cyborg-by almas

Post on 28-Jan-2016

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The term was coined in 1960 when Manfred Clynes and Nathan S. Kline used it in an article about the advantages of self-regulating human-machine systems in outer space. D. S. Halacy's Cyborg: Evolution of the Superman in 1965 featured an introduction which spoke of a "new frontier" that was "not merely space, but more profoundly the relationship between 'inner space' to 'outer space' – a bridge...between mind and matter."The metaphysical and physical attachments humanity has with even the most basic technologies have already made them cyborgs. In a typical example, a human fitted with a heart pacemaker or an insulin pump (if the person has diabetes) might be considered a cyborg, since these mechanical parts enhance the body's "natural" mechanisms through synthetic feedback mechanisms. Some theorists cite such modifications as contact lenses, hearing aids, or intraocular lenses as examples of fitting humans with technology to enhance their biological capabilities; however, these modifications are as cybernetic as a pen or a wooden leg. Implants, especially cochlear implants, that combine mechanical modification with any kind of feedback response are more accurately cyborg enhancements.

Transcript of cyborg-by almas

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• Cyborg, a compound word derived from cybernetics and organism.

• It is a term coined by Manfred Clynes in 1960 to describe the need for mankind to artificially enhance biological functions.

• A cyborg referred to a human being with bodily functions aided or controlled by technological devices.


• The term “cyborg” was first coined by NASA scientists, Nathan Kline and Manfred Clynes in 1960.

• They discussed the potential advantages of a machine/human hybrid that could operate in outer space.

• Cyborgs are often depicted as “half-man half-machine” beings with robotic or bionic implants.

Types of Cyborg


Convenient Cyborg Conditional Cyborg Convenient cyborgs Conditional Cyborgs

may refer to any includes bionic implants

external provision of replanting the lost or

an exoskeleton for the damaged body for the

satisfying the altered normal living in the

fancy needs of body. present environment.


• At present Cyborgology concentrates on the development of Conditional cyborgs.

• That is living being with a mechanical body part which is replaced for the damaged or lost body part.


Robots• A robot doesn't

necessarily have toresemble a human.

• It can be in the shape of a dog, or one of those giant arms in a carfactory.

CYBORGS• Cyborgs are beings that

are part mechanical and part organic.

•  It can be anyone whose body relies on a form ofmachinery in order to survive - such as a pacemaker or an insulin pump - to be a cyborg.

Films That uses Cyborg

• Star Wars universe• Eliminators• Cyborg• Johnny Mnemonic• Terminator Salvation

16 Genuine Cyborg Technologies

Vision Enhancing Contact Lens

Cochlear Implant

Touch Bionics I-Limb

Proprio Bionic Foot

Tooth and Ear Cellphone Implant

Otto Bock C-Leg Intelligent Prosthetic Leg

MC3 Biolung Artifical Lung

Artificial Heart

Otto Bock- 3D Hip Joint system

Bone Marrow Stem Cell Artificial Skin

McKibben Artificial Pneumatic Muscles

HepaLife Bioreactor Artificial Liver

World First Artificial Stomach

AWAK A Wearable Artificial Kidney

The Boston Retinal Implant Project

Neuro-Controlled Bionic Arm



Advantages of Cyborg

• Prolongs life 

• Enables one to lead a normal life 

• Gives a part of the body back 

• Improves the quality of life 

Disadvantages of Cyborg

• Training is needed for doctors 

• They are all expensive 

• Psychological problems 

• Feeling ‘different’ to everyone else 

• The risk of rejection/infection 

• Pain during operation