Darren Sharp PhD Candidate Curtin University Sustainability Policy … · 2020-02-17 · 2...

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Transcript of Darren Sharp PhD Candidate Curtin University Sustainability Policy … · 2020-02-17 · 2...

Asset mapping and social innovation for low carbon communities

Darren Sharp

PhD Candidate

Curtin University Sustainability Policy (CUSP) Institute

Email: darren.a.sharp@postgrad.curtin.edu.au

Paper Presented at the

8th Making Cities Liveable Conference

Melbourne (VIC), 6 - 7 July 2015


ABSTRACT: Low carbon community programs that encourage citizens to reduce their

carbon emissions have been subject to various government and civil society trials in recent

years. Behaviour change programs using ‘social marketing’ techniques have had mixed

success in community carbon reduction because of a focus on individual control and lack of

systemic context. ‘Asset-based community development’ (ABCD) is a strength-based tool that

has been successfully used in the community sector to reveal the hidden assets of individuals

and views communities as the starting point for change and abundant in capacity for

sustainability interventions at the grassroots level. This paper will detail the development of a

‘low carbon community’ trial known as Livewell Yarra, a 'Living Lab’ action research project

funded by the CRC for Low Carbon Living in partnership with Curtin University, the City of

Yarra and the Yarra Energy Foundation. This research uses asset mapping as a method to

reveal the latent knowledge, interests and skills of Livewell participants and mobilise these

strengths to meet carbon reduction goals. Participatory co-design is being used to enable

participants to develop social innovations for carbon reduction in their local community which

could take the form of community gardens, active transport or neighbourhood-based sharing

initiatives. This paper provides an overview of the Livewell Yarra trial and its theoretical

underpinnings and explores how asset-based approaches and social innovation can build

capacity for groups to take individual and collective action to reduce carbon emissions for

their own benefit and that of the wider community.

Keywords: sustainability transitions; low carbon communities; asset-based community

development; asset mapping; participatory co-design; social innovation;


Livewell Yarra: background

Livewell Yarra is a 'Living Lab’ action research project funded by the CRC for Low Carbon

Living in partnership with Curtin University, the City of Yarra and the Yarra Energy

Foundation. The project commenced in March 2015 and brings together academic researchers,

local government and members of the community to build capacity for local action on carbon


The Living Lab concept originates from the work of William Mitchell at MIT and has spread

around the world over the past decade with more than 400 labs as members of the umbrella

organisation ENoLL (Salter & White 2013). Mitchell argued that a Living Lab represents a

“user-centric research methodology for sensing, prototyping, validating and refining complex

solutions” in emerging real-world contexts (Schumacher 2012).

The Living Lab model aligns with the participatory and action-oriented nature of the Livewell

research project. Livewell Yarra has developed a self-help approach for participants to act to

reduce their own and the broader community’s emissions. Livewell Yarra is made up of local

community participants working together to reduce carbon emissions in specific ways for

themselves and others. Participants have a significant role in the work and decision-making

involved in these activities.


Livewell Yarra uses a peer-support structure called ‘decarb groups’ comprised of six to twelve

people who support each other to reduce their carbon footprints and set personal sustainability

goals. The term ‘decarb groups’ is used here to describe self-organising support groups with

the aim of reducing their carbon emissions. Decarb groups are comprised of family, friends,

neighbours or work colleagues. The decarb groups will meet monthly for six months in the

City of Yarra.

Photo 1: Livewell Yarra core team meeting at Carlton Library January 2015

Beyond Behaviour Change

Various government and civic interventions to facilitate sustainability transitions have been

trialled in recent years. Government-led attempts at community level carbon reduction include

the Australian Government funded energy saving initiative Low Carbon Communities (Combet

& Dreyfus 2011), the TravelSmart mobility management program initiated in Western

Australia (James 2002) and the Low Carbon Communities Challenge in England, Wales and

Northern Ireland (Bulkeley & Fuller 2012).

A range of civil society-led approaches have sought to develop more systemic responses to the

climate crisis including Transition Towns (Hopkins 2011) and Carbon Rationing Action

Groups (Howell 2009) both starting in the UK, and the Sustainability Street neighbourhood-

level program in Australia (Bandicoot 2004). These self-organising initiatives are bottom-up

alternatives that mobilise local communities to reduce emissions, influence others around them

and seek broader structural reform (Middlemiss & Parrish 2010).

Much of the early literature on carbon reduction programs was informed by the psychology of

sustainable behaviour. Community-based social marketing (CBSM) approaches use

psychological knowledge to identify behaviours to be promoted and the barriers to this activity

to design behaviour change programs (McKenzie-Mohr 2000). Similar psychology-based

approaches emphasise social norms, factors that influence individual behaviour and the

cumulative effects of individual actions over time (Manning 2009).


A national review of environmental education in Australia viewed social marketing as having

limited success in generating social change for sustainability because of its focus on individual

control and lack of systemic context, as well as a reliance on experts and government funding

(Tilbury et al. 2005). The review also notes that social marketing’s behaviourist model has

drawn criticism for ‘disempowering citizens’ (Robottom & Hart 1993) and points towards

growing evidence in support of ‘action-oriented approaches’ (Jensen & Schnack 1997) which

support critical reflection and self-selected participation in decision-making (Tilbury et al.


Further literature suggests that social dilemmas arise when trying to solve collective problems

like carbon reduction through the lens of individual behaviour change and that efforts should

be focused at the community level by engaging people in their role as active citizens through

the context of ‘low carbon communities’ (Heiskanen et al., 2010). This refocusing on active

citizenship and community as the site for lowering carbon emissions emphasises the

importance of localised changes and argues that individual action is more likely when

embedded in collective action (Fudge et al., 2010).

Low Carbon Communities

The term ‘low carbon communities’ has emerged since the mid-2000s to describe a range of

government policy interventions and civil society-based low carbon energy transition projects

that operate at the local level. There is growing recognition that complex issues like climate

change require community-level action alongside supporting regulatory mechanisms, policy

and technology innovation, for systemic low carbon transformations to be realised.

A Special Issue of Energy Policy 38 (2010) on ‘Carbon Reduction at Community Scale’

observes that low carbon community initiatives can make an important contribution to reducing

carbon emissions by developing new models of social innovation, building technical skills and

creating demand for low carbon alternatives (Mulugetta et al. 2010). In a book on the subject,

Low carbon communities: imaginative approaches to combating climate change locally, Fudge

et al. (2010) point out that addressing climate change is fundamentally a “challenge for

governance” and a “challenge about scale” given the global nature of carbon emissions and the

structural coupling of fossil fuels to human systems.

The failure of international climate policy and national reduction targets to adequately curb

emissions, along with the growing importance of household energy demand, leads Fudge et al.

(2010) to conclude that governance has become “stretched by the demands of climate change”

and must reach upwards and downwards simultaneously, but that ultimately “communities

must play a crucial part in the protection of the global commons." Communities also provide

an important social proof that responses to climate change are readily accessible. As Peters et

al. (2010) suggest, there is growing recognition that community action through local projects

has the potential to “ground climate change policy” to the energy practices of everyday people

thus giving it higher visibility than “top-down” approaches. Despite this acknowledgment, the

literature on low carbon communities is influenced by prevailing theoretical frameworks like

Sustainability Transitions research that valorise the ‘scaling-up’ of community action in

transition processes and frame systemic change in a hierarchical conception of social space

which contains the impact of community-level actions.


Sustainability Transitions

The emerging field of Sustainability Transitions research has developed a multi-disciplinary

approach incorporating innovation theory, sociology and science and technology studies to

investigate the dynamics of change in sociotechnical systems like energy, transportation and

food. Transitions research posits that sociotechnical systems exhibit strong path-dependencies

and undergo incremental change that is insufficient to address current sustainability challenges

that instead require radical systems level transformation (Markard et al. 2012).

Sustainability transitions scholars have utilised and developed frameworks including the three-

level model (Rip & Kemp 1998) comprised of niches, regimes and landscapes, often

summarised as the multi-level perspective or MLP (Jørgensen 2012). Geels describes the multi-

level perspective as a heuristic concept for explaining the complex dynamics of sociotechnical

change (Geels 2002). The multi-level perspective is conceived as a nested hierarchy comprised

at the micro-level of niches which are the site of radical innovations; the meso-level of regimes

which provide stability through technological trajectories; and the macro-level of landscapes

comprised of deep and slow-changing structural trends (Geels 2002).

Niches situated at the micro-level can incubate “radical novelties”, provide locations for

“learning processes” and “space to build the social networks which support innovations” (Geels

2002). Sustainability transitions rely on niches to provide ‘protective spaces’ for ‘radical

alternatives’ to develop and become viable (Kemp et al. 1998). A growing body of ‘strategic

niche management’ research examines how to ‘replicate’, ‘scale-up’ or ‘translate’ these

practices into other contexts (Smith et al. 2010). The multi-level perspective is conceived as a

nested hierarchy whereby niches are “strongly influenced” by the prevailing structural context

laid out in regimes and landscapes and alignment between all three levels must occur for a

regime shift to take place (Geels 2002).

Grassroots Innovation

From the lens of the multi-level perspective, niches are the most relevant site for the analysis

of low carbon communities for they provide alternative spaces for ‘experimentation’ in

sustainability transitions and have the potential to influence and inform the mainstream (Smith

2006). An emerging discourse on ‘grassroots innovation’ which embeds ‘community action’

in its analysis of changes at the niche level, provides an important development on the role of

civil society actors as “agents of change in transition processes” (Seyfang & Haxeltine 2012),

albeit framed by the multi-level perspective.

In the mid-2000s ‘grassroots innovation’ developed as a new theoretical approach in response

to the UK Government’s ‘sustainable development strategy’, to bridge the divide between

‘technological innovation’ with its emphasis on market-based solutions, and the community-

led ‘social economy’ with its potential for systems change (Seyfang & Smith 2007). Grassroots

innovations are seen as a “neglected site of innovation for sustainability” with a diversity of

niche-based solutions that exist beyond the market economy (Seyfang & Smith 2007).

Examples include a range of community projects and social enterprises like community energy,

sustainable housing, worker-owned co-operatives and urban agriculture.


Grassroots innovations are a contested space as they involve ‘framing’ of sustainability

interventions that can challenge or maintain existing inequality, social exclusion and

hierarchies (Smith et al. 2014). Smith & Ely (2012) argue that questions of citizen participation

are vitally important, and that grassroots innovation should create spaces that are “inclusive in

its process, as well as the outputs” of sustainable development. In terms of framing, there is

also a prevalent assumption in much of the grassroots innovation literature of the need to ‘scale-

up’ projects, technologies and developments for sustainability transitions to be successful.

Smith (2014) makes the point that ‘inclusive innovation’ is often as much about the ‘form’,

‘depth’ and ‘scope’ of the innovation process beyond developing scalable solutions.

Spatial Bias, Scale and Systemic Change

As with the Sustainability Transitions theory, much of the literature on grassroots innovation

and low carbon communities is bounded by a hierarchical view of social space, scale and

systemic change. The dominance of the three-level model and multi-level perspective results

in a bias towards the analytical logic of sociotechnical systems comprised of micro, meso and

macro levels. According to this logic, any innovation for sustainability endogenous to the social

economy or community sector is by definition ‘grassroots’, ‘niche’ or ‘bottom-up’. This spatial

bias can be seen across a range of sustainability transitions literature and works to contain sites

of participation to nested hierarchies with its inherent power relations and configuration of

social space. Furthermore, this spatial bias reduces the capacity for civil society actors to have

significant agency in transitions outside of market-based interventions.

The editorial to the special issue of Energy Policy 38 (2010) on ‘Carbon Reduction at

Community Scale’ observes there are many community projects around the world achieving

positive results “that if scaled-up would play a significant role in climate stabilisation efforts”

(Mulugetta et al. 2010). In the same volume Middlemiss & Parrish (2010) suggest that despite

the inherently weak position of grassroots initiatives in promoting change because they “rely

on people with limited power, limited resources and limited ability to influence others”, these

‘bottom-up’ initiatives can still have a role in creating low carbon communities.

The fields of political ecology and political geography have grappled with questions of scale

in relation to theorising spatial relations of environmental conservation, social change and

community development. Rangan & Kull (2008) point put that geographers have long argued

that scale is ‘relational’ and ‘socially constructed’, not a nested hierarchy “but rather an

outcome of material processes and power.” Cameron & Hicks (2014) are also critical of

hierarchical models of scale that situate power and influence at the ‘top’ or global level where

it ‘cascades’ down to the levels below. They argue that because hierarchical scalar thinking has

become ‘common sense’ there is a need to embrace ‘flat ontology’, a ‘relational’ form of

thinking that can reveal “possibilities for action that are latent in any site or situation, including

grassroots sites” (Cameron & Hicks 2014).

Community Economies

The Community Economies field represents a more relationally grounded approach to

transition process than the Sustainability Transitions literature. Community Economies

research is interested in ‘re-enacting’ economy, ‘re-subjecting’ communities, individuals and

researchers in new worlds of possibility; and promoting collective action (Gibson-Graham &

Roelvink 2013). This research is interested in addressing how Community Economies thinking


can assist Livewell participants in ‘reframing’ themselves as active citizens capable of reducing

their own carbon emissions but also in sharing that knowledge and demonstrating practical

alternatives that can mobilise others to take similar actions in communities around the world.

The Community Economies field deals with creating new representations of the economy by

‘reframing’ economic subjects (Gibson-Graham 2006) and placing these subjects as the starting

point for change (Ireland and McKinnon 2013). Community Economies’ researchers are

concerned with ‘performative practice’ to ‘reshape the world’ through ‘situated politics’ that

focus on enabling local communities to take ‘site-specific’ actions (Cameron & Hicks 2014).

Community economies mirror aspects of the ‘sharing economy’ with its emphasis on peer-to-

peer sharing of goods, skills and resources via social networks (Doctorow 2012). The

Community economies field is also related to the ‘social and solidarity economy’ (SSE), a

progressive movement comprised of a diverse mix of civil society actors and organisations

working to unite economic justice, sustainability and increased democracy for local

communities (Kawano et al. 2010).

One of the central tasks of Community Economies scholarship is to imagine alternative realms

of possibility and wider roles for communities, researchers and the economy through the

process of ‘reframing’. Reframing has been used to develop alternative economic indicators to

GDP that are linked to social and environmental wellbeing such as Gross National Happiness

and the Happy Planet Index (Gibson-Graham et al. 2013). Reframing has also been used by a

variety of social actors from slavery abolitionists and trade unionists to health and

environmental campaigners. This research will apply Community Economies thinking to

reframe ‘community’ as an important site of participation in sustainability transitions, one that

is scale-free and readily accessible to Livewell Yarra participants based on existing strengths,

replicable by other communities and abundant in possibilities for interventions to reduce


Social Innovation

Social innovation is a complementary approach to Community Economies that works with

communities to collaboratively develop local solutions to a range of complex issues. It has

gained widespread take-up in innovation policy, health promotion and climate change

mitigation through the work of organisations like the Young Foundation and NESTA (Murray

et al. 2010). Manzini & Rizzo (2011) document numerous examples of local projects that have

used social innovation for ‘sustainable everyday solutions’ including Amplify (USA), Dott07

(UK) and Malmo Living Lab (Sweden).

In 2010 NESTA’s Big Green Challenge (BGC) awarded £1 million in prize money to

community–led projects designed to achieve “measurable carbon reduction” using social

innovation (Cox et al. 2010). The BGC developed an approach called ‘mass localism’ to

mobilise community resources and combine local action to national scale by developing

‘distributed solutions’ which rely less on: “scaling up ‘best practice’ models and creating more

opportunities for communities to develop their own solutions and to learn from each other”

(Bunt et al. 2010).

Manzini (2011) developed the ‘SLOC scenario’ ─ small, local, open, connected ─ to describe

distributed sociotechnical systems at the intersection of the green, network and social


economies. The SLOC scenario provides a new lens to view sustainability transitions at the

human scale of relationships, localities and communities. Networks afford small grassroots

interventions new possibilities by creating a “mesh of connected local systems, the small scale

of which makes them comprehensible and controllable by individuals and communities”

(Manzini 2011). Some important dynamics at play here are the relationship between

globalisation and localisation enabled by a globalised network society which affords Livewell

Yarra unprecedented opportunities to prototype new solutions, adapt to local conditions and

share learnings with other communities. Manzini (2013) describes these “small, diverse and

connected” solutions as ‘distributed systems’ that are ‘resilient’ and ‘error-friendly’ due to their

localised multiplicity so that the failure of one node cannot destroy the whole system. It is

envisaged that a range of small and local interventions will be trialled for the Livewell Yarra

research project at an individual and collective level.


The methodologies being used in this project have been chosen and developed to match the

ontology and epistemologies indicated in the theoretical framework. That is, they are

participatory, community-based and empowering.

Asset-based Community Development (ABCD)

A key methodology for this research is asset-based community development (ABCD), a

strength-based tool developed by Kretzmann & McKnight (1993) that mobilises a

community’s existing resources to find solutions to a range of social challenges. This research

seeks to address whether asset-based community development can build capacity for Livewell

participants to take actions that reduce their carbon emissions. ABCD has been used by a wide

array of projects to reveal the hidden ‘assets’ of communities (Mathie & Cunningham 2003)

and create location-specific solutions such as in the Latrobe Valley Community Partnering

Project where four social enterprises were created by community participants (Cameron &

Gibson 2005).

ABCD operates in stark contrast to prevailing ‘needs-based’ approaches to community

development and instead works from the assumption that “effective community transformation

starts with the strengths, skills, capacities, dreams and aspirations of local people” (Gibson &

Cameron 2001). According to Kretzmann & McKnight (1993) ABCD is a method to release

people’s capacities, strengthen the individuals involved, and through this process strengthen

the communities and institutions those individuals are connected with.

McKnight & Block (2011) suggest that ABCD enables new community possibilities to emerge

by looking within the community to find an abundance of resources and then making these

assets visible, connected and usable. Every community’s assets are unique and multi-faceted

and include individual capacities or ‘gifts of the individual’, citizen’s associations whether

cultural, religious or recreational, and formal institutions like local government, schools and

private businesses (Kretzmann & McKnight 1993).

ABCD is also a self-help approach to community development that operates on the principle

of “helping people to help themselves” and requires several conditions to be effective including


democratic skills, shared interests and increasing the capacity of participants to develop

solutions to shared challenges (Green & Haines 2008). Kretzmann & McKnight’s (1993) initial

conception of assets has been expanded by Green & Haines (2008) to include seven forms of

community capital: physical, human, social, financial, environmental, political and cultural that

bring new dimensions to community development activities.

ABCD shares much in common with Appreciative Inquiry (AI), another strength-based method

which focuses on “peak experiences and successes of the past” as motivators for individual and

collective action (Mathie & Cunningham 2003). AI is grounded in theories of ‘social

constructionism’ which argue that all knowledge in human systems is mutually agreed upon

through dialogue; that action is predicated on language; and that change happens through the

stories we tell about social reality (Cooperrider et al. 2008). This research will use aspects of

AI such as ‘unconditional positive questions’ to catalyse change based on the belief that people

are energised to act via the topics they focus attention on, as Ludema et al. (2006) contend:

“human systems grow and construct their future realities in the direction of what they most

persistently, actively, and collectively ask questions about.”

Cunningham and Mathie (2002) from the Coady Institute have developed a set of guidelines to

assist ABCD practitioners facilitate community development processes through the following

stages: (1) “collecting stories”; (2) convening a core group; (3) asset mapping; (4) building a

vision or “organising theme”; (5) “mobilising and linking assets”; and (6) leveraging assets

external to the community sector. This approach provides a provisional framework to be

trialled with Livewell participants in the peer-supported setting of ‘decarb groups’.

It is envisaged that Livewell participants will be inducted into the ABCD process by initially

sharing stories of success in reaching personal carbon reduction goals. Storytelling can become

a powerful catalyst for ‘inside-out’ or community-led change when people are invited to

participate in a change process as active citizens. Mathie & Cunningham (2003) argue that

storytelling can surface “positive memories” while Fuller et al. (2006) contend that stories

“revolve around local places and real people” and help “root asset mapping in a local reality.”

As stories of success are identified, this research will use asset mapping to reveal Livewell

participants’ knowledge, interests and skills and mobilise these assets for taking action on

carbon reduction.

Asset-based approaches work when people believe they have something to offer their local

community and come to see each other as the source of the solution to the challenges being

addressed (Kretzmann et al. 1997). Livewell participants will be invited to map individual

assets, referred to as gifts of the head (things I know about), heart (things I care about) and

hands (skills I know how to do). These assets might take the form of knowledge about home

energy efficiency, a passion for vegetarian cooking or hands-on skills in permaculture. These

gifts can then become an anchor for individual and collective decision-making around specific

actions and help focus goal-setting based on existing capacities.

With the personal assets of Livewell participants revealed the next stage will involve mapping

relationships to local organisations, associations and institutions. The resulting asset maps or


capacity inventories will then be used to match Livewell participants’ assets with opportunities

to take actions that reduce carbon emissions, assist decarb groups, projects or the wider

community. For example a project group might want to build self-watering garden beds and

decide to leverage newly revealed connections to a subject-matter expert for construction

advice, approach Council for grant funding and source surplus timber from a local merchant.

Photo 2: Example of an asset mapping exercise

Asset mapping has been used in variety of community development settings including as a

planning tool to engage young people in Vancouver (Brown Ed. 2009) and by the NHS to assist

in creating a network of volunteer health champions in England (Community health champions

2012). Asset mapping has also been deployed in conjunction with other complementary

approaches like public participatory geographic information systems (PPGIS) to produce

mapped data via technologies such as Google Maps to support rural development goals in the

Lake Victoria region of Western Kenya (Martin et al. 2012).

This research is interested in finding out how asset maps can be used to reveal a ‘system level’

perspective on the interconnected resources that exist within a community for the purpose of

enabling action on carbon reduction. Asset mapping is a participant-driven way to make the

invisible visible, help local communities connect the dots in their neighbourhoods and reveal

new pathways for active citizenship. Manzini (2015) observes that people’s life projects are

determined by their “enabling ecosystems” and community mapping projects provide a way to

“design for visibility” and create new fields of possibility. It is hoped that as asset maps take

shape during the course of this research they have the potential to reveal hidden connections

and amplify the strengths of Livewell participants and the wider community.

Participatory Co-design

The Livewell project is also using participatory co-design, a human-centred design

methodology to enable Livewell participants to take individual and collective action for carbon

reduction. Human-centred design has been codified through various ‘design thinking’ toolkits

which provide a practical framework for social innovation projects. The two main approaches


being utilised for this research are the ‘D.School Bootcamp Manual’ (Stanford D.School 2010)

and ‘HCD Toolkit’ (IDEO 2014) both of which outline a process of design thinking in practice.

The co-design process will start by assembling design teams of self-selected Livewell

participants, known as ‘project groups’, who demonstrate interest in starting projects which

could take the form of a community garden, walking school bus or neighbour-based sharing

scheme. Structured brainstorming is a common technique used to inspire ‘divergent thinking’

and surface a large quantity of ideas related to a specific design challenge (Brown and Wyatt


Co-design emphasises ‘heuristic practice’ (learning-by-doing) and following brainstorming the

focus converges on a shortlist of ideas which are selected for the creation of simple paper-based

prototypes using markers and paper. This ‘rapid prototyping’ is used to generate, test and refine

ideas using emergent collaboration. Prototypes are then be reviewed for desirability, feasibility

and viability, with the most robust turned into pilot projects.

Photo 3: Example of rapid prototyping

The results of rapid prototyping and any ensuing social innovations arising out of Livewell

project groups will emerge following primary data collection in the second half of 2015. In

terms of methodological rigour participatory co-design has become embedded in healthcare

through the advent of ‘citizen-led services’ (Leadbeater 2004) and ‘public sector innovation’

(Bason 2010) in what John Thackara (2006) describes as the shift from “designing for to

designing with.” Co-design has also been used by a variety of local actors including the City

of Greater Dandenong’s development of its ‘food strategy’ (McEoin 2014) and by the

Australian Government (DHS) under its reform agenda to improve the delivery of public

services (Lenihan 2012).


Action research

This project will occur in four phases of action research, a cyclical process of planning, acting,

observing and reflecting through an iterative spiral of practice (Kemmis & McTaggart 2005).

Action research is a participatory and collaborative research method that can empower

community groups to apply their knowledge and skills towards a common purpose (Koshy et

al. 2010).

Asset Mapping (Plan)

The first ‘plan’ phase will use asset-based community development (ABCD) to reveal

participants’ latent strengths and build capacity to take action in the areas of carbon reduction.

Asset mapping will identify the knowledge, interests and skills (gifts of the head, heart and

hands) of Livewell participants through workshops during the course of the Livewell trial. It is

envisaged that asset mapping will support participants to take carbon reduction actions, share

information, provide encouragement and practical assistance.

Participatory Co-design (Act)

The second ‘act’ phase will involve the participatory co-design of projects that Livewell

participants might develop in project groups through ‘rapid prototyping’ during the course of

the trial with a view to implementation. As discussed, prototyping is an iterative approach to

developing social innovations using basic materials (pen and paper) to quickly test, shortlist

and refine ideas with limited upfront investment of human or financial capital.

Group Interviews (Observe)

The third ‘observe’ phase will use Most Significant Change interviews to reveal Livewell

participants’ experiences to date, document qualitative changes to participants’ capacity to take

action and reflect on the success of the Livewell Yarra approach and methodology. This phase

also provides an opportunity to engage participants in the evaluation process, discover any

challenges that have arisen and reveal opportunities for future learning and improvement. Most

Significant Change (MSC) is a participatory evaluation method that will be used to gather

stories of change from participants to reveal the personal impacts experienced as a result of

their involvement in Livewell. The Most Significant Change interviews will explore any

changes in participants’ capacity to take action for carbon reduction and indicate what ongoing

actions may be taken from their experience.

Review & Communicate (Reflect)

The fourth ‘reflect’ phase includes a review of the Livewell Yarra trial and analysis of the

data collected to date. This phase of the action research process involves communication of

findings through peer-reviewed journal publications, conference presentations and reports to

project partners including the CRC for Low Carbon Living and Curtin University. These

insights will then be used to refine the enactment of any further Livewell trials and continue

the action research cycle.


Graph 1: 4-phase Action Research cycle


This paper has developed a theoretical and methodological framework for a new community-

based carbon reduction project known as Livewell Yarra. It uses a participatory and action

research approach in which participants seek to reduce their own and the broader community’s

carbon emissions. It rejects social marketing as being too individualistic for low carbon

community trials and instead embraces strength-based approaches like asset-based community

development that are focused on capacity-building. It addresses the ‘spatial bias’ in

Sustainability Transitions and Grassroots Innovation literature with its hierarchical conceptions

of social space by using ‘flatter ontologies’ like Community Economies and Social Innovation

thinking to ‘reframe’ both participants as ‘active citizens’ and ‘community’ as an important

site of participation in sustainability transitions that is scale-free and readily accessible to all

community actors.

Methodologically it uses ABCD through asset mapping to reveal the interconnected resources

that exist within the Livewell Yarra participant community for the purpose of enabling action

on carbon reduction. Participatory co-design is also being utilised to enable the development

and testing of social innovations by Livewell ‘project groups’ using ‘rapid prototyping’.

Primary data collection is expected to commence from July 2015 through asset mapping

workshops and following this Livewell Yarra participants will be invited to take part in co-

design workshops to prototype community-led projects for carbon reduction. Most Significant

Change interviews will be conducted towards the end of 2015 to evaluate the greatest impacts

experienced by Livewell participants based on their involvement in the project. The results of

the Livewell Yarra research project will be documented and evaluated in future publications.


This research is funded by the CRC for Low Carbon Living Ltd supported by the Cooperative

Research Centres program, an Australian Government initiative.

• Phase 2 Act

• Phase 3 Observe

• Phase 1 Plan

• Phase 4 Reflect

Review & communicate

Asset mapping


Group interviews



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