DATA SYNCRONISATION MANUAL 1. connect your … ·...

Post on 09-Aug-2018

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Transcript of DATA SYNCRONISATION MANUAL 1. connect your … ·...


1. connect your datacard.

1.make one text file and put this information in it.

> Open SQL

Copy Server name and paste into text file

>and add another information regarding

UserName: sa

Password: admin12 or whatever given by you or vendor

Now close your text file


Open RSBYdatasync160213 Folder

Click on RSBY datasync windows installer

Click on next

Select Everyone radio button

Click on next

Click on next

Click on close button

One Icon is appear on your desktop

Click on icon

Enter your user nane and passoword, which are provided with this manual

Click on Transaction

Click on Create DB Connection

Select your server name from your text file

Enter your user name and password (Which are use in DKMA s/w)

Click on submit

Click on ok

Click on Data Sync

Click on Sync

If you are not uploaded sign data than family data are not available

Click on ok