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Dedicated to

Prof. James Philip

First Edition-2017

ISBN- 978-9982-22-633-2





Einsteein Bio-Engineering

Research Foundation,

South India.


New strains of pathogens are emerging

day by day in the various parts of the globe

due to over population explosion and

manmade pollutants. These harmful materials

created genetic changes in the organisms as a

result, it will produce new strains of

pathogens. It will also create big burdens to

our society. For control and management of

this disease burden, we need multidirectional

combined approach of action. Vaccine

development is one of the control measures

which is simply explain in this book to young

readers. For the preparation of these

manuscripts, I have referred many researchers’

work, I thank all of them.



1. Bacterial vaccine

1.1 vaccines

1.2vaccine Immunity

1.3 vaccine compounds

1.4 vaccinations

1.5 vaccines Research

2. Live and Inactivated vaccine

2.1 First generation vaccine

2.2 Inactivated vaccine

2.3 Live vaccine

2.4 Merits and Demerits

2.5 Lab Trails

3. Peptide vaccine

3.1 whole cell protein vaccines

3.2 Heat Stress Protein vaccine

3.3 Toxoid protein vaccine

3.4 Surface protein vaccine

3.5 Anti-idiotype vaccine

3.6 Synthetic peptide vaccine

4. Nucleotide vaccine

4.1 plasmid DNA

4.2 Mutant plasmid DNA

4.3 Engineered plasmid DNA

4.4 Cocktail plasmid DNA

4.5 Genomic DNA

4.6 rDNA

4.7 Nucleotide with proteins

4.8 potential Merits

5. Antigenic Efficacy of Immunogen

5.1 Bacterial vaccines

5.2 Immunogen preparation

5.3 Efficacy of Immunogen

5.4 Analysis

5.5 Best Immunogen

6. Current Researches

6.1 Immunostimulant

6.2 vitamins

6.3 Cancer vaccine

6.4 parasite vaccine

6.5 Therapeutic vaccine


6.7 Preservatives

6.8 Allergies

6.9 Metabolic Disorders

6.10 Birth Control

6.11 Economics of vaccine Development

6.12 vaccines Failure

6.13 Vaccinomics


1. Bacterial Vaccines


Vaccines are used to educate our

immune system to fight against various

infectious diseases. Ideal vaccines stimulate

both humoral and cell mediated immunity.

The vaccine is an antigenic preparation used

to produce active immunity to a disease in

order to prevent the effects of infection by

any natural or wild strain of the organism.

The vaccination process present in

old times but in the modern word, First

immunization was introduced by Edward

Jenner, He vaccinate against small pox.

1.2 Vaccine Immunity The Vaccines are

close resemblance of disease causing

pathogens. It contains inactivated

pathogens or part of pathogens. Vaccines

triggers the immune system’s fighting ability

and memory without exposure to the actual

disease producing germs. So we get

immunity without suffering from the disease

producing germs. The vaccination is similar

to the immunity acquired from natural

infection. After vaccination, if pathogens

entered into the body, first body feel

sickness then our immune system

completely destroy the pathogens and we

got complete recovery of the diseases.

1.3 Vaccine Components Vaccine

contains saline or sterile water as well as

dead or weak germs and other purified

components which are supplied in vaccine

functions. These components mainly

stimulate our immune system and help to

avoid microbial contamination to vaccine.

Some vaccines are prepared with antibiotics

or preservatives to avoid bacterial and

fungal growth and it also prepared with

stabilizers which help to maintain its efficacy

during storage conditions. Another

important component is adjuvant, Such as

aluminium Salts, mineral oils, many

chemical and Biological substances are used.

It makes more effectiveness of vaccine

functions. The ideal vaccine should induce

humoral and cell mediated immunity


1.4 Vaccination Nowadays many

advanced techniques are discovered in

immunization methods. Needle free or pain

free immunization is one of the important

techniques. It is highly suitable to children

and aged population. Now skin patches,

mucous vaccination methods such as eye

drops, oral drops are commonly used for

mass vaccination programs.

In our lab trials, skin ointment based

vaccines were tested against bacterial

infections. It also produces good results. Still

searching of new methods of vaccination

research is going on all over the world.

1.5Vaccine Research

Still many important disease

need effective vaccines, especially

multidrug resistant pathogens such as

typhoid, tuberculoses, malaria , filarial,

etc. currently, effective vaccines are

required to reduce the global disease

burden. Combined vaccine for more than

one diseases and therapeutic vaccine for

cancer are also need, the vaccine biology

faces lot of challenges in cancer vaccine

development, Human Parasite vaccine

research and multidrug resistant

pathogens. Still we are fighting to reduce

global disease burden and help to

develop healthier younger generation in

our globe.

2. Live and Inactivated Vaccine

2.1 First generation vaccine

In activated and live vaccines are first

generation vaccines. First inactivated vaccines

are universally used. It is slowly replaced by

new generation vaccine. The new generation

vaccines are various peptide and nucleotide

vaccines. During the preparation of inactivated

vaccine, it needs more micro organism. The

bacterial live attenuated vaccine was first

described by Louis Pasteur. He said that

pathogen in old culture lose their virulence.

Mostly it cannot produce disease. Furthermore

these less virulent pathogens are suitable for

prepare live attenuated vaccine. He has done

similar work in some bacterial pathogens.

2.2 Inactivated pathogens

In activated vaccines are previously

virulent micro-organisms that have been killed

with chemical or heat or suitable antibiotics.

During vaccine preparation, first bacterial cells

are harvested after centrifugation; cells are

washed with saline then inactivated with 0.5%

formalin maintained in 40c at overnight

incubation1. In some other cases of inactivation,

0.2% (v/v) of 40% formaldehyde with incubation

at 20c for 4 days maintained.

The inactivation is confirmed by the

absence of growth following the seeding of

triplicate plates of tryptone soyagar with0.1ml

volumes of the cell suspension and incubation

for up to seven days at room temperature 2. In

the case of virus, it is inactivated traditionally by

formalin. However the excessive treatment can

destroy immunogenicity where as insufficient

treatment can leave infections which capable of

causing diseases. Currently available inactivated

viral vaccines are influenza, polio, rabies,

hepatitis A, etc. The bacterial vaccines are

Typhoid, cholera, plague, etc and the fractional

vaccines are hepatitis B, influenza, etc.

2.3 Live Vaccines

Live attenuated vaccines are live micro-

organisms that have been cultivated under

conditions which are able to express their lesser

virulent properties. They are typically provoke

more durable immunological responses and are

preferred types for healthy adults. These

vaccines are prepared from live attenuated

strains that are almost or completely devoid of

Pathogenicity but they are capable of inducing

protective immune responses.

They multiply in the human host and

provide continuous antigenic stimulation over a

period of time. During bacterial live vaccine

preparation, cells are harvested from old

cultures because they lose virulence. But in the

viral vaccine preparation, various methods were


The first method is use of related virus

from another animal. For example, use of

cowpox virus to prevent small pox. The second

method is the virulence of the virus is often

reduced when administrated by an unnatural


Another method is the passages of the

virus in an unnatural host or host cells. The

major vaccines used in man and animals have

been derived this way. After repeated passages,

the virus is administered to the natural host.

Initial passages are made in healthy animals or

in primary cell cultures. For example, polio

viruses were passage in monkey kidney cells

and measles in chick embryo fibroblasts. The

currently available live attenuated vaccines are

measles, mumps, rubella, yellow fever, BCG,


2.4. Merits and Demerits For in activation,

viruses treat properly otherwise insufficiently

treated virus can cause diseases. In this type of

preparation increased risk of allergic reactions

due to large amount of antigen involved.

For protective response occurs after

second and third dose. So it is required multiple

doses. The immune response is mostly humoral.

But the main advantages are non-infections and


In the live vaccine, the main advantages

are immune responses similar to natural

infection and it is very close to infections agent

and another thing is usually effective with one

dose. The important disadvantages are

reversion to pathogenic (wild) form, may

serious or fatal reactions possible and

interference from circulating antibody stability.

2.5 Lab Trials In our lab work, three

bacterial pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus,

Salmonella typhi and Escherichia coli were

collected from patient’s sample and prepared

mutant whole cell vaccine. The mutation is

induced by using U-V-radiation. First bacterial

pathogens are cultured individually in the lab.

Five spread plates were prepared for each

pathogen, these plates are exposed to U.V.

radiation at different time duration.(0,2,4,6 and

8 minutes). Then these organisms are isolated

and introduced in broth culture. After 24 hours

inactivated vaccines were prepared in all the

treatments. After that these vaccines were

tested in Albino rats.

In the Staphylococcus aureus, the

maximum immune response was observed in 6

minute U.V. treated mutant strain. But in the

case of salmonella typhi mutant strains produce

more or less similar immune responses. In the

case of E.coli, if increase the duration of U.V.

treatment, the virulence of pathogens was

slowly decreased. In this study, it is concluded

that, the mutant strains has more virulence in

some cases and in some other cases, the

mutant strains has lesser virulence. However It

is also highly suitable for preparation of best

new inactivated and live vaccines. 3,4,5.


1) Bakopoulous.V.,D, Volpatti., L., Gusmani,m., Galeotti, A.,

Adams and G.J. Dimitriadis (2003). Vaccination trials of

seabass, Dicentrachoslabrax(L).againstphotobacterium

damsel sub sp. Piscicido, using novel vaccine mixture.

J.fishg. Diseases 26:77.90.

2) Irianto.A., P.A.W. Robertson and B.Austin (2003).oral

administration of formalin-in activated cells of

Aeromonas hydrophila A3-51-controls infection by

atypical.A. salmonella in gold fish, carassius auratus (L). Diseases. 26:117-120.

3) Muruganandam.M., J.E. John Soloman and

Mahesh.S.Kini. (2010). Mutant strain vaccine for Typhoid.

Env.&Eco 28(2B):1414-1415.

4) Muruganandam.m and K.N. Veerayee kanna (2010)

mutant strains vaccine for staphylococcus aureus.

J.Curr.Sci.15 (1):229-232.

5) Muruganandam.m. and J.Jana. (2016) ultra violet

radiation alters the virulence of pathogenic bacteria.-

proceedings of the state level seminar on Global

warming and climatic changes held on 19th Aug 2016.

3. Peptide Vaccine

3.1 Whole Cell Protein Vaccine

It is used as subunit vaccine. The main

advantages are, it cannot produce disease. But

it will produce good immunity. Because of most

of the antigens are proteins. It induces higher

level of immunity at very short duration.

Acetone based method is one of simple whole

protein isolation method. In staphylococcus

aureus, the whole cell proteins are provides

with nucleotides, which produces good result.

Proteins are good for induce short term

immunity. In the longer duration, it may fade

their efficacy. If combined with nucleotide, it

will produce long term immunity.1

3.2 Heat Stress Protein: This is otherwise called

Heat shock proteins. During unfavorable

conditions like heat stress, a small number of

specific genes called heat shock genes which

will be expressed for save the life of that

organisms,2 they are act as immunogen of

many pathogens including a wide variety of

bacteria. So it is ready to develop HSP Vaccines

against various diseases. Jacoby et al.,3

identified heat shock genes by a time course

analysis. They found that most genes exhibited

maximal responses at 20 minutes heat shock,

However it was declined by 30 minutes heat

shocks treatments. In staphylococcus aureus

550c heat shock with 10 minutes produced HSP

that induces a maximum immune response in

the host. Hence it is recommended that these

HSP can be used as supportive component of

staph vaccine development. 1

3.3 Toxoid Protein

These are inactivated toxic compounds

from micro-organisms. eg. Toxoid based

vaccines are tetanus and diphtheria. These toxic

compounds are normally produced illness and it

is changed to harmless materials then it is used

as immunogen in vaccine development. In our

lab trial Toxoid protein vaccine optimization In

this method, proteins were isolated by using

acetone precipitation method. The maximum

leucocytes responses were observed in 15 µg

toxoid treatment. These are individually used as

vaccine or sometimes use with other

immunogen for increase the efficacy of


3.4 Surface protein Pathogen surface proteins

play important role in producing immunity in

the host. The isolation of surface protein from

the pathogens is used to prepare vaccine

against that particular pathogen. There are

various methods are available to isolation of

surface proteins. Sometimes these proteins may

be combined to other cellular components and

used as vaccine. It is mainly helpful to prepare

parasite and bacterial vaccine.

3.5 Anti-idiotype vaccine

It is mostly used in virus vaccine

preparation. Because the available quantity of

specific antigen is lesser amount, at that time

usually prefer this type of vaccine preparation.

It has no pathogenic part, so it is very safe. In

this type first antigens are isolated and purified

then injected to some animals like rabbit Albino

rat etc,. After appropriate time intervals the

antiserum will be collected and used as vaccine.

It may be used in cancer vaccine development.

In our lab trial, Anti-idiotype vaccine developed

for colorectal cancer, it was also produced good


3.6 Synthetic Peptide Vaccine

The pre required for the preparation of

synthetic peptide vaccine involves the synthesis

of a specific peptide that can elicit antibodies

which reacting with coat proteins of viruses or

other micro-organisms. Synthetic peptide can

be easily synthesized where the nucleic acid

sequence of the gene coding for the relevant

protein is known. This vaccine has some

advantages and drawbacks. The main draw

backs are the vaccine preparation cost is higher

and also effective carrier system is required for

antigen presentation.

The synthetic peptide vaccine contain

single epitope sometimes due to genetic

variability, the efficacy may low ie. not effective.

The vaccines may stimulate only a humoral

response5. Sometime the synthetic peptide may

weak efficacy, at that time it will linked with

suitable strong adjuvant, then that will induce

strong immune responce6.


1) Muruganandam.M. (2013) Engineered plasmid DNA

vaccine book.p101

2) Beckmann.R.P., Mizzen, Lit., Welch,W.J.(1990).

Interaction of HSP 70 with newly synthesised proteins:

implications for protein folding and assembly. Vol.


3) Jacoby.T.H., Flann gan.A., Faykin,A.G., Seto.C,

Mattison and I.ota (1997). Two protein-Tyrosine

phosphateses inactive the osmatic stress response pathway

in yeast by targeting the mitogen activated protein kinase.

J.Bio and che.272:17749-17755.

4) Ayyappan.S., Johnpaul, Dhilipan and

M.Muruganandam (2010). Anti-Idiotype vaccine for

colorectal cancer-A two day National conference on

Innovations in Bio-technology and clinical Research held on

march 11th and 12th 2010.

5) www.bioinformatic

6) Rangasamy.(2003) Fish Bio-technology-book. Chap:

Biotechnology in Health management for

Aquaculture.Pub.Agrobios. India.

4. Nucleotide Vaccine

4.1 Plasmid DNA

The plasmid DNA is self replicating double

stranded circular DNA molecules present in the

cytoplasm of bacterial cell. It always carries one

or more genes responsible for useful

characteristics. They have their own origin of

replication and they replicate independently.

Most of the plasmid DNA exists as double

stranded circular DNA with both the strands

Intact called as covalently closed circular DNA. If

only one strand is intact then the molecules are

described as open circular DNA. Usually

plasmids are used as vectors in recombinant

DNA technology.

In our lab trials, plasmid DNA of

bacterial pathogens such as Aeromonas

hydrophila, E.coli, Staphylococcus aureus and

salmonella typhi were isolated and used as

vaccine and we have received good results.1 2,3, 4.

4.2 Mutant’s plasmid DNA

In Staphylococcus aureus mutant strains

are produced by using U.V radiation. In the

different mutant colonies, plasmid DNA was

isolated by alkaline lysis method. Each group’s

plasmid DNA separately injected to albino rats

used as vaccine. After 15 days, inactivated

pathogens were injected to albino rats.

Maximum immune response was observed in 6

minute U.V treated mutant strains plasmid

DNA. So it is concluded that this treatment was

best for develop vaccine against staphylococcus


4.3 Engineered Plasmid DNA

In this work, plasmid DNA of

staphylococcus aureus was isolated then altered

by using various restriction enzymes such as

EcoR-I, Hind-III, pst-I, Bam H-I and Hae –III. In

this study, maximum immune responses are

observed in pst-I and Hae-III digested

treatments. This plasmid DNA is double

digested by the same enzymes. In this study the

length of the nucleotide fragments may be

reduced. So the immune responses will be

changed. In this trial, the maximum immune

response was observed in EcoR-I + Hind –III

digested treatment and Hind-III and Bam-H-I

digested treatments. These are highly suitable

for develop plasmid DNA vaccine for

Staphylococcus aureus.5

Fig-1&2- Vaccine preparation

4.4 Cocktail Plasmid DNA This type of

vaccine may help to prevent groups of

common diseases. In this attempt, mainly

try to control water borne diseases.

Commonly water borne diseases are

caused due to intake of contaminated

water. Sometimes the drinking water is

contaminated to the fecal contamination

by mixing of sewage water. At that time,

it contain many pathogens such as

Escherichia Coli, Staphylococcus auras,

salmonella typhi, etc. which causes fever,

dysentery, vomiting diarrhea, rapid pulse,

cramps, etc.

In this study mixture plasmid DNA, Pst-I

digested fragments, Bam H-I-digested

fragments-and double digested plasmid

DNA fragments used as test vaccine. The

maximum immune response was

observed in double digested plasmid DNA

compared to other treatments. So it is

recommended to develop cocktail

vaccine for water borne disease.6

4.5 Genomic DNA

Genomic immunization is going to be a

revolution in vaccines and it is called

genomic up. In the mycoplasma, genomic

DNA is cut into small fragments and

shooting all the genomic bites into skin

cells of the mice. Each bit of mycoplasma

protein, which produced an immune

response on each mouse. The genomic

vaccine fools the immune system, they

think, it has been infected by the real

pathogen. This vaccine produced good

results in human parasitic vaccine.

In Helminthes parasite, mycoplasma

palmonis, a library of gene fragments was

prepared by cloning the genomic DNA

into plasmid expression vector. Since

these organisms has a relatively small

genome (about 106 base pairs). The DNA-

protein-coding sequences might be

expressed to induce immunity to the

pathogen. Since only a small part of the

genetic complement of the organisms is

expressed, from only a fragment of genes

and not entire functional proteins.

Pathogenic effects would be avoided

while all the advantages of broad-based

immunity produced by a DNA vaccine

would be present protection against

M.pulmonis has been achieved after

immunization with different expression

libraries9. In our lab trial, Genomic DNA

vaccine was prepared against common

food borne diseases and tested. It also

gives better results7.

4.6. rDNA

During recombinant DNA vaccine

development, antigenic protein

producing DNA sequences was removed

and transferred to known vector DNA.

Both DNA were attached by using ligase

enzyme. After that it will transferred to

any one of the harmless microbes. This

will be injected to host and it will produce

antigenic protein continuously vaccine

research shows great promises against


4.7 Nucleotide with proteins

Nucleotides act as good vaccine in various

bacterial pathogens. In the

Staphylococcus aureus, Nucleotide with

whole cell protein was used as vaccine.

Additionally small amount of inactivated

cells are also mixed and used as vaccine.

It produces good immunity. The

inactivated cells and whole proteins

induce immediate immunity. But during

long term, it is possible to fade. The

nucleotide may possible to integrate the

genomic DNA; it may produce long term

immunity. So the nucleotide with protein

is highly suitable to develop new vaccine

against staphylococcus aureus8.

4.8 Potential Merits

*Nucleotide vaccine preparation method

is easy.

*It is work in room temperature. So the

cooling system is not required.

*Transport is very easy because without

cooling system we can transport one

place to another place very easy.

*Economics of vaccine is suitable for

developing countries.

*It is very specific. The accuracy is high

compared to other immunogen.

*Storage system is not need.

*It is third generation vaccine. It is

advanced one.

*Functional efficacy is more and also


*It produces good immunological


*It produces long term immunity.

*It gives new scope to develop human

parasitic vaccines and next generation



1.Muruganandam.M. (2007) New DNA vaccine for

Aeromonas hydrophila infection, Aqua Tech Vol 7(8)


2.Muruganandam.M (2010). DNA vaccine for

Bacterial pathogen Escherichia coli Int.Nat.J.Bio.Tech

: 1 (2) :110-112.

3.Muruganandam.M. (2010) plasmid DNA vaccine for

staphylococcus aureus.J.Nat.Con:2(1):73-76.

4.Muruganandam.M.(2010).Engineered DNA vaccine

for Typhoid.J.Nat.Con. 22 (1):123-126.

5.Muruganandam.M.(2011).Engineered plasmid DNA

vaccine for staphylococcus aureus. Int.J.Bio-tech 2


6.Muruganandam.M.(2011) cocktail plasmid DNa

vaccine for common food borne disease.


7.Muruganandam.M.(2010).Genomic DNA vaccine

for common food borne diseases.


8.Muruganandam.M. (2012) Engineered plasmid

DNA vaccine. Book. ISBN-978-9982-22-418-5.

9.Sean Henahan (1995) Access Excellence, Genomic

vaccines. The new way to prevent disease-act 19.


5. Antigenic Efficacy of Different Immunogen

5.1 Bacterial vaccine

Antigenic efficacy of different Bacterial

Immunogen is varying. The qualitative and

quantitative levels of these immunogen

determine the major level of efficacy of vaccine.

Generally the vaccine efficacy depends on many

internal and external factors. The important

factors are dietary composition, (Nutritional

Factors) condition of the immune System,

Amount of specific immunogen in vaccine,

selection of adjuvant in vaccine etc. In this study

Aeromonas hydrophila is used as test organism.

Aeromonas hydrophila is a motile rod

shaped bacterium, these Aeromonas are water

borne micro-organisms that have been

implicated repeatedly as the causative agents of

clinical illnesses often Serious, Ranging from

gastro intestinal and wound infections to

septicemia. Bacteraemia is the most common

pathogenic manifestation of Aeromonas in

humans its mild symptoms include fever , chills,

abdominal pain, Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Vaccines as an antigenic preparation

used to produce active immunity to a disease in

order to present the effects of infection by any

natural or wild strain of the organism. Vaccines

prepare body for fighting deadly disease by

triggering of person immune system this leads

to the production of immune response that can

fight of the germs. The vaccine contains a killed

or weak end form or derivations of the

infections germ. But recent advances in

molecular biology have provided various

methods for producing vaccines. But still

research is in the process towards of finding

proper vaccine for the Aeromonas infections

disease in world wide. Now there is no vaccine

in Aeromonas hydrophila infection due to its

antigenic diversity. In this study various

immunogen are isolated and tested their

efficacy for vaccine development against

hydrophila infection.

5.2 Immunogen Preparation

Aeromonas hydrophila MTCC-646 strain

was used for this experiment. Albino rats were

used as test animals in the whole study. Albino

rats were purchased from animal husbandry

and were acclimatized to the laboratory

environment for a week. They were maintained

in cool dry place. During this study, the room

temperature ranges from 26’c-29’c. They were

fed commercially available feed and inspected

daily. In this study two experimental trials were

conducted. In the first experiment, four sets of

albino rats were used., each set contain three

rats being exposed to killed, live attenuated and

toxoid vaccine. In the second trial, Genomic

DNA, plasmid DNA and whole proteins were

used as vaccine, Saline as control in both

experiments. After 15 days pathogens were

injected and primary immune response were


In killed vaccine preparation,

approximately 1ml of nutrient broth inclusive of

Aeromonas hydrophila was centrifuged at

10,000 rpm for 10 minutes and the pellets were

collected and removed the supernatant, then

saline was added to the pellet and it was heated

in boiling water (30minutes) followed by

centrifugation at 10,000rpm for 10 minutes and

the dead cells were collected. It was then

serially diluted 10-5 with saline. For live

attenuated vaccine, the cells were isolated from

old nutrient medium culture and then these

were serially diluted to 10-5 using saline. For

toxin preparation, the viable cells were

inoculated for 24 hrs. The content was

centrifuged at 10,000rpm for 10min. The

supernatant was collected and serially diluted

by using saline.

The genomic DNA and plasmid DNA

was isolated from nutrient broth culture. For

isolation if both DNA, kit procedure (medox kit)

was followed. For whole protein vaccine

preparation, Ammonium per sulphate was used

to protein precipitation. In this method, first

1ml culture was taken in an eppen drof and it

was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 10 minutes.

Supernatant was discarded and about 1ml of

saline was added. It was then centrifuged at

10,000 for 15 minutes. Again the supernatant

was discarded and add of Ammonium

Sulphate was added and then centrifuged. The

supernatant was discarded and 1ml of saline

was added and it was serially diluted 10-5 using

saline. For hematological analysis regular

procedure was followed. In the antibody

analysis, 96 well micro titer plate methods was

used and also counter current immuno

Electrophoresis and Rocket immuno

electrophoresis were carried out.

5.3 Efficacy of Immunogen

In the first experiment, maximum WBC

Count (9200 cells/cumm) was observed in killed

vaccine treatment. Other parameters such as

haemoglobin (12.2 gm %), RBC counts (4.06

cells/millions) and PCV (36.6%) were lesser

compared to toxoid and live attenuated vaccine.

The second higher value of WBC count (8,200

cells/cumm) was observed in live attenuated

vaccine. The control has lesser value compared

to other treatments. The maximum

Haemoglobin (13 gm%) and RBC counts (4.36

cells/millions) were observed in toxoid

treatments. The higher antibody production

was observed in killed and live attenuated

vaccine compared to toxin and control

treatments. So in the first experiment, killed

vaccine has maximum immune response

compare to others.

In the second experiment, higher value of

WBC counts, and antibody production were

observed in protein and plasmid DNA vaccine.

In counter current electrophoresis results shows

that more than one type of antibody was

produced in plasmid DNA vaccine compared to

other vaccines.

5.4 Analysis

Each part of the pathogens has various

level of immunogenic efficacy. The increased

level of some components and appropriate level

of mixer of these components determine the

immunogenic efficacy of the vaccine. In this

trial, various components of bacterial pathogen

Aeromonas hydrophila were isolated and tested

their immunogenic efficacy in albino rats. The

conventional approaches to the process of

vaccine development include the use of

inactivated whole cells and live attenuated


The major drawback of these two

approaches is that large quantities of organisms

are usually required to isolate sufficient antigen

for use in vaccine. They also started that ideal

vaccine should be able to induce the production

of both humoral and cell mediated immune

response. So the modern approaches of vaccine

development are best compared to old


Another one important draw back in

killed vaccine is it cannot multiply in the host.

So the level of antigen is always same at

longtime. But live attenuated vaccine can

multiply inside the host. So the immunity may

increase and present in long time. So recently

there has been increasing interest the use of

live attenuated vaccines against bacterial

pathogens. In general, live vaccines; elicit a

stronger cell-mediated response than bacterial.

While the greater immunity provided by

attenuated organisms compared with that

provided by dead bacteria.

In the second trial, three types of

vaccines used. One is DNA another one is

plasmid DNA and third one is whole protein.

The DNA vaccine technique that is being tested

in humans involves the direct injection of

plasmid loops of DNA that contain genes for

proteins produced by the organisms being

targeted for immunity. In DNA and plasmid

vaccines there is lesser reports are available.

5.5 Best Immunogen for vaccine development

In Canada, plasmid DNA vaccines

researches are only under trial basis. But in this

study, plasmid DNA vaccine induce antibody

production against A.hydrophila than DNA and

protein vaccine, plasmid DNA vaccine is best for

humoral response. This is proved by

staphylococcus aureus, salmonella typhi and E.


In conclusion, the higher immune

response was observed in live attenuated

vaccine in the experimental trial. The live

attenuated organisms live prolong in the host.

So it may induce long term immunity. In the

second trial plasmid DNA and protein vaccine

have more immune responses. The plasmid

DNA may induce long term immunity and

protein can induce immediate immune

responses because antigens are made up of

proteins. So complained with plasmid DNA and

protein is best for new vaccine development for

Aeromonas hydrophila.

Table 1 various immunogenic treatment effects on immune

responses in Albino rats

Parameters Control Killed








3.9 4.5 4.25 4.38

WBC count 7500 9200 8900 9200



15 23 25 18

Lymphocyte(%) 85 75 72 81

Hb(gm%) 11.8 12.2 12.8 13

PCV(%) 38.25 35.75 39.75 39.75

Antibody titre 7 10 9 9

Table-2 Immune responses of Toxoid, Genomic DNA and

Plasmid DNA vaccine in Albino rats.

Parameters Control Toxoid Genomic






3.9 4.35 4.37 4.18

WBC count 7500 8800 8700 8800



15 12 11 20

Lymphocyte(%) 85 88 86 79

Hb(gm%) 11.8 13.1 12.8 13.1

PCV(%) 38.25 36.75 37.25 37.25

Antibody titre 7 8 8 10


1) Carmen Hernanz moral, Emilio Flano Del Castill o

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Zquin Peralta and German Naharro Carrasco, “Molecular

Characterization of the Aeromonas hydrophila aro A gene

and potential use of an autotrophic aro A mutant as a Live

attenuated vaccine. Infection and Immunity vol.66:pp 1813-

1821 (1998).

2) Hazen,J.C., C.B. Fliermans, R.P, Hirsh and G.W.

Esch:Prevalence and distribution of Aeromonas hydrophila in

the united states. Appl.Emiran.Micro Bio .Vol.36.PP. 731-738.


3) Marsden, M.J., L.M. Vaughan,J.J.Foster and

C.J.Secomber,’’A live (aro.A) Aeromonas salum onicida

vaccine for furunculosis. Preferrentially stimulates T-cell

responses in rainbow trout (on corhyrnchus mykiss). Infect

immune .Vol. 64:PP:3862-3869-(1996).

4) Muruganandam.M.(2010) Short sequence vaccine

book.p118 .

6. Current Research

6.1. Immunostimulant

The immunostimulants are mainly either

elevates the non- specific defence mechanisms

or sometimes specific immune responses. The

immunostimulants has many functions such of

prevention of viral infections; enhance the

efficacy of antimicrobial substances. Resistance

to parasites and enhance the efficacy of

vaccines. During administration of

immunostimulants more care concerning the

doses which is necessary when working with


This is because high doses of an

Immunostimulant can suppress the defence

mechanism and low doses may not effective. So

optimization is important step during the

administration of immunostimulants. The

important immunostimulants are some

chemical compounds, biological substances and

nutrition factors such as vitamin E, C, etc.,

6.2. Vitamin Immunostimulants

Vitamins are organic compounds and it is

essential for growth and immunity. It is also

require for normal metabolic function. They

require only trace amount. It stimulates our

immune system just like immunostimulants. The

important vitamin immunostimulants are

vitamin C, E, A, D, etc.

Vitamin C and vitamin E are commonly

used in feed for reduce stress effects and

stimulate immune responses. Every vitamins

has many derivative compounds which

functional efficacy are also vary against various

infections, there is limited reports in different

vitamin derivate studies on their efficacy.

Because of each derivative has different range

of absorption, digestion and Bio availability.

6.3 Cancer Vaccine

There are different types of cancer

vaccines present only at research level, among

all the vaccine stem cell based cancer vaccine is

one of the vaccines. Prof, Eaton’s team done a

experiment in embryonic stem cell based cancer

vaccine in mice. The results suggest that the

exciting possibility of embryonic stem cell

vaccines might prevent cancer. At the end of

the experiment, all the mice were then exposed

to chemicals that cause lung cancer. All the un

vaccinated mice developed the disease.

There are lesser experiments trials

present in parasite vaccine research because

the molecular level mechanisms about

pathogenesis and parasite-host immune

reactions are not fully understood. Still there is

no proper vaccine for malaria. Malaria killed

thousands of persons in Africa and some parts

of Asia in every year. First we should

understanding the complex mechanism of host-

parasite pathogenesis then we will develop

vaccines. I hope it will present very near future.

The similar thing is happen in filariosis. The

filarial vaccine research is still going on.

6.5 Therapeutic vaccine

The therapeutic vaccine contains

normal vaccine components with Antimicrobial

medicine. It will useful to after the infectious

condition. Here anti microbial medicine clears

the pathogen load and remaining vaccine

components activate the immune system

against diseases and also reset immunological

memory. It mainly helps to solve many

problems such as many infectious diseases,

cancer, metabolic disorder diseases, Auto –

immune diseases, etc.

Fig 3&4 Drug Screening for Therapeutic vaccine


6.6 Adjuvant

Adjuvant is the important part of vaccine,

the main functions of Adjuvant is boost up the

efficacy of vaccine now chemical adjuvant one

used. But there is lot of scope in biological

source of adjuvant. If we use bio-substances the

side effects are minimum and they are also

natural and eco friendly. There are lot of new

scope in marine microbes, plants and animals.

Only thing is we should screen the source one

by one. We can get lot of new adjuvant in


6.7. Preservatives

The main function of the preservatives in

vaccine is avoiding microbial contamination in

the vaccine during storage. Now chemical

preservatives are used. Naturally many Bio-

Preservatives are available in natural resources.

The only thing is we should search and select

best preservatives from natural sources. Many

herbal sources, secondary metabolites from

microbes and plants gives new scope for

develop best preservatives for vaccines.

6.8 Allergies

In the allergies vaccines are developed to

specific antigens. This antigen is called allergen.

When an individual, who was previously

sensitize is exposed to that antigen again, his or

her immune system reacts to it in a damaging

manner. Now for happens harmful reaction,

vaccines are designed and experimental trials

going to reduce the harmful action of our

immune system.

6.9. Metabolic Disorder Diseases

Metabolic diseases are now one of the

targets for vaccine development. Due to

changes in food habits, working style, stresses

and life style leads to exposure of many

metabolic diseases. These are mainly effect

younger generation and working people. So we

need to develop new vaccines. Now scientist

focus on metabolic disorders, they give more

importance to hyper-cholsterolemia, which is

commonly affect young working people due to

high work pressure and also food habits.

6.10. Birth Control

Population explosion is a major threat in

developing countries. It leads to poor,

unemployed explosion, more infectious disease,

poor sanitation and hygiene. There are so many

methods are present for control the population

explosion. Prevention of pregnancy through

vaccination is one of the new approaches.

Pregnancy prevention vaccine has been an

effort in many countries. Because long duration

of immunity seen with traditional vaccines.

6.11. Vaccine Failure

Vaccines do not guarantee for complete

protection from a disease. Even after a

vaccination, there is still possibility that a

vaccinated person may get the disease

sometimes this is because the host’s immune

system simply doesn’t respond adequately at

all. This may be due to low level of immunity in

general (diabetics, steroid use, and HIV

infection) or just weak immune system, the

host’s immune system does not have a beta-cell

which capable of generating antibodies to that

antigen. Even if the hosts develops antibodies,

the human immune system is not perfect some

germs can mutate (the common cold) and in the

any case the immune system might still not be

able to defeat the infection 2

Polyvalent vaccines that contain there

attenuated viruses have been implicated in

including immune dysfunction. It is also leads to

vaccine failure. The other factors that can cause

immuno-suppression, malnutrition, concurrent

infections, not allowing enough time between

scheduled vaccinations and the uses of drugs.

Another cause of vaccine failure is

incorrect administration including splitting a

viral between individuals. However the most

common reason for vaccine failure is thought to

be the presence of maternal antibodies. This is a

passive immunity gained from the dam’s

colostrums during the first 72 hours of nursing

maternal antibody interferes more with level

vaccines than bacterial vaccines

6.12. Economics of Vaccine Development

Economics play important role in vaccine

development in developing countries. Many

diseases mostly demanding for vaccines, such as

HIV, Malaria, Tuberculoses, Typhoid and

Filariosis, in poor countries. So if the

government policy makers support the

industrial people may possible to reduce the

cost by various financial supports, exemption

from various taxes. Another way to solve this

problem is provide low cost highly efficient

technical for vaccine development.

6.13. Vaccinomics: Vaccinomics is a new

branch of bioinformatics which is the

integration of immune-genetics and immune-

genomics with system’s biology and immune

profiling. Vaccinomics is based on the use of

cutting edge, high dimensional assays and novel

bio informatics approaches help to develop next

generation vaccine and the expansion of our

capabilities in individual medicine .Vaccinomics

also help to develop new vaccines against hyper

variable viruses, with the greatest current

impact on public health.


1.Miranda Hiffi (2006) stem cells may lead to cancer vaccine

source. EORTC-NCI-AACR symposium of mole color targets and

cancer the practice prague, Czech Republic Nov-07.10.2016. news

release , European organization of research and treatment of




milkova, Richard , Kenedy, Iana.H. Haralesnbiaia and Robert.

M.Jcbbson (2011) Vaccinomics and a new paradigm for the

preventive vaccines against viral infections ,Omics Journal of

Integrative Biology 15 (a): 625-636.

4.Gregory.A,Poloand,Inna,syanmilkova, Richard , Kenedy,

Iana.H. Haralesnbiaia and Robert. M.Jcbbson (2011)

Vaccinomics and a new paradigm for the preventive vaccines

99against viral infections