Cuba for the Misinformed: Facts from the Forbidden Island

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Transcript of Cuba for the Misinformed: Facts from the Forbidden Island

What have the US government and mass media told you about Cuba?

Evil Dictators!


And even worse...
Socialists and Communists!

A highly regimented society!

Downtrodden peasants forced to work at gunpoint in the sugar cane fields!

A country isolated by the rest of the world

(4,000,000 passengers a year with flights from more than 25 international airlines)

Would you like to see some TRUE FACTS about Cuba?

EDUCATIONFree for everyone!

Including university for those who qualify.

HEALTH CAREFree for everyone!

Including eye care, dental care and prescriptions. House calls are routine and convenient because there is usually a doctor living in the neighborhood.

5.91 physicians per thousand people (In the US it's 2.3 per thousand)

A life expectancy that's higher than the United States! (79.1 versus 78.5)


A literacy rate that's even higher than the United States!

99.8% versus 98.2%

And Cubans achieved this by teaching each other.


Cuba helps people before hurricanes happen.

(Remember New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina?)

Before hurricanes hit, people are transported to shelters NOT to huge arenaswhere food, water and medical supplies await. Even pets are welcome, with veterinarians waiting for them.

(Immediately after Hurricane Katrina, Cuba offered 1600 fully-equipped medical personnel to help people in New Orleans. The Bush administration turned them down.)


It's illegal for an American (or any resident of the US) to smoke a Cuban cigar in Mexico.

That's the kind of absurd laws created by the US government against Cuba (and Americans).

Want another crazy law? Cubans are allowed by the Cuban government to visit the US. Americans are not allowed by their government to visit Cuba.


Cuba's medical schools even give free medical training to young people from other countries. All they have to do is promise to practice in poor and underserved areas when they return home.

And, yes, there are even Americans studying there.

You can read all this and much more268 pages, to be exact, in...

Now in paperback and e-book

A lively survey of Cuba's past and present, and a must-have companion to any Cuba travel guide

Cuba has the same effect on American administrations that the full moon has on werewolves. Wayne Smith, former head of US Interests Section in Havana

For more than 50 years, the US government and mass media have misrepresented, hidden or ignored the truth about Cuba. In Cuba for the Misinformed, Mick Winter brings together a fascinating array of facts and anecdotes about Cuba's history, its government, its people, and the actions that the United States has taken against the well-being of those people.

Discover the answers to these questions and more...

Why did Che Guevara thank US President
John Kennedy for the Bay of Pigs invasion?

What was the real deal on ending the Cuban Missile Crisis and why was Fidel Castro furious?

What did Cubans do to the man who killedChe Guevara?

Which country supports the US embargo of Cubabut lets its own citizens holiday and invest there?


Alberto Korda received no payment for his iconic photograph of Che Guevara, which is often considered the best-known and most reproduced photograph in the world.


Fidel Castro led his country while ten US presidents came and left, starting with Dwight Eisenhower and ending when Castro retired during the administration of George W. Bush.


Where 729 prisoners of the War on Terrorism have been held. Some have been as young as thirteen years of age; most have been determined to be guilty of no crimes, yet are still being held.

Who thanked Cuba for helping bring about the end of apartheid in South Africa?

How did Cuba dramatically increase its literacy ratein just one year? Why did Fidel Castro fire his own son?

What is Varadero and why don't Americans know about it?

More questions that are answered in the book...


Cuban music is more than just the Buena Vista Social Club.

Cuba has had a huge influence on music, not just in Latin America but around the world, including the United States.


When the US government says the international community supports its economic embargo of Cuba, it means Israel.

Every year for 21 years an overwhelming majority of countries at the United Nations has voted against the embargo. In 2012, the vote was 188-3 against the embargo.

Only the US, Israel and Palau voted to support it.


Canadian and British tourists fly directly to the international airport at Cuba's biggest resort.

One million visitors a year enjoy the diving, fishing and 20 kilometers of white, sandy beaches.

Few Americans even know Varadero exists.


The photos inside the paperback are in black and white, but in the e-book versions you'll find many of the photographs in FULL COLOR.


Available at Amazon, iTunes Barnes and Noble, and Vook.

Or buy directly from our website

Paperback 268 pages

E-book in epub, Kindle and pdf formats

All books contain 238 footnotes or endnotes showing sources of all facts, and more than 80 Cuba-related websites

ISBN 978-0965000-9-6