Custom modern qtquick_components Qt Japan Summit.

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Custom modern qtquick_components Qt Japan Summit.

Adeneo Embedded Seattle 3150 Richards Road, Suite 210 Bellevue, WA 98005, USA Phone : +1 425 749-4335 Fax : +1 425 818-1911

Headquarters 2 chemin du Ruisseau 69134 Ecully, France Phone : +33 4 26 49 25 39 Fax : +33 4 72 18 08 41

Adeneo Embedded Paris 3 rue Galvani 91300 Massy, France Phone : +33 1 80 75 01 52

Adeneo Embedded Frankfurt Pfingstweide 51 61169 Friedberg Phone : +49 6031 693 707 0

Embedding Success

Custom Modern Qt Quick components

About me

• Speaker • Sébastien Ronsse (US office)

• Solutions Architect


• Adeneo Embedded • Headquarters in Lyon, France

• Application development, mobile expertise (Qt Company partner)

• BSPs and OS porting (Linux, Android, Windows, QNX)

• Embedded software architecture and development


• Expectations

• Qt Quick introduction

• Multitouch and gestures

• Hardware acceleration

• Graphical effects

• Conclusion


• People expect the best out of UIs • Common, natural gestures

• Smooth interactions

• Eye-candy, animations

• Connected applications

• How can Qt help?

Adeneo Embedded Seattle 3150 Richards Road, Suite 210 Bellevue, WA 98005, USA Phone : +1 425 749-4335 Fax : +1 425 818-1911

Headquarters 2 chemin du Ruisseau 69134 Ecully, France Phone : +33 4 26 49 25 39 Fax : +33 4 72 18 08 41

Adeneo Embedded Paris 3 rue Galvani 91300 Massy, France Phone : +33 1 80 75 01 52

Adeneo Embedded Frankfurt Pfingstweide 51 61169 Friedberg Phone : +49 6031 693 707 0

Embedding Success

Qt Quick introduction

Qt Quick introduction

• Qt is cross-platform and offers much more: • Qt Creator is an amazing development environment

• Qt is now targeting mobile platforms (iOS, Android, etc.)

• No-brainer for recommending it to customers

• The Qt Quick module is extremely powerful and easy to grasp

• What is Qt Quick?

Qt Quick introduction

• What is Qt Quick? • Standard library for writing QML applications

• Works alongside Qt QML module

• Provides basic types necessary for creating user interfaces

• Allows components creation from QML or C++

• QML file: collection of QML components • Quick & easy

• Limited to existing components [MyComponent.qml] Rectangle { width: 100 height: 100 color: “blue” MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onPressed: { log.message(“Pressed!”); } } }

Qt Quick introduction

[mycomponent.h] class MyComponent : public QQuickItem { Q_OBJECT public: MyComponent(); mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*); };

Qt Quick introduction

• Custom Item C++ class

• More effort

• More possibilities

• Custom painting

• Custom events handling

• Demo time!

• Decomposing static input • Brick wall

• Light switch

• Using QML basic shapes

• Loading external image

Qt Quick introduction

Adeneo Embedded Seattle 3150 Richards Road, Suite 210 Bellevue, WA 98005, USA Phone : +1 425 749-4335 Fax : +1 425 818-1911

Headquarters 2 chemin du Ruisseau 69134 Ecully, France Phone : +33 4 26 49 25 39 Fax : +33 4 72 18 08 41

Adeneo Embedded Paris 3 rue Galvani 91300 Massy, France Phone : +33 1 80 75 01 52

Adeneo Embedded Frankfurt Pfingstweide 51 61169 Friedberg Phone : +49 6031 693 707 0

Embedding Success

Handling multitouch & gestures

• Gestures part of everyday UIs

• Slide, pinch, rotate

• Now a natural way to interact

• Qt provides different ways to handle multi-touch

• More involving than single touch


• MouseArea • Single touch

• Handles tap, press, release

• Flickable • Single touch

• Scroll content

• PinchArea • Easy handling of drag, scale and



• MultiPointTouchArea

• Manual handling of single touch points and behavior

• Custom QQuickItem class

• setAcceptedMouseButtons

• event / touchEvent handlers

• Demo time!

• Flick light switch

• Update ambient light


Adeneo Embedded Seattle 3150 Richards Road, Suite 210 Bellevue, WA 98005, USA Phone : +1 425 749-4335 Fax : +1 425 818-1911

Headquarters 2 chemin du Ruisseau 69134 Ecully, France Phone : +33 4 26 49 25 39 Fax : +33 4 72 18 08 41

Adeneo Embedded Paris 3 rue Galvani 91300 Massy, France Phone : +33 1 80 75 01 52

Adeneo Embedded Frankfurt Pfingstweide 51 61169 Friedberg Phone : +49 6031 693 707 0

Embedding Success

Hardware acceleration

• Fluidity and responsiveness are critical

• Challenging on embedded devices

• Since Qt 5, full OpenGL acceleration for QtQuick

HW acceleration

HW acceleration

• Qt Quick 1 • QDeclarativeItem • QDeclarativeItem inherited QGraphicsItem

• paint() method with QPainter

• Qt Quick 2 • QQuickItem • QQuickItem inherits QObject

• No paint() method !

HW acceleration

• How to draw QtQuick2 items?

• Option 1 - Stick with QML

• Easier to set up

• Relies on basic shapes

• ShaderEffect

HW acceleration

• How to draw QtQuick2 items?

• Option 2 - QQuickPaintedItem (QQuickItem)

• Implement paint() method (QPainter drawing)

• Convenience class

• Suited for light components

HW acceleration

• How to draw QtQuick2 items?

• Option 3 - Scene graph • Relies on OpenGL / OpenGLES

• Best option for advanced items


HW acceleration

• Scene graph nodes • Each item is internally a node

• Each node contains all its children

• A node can be a visible item, or provide functionality • Opacity, transformation


HW acceleration

• oldNode holds the previous state of the node

• NULL until initialized

• Contains its type and hierarchy

• Set its color and geometry

QSGNode *MyItem::updatePaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, UpdatePaintNodeData *) { QSGSimpleRectNode *n = static_cast<QSGSimpleRectNode *>(oldNode); if (!n) { n = new QSGSimpleRectNode(); n->setColor(Qt::red); } n->setRect(boundingRect()); return n; }

HW acceleration

QSGNode QSGTransformNode QSGOpacityNode QSGClipNode QSGGeometryNode

Text text text

• setMatrix()

• setOpacity()

• setClipRect()

• setMaterial() • setGeometry()

HW acceleration

QSGNode QSGGeometryNode

- Base class of visual elements - Holds geometry and materials

QSGSimpleRectNode - Rectangle, color

QSGSimpleTextureNode - Rectangle, texture

HW acceleration

• Summary • Use QML when possible as it requires less work

• Use QQuickPaintedItem when porting old components

• Fully leveraging OpenGL acceleration require some work • Needs knowledge of OpenGL (vertices, textures, shaders)

HW acceleration

Adeneo Embedded Seattle 3150 Richards Road, Suite 210 Bellevue, WA 98005, USA Phone : +1 425 749-4335 Fax : +1 425 818-1911

Headquarters 2 chemin du Ruisseau 69134 Ecully, France Phone : +33 4 26 49 25 39 Fax : +33 4 72 18 08 41

Adeneo Embedded Paris 3 rue Galvani 91300 Massy, France Phone : +33 1 80 75 01 52

Adeneo Embedded Frankfurt Pfingstweide 51 61169 Friedberg Phone : +49 6031 693 707 0

Embedding Success

Polishing with effects

• Effects can provides final polish, or be part of the full experience

• Animating, to improve user-friendliness

• Blurring UI to strengthen focus

• Aesthetics and behavior

Polishing with effects

• Animations from QML • Behavior

• PropertyAnimation

• State/Transition animations

MyButton { width: 100 height: 100 color: “blue” Behavior on x { NumberAnimation { duration: 500 easing.type: Easing.OutQuad } } }

Polishing with effects

• Qt Graphical Effect • import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0

• GaussianBlur, FastBlur, RecursiveBlur

• Fade part of the UI, focus on important parts

• DropShadow, Glow, RectangularGlow

• Makes components stand out

Click me !

Polishing with effects

Polishing with effects

• Shaders • Not reserved to C++!

• ShaderEffect

• Can reference QML properties

• Freedom to produce advanced effects

• Check out!

• Demo time!

• Implement bump mapping

• Add dynamic point light

Polishing with effects

• QML allows developers to design rich user interfaces

• Components can be developed in QML or C++

• Qt Quick can fully leverage your GPU through OpenGL

• Good luck in your projects!



Thank you!