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Transcript of CURRICULUM VITAE J. Craig Jenkins CURRENT POSITIONSCURRICULUM VITAE. J. Craig Jenkins. January 2018...


J. Craig Jenkins

January 2018 CURRENT POSITIONS: Academy Professor of Sociology Senior Research Scientist

Mershon Center for International Security Studies Ohio State University 1501 Neil Ave. Columbus OH 43201 U.S.A. Phone: +01-614 292-1411 Fax: +01-614-292-2407 Email: Senior Advisor & Senior Scientist

Primersol Consulting 15954 Jackson Creek Parkway

Monument Colorado 80132


Personal : LinkdIn : World Handbook of Political Indicators IV Project:

Middle East Research Project : Dissent/Repression Project:

Civil Society & the Environment Project:

BAND-AID Project: Harmonization Project:


B.A. University of Texas - Austin, Plan II (Honors Liberal Arts program), August 1970.

University of Texas - Austin, 18 semester credit hours toward M.A. in Government, August 1971.

M.A. State University of New York - Stony Brook, Sociology, May 1974.

Ph.D. State University of New York - Stony Brook, Sociology, December 1975.


PAST POSITIONS: September 1, 1986-July 31, 2016: Associate to Full Professor of Sociology, Political Science (by courtesy) & Environmental Science, The Ohio State University

September 1, 2011-August 30, 2015: Director, Mershon Center for International Security Studies, The Ohio State University

July 1, 2010-July 30, 2011:

Visiting Professor & Leiv Eriksson Mobility Fellow, Peace Research Institute of Oslo (PRIO), Oslo Norway.

July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2010: Chair, Dept. of Sociology, The Ohio State University.

September 1, 1976 – December 30, 1982: Research Associate, Center for Policy Research, New York

September 1, 1976 – August 30, 1986:

Assistant to Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Missouri – Columbia HONORS: Honors, B.A. (August 1970). Special Honors in Plan II, B.A. (August 1970). Herbert Lehman Award, New York State (Declined: September 1970).

NDEA Title IV Fellowship, Department of Government, University of Texas-Austin, January - August 1971.

Honors, Written Comprehensive Exams, Department of Sociology, State University of New York - Stony Brook, August 1973.

National Security Fellow, Mershon Center for International Security Studies, The Ohio State University, summer 1988.

Elected, Sociological Research Association, 1993.

Elected, Committee on Committees, American Sociological Association, 1994-95 (Chair, 1995) Elected Chair, Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements, American Sociological Association, 1994-95 Elected Chair, Section on Political Sociology, American Sociological Association, 1995-96.


Elected, Section on Committees, American Sociological Association, 1998-2001 (Chair, 1998-2000)

Joan N. Huber Faculty Fellow, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Ohio State University, 2003-06.

John Glenn Scholar, John Glenn Center for Public Service & Public Policy, Ohio State University, 2003-05. Elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2009. Fulbright Scholar Fellow to Norway, Council for the International Exchange of Scholars and Norway-U.S. Fulbright Foundation, July 2010- February 2011. Leiv Eriksson Mobility Fellow, Norway Research Council, March 2011- July 2011.

Elected Chair, Section on Peace, War and Social Conflict, American Sociological Association, 2012-13. Robin M. Williams Jr. Award for Distinguished Contributions to Scholarship, Teaching and Service, Section on Peace, War & Social Conflict Section, American Sociological Association, August 2015.

REFERRED JOURNAL ARTICLES: Jenkins, J. Craig, Jason Carmichael, Robert Brulle and Heather Boughton. 2017. “Foundation Funding of the Environmental Movement.” American Behavioral Scientist 61(13):1640-1657. Leicht, Kevin T. and J. Craig Jenkins. 2017. “State Investments in High-Technology Job Growth.” Social Science Research 65:30-46. Boutcher, Stephen, J. Craig Jenkins, and Nella van Dyke. 2017. “Strain, Ethnic Competition and Power Devaluation: White Supremacist Protest in the U.S., 1948-1997.” Social Movement Studies 16:1-18. Basem Rashwan and J. Craig Jenkins. 2017. “Fatalism and Revolution: Expanding Our Understanding of Fatalism During a Unique Political Opening in Egypt.” Journal of North African Studies 22(4):645-664. DOI: 10.1080/13629387.2017.131671 Hein, James Everett and J. Craig Jenkins. 2017. “Why Does the United State Lack a Global Warming Policy? The Corporate Inner Circle versus Public Interest Sector Elites.” Environmental Politics 26 (1): 97-177. DOI:10.1080/09644016.2016.1244966 Slomczynski, Kazimirez M., Irina Tomescu-Dubrow, and J. Craig Jenkins. 2016. Democratic Values and Protest Behavior: Harmonization of Data from International Survey Projects. Warsaw, Poland: IFIS Polish Academy of Sciences Publishers. Braun, Boris, J. Craig Jenkins, Joyce J. Chen and Kathryn Dotzel. 2016. “Klimawandel und Migration im Küstenraum von Bangladesch (Climate Change and Migration in the Coastal Area of Bangladesh).” Geographische Rundschau 68 (7-8):10-15.


Jenkins, J. Craig, Kazimierz M. Slomczynski and Joshua Kjerulf Dubrow. 2016. “Guest Editor’s Introduction: Political Behavior and Big Data.” International Journal of Sociology 46:1-7. DOI: 10.1080/00207659.2016.1130409 Jenkins, J. Craig and Thomas Maher. 2016. “What Should We Do About Source Selection in Event Data? Challenges, Progress and Possible Solutions.” International Journal of Sociology 46:42-57. DOI: 10.1080/00207659.2016.1130419 Costello, Matthew, J. Craig Jenkins and Hassan Aly. 2015. “Bread, Justice or Opportunity? The Determinants of the Arab Awakening Protests.” World Development 67:90-100. ( Jenkins, J. Craig, Thomas Maher and Chuck Fahrer. 2014. “Seedbeds of Insurgency: Structure and Dynamics in the Egyptian Islamist Insurgency, 1986-99.” Journal of Peace Research 51(2):1-17) DOI: 10.1177/0022343314523027 Carmichael, Jason, J. Craig Jenkins and Robert Brulle. 2012. “Building Environmentalism: The Founding of Environmental Movement Organizations in the U.S., 1900-2000.” Sociological Quarterly 53:422-453. Brulle, Robert J., Jason Carmichael and J. Craig Jenkins. 2012. “Shifting Public Opinion on Climate Change: An Empirical Assessment of Factors Influencing Concern over Climate Change in the U.S., 2002-2010.” Climatic Change 111. (DOI: 10.1007/s190584-012-0403-y). Jenkins, J. Craig, Katherine Meyer, Matthew Costello and Hassan Aly. 2011. “International Rentierism in the Middle East and North Africa, 1971-2008.” International Area Studies Review 14: 3-311. Jenkins, J. Craig. 2011. “Democratic Politics and the Long March on Global Warming.” Sociological Quarterly 52(2):211-219. Scanlan, Stephen J., J. Craig Jenkins and Lindsey Peterson. 2010. “The Scarcity Fallacy: Inequality and World Hunger.” Contexts 9 (1): 34-39. Jenkins, J. Craig and Kevin T. Leicht. 2008. “Creating High Technology Growth: High-Tech Employment Growth in Metropolitan Areas, 1988-98.” Social Science Quarterly 89:456-481. Brulle, Robert J. and J. Craig Jenkins. 2008. “Fixing the Bungled U.S. Environmental Movement” Contexts 7:2:14-18. Jenkins, J. Craig, Michael Wallace, and Andrew S. Fullerton. 2008. “A Social Movement Society? A Cross-National Analysis of Protest Potential.” International Journal of Sociology 38: 12-35. Jenkins, J. Craig and Kazimierz M. Slomczynski. 2008. “Guest Editors Contribution: The Across Nations Project and Cross-National Studies.” International Journal of Sociology 38: 1-11. Jenkins, J. Craig, Stephen J. Scanlan and Lindsey Peterson. 2007. “Military Famine, Human Rights and Child Hunger.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 51:823-847.


Brulle, Robert J., Liesel Turner, J. Craig Jenkins and Jason Carmichael. 2007. “Measuring Social Movement Organization Populations.” Mobilization 12(3):255-270. Jenkins, J. Craig, Kevin T. Leicht and Heather Wendt. 2006. "Class Forces, Political Institutions and State Intervention: Subnational Economic Development Policy in the U.S., 1971-1990.” American Journal of Sociology 111 (4): 1122-80. Robison, Kris, Edward M. Crenshaw and J. Craig Jenkins. 2006. “Ideologies of Violence: The Social Origins of Islamist and Leftist Transnational Terrorism.” Social Forces 84 (4):2009-26. (Reprinted in Transnational Terrorism, ed. Joshua D. Frelich and Steven M. Chermaks. London, U.K.: Ashgate. Jenkins, J. Craig, Kevin Leicht and Arthur Jaynes. 2006. “Do High Tech Policies Work? High Technology Employment in U.S. Metropolitan Areas, 1988-1998.” Social Forces 85 (1): 267-296. Brulle, Robert J. and J. Craig Jenkins. 2006. “Spinning Our Way to Sustainability.” Organization and Environment 19: 82-87. Jenkins, J. Craig and Kurt Schock. 2004. “Political Process, International Dependence and Mass Political Conflict: A Global Analysis of Protest and Rebellion, 1973-1978.” International Journal of Sociology 33:41-63. Jenkins, J. Craig and Kazimierz Slomczynski. 2004. “Guest Editor’s Introduction: Across Nations (Part II)--Global Inequalities.” International Journal of Sociology 33: 3-11. Moskowitz, Adam and J. Craig Jenkins. 2004. "The Structure of Political Opinions: Attitude Consistency and Democratic Competence in the U.S. Mass Public.” Sociological Quarterly 45(3): 395-419. Bond, Doug, Joe Bond, Churl Oh, J. Craig Jenkins and Charles Lewis Taylor. 2003. “Integrated Data for Events Analysis (IDEA): An Event Typology for Automated Event Data Development.” Journal of Peace Research 40:733-745. Jenkins, J. Craig, David Jacobs and Jon Agnone. 2003. “Political Opportunities and African-American Protest, 1948-1997." American Journal of Sociology 109:277-303. (Reprinted in David Snow & Doug McAdam, eds. Social Movements: Readings on Their Emergence, Mobilization, Dynamics and Impact, New York: Oxford University Press, 2009). Schmeidl, Susanne and J. Craig Jenkins. 2003. “Measuring International Forced Migration, 1969-1999: The Global Forced Migration Project.” International Journal of Sociology 33: 70-87. Slomczynski, Kazimierz and J. Craig Jenkins. 2003. “Guest Editor’s Introduction: The Across Nations Project and Comparative Studies in Sociology.” International Journal of Sociology 33:3-9. Erhardt-Martinez, Karen, Edward Crenshaw and J. Craig Jenkins. 2002. “Deforestation and the Environmental Kuznet’s Curve: Cross-National Evaluation of Intervening Mechanisms.” Social Science Quarterly 83:1-17.


Jenkins, J. Craig and Stephen J. Scanlan. 2001. “Food Security in Less Developed Countries, 1970-1990.” American Sociological Review 66:718-744. (Reprinted in Ronald Labonté, Katia Mohindra, Ted Schrecker & Kirsten Stoebenau eds. Global Health. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage). Jenkins, J. Craig and Doug Bond. 2001. “Conflict Carrying Capacity, Political Crisis, and Reconstruction: A Framework for the Early Warning of Political System Vulnerability.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 45:3-31. Scanlan, Stephen J. and J. Craig Jenkins. 2001. "Military Power and Food Security: A Cross-National Analysis of Less Developed Countries, 1970-1990." International Studies Quarterly 45: 159-187. Jenkins, J. Craig and Craig M. Eckert. 2000. “The Right Turn in Economic Policy: Business Elites and the New Conservative Economics.” Sociological Forum 15: 307-338. Ekechuku, Godwin and J. Craig Jenkins. 2000. “Unemployment and Job Entitlement Rights.” Journal of Political and Military Sociology 28:75-92. Schmeidl, Susanne and J. Craig Jenkins. 1998. “The Early Warning of Humanitarian Disasters: Problems in Constructing an Indicator System.” International Migration Review 32:471-486. Leicht, Kevin T. and J. Craig Jenkins. 1998. "Political Resources and Direct State Intervention: The Formation of Public Venture Capital Programs in the American States, 1972-1990." Social Forces 76:1323-45. Bond, Doug, J. Craig Jenkins, Charles Taylor and Kurt Schock. 1997. “Mapping Mass Political Conflict and Civil Society: The Prospects of Automated Development of Conflict Event Data.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 41:553-579. Jenkins, J. Craig and Michael Wallace. 1996. "The Generalized Action Potential of Social Movements." Sociological Forum 11:183-207. Jenkins, J. Craig and Kevin T. Leicht. 1996. "Mesocorporatism and Direct Economic Intervention: Public Venture Capital Programs in the American States." Social Problems 43:306-326. Schmeidl, Susanne and J. Craig Jenkins. 1996. “Issues in Quantitative Modeling in the Early Warning of Refugee Migration.” Refuge 15 (4):4-8. Crenshaw, Edward and J. Craig Jenkins. 1996. “Social Structure and Global Climate Change.” Sociological Focus 29:341-358. Jenkins, J. Craig and Michael Wallace. 1995. "The New Class and the Structure of Contemporary Political Dissidence." Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change 18: 221-253. Leicht, Kevin T. and Jenkins, J. Craig. 1994. "Three Strategies of State Economic Development: Entrepreneurial, Industrial Recruitment and Deregulation Policies in the American States." Economic Development Quarterly 8: 256-270. Jenkins, J. Craig and Susanne Schmeidl 1994. "Flight From Violence: The Origins and Prospects of the Third World Refugee Crisis" Sociological Focus 28:63-82.


Jenkins, J. Craig and Augustine Kposowa. 1992 "The Political Origins of African Military Coups: Ethnic Competition, Military Centrality and the Struggle Over the Postcolonial State." International Studies Quarterly 36: 271-292. Jenkins, J. Craig and Kurt Schock. 1992. "Global Structures and Political Processes in the Study of Domestic Political Conflict." Annual Review of Sociology 18:161-85. Kposowa, Augustine and J. Craig Jenkins. 1992. "The Structural Sources of Military Coups: A LISREL Analysis of Military Intervention in Postcolonial Africa, 1957-1984." American Journal of Sociology 99: 126-163. Jenkins, J. Craig and Barbara Brents. 1991. "Capitalists and Social Security: What Did They Really Want? A Reply to Amenta & Parikh." American Sociological Review 56: 129-132. Jenkins, J. Craig. and Augustine Kposowa 1990. "Explaining Military Coups: Black Africa 1956-1984." American Sociological Review 55: 861-875. Jenkins, J. Craig and Barbara Brents. 1989 "Social Protest, Hegemonic Competition and Social Reform: The Political Origins of the American Welfare State." American Sociological Review 54: 891-909. Jenkins, J. Craig and Craig M. Eckert. 1989. "The Corporate Elite, the New Conservative Network, and Reaganomics." Critical Sociology 16: 121-144. Jenkins, J. Craig. 1987. "Interpreting the Stormy Sixties: Three Theories in Search of a Political Age." Research in Political Sociology III: 269-303. Jenkins, J. Craig and Craig M. Eckert. 1986. "Channeling Black Insurgency: Elite Patronage and the Development of the Civil Rights Movement" American Sociological Review 51: 812-830. Jenkins, J. Craig and Teri Shumate. 1985. "Cowboy Capitalists and the Rise of the 'New Right'" Social Problems 33: 130-45. Jenkins, J. Craig. 1983. "Resource Mobilization Theory and the Study of Social Movements." Annual Review of Sociology 9:527-553. (Republished in Theda Skocpol and John Campbell American Society and Politics. NY: McGraw-Hill, 1994 and reprinted in Spanish : 1994. “La teoria de la movilizacion de recursos y el studio de los movimientos socials” Zona Abierta 69 :5-49). Jenkins, J. Craig. 1982. "Why Do Peasants Rebel: Structural and Historical Theories of Peasant Rebellion." American Journal of Sociology 88: 487-514. Jenkins, J. Craig. 1981. "On the Neo-Functionalist Theory of Inequality: A Comment on Cullen and Novick." American Journal of Sociology 87: 177-180. Jenkins, J. Craig. 1978. "The Demand for Immigrant Labor: Labor Scarcity or Social Control?" International Migration Review 12: 514-536, 1978. Jenkins, J. Craig and Charles Perrow. 1977. "Insurgency of the Powerless: Farm Workers Insurgency, 1946-1972." American Sociological Review 42: 249-26. (Republished in Ben Aguire and Russell Curtis


(eds) Collective Behavior and Social Movements Wadsworth, 1992; Doug McAdam and David Snow (eds) Social Movements. Roxbury Press. 1997; and Jeff Goodwin and Kelvin Matthews (ed.) The Social Movement Reader. Blackwells. 2009.) Jenkins, J. Craig. 1977. "Push vs. Pull In Recent Illegal Mexican Migration." International Migration Review 11:178-190. Jenkins, J. Craig. 1977. "The Radical Transformation of Organizational Goals: Professionalized Reform in the National Council of Churches." Administrative Science Quarterly 22: 568-586. BOOK CHAPTERS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS: Jenkins, J. Craig. 2010. “Contentious Politics.” In Nigel Young (ed.) The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace. N.Y.: Oxford University Press. Jenkins, J. Craig. 2010. “Civil Disobedience: Cesar Chavez..” In Nigel Young (ed.) The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace. N.Y.: Oxford University Press. Jenkins, J. Craig. 2010. “Ethnic Conflict.” In Nigel Young (ed.) The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace. N.Y.: Oxford University Press. Brulle, Robert and J. Craig Jenkins. 2010. “Civil Society and the Environment: Understanding the Dynamics and Impacts of the U.S. Environmental Movement.” Pp. 73-102 in Tom P. Lyon (ed.) Good Cop/Bad Cop: Environmental NGOs and Their Strategies Towards Business. Resources for the Future Press: Washington, D.C. Leicht, Kevin T. and J. Craig Jenkins. 2010. “Introduction: The Study of Politics Enters the Twenty-First Century.” Pp. 1-12 in The Handbook of Politics, ed. Kevin T. Leicht and J. Craig Jenkins. New York: Springer. Jenkins, J. Craig and Thomas Maher. 2009. “The Gordian Knot: The Israel/Palestine Peace Dilemma.” Dissent. Jenkins, J. Craig. 2008. “Cesar Chavez.” Encyclopedia of Race and Racism. Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson Gale. Jenkins, J. Craig. 2008. “Protest.” International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. N.Y.: Macmillan. Leicht, Kevin T. and J. Craig Jenkins. 2007. “New and Unexplored Opportunities: Developing a Spatial Perspective for Political Sociology.” Pp. 63-84 in Linda Lobao, Ann Tickamyer and Gregory Hooks (eds.) Spaces, Places and Inequality. Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press. Jenkins, J. Craig. 2006. “Nonprofit Organizations and Policy Advocacy.” Pp. 307-332 in Walter Powell and Richard Steinberg, eds. The Nonprofit Handbook. New Haven, Ct.: Yale University Press. Jenkins, J. Craig and William Form. 2005. “Social Movements and Social Change.” Pp. 1446-1528 in The Handbook of Political Sociology, ed. by Thomas Janoski, Robert Alford, Alexander Hicks and Mildred Schwartz. NY: Cambridge University Press.


Brulle, Robert and Jenkins, J. Craig. 2005. “Foundations and the Environmental Movement: Priorities, Strategies and Impact.” In Daniel Farber and Debra McCarthy (eds.) Foundations for Social Change: Critical Perspectives on Philanthropy and Popular Movements. Cambridge, Ma.: MIT University Press. Jenkins, J. Craig. 2001. “The Promise and Practice of Humanitarian Early Warning" Liaison II (2): 52-53. Jenkins, J. Craig. 2001. “Social Movement Philanthropy and the Growth of Nonprofit Political Advocacy: Scope, Legitimacy and Impact.” Nonprofit Advocacy and the Policy Process: II. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute. Jenkins, J. Craig. 2001. “The Resource Mobilization Theory of Social Movements.” The International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, ed. Neil Smelser and Paul Baltes. Oxford, U.K.: Pergammon-Elsevier. Jenkins, J. Craig. 2000. "Political Sociology." Encyclopedia of Sociology: 2nd Edition. 3:2162-68. Ed. by Ed Borgatta and Rhonda J. V. Montgomery. New York, N.Y.: Macmillan. Jenkins, J. Craig. 1999. “The Transformation of a Constituency into a Movement Revisited: Farm Worker Organizing in California.” Pp 277-302 in Jo Freeman and Victoria Johnson (eds.) Waves of Protest. Lanham, MA.: Roman and Littlefield. Jenkins, J. Craig and Abigail Halcli. 1999. "Grassrooting the System? Recent Trends in Social Movement Philanthropy, 1953-1990.” Pp. 277-299 in Ellen Condliffe-Lageman (ed.) Studying Philanthropic Foundations: New Scholarship, New Possibilities. Bloomington, IN: University of Indiana Press. Schmeidl, Susanne and J. Craig Jenkins. 1998. “Early Warning Indicators of Forced Migration.” Pp. 56-69 in John Davies and Ted R. Gurr (eds.) Preventive Measures: Building Risk Assessment and Crisis Early Warning Systems New York, N.Y.: Rowan & Littlefield. Contributor to Robin Cantor and Gary Yohe. 1998. “Economic Analysis.” Pp. 1-104 in Steven Rayner and Elizabeth L. Malone (eds.) Human Choice and Climate Change. Columbus, OH: Battelle Press. Jenkins, J. Craig. 1998. "Channeling Social Protest: Foundation Patronage of Contemporary Social Movements." Pp. 206-216 in Walter Powell and Elisabeth Clemens (eds.) Private Action and the Public Good. New Haven, Ct.: Yale University Press. Jenkins, J. Craig and Kevin T. Leicht. 1997. "Class Analysis and Social Movement Theory: A Critique and Reformulation." Pp. 386-417 in John R. Hall Reworking Class: Cultures and Institutions of Economic Stratification and Agency. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. Jenkins, J. Craig and Bert Klandermans. 1995. "States and Social Movements: An Introduction." Pp. 3-13 in J. Craig Jenkins and Bert Klandermans (eds.) The Politics of Social Movements. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. Jenkins, J. Craig. 1995. "Social Movements, Political Representation and the State: An Agenda and Comparative Framework." Pp. 14-35 in J. Craig Jenkins and Bert Klandermans (eds.) The Politics of Social Movements. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.


Wallace, Michael and J. Craig Jenkins. 1995. "The New Class, Post-Industrialism and Neocorporatism: Three Images of Social Protest in the Western Democracies." Pp. 96-137 in J. Craig Jenkins and Bert Klandermans The Politics of Social Movements. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. Bronislaw Misztal and J. Craig Jenkins. 1995. "Starting From Scratch is not Always the Same: The Politics of Protest and the Post-Communist Transitions in Poland and Hungary." Pp. 324-364 in J. Craig Jenkins and Bert Klandermans (eds.) The Politics of Social Movements. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. Jenkins, J. Craig. 1995. "The Unpolitics of the American Welfare State: A Comment on Beth Mintz' Analysis of the Unpolitics of Health Care Unreform." States and Societies Newsletter Winter: 1-3. Schmeidl, Susanne and Jenkins, J. Craig. 1994. "The World Refugee Crisis: Complex Causes and the Need for Early Warning." PIOOM Newsletter 6:35-36. Jenkins, J. Craig. 1989. "Foundation Funding of Progressive Social Movements." Pp. 1-13 in J. Shellow (ed), The Grant Seekers Guide, 3rd edition. Mt. Kisco, N.Y.: Moyer-Bell. Jenkins, J. Craig. 1989. "Social Movement Philanthropy and American Democracy." Pp. 292-314 in Richard Magat (ed.), Philanthropic Giving: Studies in Varieties and Goals (Vol. 3). New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press. Jenkins, J. Craig. 1988. "States and Social Movements: Recent Theory and Research." States and Social Structures Newsletter 8: 4-8. Jenkins, J. Craig. 1987. "Non-Profit Organizations and Policy Advocacy." Pp. 296-318 in Walter Powell (ed.) Non-Profit Organizations: A Handbook. New Haven, Ct.: Yale University Press. Jenkins, J. Craig. 1985. "Foundation Funding of Social Movements." Pp. 7-17 in J. Shellow (ed.), The Grant Seeker's Guide, (2nd ed.). Washington, D.C.: National Network of Grantmakers. Jenkins, J. Craig. 1983. "The Transformation of a Constituency into a Movement: Farmworker Organizing in California." Pp. 52-70 in Jo Freeman (ed.), The Social Movements of the 1960s and 70s. NY: Longman. Jenkins, J. Craig. 1981. "Sociopolitical Movements." Handbook of Political Behavior 5: 82-152. NY: Plenum Press. BOOKS: Leicht, Kevin T. and J. Craig Jenkins (eds.). 2010. The Handbook of Politics. New York, N.Y.: Springer. Jenkins, J. Craig and Esther Gottlieb (eds.). 2007. Identity Conflicts: Can Violence Be Regulated? New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Press. Jenkins, J. Craig and Bert Klandermans (eds.). 1995. The Politics of Social Protest: Comparative Perspectives on States and Social Movements. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.


Jenkins, J. Craig. 1985. The Politics of Insurgency: The Farm Worker Movement of the 1960s. New York, NY: Columbia University Press. BOOK REVIEWS AND OTHER EDITOR-REFERRED PUBLICATIONS: Barry Hindess and Paul Hirst, Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production, (Routledge, Kegan-Paul, 1975) for Contemporary Sociology Winter 1977. J. Earle, D. Knudsen, and D. Shriver, Spindles and Spires (John Knox Press, 1976). Feature review for Journal of the Scientific Study of Religion, Fall 1977. Francis Piven and Richard Cloward, Poor People's Movements (Pantheon, 1977). "What is To Be Done: Movement or Organization?". Feature review for Contemporary Sociology, Winter 1979. Charles Tilly, From Mobilization to Revolution (Addison-Wesley, 1978), for Contemporary Sociology, Spring 1980. Michael Schwartz, Radical Protest and Social Structure (Academic Press, 1976) and Lawrence Goodwin, The Democratic Promise (Oxford University Press, 1976). "The Promise of Populism: Mass Mobilization, Democracy, and Corporate Capitalism," Theory and Society, 1981. Louise Tilly and Charles Tilly (Eds.), Class Conflict and Collective Action (Sage, 1981), for Contemporary Sociology, Spring 1980. Joseph Helfgot, Professional Reforming (Lexington, 1981) for Contemporary Sociology, Summer 1982. John Gaventa, Power and Powerlessness (University of Illinois, 1980) for Contemporary Sociology, Fall 1983. Stan Taylor, Social Science and Revolutions (St. Martins), for Contemporary Sociology, Winter 1986. Aldon Morris, The Origins of the Civil Rights Movement (Free Press). "Stirring the Grassroots?" Feature review for Contemporary Sociology, Spring 1986. David Thelan, Paths of Resistance (Oxford University Press, 1986), for American Journal of Sociology, Spring 1988. Scott McNall, Roots of Rebellion (University of Chicago Press, 1988), for Contemporary Sociology. Althea K. Nagai, Robert Lerner and Stanley Rothman Giving For Social Change: Foundations, Public Policy and the American Political Agenda (Praeger, 1994) for Contemporary Sociology Spring 1996. Doug McAdam, John McCarthy and Mayer Zald (eds.) Comparative Social Movements (Cambridge University Press) for American Journal of Sociology. Elizabeth Clemens The Peoples Lobby: Organizational Innovation and the Rise of Interest Group Politics in the United States, 1890-1925 (University of Chicago Press) for Contemporary Sociology. Maryjane Osa. Solidarity and Contention: Networks of Polish Opposition. (University of Minnesota


Press) for Mobilization GRANTS AND AWARDS: 1. "Farm Worker Movements in the U.S." Dissertation Grant-in-Aid, SUNY Research Foundation, December 1974 - December 1976, $500. 2. "Farm Workers and the Powers." Dissertation Improvement Grant, National Science Foundation, March 1975 - December 1976, $2,100. 3. "Private Foundations and Recent Social Movements." Summer Fellowship, University of Missouri - Columbia Graduate School. June - July 1979 (declined in lieu of NEH stipend). 4. "Private Foundations and Recent Social Movements." Summer Research Fellowship, National Endowment for the Humanities. June - July 1979, $2,500. 5. "Private Foundations and Support of the Civil Rights Movement." Program on Non-Profit Organizations, Institution for Social and Policy Studies, Yale University. June - August 1979, $3,000. 6. "Support Organizations and Recent Social Movements." National Endowment for the Humanities, General Research Division. January 1980 - December 1981. Principal Investigator, $49,500. 7. "Social Change Grants of Private Foundations." Program on Non-Profit Organizations, Institution for Social and Policy Studies, Yale University. September 1980 - May 1981. Principal Investigator, $5,000. 8. "The Public Interest Movement." Summer Fellowship, University of Missouri - Columbia Graduate School. July - August 1982, $2,500. 9. "Recent Social Movements, Private Philanthropy, and Democratic Institutions." Russell Sage Foundation. January 1983 - August 1984. Principal Investigator, $21,000. 10. "The Political Incorporation of the Civil Rights Movement." Program on Non-Profit Organizations, Institution for Social and Policy Research, Yale University. September 1983 - May 1984, $3,500. 11. "The Politics of Turmoil." Summer Fellowship, University of Missouri - Columbia Graduate School. July - August 1984, $3,500. 12. "Policy Formation and the Economic Recovery Act of 1982." Dissertation Improvement Grant, National Science Foundation. August 1984 - December 1985. Principal Investigator (co PI: Craig M. Eckert), $2,500. 13. "The Sources of Military Coups is Black Africa." National Security Fellow, Mershon Center for International Security. July - August 1988, $1500. 14. "Revitalizing Introductory Sociology and Teaching Training for GTAs." OSU Center for Teaching Excellence, Instructional Enhancement Grant, $5,660.


15. "Refugees From Political Instability: The Globalization of Social Conflicts and the Growth of the World Refugee Problem 1955-1990." Law and Social Sciences Program, National Science Foundation, September 1991 - August 1994. Principal Investigator. $59,907. 16. "Data Development in the Study of Social Change." Office of Research, Ohio State University $10,500. 17. "The Globalization of Environmental Degradation." Co-Principal Investigator with Edward M. Crenshaw. Sociology Program, National Science Foundation, July 1993-June 1996. $153,000. 18. "Flight From Violence: The Origins of the World Refugee Crisis" Mershon Center for International Security. July 1995-June 1996. $4,000. 19. "Humanitarian Early Warning." Mershon Center for International Security. July 1996-June 1997. $12,500. 20. "Mass Political Conflict: Origins and Impact on Political Change" SES-9710958. National Science Foundation, Social and Economic Science Division. Sept 1 1997-August 30, 2000. $197,000. 21. "Foundation Funding of Movement Advocacy in the U.S." National Network of Grantmakers. July-August 1997. $3,000. 22. “Ethnic Conflict and Military Coups in Sub-Saharan Africa.” Mershon Center for International Security, Ohio State University. Sept 1998-August 1999. $5,100. 23. “International Media and the Early Warning of Humanitarian Disaster.” Ameritech Foundation, Graduate School, Ohio State University. Sept 1998-August 1999. Principal Investigator. $23,500. 24. “Interdisciplinary Seminar on Globalization and Local/Regional Development.” Graduate School, Ohio State University." 1998-2000. $5,000. 25. "Automated Development of International Relations Data: An Interdisciplinary Seminar." Mershon Center for International Security, Ohio State University. 1999-2000. $3,800. 26. "Urban Fortunes: The Impact of City and State Economic Development Policies, 1977-1997." Urban Affairs Committee, Ohio State University. Sept. 2000-August 2001. $20,000. 27. "Hostile Attribution Bias and the Self.” Dissertation Improvement Award. National Science Foundation, Social and Economic Sciences. $7,200. Sept. 2000-August 2002. Principal Investigator with Zeynep Kuzucu. Matching award of $20,000 from Mershon Center for International Security, Ohio State University. 28. “International Telecommunications and the Security of Humanitarian Aid Workers.” Ameritech Foundation, Graduate School, Ohio State University. July 1, 2001-June 30, 2002. $22,401. 29. “The World Handbook of Political Indicators IV.” Mershon Center for International Security, Ohio State University. July 1, 2001-August 30, 2002. $42,334.


30. “SGER: Conflict in Central and South Asia: Improving and Analyzing Data from Event Reporting.” SES-0140345. Sociology Program, National Science Foundation. October 1-December 31, 2002. $59,970. 31. “Foundation Funding for Environmental Advocacy.” Aspen Institute, Nonprofit Sector Research Fund. Sept 1, 2003-March 31, 2005. OSU costs: $96,006. Co-PI with Robert Brulle, Drexel University. 32. “Conflict Carrying Capacity and the Early Warning of Civil Violence.” Mershon Center for International Security, Ohio State University. July 1, 2003-June 30, 2004. $48,276. 33. “Doctoral Dissertation Research: Collective Rape in International Perspective.” Co-PI with Jennifer Green. Sociology Program, National Science Foundation. July 1, 2004-August 31, 2005. SES-0425851. $6,800. 34. “Violent Conflict, Environmental Degradation and Food Security.” Co-PI with Fred Hitzhusen and Stephen Scanlan. Mershon Center for International Security. July 1, 2004-June 30, 2005. $23,000. 35. “The Employment Impact of State High Technology Programs.” Co-PI with Randy Hodson. John Glenn Institute, Ohio State University. September 2004-August 2005. $25,000. 36. “Civil Society and the Environment.” Co-PI with Robert Brulle, Drexel University. Sociology Program, National Science Foundation. 4/1/05-9/30/08. SES-0422415. $287,408 total ($159,702 OSU share). (Project website: Society.htm) 37. “REU Supplement to Civil Society and the Environment.” Sociology Program, National Science Foundation. 4/1/05-9/30-08. Co-PI with Robert Brulle, Drexel University. $7,500 (OSU share). 38. “AOC: Collaborative Research on the Dissent/Repression Nexus in the Middle East.” Human and Social Dynamics, National Science Foundation. Co-PI with Katherine Meyer (Ohio State), Deborah Gerner (U. of Kansas), Phillip Schrodt (U. of Kansas), Mary Ann Tetreault (Trinity U.), Christian Davenport (U. of Maryland), and Jillian Schwedler (U. of Maryland). SES-0527631. $575,998 total ($188,657 Ohio State share) + $18,000 REU funding. 9/01/06-3/03/10. Project website: 39. “Doctoral Dissertation Research: Humanitarian Security in Assistance Contexts.” Co-PI with Marianne Abbott. Sociology Program, National Science Foundation. $2,100. SES-0527175. 8/15/05–8/14/06. 40. “The Etiology of Transnational Terrorism.” Co-PI with Edward Crenshaw. Mershon Center for International Security, Ohio State University. $29,090. 7/1/04-8/30/05. 41. “The Repression/Dissent Nexus in the Middle East.” Co-PI with Katherine Meyer and Craig Jenkins. Mershon Center for International Security, Ohio State University. $5,100. 7/1/05-6/31/06. 42. “Ideology and International Terrorism: Types of Terrorism and Their Structural Determinants.” Co-PI with Edward Crenshaw. Sociology Program, National Science Foundation. SES-0617980. $114,092. 9/1/06-7/31/09. 43. “Rentier States and International Terrorism in Ecological Focus” Co-PI with Edward Crenshaw. Mershon Center for International Security, Ohio State University, $23,500. 7/1/06-6/30/07.


44. “The World Handbook IV Project.” Co-PI with Charles Taylor and Marianne Abbott. Mershon Center for International Security, Ohio State University. $9,496. 7/1/06-6/30/07. (Project website: 44. “Conference on Dissent and Repression in the Middle East: REU Funding.” Co-PI with Katherine Meyer. Mershon Center for International Security, Ohio State University. $6,000. 7/1/06-6/30/07. 45. “Islamist Insurgency in Egypt, 1986-1999.” Co-PI with Chuck Fahrer. Mershon Center for International Security, Ohio State Univeristy. $16,820. 7/1/08-6/30/09. 46. “Collaborative Research: Protecting the Environment: Does the Environmental Movement Matter?” Co-PI with Robert Brulle, Drexel University. Sociology Program, National Science Foundation. SES-0819412. $218,000 (OSU share $150,000.) + $6,000 REU support. 10/01/2008-12/31/2012. Project website: 47. “NCSSA/SA: Deciphering Civil Conflict in the Middle East.” Lead-PI with Hassan Aly, Katherine Meyer and Ola Ahlqvist. National Science Foundation. BCS-0904731. $499,979. 10/1/09-8/31/2013. Project website: 48. “Collaborative Research: Political Violence As Communication.” Co-PI with Edward Crenshaw and Kris Robison. SES-0854121. Sociology Program, National Science Foundation. $123,398. 5/01/09-4/30/13. 49. “The World Handbook of Political Indicators IV.” Co-PI with Charles Lewis Taylor and Marianne Abbott. Mershon Center for International Security. $22,840. July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011. 50. “Rentierism and Conflict in the Middle East.” Lead-PI with Hassan Aly, Katherine Meyer and Ola Ahlqvist. Mershon Center for International Security. $26,685. July 1, 2009-June 30, 2011. 51. “Bridging Micro and Macro in the Study of Political Mobilization.” Co-PI with Andrew Martin. SES-1324367. National Science Foundation. 9/1/2013-8/31/2017. $237,602. 52. “Belmont Forum—G8 Collaborative Research: Bangladesh Delta: Assessment of Sea-Level Rise Hazards and Integrated Predictive Development Towards Mitigation and Adaptation (BAND-AID).” Co-PI with C.K. Shum, and Joyce Chen. National Science Foundation. ICER-13423644. 9/1/2013-8/31/2017. Total budget from U.S., French & German science foundations: $8.2M; total from NSF to OSU: $1.8M. Jenkins Project Award: $210,079. 53. “Doctoral Dissertation Research Social Media and the Transnational Mobilization of Social Movements.” Dissertation Improvement grant for Steven Matthew Stearmer. PI with Matthew Stearmer. National Science Foundation, Sociology Program. 11/01/2014 – 10/30/2016. $11,478. 54. “Yantze Delta Coastal Vulnerability: Towards an Integrated Social and Natural Science Framework for Urban Sustainability (Yang-SOS).” CO-PI with C.K. Shum Lead PI. Global Gateway Award, Office of International Affairs, Ohio State University. 11/1/2014-12/31/2015. $25,000.


55. “Climate Change Challenges and Community Adaptation in Coastal Bangladesh.” KPMG: Global Resilience Partnership (Rockefeller Foundation-USAID-SEDA). $199,545. Lead PI (C.K. Shum, co-PI). 3/11/2015-7/3-/2015. 56. “Disaster Refugees and Flood Early Warning in Bangladesh.” PI with C.K. Shum and Joyce Chen. $20,000. July 1, 2016-present. 57. “Methods of Studying Protest and Political Change: A Conference and Special Journal Issue.” Co-PI with Kazimierz Slomczynski and Irina Tomescu-Dubrow. $25,000. July 1, 2016-present. 58. “Managing Disaster Risk: Launching Micro Insurance in Bangladesh.” Co-PI with C.K. Shum, Joyce Chen. $25,000. July 1, 2017-present. 59. “PSC-RIDIR: Survey Data Recycling: New Analytic Framework, Integrated Database and Tools for Cross-National Social, Behavioral and Economic Research.” Lead PI with Irina Tomescu-Dubrow and Kazimierz Slomczynski, CO-PIs. National Science Foundation Office of Multidisciplinary Activities SBE -1738502. 09/01/2017-08/31/2021. $1,402,259. ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE: Teaching Interests

Political Sociology Social Movements Social Conflict and Violence Comparative Political Economy Early and Contemporary Theory American Society Historical and Comparative Sociology

Contemporary World Societies Social Change and Development

Departmental and University Service at Ohio State University (1986-present): Departmental:

Departmental Chair, July 12, 2006- June 30, 2010. Acting Department Chair, August 15, 2013-December 15, 2013. Graduate Committee, 1986-88, 2012-15.

Chair, Gradate Admissions Committee, 1998-2003. Recruitment Committee, 1988-89, 1991-92, 1992-93, 1995-96, 1997-98, 1998-99, 2002-03, 2003-05, 2005-06. Salary & Workload Committee, 1987-88, 1989-90, 1990-91, 1992-93, 2005-06, 2011-12. Director of Undergraduate Studies and Instruction, 1989-93.

Affirmative Action Committee, 1995-96, 1998-99. Research and Awards (Chair) 1997-98, 2011-15. College and Campus:


Director, Mershon Center for International Security Studies, Sept 1, 2011- August 30, 2015.

Anthropology Self-Study Committee, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences 1988-89. Curriculum Committee, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1989-1993.

Review Committee, Office of International Studies, Office of the Provost. 1998-99. Promotion & Tenure Committee, College of Social & Behavioral Sciences. 2001-2006. Promotion & Tenure Committee, OSU Campus Committee. 2005-06. University Senate & Faculty Council, member. 2003-06.

University International Studies Program Advisory Committee, Federated College of the Arts and Sciences, 2002-04. Oversight Committee, Center for Urban and Regional Analysis, College of Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2006-2010.

Internationalization Review Committee, College of Arts & Sciences, 2011-12 and 2012-13. Director, Mershon Center for International Security Studies, September 2011- present. Professional Services Elections Committee, Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements, American Sociological Association, 1980 & 1985. Council, Section on Historical and Comparative Sociology, American Sociological Association, 1986-1988. Council, Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements, American Sociological Association, 1987-1989. Organizer, Political Sociology panels, American Sociological Association meetings, 1986. Organizer, Sessions on State and Economy, Midwest Sociological Association meetings, 1983-1985. Organizer, Thematic Session on Collective Behavior/Collective Action Round Tables, CBSM Section, American Sociological Association meetings, August 1983. C. Wright Mills Awards Committee, Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 1984. Editorial Board, Journal of Political and Military Sociology, 1979-06. Editorial Board, Research in Political Sociology, 1982-89, 2004-06 Editorial Board, Sociological Quarterly, 1981-83. Deputy Editor, American Sociological Review, 1986-1989. Advisory Editorial Board, International Studies Quarterly, 1990-96. Planning and Priorities Committee and Social Action Committee, Society for the Study of Social Problems, 1989-91. Advisory Board, International Studies Quarterly, 1989-94.


Program Committee, 1991 Annual Meeting of Society for the Study of Social Problems. Secretary-Treasurer, Political Sociology Section, American Sociological Association, 1991-94. Committee on Committees, American Sociological Association, 1993-95. Chair, Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements, American Sociological Association, 1994-95. Chair, Section on Political Sociology, American Sociological Association, 1996-97. Editorial Board, Sociological Forum, 1994-06. Member & Chair, Committee on Sections, American Sociological Association, 1998-2001. Member & Chair, Distinguished Publication Award Committee, American Sociological Association, 2000-03. Editorial Board, International Area Studies Review, 2011-present. Chair, Peace War and Social Conflict Section, American Sociological Association, 2012-2013. Keynote Address on “Why Should Sociology Care About Climate Change?” Midwest Sociological Society meeting, April 1, 2014, Omaha Nebraska. Graduate Student Thesis/Dissertations Directed C. Diane Schryer, "The Friends of Women's Suffrage." M.A. Thesis, University of Missouri, May 1980. Barbara Brents, "Policy Formation in a Capitalist Society: Origins of the Social Security Act of 1935." M.A. Thesis, University of Missouri, August 1983. Craig Eckert, "Reaganomics and the Corporate Elite." Ph.D. Thesis, University of Missouri, August 1986. (Professor, Eastern Illinois University) Barbara Brents, "The Class Politics of Age Politics." Ph.D. Thesis, University of Missouri, December 1986. (Assoc. Professor, University of Nevada-Las Vegas) Teri Shumate, "The Origins of the Aging Theory of Ernest Burgess." M.A. Thesis, University of Missouri, May 1986. Pat Gagne, "The Sources of Protest Potential: An Exploration of Five Theories." M.A. Thesis, The Ohio State University, May 1988. (Asst. Professor, Sociology, University of Louisville) Brian Martin, "Elite Collusion and Electoral Demobilization." M.A. Thesis, The Ohio State University, June 1989. John Jackson, "The Social Divesture Movement." Ph.D. Thesis, The Ohio State University, June 1989. (Prof., Denison University)


Jie Huang, "Dependent Advantage and Dependent Development of the LDCs in the World System." M.A. Thesis, The Ohio State University, August 1989. Kurt Schock, "Elite Instability, Dependency and Political Instability." M.A. Thesis, The Ohio State University, January 1990. Tinia Bradshaw, "Economic Dependency, Industrialization and the Economic Status of the Aged: A Cross-National Analysis." Ph.D. Thesis, The Ohio State University, June 1990. (Researcher, Ohio Dept. of Education) Abigail Halcli "Aids, Age and Activism: A Conceptual Analysis of Act Up as a Mixed Mode Social Movement Organization." M.A. Thesis, The Ohio State University, August 1991. Zwelakhe Tshandu, "Ethnicity and Political Mobilization in Black Africa." Ph.D. Thesis, The Ohio State University, August 1992. (Human Sciences Research Council, Rep. of South Africa) Elvis Fraser, "A Multidimensional Approach to Human Rights." Ph.D. Thesis, The Ohio State University, August 1992. Co-Director w/ Kasimirez Slomczynski. (Research Scientist, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) Jie Huang, "Bringing People to the Center Stage; Structual Dis, the Debt Crisis and Third World Human Development." Ph.D. Thesis, The Ohio State University, June 1994. Co-Director with Kasimirez Slomczynski. (Research Scientist, Lucent Technologies) SusanneSchmeidl "From Root Cause Assessment to Preventive Diplomacy: Possibilities and Limitations of the Early Warning of Forced Migration." PhD Thesis, The Ohio State University, April 1995. (Director, The Liaison Office, Afghanistan & Fellow, Australian National University) Steve Scanlan "Guns and Butter but For Whom? Inequality, Militarization and Development in the Third World" MA Thesis, The Ohio State University. August 1995. Kurt Schock "The Political Moderation Model of Violent Political Conflict: The Impact of Political Opportunity Structures on the Relationship Between Economic Inequality and Violent Political Conflict." PhD Thesis, The Ohio State University. December 1995 (Professor, Rutgers University) Ansari Ameen "Energy Intensity, Economic Growth and the Environment: Identifying Structural Linkages" PhD Thesis, The Ohio State University. June 1995. Co-Director w/ Edward Crenshaw. (Research Scientist, Abt Associates) Abigail Halcli “The Women’s Movement and the New Labour Party in Britain.” PhD Thesis, The Ohio State University. July 1996. (Profssor, Sociology, Oxford Brookes, U.K.) Omar A. Barriga. “The Conjunctural Conditions that Facilitate Democratic Transitions: An Analysis of Latin American Democratic Transitions During the Third Wave, 1974-1990.” PhD Thesis, The Ohio State University. February 1997. (Professor, Sociology, University of Conception, Chile) Brian Martin. “Institutional Change and Strike Mobilization in Pre- and Post-Transition Poland.” PhD Thesis, The Ohio State University. July 1997. (Research Administrator, Ohio Dept. Of Corrections) Wayne Santoro. “The Struggle for Racial Equality.” PhD Thesis, The Ohio State University. August 1999. (Asst. Professor, University of New Mexico).


Ann Marie Flores. "Women's Reproductive Security: A Cross-National Analysis of the Effects of Democracy, Welfare Spending and Social Movements, Gender Stratification and Culture." PhD Thesis. August 2000. (Asst. Professor, Vanderbilt University) Arthur Jaynes. "Insurgency and Policy Outcomes: The Impact of Protests and Riots on Urban Spending." MA Thesis. August 2000. Stephen J. Scanlan. "Globalization and Food Security in Less Developed Countries: At-Risk Populations and the Sociology of Hunger." PhD Thesis. December 2000. (Associate Professor, Ohio University). Adam Moskowitz. “The Structure of Political Attitudes in the American Mass Public.” PhD Thesis. March 2001. (Professor, Columbus State University). Tina Kassbaum. “Change in Income Inequality: A Cross-National Analysis, 1970-1990.” MA Thesis, Ohio State University. June 2001. Rumi Morishima. “Modernization, Dependency and Unionization: A Cross-National Analysis of Global Union Decline, 1985-1995.” MA Thesis, Ohio State University. June 2001. Zeynep Benderlioglu. “Perception of Hostility, Blameworthiness, Anger and Agression in the U.S., Turkey and China.” PhD Dissertation, Ohio State University. June 2003. (Lecturer, Dept. of Biology, Ohio State University) Marianne Abbott. “Diminished Death: Uncounted Humanitarian Aid Worker Fatalities.” MA Thesis, Ohio State University. June 2003. Moulta-Ali, Umar. “Civil Challenge and Democratic Transitions in sub-Saharan Africa, 1991-2000.” MA Thesis, Ohio State University. June 2005. Marianne Abbott. “Dangerous Intervention: An Analysis of Humanitarian Fatalities in Assistance Contexts." PhD Dissertation, Ohio State University. December 2005. (Senior Research Scientist, MITRE Corporation, Washington DC) Jennifer Green. “Collective Rape: A Cross-National Study of the Incidence and Perpetrators of Mass Political Sexual Violence, 19080-2003.” PhD Dissertation, Ohio State University. August 2006. (Associate Professor, Luther College, Luther Iowa). James Hein. “Elites and the Global Warming Conflict: Directors of Pro-Environmental and Anti-Global Warming Organizations.” MA Thesis, Ohio State University. December 2007. Ardith Allen “The Deradicalization of the Columbus Ohio Antirape Movement.” PhD Dissertation, Ohio State University. June 2008. (Research Scientist, Ohio Department of Education, Columbus OH) Umar Moulta-Ali. “Rentierism and Civil Conflict.” PhD Dissertation, Ohio State University. August 2008. (Research Scientist, Library of Congress, Washington DC) Amanda Koch. “Parental Control, Sexual Debut and Contraceptive Use.“ Co-Adviser with Elizabeth Cooksey, MA Thesis, Ohio State University. August 2008.


Anna McCreery. “Economic and Political Causes of Air Pollution in the U.S.” MA Thesis, Ohio State University. June 2008. Tina Marie Kassebaum. “On the Targeting and Impact of Food Aid: Are Food Aid Distributions Based on Need and is Food Aid Reducing Child Hunger and Child Mortality.” PhD Dissertation, Ohio State University. Autumn 2009. (Research Scientist, Strategic Group, Columbus OH) Nicholas Jordan. “The Effects of Work Group Gender Composition on Unionization and Union Strength.” MA Thesis, Ohio State University. Winter 2010. Mary Beth Slusar. “Multiple Framing in Progressive Era Women’s Movements: A Comparative Analysis of Birth Control, Temperance and Women’s Ku Klux Klan Movements.” PhD Dissertation, Ohio State University. Spring 2010. (Senior Researcher, Case School of Dental Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH) Lindsey Peterson. “Foreign Aid, NGOs and Development: A Cross-National Longitudinal Analysis of the Global Development System.” PhD Dissertation. Ohio State University. Summer 2011. (Assistant Professor, Mississippi State University, Starkville MS). James Hein. “Movement-Countermovement Dynamics in the Global Warming Policy Conflict.” PhD Dissertation. Ohio State University. Spring 2011. (Lecturer, California State University-Los Angeles) Anna McCreery. “Urban Transportation Ecoefficiency: Social and Political Forces for Change in U.S. Metropolitan Areas.” PhD Dissertation, Ohio State University. Spring 2012. (Senior Research Analyst, Elevate Energy, Inc.) Matthew Costello. “Rentierism and Political Insurgency: A Cross-National Analysis of Transnational Rent Dependency on Terrorism and Guerrilla Warfare.” PhD Dissertation. Ohio State University. Fall 2012. (Assistant Professor of Sociology/Criminology, Arkansas State University) Thomas V. Maher. “Chaos, Coercion and Resistance: An Organizational Analysis of the Nazi Concentration Camps.” PhD Dissertation. Ohio State University. Summer 2013. (Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Arizona) Undergraduate BA Honors Thesis Directed Danielle Barriga. 1994. “Tropical Deforestation.” BA Honors Thesis. June 1994. Michael Landis. “The Ideology and Structure of Al Qaeda: A Sociological Analysis.” BA Honors Thesis. May 2005. Nicholas Jordan. “Missing in Education: Factors Contributing to the Absence of Social Movement Activity.” BA Honors Thesis (co advisor with Edward Crenshaw). June 2008. Vikram Shank. “The Impact of Defense Spending on U.S. Economic Cycles.” BA Honors Thesis. (Honorable Mention in Denman Forum, April 2010). June 2010. Basem Rashwan. “Fatalism in Post-Revolution Egypt.” BA Honors Thesis. June 2014.