C:\Users\Dynamite Dilly\Documents\As Media Studies\Evaluation Activity 7

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of C:\Users\Dynamite Dilly\Documents\As Media Studies\Evaluation Activity 7

Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity

editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the

progression from it to full product?

Our preliminary exercise was the first time I got to use equipment that

specified in making a short a long film clip. We were given a tripod and a

camera to produce a short film clip. This was my first experience of using

media accessories. Therefore, everything that was done was at an amateur

standard and there were many faults.

First of all, our camera shots were very basic and were of a poor standard. The

camera shots were very dull and boring, thus making it hard to get the person

viewing the video interacted. An example of this is when we were following

Reece down the corridor, the camera lenses were not held steady.

The timing of scenes could have been improved upon. There were a few scenes

at the start that could have been edited so that timing between scenes were

not so cut up and delayed. This shows un-professionalism and gives the feel

that the production was rushed.

The program that I used to create the video was Adobe Premier. The program

is very technical and professional. As beginner users to the program the

functionality was hard, which limited us to basic effects. A different program to

use may have been Windows movie maker. This program is not very

professional but can string a video together with ease. However, Adobe

Premier would produce a finer quality video.

Another improvement that could have been made to our preliminary video

was when my part was recorded. The shot cuts out half of my face at one

point, this is unprofessional and easy to change. The shot should have been

simply adjusted to the left so the person viewing the video sees the facial

expression and the lips.

The final thing that I thought could have been improved upon in the

preliminary video was the way we built up to the final scene. Our initial

thoughts and ideas were to build an atmosphere with the viewer. To build

tension for the nature of the final scene when the confrontation between me

and Reece. The build up took too long and actually ended up being longer then

the last scene with the most action.

A positive factor for our preliminary video was that the overall theme and

message that we were trying to get over was good. We portrayed the serious

mood of the video and the cold feel of what the task Reece is asked to do in

the video. The videos theme comes across to the viewer really well, without

the viewer knowing a lot about what is happening. A good example of this is

when the chair is knocked over at the end.

Another good thing about the video is that everyone got into character very

well. The seriousness in our faces showed real character and played a big part

in making the scenes look like it was a real situation. The props also furthered

the feel and made the user think about what was happening. A good example

of this is the brief case that was used. It created more of an impact, when the

case was opened then just having a piece of paper. The clothes created a good

impression of what jobs the parts were and the nature of who the people


The final good point that can be taken from the preliminary video was the

wide range of different camera angles that were used. The shots we took at

the start were very plain and not a lot of action happened.