CRY - Child Rights Leadership Programme 2015-16

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of CRY - Child Rights Leadership Programme 2015-16

Looking back at the year that was…

The Child Rights Leadership Programme aimed at encouraging a better understanding and

greater engagement among college-goers with child rights.

Out of 215 applications,37 were chosen to become

Child Rights Leaders with CRYin

Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Delhi, Pune and Mumbai

Let’s See What Some of Them Did…

Child Rights LeadersBangalore

Divya, Arunima and their team performed Street Theatre and a Flash Mob in Forum Mall on ensuring a healthy start to children in the age group of 0-6 years.

They reached out to a 5,000 strong crowd.

Azim Premji University, Christ University of Engineering & Ramaiah Institute of Management organized contests and put up CRY corners to promote the cause in

their college fests.

Around 100 students participated in the contests. Many visited the CRY corners to know more about CRY.

Niranjan and two other student volunteers undertook a 25 hour volunteering program in

a volunteer intervention area.

Child Rights LeadersDelhi

Tanya and her team identified a group of children of contract labourers in their campus and worked very closely with them through the academic session by

teaching them basic math, rhymes and grammar.

She also conducted an online photography and poem writing competition.

80 team members and volunteers from across 8 colleges and 2 volunteer intervention areas organised a Marathon against Child Labour in the North Campus.

In the 6 km long marathon, they raised slogans and attempted to bring an awareness about Child Labour among their peers.

The marathon began from the Vishwavidyalaya Metro Station and covered most colleges in the campus

Archita Lahiri and her team recycled used bottles and put them up for display in their college with messages against Child Labour on them.

Yeshi, after being elected as the Vice President of the Student Union poster-bombed her College.

She and her team mates put up about 200 posters to spread awareness on the issue of Child Labour.

Child Rights Leaders in Delhi also raised around Rs. 55,000 to ensure

lasting change in the lives of children in CRY supported project

areas through crowd-funding!

Child Rights LeadersKolkata

IIM-Calcutta organised a Child Rights Fiction Writing Competition to raise awareness on child rights issues among their peers.

Arpita Chakrabarti put up a CRY corner in her Institute to spread awareness on the issue of child rights with information on volunteering with CRY.

Ivy Sinha launched the ‘IEM – CRY Chapter’ in her college to encourage fellow students and faculty members to volunteer with CRY.

Child Rights LeadersMumbai

Shristi reached out to many students of her college who conducted surveys on children’s perspective on the ideal school for them.

They conducted a day-long creative and educational session with 150 children from two schools and intend to continue their initiative on enrolment and retention of

children in close association with school authorities.

CRY became the cause partner of the ICT marathon where a whopping 2600 people ran for CRY!

Kinkini helped in building a partnership with her college for their Documentary competition. The theme selected was

“Youth for Social Change” and students made captivating videos to capture how

the youth can bring about a change in the society.

Child Rights LeadersChennai

Justus formed a group of 25 CRY volunteers who performed for 2 major CRY events in Chennai to spread awareness about the cause.

… and we felt

“The energy and enthusiasm of the young leaders gives us hope that today’s youth is willing to go the extra mile in order to make change happen.”

Team CRY (Bangalore)

“These are a great bunch of youngsters who brought a ton of enthusiasm to our Child Rights Leadership Programme. Every activity they did was about bringing innovation to regular events, and they helped raise awareness on

the issue of child labour among their peers.”Team CRY (Delhi)

“Quite a few significant steps taken by the leaders in their respective colleges helped us create a lot of awareness on the cause of child rights in

various different colleges in the city.” Team CRY (Kolkata)

“The little little different attempts made by the leaders have energised us with fresh ideas and action.”

Team CRY (Mumbai)

“The Child Rights Leader from Chennai had to push against all odds to participate in the plans for the year. Despite repeated rescheduling and

reshuffling of academic duties caused by the Chennai Floods, he kept his word and also got others to volunteer! He was an inspiration with his level

of commitment and self drive to do whatever could be done.”Team CRY (Chennai)

Looking forward to a bigger, better and even

more enthusiastic2016!!