Data Analytic Solutions_Newsletter_Volume 1_May 2011

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  • 8/6/2019 Data Analytic Solutions_Newsletter_Volume 1_May 2011



    ume 1, May 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Data Analytic Solutions_Newsletter_Volume 1_May 2011



    We are now fully into the new fiscal year. Once

    again, I want to welcome you to the Data & AnalyticSolutions (DAS) practice. The Knowledge Services

    and DW/BI businesses are now fully merged and you

    would have seen the tremendous press coverage we

    have received on announcing this new entity. We

    are also participating in the Gartner BI conference in

    Los Angeles and the attendees are very interested in


    I may start sounding like a broken record, but I truly

    feel this is a great time to be a part of DAS.

    Companies are awakening to the potential

    opportunities around their data, but they are alsorealizing the issues they may face in tapping it. This

    creates great opportunities for us MindTree to the


    Our official tag-line is: Harnessing the Power of


    This is a simple statement, but it is what we do. This

    is also what companies need. We are well-

    positioned to take a leadership role in the industry

    and I cant wait to see our growth and successes this


    Our major differentiator lies in the fact we can be a

    one-stop-shop for companies. We have four main

    pillars of growth:

    1. Analytics2. Business Intelligence3. Information Management4. Research

    When you wrap our technology capability around

    these four pillars, our story becomes very

    compelling. With 800 people in DAS and growthplans to reach 1000 DAS MindTree Minds this year,

    we are certainly one of the largest service providers

    in this space in the world. It now becomes our

    job to shout this to the industry and fill up our

    pipeline with new opportunities.

    We achieved $2.2M in revenue in the month of April.

    Our Top 5 accounts were: 1) SVB; 2) CIT; 3) Unilever;

    SCOTT STAPLESHead, Data and Analytic Solutions

    4) ITG; and 5) AIG. We are off to a great start, but

    we need to figure out how to grow our existing client

    base and produce high-margin, annuity based

    revenue streams.

    We have a great team in place. A team who knows

    how to deliver value-add. When you look at the

    cool projects in MindTree almost all of them are in


    Our investments in things like Trade Promotions

    Analytics, Open Source Analytics, RUBIC, and otherareas are starting to pay off. We should get

    incremental growth from these business drivers and

    they also give us further differentiation in the


    We still have some work to do in terms of putting

    better processes in place, improving rates at certain

    clients, increasing utilization, and achieving

    operational excellence. But, the good news is we

    see these challenges clearly and are working daily

    towards solutions.

    I would like to leave you with an excerpt from an e-

    mail I received recently from Shiv, who runs the

    Middle East business for MindTree: I am at a

    dinner hosted by SAP and the feelers I am getting is

    that all Indian SIs are weary of us when we engage

    in a DAS opportunity. I have got statements that if

    MindTree is present in a DAS opportunity, it is better

    for them to withdraw than try to fight us. This

    message I got from HCL, Wipro, Cognizant, and CAP

    Gemini. So, somewhere in the region we have hit a

    good note!

    This is a great e-mail to get. Lets hope thatsometime over the course of the year, we receive

    similar ones from all the Geo Heads around the

    world. Again, welcome to DAS and heres to a great


    from the Leaders desk

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    The current day BI tools fail to meet the needs of

    most Business Users where they need quick answers

    There is also an option to switch to the to on -the-

    fly questions, easy to use interface, access to all therelevant corporate information to enable them to

    make smarter, more effective business decisions.

    They prefer to reach out to the IT team to get

    answers to the questions that they have.

    There is also a trade-off while using the current day

    BI tools the information is retrieved faster on small

    amounts of data or the speed is compromised while

    retrieving large amounts of data.

    With SAP Business Objects Explorer, the power of

    business intelligence is put into the hands of the

    business users. SBO Explorer provides a Google-likesearch experience, where the most relevant business

    information is found based on the keywords

    entered. The data can be searched without the need

    for any predefined report or query, and without any

    prior knowledge on the data or the data model.

    The SAP BO Explorer interface on the i Phone

    The most relevant keyword search results are

    presented first, with the solution automatically

    generating the chart that best represents the

    information for immediate insight. The visualizationcan be changed by the business user with an easy to

    use intuitive interface. More insights into the data

    can be got by drill-down or drill through options,

    providing the flexibility to change the measure

    against which the data is being viewed.

    There is also an option to switch to the regular table

    view for those who are interested in getting quick

    access to the actual numbers.

    The SAP BO Explorer features Easy drill down, drill up and


    SAP BO Explorer also allows you to share insights

    with others easily via email, embedded URL, and

    other popular BI formats.

    Benefits of SAP BO Explorer1. Very quick response time: The application delivers very high

    performance on very large datasets, upto billions of data records2. Easy Information Access: SAP BO Explorer provides a Google-like

    search experience, with intuitive v isualizations

    3. Low Maintenance Intuitive functionality allows first time users to

    get started without any training. The search and exploration

    functionality can be added to the existing SAP Business Objects BI

    deployment in as little as few days without the need to roll-up or

    aggregate any data

    4. High Scalability The software offers linear scalability upto

    terabytes and IT effort reduced upto 20% with no need for

    performance tuning

    Srivatsa R Kondapalli

  • 8/6/2019 Data Analytic Solutions_Newsletter_Volume 1_May 2011



    It is hard to think that a severe recession could have

    a silver lining to it, however, the downturn that

    were just coming out of (assuming the possibility ofa double dip is behind us) has provided the

    impetus for businesses to search for and find areas

    of improvement. A critical part of this involves

    understanding the data that businesses have at their

    disposal, and making sure that this information is

    readily available in a form suitable for interpretation.

    In some regards, the hotel industry has already

    begun to leverage their data to uncover areas for

    improvement, looking at key parameters such as

    revenue per available room (REVPAR). REVPARallows hotels to keep track of performance both at a

    property level as well as at an aggregated level at

    different components of the group hierarchy. Hotels

    have also been looking at data which provides

    leading indicators such as advance booking patterns,

    etc., either formally or intuitively. However, with the

    rapid improvements in tools that help build

    dashboards to provide visibility on-demand, there

    is an opportunity for hotels to actually capture

    trends proactively and take action. This could mean

    launching a promotion for certain specific propertiesor a region to improve sales or increasing rates

    because demand is stronger than expected in a

    specific region

    You might say So what? I have been using reports

    to get this information. Whats the big deal about


    Dashboards with drill downs provide property

    managers a self-service tool to look at key

    performance indicators (KPIs) and drill-down to the

    report level for those KPIs where there is variance

    from expected values. This process could either

    uncover a disturbing trend that needs to be fixed, or

    it could identify positive things happening in a

    particular region that can be replicated in

    geography. The ability to drill down into various

    quadrants of a dashboard offers phenomenal

    possibilities; e.g. one could identify the points of sale

    contributing to lower advance booking, the most

    significant individual properties contributing tolower REVPAR, the sales teams that are performing

    exceedingly well, the affiliates whore contributing

    the most to your business, etc.

    To reach this point however, demands that hotels

    have meaningful data consolidated and in the right

    place. This means putting together different portions

    of data such as customer information, past sales

    trends, and competitive data, to name a few, into an

    organizational data warehouse. Once this is done,

    hotel managers can use a multitude of tools to builddashboards and relevant drilldowns.

    Some of the recent advancements in the area of

    information integration, dissemination and data

    visualization have opened up numerous avenues to

    profit from the current data deluge. There are some

    key trends, which will have a significant impact on

    the way information is consumed and utilized for

    decision making among hotels.

    1. Lets consider the example of a budgethotel chain that specializes in properties

    that are located along key highways in the

    geographies that they operate in. This

    means theyre geographically distributed

    and possibly logically grouped along a set of

    key highways. These hotel chains will find it

    immensely useful to see trends while

    correlating it to geographic information.

    This is where Geospatial Data

    Visualization can play a critical role.

    Geospatial data visualization allows the

    hotel management to interface the data

    from the business intelligence systems with

    tools like Google maps and Bing maps. This

    helps them superimpose key performance

    measures on maps which are interactive

    and provide drill downs and aggregations

    on the maps. In effect, this makes it very

  • 8/6/2019 Data Analytic Solutions_Newsletter_Volume 1_May 2011



    easy to measure, analyze and report

    performance across various locations and


    2. Next, lets consider the example of a hotelexecutive who has to place a request with

    the IT (Information Technology) department

    to generate a report that allows him or her

    to understand the impact of an event (such

    as a sporting event or a Royal wedding).

    Even best-in-class IT departments have alead time for generating customized

    reports. Now, consider a situation where

    the hotel executive or the executive admin

    could actually generate these reports

    themselves. Self Service Business

    Intelligence allows a person to do just that.

    There are a number of reporting and

    business intelligence products available,

    which now make it possible for the

    information consumers to directly interact

    with the data stores and build their ownview and reports. These advancements are

    making more and more organizations move

    away from canned and pre-formatted

    reporting or from ad-hoc requests for

    customized reports, which restricts the

    capabilities to explore and analyze data for

    business insight.

    3. With the rapid advancement of mobiletechnology, smartphones are now

    ubiquitous. So, why wait to get to a PC to

    have the dashboards and drilldowns?

    Mobile Business Intelligence enabled by

    products like RoamBI, MoBI, etc., which

    deliver data and insight on the move on

    mobile devices, empowers you to have

    information on the go. These tools also

    provide the capability to send alerts based

    on business rules setup, thus helping pro-

    active monitoring of key performance

    measures without the need to sift through

    the large volume of data and reports. The

    Director of hotel operations can now have

    the required information about a particular

    property on his mobile device and analyzethis while he or she is at the property rather

    than having to carry a printed copy of

    relevant reports!

    On contemplation, one can see that the hotel

    industry is sitting on a wealth of data. Data when

    effectively analyzed through intelligent solutions and

    techniques offer a wealth of information. This

    information can then be leveraged to optimize

    operational parameters, improve customer

    understanding, increase sales and provide a better

    customer experience.

    In summary, we believe that 2011 is the start of the

    decade of effective information analysis for the

    hospitality industry. The current wave of technology

    advancements, both in data visualization and

    devices, provides an opportunity, like never before,

    to effectively analyze data and visualize the

    information in a manner that aids proactive action.

    Now, only one question remains are you going to

    be riding the wave?

    Praveen Jhamnani Ranjith Kutty

    The Article is an abstract from the White paper titled BI Analytics

    for Hotels, written by Praveen Jhamnani and Ranjith Kutty of


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    If you think about the future, it is inherently

    uncertain. You don't know which customers will fail

    to pay their bills, will crash their cars or will desert to

    a rival supplier. If you did know you could dosomething about it - make them pay in advance

    rather than offering credit, charge them a higher

    insurance premium or make a proactive retention

    offer. And your business would be the better for it.

    Lacking a crystal ball, however, most companies

    seem to resign themselves to not being able to do

    anything about these kinds of things and become

    entirely reactive - putting customers into collections,

    raising premiums for those that crash and chasing

    after customers who leave.

    But companies that understand the power of

    predictive analytics can become proactive. Predictive

    analytics are not perfect at predicting the future but

    they allow you to see how likely something is. Take

    our three examples:

    Historical data about which customers paidon time and on the behavior of customers

    before they stopped paying on time can be

    used to predict the likelihood that a

    particular customer is at risk of not paying

    on time.

    Analysis of the behavior of cars and driversinvolved in accidents can find the

    characteristics of cars and drivers that

    increase risk and a model developed to

    predict the likelihood of a particular

    car/driver combination having an accident

    in the next 12 months.

    The changes in behavior of customers whowent to a competitor while they were still

    customers can be analyzed to identify those

    behaviors that should be considered

    triggers for proactive retention - the

    behaviors that make it more likely that this

    customer is considering leaving.

    DAS offers a broad range of Predictive Analytics

    solutions in the area of Customer Marketing

    Analytics. The solutions range from a set of tools,

    capabilities, and methodology for approaching the

    various aspects of marketing analytics and

    optimization. Here is a list of tools and capabilities

    that the DAS Predictive Analytics team provides the

    clients to help them meet their business needs:

    Customer acquisition & Conversion:Predictive analytics helps to target right setof customers who give high response to the

    marketing initiatives and create high value

    to the business. This helps to reduce the

    acquisition and serving cost and thus

    increase the revenue generation.

    Value enhancement: In this stagepredictive analytics helps to enhance the

    value of an existing customer by

    segmenting the customer groups in order

    to understand their needs and do cross-sell

    and up-sell as a value addition. This alsohelps in doing the targeted campaigns

    based on the customers need.

    Retention: Triggering early signs on churnindeed helps an organization to take

    necessary steps in order to minimize

    customer attrition and also to unearth the

    reasons which could cause them.

    Differentiated Strategies across Customer Lifecycle

    In a nut shell, predictive analytics plays a significant

    role at every stage in a customer lifecycle by

    converting a typical customer to a profitable

    customer and eventually increasing the value.

    Tool Expertise: SAS 9.2, R and TIBCO S+ 8.1

    Domain Expertise: Retail, CPG, BFSI and Travel

    Philip S Vincent Srinivasan JT

  • 8/6/2019 Data Analytic Solutions_Newsletter_Volume 1_May 2011



    1.Assume you are using a basic calculator and press thenumbers in the order shown, replacing each question

    mark with a mathematical sign. Plus, minus, multiplyand divide can each be used once only.

    8 ? 5 ? 2 ? 7 ? 3 = 24

    In which order should they be used to score 24?

    2.Fill in the missing words so that a chain is formed witheach word suffixing the previous word and prefixing the

    following word.

    COLOUR _ _ _ _ _ LESS _ _ SIDE _ _ _ _ _ HOUSE

    What are the missing words?

    3.Jean lives in Edinburgh and her birthday is on 14thNovember, Mildred lives in Inverness and her birthday is

    on 4th December and Geoff lives in Elgin and his

    birthday is on 6th February. Does Theo live in

    Helensburgh or Airdrie and what is the date of his


    4.Which of these letters is the odd one out?

    A F H K L N

    5.Use the letters given to complete the square so thatthree other words can be read downwards and across.

    What are the words?

    A A A D E E L R R

    L I F E




    Interesting Facts on Facebook1. Al Pacinos Face Was on the Original Facebook


    2. Facebook has 30,000 servers supporting itsoperations

    3. Facebook manages more than 25 terabytes ofdata per day in logging data, which is equivalent

    to about 1,000 times the volume of mail

    delivered daily by the U.S. Postal Service.

    4. Facebook currently has about 230 engineers onstaff, who manage data for more than 300

    million users, which equates to a ratio of one

    engineer for more than 1 million active users

    on Facebook!!











