Darwinian evolution MORE THAN JUST A THEORY?

Post on 25-Feb-2016

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Darwinian evolution MORE THAN JUST A THEORY?. A WORLD VIEW/IDEOLOGY THAT IS IN DIRECT CONFLICT WITH RELIGION?. DO YOU AGREE?. “Certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.". - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Darwinian evolution MORE THAN JUST A THEORY?

Darwinian evolutionMORE THAN JUST A THEORY?



“Certain features of the universe and of living things

are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an

undirected process such as natural selection."

“An evidence-based scientific theory about

life's origins" or "a religious-based idea"


“A science consonant with Christian and theistic convictions"

Irreducible complexitySpecified complexity

Fine Tuning – ‘just right’

Biological features are too complex to be the result of natural processes, and proponents therefore conclude that these features are

evidence of design.


Darwin’s Black Box…The conceptual tool in which, for one reason or another, the internal workings of a

device are taken for granted, so that its function may be discussed.

“If it could be demonstrated that any complex organism

existed which could not possibly have been formed

by numerous and successive slight modifications my theory would absolutely

break down.”

Michael Behe Irreducible Complexity

“No one at all can give a detailed account of how the cilium or any complex

biochemical process might have developed in a Darwinian fashion. But we are here. All these things got here somehow; if not by

Darwinian fashion, then how?”


“A single system which is composed of several interacting parts that contribute to the basic function, and where the removal of any one of the parts causes the system

to effectively stop functioning”



Behe states…

“Thus while I argue for design, the question of the identity of

the designer is left open”

Specified = something that conforms to some kind of patternComplex = Dembski means having a low probability of occurrence



Specified = something that conforms to some kind of patternComplex = Dembski means having a low probability of occurrence


Specified = something that conforms to some kind of patternComplex = Dembski means having a low probability of occurrence


Specified = something that conforms to some kind of patternComplex = Dembski means having a low probability of occurrence


Let me not to the marriage of true mindsAdmit impediments. Love is not loveWhich alters when it

alteration finds,Or bends with the remover to remove:O, no! it is an ever-fixed mark,That looks on tempests and is never shaken;It is the star to every wandering bark,

Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks

Within his bending sickle's compass come;Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,But bears it out even

to the edge of doom. If this be error and upon me proved, I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

William Dembski in summary…

Specified = something that conforms to some kind of patternComplex = Dembski means having a low probability of occurrence

H = A single letter of the alphabet is specified but not complex

Gepandajoiptuaspccmasokduaerbn (i.e. a long sequence of random letters) = Complex but not specified

A Shakespearean sonnet is specified and complex.

Combination Lock…

Specified = something that conforms to some kind of patternComplex = Dembski means having a low probability of occurrence

The more possible combinations of the lock the

more complex the mechanism (the lock) and therefore the

more improbable the mechanism (the lock) can be

open by chance!

A lock with 10 possible combinations is more likely to be opened by chance that a lock with 100,000 possible


To conclude…When we observe the universe we see

complex specified information.

This could not have occurred by chance.

This would be just too unlikely to happen!

What is the best

explanation for this


Fine-Tuning Argument“As we look out into the universe and

identify the many accidents of physics and astronomy that have worked to our benefit it almost seems as if the universe must in

some sense have known we were coming.”

Freeman Dyson

Roger Penrose“if we combined all the laws that must be fine-

tuned, we couldn’t even write down that number in full, since it would require more

zeroes than the number of elementary particles in the universe”

“The cliché that ‘life is balanced on a knife-edge’ is a staggering understatement

is this case: no knife in the universe could have an edge

that fine” Paul Davies



Antony Flew

“What I think the DNA material has done is show that intelligence must have been involved in getting these extraordinarily diverse elements

together. The enormous complexity by which the results were achieved looks to me like the

work of intelligence”