Cultivating Self Love: Start with Yourself

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Cultivating Self Love: Start with Yourself

Start with Yourself – Cultivating Self Love

•Only 4% of women consider themselves beautiful

•92% of women would change the way they look

•85% of the world’s population suffers from low self-esteem

• Low self-esteem is the common denominator for addictive & abusive behavior

•More deaths caused by suicide each year than by homicide: World Health Organization (WHO)


“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire

universe, deserve your love and affection.”

- Buddha


Choose to be Happy

Banish Negativity

Positive thoughtsgenerate positive

feelings and attract

positive life


Practice Gratitude Daily

Prioritize your Health & Wellness

RegaRdless of what’s

happening in your life

or how people treat you,

how you treat yourself

is entirely up to you.

Eat well, prioritize sleep

& exercise, and maintain

a positive inner-voice.

Challenge Yourself

Write it Down

Reward Yourself

What is your Love Language?


@Yoga In My School

