

Name Version Notes


Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9

Datagate may work with other versions, but

with defects and limitations in the graphical

layout and in functionalities.

Mozilla Firefox 3.6+

Apple Safari 6.0+ MacOS X

Google Chrome 25+