Dall sheep

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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this is a presentation all about Dall Sheep

Transcript of Dall sheep

Dall sheep


This specific species common name is dall sheep.

Scientific name: Ovis dalli


Dall Sheep (Ovis dalli dalli) inhabit the mountain ranges of Alaska. These interesting animals are commonly known for their curled horns. The females also have horns, but theirs are shorter and not curved as much. Until the lambs are about 3 years old the are easily confused with the females, even if they're males.The males can be as old as 16 years old, and female have been known to reach 19 years of age. But a 12 year old sheep is considered an old sheep


Dall sheep are found in western Canada and the United States. They can be found throughout the mountain ranges of northeast, central and southern Alaska. They're also found in the Yukon Territory.



They are Herbivorous so they live off of plants such as grasses,moss, and other plants.



Wolves, coyotes, golden eagles, wolverine, and brown bears are all predators of the dall sheep.

Cool Facts

cloven hooves with rough pads help them cling to cliff edges and broken ledges.

The age of the sheep can be calculated from the number of growth rings on their horns.

The horns can take up to 8 years to grow.


Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: Mammalia

Order: ArtiodactylaFamily: Bovidae

Genus: OvisSpecies: Ovis dalli