Cyclical Ketogenic Diet

Post on 20-Feb-2016

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Cyclical Ketogenic Diet

Transcript of Cyclical Ketogenic Diet

Nowadays, we usually hear the word Cyclical Ketogenic Diet. This is the safest method to burn out extra fat from your body, which acts as a energy fuel for your body instead of carbohydrates. Basically, ketogenic diet is the high-fat, sufficient-protein and low-carbohydrate diet, which naturally helps to burn excessive fat from your body. This diet plan was used as a medicine for the children, who suffered from the refractory epilepsy. Ketogenic diet helps to convert carbohydrate intake into the glucose, which will be transported all around the body and specially increases the performance of different brain functions.Recently, ketogenic diet has become the first choice of every person who is fitness enthusiast or body builder. The classic format of ketogenic diet is to switch to the diet that contains the 4:1 ratio by weight of fat to combined protein and carbohydrate. You have to follow the strict diet from Monday to Saturday as per the above mentioned ratio and on Sunday, you can eat whatever you want. Here we give you a list of foods that you can include in your meal, if you are thinking to follow the cyclical ketogenic diet plan. Butter and oil: These are the good source of saturated fatty acid. You can include different types of butter like organic butter, whipped butter, spreadable butter, etc. to gain sufficient amount of fat. You can also include different oils like sunflower oil, soybean oil and olive oil. Butter and oil also have vitamins and minerals that help to boost up your stamina and supply the sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.Cheese: During the period of ketogenic diet, you can include some of the cheese varieties that are low in carbohydrates and provide ample amounts of fatty acid for ketosis. For example, Gruyere cheese has only 1gm of carb (carbohydrates) in three slices that can be best food to include in your meal during the ketogenic diet. Even you can try some of the other cheeses like Fontina, Muenster, Cheddar, etc.Fruits: For the period of Ketogenic diet, it is advised to switch from the high-carb fruits to low-carb fruits. You can add low-carb fruits such as strawberries, other berries, cantaloupe, oranges and peaches. You can also add delicious avocado in your dishes during the ketogenic diet, which is rich in fiber and antioxidants. Moreover, you can consume the low-carbohydrate alternative of pasta Spaghetti squash.Vegetables: Basically you have to switch to nutrient-rich vegetables like broccoli, celery, bell peppers, brussels sprouts, lettuce, cucumbers, spinach, cabbage and artichokes. They will help you to meet the nutritional aspects of your body during the ketogenic diet.Fish: Fish is one of the suggested foods for the ketogenic diet to get sufficient amount of calories, proteins and minerals. Some of the fish contains high amount of oil such as salmon, trout, mackerel, herring sardines, pilchards, etc. You can make you lunch or dinner with these oily fish to acquire sufficient amount of fatty acids, proteins and minerals.Fatty meat: Not only fish but you can also add fatty meat during the ketogenic diet. They are rich in fatty acids as well as have essential amino acids, zinc, vitamin B12, selenium, phosphorus, niacin, vitamin B6, choline, riboflavin and iron to fulfill your body needs. You can include beef and pork ribs, belly and shoulder meat of cows, pigs and dark meat of turkeys and chickens during the ketogenic diet.Egg: Egg can become the healthiest and nutritive breakfast during the ketogenic diet as it has high amount of protein, fat and low carb. Besides, it also has amino acids, retinol (vitamin A), riboflavin (vitamin B2), folic acid (vitamin B9), vitamin B6, vitamin B12, choline, iron, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. You can make an omelet with heavy cream and sprinkled cheese as suitable dish for you during the ketogenic diet.Snacks and beverages: Physicians advise to avoid high carb snacks and beverages to stay in tune with your ketogenic diet plan. But, if you want to eat snacks, then eat nuts or gelatin with the whipped cream in moderation. You can also take beverages with the artificial sweeteners once in a week. You can include water, tea, coffee and diet soda kind of non-sugary beverages in ketogenic diet plan.Other foods: You can also add white rice, onion, mushrooms, fat free milk, cherry tomatoes, etc. to make your dish tastier, though you are on ketogenic diet.List of foods you must avoid during the ketogenic diet:Do not eat carbohydrate-rich fruits and vegetables like potatoes, carrots, peas, grapes, apricots, bananas, olives, etc. for smooth running ketosis.Avoid sugary beverages and snacks.Processed foods and canned foods contains highest amount of carbohydrates. So you should stay away from it, otherwise it will stop ketosis process in your body.Do not drink milk daily, and take it in moderation.Avoid bakery products like breads, pastries, cake, etc.