D2D Resource Sharing and Beamforming - UCSD DSP...

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D2D Resource Sharing and Beamforming

PhuongBang Nguyen

Department of Electrical EngineeringUniversity of San Diego, California

Fall 2012

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1 Introduction

2 Single Antenna Scenario (SISO)

3 Multiple Antenna Scenario (MIMO)

4 References

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1 Introduction

2 Single Antenna Scenario (SISO)

3 Multiple Antenna Scenario (MIMO)

4 References

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Project Outline

This presentation discusses the resource optimization problemin a Device-to-Device communications network.The problem is examined under several different settings:

I Single antenna, single carrier (Single-carrier SISO)I Single antenna, multiple carriers (Multi-carrier SISO)I Multiple antennas, single carrier (Single-carrier MIMO)

Only brief summaries are presented for the SISO cases.The MIMO case is discussed in detail in three sub-topics:

I Orthogonal BeamformingI Zero-forcing BeamformingI Tunable Beamforming

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What is Device-to-Device (D2D) Communication?

User Equipments (UE’s) communicate directly with each other.D2D connections remain under the control of the base station.

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D2D Link Budget IAssume 10 MHz bandwidth with the receiver operating at 290K.

a Max. TX power (dBm) 24.0b TX antenna gain (dBi) 0.0c Body loss (dB) 0.0d EIRP (dBm) 24.0 = a + b + ce RX UE noise figure (dB) 7.0f Thermal noise (dBm) -104.5 = k * T * Bg Receiver noise floor (dBm) -97.5 = e + fh SINR (dB) -10.0i Receiver sensitivity (dBm) -107.5 = g + hj Interference margin (dB) 3.0k Control channel overhead (dB) 1.0l RX antenna gain (dBi) 0.0

m Body loss (dB) 0.0Maximum path loss (dB) 127.5 = d - i - j - k + l - m

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D2D Link Budget II

Using simple a path loss model (Okumura-Hata model)

Gavg = C − 10α log10 r (1)

Where C is a correction factor and α ≈ 3− 5.

Using C = −15 dB [1], corresponding to rural areas, and α = 5 forlots of loss due to the fact both UE’s are very close the the ground,the maximum range between devices can be computed to be

r = 10C−Gavg

10α = 10−15+127.5

10×5 = 102.25 = 178m (2)

The D2D operating range is several hundred meters, dependingon the environment and handset capabilities.

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Multiple D2D Links

Due to the short range of D2D communications, it is possible tohave multiple D2D links sharing a common resource with littleinterference.

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Benefits and Challenges of D2D Communications

BenefitsI For the UE’s:

F Better throughputF Lower powerF Shorter delayF Transparent mode switching

I For the system:F Less relay load for the base stationsF Better channel resource reuse

I For the service provider:F Easier to plan access, investment and interference coordination in a

licensed band.F Resource can still be assigned to D2D in a dense network.

ChallengesI Peer DiscoveryI Mode SelectionI Interference Management/Coordination

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D2D Interference Scenarios

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1 Introduction

2 Single Antenna Scenario (SISO)

3 Multiple Antenna Scenario (MIMO)

4 References

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Single-Antenna, Single-Carrier System

The objective is to maximize the minimum SINR of the two links,Γc and Γd, subject to individual power constraints.

(P ∗c , P∗d ) = arg max


{min{Γc,Γd}} s.t. 0 ≤ Pc, Pd ≤ Pmax (P1)

Where Γc =gcPc

gdcPd +Nc, Γd =


gcdPc +Nd(3)

The optimal solution must satisfy Pd = Pmax or Pc = Pmax [2].In either case, problem (P1) is a quasi concave problem in Pc orPd.The solution can be obtained directly by setting Γc = Γd andsolving a simple quadratic equation for the power.

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Single-Antenna, Multi-Carrier SystemWe joint-optimize over the shared set of N sub-carriers.


min {Rc, Rd} s.t. 1Tx ≤ P totc , 1Ty ≤ P tot

d (P2)

Rc,d ,N−1∑k=0

log2(1 + SINR(k)c,d ), xk , P (k)

c , yk , P(k)d (4)

Rewriting problem (P2) using a slack variable s, we have


{s} s.t. 1Tx ≤ P totc , 1Ty ≤ P tot

d (5)


g(k)dc yk +N


g(k)dc yk +N

(k)c + g

(k)c xk

≤ 1 (6)


g(k)cd xk +N


g(k)cd xk +N

(k)d + g

(k)d yk

≤ 1 (7)

This problem can be solved as a geometric program by usingmonomial approximation to the denominators of (6) and (7) [3].

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Single-Antenna, Multi-Carrier System

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1 Introduction

2 Single Antenna Scenario (SISO)

3 Multiple Antenna Scenario (MIMO)

4 References

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System Model I

We consider a downlink celular system [4] with D2D enabledunder the following conditions:

I The base station has N antennas.I The mobile devices have M antennas, where M < N .I Transmit and receive beamformers are used at all terminals.

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System Model II

The signals received at the D2D and cellular receivers are givenby

yd = uHd Hdvd

√Pdxd + uH

d Hcdvc

√Pcxc +Nd (8)

yc = uHc Hcvc

√Pcxc + uH

c Hdcvd

√Pdxd +Nc (9)

WhereI xc, xd are scalar transmit signals for the cellular and D2D linksI vc,vd and uc,ud are unit-norm transmit/receive beamformersI Pc, Pd are transmit powersI Hc,Hd are MIMO channel matrices for the direct paths, Hcd,Hdc

are channel matrices for the interference pathsI Nc ∼ N (0, σ2

c ) and Nd ∼ N (0, σ2d) are Gaussian noises.

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Problem FormulationConsider the following joint optimization problem


min {Γc,Γd} (P3)

s.t.: 0 ≤ Pc ≤ Pmaxc , 0 ≤ Pd ≤ Pmax


‖uc‖ = 1, ‖vc‖ = 1, ‖ud‖ = 1, ‖vd‖ = 1


Γc =|uH

c Hcvc|2Pc

|uHc Hdcvd|2Pd + σ2c

=uHc (PcΦc)uc

uHc (PdΦdc + σ2c I)uc


Γd =|uH

d Hdvd|2Pd

|uHd Hcdvc|2Pc + σ2d

=uHd (PdΦd)ud

uHd (PcΦcd + σ2dI)ud


Φc = HcvcvHc HH

c , Φd = HdvdvHd HH


Φdc = HdcvdvHd HH

dc, Φcd = HcdvcvHc HH


Problem (P3) is a non convex optimization problem.

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D2D Optimization ProcedureFor the performance/complexity tradeoffs under D2D settings, weconsider the following optimization procedure:

1 The D2D link ignores the interference from the cellular link andoptimizes its own SNR using Maximal Ratio Transmission (MRT)[5].

γd = maxud,vd,Pd

Γd =|uH

d Hdvd|2Pd


subject to: 0 ≤ Pd ≤ Pmaxd (12)

2 Given vd, and Pd, the base station solves for uc,vc, Pc byminimizing the interference to the D2D link and maximizing thecellular link SINR Γc.


(vHc HH


) (uHd Hcdvc


subject to ‖vc‖ = 1

Zero interference can be achieved whenI vc ⊥



): Orthogonal beamforming.

I Hcdvc = 0: Zero-forcing beamforming.

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Orthogonal Beamforming I

In this case, vc must lie in the orthogonal complement space ofHH

cdud, denoted as W⊥ with dimension N − 1.Let B = {w1,w2, . . . ,wN−1} be an ortho-normal basis of W⊥,then vc must be a linear combination of B.

vc = [w1,w2, . . . ,wN−1]x = Kx (14)

Φc = HcvcvHc HH

c = HcKxxHKHHHc (15)

Where x = [x1, x2, . . . , xN−1]T

We want to maximize the SINR Γc for the cellular link:

Γmaxc = max

x,ucΓc = max






uHc Buc


s.t: xHx = 1

Where B = (Pd/Pc)Φdc + (σ2c/Pc)I and Φdc = HdcvdvHd HH


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Orthogonal Beamforming IILet y , B

12 uc, we have

Γmaxc = max





c B− 1

2 y


s.t: xHx = 1

Without changing the problem, we can constrain ‖y‖ = 1 and get

Γmaxc = max





c B− 1

2 y (18)

s.t: xHx = 1,yHy = 1

⇔ Γmaxc = max


yyHzzHy} (19)

s.t: xHx = 1,yHy = 1

Where z ,(B−



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Orthogonal Beamforming IIIThe solution to the inner maximization of (19) is simply y = z

‖z‖ .Consequently, we have

Γmaxc = max



zHz= max

zzHz = max

x{xHAx} (20)

s.t. xHx = 1

Where A = KHHHc B−1HcK

Problem (20) can be recognized as finding the max eigen valueλmax(A), which can be solved for x. Once x is found, we canobtain vc from (14) and then solve for uc as follows:

uc = B−12 y = B−




Where z =(B−


)HHcKx (22)

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Zero-forcing Beamforming I

When N > M , it is possible to impose zero-forcing constraint onvc in order to eliminate interference to the D2D link.For the cellular link, we maximize its SINR and get the followingoptimization problem:


Γc = maxvc


uHc Φcuc

uHc Buc


subject to: Hcdvc = 0 (24)‖vc‖ = 1 (25)

Constraint (24) means vc lies in the null space of Hcd. LetHcd = UΣVH be the singular decomposition of Hcd. A basis ofthe null space of Hcd is the last (N −R) columns of V, denoted asvR+1,vR+2, . . . ,vN , where R is the rank of Hcd.

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Zero-forcing Beamforming IIAs a result, vc is a linear combination of this basis:

vc = [vR+1,vR+2, . . . ,vN ]x = K′x (26)

Φc = HcvcvHc HH

c = HcK′xxHK′


c (27)

Where x = [x1, x2, . . . , xN−R]T

Consequently, we have:






uHc Buc


subject to: ‖x‖ = 1

Problem (28) is identical to problem (16) in the OrthogonalBeamforming section with K′ instead of K.Hence, the solution x must be the max eigen vectorcorresponding to λmax(A′), where A′ = K′HHH

c B−1HcK

′. Thesolutions for uc and vc can be obtained in the same way.

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Tunable Beamforming I

The zero-forcing solution can cause poor performance for thecellular link. Thus, it may be advantageous to add a tunablecomponent outside of the null-space of Hcd.

vc = [vR,vR+1,vR+2, . . . ,vN ]


]= K′′x′ (29)

Φc = HcvcvHc HH

c = HcK′′x′x′



c (30)

Where vR corresponds to the smallest singular value of Hcd, andt ∈ [0, 1] is the tuning parameter.For a fixed t, we can solve for x and uc by maximizing the SINR:

Γmaxc = max

x,ucΓc = max






uHc Buc


s.t: x′H

x′ = 1

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Tunable Beamforming II

Following similar steps in the Orthogonal Beamforming section,we arrive at

Γmaxc = max

x{x′HA′′x′} (32)

s.t. x′H

x′ = 1

Where A′′ = K′′H

HHc B−1HcK

′′ (33)

Let A′′ =

[a11 qH

q Q

], we get

Γmaxc =max


{xHQx + (qHx + xHq)t+ a11t



Subject to: xHx = (1− t2) (34)

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Tunable Beamforming III

Problem (P4) can be solved using Lagrange method with the helpof Wirtinger calculus. The solution is

x = −t(Q + µI)−1q (35)

Here µ is the minimum real solution of the following equation

f(µ) ,k∑



(λi + µ)2= α (36)

Where Q = UΛUH is an eigen-value decomposition of Q,Λ = diag(λ1, λ2, . . . , λk), k = rank(Q), α = 1−t2

t2, and

p , UHq = [p1, p2, . . . , pk]T .

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Tunable Beamforming IV

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Simulation Results

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1 Introduction

2 Single Antenna Scenario (SISO)

3 Multiple Antenna Scenario (MIMO)

4 References

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References I

[1] H. Holma and A. Toskala, WCDMA for UMTS: HSPA Evolution andLTE.John Wiley & Sons, 2010.

[2] A. Gjendemsjo, G. E. Oien, and D. Gesbert, “Binary power controlfor multi-cell capacity maximization,” IEEE 8th Workshop on SignalProcessing Advances in Wireless Communications, pp. 1–5, Jun2007.

[3] M. Chiang, “Geometric programming for communications systems,”Foundations and Trends in Communications and InformationTheory, vol. 2, pp. 1–156, Aug 2005.

[4] B. Song, R. Cruz, and B. Rao, “Network duality for multiuser mimobeamforming networks and applications,” IEEE Transactions onCommunications, vol. 55, pp. 618–630, Mar 2007.

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References II

[5] T. K. Y. Lo, “Maximum ratio transmission,” IEEE Transactions onCommunications, vol. 47, pp. 1458–1461, Oct 1999.

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