Culture: The Guadalquivir is the fifth longest river in Spain. The Guadalquivir is 657 kilometers...

Post on 26-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Culture: The Guadalquivir is the fifth longest river in Spain. The Guadalquivir is 657 kilometers...

Blue Ribbon

The Guadalquivir: river of three cultures

Culture:The Guadalquivir is the fifth longest river in Spain. The

Guadalquivir is 657 kilometers long and drains an area of about 58,000 square kilometers. It begins at Cañada de las Fuentes in Cazorla mountains (Jaén), passes through Córdoba, Seville and ends at the fishing village of Bonanza, in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, flowing into the Gulf of Cádiz, in the Atlantic Ocean. The lowlands at the end of the river are known as "Las Marismas", which border Doñana National Park reserve. The Guadalquivir River is navigable to Seville, but in Roman times it was navigable to Córdoba.

Name:Comes from the Arabic al-wādi al-kabīr, 'The Great River'.

Classical Arabic Wadi is pronounced in present-day Maghreb asOued. The Phoenicians named the river Baits, later Betis from pre-Roman times to the Al-Andalus period, giving its name to the Hispania Baetica Roman province.



•Roman period: found by Claudio Marcelo, Córdoba has been linked the river Guadalquivir, fundamentally in aspect commercial. Important: building of “Puente viejo”.

•Islamic period: this culture has preference for the water and his uses. It´s the beginning of use of river for the spare time and the expasion.

•From 1236 to 1492.: the river becomes a defensive component.

•The 16th century : this situation increase as a result of foreign trade with India. It´s economy´s development

•The 17th and 18th century: the crisis affected this area, besides to happen the major flood

•The 19th century: it´s “Paseo de la Ribera” period, with building of wall. This stage is connected to demolition of wall and city expasion of this century

Art: All references artistic river, are both in

music, singing, painting and all written in prose and verse.Luis de Góngora y Argote was born in Córdoba, he calls the river king in his sonnet"A Córdoba" heroic group, so called:Lofty wall Oh, oh towers crowned,majesty of honor, of gallantry.Oh great river, great king of Andalusia,fine sand as not browned.

In one of his "Songs", a group of loving, and calls him by naming Betis made a clarification in brackets: (Betis river, and as absolute king, / who gives laws to the sea, and no tribute) Also in "Romances "a poetry loving group, repeated real idea of the river: Thou king of the other rivers.Alvarez Quintero, Serafin and Joaquin were two Seville brothers who signed his comedies-and poetry-together.In one of their literary poetic, we made a beautiful page in verses, titled "Guadalquivir" - and preface: "In his birth, in Carzola" which is an ode to the geography, history and out of the river to the sea ".

MONUMENTS FROM THE ROMAN PERIOD• Trozos de acueducto en Medina Zahara, el de Prica (Valdepuente, Aqua vesta)

Nestled in the Plaza de Amadora (Pryca Sierra), brings 20,000 to 35,000 liters of water that reaches the Seville door. Section of the aqueduct that appeared in valdepuentes was discovered by the foundation of one of the buildings of recent construction in the area. It has a barrel vault and run the feature "half-round" of Roman hydraulic engineering.

• Aquaduct in the Bus Station

In the parking of the bus station in Cordoba we find remains of a Moorish house, the union of two aqueducts and a mosque with Roman stones, also visible from the top. At day the natural light plays a fundamental role in the station.

• Acueducto Aqua Nova, in the Ronda de Marrubial

These conductions were constituted by rectangular channels made of lime, sand and water, of 60x45 cm. To approximately 3 km from Corduba, these branches were joining in an alone conduction of 90x60 cm. There is estimated in approximately 20.000 m3/day the flow that this aqueduct was contributing to the Patrician Cologne

• Berska, calle Concepción, a hot spring.

In the basement of building are the remains of a Roman bath complex built in the first half of the first century AD. Currently being finalized the integration and enhancement of the remains in order to open them to the public. Specifically what remains is a pool of 12 by 5.80 meters wide and 1.20 deep, probably open. Its construction is based coating caementicium and signinum opus. The pool has two parallel columns with some limestone steps and stairs to the pool.


MONUMENTS FROM THE ARAB PERIOD• On Avenida de Vallellano, there are remains of constructions that the Arabs used to transport water to the Mezquita This tomb, which was found by chance

during the opening work Avenue, located near where it was the pre-Roman Corduba, is a rectangular building of 4.40 x 2.90 m. with walls 50 cm. Formed with thick calcarenite rocks. Its depth is 2 m. with a total construction height of 3,40 m. In one corner is a second port that should be used to access the inside, because under it, rectangular holes cut into the walls and faced two to two to allow the placement of the rungs of a ladder. Can be dated to the second half of the first century BC. A few meters above the edge of the road, is another outdoor construction simultaneously. It is built in "Opus caementicium" rectangular 4.40 x 2.70 m. Its function is unknown. Also it can be seen remains of a water pipe on both sides of the road.

• Arab Baths in Santa Maria

The Arab Baths of Santa Maria, located in the Jewish quarter of Cordoba (Spain), were public baths of Use which constitute one of the few surviving examples of a building type popular and abundant in Muslim Cordoba, with perduraciones Christian culture in modern times. It corresponds to a stay covered with a barrel vault that remains integrated within the current housing and divided into several rooms.• Arab Baths in Campo de los Martires

The Caliphate Baths are Arab baths in Cordoba (Spain), whose remains were found accidentally in 1903 in the Campo Santo of the martyrs, who months later were buried. Made under the Caliphate Alhakén II for the enjoyment of the caliph and his court, form a set of rooms with masonry walls

Baños árabes de Santa Maria

Baños árabes del Campo de los Mártires

• La Casa de las Abluciones, in Hotel Conquistador

Oriental room of ablutions of the Mezquita-Alhama, constructed by Almanzor at the end of the 10th century. They were forming a part of a set of mida'as constructed to expire with the minor, obligatory ritual of ablutions for the Muslims before beginning to pray to the temple. In view of his use as mida'a (lavatory), account with a complete and complex hydraulic system. It is a question of an emblematic building, the only one that can be visited in Europe

•The Alcazar BathsThey were prívate baths

which were exclusive to the owners of the Alcázar, due to the king had prohibited the use of the public baths.It presents numerous stays, by function and utility. They are magnificently preserved and you can access to them by the same stairs which go down from the donjon to the principal patio.

• The Gardens of the •Mezquita

It belongs to the Mosque Cathedral and it is the biggest and oldest patio of Cordoba. It was ordered to build by Abderramán I in 786. The function of the patio was religious for the Muslim people, but it became a meeting point of the people of the city.It is called patio de los naranjos due to the 98 orange trees it have, which were planted in row at the finish of the XVIII century.


GRUPO 5: Belén Almenara Laura Blanco Elisabeth Calv0

Cristina García Arévalo Ana Gómez