Dairy Farmers of Canada Annual General Meeting 2014 · Dairy Farmers of Canada Annual General...

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Transcript of Dairy Farmers of Canada Annual General Meeting 2014 · Dairy Farmers of Canada Annual General...

Dairy Farmers of Canada Annual General Meeting 2014

version française à l’endos

Table of Contents

Welcome from Dairy Farmers of Canada p. 3

Welcome from Dairy Farmers of New Brunswick p. 4

Registra on Hours p. 5

DFC Mee ng Agenda p. 6-7

Tours of July 13 (Tours 1 or 2) p. 8

Tours of July 14 (Tour 3) p. 9

Tours of July 14 (Tour 4) p.10

Tours of July 15 (Tour 5) and 16 (Tour 6, 7) p.11

Bank of Montreal adver sement p.12-13

Farm Credit Canada adver sement p.14

List of entertainers p.15

Recogni on of all the sponsors p.16-17


Welcome from Dairy Farmers of Canada I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone to Dairy Farmers of Canada’s Annual General Meeting taking place July 15-16, 2014 in Fredericton, New Brunswick. This meeting is an excellent occasion for producers and all industry stakeholders to get together in a relaxed atmosphere to hear about our upcoming marketing activities and be updated on policy issues of concern to producers. The theme for this year’s meeting is “Leading the Way for Sustainable Dairy Farming”. We are

pleased to be presenting our Five-Year Strategic Plan for our marketing and nutrition activities as well as our plans and priorities in support of sustaina-ble dairy farming. We have a number of interesting speakers lined up to support these plans and initiatives. In addition, we are delighted to be presenting the third annual Dairy Farm Sustainability Award. Of course, there will also be plenty of opportunity for everyone to socialize and enjoy the friendliness and hospitality of the host province, New Brunswick. What could be more fun than a Maritime Kitchen Party! Last, but certainly not least, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dairy Farmers of New Brunswick, as well as the sponsors, for helping to make this meeting a success. See you in Fredericton!

Wally Smith President


Welcome from Dairy Farmers of New Brunswick

Welcome! Dairy Farmers of New Brunswick is pleased to host the 80th Dairy Farmers of Canada summer meeting in our capital city, Fredericton, located in the center of the province beside the beautiful Saint John river. There is lots to see and do in Fredericton and the tours we have planned will be interesting, informative, adventurous and fun. An added bonus is the wonderful scenery of the Saint John river valley. We hope you have a memorable stay in New Brunswick and as always, you will receive a full measure of warm and friendly maritime hospitality. Paul Gaunce, Chairman Dairy Farmers of New Brunswick


Mee ng Registra on

Registra on Hours Registra on is located on at the Conference office on the main floor foyer of the Delta across from the Ballroom.


Saturday, July 12 4 pm - 7 pm Sunday, July 13 7:30 am - 3 pm Monday, July 14 8 am - 5 pm Tuesday, July 15 8 am - 5 pm Wednesday, July 16 8 am - 4 pm

Hospitality Suites Dairy Farmers of Canada Suite 717 Dairy Farmers of New Brunswick Suite 738


Sunday, July 13 7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Monday, July 14 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. & 9:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 15 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. & 9:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 16 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. & 9:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.

Tour group mee ng loca on Conven on level adjacent to DFC’s AGM registra on desk.

Restaurants & Shopping See Fredericton’s Visitor’s Guide in your registra on packages.

Do you have ques ons? Come and see us at the AGA registra on desk or call us at (506) 432-0357.


July 14 – 15 DFC AGM Agenda Ballrooms ABCD Leading the way for sustainable dairy farming

Monday DFC Board of Directors Meeting July 14 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. DFC Board of Directors meeting 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. President’s Reception (Government House) Short walk from hotel or tour buses leaving at 6:30 pm ____________________________________________________________ Tuesday Closed session for registered producers only July 15 8:00 a.m. Closed session for Producers only

Your assigned table # is marked on the back of your name tag Noon P10 Luncheon - Assigned seating

____________________________________________________________ Tuesday Open session for all delegates, producers and guests July 15 1:30 p.m. AGM Call to Order and Opening Remarks Notice of meeting Roll Call

Welcome from the host province Hon. David Alward, Premier Welcome from the City of Fredericton: Eric Megarity, Deputy Mayor Welcome from Dairy Farmers of NB Paul Gaunce, Chairman

Approval of the Agenda Approval of the February 2014 Minutes President’s Address

2:00 p.m. Introduction of Board Members Report of the Board 2:15 p.m. Auditor’s Report Budget Presentation Year 2015 2:45 p.m. Health Break 3:00 p.m. Bank of Montreal, Andrew Bowman National Agriculture Manager 3:15 p.m. Canadian Dairy Commission—Enhancing the Vitality of the Canadian Dairy industry Jacques Laforge, Chief Executive Officer 4:15 p.m. International Trade Update Frédèric Seppey, Director General, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Trade Agreements and Negotiations 4:45 p.m. Adjournment

____________________________________________________________ 6:30 p.m. Lobster/Steak Maritime Kitchen Party (University of New Brunswick) Buses will be leaving hotel at 5:30 pm


July 16 DFC AGM Agenda Ballrooms ABCD Leading the way for sustainable dairy farming

Open session for all producers, delegates and guests

Wednesday Marketing & Promotion in Support of Sustaining Canadian Dairy July 16 8:30 a.m. Five Year Strategic Plan for the

implementation of the Marketing and Nutrition Set-Aside Investment Plan

10:30 a.m. Nutrition Break 11:00 a.m. Marketing Plan 2015

11:20 a.m. Generic Dairy Marketing Plans ♦ Strategic Milk Alliance ♦ Producteurs de lait du Québec

11:45 a.m. Presentation of the Dairy Farm Sustainability Award _____________________________________________________ 12:15 p.m. P5 Lunch - Assigned seating

The assigned sea ng list will be posted outside of the room

Lunch provided to those that paid full registration fee _____________________________________________________ Our Plans & Priorities in Support of Sustaining Canadian Dairy 1:30 p.m. Modernizing the Dairy Sector & System

1:50 p.m. proAction

2:10 p.m. Monitoring Trade Talks

2:30 p.m. Nominations to the Board of Directors Appointment of Auditors Budget and Program Approval

Other Business

3:00 p.m. Adjournment _____________________________________________________

3:30 p.m. DFC Board of Directors _____________________________________________________

6:30 p.m. Reception

7:30 p.m. Grand Banquet _____________________________________________________



Tour 1 Sunday July 13 (Full Day at St. Andrews By-The-Sea) Tour buses leave hotel at 10 am by DFC registra on desk and return by 6 pm

Whales & Sails in St. Andrews This adventurous day tour will have us travel by motorcoach to the beau ful village of St. Andrews-by-the-Sea for a true Bay of Fundy experience. We’ll have lunch in St. Andrews and then go directly to the wharf on Water Street to board our tall ship Jolly Breeze or Quaddy Link for whale watching adventures. Bring your cameras as you capture the memo-ries of the finback, minke or the majes c humpback whales gracing us with their beauty

along with seals, eagles and playful porpoises. Once back on land, we’ll have a bit of me to explore St. Andrews before we depart for our return to Fredericton. Bilingual tour director will accompany this tour.


Tour 2 Sunday July 13 (Full Day at St. Andrews By-The-Sea) Tour buses leave hotel at 1 pm by DFC registra on desk and return by 9 pm History & Beauty in St. Andrews This tour will have us travel by motorcoach to the beau ful village of St. Andrews-by-Sea for a true Bay of Fundy experience. This a ernoon you will visit the Huntsman Marine Aquarium then enjoy supper at Kingsbrae Gardens. Then we will have our motorcoach drive on the ocean floor of the Bay of Fundy at low de to be immersed in an experience from the late 19th century on Minister’s Island, the summer residence and farm of

the visionary railway builder Sir William Van Horne. Here we will stroll along the beau ful grounds, and possibly take a wagon ride to experience the old car-riage trails that meander throughout the island. Bilingual tour director will accom-pany this tour.

Tour 3 Monday July 14

Tour buses leave hotel at 8:45 am by DFC registra on desk and return by 5 pm

Kings Landing Historical Site This full day tour will have us travel by motorcoach to the historic Loyalist community of Kings Landing. Tour guides in period costume will help you remem-ber days gone by. A tradi onal Victorian lunch is served at the Kings Head Inn, followed by visits to two nearby dairy farms to experience their opera ons. Bilingual tour director will accompany this tour.

Doubleoord Ltd. is owned and operated by Joas and Lisa van Oord. Joas grew up as the oldest of five siblings on his parents’ dairy farm in Spring-field, NB. Lisa grew up in a military family moving around wherever their family was sta oned in Canada. Joas has a bachelor’s degree in agricultur-al economics from the Nova Sco a Agricultural College and Lisa has a di-ploma in hor culture crop produc on and protec on from the University of the Fraser Valley in Chilliwack, B.C. The family has grown to include four young enthusias c future farmers.

Doubleoord farms has 72 kg of quota with around 85-90 cows total (milking, dry and heifer). The farm has worked hard at maximizing the space and efficiency of the barn and farm. Trying to keep milk produc on high and animal numbers low has led to a consistent return on the farm. They are a profit driven farm that has tried to stay on the front edge of the industry.

Simple layout and a new robot should allow this farm to expand to 80+ kg of quota while remaining a one man opera on (with some free labour from dad). “Using the knowledge base around us, we hope to see con nued growth in crop yield, animal produc on, and animal health. “


Tour 4 Monday July 14 Mactaquac TreeGo Time for tree-top Adventure & Farm Tours Tour buses leave hotel at 8:30 am by DFC registra on desk and return by 5 pm

We’ll travel by motorcoach for this full day adventurous tour as we will provide you with instruc on and guidance so you can swing from the trees. A tradi onal Victorian lunch is served at the Kings Head Inn, fol-

lowed by visits to two nearby dairy farms to experience their opera ons.

Lawrence's Dairy Farm Ltd. is located in Burtts Corner, N.B. and is a family run dairy farm. Fourth generation farmers, Philemon and Amy Law-rence and their three beautiful daughters, Ella, Keira and Annalise own and operate the dairy farm along with Philemon’s parents, George and Sheila Lawrence. Amy graduated from UNB with a Bachelor of Business Admin-istration in 2001 and Philemon graduated from the University of Guelph in 2000 with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, majoring in Animal Sci-ence and then returned to the work on the farm. Since then, he has worked very hard and doubled the farm in size. The farm includes 160 milking

cows, 20 dry cows and 175 replacement heif-ers. Dairy cows are housed in a sand bedded freestall built in 2009-2010. BCA is currently 278-293-273 with cows averaging 12,500 kgs per lactation on 3x milking.



Tour 5 Tuesday July 15

Tour 5: Vineyard & Cra s along the St. John River Tour buses leave hotel at 9:30 am by DFC registra on desk and return by 3:30 pm

This half day tour takes us by motorcoach to Cambridge for a tour of Mo s Landing vineyard followed by a sampling of their delicious products. Then it’s off to Gagetown for lunch and shopping, including a po ery demonstra on in a fantas c shop right along the Saint John River. Par ci-pants under the age of 19 must be accompanied by a parent. Bilingual tour director will accompany this tour.

Tour 6 Wednesday July 16

Walking Tour with Calithumpians & Shopping in the City Tour buses leave hotel at 9:30 am by DFC registra on desk and return by 3:30 pm

This half day tour takes us by motorcoach for a walking tour by the fa-mous Calithumpians Theatre Company in downtown Fredericton. We’ll visit the Garrison District, the gothic cathedral, and the beau ful garden neighborhoods as we learn about some famous residents of the past and present. Once we’ve been entertained and informed, we’ll enjoy a scrump ous lunch in the downtown area followed by a bit of me for shopping. Bilingual tour director will accompany this tour.

Tour 7 Wednesday July 16

Sail along the City Tour buses leave hotel at 9:30 am by DFC registra on desk and return by 3:30 pm

A er a brief motorcoach drive, we’ll meet up with our marine vessel that will have us gain a unique view of the city of Fredericton. We’ll sail past our hotel and under three bridges as we learn about the history of Freder-icton and the Saint John River. We’ll meet up with the par cipants from Tour 6 in me for a tasty lunch and a bit of shopping before returning by motorcoach to the hotel. Bilingual tour director will accompany this tour.





July 14th: Samantha Robichaud’s ability to cap vate music lovers, both on record and live in concert, has led to some incredible life experiences for the s ll very young ar st. One of the most significant was the chance to fulfill a lifelong dream by performing at the opening ceremonies for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. From a musician’s standpoint, the opportunity to play at the Grand Ole Opry and New York’s Carnegie Hall, are phenomenal and rare benchmarks. Robichaud has done both.

July 15th: Since forming in May of 2013, Sawmill Creek have been honing a psy-chedelic/folk/bluegrass-inspired sound rife with stomping, Gaelic chan ng, scat solos and a slew of other layered tex-tures. In the past year they have released a self- tled EP and have toured exten-sively across New Brunswick, playing vari-ous venues and fes vals. July 15th: Before the Mast was founded in September 2007. The focus of this

group is twofold: to entertain audiences through the singing of sea shan es; and to educate listeners as to those mari me tradi ons that saw sailors sin-ging together while at sea during the days of sail. In tradi onal fashion the group performs a cappella (without accompani-

ment). July 16th: Nothing symbolizes the true greatness and warmth friendliness of the Mari mes be er than a good ol' kitchen party with Bo oms Up! Im-mediately you feel you are in the presence of good long- me friends. Our kitchen party music has spread from Northern Canada to the Southern United States, from Newfoundland to Bri sh Columbia and even to Europe and New Zealand! We have performed at many fes -vals, pubs and private func-

ons and made many friends and fans along the way.