CSC 099 Gitz Report

Post on 03-Sep-2015

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CSC 099

Transcript of CSC 099 Gitz Report






Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION3ACKNOWLEDGEMENT4PROBLEM BACKGROUND5PROJECT OBJECTIVES6SCOPE OF PROJECT6FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS71.Signing up for membership/Log in ID72.Event management73.Purchase and delivery74.Franchise85.Feedback8CONCLUSION59


People across the world are now sending cakes online as time is too short to spare for visiting bakery shops and delivering it to certain destination. We choose this online cake business as the trading is easier, faster and hassle-free. Apart from experiencing easier trade, we also intend to promote our product and services across the country in a cheaper and faster way as people from all parts of the world are using the Internet daily to ease communication. Our online bakery promotes new flavored cakes, giving chances for customers to be one of our members, provide management services for any events, doing delivery service and provide jobs through franchise.Initially baking cake is just one of our leisure pursuits but after a while our cakes grab attention by our family members and also compliment from relatives, neighbour and friends then it lead us to continue. We got inspired by some bakery shops for reference and do our own research in order to enhance our own baking skill. We feel that there is an opportunity to convert our interest to a business, therefore we plan to have a bakery shop.We decided to start our homemade cake business by creating an online homemade cake website. We successfully got our cake shop name which isGitz Bakerywith a motto,Lets Love Spread".


We have taken efforts in this project .However it would not have been possible without the kind of support and help of many individuals. We would to extend our sincere thanks to all of them.The special thanks goes to my helpful lecturer, Mr. Zaid Mujaiyid Putra Bin Ahmad Baidowi i. The supervision and support that she gave truly help the progression and smoothness of this project work. The cooperation is much indeed appreciated.We would like to express gratitude towards our familys member. The project will be nothing without the enthusiasm and imagination from all of them. Besides this project also makes us realizes the value of working together as a team and get a new experience as this project challenges us every minutes.Not forget, great appreciation to go to rest R3s members that help us a lot from time to time during the project. The whole project brought us together to appreciate the value of friendship and respect each other.Thats all.Thank You.


Nowadays, people do not have enough time to stop by the bakery shop to get what they want to celebrate special date. So, as genius people, we created this superb website to make all these people life easier with just one click people can do something to appreciate people around them. Customers can choose their favorite flavor and design by looking at our online catalogue. Other than that, gathering with all family members usually consist a high cost for food, but with package that we offer they can get a great gathering with only small budget. For couple that still study, transport will be one of their obstacle to surprise their partner on the special date especially students who study far away from the city. So we also prepare delivery service. For big event such as birthday party, people always stress find bakery that can prepared gift to people who come to the party. At our website they can get gift like biscuit or muffin in cute cup by booking them. Besides, everyone have different tastes of their favorite food. For example, if someone always concern about their health and have to maintain his or her body shape, we will try to fulfill his or her tastes by creating a few recipes such as oat cookies, as this type of cookies help to regulate our blood circulatory system from the heart to all parts of human body. Moreover, many people thinks that sweet food like cakes, cookies, muffins and tarts will cause health problems and many critical diseases for example diabetes, heart attack, stroke and many else. To change this mentality of world community, we only use high quality ingredients which contain low fat, cholesterol, salt and sugar composition instead of any other unqualified productsin producing our delicious and nutritious desserts. Furthermore, our country has faced abig problem which isemployment especially among the teenagers. So, we build this bakery shop to reduce the number of unemployed in this country because our bakery shop is a place where these people can get the jobs.


People do not have to use old way line up in the bakery to buy everything that they want. Now just with one click everything was served.With the package that we offer to customer, they can get their favoritecake, muffin or biscuit with special price. Contrast with what customer have to paid if they buy them one by one. Also for special date like Valentine Day, Mothers Day or Teachers Day.Customers can acknowledge what are the latest and famous products of the month. Other than that, customer also can alert about which date is free so that they can reserve to celebrate the special date.


Working people always busy with their non-stop work. So, they do not have time to stop at the bakery and paid for something good for their rest time. Now they can get a great cake, muffin and biscuit just by clicking at this website.When doing the gathering they need a large amount of food, so we also offer a muffin and biscuit with the great taste and package. Just doing the reservation on free date stated on the website we can deliver it to their home.We prepared a special price and decoration to surprise your lover on the special date. We also provide package on the special day like Valentine Day. For couple that wants to get married, for there are a lot of choices and package that follow their budget for the cake.


1. Signing up for membership/Log in IDPeople can join our website by signing up the membership form provided in our website. With this membership, customers can enjoy discounts when purchasing and lots more privileges.

2. Event managementIf the customers want to hold a party or any big event that requires precise and meticulous preparation and organization, they can book our catering team to organize and manage the event more efficiently.

3. Purchase and deliveryWe serves great menu of cakes and package as a gift for someone. So, they can surprise their beloved ones with our special package of gift during certain celebration or festival. We can deliver our product to the customers to ease our customers.

4. FranchiseWe are giving an opportunity to the customers to be a part of us by being a distributor and supplying our products.

5. FeedbackThe customers can give us feedback to enable us to improve our system administration and enhance the taste of our products.

#include#include# define ma 52.95# define mb 60.70# define mc 56.85# define md 41.60# define me 34.50# define pa 15.00# define pb 20.00# define pc 5.00# define pd 15.50

int main ();int home ();int homeuser();int logout ();int eventmanage ();int franchise ();int purchase ();int feed ();int enter ();int login ();int regis();char name[100],sta[30],add[200],mel[50],id1[50],id2[50],pswd1[50],pswd2[50],pswd3[50],ic[15],fon[15],acc[30],job[30],gen[15],greet[30],delivery[200],nama[50],address[100],academic [100],work [200],gender [10],age[50];

int re,sign,opt,cmp,totalpay,idcmp,pswdcmp,direct,num,x,n,y,m,i,j,confirm,package,respon, event, menu, guest, theme, year, month, day, ans, proceed,a ,b, annual, annualm,bonus,salary,customer_salary,hour,totalproducts,no_bonus;

float totalM1,totalM2,totalM3,totalM4,totalM5,totalP1,totalP2,totalP3,totalP4,pay;

int main ()

{ home ();


int enter()

{ system("cls");

printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t |----------------------|\n"); printf("\t\t\t | GiTZ BAKERY : LOG IN |\n"); printf("\t\t\t |----------------------|\n\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t >Already A Member? To Log In PRESS 1\n\n "); printf("\n\t\t >Not Yet A Member? To Sign Up PRESS 2\n\n "); scanf("%d",&sign);


{ case 1 : login (); break;

case 2 : regis (); break;

default: enter(); break; }


int login (){ char thintone[2];

system("cls"); printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t |----------------------|\n"); printf("\t\t\t | GiTZ BAKERY : LOG IN |\n"); printf("\t\t\t |----------------------|\n\n\n"); gets(thintone); printf("\n\t\tGiTZ ID \t:\t"); gets(id2); printf("\n\n\t\tPassword\t:\t"); gets(pswd3);

idcmp=strcmp(id1,id2); pswdcmp=strcmp(pswd1,pswd3);

if(idcmp==0 && pswdcmp==0){ homeuser(); }

else { system("cls"); printf("\n\n\n\t\t\t\tDear customer,\n\n"); printf("\tWe Are Very Sorry. Your GiTZ ID and Password Does Not Match/Exist.\n"); system("pause"); enter(); }


int regis ()

{ system("cls"); printf("\n\t\t\t|--------------------------|\n"); printf("\t\t\t| GiTZ BAKERY : MEMBERSHIP |\n"); printf("\t\t\t|--------------------------|\n");

printf("\nHere Are The Membership Packages And Its Privilages That We Offer you ^_^"); printf("\n*************************************************************************\n"); printf("\n\tCLASSIC PACKAGE\t\t\t\tPREMIUM PACKAGE\n"); printf("\t---------------\t\t\t\t---------------\n"); printf("\n->RM 5.00 Per Month\t\t\t->RM 10.00 Per Month\n"); printf("\n->Enjoy Discounts Up To 15 Percent\t->Enjoy Discounts Up To 30 Percent\n Every Purchase Exceeds RM 200\t\t Every Purchase Exceeds RM 150\n"); printf("\n->Gain 5 GiTZ Points\t\t\t->Gain 10 GiTZ Points\n For Every Purchase\t\t\t For Every Purchase"); printf("\n\n*************PRESS 1**************\t************PRESS 2***************\n");

printf("\nPRESS 1 If You Want To Choose CLASSIC PACKAGE\nPRESS 2 If You Want To Choose PREMIUM PACKAGE\n");

scanf("%d",&opt); system("cls");

while (opt!=1 && opt!=2){ printf("\n\n\n\t\t\t\tDear customer,\n\n"); printf("\t\tWe Are Very Sorry.Please Re-Enter Your Option.\n"); scanf("%d",&opt); system("cls"); }

if (opt==1){ printf("\nThe Membership Package That You Have Chosen Is CLASSIC PACKAGE.\n"); }

else if (opt==2){ printf("\nThe Membership Package That You Have Chosen Is PREMIUM PACKAGE.\n"); }

printf("\nHere Are The Form That You Need To Fill.\nYour Personal Information Are Secured Under Us ^_^\n\n");

gets(id1); printf("GiTZ ID\t\t:\t"); gets(id1); printf("Password\t:\t"); gets(pswd1); printf("ReEnter Password:\t"); gets(pswd2); printf("Full Name\t:\t"); gets(name); printf("IC Number\t:\t"); gets(ic); printf("Gender\t\t:\t"); gets(gen); printf("Status\t\t:\t"); gets(sta); printf("Address\t\t:\t"); gets(add); printf("Phone Number\t:\t"); gets(fon); printf("Occupation\t:\t"); gets(job); printf("E-mail\t\t:\t"); gets(mel); printf("Account Number\t:\t"); gets(acc);


while(cmp!=0) { system("cls"); printf("\nERROR! Please Re-Enter Password! It does not match!\n\n"); printf("Password\t:\t"); gets(pswd1); printf("ReEnter Password:\t"); gets(pswd2); cmp=strcmp(pswd1,pswd2); }


printf("\n\tThank You For Joining Us! We Have Accepted Your Membership Form. ^__^\n"); if (opt==1){ totalpay=5*12; printf("\n\t The Membership Package That You Have Chosen Is CLASSIC PACKAGE.\n\n\n"); printf(" Membership Bill : \n"); printf(" ----------------"); printf("\n Amount Of Fee Per Month : RM 5.00 \n"); printf("\t\t\t X 12\n"); printf("\t\t\t --------"); printf("\n Amount Of Annual Fee\t : RM %d.00\n",totalpay); printf("\n\n\tThe Total Amount That You Have To Pay is RM %d.00 Only.\n\n **Note : Kindly Pay At Our Nearest GiTZ Branch.\n\t Please Bring This Bill Together With You.\n\t You Will Receive A Comfirmation E-mail After Paying.\n\t After That, You Are Officially A GiTZ MEMBER! ^__*\n\n"); }

else if (opt==2){ totalpay=10*12; printf("\n\t The Membership Package That You Have Chosen Is PREMIUM PACKAGE.\n\n\n"); printf(" Membership Bill : \n"); printf(" ----------------"); printf("\n Amount Of Fee Per Month : RM 10.00 Only\n"); printf("\t\t\t X 12\n"); printf("\t\t\t --------"); printf("\n Amount Of Annual Fee\t : RM %d.00",totalpay); printf("\n\n\tThe Total Amount That You Have To Pay is RM %d.00 Only.\n\n **Note : Kindly Pay At Our Nearest Branch\n\t Please Bring This Bill Together With You.\n\t You Will Receive A Comfirmation E-mail After Paying.\n\t After That, You Are Officially A GiTZ MEMBER! ^__*\n\n");

} system("pause"); login ();}

int home(){

system("cls"); printf("\n\n\t\t\t**************************\n"); printf("\t\t\t* Welcome To GiTZ BAKERY *\n"); printf("\t\t\t**************************\n"); printf("\t\t\t Let's Spread Love ^__^\n\n");

printf("\n\n\t\t - The Only Place Where You Can Feel \n\t The Wildest Scrumptious Taste Beyond Imagination - \n"); printf("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n"); printf("\n\n\n\t\tPRESS 1 To Enter This Delicious Adventure.\n "); scanf("%d",&re); if(re==1){ enter(); }

else { home (); }


int purchase(){ system("cls"); printf("\n\n\t\t\t>\n\t\t\t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); printf("\n\n\t\" This page enables you to purchase products from gitz bakery."); printf("\n\t Enjoy purchasing our menu and package specially served for you! \""); printf("\n\n\t\t< Please enter the code to choose your option >"); printf("\n\n\t\t\t1. MENU\t\t\t(Code : 1)\n\t\t\t2. PACKAGE\t\t(Code : 2)\n\t\t\t3. CANCEL PURCHASING\t(Code : 3)"); printf("\n\n\tPlease choose your option : "); scanf("%d",&num); system("cls"); printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t"); system("pause"); system("cls");

while(num!=0){ switch(num){ case 1: for(i=0;i