Current Population Projections and Trends23 M. Covered 4 Variant Projections from the UN’s World...

Post on 15-Feb-2021

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Transcript of Current Population Projections and Trends23 M. Covered 4 Variant Projections from the UN’s World...

  • Overview: Current Population Projections and Trends

  • 10,000 BC to 2000 AD – Log Scale Population

    2014: 7,243,784,0002014 will add 81 Million

    • One Day = 221,912• One Hour = 9,246• One Minute = 154

  • Instant Replacement: Increments, Total Increase and Total Global Population

  • Population Momentum!

    A history of high fertility has resulted in a high proportion of women in the reproductive ages, and these ensure high crude birth rates long after the

    age-specific rates have dropped.

  • UN Variants – High, Median, Instant Replacement & Low

    16.6 Billion

    10.8 Billion

    6.7 Billion

  • 3 Fertility Assumptions Informing Three Major Population Variants

    End of Century High Fertility = 2.47

    End of Century Medium Fertility = 1.99

    End of Century Low Fertility = 1.51

  • High Variant Population: Total, Total Addition and Annual Increments

    + 9.4 Billion

  • Median Variant Population: Total, Total Addition and Annual Increments

  • 6.7 Billion

    Low Variant Population: Total, Total Addition and Annual Increments

    Peak Addition of 1.2 Billion

  • Low Variant TFR with Total Population Curve; First “Reduction” at 2090

  • Median Variant Regional Population Curves

    5.16 Billion

    4.18 Billion

    Asia Peak in 2054

    4.71 Billion

    1.13 Billion

  • Low Variant Regional Population Curves

    4.63 Billion

    2.82 Billion

    Asia Peaks in 2036

    Africa Peaks in 2097

  • Other Regions: Median Vs. Low Population

    +/-249 M

    +/-309 M

    +/-175 M

    +/-23 M

  • Covered 4 Variant Projections from the UN’s World Population Prospects 2012 Revision

    1. Instant Replacement2. High Fertility3. Median Fertility4. Low Fertility

    Compared and Contrasted Regional Growth

    1. Median vs Low Population Projections

  • Top 15 Low Variant Growers

  • 16 -30 Low Variant Growers Contribution to Global Growth

  • “Top 30” Shrinkers to 2049, Low Variant

    1 to 15 16 to 30

    Represents 90% of Total Global Consolidation

  • UN Variants – High, Median, Low & Constant Fertility

  • High Variant Annual Increments, TFR Curve and Growth Rate

  • Median Variant Annual Increments, TFR Curve and Growth Rate

  • Low Variant Annual Increments, TFR Curve and Growth Rate

  • Growth stops in 2049, after adding 1.2 billion.

    • 146 Countries Add Appx. 1.5 billion.

    • 77 Countries Shrinking by a Total of Appx. 300 million.

    • (Net Gain of 1.2 Billion)

  • “Top 15” Growers to 2049, Low Variant= Contribution to Global

    = % In-Country Increase

  • Top 30 Absolute Growers by 2049, Low Variant

  • Top 30 Absolute Shrinkers by 2049, Low Variant