Cultivating Life and the Alchemy of the Heart

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Transcript of Cultivating Life and the Alchemy of the Heart

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Cultivating Life and the Alchemy of the Heart

10:00am-4:30pm A Ziraat Retreat with Kainat Felicia Norton & Muinuddin Smith

Location: 33 Woodbine St, Cranston, RI 02910

In this retreat we will share in deep practices for cultivating the natural self, exploring the alchemy of the soul’s journey, and orienting to our unfolding purpose. Attuning to the sacred wisdom of the earth, and drawing upon the Ziraat teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan, we will explore the stages and dynamic processes of the cultivation of our lives. These teachings provide a code on how to do our work, to fully till the field of our being, and to bring the seeds of our ideals into manifestation. Restoring our intimacy with the sacredness of all of life, we participate in serving an earth of beauty.

Facilitators: Kainat Felicia Norton and Muinuddin Smith are senior teachers and retreat guides within the Inayati Order and the Ziraat tradition. Kainat serves as the international head of Ziraat for the Inayati Order.( Together they founded and facilitate the Light of Guidance Center for Sufi Studies in New York City and are co-authors of the book An Emerald Earth–Cultivating a Natural Spirituality and Serving Creative Beauty in Our World. They offer workshops internationally.


Tuition is sliding scale: $50-$90. Please bring a dish to share for lunch.Pre-registration requested, but not required. Please make advance checks payable to Felicia Norton. To pre-register or for additional information, contact Inayati Order of RI (401) 791-9068 or email

There is one holy book, the sacred manuscript of nature, the only scripture which can enlighten the reader. Hazrat Inayat Khan