Current Affairs Questions 30th May 2020 · Recently, Veteran politician Ajit Jogi passed away. He...

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Transcript of Current Affairs Questions 30th May 2020 · Recently, Veteran politician Ajit Jogi passed away. He...

  • Current Affairs Questions 30th May 2020

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  • Recently, Padma Shri Mujtaba Hussain passes away. He was a famous ________. A. Painter B. Doctor C. Actor D. Writer

    हाल ही में, पद्म श्री मुजतबा हुसैन का निधन। वह एक प्रसिद्ध ________ थे। A. पेंटर B. चिकित्सक C. अभिनेता D. लेखक

    Question of the day

  • 7

    ●  RenownedUrduwriterandPadmaShriwinnerMujtabaHussainpassedawayinHyderabadaftersufferingcardiacarrest.

    ●  Bornon15July1936,MujtabaHussainwasknownforhishumorouswritingsandcolumnsinUrdunewspapersandbooks.

    ●  जाने-मानेउर्दूलेखकऔरपद्मश्रीविजेतामुजतबाहुसैनकाहैदराबादमेंकार्डिएकअरेस्टसेपीड़ितहोनेकेबादनिधनहोगया।

    ●  15जुलाई1936कोजन्मे,मुजतबाहुसैनउर्दूअखबारोंऔरकिताबोंमेंअपनेहास्यलेखनऔरस्तंभोंकेलिएजानेजातेथे।

  • Recently which country’s president signed an executive order regarding liability protections for social media companies such as Twitter and Facebook? A. USA B. France C. China D. Russia

    हाल ही में किस देश के राष्ट्रपति ने ट्विटर और फेसबुक जैसी सोशल मीडिया कंपनियों के लिए दायित्व संरक्षण के संबंध में एक कार्यकारी आदेश पर हस्ताक्षर किए? A. अमेरीका B. फ्रांस C. चीन D. रूस

  • ●  US President Donald Trump signed an executive order regarding liability protections for social media companies such as Twitter and Facebook for content posted on these platforms.

    ●  The president claimed that the move aims to defend free speech from one of the gravest dangers it has faced in American history. The move came after Twitter applied fact checks to two of President Trump's tweets.

    ●  अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रम्प ने इन प्लेटफार्मों पर पोस्ट की गई सामग्री के लिए सोशल मीडिया कंपनियों जैसे ट्विटर और फेसबुक के लिए दायित्व संरक्षण के बारे में एक कार्यकारी आदेश पर हस्ताक्षर किए।

    ●  राष्ट्रपति न ेदावा किया कि इस कदम का उद्देश्य अमेरिकी इतिहास में सामन ेआए सबसे गंभीर खतरों में से एक से मुक्त भाषण का बचाव करना ह।ै राष्ट्रपति ट्रम्प क ेदो ट्वीट के लिए ट्विटर पर तथ्य जांच लागू करने के बाद यह कदम आया।

  • USA

    •  Capital : Washington, D.C. •  President: Donald Trump •  Vice President: Mike Pence •  House Speaker: Nancy Pelosi •  Chief Justice: John Roberts •  Legislature: Congress

    –  Upper house: Senate –  Lower house: House of

    Representatives •  Currency: United States dollar


  • USA in Recent News ●  The US President Donald Trump's administration has launched a program called Operation ‘Warp

    Speed’. ○  Operation Warp Speed is a public–private partnership, initiated by the Federal Government of the

    United States, to facilitate and accelerate the development of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics.

    ●  The United States Navy has said that it will host the world's largest maritime exercises ‘Rim of the Pacific’ in Hawaii again this year, but the drills will only be held at sea because of the Coronavirus.

    ●  US President Donald Trump has unveiled the official flag for the nation's Space Force. ○  It is the newest branch of the US military. ○  According to the White House, the dark blue flag, featuring a delta wing, an elliptical orbit and three

    large stars are intended to symbolize the Space Force's purpose of organizing, training and equipping.

    ●  US’s Coronavirus Vaccine named ‘mRNA-1273’ has become the first to show positive response against the COVID-19.


  • Recently, Veteran politician Ajit Jogi passed away. He was the first Chief Minister of which state? A. Uttarakhand B. Telangana C. Chhattisgarh D. Jharkhand

    हाल ही में, अनुभवी राजनीतिज्ञ अजीत जोगी का निधन हो गया। वह किस राज्य के पहले मुख्यमंत्री थे? A. उत्तराखंड B. तेलंगाना C. छत्तीसगढ़ D. झारखंड

  • ●  First Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh, Ajit Jogi passed away on May 29, 2020.

    ●  He served as the first chief minister of the state of Chhattisgarh.

    ●  He was a member of the Janta Congress Chhattisgarh political party.

    ●  छत्तीसगढ़ क ेपहले मुख्यमंत्री अजीत जोगी का 29 मई, 2020 को निधन हो गया।

    ●  उन्होंने छत्तीसगढ ़राज्य के पहले मुख्यमंत्री क ेरूप मे ंकार्य किया।

    ●  वह जनता कांग्रेस छत्तीसगढ़ राजनीतिक दल के सदस्य थे।

  • Chhattisgarh

    •  Statehood: 1 November 2000 •  Capital: Raipur •  Number of District : 27 •  Governor: Anusuiya Uikey •  Chief Minister: Bhupesh Baghel •  Members of the Legislative Assembly: 90 •  Lok Sabha Seats : 11 •  Rajya Sabha Seats : 5 •  Rajya Sabha Seats : 3


  • History of Chhattisgarh ●  Chhattisgarh was under Maratha rule

    (Bhonsales of Nagpur) from 1741 to 1845 AD.

    ●  The area constituting the new state merged into Madhya Pradesh on 1 November 1956, under the States Reorganisation Act, 1956 and remained a part of that state for 44 years.

    ●  The state was formed on 1 November 2000 by partitioning ten Chhattisgarhi and six Gondi speaking southeastern districts of Madhya Pradesh.

    ●  First CM of Chhattisgarh: Ajit Jogi ●  First governor of Chhattisgarh: D. N.


    ●  1741 से 1845 ई तक छत्तीसगढ ़मराठा शासन (नागपुर के भोंसल)े के अधीन था।

    ●  राज्य पुनर्गठन अधिनियम, 1956 के तहत 1 नवंबर 1956 को नए राज्य का गठन करने वाला क्षेत्र मध्य प्रदेश मे ंविलय हो गया और 44 वर्षों तक उस राज्य का हिस्सा बना रहा।

    ●  1 नवंबर 2000 को मध्य प्रदेश के दस छत्तीसगढ़ी और छह गोंडी भाषी जिलों को विभाजित करके राज्य का गठन किया गया था।

    ●  छत्तीसगढ़ के पहले सीएम: अजीत जोगी ●  छत्तीसगढ़ के पहले राज्यपाल: डी। एन। सहाय

  • Festivals & Fairs of Chhattisgarh ●  Bastar Dussehra ●  Bastar Lokotsav ●  Madai Festival ●  Bhoramdeo Mahotsav ●  Goncha Festival ●  Champaran Mela ●  Hareli Festival

  • Chhattisgarh in Recent News

    ●  Chhattisgarh has registered maximum participation in forest produce collection amid the coronavirus-induced lockdown.

    ●  The Chhattisgarh government launched the Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojna, by transferring Rs 1,500 crore into the accounts of more than 18,000 farmers.

    ●  Chhattisgarh has topped the list of states in providing employment to over 18 lakh unskilled labourers under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS).


  • Which of the following chaired the 22nd Financial Stability and Development Council meeting? A. Home minister B. Finance minister C. RBI Governor D. Prime minister

    निम्नलिखित में से किसने 22 वीं वित्तीय स्थिरता और विकास परिषद की बैठक की अध्यक्षता की? A. ग्रह मंत्री B. वित्त मंत्री C. RBI के गवर्नर D. प्रधान मंत्री

  • 19

    ●  OnMay28,2020,theUnionFinanceMinisterNirmalaSitaramanchairedFinancialStabilityandDevelopmentCouncilmeet.ThefinancialstabilityanddevelopmentcouncilisanapexbodyconstitutedbyGoI.Theideawasmootedin2008bytheRaghuramRajanCommittee.

    ●  TheCouncilwassetupin2010bythethenFinanceMinisterPranabMukerjee. ●  28मई,2020कोकेंद्रीयवित्तमंत्रीनिर्मलासीतारमननेवित्तीयस्थिरताऔरविकासपरिषदकीबैठक

    कीअध्यक्षताकी। ●  वित्तीयस्थिरताऔरविकासपरिषदभारतसरकारद्वारागठितएकसर्वोच्चनिकायहै।2008मेंरघुराम

    राजनसमितिद्वाराइसविचारकोलूटलियागयाथा। ●  परिषदकीस्थापना2010मेंतत्कालीनवित्तमंत्रीप्रणबमुखर्जीद्वाराकीगईथी।

  • Financial Stability and Development Council

    •  The Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC) was constituted in December, 2010. The FSDC was set up to strengthen and institutionalise the mechanism for maintaining financial stability, enhancing inter-regulatory coordination and promoting financial sector development.

    •  An apex-level FSDC is not a statutory body. •  The Council is chaired by the Union Finance Minister and its members are

    Governor, Reserve Bank of India; Finance Secretary and/or Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs; Secretary, Department of Financial Services; Chief Economic Adviser, Ministry of Finance; Chairman, Securities and Exchange Board of India; Chairman, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority and Chairman, Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority.

    •  It also includes the chairman of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board (IBBI).


  • 21

  • International Day of UN Peacekeepers is celebrated on which date? A. 28 May B. 26 May C. 29 May D. 24 May

    संयुक्त राष्ट्र शांति सैनिकों का अंतर्राष्ट्रीय दिवस किस तिथि को मनाया जाता है? A. 28 मई B. 26 मई C. 29 मई D. 24 मई

  • 23

    ●  Every year, the United Nations celebrates International Day of UN Peacekeepers on May 29. This year the day is being celebrated under the theme Women in Peacekeeping: A key to Peace.

    ●  The first UN Peace Keeping mission was established on May 29, 1948. The Peace keeping mission was established to monitor the Armistice Agreement that was signed between Israel and Arab.

    ●  हर साल, संयुक्त राष्ट्र 29 मई को संयुक्त राष्ट्र शांति सैनिकों का अंतर्राष्ट्रीय दिवस मनाता है। इस वर्ष यह दिवस महिलाओं के लिए शांति स्थापना: शांति की कुंजी: के तहत मनाया जा रहा है।

    ●  पहला यूएन पीस कीपिंग मिशन 29 मई 1948 को स्थापित किया गया था। इजरायल और अरब के बीच हस्ताक्षर किए गए आर्मिस्टिस समझौते की निगरानी के लिए पीस कीपिंग मिशन की स्थापना की गई थी।

  • United Nations Peacekeeping

    •  UN Peacekeeping helps countries navigate the difficult path from conflict to peace. •  Peacekeeping has proven to be one of the most effective tools available to the UN to

    assist host countries navigate the difficult path from conflict to peace. •  UN peacekeepers provide security and the political and peacebuilding support to help

    countries make the difficult, early transition from conflict to peace. •  There are currently 13 UN peacekeeping operations deployed on three continents. •  UN peacekeepers (often referred to as Blue Berets or Blue Helmets because of their

    light blue berets or helmets) can include soldiers, police officers, and civilian personnel. •  संयुक्त राष्ट्र शांति सेना देशों को संघर्ष स ेशांति तक के कठिन मार्ग पर चलने में मदद करती है। •  संयुक्त राष्ट्र के पास मेजबान देशो ंको शांति से संघर्ष के कठिन रास्ते को नेविगेट करने में सहायता करने के

    लिए शांति व्यवस्था सबसे प्रभावी उपकरणो ंमें से एक साबित हुई है। •  संयुक्त राष्ट्र के शांति रक्षक सुरक्षा प्रदान करते हैं और देशों को शांति से संघर्ष से कठिन, प्रारंभिक चरण

    में मदद करने क ेलिए राजनीतिक और शांति सहायता प्रदान करते हैं। •  वर्तमान में तीन महाद्वीपों पर 13 संयुक्त राष्ट्र शांति अभियानों चल रहे है। •  संयुक्त राष्ट्र के शांति रक्षक (अक्सर अपने हल्के नील ेरंग के बर्थ या हेलमेट के कारण ब्लू बेरेट या ब्लू

    हेल्मेट के रूप मे ंसंदर्भित होते हैं) में सैनिक, पुलिस अधिकारी और नागरिक कर्मी शामिल हो सकत ेहैं।

  • Recently, Bejan Daruwala passed away. He was a famous _________. A. Journalist B. Astrologer C. Doctor D. Professor

    हाल ही में बेजन दारूवाला का निधन हो गया। वह एक प्रसिद्ध _________ थे। A. पत्रकार B. ज्योतिषी C. चिकित्सक D. प्रोफ़ेसर

  • 26

    ●  Renowned astrologer Bejan Daruwala passed away on May 29, 2020 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. ●  Bejan Daruwalla was a world renowned Indian astrologer, who also served as an English professor in

    Ahmedabad. He was known to be an ardent follower of Lord Ganesha. ●  जान-ेमाने ज्योतिषी बेजान दारूवाला का 29 मई, 2020 को अहमदाबाद, गुजरात में निधन हो गया। ●  बेजान दारुवाला एक विश्व प्रसिद्ध भारतीय ज्योतिषी थे, जिन्होंन ेअहमदाबाद में एक अंग्रेजी प्रोफेसर के रूप में भी काम किया

    था। उन्हे ंभगवान गणेश का एक उत्साही अनुयायी माना जाता था।

  • Recently WHO suspended the trial of which of the following? A. Lopinavir and Ritonavir B. Lopinavir and Ritonavir and

    Remdesivir C. Hydroxychloroquine D. All of the above

    हाल ही में WHO ने निम्नलिखित में स ेकिसका परीक्षण स्थगित किया? A. लोपिनवीर और रितोनवीर B. लोपिनवीर और रितोनवीर और रेमेडिसविर C. Hydroxychloroquine D. ऊपर के सभी

  • ●  The World Health Organization recently suspended its trials on the efficacy of the drug Hydroxychloroquine in treating COVID-19. The HCQ trial is one one of the four mega trials initiated by the organization.

    ●  The four mega trials include HCQ, Lopinavir and Ritonavir, Lopinavir and Ritonavir along with Interferon and Remdesivir.

    ●  विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन न े हाल ही मे ं COVID -19 के इलाज मे ं ड्रग हाइड्रोक्सीक्लोरोक्वीन की प्रभावकारिता पर अपने परीक्षणो ंको निलंबित कर दिया। HCQ परीक्षण संगठन द्वारा शुरू किए गए चार मेगा परीक्षणो ंमें से एक है।

    ●  चार मेगा परीक्षणों में एचसीक्यू, लोपिनवीर और रितोनवीर, लोपिनवीर और रितोनवीर के साथ इंटरफेरॉन और रेमेडिसविर शामिल हैं।

  • World Health Organization

    Head: Tedros Adhanom Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland Founded: 7 April 1948 Recently, Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan took charge as the chairman of the World Health Organization (WHO) Executive Board.


  • परिसीमन अधिनियम संसद द्वारा प्रत्येक अनुच्छेद के तहत हर जनगणना के बाद लाया जाता है? A. अनुच्छेद 82 B. अनुच्छेद 64 C. अनुच्छेद 97 D. अनुच्छेद 101

    The Delimitation Act is brought about by the Parliament after every census under which Article? A. Article 82 B. Article 64 C. Article 97 D. Article 101

  • 31

    ●  OnMay28,2020,theDelimitationCommissionheldameetingtoreviewtheprogressofdirectionsthatwereprovidedduringitsmeetinApril,2020.

    ●  DelimitationistheactofredrawingtheboundariesofstateassemblyandLokSabhaseatswithrespecttothechangesinpopulation.

    ●  Themainobjectiveofdelimitationistoprovideequalrepresentativesinthelegislativeassemblyandparliamenttoequalsegmentsofpopulation.

    ●  TheDelimitationisconductedbytheDelimitationCommission. ●  28मई,2020कोपरिसीमनआयोगनेअप्रैल,2020मेंअपनीबैठककेदौरानदिएगएनिर्देशोंकीप्रगतिकीसमीक्षाकेलिएएक

    बैठककी। ●  परिसीमनराज्यविधानसभाऔरलोकसभासीटोंकीसीमाओंकोजनसंख्यामेंपरिवर्तनकेसंबंधमेंफिरसेपरिभाषितकरनेकाकार्य

    ह।ै ●  परिसीमनकामुख्यउद्देश्यविधानसभाऔरसंसदमेंसमानजनसंख्याकेसमानक्षेत्रोंमेंसमानप्रतिनिधिप्रदानकरनाहै। ●  परिसीमनआयोगद्वारापरिसीमनकियाजाताहै।

  • Delimitation Commission •  The Delimitation Commission is appointed by the President of India and

    works in collaboration with the Election Commission of India. •  It comprises of : Retired Supreme Court judge, Chief Election

    Commissioner, Respective State Election Commissioners Aim:

    –  To determine the number and boundaries of constituencies to make population of all constituencies nearly equal.

    –  To identify seats reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, wherever their population is relatively large.

    –  In case of difference of opinion among members of the Commission, the opinion of the majority prevails.

    The Delimitation Commission in India is a high power body whose orders have the force of law and cannot be called in question before any court. 32

  • A new freshwater fish called Punitus Sanctus was recently found in which state? A. Kerala B. Tamil Nadu C. Goa D. Assam

    पुंटियस सैंक्टस नामक एक नई मीठे पानी की मछली हाल ही में किस राज्य मे ंपाई गई? A. केरल B. तमिलनाडु C. गोवा D. असम

  • 34

    ●  AnewfreshwaterfishcalledPunitusSanctuswasfoundinVelankanni,TamilNadu.Thefishwasfoundinasmallwaterbody.

    ●  Sanctusmeans‘holy’inLatin.PunitusisaspeciesoffishthatarecommonlyfoundinthedrainsofwesternandeasternghatsandalsoinEasternHimalayas.

    ●  TheGenusPunitusislocallyknownasKendeinTamilNaduandParalinKerala. ●  ThePunitusbelongstothefamilyofCyprindae.●  तमिलनाडुकेवेलांकन्नीमेंपुनीतसैंक्टसनामकएकनईताजेपानीकीमछलीपाईगई।मछलीएकछोटेसेपानीके

    शरीरमेंपाईगईथी। ●  सैंक्टसकाअर्थलैटिनमें‘पवित्र’ह।ैपुनीतसमछलीकीएकप्रजातिहैजोआमतौरपरपश्चिमीऔरपूर्वीघाट

    औरपूर्वीहिमालयकेनालोंमेंपाईजातीह।ै ●  जीनसपुनीतसकोस्थानीयरूपसेतमिलनाडुमेंकेंडऔरकेरलमेंपारलकेनामसेजानाजाताह।ै ●  दपुनीतससाइप्रेंडेकेपरिवारसेहै।

  • Tamil Nadu

    •  State: 1 November 1956 •  Capital: Chennai •  Number of District : 38 (+1 in March 2020) •  Governor: Banwarilal Purohit •  Chief Minister: Edappadi K. Palaniswami •  Lok Sabha Seats : 39 •  Rajya Sabha Seats : 18


  • ●  Indira Gandhi National Park ●  Mudumalai National Park ●  Mukurthi National Park ●  Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park ●  Guindy National Park

    Important National Park and Wildlife Sanctuaries in Tamil Nadu

  • Tamil Nadu in Recent News

    ●  The Geographical Indications Registry of India granted the Geographical Indication (GI) tag to “Thanjavur Netti Works (pith works) and Arumbavur Wood Carvings,” the two famous and delicate handicraft products from Tamil Nadu.

    ●  The Thuthukudi airport in Tamilnadu, near the strategically important Bay of Bengal coast, has been upgraded to level 3 by the Airport Authority of India.

    ●  In financial year 2019-20, the Tamil Nadu finished on top at the all-India level for micro-irrigation coverage. ○  This has been achieved as part of implementation of the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana

    (PMKSY), a programme aimed at promoting the “more crop per drop” concept by focussing on water-saving technologies.

    ●  The Tamil Nadu government has formally commenced the process of acquiring the sprawling three-storeyed residence of late Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa, 'Veda Nilayam' here, to convert it into a memorial.


  • Which of the following is the main locust breeding areas? A. Horn of Africa B. Southern Iran C. Oman D. All of the above

    निम्न में से कौन सा मुख्य टिड्डी प्रजनन क्षेत्र है? A. हॉर्न ऑफ़ अफ्रीका B. दक्षिणी ईरान C. ओमान D. ऊपर के सभी

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    ●  Desertlocustsnormallyliveandbreedinsemi-arid/desertregions.Forlayingeggs,theyrequirebareground,whichisrarelyfoundinareaswithdensevegetation.So,theyaremorelikelytobreedinRajasthanthanintheIndo-GangeticplainsorGodavariandCauverydelta.Whilegreenvegetationisgoodforhopperdevelopment–thestagebetweenthenymphthathashatchedandbeforeitsturningintoawingedadultmoth–suchcoverisn’twidespreadenoughindesertstoallowgrowthoflargelocustpopulations.Locustsaren’tdangerousaslongastheyareindividualhoppers/mothsorsmallisolatedgroupsofinsects,inwhatiscalledthe“solitaryphase”.

    ●  रेगिस्तानीटिड्डियाँआमतौरपरअर्ध-शुष्क/रेगिस्तानीक्षेत्रोंमेंरहतीहैंऔरप्रजननकरतीहैं।अंडेदेनेकेलिए,उन्हेंनंगेजमीनकीआवश्यकताहोतीह,ैजोघनेवनस्पतिवालेक्षेत्रोंमेंबहुतकमपाईजातीहै।इसलिए,वेराजस्थानमेंइंडो-गंगाकेमैदानोंयागोदावरीऔरकावेरीडेल्टाकीतुलनामेंप्रजननकरनेकीअधिकसंभावनारखतेहैं।जबकिहरीवनस्पतिहॉपरविकासकेलिएअच्छीहै-अप्सराकेबीचकाचरणजोकिउठीहुईहैऔरपंखोंवालेवयस्कपतंगमेंबदलनेसेपहले-इसतरहकेआवरणबड़ेरेगिस्तानआबादीकेविकासकीअनुमतिदेनेकेलिएरेगिस्तानमेंपर्याप्तरूपसेव्यापकनहींहैं।टिड्डियांतबतकखतरनाकनहींहोतीं,जबतककिवेअलग-अलगहॉपर/कीटयाकीटोंकेछोटेपृथकसमूहनहींहोतेहैं,जिसे"एकान्तचरण"कहाजाताहै।

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  • Which country blocked the US attempt to hold a United Nations Security Council meeting on the issue of Beijing government's plan to impose new security legislation in Hong Kong? A. China B. Japan C. North Korea D. Taiwan

    किस देश ने हांगकांग में नए सुरक्षा कानून लागू करने की बीजिंग सरकार की योजना के मुद्दे पर संयुक्त राष्ट्र सुरक्षा परिषद की बैठक आयोजित करने के अमेरिकी प्रयास को अवरुद्ध कर दिया? A. चीन B. जापान C. उत्तर कोरिया D. ताइवान

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    ●  Chinaon28May2020blockedtheUSattempttoholdaUnitedNationsSecurityCouncilmeetingontheissueofBeijinggovernment'splantoimposenewsecuritylegislationinHongKong.ChineseenvoytotheUnitedNations,ZhangJunrejectedtherequestmadebytheUnitedStatesforaUNSCmeetingontheissueandaskedWashington'tostopitspowerpoliticsandbullyingpractices'.

    ●  ChinacategoricallyrejectsthebaselessrequestoftheUSforaSecurityCouncilmeeting.LegislationonnationalsecurityforHongKongispurelyChina'sinternalaffairs.IthasnothingtodowiththemandateoftheSecurityCouncil.

    ●  चीनने28मई2020कोहांगकांगमेंनएसुरक्षाकानूनलागूकरनेकीबीजिंगसरकारकीयोजनाकेमुद्देपरसंयुक्तराष्ट्रसुरक्षापरिषदकीबैठकआयोजितकरनेकेअमेरिकीप्रयासकोअवरुद्धकरदिया।संयुक्तराष्ट्रमेंचीनीदूत,झांगजूननेइसमुद्देपरUNSCकीबैठककेलिएसंयुक्तराज्यअमेरिकाद्वाराकिएगएअनुरोधकोअस्वीकारकरदियाऔरवाशिंगटनसे'अपनीशक्तिराजनीतिऔरबदमाशीप्रथाओंकोरोकनेकेलिए'कहा।

    ●  चीनसुरक्षापरिषदकीबैठककेलिएअमेरिकाकेआधारहीनअनुरोधकोस्पष्टरूपसेअस्वीकारकरताह।ैहांगकांगकेलिएराष्ट्रीयसुरक्षापरकानूनविशुद्धरूपसेचीनकेआंतरिकमामलेहैं।इसकासुरक्षापरिषदकेजनादेशसेकोईलेना-देनानहींहै।

  • USA

    •  Capital : Washington, D.C. •  President: Donald Trump •  Vice President: Mike Pence •  House Speaker: Nancy Pelosi •  Chief Justice: John Roberts •  Legislature: Congress

    –  Upper house: Senate –  Lower house: House of

    Representatives •  Currency: United States dollar


  • China

    •  China is the world's most populous country. •  It is the world's third or fourth largest country

    by area. •  The state exercises jurisdiction over 22

    provinces, five autonomous regions, four direct-controlled municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing), and the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau.

    •  Capital Beijing •  Government: Unitary Marxist-Leninist one-

    party socialist republic •  President: Xi Jinping •  Currency: Renminbi (yuan)


  • China in Recent News

    ●  The body of China's ambassador to Israel, who died earlier this week, was handed to Chinese authorities in a ceremony at Israel's Ben Gurion International Airport. ○  Ambassador Du Wei, 58, was found dead at his home in Herzliya, in central Israel.

    ●  China's latest state-of-the-art carrier rocket, the Long March-5B, made a successful maiden flight, during which the new rocket managed to send the assembly of a trial version of the country's new-generation manned spaceship.

    ●  China has started testing its official digital currency which is unofficially called “Digital Currency Electronic Payment, DC/EP”. ○  The digital currency of China has not been officially released but internal pilot tests

    are being carried out in four cities of China.


  • Which of the following is pillar of Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan? A. Economy and Demand B. System and infrastructure C. Demography D. All of the above

    निम्नलिखित में स ेकौन-सा आत्मनिर्भर भारत अभियान का स्तंभ है? A. अर्थव्यवस्था और मांग B. प्रणाली और बुनियादी ढाँचा C. जनसांख्यिकी D. ऊपर के सभी

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  • Indian Olympic Association has constituted an 11-member committee, led by __ to monitor annual grant and affiliation fee of its members for the 2020-2021 cycle. A. Adille Sumariwala B. Anju Bobby George C. Milkha Singh D. P T Usha

    भारतीय ओलंपिक संघ ने 11-20 सदस्यीय समिति का गठन किया है, जिसके नेतृत्व मे ं__ 2020-2021 चक्र के लिए अपने सदस्यो ंके वार्षिक अनुदान और संबद्धता शुल्क की निगरानी करेगा। A. अदिले सुमरीवाला B. अंजू बॉबी जॉर्ज C. मिल्खा सिंह D. पी टी उषा

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    ●  TheIndianOlympicAssociationconstitutedan11-membercommitteeledbyAthleticsFederationofIndiapresidentAdilleSumariwalatomonitorannualgrantandaffiliationfeeofitsmembersforthe2020-2021cycle.

    ●  भारतीयओलंपिकसंघनेएथलेटिक्सफेडरेशनऑफइंडियाकेअध्यक्षएडिलेसुमारिवालाकीअगुवाईमें11-20सदस्यीयसमितिकागठनकिया,जो2020-2021चक्रकेलिएअपनेसदस्योंकेवार्षिकअनुदानऔरसंबद्धताशुल्ककीनिगरानीकरेगी।

  • Indian Olympic Association

    •  The Indian Olympic Association (IOA) is the body responsible for selecting athletes to represent India at the Olympic Games, Asian Games and other international athletic meets and for managing the Indian teams at these events.

    •  It also acts as the Indian Commonwealth Games Association, responsible for selecting athletes to represent India at the Commonwealth Games.


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  • Foreign direct investment (FDI) in India grew by __ per cent to a record of $49.97 billion in the 2019-20 financial year. A.13 A. 15 B. 17 C. 21

    भारत में प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश (FDI) 2019-20 के वित्तीय वर्ष में ____ प्रतिशत बढ़कर 49.97 बिलियन डॉलर के रिकॉर्ड पर पहुंच गया। A.13 A. 15 B. 17 C. 21

    Question of the day

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    ●  SingaporeemergedasthelargestsourceofFDIinIndiaduringthelastfiscalwith$14.67billioninvestments.

    ●  Foreigndirectinvestments(FDI)areinvestmentsmadebyonecompanyintoanotherlocatedinanothercountry.

    ●  FDIsareactivelyutilizedinopenmarketsratherthanclosedmarketsforinvestors. ●  Horizontal,vertical,andconglomeratearetypesofFDI’s. ●  सिंगापुर14.67बिलियनडॉलरकेनिवेशकेसाथपिछलेवित्तवर्षकेदौरानभारतमेंएफडीआईकासबसेबड़ास्रोत

    बनकरउभरा। ●  प्रत्यक्षविदेशीनिवेश(एफडीआई)एककंपनीद्वारादूसरेदेशमेंस्थितनिवेशमेंकियाजाताहै। ●  एफडीआईनिवेशकोंकेलिएबंदबाजारोंकेबजायखुलेबाजारोंमेंसक्रियरूपसेउपयोगकियाजाताहै। ●  क्षैतिज,ऊर्ध्वाधर,औरसमूहबद्धFDIकेप्रकारहैं

  • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

    ●  Generally, FDI is when a foreign entity acquires ownership or controlling stake in the shares of a company in one country, or establishes businesses there.

    ●  It is different from foreign portfolio investment where the foreign entity merely buys equity shares of a company.

    ●  In FDI, the foreign entity has a say in the day-to-day operations of the company.

    ●  FDI is not just the inflow of money, but also the inflow of technology, knowledge, skills and expertise/know-how.
