Daily affirmations

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Daily affirmations

Change your mind -- change your life.

12 Psychological Benefits Of Regular Exercise

1. Exercise reduces depression and anxiety. 2. It fosters a greater sense of self-reliance.3. Exercise fosters a more constructive response to disappointments and failures. 4. Exercise increases your self-confidence.5. It improves overall psychological well-being.6. Exercise improves your self-esteem 7. Exercise decreases the onset of Alzheimer's and other mental illnesses.8. Exercise improves your perception, mental alertness and information processing.9. Exercise decreases overall feelings of tension and stress.10. You will sleep better and feel more refreshed and alert each morning.11. Exercise improves your memory, and helps you think more quickly. 12. It reduces your frustrations with daily problems.

7 Emotional Benefits Of Regular Exercise

1. Regular exercise will improve the mind-body connection.2. Exercise calms your mind overall and helps you feel less stressed.3. Exercise makes you feel happier the rush of endorphins after a workout makes exercising slightly addictive! 4. Exercise makes you feel more optimistic and fosters a positive mental attitude.5. Exercise allows you to express your frustrations and disappointments in a positive way it allows you to vent.6. Exercise gives you more confidence to improve your relationships with family and friends.7. Exercise helps you feel better about yourself.

7 Social Benefits Of Regular Exercise

1. Exercise improves your mood - Im sure your friends would appreciate this if you are usually quite cranky!2. Exercise helps you manage your weight resulting in your confidence with social situations improving.3. Exercising improves your self-image.4. Exercising increases your opportunities to make new friends at the gym, at the swimming club, the running track, your gym classes, etc, etc.5. Exercise increases the opportunities to socialise with friends or family (by exercising with a friend)6. Regular exercise increases your self-confidence, which positively affects your professional, personal, and social lives.7. A healthy, more toned and attractive body improves your chances of finding a partner.

3 Other Benefits Of Regular Exercise

1. Exercise shows your children the importance of being healthy and fit - you'll be a positive role model. You'll feel good about yourself for being a positive role model. You won't just be telling your kids that exercise is important, you'll be showing them.2. Regular exercise results in an increase in productivity which will improve your career. And, you'll feel better about yourself if you're living up to your potential.3. You will improve your focus and be able to do more tasks, and become more organised again, a benefit that will help you in your career and your personal life. You'll be enjoying life instead of just wishing your life was "better" or that you were happier.

Face the fact that you only have ONE choice: to live in your NOW. This is it. Learn to like it and you'll be happy as you journey to an ever expanding Dream.

The WAY you see your problem - IS the problem.

Develop the talent of honestly Appreciating where you are.

To attract the opportunities you want requires that you expect and are looking for them.

How do you do that when you feel anxious or frustrated?

You can't.

But you can change those feelings and choose to feel better.

How? Change your mind. Change your Attitude.

This only works if you are honest and have fun with it.

Law of Attraction is the test.

The better you feel, the better it gets. Changing your mind is simple.

You simply change your intention or what you are seeking.

Opportunities are everywhere - sometimes disguised as a problem or loss.

Once you are looking for opportunities you will find them. Why? Law of Attraction delivers what you expect.

Make a list every day of TEN things you love and are grateful for during the day.

**As you wake up: Spend 30 seconds feeling grateful for the day to come.

**At noon take a few minutes and write down at least 5 more things you enjoy.

**Take a break after dinner and review your list -- find "10 real experiences" you had today that were really, really good - and fun.

TEST: Do you feel better? If not, work on your list again. Finish the day feeling you love your life and each of the 10 experiences - right now - today.

**At bedtime recall your favorite thoughts for the day. Appreciate the experiences and things that match your Vision of the good life. Enjoy that you ARE LIVING IT NOW...and that it's getting better and better. Feel it and know it.

**Are you aware of what "loving" feels like? It's a real "place in the emotional scale" of possibilities. The more clear you are about the feeling the more quickly you can re-create it. Soon you will be able to "feel love" as a new habit. That will attract more to love. Good thing, huh?

**If "loving and changing your feelings" is not yet "true" for you - then know that tomorrow you can find more that IS TRUE. Practice and repeat -- in a very short time you'll notice the difference.

No faking it: You feel love and appreciation - and believe it -- OR NOT. How do you know? What are you getting? Law of Attraction delivers a perfect match each time - every time. If you don't like the results - change your mind/attitude/feelings....and new results will follow.

That's it. Ten things a day you love and appreciate. You can do this.

If you are not easily attracting what you want, then there is an internal resistance or fear that is limiting what you experience.

Law of Attraction answers both your desires and your fears and you get a mix - and not what you want.

After ten days or so of appreciating your life, your life experiences will change.

Build a bridge of thoughts from where you are now to where you want to be.

Life is a mirror of my "vibration" and even though I'm limiting myself, I still deeply love and accept myself as I am now. This self-acceptance first step is critical. Repeat it several times until you feel it and your body relaxes.

I believe it's possible to make changes.

I look at my life and see how much I've changed from ten - and even twenty - years ago.

Even in areas that seem impossible... there is always a chance that it could happen.

In most success stories the impossible suddenly happens.

It could happen for me too -- in ways that I cannot imagine right now.

I know that impossible break-throughs are often sudden and unexpected and they may even look like a problem.

It could happen much more quickly and easily than I ever thought it could.

My hunches and insights often guide me....great ideas delight me.

Opportunities could just surprise me and feel fresh, new and exciting.

I'm eager to enjoy the unexpected and I look for it every day.You can always find something to feel better about. Change your mind. Look at life in a new way.

Think you know what to do?

If you did know what to do - you'd do it.

You can't keep "doing" and "trying" hoping that "this might work," without soon feeling you can't get what you want.

Admit you don't know and relax.

So where is it?

Your "future Dream" is at a high, light, fun vibration.

That's what it feels like when you have what you want, right?

The treasure you seek is not outside of you in a distant "place."

Find what you love NOW, right where you are and "mine the gold" in the moment. Very soon more of what you love will just "show up."

So how do you get to your new life?

Law of Attraction delivers the matching experiences that become the pathway.

Your task is to feel it now, in your present life, with what you have now. Begin right now living gratefully - Appreciate the bad stuff for pointing out the good stuff you'd rather have...then give your full attention to what you want.

Find what you love -- in your life now. If you have to go for a walk or take a mini-vacation from friends, media or family - do it. If you always want something more or different - that's okay as long as you still love where you ARE. You can learn to love both.

What is your alternative choice: To feel bad about where you are! Can you see how that keeps you from getting to where you want to go?

Once your over-all feeling-point shifts, you'll feel your attracting power drawing in opportunities and Inspiration.

The new habit will soon build momentum, replacing the old feelings and attitudes. The better you feel the better it gets.

If not, you will develop that insight as you spend each day appreciating and feeling grateful.

As you feel better - your life will get better.

Soon you'll see how YOU are "attracting" with your attitude.

Good Fortune is a "feeling" journey, not an action journey.

Move up the emotional scale by telling yourself what you appreciate. When you feel it - more to be grateful for will surface. Your mind will clear. You make better choices.


Your body releases hormones and chemicals that relax and refresh you. No bad side effects and free.

You have everything you need for optimum health and clarity. Once you achieve delight - you'll want to stay - it's addictive. And now you can. You "mindfully" got yourself there - and you can repeat it.

Law of Attraction delivers results to you - just like "room service" brings what you order right to your door. If you don't like what you're getting - don't order more of it - right? Focus on what you love.

Soon you'll feel wonderful. Now you are attracting what you want. Simple, easy and fun.Living in your Good Fortune!

Strengthen and train your mind -- Repetition and commitment works wonders.

Build a new habit of Focusing on ONLY what you want, then your own momentum will propel you into Good Fortune.

Repetition works- Make a plan and just do it!

To make changes stick, plan to feed your mind a continual "diet" of the ideas you want to live. Repetition over-rides the old habits.

Your freedom to imagine and change your mind is how you create your Vision of the life you want to live. When you live it - you naturally feel happiness.As you Vision and plan the life you want to live you have the freedom to imagine what pleases you. The more you see a future you love - the more you want it.

Your logical mind kicks in and logically lines up your past experience - and there's no way to get to a new life with the old habits....

When you feel boxed in - no way to get to what you want, you limit your future with that idea.

Leave your rational mind out of your Vision. Your logic and your past experiences (genetic patterns in the subconscious) can not get you to your Vision. Work with Law of Attraction and you'll be on the fast track.Find your InspirationIt is your Focus -- and trust in your vibration (feeling good) -- that will lift you into the realm of your Inspiration. Your Insights lead to Opportunity - and when you act on it - more opens up...and now you are in the flow of opportunities all leading to Good Fortune. It IS magic to your rational mind. You'll see Law of Attraction working in every aspect of life - once you get used to using it.

"Don't judge each dayby the harvest you reap,but by the seeds you plant"Robert Louis Stevenson

Are you indulging in the bad habit of NOT getting what you want? Why not change that - trust your Inspiration...and follow what feels good.Everyone has a "glass ceiling" that limits their potential. You may not even be aware of it or ever thought you could go beyond it. Try some simple ideas (and repeat them) to "bridge" to your Dream. A Bridge of ideas will soften your old habits.Add a new habit of believing in change and your unlimited potential. Habits form through repetition. If you want this to work, then plan how to repeat it often. It's working when you really feel it. Next you'll experience it.