Cyprus residence permit

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Cyprus residence permit


European passport

Country preview

The country island is located in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.

Capital -Nicosia. Official language –Greek, Turkish.

Religion - Catholicism.

Head of state - the president. The Republic of Cyprus (ROC) is ruled under the Greek Cypriot Government.

The world’s ancient destination with a very diverse and cultured history.

Cyprus issued residence through investment program on May 7, 2013.

Term of receiving residence permit– 4 months.

European residence - isComfort

Visa-free travel or simplified procedure for obtaining visas to many countries where visa application with the first passport visa is long and complex. Opportunity to travel without visas to the territory of the Schengen area countries, without limitations to the period of stay.

Employment and education Gives the right to live and study in the country of residence and other EU countries

Rights and benefitsResidence provides the same social benefits as for citizens of country of residence: unemployment benefit, child birth allowance, health care, education and so on, with the exception of political rights.

Future citizenship Temporary residence may be prolonged to permanent residence permit. After several yeas you may apply for a citizenship.

Benefits of residence permit in Cyprus

European Passport Passport of a reputable member of the European Union with an excellent location. Cyprian passport grants full EU citizenship /rights and privileges of EU members, which makes it easy to live and work anywhere in Europe.

Ideal for the investor Lowest prices for real estate and other property comparable to EU. Excellent business and financial services, investor friendly authorities. Low cost of living.Perfect for living Warm Mediterranean climate with 320 days of sunshine. High standard of living, excellent infrastructure, excellent facilities for healthcare, high quality products. Heightened security Freedom of travelResident of Cyprus can travel without visas to 160 countries, live and work in any country of Schengen area.

Visa- free mode

Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom - unlimited stay

New Zealand - without a visa for 3 monthsJapan - without a visa for 90daysSouth Korea without a visa for 30daysCanada- without a visa for 6 months

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