Cultural studies

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Cultural studies

Cultural StudiesSteve Gibson

First Assumption Culture pervades and invades all facets of

human behavior Need a different meaning for culture

The various norms, ideas, values, and forms of understanding in a society that help people interpret their reality

All a part of a culture’s ideology Ideology – framework used to makes sense

of our existence

First Assumption Cont. Cultural practices and institutions permeate our

ideologies “All groups are constantly engaged in creating

and remaking meaning systems and embodying these meanings in expressive forms, social practices, and institutions”- Graham Murdock

Culture wars – cultural struggles over meaning, identity, and influence

Many behaviors that we practice daily, and others that are less frequent

Second Assumption People are part of a hierarchical structure

of power Meaning and power are closely related

Power is something subordinate groups desire but cannot achieve

The Media Ultimate source of power Hall argues that no institution should have

the power to decide what the public hears Choose what is important Tool of the dominant class

Hegemony Defined as the influence, power, or dominance

of one social group over another Idea can be traced back to Antonio Gramsci

One of the founders of the Italian Communist Party Based on false consciousness

Belief that people are unaware of the domination in their lives

People will consent to the ideologies of the dominant culture if they are given “rights” Freedoms, material goods, etc.

Hegemony Cont. Theatre of Struggle

Competition of various cultural ideologies Ex. Women’s rights prior to 1920 and women’s

rights after 1920 or African American rights prior to the 60s and after the 60s

Personal Experience Over the span of my life

The Beatles The Beach Boys Classic rock-> Duran Duran, Aerosmith, Guns ‘N

Roses, etc. Rap Rock/Metal/Punk/Hardcore

Discussion Question Are there beliefs or qualities that people or

yourself possess that cannot be influenced by the dominant culture? If so, where did these beliefs originate?