Dan and the bat

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Dan and the bat


Collaborative group 55UNAD

This is a story about a little boy named Dan. He lives in Jackson, a town in the United States. He lives with his parents in a pretty farm.

He usually gets up at 4: 00 A.M. He usually has scrambled eggs and ham for breakfast. Then, he goes to school. When he comes back from class, he leaves his bag on the sofa. He has soup and salad for lunch.

After, he goes walking in the country. He always wears a cap or hat to protect from the sun. He likes to pick up apples and pears

He loves all kinds of animals. He has a dog, a black cat, a couple of rabbits, a horse, three parrots and a cow.

His parents let him to have them but there is something they would not like to have in the house.

He has a new pet, a bat. It is in the basement. Nobody knows it. What can he do?

He finally tells his father he has a bat hidden in the basement. He asks him to adopt it as their pet

His father tells him bats are not dangerous, they are inoffensive animals. However, they can transmit diseases

He also tells him bats love freedom, so they can get sad and die. They agree to let it free and visit it in its cave from time to time.


Imagen 1. recuperada: https://www.google.com.co/search?q=kid+going+to+school&espv=2&biw=1517&bih=714&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMI-6OA1rb2xwIVzJMeCh2_yg88&dpr=0.9#imgrc=Yr1QH2ut3jqGNM%3A

Imagen 2. recuperada: https://www.google.com.co/search?q=kid+going+to+school&espv=2&biw=1517&bih=714&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMI-6OA1rb2xwIVzJMeCh2_yg88&dpr=0.9#imgrc=Yr1QH2ut3jqGNM%3A

Imagen 3. recuperada:https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/cd/3c/db/cd3cdbb55d38471866dd32b67bf7233d.jpg