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Transcript of D 11.3-A: ECOSYSTEM ACTIVITY...

eDIANA Embedded Systems for Energy Efficient Buildings

Grant agreement no.: 100012

Dissemination level

X PU = Public

PP = Restricted to other programme participants (including the JU)

RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the JU)

CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the JU)


Author(s): Jokin Garatea GAIA Begoña Benito GAIA

Rafael Socorro ACCIONA

Issue Date January 2012

Deliverable Number D11.3-A

WP Number WP11: Awareness, Dissemination and Training

Status Delivered

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January 2012 Page 2


The information in this document is provided as is and no guarantee or warranty is

given that the information is fit for any particular purpose. The user thereof uses the

information at its sole risk and liability.

The document reflects only the author’s views and the Community is not liable for

any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Document history

V Date Author Description

0.1 16-01-2012 Begoña Benito Creation of table of contents

0.2 16-01-2012 Begoña Benito and

Jokin Garatea

Description of the activities carried out


1 30-01-2012 Rafael Socorro ACCIONA contribution, final review,

minor changes

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January 2012 Page 3


The D11.3-A ECOSYSTEM ACTIVITES REPORT is a public document delivered in

the context of WP11, Task 11.3: Ecosystem and networking activities (Month

2-Month 36).

This document contains the information related to eDiana Centre of

Innovation and Excellence ES4IB (Embedded Systems for Intelligent


This document is about the specific activities that have already taken place during

eDIANA project from Month 2 untill Month 36, as well as the future activities planned

after the finalisation of the project.

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SUMMARY ....................................................................................................... 3

ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................ 5

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 6


DOMAIN EXPERTISE ................................................................................. 8 Large companies ........................................................................................... 9 High Tech SMEs with research capabilities ................................................. 10 Research organizations ............................................................................... 11

END-USERS INVOLVED IN THE COIE ......................................................12 Participants in the CoIE ............................................................................... 13 Geographical scope ..................................................................................... 15 The collaboration within Europe ................................................................. 15 Strategy to link of the CoIE ES4IB model to other CoIE and regions .......... 16

CONTACT POINT FOR THE COIE ..............................................................17 Management ............................................................................................... 17 Operational Organisation of the ES4IB CoIE ............................................... 18

MISSION DOCUMENT AND ACTION PLAN ...............................................20

INNOVATION ECOSYSTEM ......................................................................21

STRATEGY ...............................................................................................22

INDICATORS AND RESULTS ....................................................................23 Contribution of the Center to the general Artemis targets .......................... 24 Standardization ........................................................................................... 25 Ecological principles .................................................................................... 26 Enviromental impact ................................................................................... 26 Impact on SMEs ........................................................................................... 27



EXCELLENCE NETWORKS ........................................................................29

MEETINGS AND DISSEMINATION RELATED TO COIE .............................30

FUTURE ACTIVITIES ...................................................................................... 36

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................. 37

REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 37

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eDIANA Embedded Systems for Energy Efficient Buildings

ES4IB Embedded Systems for Intelligent Buildings

WP Work Package

ES Embedded Systems

JTI Joint Technology Initiative

CoIE Centre of Innovation Excellence

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The Centre of Innovation and Excellence of Embedded Systems for Intelligent

Buildings from now on ES4IB CoIE is the last step for structuring excellent partners

working together in different International Projects related to the Innovation Chain in

ICT for Intelligent buildings

The objective of this report is to identify, in detail, the activities that have been

performed in order to create the centre of innovation and excellence as part of the

exploitation of the project’s results and to achieve the widest dissemination of

knowledge from this project. This report is expanded in two directions: describing

and assessing the activities that have already performed during the project, and

updating future plans after the end of the project.

This is the final report that contains all the activities performed in the Task 11.3

Ecosystem and networking activities (Month2-Month 36). No previous document has

been presented before.

The activity is fully completed and the Centre of Innovation and Excellence of

Embedded Systems for Intelligent Buildings ES4IB has been certified by

ARTEMIS Industry Association as one of the ARTEMIS CENTRE OF


The creation of the centre of innovation and excellence is a horizontal activity and

concentrates on disseminating the results of eDIANA project itself to a wide range of

existing or potential stakeholders.

The final idea of the centre of excellence is to act as a meeting point for the

connection of multi-country, multi-organisation, interconnected R&D actors and

business that with efficient planning, acting and cooperation, achieve a significant

advantage in innovation success in the intelligent building market.

The ES4IB is working with other centres and will increase the collaboration between

centres, universities and companies in Europe in the area of intelligent buildings. The

main target groups are composed by medium and small companies from industrial

sectors working with similar technologies focusing on new R&D action about

emerging technologies in cooperation with universities and /or technological centres.

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Therefore, apart from the partners directly involved in Task11.3, all project partners,

SMES, research centres and universities, are potential beneficiaries of the activity

performed by the ES4IB.

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High performance in efficient buildings (using ES) has been an important research

and business focus for the partners.

The above mentioned work was internationally supported by the grant to the eDIANA

project (www.artemis-ediana.eu) lead by ACCIONA under the ARTEMISIA JTI first

call. Most of the partners participating in this CoIE are part of the eDIANA


It is necessary to state that one of the goals of the eDIANA project was to set up

a Centre of Innovation Excellence (CoIE), labeled by ARTEMISIA, under the domain

of Embedded systems for Buildings. The entity in charge of defining this Centre of

Excellence is GAIA (an Association of 300 SMEs of the ICT sector).

So from the incipient collaborative approach by some of the partners (started in

2001) many projects and a CoIE for structuring it, was set up in high-performance

buildings, with the remit of making the firms in its area more competitive by

introducing processes that are competitive on a worldwide basis, and developing

excellence in research.

An overview of the partners in the CoIE and their activities. A partner could be

an institution or an initiative based on a group of individuals or teams, or a

local CoE, working closely together, with highly recognized experience and

capabilities in their domain

Information on how the partners are positioned in the supply chain -

knowledge providers, generic technology providers, systems developers,

systems integrators, product companies, service providers etc.

Project members are leaders of a complete network of organizations and tools in

support of innovative processes that was set up during the last twenty years.

The consortium has been configured with a well balanced contribution of large

companies with strong research capabilities, high-tech SMEs and Research

Organisations. 9 Large companies, 5 SMEs and 6 research organisations.

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Large companies

ACCIONA INFRAESTRUCTURAS is a construction and real estate company with

their own research centre. Energy efficiency in buildings and application of ICTs are

among its core activities. It has a broad experience in exploitation of RTD projects

results inside their own organisation as an end user as well as outside as technology

and systems provider.

ATOS ORIGIN is an information technology services company focused on Service

Oriented Middleware & Infrastructures, Semantic & Services Engineering, Innovation,

Open Source & Software Engineering. It has a great experience in providing

technology services to their customers as a result of RTD projects and an extensive

commercial worldwide network.

SELEX ELSAG is an automation and control systems provider for energy generation,

transmission and distribution, gas and water distribution networks, automatic meter

reading services. It has an extensive European commercial network for exploitation.

INTEL MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS focuses on the three main areas: Energy

Efficiency, Communications and Security. It offers semiconductors and system

solutions for home, automotive, industrial electronics, chip card and security as well

as applications in communications. It has an extensive worldwide commercial

network for exploitation.

FAGOR ELECTRODOMESTICOS is the fifth house hold appliance manufacturer in

the European market having a workforce of around 11.000 people and a turnover of

almost 1800 million Euros. Fagor Electrodomesticos is divided in eight business

divisions: refrigeration, washing and drying machines, cooking, dishwashers, heating,

small electrical appliances, advanced home systems and kitchen furniture.

Philips ELECTRONICS NETHERLANDS APPTECH serves the consumer lifestyle

and health electronics market, as a corporate development lab of Philips in a broader

network on R&D labs within Philips Medical, Philips Consumer Lifestyle products,

Philips Lighting and Philips Research. In addition Philips Applied Technology serves a

number of external customers with key SW intensive modules. It has an extensive

worldwide commercial network for exploitation.

PHILIPS CONSUMER LIFESTYLE provides the Innovation Lab (iLab) that is the

international Know-how Centre of Philips Consumer Lifestyle. The iLab drives and

provides new concepts and features creating innovations that have substantial

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positive business impact for Philips Consumer Lifestyle. It has a especially devoted

dissemination lab.

PHILIPS RESEARCH focuses on developing technology that is truly inventive and

differentiating, in a way that allows for maximum design flexibility. Its research

activities include fields such as solid-state light sources and systems, system-in-

package, unobtrusive sensors and actuators, flexible electronics, efficient and

renewable energy systems.

ST MICROELECTRONICS is a semiconductors provider with an extensive portfolio

of microcontrollers and multi-processing platforms for control intensive purpose. It

has a product division dedicated to SPEAR multi-processor and configurable

architecture. It has an extensive worldwide commercial network for exploitation.

High Tech SMEs with research capabilities

FIDELIX is specialized in internet-based building automation and security systems

enabling the integration of multiple technical building systems e.g. HVAC systems,

energy meters and other independent systems.


and telecommunications solutions company specialized in the development and

design of computer applications for video surveillance, health and video


GAIA is the Basque Country’s Telecommunications Cluster Association, representing

practically all the companies of the Electronic, Computing and telecommunications

Sector, which are based in Basque Country (Spain). GAIA has 217 industrial

members, 80% SME. GAIA has a wide-ranging experience in the diffusion of

information and technology associated with IT worldwide and related socioeconomic

research. It has an extensive European commercial network for exploitation.

QUINTOR is a SME focusing on innovative Java/J2EE- based software solutions at

the level of sensors (metering) and mobile solutions through ERP backend solutions,

workflow and business intelligence. QUINTOR’s client base contains most major

energy companies in the Netherlands.

ZIV MEDIDA is an integral manufacturer of digital metering equipment/systems

covering the entire range of equipment from the grid/substation meters (for any

voltage level) to the residential single-phase meters (including the AMR systems)

through the industrial/commercial customers.

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Research organizations

CORPORACIÓN TECNALIA competencies are on, embedded systems development

processes and tools, model-driven design and reuse through software product-line

approach, dynamic reconfiguration and interoperability, open systems interoperability

and standards, COTS integration management and integrated quality, quality of

service, certification of products and processes, built-in security, risk and vulnerability

analysis and trustability models. It has an extensive worldwide commercial network

for exploitation.

TECNALIA provides knowledge on energy and environmental improved buildings

though multi-scale and multipurpose approach in which urban planning,

architectonical concepts, building management and urban management are

integrated among them. This expertise is complemented with a broad experience in

the application of ICT for increasing building sector efficiency and sustainability.

IK4 RESEARCH ALLIANCE (IKERLAN) maintains close relations with companies

from the machinery and capital goods, domestic appliance, electronics and

computing, automotive, and energy sectors. So far more than 800 R&D projects

were done in cooperation with companies developing new products and

implementing customised systems in design and manufacturing processes.


provides knowledge on Product-lines; Component composition; Co-design; Time

restrictions in distributed systems; Security and reliability in component development.

UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA (UNIBO) provides expertise in telecommunication

systems and networks, with particular reference to wireless networks, wireless

sensor networks and Cellular systems, control system engineering and automation,

hardware issues, in particular for wireless technologies and context awareness.

UNIVERSITY OF ROME LA SAPIENZA (UOR) has a well-established experience

in the design, implementation and evaluation (via simulations and test-beds) of

complete protocol stacks, middleware and services infrastructures and security

solutions focusing in particular on wireless networks, pervasive and ubiquitous


VTT has a strong expertise in ICTs for energy efficiency, DSM/Demand Response,

distributed energy resources, smart metering, distribution networks and relationships

with competitive electricity market It has an extensive European commercial network

for exploitation.

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For the users approach we will follow the European living lab strategy. Some

of the partners have already talked to responsible of the CEC and they will apply for

the membership in ENOLL the European network of living labs.

What is a Living Lab?

A Living Lab is a real-life test and experimentation environment where users and

producers co-create innovations. Living Labs have been characterised by the

European Commission as Public-Private-People Partnerships (PPPP) for user-driven

open innovation. A Living Lab employs four main activities:

1. Co-Creation: co-design by users and producers

2. Exploration: discovering emerging usages, behaviors and market


3. Experimentation: implementing live scenarios within communities of users

4. Evaluation: assessment of concepts, products and services according to

socio-ergonomic, socio-cognitive and socio-economic criteria.

Living Labs and User Driven Open Innovation

Living Labs are User Driven Open Innovation Platforms where stakeholders have

formed a Public-Private-People-Partnership (PPPP) of firms, public agencies,

universities, institutes and users all collaborating for creating, prototyping, and

validating new service-products and societal infrastructures in real-life contexts. Such

contexts are cities, villages and rural areas as well as industrial plants.”

A Living Lab empowers users to drive research, development and innovation for ICT

based services addressing major socio-economic issues (energy and environment;

well being, e-health and inclusion; media and creativity; logistics and manufacturing

regional development)

• Bringing users early into the creative process, accessing the Collective


• Bridging the innovation gap between technology development and the uptake

of new products and services

• Allowing for early assessment of the socio-economic implications of new

technological solutions


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The European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) is the international federation of

benchmarked Living Labs in Europe and worldwide. Founded in November 2006

under the auspices of the Finnish European Presidency, the network has grown in

‘waves’ up to this day. To this date, 5 Waves have been launched, resulting in 212

accepted Living Labs. The ENoLL international non-profit association, as the legal

representative entity of the network, is headquartered in Brussels, at the heart of


Participants in the CoIE

Concrete participants/users of the CoIE approach are the following ones:

Standardisation bodies: International standardisation organisations such as:

(CEN/Cenelec/ETSI/IEEE, etc.) and national such as: AENOR, DIN, SFS, UNI, NEN

they develop and establish product and/or process standards to be followed by

platform producers and application developers.

Certification entities: (EEPCA - Professional Association of the European

Certification Bodies, EECC - The European Certification Council, etc.) provide

confidence to users that a certain element of the eDIANA Platform is produced

and/or operated according to a defined set of practices or standards.

Embedded systems suppliers, installers and service providers for

energy efficient buildings through national, European and international

associations related with the technologies developed in the project. (Such as:

DMASS - Distributors’ and Manufacturers’ Association of Semiconductor

Specialists; EDAA – European Design and Automation Association; ESA – European

Software Association).

Hardware producers: providing the hardware components (from individual

CPUs to servers, etc.) on which the software platform can run.

Peripheral equipment producers: providing all kind of devices that

complement the basic functionality of the platform.

Application developers: producing systems that run on the platform

infrastructure and address user needs.

Content providers: is an important complement especially in media-oriented


Methodology/tool providers: making available developing methodologies,

environment and tools for application developers and content providers.

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Training providers: provide training to qualify developers and other

professionals to work with the eDIANA Platform. Such as: Universities, RTD and

devoted training organisations.

Local Authorities & National/Regional Public Bodies are key players as

policy makers, favourable legislative framework creation, public procurement,

owners and promoters of their own buildings are also end users interested in

cooperative working systems or applications. Such as: European Housing


Architects’ Associations. Architects need to be provided with appropriate

training, tools and guidelines for them to consider embedded systems for energy

efficiency in new and retrofitted buildings.

Construction companies associations and related research associations

should be aware of the new technologies that will be installed in new and existing


etc.) .

Public and private real estate Promoters. They can offer to their clients the

advantage of the developed system therefore they should be informed about it and

especially about new business models that could help to foster the adoption of the


Clients and users (citizens): key actors interested in cooperative working

systems or applications providing their perspectives in the formulation and

assessment of the project results in aspects such as, design for all, adaptability for

the future and value procurement through and new business models, such as


Network operators: may act as a channel for offering and billing services

and/or access devices to users. Such as: Eurelectric – Union of the electricity industry

Energy Management Agencies. Regional and/or national energy agencies are

promoting efficient and innovative building-related energy technologies in building

normally fund projects regarding energy efficiency and integration of RES. Such as:

OPET Network, IEA – International Energy Agency.

Other related projects, networks and platforms

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Geographical scope

The geographical scope of the CoIE;

Figure 1. Countries involved in

the CoIE

Figure 2. Organizations involved

The ES4IB, is working together with other centers, will increase the collaboration

between centers, universities and companies of Spain, in the area of Intelligent

buildings. Result of this effort will be to develop the Spanish Technological Network

on Intelligent Buildings, composed by universities and technological centers

interested in “joining” the CoIE.

This network will be led by the ES4IB CoIE. To date, collaborations are starting in

several areas, especially in research and development, education and professional

skills, normalisation, and cooperation with industrial firms. CoIE ES4IB provides to

this network with its paradigms: collaboration, cooperation, and industrial focus.

The collaboration within Europe

The CoIE ES4IB partners are also involved in cooperation activities funded by the

European or local institutions, like the eDIANA (ARTEMISIA Project), ENIAC, EPOSS

and some other European Networks.

On the other hand, the Spanish National Platform are working groups in each

thematic area that coordinate the European performance of the Spanish and Basque

entities (i.e., enterprises, SMEs, research centers, universities and public institutions)

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in each technological area, in order to optimise the efforts and global results, not

only of funding return but in new technological upgrading. In 2010 there were 31

groups in the thematic areas of the FP7. For example in the Nanotechnology,

Embedded Systems, Software areas there are three BCP, all of them coordinated by

partners of ICT4B.

A new initiative of ES4IB is collaborate with the Construction and Energy, National

and European Platforms. This is a joint effort between 23 contractor partners

representing 20 European regions and region-sized countries, plus 2 extra associated

partners, based on a shared view for construction and Energy in Europe. CoIE ES4IB

try to make a durable cooperation by means of the execution of yearly Coordinated

Calls, in an evolutionary path that will also benefit from the extended opportunities in


Strategy to link of the CoIE ES4IB model to other CoIE and regions

An interesting reflection has been performed to evaluate the link of the “ES4IB way

of research” to other regions. The “conditions” are:

1-Several industrial sectors working with similar technologies may be interested in

supporting a research group, focusing on new R+D action about emerging

technologies, where risks are high but at the same time considerable economical and

technological profits may be achieved. Companies must be medium or small-size


2-Several universities and/or technological centers are offering innovation

assessment, entrepreneurship, consultancy and project development to companies.

These technological agents present coincidences and intersection of their offers, with

an historical background of competitiveness, but also including multidisciplinary and

compatibility. With these premises, the cooperation is the only way to increase the

value and size of the new projects and after some initial clashes cooperation will

come up easily (win-win situation).

3-The local governments, laws and companies must provide both public and private

funds for research projects. Public money must be used for high risk projects and

structural organization, i.e., formation of new researchers, acquisition of expensive

and general purpose research facilities, etc. Private money must pay the cost of

oriented-to-market projects.

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The contact point for the CoIE will be located in Bilbao at the BIZKAIA TECHNOLOGY

PARK, in a dynamic environment designed to convert knowledge into innovation,

15km from the city centre, 10km from Bilbao International airport and 15km from

the University of Deusto and the Basque Country University. Some figures of the


over 200 companies

12 Applied research centers

the Basque ICT pole

7,000 workers

54% university degrees

24% develops R&D projects

50% of private investment in R&D


The core component of the CoIE must be able from the outset to make use of an

infrastructure of its own that will enable it to carry out management, administration

and marketing tasks for optimum development. In addition, the TIC uses facilities

and equipment available at member organizations that have undertaken to place

them at its disposal for the furtherance of its goals.

In general terms, the functions of the CoIE core are the following:

General co-ordination of the research activities laid down in the plan of action.

Performance of part of the research.

Performance or hosting of benchmark training activities in its specialist

scientific and technological area.

Direct management, transfer and exploitation of the results of activities in the

common framework.

Ownership of all equipment and infrastructures acquired for the performance

of activities and projects.

The CoIE core will support all activities focused on developing of new projects and

internationalization of the research work task forces.

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The ES4IB will have a “Partner Board” integrated by one representative from each


The Partner Board nominates an “Executive Director” of the CoIE. This is similar to a

"Chairperson or Speaker".

The Executive Director then proposes a Management team to the Partner Board, who

must approve it. The Management team will include the following roles:

Operations Manager.

Education/Mobility Manager

Entrepreneurship Manager

Infrastructure and Finance Manager

Operational Organisation of the ES4IB CoIE

The ES4IB CoIE will focus its activities in innovation and knowledge in ICT to bring

intelligence to the constituent nodes of the cities: buildings and neighborhoods,

including residential and non residential buildings and infrastructures.

The CoE is structured around a co-location centre, located in Bilbao, with associated

centers in other regions (Italy, etc,).

The Bilbao co-location centre will cover diverse aspects of “intelligence” in buildings,

including efficiency, comfort, accessibility, sustainability, security, etc.

Other collaborative centers in other countries will cover the specific area of wellbeing

and health, including integration in the health system (hospitals, etc.)

As mentioned above, the organizational structure of ES4IB is, seeking maximum

flexibility. The approach is that of virtual teams comprising the researchers working

on each project, who are provided by the various technological members

(universities and technology centers) of the ES4IB according to needs for each

action. The number of researchers working on the activities of the ES4IB CoIE can

therefore vary from one year to the next without the system suffering as a result.

Clearly, research work is concentrated in the hands of the virtual team of the ES4IB

CoIE, but this does not mean that it is impossible to form new research teams in

new areas not covered by the technological members and to integrate them into the


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Basically, the function of the ES4IB CoIE is to handle a small part of the actual

research work, to coordinate activities and to take responsibility for ensuring that the

results are transferred and exploited.

The use of the latest ICT's is fundamentally important for the coordination of these

actions. This will be handled by an extranet.

Fig. 3. General layout of research & its transfer (By Mr Maidagan et al)

The coordinated, synergetic oriented basic and applied research work of the

technological members is turned into usable knowledge that is transferred through

collaboration projects from those technological members to companies (see Fig.3),

which transform knowledge into new products and, in short, into greater wealth for

the country. Therefore the paradigms of common work are: collaboration,

cooperativeness, common technological lines, but transfer to companies through

specific projects, even to companies with competitive products in market. However,

alliances between firms make possible a better use of results. Common formation of

technicians is also performed, in multidisciplinary subject and in an inter-

organizational way.

The most important committee of the ES4IB CoIE is the so-called Projects

Directory, in which all partners carry out their new project proposals, and make

regularly the tracking and evaluation (partial and final) of the just developed

research projects. Decisions from this group will be evaluated by the General Board

and the Industrial Partners Board.

An advisory scientific committee will evaluate every year the developing of the

strategic research plan and the results of running projects. This committee will be

composed by international experts coming from different technologies and centers.

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In relation to the action plan we are describing below the undertaken and envisaged

activities of the partners:

Direct proactive communications to the targeted stakeholders

mentioned above and the Artemis JU, European Commission, European

Network of National Contact Points (NCPs) for ICTs, NMP and Energy theme

through periodic newsletters and invitation to events. We foresee one

bimonthly newsletter.

Dedicated website, which will present an overview of the objectives, the

partnership and the activities proposed within the center. This approach will be

something similar to a wiki.

Publications. Partners will publish results of projects, products and services

(according to the IPR protection strategy) in the scientific literature, dedicated

journals and magazines in the field of embedded systems / energy efficiency /

construction / buildings. Moreover, results will be also published in Artemis JU,

DG INFSO, DG Research, DG TREN and own newsletters. Specific project

brochures will be prepared for external communication.

Educational, training materials and courses for students and

professionals (Architects, promoters, system providers, installers, users, etc.):

Partners will disseminate their know-how via courses, lectures, poster sessions,

etc. Three courses per year are foreseen.

Congresses, workshops, conferences, exhibition fairs. Results and

breakthroughs will be presented in several European and Worldwide

congresses. Some examples are ECTP conference (annually) – Energy Week in

Brussels (annually). Four conference/workshops per year are foreseen

Clustering activities with other European related projects from Artemis JU,

FP7 (NMP, Energy, ICTs), CIP (ICT-PSP, IEE), Eureka (ITEA) and the related

European and National Technology Platforms such as Artemis, ECTP, Prometeo

(Spain). Four project/platform cooperation events per year are foreseen.

Technology Transfer Offers through Innovation Relay Centers (IRCs)

network and other European market places, by offering technology transfer

possibilities regarding the center results to industries and specifically to SMEs.

Two technology transfers per year are foreseen.

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We have defined a new concept in research based on collaboration between players

of different kinds (universities, technology centers, and corporations) that seek to

develop new processes on the basis of in-depth knowledge of ES for intelligent

buildings. These processes are intended to be taken up by the ES sector and the

BUILDING sector in general, thus effectively upgrading the technology of the market.

ES4IB itself is a new paradigm of cooperativeness in research and knowledge cluster,

useful when several partners on the same topic in a very industrialized area are

present. These factors are common for several European regions. On the other hand

this collaborative centre can be a link with national and European indicatives focused

on cooperation in research, as it is the Spanish Network Prometeo and the

Europeans ARTEMISIA and others.

In short, this CoIE management approach presents a new way of working in

collaboration which brings together the efforts of competitors in order to improve

their unique capabilities, make their efforts in oriented basic and applied research

more effective in the framework of Intelligent Buildings technologies and provide

solutions for the fabric of Industry in the current globalised age.

High-performance intelligent buildings is an especially significant process that covers

a wide range of sectors from both a vertical approach based on the value chain and

a horizontal approach based on the diversity of end products produced.

ES4IB seeks to carry out added value innovation (research, new business creation,

societal impact, job creation) in the below mentioned vertical technologies and

horizontal vectors:

Networked EMBEDED SYSTEMS for Intelligent Buildings


computing in

object web

Trustable &



Open & safe


Systems of Systems


Comfort and efficiency

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January 2012 Page 22

- Mesh networks

- End-to-end



- Monitoring and

control systems

- Low power

sensor networks







- Intuitive, self-












verification &


- Standards for


-Cloud computing

-Service provisioning

and management

- Metering, billing


- Resource distributions

and optimisation

- Real-time monitoring

and adaptation

- Resource- aware

human centric policies

(well being, health…)

Infrastructure: covering range from residential/working blocks to public/transport

Innovation: New business model for intelligent sustainable territories

Education: Cross-discipline path “buildings for sustainability”

Social impact: widely accessible smart services, jobs and wealth creation


Research should be promoted where the prevailing need is for a greater knowledge

of the fundamentals of processes, making use of the research potential of the

universities involved, supplemented by the work of the technology centers and the

needs of the firms.

The strategy will be focused in new technologies with a medium term application in

European Companies. Special collaboration with partners of different parts of Europe

is trying to be strengthened.

Some of the goals will be addressed to:

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Create new processes without waste of money and resources, and with low

environmental impact.

To achieve a high productivity in current technologies, to be able to maintain

the level of employment

To develop new products and processes. This objective will bring new

technology-based spin-off companies.

To avoid any discrimination in the new developments, i.e., to open all

advances to all technicians, with different skills, formation. The entire

production sector must be inspired by the innovation philosophy


The measurable results obtained by the CoIE ES4IB partners in the period 2011-2013 are as scientific results

70 scientific papers in four years periods. (in hosting 20 phd)

38 contributions to international conferences and symposiums.

The industrial outputs to date are:

4 new patents.

8 industrial development projects about new concepts of Intelligent Buildings.

These figures are expected to double in the stage from 2013 to 2016 as lines currently open reach completion. A dynamic evaluation scheme of results is being used based on the above indicators, making a very day-today- management of the research activity.

The application should also provide information on the following activities:

Activities developed to build and maintain relations to other networks (the inter-cluster cooperation strategy) and the public authorities;

Publish a yearly activity and progress report that describes, amongst others, the progress made on ARTEMIS CoIE label criteria.

Provide networking and matchmaking facilities to encourage frequent interaction and the initiation of cooperative R&D projects;

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Contribution of the Center to the general Artemis targets

The ARTEMIS SRA on System Design Methods and Tools, Seamless Connectivity and Middleware and Reference Designs and Architectures identifies several technical paths included as the center objectives and working lines to achieve the target. The center will contribute to the main ARTEMIS strategies to achieve the targets and the means from the center to contribute to the objectives by tangible and verifiable activities


Buildings are responsible for more than 40% of the energy consumption in Europe, being the sector that more energy consumes. This consumption is mainly due to heating and lighting operations within buildings. Buildings are also responsible for about 1/3 of GHG emissions in Europe.

According to a recent study, the worldwide energy consumption of buildings will grow by 45% from 2002 to 2025 – where buildings account for about 40% of the energy demand (from which 33% in commercial buildings and 67% in residential buildings). This study is also corroborated by national reports about Climate Change, which identify the “diffused sectors” as the main contributors to GHG Emissions in the next year. The reduction of GHG emissions through the use of ICT as key enabler technology is expected to be about 15% in the next years

Figure 4.Worldwide GHG emissions for buildings.

Potential of ICT-enabled smart buildings for GHG emission reduction (BAU = Behaving

As Usual)

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The report estimates contributions to that reduction figure (15%) from different ICT domains. It emphasizes that ICT tools for the reduction of GHG emissions in buildings at design phase (0.45 GtCO2e) and smart BMS - building management systems (0.39) could have the biggest impact.

The embedded systems, as part of the ICT tools, will play a relevant role in energy efficient buildings. Being a main part of the following domains: BMS (0.39 GtCO2e), Voltage Optimisation (0.13), HVAC (0.24), Lighting Automation (0.12), Ventilation on demand (0.02).Thus, taking part in 0.8 GtCO2e, approximately the half of the GHG emissions reduction potential of ICTs (7.5%).

Although, it is reported than savings of 15-20% of energy consumption in buildings could be achieved through real time feedback to the user in terms of energy consumed and “instant billing” and improvement of HVAC systems could enable energy savings of 8-17% in residential buildings, among other studies, it is still difficult to estimate energy consumption reduction of holistic approaches such as the center as interactions between the different systems must be studied, as part of global optimization methods implementation activities.

The center will contribute to the European world leadership in ICT-enabled energy efficiency through intelligent solutions and in support of Europe’s objective to save 20% of energy consumption by 2020 and top the wide take-up of ICT systems to enable future buildings to become at least energy neutral.

Not mandatory, but if applicable, the application may describe the contributions of

the CoIE to:


Cross-area standardisation analysis within and beyond the embedded system

The ARTEMIS SRA identifies as main ambition to “overcome the fragmentation of the supply industry and research, cutting barriers between application sectors so as to ‘de-verticalize’ the industry, sharing across sector tools and technology that are today quite separate”.

To achieve this objective, the center will additionally investigate standards and analyse emerging interdependencies and coherences between and beyond these two different areas which are currently considered independently. Target of this cross-area and cross-national analysis is to stimulate mutual enrichment by interaction and exchange, new views and ideas. Some standards to be considered are:

Energy and energy grid relevant standards like: Eugene Green Energy Standard: The standard confirms that energy supplied under the accredited

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schemes (it is produced from genuinely sustainable energy sources, it will result in a real increase in renewable generation beyond the requirements imposed by government and the demand from consumers is matched by renewable generation).

National specifics like Spain’s Building Technical Code (CTE - Código Técnico de la Edificación): CTE establishes new quality, security, energy efficiency and habitability requirements for new or renovated buildings, thus creating a legislative framework that harmonises Spanish building standards with those of the European Union. This standard should also promote technological innovation and development.

The center guidelines and standards contributions shall be aligned with these

standards (new requirements need to be fed in if necessary), since interoperability

with the grid interface has to be accomplished as soon as the (building) Cell

representation becomes accessible to grid operators and ESCOs.

Ecological principles

respect ecological principles, recognizing real concerns about safety, energy usage and sustainability;

actively stimulate SME participation in the ARTEMIS innovation ecosystem(s) and enhance their growth and success;

explore new business models for trading in the envisaged dynamic innovation environment, including incorporation of open source concepts;

stimulate the establishment of open European Tool Platforms that can evolve and interoperate with other tool solutions;

recommend adaptations to European educational systems and assist them to supply and sustain suitably skilled engineers and researchers;

stimulate the opening of supply chains, where beneficial, to create a more

open innovation environment by means of the ARTEMIS Innovation


Enviromental impact

Buildings will be responsible, behaving as usual, for 11.7 GtCO2 worldwide in 2020. The European objective is to reduce CO2 emissions 20% compared to 1990 levels. The implementation of embedded systems in buildings will contribute to reduce the

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emissions by 131.25 MtCO2 due to the energy consumption reduction of 52.5 Mtoe, thus contributing also to Kyoto and Bali.

This reduction will contribute to minimize global warming whose cost for the society

and for the world economy is estimated that could run to $9 trillion in the following

years, taking into account European and global initiatives such as “Sustainable

development strategy for an enlarged EU””,EC and the United Nations Framework

Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)” and the EU's Sixth Environment Action

Programme (EAP), "Environment 2010: Our future, Our choice", which includes

Environment and Health as one of the four main target areas requiring greater effort

- and air pollution is one of the issues highlighted in this area. The Sixth EAP aims to

achieve levels of air quality that do not result in unacceptable impacts on, and risks

to, human health and the environment.

Impact on SMEs

A key concept in innovation is the combination of technical breakthroughs and realistic marketing: New technological ideas can only be regarded as innovative if they can lead to marketable results (product and services integrated into an existing market context, this process being supported by a properly calibrated business model). This becomes critical when the technology is to be brought to market by small companies or institute spin-offs.

The current business model is caracterised by large companies developing embedded

systems (hardware and software) and SMEs that acquire licenses for installation,

programming and generating new services.

The great majority of embedded systems installers and service providers are SMEs acting at local and regional level, therefore we can contribute to build up regional clusters permitting a coherent and distributed development across European regions

In the center, the participation of SMEs (3 of 21) represents a 14.29% of the number of members of the consortium and 3.6% in budget, and 5.0% in funding. SMEs are participating in the project directly and indirectly (through federations of SMEs, such as GAIA with 217 SMEs and its network of relation with other European Associations that ensures a wider participation, awareness and dissemination for SMEs). TECNALIA, IKERLAN and FAGOR (being part of MONDRAGON Group) and Acciona are relevant members of the Steering Committee of the Spanish Embedded Systems Platform (Prometeo) which involves 46 SMEs. eDIANA will also contribute to build up a relation with other national embedded systems initiatives in which they are present.

It will permit to improve their capabilities for:

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Growing possibilities

Facilitating market access (large companies) to SMEs

• The European market is difficult and fragmented

• R&D is a mean to enter potential markets of interest (internationalisation) and enhance their R&D chapter (technology).

Taking advantage of project members complementary profiles

• corporate companies with significant internal markets (structural and geographical)

• SMEs offerings: technologies and services to large companies and consortia.

Technology development and uptake

For the possibility to create new successful SMEs by:

Participating in a Joint Venture for exploitation of the eDIANA Platform

Selecting promising research projects

Facilitating access to venture capital

Educating entrepreneurs.

Finally, the center also opens an opportunity for some of the SMEs to be members of Artemisia.

In this direction, the envisioned center will support emerging high-tech companies entering the market of embedded systems for energy efficiency in buildings, as well as small and medium size construction and building operators (offices, public infrastructures etc) by providing a technology platform with a value added proposition on energy related functions (saving, control, storage etc).

The center will largely subscribe to the Innovation Eco-system that will grow out under the aegis of ARTEMIS and other relevant platforms such as the European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP) in order to ensure that a significant critical mass of resources is available to bring technological ideas to marketable products, by combating fragmentation and through the stimulation of supporting technology adoption by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and larger enterprises alike.

The center operations at the same time target strengthening the European SME

sector by creating new market opportunities, by providing an interoperability solution

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as well as future research and development needs specified by major players at

European level that participate in eDIANA.


Finally, ES4IB is continuously supporting the formation on new intelligent buildings technologies. The development of new firms is a key aspect for ES4IB it must be done for people with both knowledge and attitude. To do that the new students and researchers about intelligent buildings must be incited to follow the “entrepreneurship career path”, in short: Foundation, Awakening Specialization, Creation and Maturing.

For example, the so-called ‘Incubating activities” of the ESI-Tecnalia and INGENIO progamme of the University of Deusto is an important step in this objective. Here, students of the final course are receiving a specialisation programme about incubating and technologies. The final academy project is focused to awake the innovation spirit in students.




At the following schema you can see the research and Innovation strengths in the chosen FOCAL areas


Residential &


Energy & Well Being (health)

key resources


(networked embedded devices

providing smart services)

Interdisciplinary field

– Involves multiple perspectives:

• Embedded systems (ARTEMIS)

• Nanoelectronics (ENIAC)

• Construction (ECTP, E2B)

• Energy (Smart Grids)

– Integrates existing clusters


• PROMETEO (Embedded systems)

• GENESIS (nanoelectronics)

• Energy Clusters

• Construction Platforms

– Structured innovation system

• European, Spanish and local tech Platforms Platforms and locals

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Contact: Jokin Garatea GAIA; Rafael Socorro ACCIONA

e-mail: garatea@gaia.es; rafaelclaret.socorro.hernandez@acciona.com


In order to define and present the ES4IB CoIE different meetings and presentations have been made by the partners involved in these tasks.

These meetings were also oriented to identify the stakeholders and the main European excellence networks.

Some of the meetings, conferences and presentations are included in this report:

Event ESoCE-Net Industrial Forum 2010 User driven open innovation for SMEs in

advanced service-product development

Venue and date Rome, 5-7 December 2010

Description Coference

Purpose GAIA. Participation in round table related to living labs. Presentation of the energy efficiency living lab. As result of this participation, GAIA representing

eDiana project, has been included in Cross border Living Lab

Type of participation Presentation

Partner/s involved GAIA





Others: Public bodies (Administration)

Nº of Attendants 150 aprox.

Interest Group Excellence networks

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Venue and date GANTE, 13-15 December 2010

Description Conference


GAIA was invited in order to different projects related to the utilisation of the embedded systems. GAIA disseminated eDIANA objectives and project expected


GAIA presented the work carried out in order to create the eDIANA ES4IB

Centre of Innovation Excellence for embedded systems

Type of participation Presentation


Partner/s involved GAIA





Others: Public bodies (Administration)

Nº of Attendants 110 aprox.

Interest Group Excellence networks


Venue and date NUREMBERG, 1-2 March 2011

Description Conference

Purpose GAIA presented the work carried out in order to create the eDIANA ES4IB Centre of Innovation Excellence for embedded systems

Type of participation Presentation


Partner/s involved GAIA





Others: Public bodies (Administration)

Nº of Attendants 10 aprox.

Interest Group Excellence networks

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Venue and date NEW DELHI, BANGALORE, 21-25 November 2011

Description Conference


GAIA was invited in order to different projects related to the utilisation of the embedded systems and project related to energy efficiency. GAIA disseminated

eDIANA objectives and project expected results.

GAIA presented the work carried out in order to create the eDIANA ES4IB

Centre of Innovation Excellence for embedded systems

Type of participation Presentation


Partner/s involved GAIA





Others: Public bodies (Administration)

Nº of Attendants 100 aprox. (New Delhi), 20 aprox. (Bangalore)

Interest Group Excellence networks


Venue and date FINLAND, 26 October 2011

Description Conference

Purpose ACCIONA presented the work carried out in order to create the eDIANA ES4IB Centre of Innovation Excellence for embedded systems

Type of participation Presentation


Partner/s involved GAIA





Others: Public bodies (Administration)

Nº of Attendants 120

Interest Group Excellence networks

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Event ESoCE-Net Industrial Forum 2011 User driven open innovation for SMEs in advanced service-product development

Venue and date Rome, 4-6 December 2011

Description Coference


GAIA. Participation in round table related to living labs. Presentation of the

energy efficiency living lab. As result of this participation, GAIA representing eDiana project, has been included in Cross border Living Lab

Type of participation



Partner/s involved GAIA





Others: Public bodies (Administration)

Nº of Attendants 150 aprox.

Interest Group Excellence networks

Apart from this networking activity some dissemination activities have been taken out by the ES4IB CoIE partners in order to promote the activity and the objectives of the centre of excellence.

Some of the published articles have been added to this report:

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Future Activities

After the finalisation of the eDIANA project the activity of the ES4IB will continue with the development of some networking activities.

Some of the future activities will concentrate on:

Activities developed to build and maintain relations to other networks (the inter-cluster cooperation strategy) and the public authorities;

Publish a yearly activity and progress report that describes, amongst others, the progress made on ARTEMIS CoIE label criteria.

Provide networking and matchmaking facilities to encourage frequent interaction and the initiation of cooperative R&D projects;

Reinforce the possibility of the creation of new business companies considering the results of research project related to intelligent buildings

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The eDIANA Consortium would like to acknowledge the financial support of the

European Commission and National Public Authorities from Spain, Netherlands,

Germany, Finland and Italy under the ARTEMIS Joint Technology Initiative.


Energy Performance in Buildings Directive (EPBD) Directive 2002/91/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council

SMART 2020: Enabling the low carbon economy in the information age. The Climate Group http://www.theclimategroup.org/news_and_events/smart2020pressrelease

“Estrategia Española de Cambio Climático y Energía Limpia. Horizonte 2012”. http://www.mma.es/portal/secciones/cambio_climatico/documentacion_cc/estrategia_cc/pdf/estrategia_esp_ccel.pdf

“The Effectiveness Of Feedback On Energy Consumption. A Review For Defra Of The Literature On Metering, Billing And Direct Displays”. Sarah Darby. April 2006. Environmental Change Institute. University of Oxford

Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies on Energy Efficiency. Draft Report. European Commission DG INFSO. May 2008

Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change (October 30, 2006)